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nairdo edited this page Oct 11, 2013 · 43 revisions

Rock has a collection of fantastic UI controls that will help you develop blocks much quicker than if you had to write everything from scratch. This toolkit is quickly becoming one of the coolest features for Rock developers.

![alt text][logo]

NOTE: Just quickly scan through this page to familiarize yourself with all UI controls that are available and refer back to it later.


This is a control for picking a financial account (fund) from hierarchy of Financial Account entities.

    <Rock:AccountPicker ID="apFund" runat="server" LabelText="Fund" Required="True" />


You can also require that a value be selected by setting Required="true".

You can programmatically set the value of the selected fund using the SetValue( int? id ) or SetValue( Fund fund ) method.

When fetching the selected value using the SelectedValue property, if nothing has been selected by the user the value will be Rock.Constants.None.IdValue.

    apFund.SetValue( 23 );
    var fund = apFund.SelectedValue;


Attributes are a key part of Rock Entities. This reusable control provides you with a standard mechanism for editing the attributes associated with your entity. It will generate a form necessary to add/edit an attribute. The AttributeEditor is pretty sophisticated and can handle all the possible FieldTypes supported by Rock.


You'll probably want to wrap it in a panel and make it visible when appropriate.

    <asp:Panel ID="pnlGroupTypeAttribute" runat="server" Visible="false">
        <Rock:AttributeEditor ID="edtGroupTypeAttributes" runat="server"
            OnCancelClick="btnCancelGroupTypeAttribute_Click" />

You'll need to implement handlers for OnSaveClick and OnCancelClick -- the later namely to hide the AttributeEditor and show whatever you were showing before the user started editing the attribute.

As shown in this example save handler code, you should pass an attribute to the AttributeEditor's GetAttributeProperties( Attribute ) method and verify that it's valid (IsValid) before you save anything.

    protected void btnSaveGroupTypeAttribute_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
        Rock.Model.Attribute attribute = new Rock.Model.Attribute();
        edtGroupTypeAttributes.GetAttributeProperties( attribute );

        // Controls will show warnings
        if ( !attribute.IsValid )

        // In this example we're only updating viewstate list (Rock.Web.UI.ViewStateList)
        // as a temporary measure and will actually save all the attributes later when
        // the user presses the save button to save the actual entity item.
        GroupTypeAttributesState.RemoveEntity( attribute.Guid );
        GroupTypeAttributesState.Add( attribute );

        pnlDetails.Visible = true;
        pnlGroupTypeAttribute.Visible = false;


NOTE: Take a look at the GroupTypeDetail.ascx.cs block to see a fully working implementation.


This is a mostly standard Bootstrap badge. We say mostly standard because we added the ability to control the color of the badge via the BadgeType property (danger, warning, success, info) similar to the old Boostrap 2.3 labels and badges.


    <Rock:Badge ID="badge" runat="server" BadgeType="Important" ToolTip="you have 6 unread messages">6</Rock:Badge>


Creates a Bootstrap Button which will disable itself upon click. (Useful for those cases when you really don't want the user to click more than once.) You can control the text that is displayed once the button has been clicked via the DataLoadingText property.


     <Rock:BootstrapButton ID="btnSave" runat="server" Text="Save" DataLoadingText="Saving..."
      CssClass="btn btn-primary" OnClick="btnSave_Click" />

You can also include font icons (such as the spinner) by including the correct markup in the DataLoadingText property:

   DataLoadingText="<i class='icon-spinner icon-spin icon-large'></i> Saving"


ButtonDropDownList generates a nice, clean, Bootstrap Button Dropdown Menu.


    <Rock:ButtonDropDownList ID="ddlList" runat="server" />

You can manually bind the list's Items collection or data bind it as normal:

    ddlList.Items.Add( new ListItem( "Sample 1", "7" ) );
    ddlList.Items.Add( new ListItem( "Sample 10", "11" ) );
    ddlList.Items.Add( new ListItem( "Sample 150", "13" ) );
    ddlList.Items.Add( new ListItem( "Sample 2500", "17" ) );
    ddlList.SelectedValue = "13";

    // or via normal data-binding...
    ddlList.DataSource = new Rock.Model.CategoryService().Queryable()
        .OrderBy( a => a.Name ).ToList();
    ddlList.DataValueField = "Id";
    ddlList.DataTextField = "Name";

You can set the selected item by value using the SelectedValue property and you can get the selected item's value using the SelectedItem.Value property:

    // Set selected item by value
    ddlList.SelectedValue = "13";

    // Get selected value
    var selectedValue = ddlList.SelectedItem.Value;

You can also enable auto-postback of selection change by setting a handler for the OnSelectionChanged property.

