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NoamB edited this page Oct 28, 2011 · 9 revisions

After checking out the gem, I usually start by creating a gemset with rvm:

    rvm use 1.9.2@sorcery --create

Then I install bundler and jeweler

    gem install bundler jeweler

Then you have a few important rake tasks at your disposal:

rake bundle - will run 'bundle install' recursively on all subfolders which have a Gemfile.

rake bundle_update - will run 'bundle update' recursively.

The default 'rake' task from the gem root folder runs all specs. That includes specs for all of Sorcery supported platforms and ORMs (Rails 3, ActiveRecord, Mongoid, MongoMapper etc.).

The ActiveRecord specs expect a local MySQL server present at the default port.

The Mongoid/MongoMapper specs expect a local Mongoid server present at the default port.