diff --git a/src/locale/ar_SA/alarmservice.properties b/src/locale/ar_SA/alarmservice.properties index fc37469c4a..db53b06851 100644 --- a/src/locale/ar_SA/alarmservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/ar_SA/alarmservice.properties @@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ snooze_text_fast_drop_alert=تنبيه انخفاض سريع snooze_text_fast_rise_alert=تتنبيه ارتفاع سريع fast_drop_alert_notification_alert_text=الجلوكوز ينخفض بسرعة fast_rise_alert_notification_alert_text=الجلوكوز يرتفع بسرعة +this_button_label=This +all_button_label=All diff --git a/src/locale/ar_SA/chartsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/ar_SA/chartsettingsscreen.properties index b855523266..b1b8128616 100644 --- a/src/locale/ar_SA/chartsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/ar_SA/chartsettingsscreen.properties @@ -35,3 +35,11 @@ average_glucose_range_label=Average Glucose thresholds_range_label=Thresholds a1c_ifcc_label=A1C in mmol/mol display_in_landscape_label=Display in Landscape +visualization_section_label=Visualization +display_target_glucose_line=Display Target Line +display_urgent_high_glucose_line=Display Urgent High Line +display_high_glucose_line=Display High Line +display_low_glucose_line=Display Low Line +display_urgent_low_glucose_line=Display Urgent Low Line +target_glucose_line_color=Target Glucose Line +glucose_line_thickness=Glucose Line Thickness diff --git a/src/locale/ar_SA/foodmanager.properties b/src/locale/ar_SA/foodmanager.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34e4cb32a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/ar_SA/foodmanager.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +food_manager_title_label=Food Manager +subtract_fiber_amount_label=Subtract Fiber Amount +whole_fiber_label=Whole +half_fiber_label=Half +user_interface_lable=User Interface +favourites_label=Favorites +recipes_label=Recipes +default_database_label=Default Database +search_as_i_type_label=Search As I Type +import_foods_as_note_label=List Foods In Treatment's Notes +no_internet_connection=There's no internet connection\! +server_response_label=Server Response +error_label=Error +error_connecting_to_food_service_label=Error connecting to service\!\nTry again later. +new_food_label=New Food +name_label=Name +brand_label=Brand +serving_unit_label=Serving Unit +serving_size_label=Serving Size +link_label=Link +carbs_label=Carbs +fiber_label=Fiber +proteins_label=Proteins +fats_label=Fats +calories_label=Calories +search_food_label=Search Food +go_button_label=Go +scan_button_label=Scan +save_as_recipe_label=Save As Recipe +nutrition_facts_label=Nutrition Facts +subtract_whole_fiber=Subtract Whole Fiber +subtract_half_fiber=Subtract Half Fiber +link_button_label=Link +amount_label=Amount +finish_button_label=FINISH +cart_totals_label=Cart Totals +search_recipe_label=Search Recipe +no_search_results_label=No Results\! +add_recipe_label=Add Recipe +edit_food_label=Edit Food diff --git a/src/locale/ar_SA/globaltranslations.properties b/src/locale/ar_SA/globaltranslations.properties index 157fb01bf5..4b7134f9b2 100644 --- a/src/locale/ar_SA/globaltranslations.properties +++ b/src/locale/ar_SA/globaltranslations.properties @@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ camera_access_denied=You previously denied Spike access to your camera. You need camera_access_restricted=Can't activate access to the camera. Parental controls seem to be enabled. camera_access_unknow_error=An unknown error has occurred while trying to enable access to the camera. no_internet_connection_message=Your device is not connected to the Internet. You need an active Internet connection to send e-mails. +instructions_button_label=Instructions +configure_button_label=Configure diff --git a/src/locale/ar_SA/profilesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/ar_SA/profilesettingsscreen.properties index 571a0ffa8b..cf2b1fc92e 100644 --- a/src/locale/ar_SA/profilesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/ar_SA/profilesettingsscreen.properties @@ -22,3 +22,20 @@ all_carb_types_list=Fast,Medium,Slow default_carb_type_label=Default Carb Type absorption_rate_label=Carb Absorption Rate In Grams carb_absorption_time_description_label=The time it takes for carbs to enter the bloodstream. This value will influence the COB algorithm. The dafault carb type is the one that will be used when no carb type is selected when entering a treatment or when Spike imports treatments from Nightscout. +insulin_carb_ratio_guide_label=I\:C Guide +insulin_sensitivity_factor_guide_label=ISF Guide +isf_ic_trend_bgtarget_description_label=ISF (Insulin Sensitivity Factor)\: How much one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose. For example, if your Insulin Sensitivity Factor is 50, one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose by 50 mg/dL. Spike also supports Insulin Sensitivity Factor in mmol/L. If Spike is set to mmol/L, an Insulin Sensitivity Factor of 2.5 means that one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose by 2.5 mmol/L.\n\nI\:C (Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio)\: Number of grams of carbohydrate covered by one unit of insulin. For example, if your Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio is 15, then you need to deliver one unit of insulin to cover every fifteen grams of carbohydrate you eat.\n\nTo determine your ISF and I\:C please read the guides below.\n\nTarget BG\: The blood glucose level (mg/dL or mmol/L) you're aiming at, the one you want to stay at most of the time.\n\nTrends\: The amount of insulin or carbs needed to make an upward or downward trend arrow flat. Upward trend arrows need insulin and downward trend arrows need carbohydrates. +start_time_label=Start Time +insulin_sensitivity_factor_short_label=ISF +insulin_to_carb_ratio_short_label=I\:C +target_glucose_label=Target BG +add_configuration_label=Please add configuration\! +glucose_trends_label=Trends +glucose_trend=Trend +add_profile_label=Add Profile +edit_profile_label=Edit Profile +units_of_insulin_label=Units Of Insulin +grams_of_carbs_label=Grams Of Carbs +cant_delete_profile_label=Can't delete profile\! There needs to be at least one profile that starts at +delete_profile_confirmation_label=Are you sure you want to delete this profile?\n\nThis can not be undone\! +conflicting_profile_label=Profile start time already in use. Please select a different time. diff --git a/src/locale/ar_SA/speechsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/ar_SA/speechsettingsscreen.properties index 20bf6e6173..f926d96b0e 100644 --- a/src/locale/ar_SA/speechsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/ar_SA/speechsettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinese (China),Chinese (Hong Kong),Chinese (Taiwan),Dutch (Belgium),Dutch (Netherlands),English (Australia),English (Ireland),English (South Africa),English (UK),English (US),French (Canada),French (France),German (Germany),Italian (Italy),Polish (Poland),Portuguese (Brazil),Portuguese (Portugal),Russian (Russia),Slovenian (Slovakia),Spanish (Mexico),Spanish (Spain) +ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinese (China),Chinese (Hong Kong),Chinese (Taiwan),Danish (Denmark),Dutch (Belgium),Dutch (Netherlands),English (Australia),English (Ireland),English (South Africa),English (UK),English (US),Finnish (Finland),French (Canada),French (France),German (Germany),Italian (Italy),Norwegian (Norway),Polish (Poland),Portuguese (Brazil),Portuguese (Portugal),Russian (Russia),Slovenian (Slovakia),Spanish (Mexico),Spanish (Spain),Swedish (Sweden) speech_settings_title=Speech speak_bg_readings_title=Speak BG Readings speak_bg_trend_title=Speak BG Trend diff --git a/src/locale/ar_SA/treatments.properties b/src/locale/ar_SA/treatments.properties index 04b5f51fcc..0870bfcc77 100644 --- a/src/locale/ar_SA/treatments.properties +++ b/src/locale/ar_SA/treatments.properties @@ -57,3 +57,52 @@ carbs_unknown_label=Unknown minutes_small_label=min iob_label=IOB cob_label=COB +bolus_wizard_settings_label=Bolus Calculator +calculations_label=Calculations +insulin_precision_label=Insulin Precision +carbs_precision_label=Carbs Precision +load_foods_button_label=Load Foods +food_manager_label=Food Manager +bolus_wizard_allowed_margin=Allowed Upper/Lower BG Target Margin +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_iob=Auto Account For IOB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_cob=Auto Account For COB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_trend=Auto Account For Trend +final_calculations_label=Final Calculations +blood_glucose_label=Blood Glucose +foods_label=Foods +carbs_offset_in_minutes_label=Carbs Offset (Min) +insulin_type_label=Insulin Type +exercise_adjustment=Exercise Adjustment +time_label=Time +before_exercise_label=Before Exercise +after_exercise_label=After Exercise +exercise_intensity_label=Intensity +exercise_intensity_low_label=Low +exercise_intensity_moderate_label=Moderate +exercise_intensity_high_label=High +exercise_duration_label=Duration +exercise_reduction_label=Reduction (%) +sickness_adjustment_label=Sickness Adjustment +sickness_increase_label=Increase (%) +extra_correction_label=Extra Correction +extra_correction_amount_label=Amount (g/U) +extended_bolus_reminder_label=Extended Bolus Reminder +profile_not_configured_label=Profile not configured\! +disclaimer_alert_title=Disclaimer +disclaimer_body_label=PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND FULLY\!\nThe bolus calculator provides information and content that has been assembled with the greatest of care and to the very best of our knowledge from internal and external sources. We nevertheless wish to emphasize that the bolus calculator is only to be used to provide you with information and to build awareness but it cannot replace consultation with a healthcare professional. It should be used for research purposes only\! Under no circumstances does Spike issue medical therapy recommendations or medical advice of any kind. For questions on the therapy and the settings that best apply to you (ISF, I\:C, etc.), we recommend contacting a healthcare professional. No content - no matter whether provided by Spike itself, our cooperation partners, or users - can be understood as supplementing or replacing information from a healthcare professional.\n\nBolus proposal provided by the calculator is solely a proposal. Always compare the proposed amount with the way you are actually feeling, and adjust the recommended bolus dosage accordingly. Always consult your healthcare professional before changing your diabetes therapy.\n\nThe calculator settings must be defined by a healthcare professional. Do not make or change the settings without the supervision of and consultancy from a healthcare professional. Wrong settings always lead to a wrong bolus proposal.\n\nIt is important to make the correct selection for your Insulin-to-Carbohydrate ratio (I\:C) and Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF). If the selected I\:C and/or ISF are wrong, all bolus dosage proposals will be wrong.\n\nUse of the bolus calculator requires an understanding of the use of rapid-acting insulin. Misuse or misunderstanding of the calculation, or the suggested bolus may lead to inappropriate insulin calculation.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for all the factors that may affect your required insulin dosage. The factors include incorrectly entered data (e.g. wrong BG), incorrect settings, and un-logged insulin or other data. Always compare the proposal with you current condition.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for unusual changes in your metabolism resulting from, e.g. extreme dieting. Always compare the proposal with you current condition.\n\nMake sure that the data you provide for the calculator is correct. Wrong data leads to wrong bolus proposals.\n\nDo not change your treatment based on a single calculation result that does not match how you feel, or if you believe that the proposal is incorrect.\n\nThe calculator is meant for the calculation of insulin dosage proposals for rapid-acting insulin only. Do not use the calculator to calculate proposals for intermediate-acting insulin or for long-lasting (basal) insulin.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for instabilities related to your basal insulin treatment. Do not use the calculator, if your basal insulin treatment is not in balance or otherwise under control.\n\nBy agreeing to the terms above indicates that you have read them and have agreed. All calculations must be confirmed before use. The suggested results are not a substitute for clinical judgment. Neither the author nor any other party involved in the preparation or publication of Spike and the bolus calculator shall be liable for use or misuse.\n\nWe strongly advise against using the bolus calculator if your sensor is giving inaccurate readings. This tends to happen during the first 24-48h after insertion or when the sensor is approaching end-of-life.\n\nThe bolus calculator is a research tool only and in no circumstances should be used in a real world scenario. +extended_bolus_reminder_notification_body=This is a reminder for your extended bolus. +missing_insulins_label=In order to add treatments you first need to configure your insulins. To do so, please press the Configure Insulins button. +projected_outcome_label=Projected outcome +glucose_in_target_label=Blood glucose in target. +glucose_in_target_or_close_label=Blood glucose in target or within {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} difference. +glucose_outcome_without_extra_treatment=Outcome without extra treatment +glucose_outcome_with_calculated_treatment=Outcome with calculated treatment +carbs_needed=Carbs needed +extra_carbs_needed=Extra carbs needed +insulin_equivalent=Insulin equivalent +target_not_reachable=Current parameters will not allow reaching the desired glucose target of {glucose_target_do_not_translate_this_word} or within {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} difference. +insulin_needed=Insulin needed +calculator_in_manual_mode=Calculator is in manual mode. Critical data like glucose, trend, IOB and COB will not be automatically updated until you set insulin and carbs to their suggested values.\n(Insulin\: {insulin_do_not_translate_this_word}U, Carbs\: {carbs_do_not_translate_this_word}g). +suggestions_font_color_label=Suggestions Font Color +suggestions_at_the_top_label=Suggestions At The Top +no_suggestions_spaces_label=Remove Space Between Suggestions diff --git a/src/locale/bg_BG/alarmservice.properties b/src/locale/bg_BG/alarmservice.properties index b3883df7c6..cf9a5b8781 100644 --- a/src/locale/bg_BG/alarmservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/bg_BG/alarmservice.properties @@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ snooze_text_fast_drop_alert=Fast Drop Alarm snooze_text_fast_rise_alert=Fast Rise Alarm fast_drop_alert_notification_alert_text=Fast Dropping Glucose fast_rise_alert_notification_alert_text=Fast Rising Glucose +this_button_label=This +all_button_label=All diff --git a/src/locale/bg_BG/chartsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/bg_BG/chartsettingsscreen.properties index c56bf6fa7b..2b962455da 100644 --- a/src/locale/bg_BG/chartsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/bg_BG/chartsettingsscreen.properties @@ -35,3 +35,11 @@ average_glucose_range_label=Average Glucose thresholds_range_label=Thresholds a1c_ifcc_label=A1C in mmol/mol display_in_landscape_label=Display in Landscape +visualization_section_label=Visualization +display_target_glucose_line=Display Target Line +display_urgent_high_glucose_line=Display Urgent High Line +display_high_glucose_line=Display High Line +display_low_glucose_line=Display Low Line +display_urgent_low_glucose_line=Display Urgent Low Line +target_glucose_line_color=Target Glucose Line +glucose_line_thickness=Glucose Line Thickness diff --git a/src/locale/bg_BG/foodmanager.properties b/src/locale/bg_BG/foodmanager.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34e4cb32a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/bg_BG/foodmanager.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +food_manager_title_label=Food Manager +subtract_fiber_amount_label=Subtract Fiber Amount +whole_fiber_label=Whole +half_fiber_label=Half +user_interface_lable=User Interface +favourites_label=Favorites +recipes_label=Recipes +default_database_label=Default Database +search_as_i_type_label=Search As I Type +import_foods_as_note_label=List Foods In Treatment's Notes +no_internet_connection=There's no internet connection\! +server_response_label=Server Response +error_label=Error +error_connecting_to_food_service_label=Error connecting to service\!\nTry again later. +new_food_label=New Food +name_label=Name +brand_label=Brand +serving_unit_label=Serving Unit +serving_size_label=Serving Size +link_label=Link +carbs_label=Carbs +fiber_label=Fiber +proteins_label=Proteins +fats_label=Fats +calories_label=Calories +search_food_label=Search Food +go_button_label=Go +scan_button_label=Scan +save_as_recipe_label=Save As Recipe +nutrition_facts_label=Nutrition Facts +subtract_whole_fiber=Subtract Whole Fiber +subtract_half_fiber=Subtract Half Fiber +link_button_label=Link +amount_label=Amount +finish_button_label=FINISH +cart_totals_label=Cart Totals +search_recipe_label=Search Recipe +no_search_results_label=No Results\! +add_recipe_label=Add Recipe +edit_food_label=Edit Food diff --git a/src/locale/bg_BG/globaltranslations.properties b/src/locale/bg_BG/globaltranslations.properties index ea9c3178f6..0b394ab7dc 100644 --- a/src/locale/bg_BG/globaltranslations.properties +++ b/src/locale/bg_BG/globaltranslations.properties @@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ camera_access_denied=You previously denied Spike access to your camera. You need camera_access_restricted=Can't activate access to the camera. Parental controls seem to be enabled. camera_access_unknow_error=An unknown error has occurred while trying to enable access to the camera. no_internet_connection_message=Your device is not connected to the Internet. You need an active Internet connection to send e-mails. +instructions_button_label=Instructions +configure_button_label=Configure diff --git a/src/locale/bg_BG/profilesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/bg_BG/profilesettingsscreen.properties index 571a0ffa8b..cf2b1fc92e 100644 --- a/src/locale/bg_BG/profilesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/bg_BG/profilesettingsscreen.properties @@ -22,3 +22,20 @@ all_carb_types_list=Fast,Medium,Slow default_carb_type_label=Default Carb Type absorption_rate_label=Carb Absorption Rate In Grams carb_absorption_time_description_label=The time it takes for carbs to enter the bloodstream. This value will influence the COB algorithm. The dafault carb type is the one that will be used when no carb type is selected when entering a treatment or when Spike imports treatments from Nightscout. +insulin_carb_ratio_guide_label=I\:C Guide +insulin_sensitivity_factor_guide_label=ISF Guide +isf_ic_trend_bgtarget_description_label=ISF (Insulin Sensitivity Factor)\: How much one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose. For example, if your Insulin Sensitivity Factor is 50, one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose by 50 mg/dL. Spike also supports Insulin Sensitivity Factor in mmol/L. If Spike is set to mmol/L, an Insulin Sensitivity Factor of 2.5 means that one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose by 2.5 mmol/L.