    <Rock:ButtonDropDownList ID="ddlWithPostBack" runat="server"
    protected void ddlWithPostBack_SelectionChanged( object sender, EventArgs e )
        var text = ddlWithPostBack.SelectedItem.Text;
        var value = ddlWithPostBack.SelectedItem.Value;


The CampusPicker generates a checkbox list to enable selection of zero or more campuses.

    <Rock:CampusPicker ID="cpCampuses" runat="server" />


You can bind it by setting its Campuses property like this:

    cpCampuses.Campuses = campusService.Queryable().OrderBy( a => a.Name ).ToList();

To set the selected items, use the SelectedCampusIds property setting it to a list of integers. Here's an example taken from the MarketingCampaignDetail block:

    cpCampuses.SelectedCampusIds = marketingCampaign.MarketingCampaignCampuses
      .Select( a => a.CampusId ).ToList();


This gives your users the ability to select a category from a tree style view of categories.

    <Rock:CategoryPicker ID="cpCategory" runat="server" LabelText="Parent Category" />


When using the category picker with an entity that has a category, specify the entity type using the CategoryEntityTypeName property. That will cause the category picker to only list the right kind of categories.

You can also require a value be selected by setting Required="true".

    <Rock:CategoryPicker ID="cpCategory" runat="server" LabelText="Category"
        Required="true" CategoryEntityTypeName="Rock.Model.PrayerRequest"/>


When fetching the selected value using the SelectedValue property, if nothing has been selected by the user the value will be Rock.Constants.None.IdValue.


Use this control when you want to ensure that the person intentionally wants to leave the page without saving any changes they have made.


    <Rock:ConfirmPageUnload ID="confirmExit" runat="server" ConfirmationMessage="Changes have been made to this family that have not yet been saved." Enabled="false" />

NOTE: You should enable the control (confirmExit.Enabled = true) whenever or wherever you know something has changed on the form.

Then, you'll need to clear the confirmation on the client side of your "save" button similar to this:

    <asp:LinkButton ID="btnSave" runat="server" Text="Save" CssClass="btn btn-primary" OnClick="btnSave_Click" OnClientClick="javascript:disableConfirmation();" />

    // Need to set the value of the confirmation's rendered hidden field prior to postback,
    // since the save is doing a Redirect and even though confirmation is disabled by the save,
    // that information is not rendered when returning with a redirect.
    // If validation fails during the save, the confirmation will be re-enabled (and rendered
    // correctly without the redirect)
    function disableConfirmation() {


DataDropDownList generates a simple dropdown list.


    <Rock:DataDropDownList ID="ddlFrequencyType" runat="server"
      SourceTypeName="Rock.Model.FinancialPledge, Rock"

Your can bind to the DataDropDownList using the BindToDefinedType() method shown in this example:

    var frequencyTypeGuid = 
        new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.FINANCIAL_PLEDGE_FREQUENCY );
    ddlFrequencyType.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( frequencyTypeGuid ) );

If you add an "optiongroup" attribute to your ListItems the DropDownList will render an optiongroup grouping for you:



This is a standard element for picking a valid date or date time.

    <Rock:DateTimePicker ID="dpStartDate" runat="server" LabelText="Start Date"
        DatePickerType="Date" Required="true" />


Set the DatePickerType property to "Date" for selecting only the date portion of a DateTime.

NOTE: At a later date we're expecting to also support an option for also selecting time.

You can also require that a value be selected by setting Required="true".

You can set or get the value of the selected date using the SelectedDateTime property.

When fetching the selected date using the SelectedDateTime property, if nothing has been selected the value will be null.

    dpStartDate.SelectedDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays( 2 );


This control (primarily intended for use with non-image files) is wrapper of the excellent, easy to use Kendo UI Upload widget but we've made it even easier for developers too.


As soon as the user selects the file, it's automatically uploaded and stored in Rock.