\n\nI\:C (Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio)\: Number of grams of carbohydrate covered by one unit of insulin. For example, if your Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio is 15, then you need to deliver one unit of insulin to cover every fifteen grams of carbohydrate you eat.\n\nTo determine your ISF and I\:C please read the guides below.\n\nTarget BG\: The blood glucose level (mg/dL or mmol/L) you're aiming at, the one you want to stay at most of the time.\n\nTrends\: The amount of insulin or carbs needed to make an upward or downward trend arrow flat. Upward trend arrows need insulin and downward trend arrows need carbohydrates. +start_time_label=Start Time +insulin_sensitivity_factor_short_label=ISF +insulin_to_carb_ratio_short_label=I\:C +target_glucose_label=Target BG +add_configuration_label=Please add configuration\! +glucose_trends_label=Trends +glucose_trend=Trend +add_profile_label=Add Profile +edit_profile_label=Edit Profile +units_of_insulin_label=Units Of Insulin +grams_of_carbs_label=Grams Of Carbs +cant_delete_profile_label=Can't delete profile\! There needs to be at least one profile that starts at +delete_profile_confirmation_label=Are you sure you want to delete this profile?\n\nThis can not be undone\! +conflicting_profile_label=Profile start time already in use. Please select a different time. diff --git a/src/locale/bg_BG/speechsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/bg_BG/speechsettingsscreen.properties index 20bf6e6173..f926d96b0e 100644 --- a/src/locale/bg_BG/speechsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/bg_BG/speechsettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinese (China),Chinese (Hong Kong),Chinese (Taiwan),Dutch (Belgium),Dutch (Netherlands),English (Australia),English (Ireland),English (South Africa),English (UK),English (US),French (Canada),French (France),German (Germany),Italian (Italy),Polish (Poland),Portuguese (Brazil),Portuguese (Portugal),Russian (Russia),Slovenian (Slovakia),Spanish (Mexico),Spanish (Spain) +ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinese (China),Chinese (Hong Kong),Chinese (Taiwan),Danish (Denmark),Dutch (Belgium),Dutch (Netherlands),English (Australia),English (Ireland),English (South Africa),English (UK),English (US),Finnish (Finland),French (Canada),French (France),German (Germany),Italian (Italy),Norwegian (Norway),Polish (Poland),Portuguese (Brazil),Portuguese (Portugal),Russian (Russia),Slovenian (Slovakia),Spanish (Mexico),Spanish (Spain),Swedish (Sweden) speech_settings_title=Speech speak_bg_readings_title=Speak BG Readings speak_bg_trend_title=Speak BG Trend diff --git a/src/locale/bg_BG/treatments.properties b/src/locale/bg_BG/treatments.properties index 04b5f51fcc..0870bfcc77 100644 --- a/src/locale/bg_BG/treatments.properties +++ b/src/locale/bg_BG/treatments.properties @@ -57,3 +57,52 @@ carbs_unknown_label=Unknown minutes_small_label=min iob_label=IOB cob_label=COB +bolus_wizard_settings_label=Bolus Calculator +calculations_label=Calculations +insulin_precision_label=Insulin Precision +carbs_precision_label=Carbs Precision +load_foods_button_label=Load Foods +food_manager_label=Food Manager +bolus_wizard_allowed_margin=Allowed Upper/Lower BG Target Margin +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_iob=Auto Account For IOB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_cob=Auto Account For COB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_trend=Auto Account For Trend +final_calculations_label=Final Calculations +blood_glucose_label=Blood Glucose +foods_label=Foods +carbs_offset_in_minutes_label=Carbs Offset (Min) +insulin_type_label=Insulin Type +exercise_adjustment=Exercise Adjustment +time_label=Time +before_exercise_label=Before Exercise +after_exercise_label=After Exercise +exercise_intensity_label=Intensity +exercise_intensity_low_label=Low +exercise_intensity_moderate_label=Moderate +exercise_intensity_high_label=High +exercise_duration_label=Duration +exercise_reduction_label=Reduction (%) +sickness_adjustment_label=Sickness Adjustment +sickness_increase_label=Increase (%) +extra_correction_label=Extra Correction +extra_correction_amount_label=Amount (g/U) +extended_bolus_reminder_label=Extended Bolus Reminder +profile_not_configured_label=Profile not configured\! +disclaimer_alert_title=Disclaimer +disclaimer_body_label=PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND FULLY\!\nThe bolus calculator provides information and content that has been assembled with the greatest of care and to the very best of our knowledge from internal and external sources. We nevertheless wish to emphasize that the bolus calculator is only to be used to provide you with information and to build awareness but it cannot replace consultation with a healthcare professional. It should be used for research purposes only\! Under no circumstances does Spike issue medical therapy recommendations or medical advice of any kind. For questions on the therapy and the settings that best apply to you (ISF, I\:C, etc.), we recommend contacting a healthcare professional. No content - no matter whether provided by Spike itself, our cooperation partners, or users - can be understood as supplementing or replacing information from a healthcare professional.\n\nBolus proposal provided by the calculator is solely a proposal. Always compare the proposed amount with the way you are actually feeling, and adjust the recommended bolus dosage accordingly. Always consult your healthcare professional before changing your diabetes therapy.\n\nThe calculator settings must be defined by a healthcare professional. Do not make or change the settings without the supervision of and consultancy from a healthcare professional. Wrong settings always lead to a wrong bolus proposal.\n\nIt is important to make the correct selection for your Insulin-to-Carbohydrate ratio (I\:C) and Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF). If the selected I\:C and/or ISF are wrong, all bolus dosage proposals will be wrong.\n\nUse of the bolus calculator requires an understanding of the use of rapid-acting insulin. Misuse or misunderstanding of the calculation, or the suggested bolus may lead to inappropriate insulin calculation.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for all the factors that may affect your required insulin dosage. The factors include incorrectly entered data (e.g. wrong BG), incorrect settings, and un-logged insulin or other data. Always compare the proposal with you current condition.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for unusual changes in your metabolism resulting from, e.g. extreme dieting. Always compare the proposal with you current condition.\n\nMake sure that the data you provide for the calculator is correct. Wrong data leads to wrong bolus proposals.\n\nDo not change your treatment based on a single calculation result that does not match how you feel, or if you believe that the proposal is incorrect.\n\nThe calculator is meant for the calculation of insulin dosage proposals for rapid-acting insulin only. Do not use the calculator to calculate proposals for intermediate-acting insulin or for long-lasting (basal) insulin.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for instabilities related to your basal insulin treatment. Do not use the calculator, if your basal insulin treatment is not in balance or otherwise under control.\n\nBy agreeing to the terms above indicates that you have read them and have agreed. All calculations must be confirmed before use. The suggested results are not a substitute for clinical judgment. Neither the author nor any other party involved in the preparation or publication of Spike and the bolus calculator shall be liable for use or misuse.\n\nWe strongly advise against using the bolus calculator if your sensor is giving inaccurate readings. This tends to happen during the first 24-48h after insertion or when the sensor is approaching end-of-life.\n\nThe bolus calculator is a research tool only and in no circumstances should be used in a real world scenario. +extended_bolus_reminder_notification_body=This is a reminder for your extended bolus. +missing_insulins_label=In order to add treatments you first need to configure your insulins. To do so, please press the Configure Insulins button. +projected_outcome_label=Projected outcome +glucose_in_target_label=Blood glucose in target. +glucose_in_target_or_close_label=Blood glucose in target or within {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} difference. +glucose_outcome_without_extra_treatment=Outcome without extra treatment +glucose_outcome_with_calculated_treatment=Outcome with calculated treatment +carbs_needed=Carbs needed +extra_carbs_needed=Extra carbs needed +insulin_equivalent=Insulin equivalent +target_not_reachable=Current parameters will not allow reaching the desired glucose target of {glucose_target_do_not_translate_this_word} or within {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} difference. +insulin_needed=Insulin needed +calculator_in_manual_mode=Calculator is in manual mode. Critical data like glucose, trend, IOB and COB will not be automatically updated until you set insulin and carbs to their suggested values.\n(Insulin\: {insulin_do_not_translate_this_word}U, Carbs\: {carbs_do_not_translate_this_word}g). +suggestions_font_color_label=Suggestions Font Color +suggestions_at_the_top_label=Suggestions At The Top +no_suggestions_spaces_label=Remove Space Between Suggestions diff --git a/src/locale/cs_CZ/alarmservice.properties b/src/locale/cs_CZ/alarmservice.properties index 8cedc1384b..22897e7992 100644 --- a/src/locale/cs_CZ/alarmservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/cs_CZ/alarmservice.properties @@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ snooze_text_fast_drop_alert=Fast Drop Alarm snooze_text_fast_rise_alert=Fast Rise Alarm fast_drop_alert_notification_alert_text=Fast Dropping Glucose fast_rise_alert_notification_alert_text=Fast Rising Glucose +this_button_label=This +all_button_label=All diff --git a/src/locale/cs_CZ/alarmsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/cs_CZ/alarmsettingsscreen.properties index c46cc4a425..928edd5a13 100644 --- a/src/locale/cs_CZ/alarmsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/cs_CZ/alarmsettingsscreen.properties @@ -5,18 +5,18 @@ bg_value_label=BG Value bg_change_label=BG Change On\n2 Consecutive\nReadings calibration_value_label=Interval (Hours) missed_readings_value_label=Interval (Minutes) -add_alarm_title=Add Alarm -edit_alarm_title=Edit Alarm -start_time_label=Start Time -end_time_label=End Time -alert_type_label=Alert Type -invalid_alarm_alert_title=Invalid Alarm +add_alarm_title=Přidat alarm +edit_alarm_title=Upravit alarm +start_time_label=Čas zahájení +end_time_label=Čas ukončení +alert_type_label=Typ výstrahy +invalid_alarm_alert_title=Neplatný alarm invalid_alarm_alert_message=The alarm time range is already taken\!\nThere's an alarm with a conflicting time range of override_mute_label=Override Mute alert_types_label=Alert Types urgent_high_label=Urgent High -high_label=High -low_label=Low +high_label=Vysoký +low_label=Nízký urgent_low_label=Urgent Low calibration_label=Calibration missed_reading_label=Missed Readings diff --git a/src/locale/cs_CZ/chartsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/cs_CZ/chartsettingsscreen.properties index c56bf6fa7b..2b962455da 100644 --- a/src/locale/cs_CZ/chartsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/cs_CZ/chartsettingsscreen.properties @@ -35,3 +35,11 @@ average_glucose_range_label=Average Glucose thresholds_range_label=Thresholds a1c_ifcc_label=A1C in mmol/mol display_in_landscape_label=Display in Landscape +visualization_section_label=Visualization +display_target_glucose_line=Display Target Line +display_urgent_high_glucose_line=Display Urgent High Line +display_high_glucose_line=Display High Line +display_low_glucose_line=Display Low Line +display_urgent_low_glucose_line=Display Urgent Low Line +target_glucose_line_color=Target Glucose Line +glucose_line_thickness=Glucose Line Thickness diff --git a/src/locale/cs_CZ/foodmanager.properties b/src/locale/cs_CZ/foodmanager.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34e4cb32a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/cs_CZ/foodmanager.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +food_manager_title_label=Food Manager +subtract_fiber_amount_label=Subtract Fiber Amount +whole_fiber_label=Whole +half_fiber_label=Half +user_interface_lable=User Interface +favourites_label=Favorites +recipes_label=Recipes +default_database_label=Default Database +search_as_i_type_label=Search As I Type +import_foods_as_note_label=List Foods In Treatment's Notes +no_internet_connection=There's no internet connection\! +server_response_label=Server Response +error_label=Error +error_connecting_to_food_service_label=Error connecting to service\!\nTry again later. +new_food_label=New Food +name_label=Name +brand_label=Brand +serving_unit_label=Serving Unit +serving_size_label=Serving Size +link_label=Link +carbs_label=Carbs +fiber_label=Fiber +proteins_label=Proteins +fats_label=Fats +calories_label=Calories +search_food_label=Search Food +go_button_label=Go +scan_button_label=Scan +save_as_recipe_label=Save As Recipe +nutrition_facts_label=Nutrition Facts +subtract_whole_fiber=Subtract Whole Fiber +subtract_half_fiber=Subtract Half Fiber +link_button_label=Link +amount_label=Amount +finish_button_label=FINISH +cart_totals_label=Cart Totals +search_recipe_label=Search Recipe +no_search_results_label=No Results\! +add_recipe_label=Add Recipe +edit_food_label=Edit Food diff --git a/src/locale/cs_CZ/globaltranslations.properties b/src/locale/cs_CZ/globaltranslations.properties index ea9c3178f6..0b394ab7dc 100644 --- a/src/locale/cs_CZ/globaltranslations.properties +++ b/src/locale/cs_CZ/globaltranslations.properties @@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ camera_access_denied=You previously denied Spike access to your camera. You need camera_access_restricted=Can't activate access to the camera. Parental controls seem to be enabled. camera_access_unknow_error=An unknown error has occurred while trying to enable access to the camera. no_internet_connection_message=Your device is not connected to the Internet. You need an active Internet connection to send e-mails. +instructions_button_label=Instructions +configure_button_label=Configure diff --git a/src/locale/cs_CZ/profilesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/cs_CZ/profilesettingsscreen.properties index 571a0ffa8b..cf2b1fc92e 100644 --- a/src/locale/cs_CZ/profilesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/cs_CZ/profilesettingsscreen.properties @@ -22,3 +22,20 @@ all_carb_types_list=Fast,Medium,Slow default_carb_type_label=Default Carb Type absorption_rate_label=Carb Absorption Rate In Grams carb_absorption_time_description_label=The time it takes for carbs to enter the bloodstream. This value will influence the COB algorithm. The dafault carb type is the one that will be used when no carb type is selected when entering a treatment or when Spike imports treatments from Nightscout. +insulin_carb_ratio_guide_label=I\:C Guide +insulin_sensitivity_factor_guide_label=ISF Guide +isf_ic_trend_bgtarget_description_label=ISF (Insulin Sensitivity Factor)\: How much one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose. For example, if your Insulin Sensitivity Factor is 50, one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose by 50 mg/dL. Spike also supports Insulin Sensitivity Factor in mmol/L. If Spike is set to mmol/L, an Insulin Sensitivity Factor of 2.5 means that one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose by 2.5 mmol/L.\n\nI\:C (Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio)\: Number of grams of carbohydrate covered by one unit of insulin. For example, if your Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio is 15, then you need to deliver one unit of insulin to cover every fifteen grams of carbohydrate you eat.\n\nTo determine your ISF and I\:C please read the guides below.\n\nTarget BG\: The blood glucose level (mg/dL or mmol/L) you're aiming at, the one you want to stay at most of the time.\n\nTrends\: The amount of insulin or carbs needed to make an upward or downward trend arrow flat. Upward trend arrows need insulin and downward trend arrows need carbohydrates. +start_time_label=Start Time +insulin_sensitivity_factor_short_label=ISF +insulin_to_carb_ratio_short_label=I\:C +target_glucose_label=Target BG +add_configuration_label=Please add configuration\! +glucose_trends_label=Trends +glucose_trend=Trend +add_profile_label=Add Profile +edit_profile_label=Edit Profile +units_of_insulin_label=Units Of Insulin +grams_of_carbs_label=Grams Of Carbs +cant_delete_profile_label=Can't delete profile\! There needs to be at least one profile that starts at +delete_profile_confirmation_label=Are you sure you want to delete this profile?\n\nThis can not be undone\! +conflicting_profile_label=Profile start time already in use. Please select a different time. diff --git a/src/locale/cs_CZ/speechsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/cs_CZ/speechsettingsscreen.properties index 20bf6e6173..f926d96b0e 100644 --- a/src/locale/cs_CZ/speechsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/cs_CZ/speechsettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinese (China),Chinese (Hong Kong),Chinese (Taiwan),Dutch (Belgium),Dutch (Netherlands),English (Australia),English (Ireland),English (South Africa),English (UK),English (US),French (Canada),French (France),German (Germany),Italian (Italy),Polish (Poland),Portuguese (Brazil),Portuguese (Portugal),Russian (Russia),Slovenian (Slovakia),Spanish (Mexico),Spanish (Spain) +ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinese (China),Chinese (Hong Kong),Chinese (Taiwan),Danish (Denmark),Dutch (Belgium),Dutch (Netherlands),English (Australia),English (Ireland),English (South Africa),English (UK),English (US),Finnish (Finland),French (Canada),French (France),German (Germany),Italian (Italy),Norwegian (Norway),Polish (Poland),Portuguese (Brazil),Portuguese (Portugal),Russian (Russia),Slovenian (Slovakia),Spanish (Mexico),Spanish (Spain),Swedish (Sweden) speech_settings_title=Speech speak_bg_readings_title=Speak BG Readings speak_bg_trend_title=Speak BG Trend diff --git a/src/locale/cs_CZ/treatments.properties b/src/locale/cs_CZ/treatments.properties index 04b5f51fcc..0870bfcc77 100644 --- a/src/locale/cs_CZ/treatments.properties +++ b/src/locale/cs_CZ/treatments.properties @@ -57,3 +57,52 @@ carbs_unknown_label=Unknown minutes_small_label=min iob_label=IOB cob_label=COB +bolus_wizard_settings_label=Bolus Calculator +calculations_label=Calculations +insulin_precision_label=Insulin Precision +carbs_precision_label=Carbs Precision +load_foods_button_label=Load Foods +food_manager_label=Food Manager +bolus_wizard_allowed_margin=Allowed Upper/Lower BG Target Margin +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_iob=Auto Account For IOB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_cob=Auto Account For COB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_trend=Auto Account For Trend +final_calculations_label=Final Calculations +blood_glucose_label=Blood Glucose +foods_label=Foods +carbs_offset_in_minutes_label=Carbs Offset (Min) +insulin_type_label=Insulin Type +exercise_adjustment=Exercise Adjustment +time_label=Time +before_exercise_label=Before Exercise +after_exercise_label=After Exercise +exercise_intensity_label=Intensity +exercise_intensity_low_label=Low +exercise_intensity_moderate_label=Moderate +exercise_intensity_high_label=High +exercise_duration_label=Duration +exercise_reduction_label=Reduction (%) +sickness_adjustment_label=Sickness Adjustment +sickness_increase_label=Increase (%) +extra_correction_label=Extra Correction +extra_correction_amount_label=Amount (g/U) +extended_bolus_reminder_label=Extended Bolus Reminder +profile_not_configured_label=Profile not configured\! +disclaimer_alert_title=Disclaimer +disclaimer_body_label=PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND FULLY\!\nThe bolus calculator provides information and content that has been assembled with the greatest of care and to the very best of our knowledge from internal and external sources. We nevertheless wish to emphasize that the bolus calculator is only to be used to provide you with information and to build awareness but it cannot replace consultation with a healthcare professional. It should be used for research purposes only\! Under no circumstances does Spike issue medical therapy recommendations or medical advice of any kind. For questions on the therapy and the settings that best apply to you (ISF, I\:C, etc.), we recommend contacting a healthcare professional. No content - no matter whether provided by Spike itself, our cooperation partners, or users - can be understood as supplementing or replacing information from a healthcare professional.\n\nBolus proposal provided by the calculator is solely a proposal. Always compare the proposed amount with the way you are actually feeling, and adjust the recommended bolus dosage accordingly. Always consult your healthcare professional before changing your diabetes therapy.\n\nThe calculator settings must be defined by a healthcare professional. Do not make or change the settings without the supervision of and consultancy from a healthcare professional. Wrong settings always lead to a wrong bolus proposal.\n\nIt is important to make the correct selection for your Insulin-to-Carbohydrate ratio (I\:C) and Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF). If the selected I\:C and/or ISF are wrong, all bolus dosage proposals will be wrong.\n\nUse of the bolus calculator requires an understanding of the use of rapid-acting insulin. Misuse or misunderstanding of the calculation, or the suggested bolus may lead to inappropriate insulin calculation.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for all the factors that may affect your required insulin dosage. The factors include incorrectly entered data (e.g. wrong BG), incorrect settings, and un-logged insulin or other data. Always compare the proposal with you current condition.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for unusual changes in your metabolism resulting from, e.g. extreme dieting. Always compare the proposal with you current condition.\n\nMake sure that the data you provide for the calculator is correct. Wrong data leads to wrong bolus proposals.\n\nDo not change your treatment based on a single calculation result that does not match how you feel, or if you believe that the proposal is incorrect.\n\nThe calculator is meant for the calculation of insulin dosage proposals for rapid-acting insulin only. Do not use the calculator to calculate proposals for intermediate-acting insulin or for long-lasting (basal) insulin.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for instabilities related to your basal insulin treatment. Do not use the calculator, if your basal insulin treatment is not in balance or otherwise under control.\n\nBy agreeing to the terms above indicates that you have read them and have agreed. All calculations must be confirmed before use. The suggested results are not a substitute for clinical judgment. Neither the author nor any other party involved in the preparation or publication of Spike and the bolus calculator shall be liable for use or misuse.\n\nWe strongly advise against using the bolus calculator if your sensor is giving inaccurate readings. This tends to happen during the first 24-48h after insertion or when the sensor is approaching end-of-life.\n\nThe bolus calculator is a research tool only and in no circumstances should be used in a real world scenario. +extended_bolus_reminder_notification_body=This is a reminder for your extended bolus. +missing_insulins_label=In order to add treatments you first need to configure your insulins. To do so, please press the Configure Insulins button. +projected_outcome_label=Projected outcome +glucose_in_target_label=Blood glucose in target. +glucose_in_target_or_close_label=Blood glucose in target or within {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} difference. +glucose_outcome_without_extra_treatment=Outcome without extra treatment +glucose_outcome_with_calculated_treatment=Outcome with calculated treatment +carbs_needed=Carbs needed +extra_carbs_needed=Extra carbs needed +insulin_equivalent=Insulin equivalent +target_not_reachable=Current parameters will not allow reaching the desired glucose target of {glucose_target_do_not_translate_this_word} or within {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} difference. +insulin_needed=Insulin needed +calculator_in_manual_mode=Calculator is in manual mode. Critical data like glucose, trend, IOB and COB will not be automatically updated until you set insulin and carbs to their suggested values.\n(Insulin\: {insulin_do_not_translate_this_word}U, Carbs\: {carbs_do_not_translate_this_word}g). +suggestions_font_color_label=Suggestions Font Color +suggestions_at_the_top_label=Suggestions At The Top +no_suggestions_spaces_label=Remove Space Between Suggestions diff --git a/src/locale/da_DK/alarmservice.properties b/src/locale/da_DK/alarmservice.properties index 86814dd885..fd6531fd11 100644 --- a/src/locale/da_DK/alarmservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/da_DK/alarmservice.properties @@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ snooze_text_fast_drop_alert=Hurtigt fald alarm snooze_text_fast_rise_alert=Hurtig stigning alarm fast_drop_alert_notification_alert_text=Hurtigt faldende blodsukker fast_rise_alert_notification_alert_text=Hurtigt stigende blodsukker +this_button_label=Denne +all_button_label=Alle diff --git a/src/locale/da_DK/chartsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/da_DK/chartsettingsscreen.properties index 6cfdd1acf3..899e670f74 100644 --- a/src/locale/da_DK/chartsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/da_DK/chartsettingsscreen.properties @@ -35,3 +35,11 @@ average_glucose_range_label=Gns. blodsukker thresholds_range_label=Grænseværdier a1c_ifcc_label=A1C i mmol/mol display_in_landscape_label=Vis liggende +visualization_section_label=Visualisering +display_target_glucose_line=Vis mål linje +display_urgent_high_glucose_line=Vis 'Meget høj' linje +display_high_glucose_line=Vis 'Høj' linje +display_low_glucose_line=Vis 'Lav' linje +display_urgent_low_glucose_line=Vis 'Meget lav' linje +target_glucose_line_color=Mål blodsukker linje +glucose_line_thickness=Blodsukker linje tykkelse diff --git a/src/locale/da_DK/foodmanager.properties b/src/locale/da_DK/foodmanager.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f8f7db2f6a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/da_DK/foodmanager.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +food_manager_title_label=Mad manager +subtract_fiber_amount_label=Fratræk fiber mængde +whole_fiber_label=Hel +half_fiber_label=Halv +user_interface_lable=Brugerflade +favourites_label=Favoritter +recipes_label=Opskrifter +default_database_label=Foretrukken database +search_as_i_type_label=Søg mens jeg skriver +import_foods_as_note_label=Vis mad i behandlingsnoten +no_internet_connection=Der er ingen internet forbindelse\! +server_response_label=Serversvar +error_label=Fejl +error_connecting_to_food_service_label=Fejl ved tilslutning til service\!\nPrøv igen senere. +new_food_label=Nyt mad +name_label=Navn +brand_label=Mærke +serving_unit_label=Portions enhed +serving_size_label=Portions størrelse +link_label=Link +carbs_label=Kulhydrater +fiber_label=Fibre +proteins_label=Proteiner +fats_label=Fedt +calories_label=Kalorier +search_food_label=Søg mad +go_button_label=Ok +scan_button_label=Scan +save_as_recipe_label=Gem som opskrift +nutrition_facts_label=Ernæringsindhold +subtract_whole_fiber=Fratræk alle fibre +subtract_half_fiber=Fratræk halv fibre +link_button_label=Link +amount_label=Mængde +finish_button_label=FÆRDIG +cart_totals_label=Vogn totaler +search_recipe_label=Søg opskrift +no_search_results_label=Intet resultat\! +add_recipe_label=Tilføj opskrift +edit_food_label=Rediger mad diff --git a/src/locale/da_DK/globaltranslations.properties b/src/locale/da_DK/globaltranslations.properties index 52e3249591..67a9f9e05e 100644 --- a/src/locale/da_DK/globaltranslations.properties +++ b/src/locale/da_DK/globaltranslations.properties @@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ camera_access_denied=Du har tidligere nægtet Spike adgang til dit kamera. Du sk camera_access_restricted=Kan ikke aktivere adgang til kameraet. Forældrekontrol synes at være aktiveret. camera_access_unknow_error=Der opstod en ukendt fejl under forsøg på at aktivere adgang til kameraet. no_internet_connection_message=Din enhed er ikke tilsluttet internettet. Du skal have en aktiv internetforbindelse for at sende e-mails. +instructions_button_label=Instruktioner +configure_button_label=Konfigurer diff --git a/src/locale/da_DK/httpserversettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/da_DK/httpserversettingsscreen.properties index 9dff794e6a..f10cbc874c 100644 --- a/src/locale/da_DK/httpserversettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/da_DK/httpserversettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com instructions_title_label=Instruktioner -instructions_description_label=
Loop Offline
Spike kan integreres direkte med Loop (https\://github.com/LoopKit/Loop)for at give mulighed for at Loope helt offline, uden at skulle have en aktiv internetforbindelse.
For at bruge denne funktion skal du udføre følgende trin\:
Konfigurer dine legitimations oplysninger\:Øverst på denne skærm skal du oprette dit brugernavn og adgangskode, der senere bruges til at konfigurere Loop.
Skift Loops kildekode\: Katie DiSimone var venlig nok til at lave alle de nødvendige redigeringer til Loop for at kunne arbejde offline med Spike, og dele dem med fællesskabet. Hvis du ikke selv vil redigere, kan du downloade Katies redigerede version (den er opdateret med den oprindelige Loop version) og sende den direkte til din enhed. Den er tilgængeligher (https\://github.com/Kdisimone/Loop/tree/spike-master). Hvis du ønsker at udføre redigeringen selv, skal du åbne den oprindelige Loop code i Xcode og i Project Navigator, gå til Loop > Models > ServiceAuthentication og åbn filen "ShareService.swift". Slet tegnene "/*" fra linje 55 og "*/" fra linje 62. Udskift "https\: // REPLACEME" med "http\://\:1979". Udskift "Custom" med "Spike". Gem dit Xcode-projekt og send Loop til din iOS-enhed.
Konfigurer Loop\: Åbn Loop, gå til Indstillinger > Dexcom Share. Under "Server" vælg "Spike", indtast det brugernavn og adgangskode, du definerede øverst på denne skærm, og klik på "Tilføj konto". Hvis du har et Transmitter ID indsat i Loop, skal du fjerne det, da der ellers kan forekomme manglende aflæsninger (MEGET VIGTIGT\!). Loop henter nu dine glukoseværdier direkte fra Spike.
Spike Master til Spike Følger offline
Du kan få en Spike Følger til at hente data direkte fra din Spike Master app, uden at have brug for et Nightscout websted og helt offline, så længe de begge er tilsluttet det samme Wi-Fi-netværk.
For at bruge denne funktion skal du udføre følgende trin\:
Find Masterens IP adresse\: På Masterens iOS enhed skal du gå til iOS indstillinger > Wi-Fi og klikke på knappen "i" ved siden af det aktive netværk. Skriv IP adressen ned.
Konfigurer Spike Følger\: I Spike Følger skal du gå til Indstillinger -> Generelt -> Dataindsamling, aktivere "Følger" tilstand, og i Nightscout URL feltet skrive http\://MASTER_IP_ADDRESS\:1979. Følgeren burde nu begynde at modtage data direkte fra Masterens enhed.
Apple Ur Offline
Spike kommer med en Apple Ur app. Sørg for, at den interne HTTP server er aktiveret (ikke nødvendigt med bruger referencer). Installer appen på dit Apple Ur direkte fra Ur appen på din enhed. Ingen yderligere opsætning er påkrævet.
Pebble Offline
Du kan bruge Pebble ure med Spike (hentning af data helt offline).
For at bruge denne funktion skal du udføre følgende trin\:
Download og installer kompatible "Ur skiver"\: Brug din iOS Pebble-app til at downloade og installere en af følgende "Ur skiver"\: CGM SkyLine, CGMitC-Sleep, CGM - Sky, Sleep CGM In The Cloud Slot 2, CGM GRID - Continuous Glucose Monitoring, CGM In The Cloud Slot2, Nightscout, Slot2 Nightscout, CGM NS, Simple CGM Spark, Simple CGM, Simple CGM Time, Simple CGM PWD, Simple CGM Time Jack, Simple CGM TicToc, Vibe Spark, Urchin CGM (fungerer uden pumpedata og forudsagte BGS) & Nightscout BWP (fungerer uden BWP info). Du behøver ikke opsætte credentials på denne skærm, du kan lade dem være tomme.
Konfigurer din "Ur skive"\: Ved hjælp af Pebble app'en skal du konfigurere din "Ur skive" for at bruge Nightscout som datakilde og pege den til følgende URL adresse\: http\://\:1979. Sørg altid for at holde Pebble app'en åben, ellers kan dit ur ikke kommunikere med Spike.
FitBit Offline
Du kan bruge FitBit ure (Ionic eller Versa) med Spike (hentning af data helt offline). Særlig tak til Ryan Mason.
For at bruge denne funktion skal du udføre følgende trin\:
Download and installer Glance "Ur skiven"\:Do it by following dette link (https\://github.com/Rytiggy/Glance). Du behøver ikke opsætte credentials på denne skærm, du kan lade dem være tomme.
Konfigurer din "Ur skive"Peg "Ur skiven" mod following URL (API Endpoint)\: http\://\:1979/sgv.json
Spike er også kompatibel med "Orbits NS" og "FlashCGM" (https\://github.com/PedanticAvenger/FlashCGM/wiki) "Ur skiver". Søg efter dem i FitBit app butik og peg dem mod http\://\:1979
Garmin Offline
Du kan bruge Garmin ure med Spike (hentning af data helt offline). Særlig tak til Andreas May (@swissalpine) for at lave brugerdefinerede Ur apps til Spike\!
For at bruge denne funktion skal du udføre følgende trin\:
Download og installer en kompatibel Ur app\: Brug Garmin App Butik til at downloade og installere Ur app'en fra dette link (https\://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/294d938a-bca1-4ebc-b9cb-9d1bd2ac1c3b). Flere apps/widgets vil blive tilgængelige i fremtiden. Du kan tjekke dem ved at besøge dette link (https\://apps.garmin.com/en-EN/developer/f9420c47-810f-47ac-a7dd-9fa7b8ecd22d/apps). Du behøver ikke opsætte credentials på denne skærm, du kan lade dem være tomme.
Konfigurer din "Ur skive"\: Brug Garmin Connect Mobil app til at konfigurere din Ur skive app i Enheder -> Enhedstype -> Aktiviteter og app håndtering -> Aktiviteter og apps -> Spike ur> Indstillinger.
Spike er også kompatibel med "CGM Loop" Ur app lavet af Tynbendad Dadtynben. Hent den her (https\://apps.garmin.com/en-CA/apps/8ea31125-3ceb-4937-941c-3e25fcd87ad3)og peg den på http\://\:1979
Nightguard Offline
Du kan bruge Nightguard app'en med Spike (hentning af data helt offline) og drage fordel af at have et 'rulbart' glukosediagram på dit Apple Ur.
For at bruge denne funktion skal du udføre følgende trin\:
Download og installer Nightguard app'en fra App Store\: Hvis du har et Apple Ur, skal du også installere den på dit ur. Du behøver ikke opsætte credentials på denne skærm, du kan lade dem være tomme.
Konfigurer Nightguard\: Åbn Nightguard app'en på din iOS-enhed, gå til præferencer og indtast følgende URL adresse\: http\://\:1979. Hvis dette er første gang du bruger Nightguard Ur app'en, skal du åbne app'en på dit ur, trykke på skærmen og vælg "opdater".
Note\: De fleste apps, der henter data fra Nightscout, burde fungere sammen med Spike ved hjælp af et lignende setup. Det er op til dig at prøve andre apps, hvis du har lyst. Hvis du finder en app, der ikke virker, når du forsøger at hente data direkte fra Spike, skal du sørge for at lade os det vide, og vi vil forsøge at gøre den Spike kompatibel.
Loop offline
Spike kan integreres direkte med Loop (https\://github.com/LoopKit/Loop) for at give mulighed for at Loope helt offline, uden at skulle have en aktiv internetforbindelse.
For at bruge denne funktion skal du udføre følgende trin\:
Konfigurer dine legitimations oplysninger\: Øverst på denne skærm skal du oprette dit brugernavn og din adgangskode, der senere bruges til at konfigurere Loop.