    <Rock:FileUploader ID="fsFile" runat="server" LabelText="Upload New File"

Using the BinaryFileService(), you can get a reference to the file that was saved as illustrated in this example OnFileUploaded handler:

    protected void fsFile_FileUploaded( object sender, EventArgs e )
        var binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService();
        var binaryFile = binaryFileService.Get(fsFile.BinaryFileId);
        if ( binaryFile != null )
            // do something with the file

NOTE: Remember, if you are going to use the BinaryFileService() class and another data *Service class, you will need to wrap your code in a using (new Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope() ){ // your code } block.

If you're expecting images to be uploaded, check out the Rock:ImageUploader described below.


The Rock Grid makes it a breeze to quickly display your entity lists. (Note: use an IList, not IQueryable, for your DataSource.)

Rock Grid

Add <new>

Set the Grid's Actions.IsAddEnabled to true to enable the Add icon on the grid toolbar. Add your custom handler to the grid's Actions.AddClick handler as shown in the example below.

Export to Excel

This generates a native XLSX file. If the grid's Caption property is set it will be used for the filename. There is a property on the grid ShowActionExcelExport that allows the developer to disable the display of the icon.

Set the Grid's Actions.IsExcelExportEnabled to false to prevent the default Export to Excel functionality.


Tap into the grid's drag-and-drop reordering capabilities by binding your custom reorder handler to the grid's GridReorder event handler. Since the Rock.Data.Service has a Reorder() method, any entity service class that inherits from Service<t> can easily have its items reordered.

protected override void OnInit( EventArgs e )
    // ...
    gMyGrid.GridReorder += gMyGrid_GridReorder;
    gMyGrid.Actions.IsAddEnabled = true;
    gMyGrid.Actions.AddClick += gMyGrid_Add;

void gMyGrid_GridReorder( object sender, GridReorderEventArgs e )
    // ...
    Service.Reorder( mylist, e.OldIndex, e.NewIndex, CurrentPersonId );

void gMyGrid_Add( object sender, EventArgs e )
    ShowEdit( 0 ); // a method that builds a form for your entity/item


You also need to implement a GridRebind handler for data rebinding:

    protected override void OnInit( EventArgs e )
       gMyGrid.GridRebind += gMyGrid_GridRebind;

Styling Rock:Grid

Full / Light Theme

In addition to the three classes (grid-table, table-bordered, and table-striped; see Bootstrap Base CSS Tables) used to style the Grid, there are two other classes (table-full and table-light) which are used based on the grid's (DisplayType). Setting the DisplayType property of the grid to "Light" will create a simplified grid without a heavy header or footer.

    <Rock:Grid ID="gMarketingCampaignAudiencesPrimary" runat="server" DisplayType="Light">
            <asp:BoundField DataField="Name" HeaderText="Primary Audience" />
            <Rock:DeleteField OnClick="gMarketingCampaignAudiences_Delete" />

A "Light" Rock Grid from the MarketingCampaigns block

Grid Modal Alerts

The Rock Grid uses bootbox which uses Twitter Bootstrap Modals for things like delete confirmation, etc. Therefore theme makers will be able to style the modals to suite their needs.


The GridFilter provides a standard mechanism for filtering your grid and for retaining the values a user sets in the filter. By default your grid should 'show everything' and then use filters to reduce the amount of data on the grid. You should also store the user's filter settings for re-use later.

An excerpt from the Financial.ascx block.

<Rock:GridFilter ID="rFilter" runat="server" 
OnApplyFilterClick="rFilter_ApplyFilterClick" OnDisplayFilterValue="rFilter_DisplayFilterValue">
  <Rock:DateTimePicker ID="dtStartDate" runat="server" SourceTypeName="Rock.Model.FinancialTransaction, Rock"
    PropertyName="TransactionDateTime" LabelText="From Date" />
	<Rock:DateTimePicker ID="dtEndDate" runat="server"  SourceTypeName="Rock.Model.FinancialTransaction, Rock"
    PropertyName="TransactionDateTime" LabelText="To Date" />
	<Rock:RockTextBox ID="txtFromAmount" runat="server" Label="From Amount"></Rock:RockTextBox>
	<Rock:RockTextBox ID="txtToAmount" runat="server" Label="To Amount"></Rock:RockTextBox>
	<Rock:RockTextBox ID="txtTransactionCode" runat="server" Label="Transaction Code"></Rock:RockTextBox>
	<Rock:RockDropDownList ID="ddlFundType" runat="server" Label="Fund Type" />
	<Rock:RockDropDownList ID="ddlCurrencyType" runat="server" Label="Currency Type" />
	<Rock:RockDropDownList ID="ddlCreditCardType" runat="server" Label="Credit Card Type" />
	<Rock:RockDropDownList ID="ddlSrcType" runat="server" Label="Source Type" />


The OnApplyFilterClick handler will fire once the user clicks the Apply button in the filter. In your handler you may want to save certain settings as user's preferences and re-bind your grid using the filters.