Skift Loops kildekode\: Katie DiSimone var venlig nok til at lave alle de nødvendige redigeringer til Loop for at kunne arbejde offline med Spike, og dele dem med fællesskabet. Hvis du ikke selv vil redigere, kan du downloade Katies redigerede version (den er opdateret med den oprindelige Loop version) og sende den direkte til din enhed. Den er tilgængeligher (https\://github.com/Kdisimone/Loop/tree/spike-master). Hvis du ønsker at udføre redigeringen selv, skal du åbne den oprindelige Loop code i Xcode og i Project Navigator, gå til Loop > Models > ServiceAuthentication og åbn filen "ShareService.swift". Slet tegnene "/*" fra linje 55 og "*/" fra linje 62. Udskift "https\: // REPLACEME" med "http\://\:1979". Udskift "Custom" med "Spike". Gem dit Xcode-projekt og send Loop til din iOS-enhed.
Konfigurer Loop\: Åbn Loop, gå til Indstillinger > Dexcom Share. Under "Server" vælg "Spike", indtast det brugernavn og adgangskode, du definerede øverst på denne skærm, og klik på "Tilføj konto". Hvis du har et Transmitter ID indsat i Loop, skal du fjerne det, da der ellers kan forekomme manglende aflæsninger (MEGET VIGTIGT\!). Loop henter nu dine glukoseværdier direkte fra Spike.
Spike Master til Spike Følger offline
Du kan få en Spike Følger til at hente data direkte fra din Spike Master app, uden at have brug for et Nightscout websted og helt offline, så længe de begge er tilsluttet det samme Wi-Fi-netværk.
For at bruge denne funktion skal du udføre følgende trin\:
Find Masterens IP adresse\: På Masterens iOS enhed skal du gå til iOS indstillinger > Wi-Fi og klikke på knappen "i" ved siden af det aktive netværk. Skriv IP adressen ned.
Konfigurer Spike Følger\: I Spike Følger skal du gå til Indstillinger -> Generelt -> Dataindsamling, aktivere "Følger" tilstand, og i Nightscout URL feltet skrive http\://MASTER_IP_ADDRESS\:1979. Følgeren burde nu begynde at modtage data direkte fra Masterens enhed.
Apple Ur Offline
Spike kommer med en Apple Ur app. Sørg for, at den interne HTTP server er aktiveret (ikke nødvendigt med bruger referencer). Installer appen på dit Apple Ur direkte fra Ur appen på din enhed. Ingen yderligere opsætning er påkrævet.
Pebble Offline
Du kan bruge Pebble ure med Spike (hentning af data helt offline).
For at bruge denne funktion skal du udføre følgende trin\:
Download og installer kompatible "Ur skiver"\: Brug din iOS Pebble-app til at downloade og installere en af følgende "Ur skiver"\: CGM SkyLine, CGMitC-Sleep, CGM - Sky, Sleep CGM In The Cloud Slot 2, CGM GRID - Continuous Glucose Monitoring, CGM In The Cloud Slot2, Nightscout, Slot2 Nightscout, CGM NS, Simple CGM Spark, Simple CGM, Simple CGM Time, Simple CGM PWD, Simple CGM Time Jack, Simple CGM TicToc, Vibe Spark, Urchin CGM (fungerer uden pumpedata og forudsagte BGS) & Nightscout BWP (fungerer uden BWP info). Du behøver ikke opsætte credentials på denne skærm, du kan lade dem være tomme.
Konfigurer din "Ur skive"\: Ved hjælp af Pebble app'en skal du konfigurere din "Ur skive" for at bruge Nightscout som datakilde og pege den til følgende URL adresse\: http\://\:1979. Sørg altid for at holde Pebble app'en åben, ellers kan dit ur ikke kommunikere med Spike.
FitBit Offline
Du kan bruge FitBit ure (Ionic eller Versa) med Spike (hentning af data helt offline). Særlig tak til Ryan Mason.
For at bruge denne funktion skal du udføre følgende trin\:
Download and installer Glance "Ur skiven"\:Do it by following dette link (https\://github.com/Rytiggy/Glance). Du behøver ikke opsætte credentials på denne skærm, du kan lade dem være tomme.
Konfigurer din "Ur skive"Peg "Ur skiven" mod following URL (API Endpoint)\: http\://\:1979/sgv.json
Spike er også kompatibel med "Orbits NS" og "FlashCGM" (https\://github.com/PedanticAvenger/FlashCGM/wiki) "Ur skiver". Søg efter dem i FitBit app butik og peg dem mod http\://\:1979
Garmin Offline
Du kan bruge Garmin ure med Spike (hentning af data helt offline). Særlig tak til Andreas May (@swissalpine) for at lave brugerdefinerede Ur apps til Spike\!
For at bruge denne funktion skal du udføre følgende trin\:
Download og installer en kompatibel Ur app\: Brug Garmin App Butik til at downloade og installere Ur app'en fra dette link (https\://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/294d938a-bca1-4ebc-b9cb-9d1bd2ac1c3b). Flere apps/widgets vil blive tilgængelige i fremtiden. Du kan tjekke dem ved at besøge dette link (https\://apps.garmin.com/en-EN/developer/f9420c47-810f-47ac-a7dd-9fa7b8ecd22d/apps). Du behøver ikke opsætte credentials på denne skærm, du kan lade dem være tomme.
Konfigurer din "Ur skive"\: Brug Garmin Connect Mobil app til at konfigurere din Ur skive app i Enheder -> Enhedstype -> Aktiviteter og app håndtering -> Aktiviteter og apps -> Spike ur> Indstillinger.
Spike er også kompatibel med "CGM Loop" Ur app lavet af Tynbendad Dadtynben. Hent den her (https\://apps.garmin.com/en-CA/apps/8ea31125-3ceb-4937-941c-3e25fcd87ad3)og peg den på http\://\:1979
Nightguard Offline
Du kan bruge Nightguard app'en med Spike (hentning af data helt offline) og drage fordel af at have et 'rulbart' glukosediagram på dit Apple Ur.
For at bruge denne funktion skal du udføre følgende trin\:
Download og installer Nightguard app'en fra App Store\: Hvis du har et Apple Ur, skal du også installere den på dit ur. Du behøver ikke opsætte credentials på denne skærm, du kan lade dem være tomme.
Konfigurer Nightguard\: Åbn Nightguard app'en på din iOS-enhed, gå til præferencer og indtast følgende URL adresse\: http\://\:1979. Hvis dette er første gang du bruger Nightguard Ur app'en, skal du åbne app'en på dit ur, trykke på skærmen og vælg "opdater".
Note\: De fleste apps, der henter data fra Nightscout, burde fungere sammen med Spike ved hjælp af et lignende setup. Det er op til dig at prøve andre apps, hvis du har lyst. Hvis du finder en app, der ikke virker, når du forsøger at hente data direkte fra Spike, skal du sørge for at lade os det vide, og vi vil forsøge at gøre den Spike kompatibel.
Se App
Spike leveres med en Apple Ur app. Sørg for den interne HTTP server er aktiveret i Indstillinger -> Integration (ingen grund til at indtaste legitimations oplysninger). Installer app'en på dit Apple Ur direkte fra Ur app'en på din enhed. Der kræves ingen yderligere installation.
Standard komplikationer styres af WatchOS og opdaterer kun med 15-90 minutters mellemrum. Den eneste undtagelse kalender komplikation, som opdaterer straks. Derfor bruger Spike kalender komplikationen til at vise dine glukose værdier på dit Apple Ur uden forsinkelse.
For at bruge denne funktion, skal du udføre følgende trin\:
Oprette en dedikeret kalender\: Åbn Kalender på din enhed ved at klikke på Kalender ikonet direkte fra hjem skærmen. Klik på "Kalendere" i bunden, klik "Rediger" og klik "Tilføj kalender" under iCloud. Giv kalenderen et navn (for eksempel "Spike") og klik på "Gjort". Hvis du ikke har en iCloud konto konfigureret i din iOS-enhed skal du oprette en eller vælge en kalender, der ikke er placeret på iCloud (anbefales ikke). Du behøver ikke at oprette en ny kalender for Spike men det anbefales stærkt, for at holde tingene i orden. Du kan godt bruge kalendere, der ikke er hosted i iCloud, f.eks. Gmail eller andre onlinetjenester, men ved hjælp af en iCloud kalender, vil der sendes data til dit Apple Ur hurtigere og fuldstændig offline.
Sync kalender til uret\: Åbn Ur app'en på din enhed ved at klikke på ikonet Ur direkte fra hjem skærmen. Gå til "Kalender" og under afsnittet "Kalendere", klik på "Brugerdefineret" og sørg for at den kalender du oprettede i forrige trin er markeret. Prøv at have så få kalendere som muligt synkroniseret med dit Apple Ur, da dine glukose værdier ellers kan blive overlappet af andre kalenderbegivenheder.
Godkend Spike\: Aktiver "Aktiveret" øverst på denne skærm, klik på "Godkend" knappen og tillad Spike adgang til dine kalendere. Hvis du kommer til at nægte Spike adgang til dine kalendere og ønsker at tillade det på et senere tidspunkt, skal du gå til dine Enhedsindstillinger, Privatlivets fred, Kalendere og tænde "Spike".
Konfigurere komplikation i Spike\: Vælg den nyoprettede kalender fra trin 1 og vælg de oplysninger du vil have vist på dit Apple Ur.
Konfigurer komplikation i Apple Ur\: På dit Apple Ur eller Ur app'en på din iOS enhed, vælg "Modulær" Ur skive og sørg for at du også vælger "Kalender komplikation" til at være til stede i midten af urskiven (Spike er også kompatibel med Siri, Utilities, Aktivitet (digital og analog), Mickey Mouse, Toy Story, Timelapse, Motion og Kalejdoskop Ur skiver). Din glucose værdier bør nu begynde at synkronisere til dit ur, når du modtager din næste aflæsning fra CGM Senderen. Hvis der af en eller anden grund ikke kommer aflæsninger på dit Apple Ur, gå til Ur app'en og under "Generelt", "Reset" Klik på "Nulstil Sync Data" og vent et par minutter. Du skal muligvis gøre dette hver gang du genstarter din enhed eller Apple Ur, undertiden kan iOS være en smule temperamentsfuld, når du synkroniserer data fra enheden til din Apple Watch efter en genstart.
Mit Apple Ur stopper med at vise mine værdier (huller) mellem aflæsninger efter et par minutter. Er der noget jeg kan gøre? ja. Prøv at aktivere indstillingen "Gap Fix". Når aktiveret, vil Spike altid oprette en 10 minutters kalenderbegivenhed med din seneste glukose værdi. Dette synes at løse problemet. Så snart en ny aflæsning kommer fra Senderen, vil Spike redigere forrige kalender begivenhed og sætte den til 5 minutter før den tilføjer en ny 10 minutters kalenderbegivenhed. Dette vil undgå begivenhed overlapninger.
Hvordan får jeg adgang til min glukose historik på Apple Ur? Klik på Kalender på Apple Ur, og din glucose historik vil blive præsenteret i en popup.
Kan jeg få mine data vist i et diagram på mit Apple Ur? Ja\! Gå I Spike Indstillinger -> Integration, Aktiverer intern HTTP server, og følg anvisningerne på skærmen til opsætning af Nightguard med Spike.
Kan jeg dele min glukose værdier til en anden persons Apple Ur? ja\! Så længe du deler kalenderen, du oprettede i trin 1, kan de også få dine glucose værdier vist på deres Apple Ur. De bliver nødt til at følge trin 2 & 5 på deres iOS-enhed. De vil også være nødt til at have en aktiv internetforbindelse hele tiden, og bør gå til Indstillinger, Kalender, Konti, Hent nye Data og Vælg Push under iCloud, for at nye glukose værdier hentes automatisk fra iCloud og synkroniseres med uret. For instruktioner om, hvordan du deler kalenderen du oprettede i trin 1 med andre mennesker, skal du følge dette link.
Ur App
Spike leveres med en Apple Ur app. Sørg for at den interne HTTP server er aktiveret i Indstillinger -> Integration (der er ingen grund til at indtaste legitimations oplysninger). Installer app'en på dit Apple Ur direkte fra Ur app'en på din enhed. Der kræves ingen yderligere installation.
Standard komplikationer styres af WatchOS og opdaterer kun med 15-90 minutters mellemrum. Den eneste undtagelse kalender komplikation, som opdaterer straks. Derfor bruger Spike kalender komplikationen til at vise dine glukose værdier på dit Apple Ur uden forsinkelse.
For at bruge denne funktion, skal du udføre følgende trin\:
Oprette en dedikeret kalender\: Åbn Kalender på din enhed ved at klikke på Kalender ikonet direkte fra hjem skærmen. Klik på "Kalendere" i bunden, klik "Rediger" og klik "Tilføj kalender" under iCloud. Giv kalenderen et navn (for eksempel "Spike") og klik på "Gjort". Hvis du ikke har en iCloud konto konfigureret i din iOS-enhed skal du oprette en eller vælge en kalender, der ikke er placeret på iCloud (anbefales ikke). Du behøver ikke at oprette en ny kalender for Spike men det anbefales stærkt, for at holde tingene i orden. Du kan godt bruge kalendere, der ikke er hosted i iCloud, f.eks. Gmail eller andre onlinetjenester, men ved hjælp af en iCloud kalender, vil der sendes data til dit Apple Ur hurtigere og fuldstændig offline.
Sync kalender til uret\: Åbn Ur app'en på din enhed ved at klikke på ikonet Ur direkte fra hjem skærmen. Gå til "Kalender" og under afsnittet "Kalendere", klik på "Brugerdefineret" og sørg for at den kalender du oprettede i forrige trin er markeret. Prøv at have så få kalendere som muligt synkroniseret med dit Apple Ur, da dine glukose værdier ellers kan blive overlappet af andre kalenderbegivenheder.
Godkend Spike\: Aktiver "Aktiveret" øverst på denne skærm, klik på "Godkend" knappen og tillad Spike adgang til dine kalendere. Hvis du kommer til at nægte Spike adgang til dine kalendere og ønsker at tillade det på et senere tidspunkt, skal du gå til dine Enhedsindstillinger, Privatlivets fred, Kalendere og tænde "Spike".
Konfigurere komplikation i Spike\: Vælg den nyoprettede kalender fra trin 1 og vælg de oplysninger du vil have vist på dit Apple Ur.
Konfigurer komplikation i Apple Ur\: På dit Apple Ur eller Ur app'en på din iOS enhed, vælg "Modulær" Ur skive og sørg for at du også vælger "Kalender komplikation" til at være til stede i midten af urskiven (Spike er også kompatibel med Siri, Utilities, Aktivitet (digital og analog), Mickey Mouse, Toy Story, Timelapse, Motion og Kalejdoskop Ur skiver). Din glucose værdier bør nu begynde at synkronisere til dit ur, når du modtager din næste aflæsning fra CGM Senderen. Hvis der af en eller anden grund ikke kommer aflæsninger på dit Apple Ur, gå til Ur app'en og under "Generelt", "Reset" Klik på "Nulstil Sync Data" og vent et par minutter. Du skal muligvis gøre dette hver gang du genstarter din enhed eller Apple Ur, undertiden kan iOS være en smule temperamentsfuld, når du synkroniserer data fra enheden til din Apple Watch efter en genstart.
Mit Apple Ur stopper med at vise mine værdier (huller) mellem aflæsninger efter et par minutter. Er der noget jeg kan gøre? ja. Prøv at aktivere indstillingen "Gap Fix". Når aktiveret, vil Spike altid oprette en 10 minutters kalenderbegivenhed med din seneste glukose værdi. Dette synes at løse problemet. Så snart en ny aflæsning kommer fra Senderen, vil Spike redigere forrige kalender begivenhed og sætte den til 5 minutter før den tilføjer en ny 10 minutters kalenderbegivenhed. Dette vil undgå begivenhed overlapninger.
Hvordan får jeg adgang til min glukose historik på Apple Ur? Klik på Kalender på Apple Ur, og din glucose historik vil blive præsenteret i en popup.
Kan jeg få mine data vist i et diagram på mit Apple Ur? Ja\! Gå I Spike Indstillinger -> Integration, Aktiverer intern HTTP server, og følg anvisningerne på skærmen til opsætning af Nightguard med Spike.
Kan jeg dele min glukose værdier til en anden persons Apple Ur? ja\! Så længe du deler kalenderen, du oprettede i trin 1, kan de også få dine glucose værdier vist på deres Apple Ur. De bliver nødt til at følge trin 2 & 5 på deres iOS-enhed. De vil også være nødt til at have en aktiv internetforbindelse hele tiden, og bør gå til Indstillinger, Kalender, Konti, Hent nye Data og Vælg Push under iCloud, for at nye glukose værdier hentes automatisk fra iCloud og synkroniseres med uret. For instruktioner om, hvordan du deler kalenderen du oprettede i trin 1 med andre mennesker, skal du følge dette link.
Hei Spiken käyttäjä\!
Hei Spiken käyttäjä.
Liitteenä on Spike-tietokantasi.
Voit palauttaa sen avaamalla tämän viestin laitteessasi, pitämällä tietokantatiedostoa painettuna ja valitsemalla Copy to Spike (Kopioi Spikeen).
Hauskaa päivänjatkoa\!
Spike App
database_email_success_message=Tietokannan lähettäminen onnistui\! Tarkista sähköpostisi. Jos et löydä viestiä, tarkista myös roskapostikansio. database_email_error_message=Virhe lähetettäessä tietokantaa. TIlan koodi\: -terminate_spike_button_label=Terminate Spike +terminate_spike_button_label=Lopeta Spike diff --git a/src/locale/fi_FI/profilesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/fi_FI/profilesettingsscreen.properties index 80cd595566..9d433283b4 100644 --- a/src/locale/fi_FI/profilesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/fi_FI/profilesettingsscreen.properties @@ -22,3 +22,20 @@ all_carb_types_list=Nopea,Normaali,Hidas default_carb_type_label=Oletusarvoinen HH-tyyppi absorption_rate_label=HH imeytymisnopeus grammoina carb_absorption_time_description_label=Aika, joka kuluu ennen kuin hiilihydraatit siirtyvät verenkiertoon. Arvo vaikuttaa COB-algoritmiin. Oletusarvoista HH-tyyppiä käytetään, kun hoitoa lisättäessä ei valita hiilihydraattien tyyppiä tai kun Spike tuo hoitoja Nightscoutista. +insulin_carb_ratio_guide_label=I\:C-opas +insulin_sensitivity_factor_guide_label=ISF-opas +isf_ic_trend_bgtarget_description_label=ISF (insuliinin herkkyyskerroin)\: Luku, jolla yksi insuliiniyksikkö laskee verensokeriasi. Jos insuliinin herkkyyskerroin on esimerkiksi 50, yksi yksikkö laskee verensokeria 50 mg/dL. Spike tukee myös mmol/l-muotoisia herkkyyskertoimia. Jos Spiken yksikkönä on mmol/l, insuliinin herkkyyskerroin 2,5 tarkoittaa, että yksi yksikkö laskee verensokeria 2,5 mmol/l.\n\nI\:C (insuliinin ja hiilihydraattien suhde)\: Yhden insuliiniyksikön kattamien hiilihydraattien määrä grammoina. Jos insuliinin ja hiilihydraattien suhde on esimerkiksi 15, tarvitset yhden yksikön insuliinia jokaista syömääsi 15 gramman hiilihydraattiannosta kohti.\n\nVoit määrittää ISF- ja I\:C-arvosi alla olevien oppaiden avulla.\n\nVS-tavoite\: verensokeritaso (mg/dl tai mmol/l), johon tähtäät ja jolla haluat verensokerisi pysyvän suurimman osan ajasta.\n\nTrendit\: Insuliini- tai hiilihydraattimäärä, jolla ylä- tai alanuoli saadaan tasaiseksi. Ylös suuntautuvat trendinuolet edellyttävät insuliinia ja alaspäin suuntautuvat hiilihydraatteja. +start_time_label=Aloitusaika +insulin_sensitivity_factor_short_label=ISF +insulin_to_carb_ratio_short_label=I\:C +target_glucose_label=VS-tavoite +add_configuration_label=Lisää konfiguraatio\! +glucose_trends_label=Trendit +glucose_trend=Trendi +add_profile_label=Lisää profiili +edit_profile_label=Muokkaa profiilia +units_of_insulin_label=Yksikköä insuliinia +grams_of_carbs_label=Grammaa hiilihydraatteja +cant_delete_profile_label=Profiilia ei voi poistaa\! Tarvitaan vähintään yksi profiili, joka alkaa +delete_profile_confirmation_label=Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän profiilin?\n\nPoistoa ei voi peruuttaa\! +conflicting_profile_label=Profiilin aloitusaika on jo käytössä. Valitse eri aika. diff --git a/src/locale/fi_FI/speechsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/fi_FI/speechsettingsscreen.properties index 1066f914ad..7ce69e071b 100644 --- a/src/locale/fi_FI/speechsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/fi_FI/speechsettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -ttslanguagelistdescription=kiina (Kiina),kiina (Hongkong),kiina (Taiwan),hollanti (Belgia),hollanti (Alankomaat),englanti (Australia),englanti (Irlanti),englanti (Etelä-Afrikka),englanti (Britannia),englanti (Yhdysvallat),ranska (Kanada),ranska (Ranska),saksa (Saksa),italia (Italia),puola (Puola),portugali (Brasilia),portugali (Portugali),venäjä (Venäjä),slovenia (Slovenia),espanja (Meksiko),espanja (Espanja) +ttslanguagelistdescription=kiina (Kiina),kiina (Hongkong),kiina (Taiwan),tanska (Tanska),hollanti (Belgia),hollanti (Alankomaat),englanti (Australia),englanti (Irlanti),englanti (Etelä-Afrikka),englanti (Britannia),englanti (Yhdysvallat),suomi (Suomi),ranska (Kanada),ranska (Ranska),saksa (Saksa),italia (Italia),norja (Norja),puola (Puola),portugali (Brasilia),portugali (Portugali),venäjä (Venäjä),slovenia (Slovenia),espanja (Meksiko),espanja (Espanja),ruotsi (Ruotsi) speech_settings_title=Puhe speak_bg_readings_title=Puhu VS-lukemat speak_bg_trend_title=Puhu VS-suunta diff --git a/src/locale/fi_FI/treatments.properties b/src/locale/fi_FI/treatments.properties index 404adfd9ad..c23366c08e 100644 --- a/src/locale/fi_FI/treatments.properties +++ b/src/locale/fi_FI/treatments.properties @@ -57,3 +57,52 @@ carbs_unknown_label=Tuntematon minutes_small_label=min iob_label=IOB cob_label=COB +bolus_wizard_settings_label=Boluslaskuri +calculations_label=Laskelmat +insulin_precision_label=Insuliinin tarkkuus +carbs_precision_label=HH\:ien tarkkuus +load_foods_button_label=Lataa ruoat +food_manager_label=Ruokien hallinta +bolus_wizard_allowed_margin=VS-tavoitteen ylä-/alamarginaali +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_iob=Lisää IOB automaattisesti +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_cob=Lisää COB automaattisesti +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_trend=Lisää trendi automaattisesti +final_calculations_label=Lopulliset laskelmat +blood_glucose_label=Verensokeri +foods_label=Ruoat +carbs_offset_in_minutes_label=HH-poikkeama (vähintään) +insulin_type_label=Insuliinin tyyppi +exercise_adjustment=Liikuntaa koskeva säätö +time_label=Aika +before_exercise_label=Ennen liikuntaa +after_exercise_label=Liikunnan jälkeen +exercise_intensity_label=Teho +exercise_intensity_low_label=Matala +exercise_intensity_moderate_label=Kohtalainen +exercise_intensity_high_label=Korkea +exercise_duration_label=Kesto +exercise_reduction_label=Vähennys (%) +sickness_adjustment_label=Sairautta koskeva säätö +sickness_increase_label=Lisäys (%) +extra_correction_label=Lisäkorjaus +extra_correction_amount_label=Määrä (g/yks.) +extended_bolus_reminder_label=Lisäbolusmuistutus +profile_not_configured_label=Profiilia ei ole määritetty\! +disclaimer_alert_title=Vastuuvapauslauseke +disclaimer_body_label=LUE KOKONAAN JA HUOLELLISESTI\!\nBoluslaskuri tarjoaa tietoja ja sisältöä, joka on koottu sisäisistä ja ulkoisista lähteistä huolella ja parhaan tietämyksemme mukaan. Haluamme kuitenkin korostaa, että boluslaskuria voi käyttää vain tietojen hankintaan ja tietoisuuden lisäämiseen eikä se voi korvata terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten mielipiteitä. Sitä saa käyttää vain tutkimuskäyttöön\! Spike ei missään olosuhteissa anna lääkehoitosuosituksia tai minkäänlaista lääkeneuvontaa. Jos sinulla on kysyttävää hoidoista ja itsellesi parhaiten sopivista asetuksista (ISF, I\:C jne.), ota yhteys terveydenhuollon ammattilaiseen. Mikään Spiken tai sen yhteistyökumppanien tai käyttäjien tarjoama sisältö ei täydennä tai korvaa terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten tietoja.\n\nLaskurin antamat bolusehdotukset ovat vain ehdotuksia. Vertaa aina ehdotettua määrää omiin tuntemuksiisi ja säädä suositeltua bolusannosta niiden mukaan. Konsultoi aina hoitavaa lääkäriäsi ennen diabeteslääkityksen muuttamista.\n\nTerveydenhuollon ammattilaisten on määritettävä laskurin asetukset. Älä määritä tai muuta asetuksia ilman terveydenhuollon ammattilaisen valvontaa ja hyväksyntää. Virheelliset asetukset saavat aina aikaan virheellisen bolusehdotuksen.\n\nInsuliinin ja hiilihydraattien suhde (I\:C) ja insuliinin herkkyyskerroin (ISF) on tärkeää valita oikein. Jos valittu I\:C ja/tai ISF on virheellinen, kaikki bolusannosehdotukset ovat virheellisiä.\n\nBoluslaskurin käyttö edellyttää ymmärrystä nopeavaikutteisen insuliinin käytöstä. Laskelman tai ehdotetun boluksen väärinkäyttö tai väärinymmärrys voi saada aikaan sopimattomia insuliinilaskelmia.\n\nLaskuri ei voi ottaa huomioon kaikkia tekijöitä, jotka voivat vaikuttaa insuliinin annostukseen. Tällaisia tekijöitä ovat esimerkiksi väärin annetut tiedot (kuten verensokeri), väärät asetukset ja kirjaamaton insuliini tai muut tiedot. Vertaa aina ehdotusta nykyiseen olotilaasi.\n\nLaskuri ei voi ottaa huomioon metabolismin epätyypillisiä muutoksia, jotka johtuvat esim. ääridieeteistä. Vertaa aina ehdotusta nykyiseen olotilaasi.\n\nVarmista, että syötät laskuriin oikeat tiedot. Virheelliset tiedot johtavat virheellisiin bolusehdotuksiin.\n\nÄlä muuta hoitoasi yhden laskelman perusteella, joka ei vastaa tuntemuksiasi, tai jos ehdotus on mielestäsi virheellinen.\n\nLaskuri on tarkoitettu vain nopeavaikutteisen insuliinin annosehdotusten laskemiseen. Älä käytä laskuria keski- tai pitkävaikutteisen insuliinin annosehdotusten laskemiseen.\n\nLaskuri ei voi ottaa huomioon perusinsuliiniin (basaaliin) liittyvää epävakautta. Älä käytä laskuria, jos perusinsuliinihoitosi ei ole tasapainossa tai hallinnassa.\n\nHyväksymällä edellä mainitut ehdot vahvistat, että olet lukenut ja hyväksynyt ne. Kaikki laskelmat on vahvistettava ennen käyttöä. Ehdotetut tulokset eivät korvaa kliinisiä arvioita. Spiken ja boluslaskurin tekijä tai mikään muu niiden valmisteluun tai julkaisuun osallistunut osapuoli ei ole vastuussa niiden käytöstä tai väärinkäytöstä.\n\nKehotamme olemaan käyttämättä boluslaskuria, jos sensori antaa epätarkkoja lukemia. Näin käy yleensä asentamista seuraavien 24-48 tunnin aikana tai sensorin käyttöiän lähestyessä loppuaan.\n\nBoluslaskuri on vain tutkimustyökalu eikä sitä missään olosuhteissa saa käyttää tosielämän tapahtumissa. +extended_bolus_reminder_notification_body=Tämä on muistutus lisäboluksesta. +missing_insulins_label=Jotta voit lisätä hoitoja, sinun on ensin määritettävä insuliinit. Paina Määritä insuliinit -painiketta. +projected_outcome_label=Ennustettu tulos +glucose_in_target_label=Verensokeri tavoitteessa. +glucose_in_target_or_close_label=Verensokeri tavoitteessa tai {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} päässä siitä. +glucose_outcome_without_extra_treatment=Tulos ilman lisähoitoa +glucose_outcome_with_calculated_treatment=Tulos lasketun hoidon kanssa +carbs_needed=Tarvittavat HH +extra_carbs_needed=Tarvittavat lisä-HH +insulin_equivalent=Insuliinivastine +target_not_reachable=Nykyisillä parametreilla ei saavuteta haluttua glukoositavoitetta {glucose_target_do_not_translate_this_word} tai päästä {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} päähän siitä. +insulin_needed=Tarvittava insuliini +calculator_in_manual_mode=Laskuri on manuaalitilassa. Kriittisiä tietoja, kuten glukoosi, trendit, IOB ja COB ei päivitetä automaattisesti ennen kuin määrität insuliinin ja hiilihydraatit ehdotettuihin arvoihin.\n(Insuliini\: {insulin_do_not_translate_this_word} yks., HH\: {carbs_do_not_translate_this_word} g). +suggestions_font_color_label=Fonttivärin ehdotukset +suggestions_at_the_top_label=Ehdotukset yläreunassa +no_suggestions_spaces_label=Poista ehdotusten välit diff --git a/src/locale/fi_FI/updateservice.properties b/src/locale/fi_FI/updateservice.properties index 7ff7b0a384..b23441f5ca 100644 --- a/src/locale/fi_FI/updateservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/fi_FI/updateservice.properties @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ update_dialog_ignore_update=Ohita update_dialog_download=Lataa update_dialog_remind_later=Muistuta myöhemmin update_dialog_changelog=Muutosloki -update_dialog_update_button_label=Update +update_dialog_update_button_label=Päivitä diff --git a/src/locale/fr_FR/alarmpresnoozer.properties b/src/locale/fr_FR/alarmpresnoozer.properties index 1a0343a392..3c448a1394 100644 --- a/src/locale/fr_FR/alarmpresnoozer.properties +++ b/src/locale/fr_FR/alarmpresnoozer.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -unsnooze_button_label=Arrêt Rappel +unsnooze_button_label=Annuler Rappel presnooze_button_label=Pré-Rappel snoozed_for=Rappel dans pre_snoozer_alarm_list=Tous,Hausse Rapide,Danger Haut,Haut,Baisse Rapide,Bas,Danger Bas,Mesure Manquante,Silencieux diff --git a/src/locale/fr_FR/alarmservice.properties b/src/locale/fr_FR/alarmservice.properties index f07fa22d7e..bc5ee14e04 100644 --- a/src/locale/fr_FR/alarmservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/fr_FR/alarmservice.properties @@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ snooze_text_fast_drop_alert=Alarme Baisse Rapide snooze_text_fast_rise_alert=Alarme Hausse Rapide fast_drop_alert_notification_alert_text=Baisse Rapide Glycémie fast_rise_alert_notification_alert_text=Hausse Rapide Glycémie +this_button_label=Celle-ci +all_button_label=Tous diff --git a/src/locale/fr_FR/chartsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/fr_FR/chartsettingsscreen.properties index 25eabaa7ce..fe4ed95529 100644 --- a/src/locale/fr_FR/chartsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/fr_FR/chartsettingsscreen.properties @@ -35,3 +35,11 @@ average_glucose_range_label=Glycémie Moyenne thresholds_range_label=Seuils a1c_ifcc_label=HBA1C en mmol/mol display_in_landscape_label=Afficher en Paysage +visualization_section_label=Visualisation +display_target_glucose_line=Afficher Ligne Cible +display_urgent_high_glucose_line=Afficher Ligne Danger Haut +display_high_glucose_line=Afficher Ligne Haut +display_low_glucose_line=Afficher Ligne Bas +display_urgent_low_glucose_line=Afficher Ligne Danger Bas +target_glucose_line_color=Ligne Glycémie Cible +glucose_line_thickness=Épaisseur Ligne Glycémie diff --git a/src/locale/fr_FR/foodmanager.properties b/src/locale/fr_FR/foodmanager.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d17a56a33 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/fr_FR/foodmanager.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +food_manager_title_label=Gestion des Aliments +subtract_fiber_amount_label=Soustraire Quantité de Fibres +whole_fiber_label=Tout +half_fiber_label=Moitié +user_interface_lable=Interface Utilisateur +favourites_label=Favoris +recipes_label=Recettes +default_database_label=Base de Données par Défaut +search_as_i_type_label=Recherche Prédictive +import_foods_as_note_label=Lister Aliments dans les Notes Traitements +no_internet_connection=Aucune connexion internet\! +server_response_label=Réponse Serveur +error_label=Erreur +error_connecting_to_food_service_label=Erreur de connexion au service\! \nVeuillez réessayer ultérieurement. +new_food_label=Nouvel Aliment +name_label=Nom +brand_label=Marque +serving_unit_label=Unité Portion +serving_size_label=Taille Portion +link_label=Lien +carbs_label=Glucides +fiber_label=Fibres +proteins_label=Protéines +fats_label=Lipides +calories_label=Calories +search_food_label=Rechercher Aliment +go_button_label=Aller +scan_button_label=Scanner +save_as_recipe_label=Enregistrer en tant que Recette +nutrition_facts_label=Information Nutritionnelle +subtract_whole_fiber=Soustraire toutes les Fibres +subtract_half_fiber=Soustraire la moitié des Fibres +link_button_label=Lien +amount_label=Quantité +finish_button_label=TERMINER +cart_totals_label=Total Panier +search_recipe_label=Rechercher Recette +no_search_results_label=Aucun Résultat\! +add_recipe_label=Ajouter Recette +edit_food_label=Modifier Aliment diff --git a/src/locale/fr_FR/globaltranslations.properties b/src/locale/fr_FR/globaltranslations.properties index 0c164d6fa6..1db5df5d1a 100644 --- a/src/locale/fr_FR/globaltranslations.properties +++ b/src/locale/fr_FR/globaltranslations.properties @@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ camera_access_denied=L'accès à l'appareil photo a été précédemment désact camera_access_restricted=Impossible d'activer l'accès à l'appareil photo. Les contrôles parentaux semblent être activés. camera_access_unknow_error=Une erreur inconnue est survenue lors de l'autorisation de l'accès à l'appareil photo. no_internet_connection_message=Votre appareil n’est pas connecté à Internet. Vous avez besoin d’une connexion Internet active pour envoyer des e-mails. +instructions_button_label=Instructions +configure_button_label=Configurer diff --git a/src/locale/fr_FR/profilesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/fr_FR/profilesettingsscreen.properties index c328f1bb82..07d4f44d27 100644 --- a/src/locale/fr_FR/profilesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/fr_FR/profilesettingsscreen.properties @@ -22,3 +22,20 @@ all_carb_types_list=Rapides,Moyens,Lents default_carb_type_label=Type de Glucides par défaut absorption_rate_label=Taux d'absorption des glucides en Grammes carb_absorption_time_description_label=Le temps nécessaire à l'absorption des glucides dans le système sanguin. Cette valeur va influencer l'algorithme de calcul des COB. Le type de glucides par défaut est celui utilisé lorsqu'aucun type de glucides n'est sélectionné lors de l'ajout d'un traitement ou lorsque Spike importe des traitements depuis Nightscout. +insulin_carb_ratio_guide_label=Guide I\:C +insulin_sensitivity_factor_guide_label=Guide ISF +isf_ic_trend_bgtarget_description_label=ISF (Insulin Sensitivity Factor) signifie facteur de sensibilité à l'insuline\: Ce paramètre indique de combien une unité d'insuline abaisse votre glycémie. Par exemple, si votre facteur de sensibilité à l'insuline est de 50, cela signifie qu'une unité d'insuline abaisse votre glycémie de 50mg/dL. Spike permet également d'utiliser le facteur de sensibilité à l'insuline en mmol/L. Lorsque Spike est réglé en mmol/L, un facteur de sensibilité de 2.5 signifie qu'une unité d'insuline abaisse votre glycémie de 2.5 mmol/L.\n\nI\:C (Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio) signifie rapport Insuline/Glucides\: Ce paramètre indique le nombre de grammes de glucides couvert par une unité d'insuline. Par exemple, si votre rapport Insuline/Glucides est de 15, cela signifie que vous devez injecter une unité d'insuline pour chaque portion de 15 grammes de glucides consommée.