By calling the filter's SaveUserPreference(string key, string value) method with the value of each field, Rock will store the user's preferences for re-use next time they use the filter/grid on this page.

  protected void rFilter_ApplyFilterClick( object sender, EventArgs e )
      rFilter.SaveUserPreference( "From Date", dtStartDate.Text );
      rFilter.SaveUserPreference( "To Date", dtEndDate.Text );
      rFilter.SaveUserPreference( "From Amount", txtFromAmount.Text );
      rFilter.SaveUserPreference( "To Amount", txtToAmount.Text );
      // ...
      rFilter.SaveUserPreference( "Source", ddlSrcType.SelectedValue != All.Id.ToString() ?
        ddlSrcType.SelectedValue : string.Empty );


The next time the user views the grid on that page, the filter grid will display the user's previously stored preferences.

a user's previously stored filter values


Normally the filter will automatically display previously stored filter preferences, however in certain cases the value that is stored is a primary key (i.e., not suitable for displaying). In this case you should can handle the GridFilter's DisplayFilterValue event.

For example, suppose we've got a dropdown list of SourceTypes in our filter which are actually items of a particular Defined Type. To display the name of the selected item in the dropdown list we must convert the stored key value to the proper name as shown in this code snippet from the Financial.ascx.cs block. The event argument's Key will be the string you provided when you called SaveUserPreference.

protected void rFilter_DisplayFilterValue( object sender, Rock.Web.UI.Controls.GridFilter.DisplayFilterValueArgs e )
    switch ( e.Key )
        // Handle each user preference as needed
        // ...

        case "Source":
            int definedValueId = 0;
            if ( int.TryParse( e.Value, out definedValueId ) )
                var definedValue = DefinedValueCache.Read( definedValueId );
                if ( definedValue != null )
                    e.Value = definedValue.Name;

Notice how the e.Value is parsed and used to fetch the corresponding DefinedValue from the cache. If it was found, the e.Value is set to its Name property. This will be a common approach when using Defined Types in any grid filters you create.

Regarding Yes/No Type Options

When the user has a chance to filter based on a yes/no (boolean) property, it's recommended that you allow them to use a radio-button-list to make their choice with a three option list:

using radio button list

With this approach the user can easily choose to see "all" (yes or no), or only the "yes" or only the "no" items. In this case, you may also choose to use a drop-down-list. Normally a drop-down-list hides what other choices a user may make but in this case they are fairly intuitive and expected.

Rock Grid - Custom Data Bound Fields

There are a growing number of custom data-bound fields you can use inside a Rock Grid for more rapid and consistent development. You simply use them inside a Rock:Grid as you would standard data bound grid controls and bind them to the data item's property using the DataField.

    <Rock:Grid ID="gGrid" runat="server">
            <%-- ... Examples ... --%>
            <Rock:BoolField DataField="IsSystem" HeaderText="System" 
               SortExpression="IsSystem" />
            <Rock:SecurityField />

Grid Rock:BadgeField

The BadgeField will style your field's value into a standard Bootstrap badge.

    <Rock:BadgeField DataField="Blocks.Count" HeaderText="Flag Count"
        SortExpression="Blocks.Count" ImportantMin="0" ImportantMax="0"
        InfoMin="1" InfoMax="1" SuccessMin="2"  />


You can easily control the badge color (BadgeType) based on the field's value by setting an appropriate *Min and/or *Max value (int) for the Success, Warning, Important, and Info properties as shown above. If you need more control you can also implement a handler for OnSetBadgeType to do something like this:

    protected void Blocks_SetBadgeType( object sender, BadgeRowEventArgs e )
        int blockCount = (int)e.FieldValue;
        if ( blockCount == 0 )
            e.BadgeType = BadgeType.Important;
        else if ( blockCount > 1 )
            e.BadgeType = BadgeType.Success;
            e.BadgeType = BadgeType.Info;

Grid Rock:BoolField

The BoolField simply displays a checkmark (a Bootstrap "ok" icon glyph) when your Boolean value is true and displays nothing if it is false.