\n\nPour déterminer votre ISF et votre I\:C, veuillez consulter les guides ci-dessous.\n\nGlycémie Cible \: indique le niveau de glycémie (mg/dL ou mmol/L) que vous souhaitez atteindre, c'est à dire le niveau auquel vous souhaitez vous trouver la plupart du temps.\n\nTendances \: la quantité d'insuline ou de glucides nécessaire pour corriger une tendance à la hausse ou à la baisse vers une tendance stable. Une tendance à la hausse nécessite de l'insuline et une tendance à la baisse nécessite l'absorption de glucides. +start_time_label=Heure de Début +insulin_sensitivity_factor_short_label=ISF +insulin_to_carb_ratio_short_label=I\:C +target_glucose_label=Glycémie Cible +add_configuration_label=Veuillez ajouter une configuration\! +glucose_trends_label=Tendances +glucose_trend=Tendance +add_profile_label=Ajouter Profil +edit_profile_label=Modifier Profil +units_of_insulin_label=Unités d'Insuline +grams_of_carbs_label=Grammes de Glucides +cant_delete_profile_label=Impossible de supprimer le profil\! Il doit y avoir au minimum un profil qui débute à +delete_profile_confirmation_label=Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce profil? \n\nCette action ne peut pas être annulée\! +conflicting_profile_label=L'heure de début de ce profil est déjà utilisée. Veuillez sélectionner une autre heure. diff --git a/src/locale/fr_FR/sensorscreen.properties b/src/locale/fr_FR/sensorscreen.properties index bb08c10f38..1f2b824fa9 100644 --- a/src/locale/fr_FR/sensorscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/fr_FR/sensorscreen.properties @@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ warmup_countdown=Compte à Rebours Initialisation sensor_expired=Expiré advanced_section_label=Avancé skip_sensor_warmups_label=Sauter Initialisations -skip_sensor_warmups_warning_message=Sauter la période d'initialisation peut entraîner des mesures imprécises les deux premières heures et nécessitera probablement des étalonnages supplémentaires le premier jour.\n\nCe paramètre s’appliquera à tous les futurs capteurs. +skip_sensor_warmups_warning_message=Sauter la période d'initialisation peut entraîner des mesures imprécises les deux premières heures et nécessitera probablement des étalonnages additionnels le premier jour.\n\nCe paramètre s’appliquera à tous les futurs capteurs. diff --git a/src/locale/fr_FR/speechsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/fr_FR/speechsettingsscreen.properties index 9df58f2ae1..a913a18679 100644 --- a/src/locale/fr_FR/speechsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/fr_FR/speechsettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinois(Chine),Chinois(Hong-Kong),Chinois (Taïwan),Néerlandais (Belgique),Néerlandais (Pays-Bas),Anglais (Australie),Anglais (Irlande),Anglais (Afrique du Sud),Anglais (UK),Anglais (US),Français (Canada),Français (France),Allemand (Allemagne),Italien (Italie),Polonais (Pologne),Portugais (Brésil),Portugais (Portugal),Russe (Russie),Slovène (Slovénie),Espagnol (Mexique),Espagnol (Espagne) +ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinois (Chine),Chinois (Hong-Kong),Chinois (Taïwan),Danois (Danemark),Néerlandais (Belgique),Néerlandais (Pays-Bas),Anglais (Australie),Anglais (Irlande),Anglais (Afrique du Sud),Anglais (UK),Anglais (US),Finnois (Finlande),Français (Canada),Français (France),Allemand (Allemagne),Italien (Italie),Norvégien (Norvège),Polonais (Pologne),Portugais (Brésil),Portugais (Portugal),Russe (Russie),Slovène (Slovénie),Espagnol (Mexique),Espagnol (Espagne),Suédois (Suède) speech_settings_title=Voix speak_bg_readings_title=Lire Mesures Glycémies speak_bg_trend_title=Lire Tendance Glycémies diff --git a/src/locale/fr_FR/treatments.properties b/src/locale/fr_FR/treatments.properties index 5dacc7200a..6f647158d1 100644 --- a/src/locale/fr_FR/treatments.properties +++ b/src/locale/fr_FR/treatments.properties @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ treatment_name_bolus=Bolus treatment_name_carbs=Glucides treatment_name_bg_check=Contrôle Glycémie treatment_name_meal=Repas -treatment_name_note=Remarque +treatment_name_note=Note treatment_name_sensor_start=Démarrage Capteur treatment_name_calibration=Étalonnage treatment_time_label=Heure @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ treatment_insulin_label=Insuline treatment_insulin_amount_label=Quantité (U) treatment_carbs_amount_label=Quantité (g) treatment_value_label=Valeur -treatment_note_label=Remarque +treatment_note_label=Note out_of_range_treatment_time_message=L'heure sélectionnée est en dehors de l'intervalle de temps du graphique\! Veuillez sélectionner une autre heure. sensor_calibration_note=Étalonnage du Capteur workflow_email_body=Bonjour ami Spiker\!
Assurez-vous d'avoir installé l'application Workflow de votre appareil. Vous pouvez l'obtenir ici, elle est gratuite. Ajoutez le widget Workflow Today. Si vous avez une Apple Watch et souhaitez pouvoir ajouter des traitements directement depuis votre montre, installez Workflow directement depuis l'application Watch de votre appareil.
Pour configurer à la fois le widget et l'Apple Watch, cliquez sur les liens suivants un par un. Vous pouvez changer les couleurs ou les titres des workflows mais assurez-vous de ne pas modifier leur configuration. Chaque Workflow sur lequel vous cliquez sera ajouté automatiquement à votre widget et votre Apple Watch, vous avez juste besoin de cliquer une fois sur chaque workflow et sélectionner "GET WORKFLOW".
Pour ajouter plusieurs notes prédéfinies vous pouvez cliquer et importer le workflow "Note Spike" plusieurs fois et ensuite changer le texte, titre et icône de la note comme vous le souhaitez.
Téléchargez et installez une des applications Pebble suivantes. Vous devez le faire depuis l'application Pebble de votre appareil.
Configurez l'application pour qu'elle pointe vers l'URL Nightscout suivante\: http\://\:1979
N'oubliez pas d'activer le serveur interne HTTP dans Paramètres->Intégration. Pas besoin de définir un nom d'utilisateur/mot de passe pour pouvoir ajouter des traitement depuis le Today Widget et/ou Pebble/Apple Watch.
Bonne journée\!
App Spike
@@ -57,3 +57,52 @@ carbs_unknown_label=Inconnu minutes_small_label=min iob_label=IOB cob_label=COB +bolus_wizard_settings_label=Calculateur Bolus +calculations_label=Calculs +insulin_precision_label=Précision Insuline +carbs_precision_label=Précision Glucides +load_foods_button_label=Charger Aliments +food_manager_label=Gestion des Aliments +bolus_wizard_allowed_margin=Marge +/- Autorisée par rapport à Cible Glycémique +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_iob=Tenir Compte de IOB Automatiquement +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_cob=Tenir Compte de COB Automatiquement +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_trend=Tenir Compte de la Tendance Automatiquement +final_calculations_label=Calculs Finaux +blood_glucose_label=Glycémie +foods_label=Aliments +carbs_offset_in_minutes_label=Décalage Glucides (Min) +insulin_type_label=Type d'Insuline +exercise_adjustment=Ajustement pour Exercice +time_label=Heure +before_exercise_label=Avant Exercice +after_exercise_label=Après Exercice +exercise_intensity_label=Intensité +exercise_intensity_low_label=Basse +exercise_intensity_moderate_label=Modérée +exercise_intensity_high_label=Haute +exercise_duration_label=Durée +exercise_reduction_label=Réduction (%) +sickness_adjustment_label=Ajustement pour Maladie +sickness_increase_label=Augmentation (%) +extra_correction_label=Correction Additionnelle +extra_correction_amount_label=Quantité (g/U) +extended_bolus_reminder_label=Rappel Bolus Retard +profile_not_configured_label=Profil non configuré\! +disclaimer_alert_title=Avertissement +disclaimer_body_label=VEUILLEZ LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT ET INTEGRALEMENT\!\nLe calculateur de bolus fournit des informations et du contenu qui ont été assemblés avec notre plus grand soin et le meilleur de nos connaissances provenant de sources internes et externes. Nous souhaitons néanmoins souligner que le calculateur de bolus doit être uniquement utilisé dans un but informatif et pour améliorer la compréhension de votre diabète, mais ne peut remplacer une consultation avec un professionnel de santé. Le calculateur doit être utilisé dans un but de recherche uniquement\! En aucun cas, Spike ne fournit des recommandations thérapeutiques ou constitue un avis médical. Pour des questions portant sur votre traitement et les valeurs des paramètres les mieux adaptées à votre état (ISF, I\:C, etc.), nous vous conseillons de contacter un professionnel de santé. Aucun contenu - qu'il soit fourni par Spike directement, nos partenaires ou des utilisateurs - ne doit être utilisé pour compléter ou se substituer à l'avis d'un professionnel de santé.\n\nLa proposition de bolus par le calculateur est uniquement une suggestion. Veuillez toujours comparer la quantité suggérée avec ce que vous ressentez et ajuster le dosage recommandé en conséquence. Veuillez toujours consulter votre professionnel de santé avant de modifier votre traitement pour le diabète.\n\nLes paramètres du calculateur doivent être définis par un professionnel de santé. Veuillez ne pas fixer ou modifier les paramètres sans consulter un professionnel de santé. Des paramètres erronés entraînent toujours une proposition de bolus inadaptée.\n\nIl est important de sélectionner le bon rapport Insuline/Glucides (I\:C) ainsi que le bon facteur de sensibilité à l'insuline (ISF). Si l'I\:C ou l'ISF sélectionnés sont erronés, les suggestions de bolus seront inadaptées.\n\nL'utilisation du calculateur de bolus nécessite de comprendre le fonctionnement de l'insuline rapide. Une mauvaise utilisation ou compréhension du calcul ou du dosage peut entraîner un calcul d'insuline erroné.\n\nLe calculateur ne peut pas prendre en compte tous les facteurs mal renseignés pouvant affecter votre besoin en insuline. Il peut s'agir de données incorrectes (par exemple une mauvaise glycémie), de paramètres incorrects, d'insuline présente et non enregistrée dans Spike, ou d'autres données manquantes. Veuillez toujours comparer la proposition avec votre état actuel.\n\nLe calculateur ne peut pas prendre en compte les changements inhabituels de votre métabolisme résultant par exemple d'un régime extrême. Veuillez toujours comparer la suggestion avec votre état actuel.\n\nVeuillez vous assurez que les données renseignées dans le calculateur sont correctes. Des données incorrectes entraînent des suggestions de bolus erronées.\n\nVeuillez ne pas modifier votre traitement sur la base d'un seul résultat ne correspondant pas à votre état ressenti ou si vous pensez que la suggestion est inadaptée.\n\nLe calculateur est conçu pour suggérer des doses d'insuline rapides. Veuillez ne pas utiliser celui-ci pour des doses d'insulines intermédiaires ou longues (basales).\n\nLe calculateur ne peut pas prendre en compte les instabilités provoquées par votre traitement par insuline basale. Veuillez ne pas utiliser le calculateur si votre traitement par insuline basale n'est pas équilibré ou sous contrôle.\n\nEn acceptant les conditions indiquées ci-dessus, vous reconnaissez les avoir lues et acceptées. Tous les calculs doivent être confirmés avant utilisation. Les résultats suggérés ne remplacent pas un avis médical. Ni l'auteur, ni aucune autre partie impliquée dans la conception ou la publication de Spike ou du calculateur de bolus ne peut être tenu responsable dans le cas d'une bonne ou d'une mauvaise utilisation.\n\nNous recommandons fortement de ne pas utiliser le calculateur de bolus si votre capteur vous indique des valeurs incorrectes. Cela a tendance à se produire au cours des premières 24 à 48h après insertion ou lorsque le capteur approche de sa fin.\n\nLe calculateur de bolus est uniquement un outil de recherche et ne doit en aucun cas être utilisé en situation réelle. +extended_bolus_reminder_notification_body=Ceci est un rappel pour votre bolus retard. +missing_insulins_label=Pour pouvoir ajouter des traitements vous devez d'abord configurer vos insulines. Pour ce faire, veuillez appuyer sur le bouton Configurer Insulines. +projected_outcome_label=Résultat attendu +glucose_in_target_label=Glycémie dans la cible. +glucose_in_target_or_close_label=Glycémie dans la cible ou à moins de {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} de la cible. +glucose_outcome_without_extra_treatment=Résultat sans traitement additionnel +glucose_outcome_with_calculated_treatment=Résultat avec le traitement calculé +carbs_needed=Glucides requis +extra_carbs_needed=Glucides additionnels requis +insulin_equivalent=Équivalent Insuline +target_not_reachable=Les paramètres actuels ne permettent pas d''atteindre un niveau de glycémie cible de {glucose_target_do_not_translate_this_word} ou un niveau proche à moins de {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} de la cible. +insulin_needed=Insuline requise +calculator_in_manual_mode=Le calculateur est en mode manuel. Les données critiques comme la glycémie, la tendance, l''IOB et le COB ne seront pas automatiquement mises à jour avant que les montants suggérés d''insuline et de glucide ne soient définis.\n(Insuline\: {insulin_do_not_translate_this_word}U, Glucides\: {carbs_do_not_translate_this_word}g). +suggestions_font_color_label=Couleur Police Suggestions +suggestions_at_the_top_label=Suggestions en Haut de Page +no_suggestions_spaces_label=Supprimer Espace entre les Suggestions diff --git a/src/locale/hu_HU/alarmservice.properties b/src/locale/hu_HU/alarmservice.properties index f9f98dcde1..347339d539 100644 --- a/src/locale/hu_HU/alarmservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/hu_HU/alarmservice.properties @@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ snooze_text_fast_drop_alert=Gyors Glükózszint Csökkenés snooze_text_fast_rise_alert=Gyors Glükózszint Emelkedés Riasztás fast_drop_alert_notification_alert_text=Gyors Glükózszint Csökkenés fast_rise_alert_notification_alert_text=Gyors Glükózszint Emelkedés +this_button_label=This +all_button_label=All diff --git a/src/locale/hu_HU/chartsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/hu_HU/chartsettingsscreen.properties index 17a21259b3..9632a0190f 100644 --- a/src/locale/hu_HU/chartsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/hu_HU/chartsettingsscreen.properties @@ -35,3 +35,11 @@ average_glucose_range_label=Average Glucose thresholds_range_label=Thresholds a1c_ifcc_label=A1C in mmol/mol display_in_landscape_label=Display in Landscape +visualization_section_label=Visualization +display_target_glucose_line=Display Target Line +display_urgent_high_glucose_line=Display Urgent High Line +display_high_glucose_line=Display High Line +display_low_glucose_line=Display Low Line +display_urgent_low_glucose_line=Display Urgent Low Line +target_glucose_line_color=Target Glucose Line +glucose_line_thickness=Glucose Line Thickness diff --git a/src/locale/hu_HU/foodmanager.properties b/src/locale/hu_HU/foodmanager.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34e4cb32a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/hu_HU/foodmanager.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +food_manager_title_label=Food Manager +subtract_fiber_amount_label=Subtract Fiber Amount +whole_fiber_label=Whole +half_fiber_label=Half +user_interface_lable=User Interface +favourites_label=Favorites +recipes_label=Recipes +default_database_label=Default Database +search_as_i_type_label=Search As I Type +import_foods_as_note_label=List Foods In Treatment's Notes +no_internet_connection=There's no internet connection\! +server_response_label=Server Response +error_label=Error +error_connecting_to_food_service_label=Error connecting to service\!\nTry again later. +new_food_label=New Food +name_label=Name +brand_label=Brand +serving_unit_label=Serving Unit +serving_size_label=Serving Size +link_label=Link +carbs_label=Carbs +fiber_label=Fiber +proteins_label=Proteins +fats_label=Fats +calories_label=Calories +search_food_label=Search Food +go_button_label=Go +scan_button_label=Scan +save_as_recipe_label=Save As Recipe +nutrition_facts_label=Nutrition Facts +subtract_whole_fiber=Subtract Whole Fiber +subtract_half_fiber=Subtract Half Fiber +link_button_label=Link +amount_label=Amount +finish_button_label=FINISH +cart_totals_label=Cart Totals +search_recipe_label=Search Recipe +no_search_results_label=No Results\! +add_recipe_label=Add Recipe +edit_food_label=Edit Food diff --git a/src/locale/hu_HU/globaltranslations.properties b/src/locale/hu_HU/globaltranslations.properties index ea9c3178f6..0b394ab7dc 100644 --- a/src/locale/hu_HU/globaltranslations.properties +++ b/src/locale/hu_HU/globaltranslations.properties @@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ camera_access_denied=You previously denied Spike access to your camera. You need camera_access_restricted=Can't activate access to the camera. Parental controls seem to be enabled. camera_access_unknow_error=An unknown error has occurred while trying to enable access to the camera. no_internet_connection_message=Your device is not connected to the Internet. You need an active Internet connection to send e-mails. +instructions_button_label=Instructions +configure_button_label=Configure diff --git a/src/locale/hu_HU/profilesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/hu_HU/profilesettingsscreen.properties index 40e85e4a65..5aeaf000b7 100644 --- a/src/locale/hu_HU/profilesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/hu_HU/profilesettingsscreen.properties @@ -22,3 +22,20 @@ all_carb_types_list=Fast,Medium,Slow default_carb_type_label=Default Carb Type absorption_rate_label=Carb Absorption Rate In Grams carb_absorption_time_description_label=The time it takes for carbs to enter the bloodstream. This value will influence the COB algorithm. The dafault carb type is the one that will be used when no carb type is selected when entering a treatment or when Spike imports treatments from Nightscout. +insulin_carb_ratio_guide_label=I\:C Guide +insulin_sensitivity_factor_guide_label=ISF Guide +isf_ic_trend_bgtarget_description_label=ISF (Insulin Sensitivity Factor)\: How much one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose. For example, if your Insulin Sensitivity Factor is 50, one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose by 50 mg/dL. Spike also supports Insulin Sensitivity Factor in mmol/L. If Spike is set to mmol/L, an Insulin Sensitivity Factor of 2.5 means that one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose by 2.5 mmol/L.\n\nI\:C (Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio)\: Number of grams of carbohydrate covered by one unit of insulin. For example, if your Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio is 15, then you need to deliver one unit of insulin to cover every fifteen grams of carbohydrate you eat.\n\nTo determine your ISF and I\:C please read the guides below.\n\nTarget BG\: The blood glucose level (mg/dL or mmol/L) you're aiming at, the one you want to stay at most of the time.\n\nTrends\: The amount of insulin or carbs needed to make an upward or downward trend arrow flat. Upward trend arrows need insulin and downward trend arrows need carbohydrates. +start_time_label=Start Time +insulin_sensitivity_factor_short_label=ISF +insulin_to_carb_ratio_short_label=I\:C +target_glucose_label=Target BG +add_configuration_label=Please add configuration\! +glucose_trends_label=Trends +glucose_trend=Trend +add_profile_label=Add Profile +edit_profile_label=Edit Profile +units_of_insulin_label=Units Of Insulin +grams_of_carbs_label=Grams Of Carbs +cant_delete_profile_label=Can't delete profile\! There needs to be at least one profile that starts at +delete_profile_confirmation_label=Are you sure you want to delete this profile?\n\nThis can not be undone\! +conflicting_profile_label=Profile start time already in use. Please select a different time. diff --git a/src/locale/hu_HU/speechsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/hu_HU/speechsettingsscreen.properties index 20bf6e6173..f926d96b0e 100644 --- a/src/locale/hu_HU/speechsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/hu_HU/speechsettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinese (China),Chinese (Hong Kong),Chinese (Taiwan),Dutch (Belgium),Dutch (Netherlands),English (Australia),English (Ireland),English (South Africa),English (UK),English (US),French (Canada),French (France),German (Germany),Italian (Italy),Polish (Poland),Portuguese (Brazil),Portuguese (Portugal),Russian (Russia),Slovenian (Slovakia),Spanish (Mexico),Spanish (Spain) +ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinese (China),Chinese (Hong Kong),Chinese (Taiwan),Danish (Denmark),Dutch (Belgium),Dutch (Netherlands),English (Australia),English (Ireland),English (South Africa),English (UK),English (US),Finnish (Finland),French (Canada),French (France),German (Germany),Italian (Italy),Norwegian (Norway),Polish (Poland),Portuguese (Brazil),Portuguese (Portugal),Russian (Russia),Slovenian (Slovakia),Spanish (Mexico),Spanish (Spain),Swedish (Sweden) speech_settings_title=Speech speak_bg_readings_title=Speak BG Readings speak_bg_trend_title=Speak BG Trend diff --git a/src/locale/hu_HU/treatments.properties b/src/locale/hu_HU/treatments.properties index 04b5f51fcc..0870bfcc77 100644 --- a/src/locale/hu_HU/treatments.properties +++ b/src/locale/hu_HU/treatments.properties @@ -57,3 +57,52 @@ carbs_unknown_label=Unknown minutes_small_label=min iob_label=IOB cob_label=COB +bolus_wizard_settings_label=Bolus Calculator +calculations_label=Calculations +insulin_precision_label=Insulin Precision +carbs_precision_label=Carbs Precision +load_foods_button_label=Load Foods +food_manager_label=Food Manager +bolus_wizard_allowed_margin=Allowed Upper/Lower BG Target Margin +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_iob=Auto Account For IOB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_cob=Auto Account For COB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_trend=Auto Account For Trend +final_calculations_label=Final Calculations +blood_glucose_label=Blood Glucose +foods_label=Foods +carbs_offset_in_minutes_label=Carbs Offset (Min) +insulin_type_label=Insulin Type +exercise_adjustment=Exercise Adjustment +time_label=Time +before_exercise_label=Before Exercise +after_exercise_label=After Exercise +exercise_intensity_label=Intensity +exercise_intensity_low_label=Low +exercise_intensity_moderate_label=Moderate +exercise_intensity_high_label=High +exercise_duration_label=Duration +exercise_reduction_label=Reduction (%) +sickness_adjustment_label=Sickness Adjustment +sickness_increase_label=Increase (%) +extra_correction_label=Extra Correction +extra_correction_amount_label=Amount (g/U) +extended_bolus_reminder_label=Extended Bolus Reminder +profile_not_configured_label=Profile not configured\! +disclaimer_alert_title=Disclaimer +disclaimer_body_label=PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND FULLY\!\nThe bolus calculator provides information and content that has been assembled with the greatest of care and to the very best of our knowledge from internal and external sources. We nevertheless wish to emphasize that the bolus calculator is only to be used to provide you with information and to build awareness but it cannot replace consultation with a healthcare professional. It should be used for research purposes only\! Under no circumstances does Spike issue medical therapy recommendations or medical advice of any kind. For questions on the therapy and the settings that best apply to you (ISF, I\:C, etc.), we recommend contacting a healthcare professional. No content - no matter whether provided by Spike itself, our cooperation partners, or users - can be understood as supplementing or replacing information from a healthcare professional.\n\nBolus proposal provided by the calculator is solely a proposal. Always compare the proposed amount with the way you are actually feeling, and adjust the recommended bolus dosage accordingly. Always consult your healthcare professional before changing your diabetes therapy.\n\nThe calculator settings must be defined by a healthcare professional. Do not make or change the settings without the supervision of and consultancy from a healthcare professional. Wrong settings always lead to a wrong bolus proposal.\n\nIt is important to make the correct selection for your Insulin-to-Carbohydrate ratio (I\:C) and Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF). If the selected I\:C and/or ISF are wrong, all bolus dosage proposals will be wrong.\n\nUse of the bolus calculator requires an understanding of the use of rapid-acting insulin. Misuse or misunderstanding of the calculation, or the suggested bolus may lead to inappropriate insulin calculation.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for all the factors that may affect your required insulin dosage. The factors include incorrectly entered data (e.g. wrong BG), incorrect settings, and un-logged insulin or other data. Always compare the proposal with you current condition.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for unusual changes in your metabolism resulting from, e.g. extreme dieting. Always compare the proposal with you current condition.\n\nMake sure that the data you provide for the calculator is correct. Wrong data leads to wrong bolus proposals.\n\nDo not change your treatment based on a single calculation result that does not match how you feel, or if you believe that the proposal is incorrect.\n\nThe calculator is meant for the calculation of insulin dosage proposals for rapid-acting insulin only. Do not use the calculator to calculate proposals for intermediate-acting insulin or for long-lasting (basal) insulin.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for instabilities related to your basal insulin treatment. Do not use the calculator, if your basal insulin treatment is not in balance or otherwise under control.\n\nBy agreeing to the terms above indicates that you have read them and have agreed. All calculations must be confirmed before use. The suggested results are not a substitute for clinical judgment. Neither the author nor any other party involved in the preparation or publication of Spike and the bolus calculator shall be liable for use or misuse.\n\nWe strongly advise against using the bolus calculator if your sensor is giving inaccurate readings. This tends to happen during the first 24-48h after insertion or when the sensor is approaching end-of-life.\n\nThe bolus calculator is a research tool only and in no circumstances should be used in a real world scenario. +extended_bolus_reminder_notification_body=This is a reminder for your extended bolus. +missing_insulins_label=In order to add treatments you first need to configure your insulins. To do so, please press the Configure Insulins button. +projected_outcome_label=Projected outcome +glucose_in_target_label=Blood glucose in target. +glucose_in_target_or_close_label=Blood glucose in target or within {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} difference. +glucose_outcome_without_extra_treatment=Outcome without extra treatment +glucose_outcome_with_calculated_treatment=Outcome with calculated treatment +carbs_needed=Carbs needed +extra_carbs_needed=Extra carbs needed +insulin_equivalent=Insulin equivalent +target_not_reachable=Current parameters will not allow reaching the desired glucose target of {glucose_target_do_not_translate_this_word} or within {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} difference. +insulin_needed=Insulin needed +calculator_in_manual_mode=Calculator is in manual mode. Critical data like glucose, trend, IOB and COB will not be automatically updated until you set insulin and carbs to their suggested values.\n(Insulin\: {insulin_do_not_translate_this_word}U, Carbs\: {carbs_do_not_translate_this_word}g). +suggestions_font_color_label=Suggestions Font Color +suggestions_at_the_top_label=Suggestions At The Top +no_suggestions_spaces_label=Remove Space Between Suggestions diff --git a/src/locale/it_IT/alarmservice.properties b/src/locale/it_IT/alarmservice.properties index b7b18ca07a..9e48a5159f 100644 --- a/src/locale/it_IT/alarmservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/it_IT/alarmservice.properties @@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ snooze_text_fast_drop_alert=Allarme calo rapido snooze_text_fast_rise_alert=Allarme aumento rapido fast_drop_alert_notification_alert_text=Glicemia in calo rapido fast_rise_alert_notification_alert_text=Glicemia in aumento rapido +this_button_label=Questo +all_button_label=Tutti diff --git a/src/locale/it_IT/chartsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/it_IT/chartsettingsscreen.properties index 3042a98ec0..7032fd29ca 100644 --- a/src/locale/it_IT/chartsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/it_IT/chartsettingsscreen.properties @@ -35,3 +35,11 @@ average_glucose_range_label=Glicemia media thresholds_range_label=Limiti a1c_ifcc_label=A1C in mmol/mol display_in_landscape_label=Visualizza in orizzontale +visualization_section_label=Visualizzazione +display_target_glucose_line=Visualizza la linea obbiettivo +display_urgent_high_glucose_line=Visualizza la linea di glicemia alta pericolosa +display_high_glucose_line=Visualizza la linea di glicemia alta +display_low_glucose_line=Visualizza la linea di glicemia bassa +display_urgent_low_glucose_line=Visualizza la linea di glicemia bassa pericolosa +target_glucose_line_color=Linea obbiettivo +glucose_line_thickness=Spessore linea della glicemia diff --git a/src/locale/it_IT/foodmanager.properties b/src/locale/it_IT/foodmanager.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3062af4c4d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/it_IT/foodmanager.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +food_manager_title_label=Gestione del cibo +subtract_fiber_amount_label=Sottrai la quantità di fibre +whole_fiber_label=Tutto +half_fiber_label=Metà +user_interface_lable=Interfaccia utente +favourites_label=Preferiti +recipes_label=Ricette +default_database_label=Database Predefinito +search_as_i_type_label=Ricerca durante la digitazione +import_foods_as_note_label=Elenco alimenti nelle note di trattamento +no_internet_connection=Non c'è nessuna connessione a internet\! +server_response_label=Risposta del server +error_label=Errore +error_connecting_to_food_service_label=Errore di connessione al servizio\!\nriprovare più tardi. +new_food_label=Nuovo alimento +name_label=Nome +brand_label=Brand +serving_unit_label=Unità di porzione +serving_size_label=Grandezza porzione +link_label=Link +carbs_label=Carboidrati +fiber_label=Fibre +proteins_label=Proteine +fats_label=Grassi +calories_label=Calorie +search_food_label=Cerca cibo +go_button_label=Vai +scan_button_label=Scansione +save_as_recipe_label=Salvare come ricetta +nutrition_facts_label=Valori nutrizionali +subtract_whole_fiber=Sottrai tutte le fibre +subtract_half_fiber=Sottrai metà delle fibre +link_button_label=Link +amount_label=Importo +finish_button_label=FINE +cart_totals_label=Totale carrello +search_recipe_label=Ricerca ricetta +no_search_results_label=Nessun risultato\! +add_recipe_label=Aggiungi ricetta +edit_food_label=Modifica Cibo diff --git a/src/locale/it_IT/globaltranslations.properties b/src/locale/it_IT/globaltranslations.properties index e709cadd50..398b6a728f 100644 --- a/src/locale/it_IT/globaltranslations.properties +++ b/src/locale/it_IT/globaltranslations.properties @@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ camera_access_denied=In precedenza hai negato l'accesso alla fotocamera. Devi an camera_access_restricted=Non è possibile attivare accesso alla telecamera. Il Parental control sembra essere attivo. camera_access_unknow_error=Si è verificato un errore sconosciuto durante il tentativo di abilitare l'accesso alla fotocamera. no_internet_connection_message=Il dispositivo non è connesso a Internet. Avrai bisogno di una connessione Internet attiva per inviare messaggi di posta elettronica. +instructions_button_label=Istruzioni +configure_button_label=Configura diff --git a/src/locale/it_IT/profilesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/it_IT/profilesettingsscreen.properties index b6241b5c88..67ba79af0a 100644 --- a/src/locale/it_IT/profilesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/it_IT/profilesettingsscreen.properties @@ -22,3 +22,20 @@ all_carb_types_list=Veloce,Medio,Lento default_carb_type_label=Tipo di carboidrati predefinito absorption_rate_label=Tasso di assorbimento di carboidrati in grammi carb_absorption_time_description_label=Il tempo necessario per far entrare i carboidrati nel flusso sanguigno. Questo valore influenza l'algoritmo COB. Il tipo di carboidrati predefinito è quello che verrà utilizzato quando si inserisce un trattamento senza selezionare nessun tipo di carboidrato oppure quando Spike importa trattamenti da Nightscout. +insulin_carb_ratio_guide_label=I\:C Guida +insulin_sensitivity_factor_guide_label=ISF Guida +isf_ic_trend_bgtarget_description_label=ISF (fattore di sensibilità dell'insulina)\: quanto un unità di insulina abbassa la glicemia. Ad esempio, se il fattore di sensibilità dell'insulina è 50, un unità di insulina abbassa la glicemia di 50 mg/dL. Spike supporta anche fattore di sensibilità dell'insulina in mmol/L. Se Spike è impostata su mmol/L, un fattore di sensibilità dell'insulina di 2,5, significa che un unita di insulina abbassa la glicemia di 2,5 mmol/L.\n\nI\: C (rapporto insulina-a-carboidrato)\: numero di grammi di carboidrato coperti da una unità di insulina. Ad esempio, se il tuo rapporto insulina-carboidrati è 15, è necessaria una sola unità di insulina ogni quindici grammi di carboidrati mangiati.\n\nper determinare il tuo ISF e I\: C si prega di leggere le guide qui sotto. BG target\n\nLivello target\: il valore (mg/dL o mmol/L) che inserisci è il target in cui vorresti stare per la maggior parte del tempo.\n\ntendenze\: Sono i carboidrati o l'insulina che avrai bisogno per rendere i tuoi valori stabili.\nUna freccia di trend al ribasso significherà che avrai bisogno di carboidrati, una freccia al rialzo invece indicherà la necessità d'insulina. +start_time_label=Ora d'inizio +insulin_sensitivity_factor_short_label=ISF +insulin_to_carb_ratio_short_label=I\:C +target_glucose_label=Valore target Glicemia +add_configuration_label=Si prega di aggiungere una configurazione\! +glucose_trends_label=Tendenze +glucose_trend=Tendenza +add_profile_label=Aggiungi profilo +edit_profile_label=Modifica profilo +units_of_insulin_label=Unità di insulina +grams_of_carbs_label=Grammi di carboidrati +cant_delete_profile_label=Non è possibile eliminare il profilo\! Ci deve essere almeno un profilo che inizia alle +delete_profile_confirmation_label=Sei sicuro di che voler cancellare questo profilo?