    <Rock:BoolField DataField="IsSystem" HeaderText="System" SortExpression="IsSystem" />


Grid Rock:DateField

This field will render your DateTime properties using Rock standard date formatting and will not include the time part of the item's value.

    <Rock:DateField DataField="EndDate" HeaderText="End Date" SortExpression="EndDate"/>


Grid Rock:DateTimeField

This field will render your DateTime properties using Rock standard date formatting and will not include the time part of the item's value.

    <Rock:DateTimeField DataField="LastRunDateTime" HeaderText="Last Run Date"
      SortExpression="LastRunDateTime" />


Grid Rock:DeleteField

This field adds a standard "delete" button for each item in the grid. You need to write the OnClick handler to actually perform the delete.

    <Rock:DeleteField OnClick="gCampuses_Delete" />


Grid Rock:EditField

This field adds a standard "edit" button for each item in the grid.

    <Rock:EditField OnClick="gGridExample_Edit" />


You need to write the OnClick handler for the edit action.

    protected void gGridExample_Edit( object sender, RowEventArgs e )
        // this will be whatever you used for your Grid's DataKeyName
        Guid aGuid = (Guid)e.RowKeyValue;
        ShowEdit( aGuid );

Grid Rock:EditValueField

Similar to the Rock:EditField, this is actually intended for use with editing an item's column value. You can see this used in combination with the Rock:ModalDialog in the Attributes.ascx block.

    <Rock:EditValueField OnClick="rGrid_EditValue" />


You need to write the OnClick handler for the edit action.

    protected void rGrid_EditValue( object sender, RowEventArgs e )
        ShowEditValue( (int)rGrid.DataKeys[e.RowIndex]["id"], true );

Grid Rock:EnumField

This field can bind to an entity property that is an enum. For example, consider the Workflow entity's WorkflowTriggerType property; it is an enum such as shown here:

    public enum WorkflowTriggerType
        PreSave = 0,
        PostSave = 1,
        PreDelete = 2,
        PostDelete = 3

When binding in a grid using the Rock:EnumField like this:

    <Rock:EnumField DataField="WorkflowTriggerType" HeaderText="Type" />

It will display the item's enum name value using a 'split on camelCase' and/or 'split on TitleCase' algorithm.


Grid Rock:ReorderField

This is a draggable reorder widget that let's the user reorder an entity item's order.

    <Rock:ReorderField />


You will need to implement a GridReorder handler to deal with the reorder action when it occurs. Your method can access the OldIndex and NewIndex values from the GridReorderEventArgs. Consider this simplified example from the Pages.ascx.cs block:

    protected override void OnInit( EventArgs e )
        base.OnInit( e );
        rGrid.GridReorder += rGrid_GridReorder;

    void rGrid_GridReorder( object sender, GridReorderEventArgs e )
        var pageService = new Rock.Model.PageService();
        var parentPageId = CurrentPage.ParentPageId;

        // get the list of pages
        var pagesList = pageService.GetByParentPageId( parentPageId ).ToList();
        pageService.Reorder( pagesList, e.OldIndex, e.NewIndex, CurrentPersonId );


Grid Rock:SecurityField

If your item supports security, adding this column will display a security icon button which will allow the user to set the item's security via a modal popup.

    <Rock:SecurityField />


Clicking on the security icon will create a modal popup for editing the items security.


To properly use this field, you need to set the EntityType to the appropriate Rock Entity in your Block's OnInit method as seen in this example from the SiteList.ascx.cs block:

    protected override void OnInit( EventArgs e )
        base.OnInit( e );

        // ...
        SecurityField securityField = gSites.Columns[3] as SecurityField;
        securityField.EntityType = typeof( Rock.Model.Site );

Grid Rock:ToggleField

Based on Mattia Larentis' Bootstrap Switch project, the ToggleField will generate a modern toggle-style switch that's useful for letting the user change a boolean property inline. You bind it to your items' property by setting the DataField value and you can control the on and off text with the OnText and OffText respectively.

    <Rock:ToggleField DataField="IsApproved" HeaderText="Approval Status"
      CssClass="switch-large" Enabled="True" OnText="yes" OffText="no"
      OnCheckedChanged="gPrayerRequests_CheckChanged" />


You will also need to define an OnCheckedChanged handler to make the corresponding changes when the user clicks the toggle button. See the gPrayerRequests_CheckChanged handler in the PrayerRequestList.ascx.cs block for an example implementation.

By default the field will use the switch-mini CSS style, but you can override it by setting the CssClass property.

NOTE: If you need to disable the toggle field based on a users permissions, since their is currently no way to attach your Block's custom security actions (example [AdditionalActions( new string[] { "Approve" } )]) into the grid, you will need to disable each toggle field during the grid's OnRowDataBound event. See the gPrayerRequests_RowDataBound method in the PrayerRequestList.ascx.cs block for an example implementation.


This control gives you a simple mechanism for picking a group from the list of groups in Rock.

   <Rock:GroupPicker ID="gpGroup" runat="server" Required="false" LabelText="Parent Group"


You can set the selected item by value using the SetValue( Group ) method and you can get the selected item's id (string) using the SelectedValue property or as an in with the SelectedValueAsInt() method:

    // Set selected item by value
    gpGroup.SetValue( group.ParentGroup );

    // Get selected value (the group id) or get the id value as an int
    string groupIdstring = gpGroup.SelectedValue;
    int groupId = gpGroup.SelectedValueAsInt();

You can also enable auto-postback of selection change by setting a handler for the OnSelectItem property.

    protected void gpGroup_SelectedIndexChanged( object sender, EventArgs e )
        // Grab the selected item's id and do what ever you need to do
        int? groupId = gpGroup.SelectedValueAsInt();

        // ...


This is a widget for selecting (simple one step uploading) and/or displaying an existing image from Rock. It uses the Kendo Upload technology.

    <Rock:ImageUploader ID="imgIconSmall" runat="server" LabelText="Small Icon Image" />


When the user chooses an image from their computer, it will immediately upload the image and store it in the Rock BinaryFile table. The ImageUploader's ImageId property will hold the Id of the BinaryFile entity in Rock. To attach/relate the image to your entity, just set the ImageId to the appropriate property of your entity as seen in this example:

    category.IconSmallFileId = imgIconSmall.ImageId;
    // then save as usual...
    categoryService.Save( category, CurrentPersonId );

Once an image has been set, it will also display a thumbnail (50x50) of the image as seen in this example:


To display an image manually, perhaps in your ShowEditDetails() methods, simply set the ImageUploader's ImageId property to a valid file Id:

    imgIconSmall.ImageId = category.IconSmallFileId;
    imgIconLarge.ImageId = category.IconLargeFileId;

If you just want to display an image in a more read only fashion, perhaps in your ShowDetails() method, you can use the following approach using the GetImage.ashx feature in Rock:

    <asp:Literal ID="litImgHtml" runat="server" />
    litImgHtml.Text = string.Format( "<img src='{0}GetImage.ashx?id={1}&width=50&height=50'/>",
        this.ResolveUrl("~"), entity.IconSmallFileId );


The ModalAlert will handle building a nice, standard Rock modal alert window that slides down when invoked with the Show() method. You will probably want put this in your asp:UpdatePanel for the best effect.

    <Rock:ModalAlert ID="mdWarning" runat="server" />


When needed, you show the modal window using Show( string, ModalAlertType ). You can use any of the Rock.Web.UI.Controls.ModalAlertType enum values including Alert, Information, Warning. The modal window header/title will be appropriate to the ModalAlertType you specify.

    string errorMessage = "Ouch!  That kinda hurts.";
    mdWarning.Show( errorMessage, ModalAlertType.Warning );


This modal is useful when you really need to get the user's attention and have them supply some data or answer a question before continuing. You'll typically include some stuff inside the <Content>...</Content> of the Rock:ModalDialog. A Save and Cancel button will be provided on the modal, but you'll need to set up a handler for the OnSaveClick property.

    <Rock:ModalDialog ID="modalBox" runat="server" Title="One More Thing..."
            <asp:ValidationSummary ID="valSummaryValue" runat="server"
              CssClass="alert alert-error" />
                <legend>Can I get your name?</legend>
                <Rock:LabeledTextBox ID="tbMdName" runat="server" LabelText="Full Name"
                    Placeholder="John Smith" />


Use the Show() method to unhide the modal and then use the Hide() method when finished.

    protected void ModalDialog_mdFireButton_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
        // somewhere in your code you've handled some kind of user action
        // and now you need to show your modal dialog box...

    protected void modalBox_SaveClick( object sender, EventArgs e )
        // Do what you need to do and then Hide if all went well.


As seen in several blocks including the CampusDetail block, the NotificationBox displays a standard notice box that the user will not miss noticing. Valid values for the NotificationBoxType property are the standard Bootstrap 3 alert suffixes of "Success", "Info", "Warning" and "Danger". You can also optionally specify text for the Heading which will display as a sort of title for the notification box.

    <Rock:NotificationBox ID="nbEdit" runat="server" NotificationBoxType="Danger"
        Heading="Sorry..." />
    <Rock:NotificationBox ID="nbEditMode" runat="server" NotificationBoxType="Info" />


Just set the Text property and Rock will do the hard work. This also comes in handy when combined with some standard messages found in the EditModeMessage enum:

    if ( ! IsUserAuthorized( "Edit" ) )
        nbEdit.Text = EditModeMessage.ReadOnlyEditActionNotAllowed( Campus.FriendlyTypeName );

    if ( campus.IsSystem )
        nbEditMode.Text = EditModeMessage.ReadOnlySystem( Campus.FriendlyTypeName );


This will create a entry field that that accepts a whole number that must be less than the defined max length and fall within the min and max values:

    <Rock:NumberBox runat="server" ID="tbCode" CssClass="input-mini"
        LabelText="Pin" MaxLength="3" MinimumValue="0" MaximumValue="100" />



The PagePicker provides a mechanism to select an existing page. For example, the SiteDetail block uses this to let you choose the default home page for the site being edited. You can also use the Required property to require the user to set a value. If you set the Enabled property to false, the picker will become read-only.

    <Rock:PagePicker ID="ppDefaultPage" runat="server" LabelText="Default Page"


Set the Enabled property to false to make it read-only.

Use the SelectedValue property to get the string (int) or SelectedValueAsInt()to get the int value. To **set** the page picker's selected page use theSetValue( Page )` method.

    // Get the selected page.
    site.DefaultPageId = ppDefaultPage.SelectedValueAsInt();

    // Set the pagepicker's selected page
    ppDefaultPage.SetValue( site.DefaultPage );


This is used when you need a quick, consistent way to allow the user to select a person from Rock. You can use the Required property to require the user to set a value. Setting the Enabled property to false it will make the picker read-only.

    <Rock:PersonPicker runat="server" ID="ppGroupMember" LabelText="Person"




To set the person picker's selected person you must set the PersonId and PersonName properties or use the SetValue( Person ) method if you have a person instance.

    ppGroupMember.PersonId = groupMember.PersonId.ToString();
    ppGroupMember.PersonName = groupMember.Person != null ? 
        groupMember.Person.FullName : None.TextHtml;

    // or use SetValue if you already have a "person" object...
    ppGroupMember.SetValue( person );

To get the selected person's id from the picker use the PersonId property, however please note that it's an int-string.

    groupMember.PersonId = int.Parse( ppGroupMember.PersonId );


Similar to the Rock:PersonPicker, this is used when you need a slightly simpler approach to picking an existing person. It doesn't use a modal window and it's really just intended for those cases where you're just searching for and selecting a person. You really won't be setting an initial value, just getting the one the user selects.

    <Rock:PersonPickerSimple ID="ppExistingPerson" runat="server" />



To get the selected person's id from the picker use the PersonId property, however please note that it's a nullable int.

    int? personId = ppExistingPerson.PersonId;
    if (personId.HasValue)
        // now go do something with that personId


Generates a standard Rock checkbox with optional "help" feature (Help property) that slides open when the user clicks the help icon.

    <Rock:RockCheckBox ID="RockCheckBox1" runat="server" Text="Show Child Pages"
  Help="Should child pages be displayed in a menu?"/>


    <Rock:RockCheckBox ID="RockCheckBox2" runat="server" Checked="true"
    Label="Show in Navigation"
    Help="Check the box to show in navigation controls such as TreeViews and Menus." />


Use the Checked property to get or set a value indicating whether the RockCheckBox is checked.


This is a fairly straightforward CheckBoxList control -- except it adds the standard Rock Help and Label properties.

    <Rock:RockCheckBoxList ID="cblGroupTypes" runat="server"
        Label="Group Type(s)" DataTextField="Name" DataValueField="Id" 
        Help="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit." />


You can data-bind the RockCheckBoxList as you would any typical control. Be sure to specify which properties you want to use for the DataTextField and DataValueField in either the markup declaration or in the code behind.

    cblGroupTypes.DataSource = kiosk.GetLocationGroupTypes();

Since the Items property is simply a standard ListItemCollection of ListItems you can operate as you would with a normal CheckBoxList as shown in this example:

    var groupTypeIds = new List<int>();
    foreach(ListItem item in cblGroupTypes.Items)
        if ( item.Selected )
            groupTypeIds.Add( Int32.Parse( item.Value ) );

Regarding DataBinding Rock *Lists

The smart guys that created Rock made some things even easier for you. Because they added a bunch of extension methods for the standard ListControl, you can now data-bind the *List type controls using these additional techniques...

BindToEnum( Type )

Bind your list to an enum like this:

    // example using the Gender enum
    aListControl.BindToEnum( typeof( Rock.Model.Gender ) );

BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache )

Bind your list to a DefinedType that's in the Rock.Web.Cache.DefinedTypeCache:

    // Grab the GUID for the Person Record Status DefinedType...
    var guid = new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_RECORD_STATUS);

    // Now grab it from the cache and bind a list to it...
    aListControl.BindToDefinedType( DefinedTypeCache.Read( guid ) );


This is used to create a standard Rock drop down list. Similar to the DataDropDownList and the RockCheckBoxList this is a fairly straightforward type of DropDownList control -- except it adds the standard Rock Help and Label properties and gives you the additional databinding capabilities described earlier.

    <Rock:RockDropDownList ID="aListControl" runat="server"
      Label="Genders" Help="Test for the help text" />
    // Bind the drop down to the Gender options:
    aListControl.BindToEnum( typeof( Rock.Model.Gender ) );



Are you seeing a pattern yet? This control will create a set of radio buttons. In addition to the databinding examples showed earlier with the other similar controls, here's another declarative approach which might make sense in certain situations.

    <Rock:RockRadioButtonList ID="rblUrgent" runat="server" Label="Urgent Status">
        <asp:ListItem Text="all" Value="all" Selected="True"></asp:ListItem>
        <asp:ListItem Text="only urgent" Value="urgent"></asp:ListItem>
        <asp:ListItem Text="only non-urgent" Value="non-urgent"></asp:ListItem>



Have you got some text or html you want to 'label'? If so, this is the for you.

    <Rock:RockLiteral ID="litSelectedItem1" runat="server" Label="Selected Item"
        Text="<i class='icon-ok'></i> " />
    <Rock:RockLiteral ID="litStatus" runat="server" Label="Status" />



Use this control for all your standard textboxes.

    <Rock:RockTextBox ID="tbName" runat="server" Label="File Name"
      Placeholder="C:\tmp\file.txt"  />
    <Rock:RockTextBox ID="tbQuery" runat="server" Label="Query"
      TextMode="MultiLine" Rows="5" CssClass="input-xlarge" Help="Go ahead,
      don't be shy.  Put all the helpful information you can think of in
      here.  That's what it's here for.  If there is some question that the user
      may not know what to type in here than this is your online documentation tool." />


Use the PrependText and AppendText properties to put standard formatted text around your textbox:

     <Rock:RockTextBox ID="tbAppPrepend" runat="server" LabelText="Amount"
        PrependText="$" AppendText="<i class='icon-ok-sign'></i>" Placeholder="0.00"  />



This renders out a small image button that can be used to set security for your item.

    <Rock:SecurityButton ID="btnSecurity" runat="server"
        class="btn btn-mini pull-right" />


Setting the Title property let's you control the header title on the modal popup:


Use the Visible property to control whether or not to show the button:

    btnSecurity.Visible = report.IsAuthorized( "Administrate", CurrentPerson );

In your block's OnInit() method you need to set the EntityType property of the security button. Later in your code, when you know what item is being edited, you can specify the actual Entity ID via the EntityTypeId property.

    protected override void OnInit( EventArgs e )
        // ...
        btnSecurity.EntityType = typeof( Rock.Model.Report );

    // elsewhere in your code you can set the actual entity Id
    btnSecurity.EntityTypeId = report.Id;


This is similar to the Grid's ToggleField, but it can be used standalone in your block.

    <Rock:Toggle ID="tShowPreview" runat="server" LabelText="Show Preview?"
        OnText="Yes" OffText="No" Checked="true"
        Help="If set to yes, a preview will be shown immediately as you 
          update your criteria." />


Use the Checked property to see if the toggle is currently 'on' or 'off'.

You can also set a handler for the OnCheckedChanged property if you want auto-postback handling.

    protected void tShowPreview_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e )
        var text = "You just set it to " + ( ( tShowPreview.Checked ) ? "on" : "off");
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