\n\nquesto non può essere annullato\! +conflicting_profile_label=Tempo di inizio del profilo già in uso. Per favore scegli un orario diverso. diff --git a/src/locale/it_IT/treatments.properties b/src/locale/it_IT/treatments.properties index e1d51ac261..a0b2821d93 100644 --- a/src/locale/it_IT/treatments.properties +++ b/src/locale/it_IT/treatments.properties @@ -57,3 +57,52 @@ carbs_unknown_label=Sconosciuto minutes_small_label=min iob_label=IOB cob_label=COB +bolus_wizard_settings_label=Calcolatore di Bolo +calculations_label=Calcoli +insulin_precision_label=Precisione insulina +carbs_precision_label=Precisione carboidrati +load_foods_button_label=Carica alimenti +food_manager_label=Gestione del cibo +bolus_wizard_allowed_margin=Margine di glicemia alta/bassa consentito +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_iob=Auto Account per IOB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_cob=Auto Account Per COB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_trend=Auto Account Per il Trend +final_calculations_label=Calcoli finali +blood_glucose_label=Glicemia +foods_label=Cibo +carbs_offset_in_minutes_label=Offset dei carboidrati (min) +insulin_type_label=Tipo d’insulina +exercise_adjustment=Correzione allenamento +time_label=Tempo +before_exercise_label=Prima dell' esercizio +after_exercise_label=Dopo l’esercizio +exercise_intensity_label=Intensità +exercise_intensity_low_label=Basso +exercise_intensity_moderate_label=Moderato +exercise_intensity_high_label=Alto +exercise_duration_label=Durata +exercise_reduction_label=Riduzione (%) +sickness_adjustment_label=Correzione per malattia +sickness_increase_label=Aumento (%) +extra_correction_label=Correzione Extra +extra_correction_amount_label=Quantità (g/U) +extended_bolus_reminder_label=Bolo Esteso Rimanente +profile_not_configured_label=Profilo non configurato\! +disclaimer_alert_title=Avvertenze +disclaimer_body_label=SI PREGA DI LEGGERE ATTENTAMENTE E COMPLETAMENTE\!\nil calcolatore di bolo fornisce informazioni e contenuti che sono stato assemblato con la massima cura e al meglio della nostra conoscenza da fonti interne ed esterne. Vogliamo tuttavia sottolineare che il calcolatore di bolo è solo per essere utilizzato per fornire informazioni e a costruire la consapevolezza, ma non può sostituire la consultazione con un professionista sanitario. Esso dovrebbe essere utilizzato solo a fini di ricerca\! In nessun caso Spike emette raccomandazioni per la terapia medica o consulenza medica di qualsiasi tipo. Per domande sulla terapia e le impostazioni più adatte a te (ISF, sono\: C, ecc.), ti consigliamo di contattare un operatore sanitario. No contenuto - non importa se fornito da Spike stesso, nostro partner di cooperazione o utenti - possono essere intesa come integrazione o sostituzione delle informazioni da un operatore sanitario.\n\nproposta di bolo fornito dalla calcolatrice è solo una proposta. Sempre confrontare l'importo proposto con il modo si sente effettivamente e regola di conseguenza il dosaggio del bolo consigliato. Consultare sempre il vostro medico prima di modificare la terapia del diabete.\n\nle impostazioni calcolatrice devono essere definite da un operatore sanitario. Non effettuare o modificare le impostazioni senza la supervisione di e la consulenza di un professionista sanitario. Impostazioni sbagliate sempre portano a una proposta di bolo sbagliato.\n\nè importante fare la scelta corretta per il tuo rapporto insulina-carboidrati (io\: C) e fattore di sensibilità dell'insulina (ISF). Se il selezionati sono\: C e/o ISF sono sbagliate, tutte le proposte di dosaggio del bolo sarà sbagliate.\n\nuso della calcolatrice bolo richiede una comprensione dell'uso di insulina ad azione rapida. Uso improprio o incomprensione di calcolo o il bolo suggerito può portare a calcolo inadeguata dell'insulina.\n\nil calcolatore non può rappresentare tutti i fattori che possono influenzare il dosaggio di insulina necessaria. I fattori includono erroneamente inserito dati (ad esempio sbagliato BG), impostazioni errate e non-connesso insulina o altri dati. Sempre confrontare la proposta con condizione di corrente.\n\nil calcolatore non può rappresentare cambiamenti insoliti nel tuo metabolismo dovuti, dieta ad esempio estrema. Sempre confrontare la proposta con condizione di corrente.\n\naccertarsi che i dati da che lei forniti per il calcolo sono corretti. Dati errati conduce alle proposte di bolo sbagliato.\n\nnon modificare il trattamento basato su un risultato di calcolo singolo che non corrisponde a come ti senti, o se si ritiene che la proposta non è corretta.\n\nla calcolatrice è significata per il calcolo delle proposte di dosaggio di insulina per l'insulina ad azione rapida solo. Non utilizzare la calcolatrice per calcolare le proposte per l'insulina ad azione intermedia o per insulina (basale) di lunga durata.\n\nla calcolatrice non può rappresentare problemi di instabilità legati al vostro trattamento di insulina basale. Non usare la calcolatrice, se il trattamento con insulina basale non è in equilibrio o comunque sotto controllo.\n\naccettando i termini di cui sopra indica che li hanno letti e hanno accettato. Tutti i calcoli devono essere confermati prima dell'uso. I risultati suggeriti non sono un sostituto per il giudizio clinico. Né l'autore né qualsiasi altra parte coinvolta nella preparazione o pubblicazione di Spike e il calcolatore di bolo è punito per uso proprio o improprio.\n\nsconsigliamo vivamente usando il calcolatore di bolo se il sensore sta dando letture imprecise. Questo tende ad accadere durante le prime 24-48 ore dopo l'inserimento o quando il sensore si avvicina end-of-life.\n\nil calcolatore di bolo è che uno strumento di ricerca solo e in nessun caso deve essere utilizzato in uno scenario reale.\n(Questa traduzione è provvisoria). +extended_bolus_reminder_notification_body=Questo è un promemoria per il tuo bolo esteso. +missing_insulins_label=Per poter aggiungere trattamenti devi prima configurare le tue insuline. Per farlo, premi prego il pulsante Configura Insulina. +projected_outcome_label=Previsione risultato +glucose_in_target_label=Glicemia nel target. +glucose_in_target_or_close_label=Glicemia in target o all''interno di {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} differenza. +glucose_outcome_without_extra_treatment=Risultato senza trattamenti aggiuntivi +glucose_outcome_with_calculated_treatment=Risultato con calcolo dei trattamenti +carbs_needed=Carboidrati necessari +extra_carbs_needed=Carboidrati extra necessari +insulin_equivalent=Equivalente di insulina +target_not_reachable=I parametri correnti non consentiranno di raggiungere l''obbiettivo di glicemia desiderato pari a {glucose_target_do_not_translate_this_word} o all''interno del {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} differenza. +insulin_needed=Insulina necessaria +calculator_in_manual_mode=Il calcolatore é un modalità manuale. Dati critici come glicemia, tendenza, IOB e COB non verranno aggiornati automaticamente finché non imposti l''insulina ed i carboidrati ai valori suggeriti.\n(Insulin\: {insulin_do_not_translate_this_word}U, Carbs\: {carbs_do_not_translate_this_word}g). +suggestions_font_color_label=Colore dei caratteri dei suggerimenti +suggestions_at_the_top_label=Suggerimenti in cima +no_suggestions_spaces_label=Rimuovi spazio fra i suggerimenti diff --git a/src/locale/ja_JP/alarmservice.properties b/src/locale/ja_JP/alarmservice.properties index b3883df7c6..cf9a5b8781 100644 --- a/src/locale/ja_JP/alarmservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/ja_JP/alarmservice.properties @@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ snooze_text_fast_drop_alert=Fast Drop Alarm snooze_text_fast_rise_alert=Fast Rise Alarm fast_drop_alert_notification_alert_text=Fast Dropping Glucose fast_rise_alert_notification_alert_text=Fast Rising Glucose +this_button_label=This +all_button_label=All diff --git a/src/locale/ja_JP/chartsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/ja_JP/chartsettingsscreen.properties index c56bf6fa7b..2b962455da 100644 --- a/src/locale/ja_JP/chartsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/ja_JP/chartsettingsscreen.properties @@ -35,3 +35,11 @@ average_glucose_range_label=Average Glucose thresholds_range_label=Thresholds a1c_ifcc_label=A1C in mmol/mol display_in_landscape_label=Display in Landscape +visualization_section_label=Visualization +display_target_glucose_line=Display Target Line +display_urgent_high_glucose_line=Display Urgent High Line +display_high_glucose_line=Display High Line +display_low_glucose_line=Display Low Line +display_urgent_low_glucose_line=Display Urgent Low Line +target_glucose_line_color=Target Glucose Line +glucose_line_thickness=Glucose Line Thickness diff --git a/src/locale/ja_JP/foodmanager.properties b/src/locale/ja_JP/foodmanager.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34e4cb32a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/ja_JP/foodmanager.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +food_manager_title_label=Food Manager +subtract_fiber_amount_label=Subtract Fiber Amount +whole_fiber_label=Whole +half_fiber_label=Half +user_interface_lable=User Interface +favourites_label=Favorites +recipes_label=Recipes +default_database_label=Default Database +search_as_i_type_label=Search As I Type +import_foods_as_note_label=List Foods In Treatment's Notes +no_internet_connection=There's no internet connection\! +server_response_label=Server Response +error_label=Error +error_connecting_to_food_service_label=Error connecting to service\!\nTry again later. +new_food_label=New Food +name_label=Name +brand_label=Brand +serving_unit_label=Serving Unit +serving_size_label=Serving Size +link_label=Link +carbs_label=Carbs +fiber_label=Fiber +proteins_label=Proteins +fats_label=Fats +calories_label=Calories +search_food_label=Search Food +go_button_label=Go +scan_button_label=Scan +save_as_recipe_label=Save As Recipe +nutrition_facts_label=Nutrition Facts +subtract_whole_fiber=Subtract Whole Fiber +subtract_half_fiber=Subtract Half Fiber +link_button_label=Link +amount_label=Amount +finish_button_label=FINISH +cart_totals_label=Cart Totals +search_recipe_label=Search Recipe +no_search_results_label=No Results\! +add_recipe_label=Add Recipe +edit_food_label=Edit Food diff --git a/src/locale/ja_JP/globaltranslations.properties b/src/locale/ja_JP/globaltranslations.properties index 996d238d95..1c703fcc9e 100644 --- a/src/locale/ja_JP/globaltranslations.properties +++ b/src/locale/ja_JP/globaltranslations.properties @@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ camera_access_denied=You previously denied Spike access to your camera. You need camera_access_restricted=Can't activate access to the camera. Parental controls seem to be enabled. camera_access_unknow_error=An unknown error has occurred while trying to enable access to the camera. no_internet_connection_message=Your device is not connected to the Internet. You need an active Internet connection to send e-mails. +instructions_button_label=Instructions +configure_button_label=Configure diff --git a/src/locale/ja_JP/profilesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/ja_JP/profilesettingsscreen.properties index 571a0ffa8b..cf2b1fc92e 100644 --- a/src/locale/ja_JP/profilesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/ja_JP/profilesettingsscreen.properties @@ -22,3 +22,20 @@ all_carb_types_list=Fast,Medium,Slow default_carb_type_label=Default Carb Type absorption_rate_label=Carb Absorption Rate In Grams carb_absorption_time_description_label=The time it takes for carbs to enter the bloodstream. This value will influence the COB algorithm. The dafault carb type is the one that will be used when no carb type is selected when entering a treatment or when Spike imports treatments from Nightscout. +insulin_carb_ratio_guide_label=I\:C Guide +insulin_sensitivity_factor_guide_label=ISF Guide +isf_ic_trend_bgtarget_description_label=ISF (Insulin Sensitivity Factor)\: How much one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose. For example, if your Insulin Sensitivity Factor is 50, one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose by 50 mg/dL. Spike also supports Insulin Sensitivity Factor in mmol/L. If Spike is set to mmol/L, an Insulin Sensitivity Factor of 2.5 means that one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose by 2.5 mmol/L.\n\nI\:C (Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio)\: Number of grams of carbohydrate covered by one unit of insulin. For example, if your Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio is 15, then you need to deliver one unit of insulin to cover every fifteen grams of carbohydrate you eat.\n\nTo determine your ISF and I\:C please read the guides below.\n\nTarget BG\: The blood glucose level (mg/dL or mmol/L) you're aiming at, the one you want to stay at most of the time.\n\nTrends\: The amount of insulin or carbs needed to make an upward or downward trend arrow flat. Upward trend arrows need insulin and downward trend arrows need carbohydrates. +start_time_label=Start Time +insulin_sensitivity_factor_short_label=ISF +insulin_to_carb_ratio_short_label=I\:C +target_glucose_label=Target BG +add_configuration_label=Please add configuration\! +glucose_trends_label=Trends +glucose_trend=Trend +add_profile_label=Add Profile +edit_profile_label=Edit Profile +units_of_insulin_label=Units Of Insulin +grams_of_carbs_label=Grams Of Carbs +cant_delete_profile_label=Can't delete profile\! There needs to be at least one profile that starts at +delete_profile_confirmation_label=Are you sure you want to delete this profile?\n\nThis can not be undone\! +conflicting_profile_label=Profile start time already in use. Please select a different time. diff --git a/src/locale/ja_JP/speechsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/ja_JP/speechsettingsscreen.properties index 214ae10306..f926d96b0e 100644 --- a/src/locale/ja_JP/speechsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/ja_JP/speechsettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -ttslanguagelistdescription=中国語 (中国),中国語 (香港),中国語 (台湾),オランダ語 (ベルギー),オランダ語 (オランダ),英語 (オーストラリア),英語 (アイルランド),英語 (南アフリカ),英語 (英国),英語 (米国),フランス語 (カナダ),フランス語 (フランス),ドイツ語 (ドイツ),イタリア語 (イタリア),ポーランド語 (ポーランド),ポルトガル語 (ブラジル),ポルトガル語 (ポルトガル),ロシア語 (ロシア),スロベニア語 (スロバキア),スペイン語 (メキシコ),スペイン語 (スペイン) +ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinese (China),Chinese (Hong Kong),Chinese (Taiwan),Danish (Denmark),Dutch (Belgium),Dutch (Netherlands),English (Australia),English (Ireland),English (South Africa),English (UK),English (US),Finnish (Finland),French (Canada),French (France),German (Germany),Italian (Italy),Norwegian (Norway),Polish (Poland),Portuguese (Brazil),Portuguese (Portugal),Russian (Russia),Slovenian (Slovakia),Spanish (Mexico),Spanish (Spain),Swedish (Sweden) speech_settings_title=Speech speak_bg_readings_title=Speak BG Readings speak_bg_trend_title=Speak BG Trend diff --git a/src/locale/ja_JP/treatments.properties b/src/locale/ja_JP/treatments.properties index 04b5f51fcc..0870bfcc77 100644 --- a/src/locale/ja_JP/treatments.properties +++ b/src/locale/ja_JP/treatments.properties @@ -57,3 +57,52 @@ carbs_unknown_label=Unknown minutes_small_label=min iob_label=IOB cob_label=COB +bolus_wizard_settings_label=Bolus Calculator +calculations_label=Calculations +insulin_precision_label=Insulin Precision +carbs_precision_label=Carbs Precision +load_foods_button_label=Load Foods +food_manager_label=Food Manager +bolus_wizard_allowed_margin=Allowed Upper/Lower BG Target Margin +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_iob=Auto Account For IOB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_cob=Auto Account For COB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_trend=Auto Account For Trend +final_calculations_label=Final Calculations +blood_glucose_label=Blood Glucose +foods_label=Foods +carbs_offset_in_minutes_label=Carbs Offset (Min) +insulin_type_label=Insulin Type +exercise_adjustment=Exercise Adjustment +time_label=Time +before_exercise_label=Before Exercise +after_exercise_label=After Exercise +exercise_intensity_label=Intensity +exercise_intensity_low_label=Low +exercise_intensity_moderate_label=Moderate +exercise_intensity_high_label=High +exercise_duration_label=Duration +exercise_reduction_label=Reduction (%) +sickness_adjustment_label=Sickness Adjustment +sickness_increase_label=Increase (%) +extra_correction_label=Extra Correction +extra_correction_amount_label=Amount (g/U) +extended_bolus_reminder_label=Extended Bolus Reminder +profile_not_configured_label=Profile not configured\! +disclaimer_alert_title=Disclaimer +disclaimer_body_label=PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND FULLY\!\nThe bolus calculator provides information and content that has been assembled with the greatest of care and to the very best of our knowledge from internal and external sources. We nevertheless wish to emphasize that the bolus calculator is only to be used to provide you with information and to build awareness but it cannot replace consultation with a healthcare professional. It should be used for research purposes only\! Under no circumstances does Spike issue medical therapy recommendations or medical advice of any kind. For questions on the therapy and the settings that best apply to you (ISF, I\:C, etc.), we recommend contacting a healthcare professional. No content - no matter whether provided by Spike itself, our cooperation partners, or users - can be understood as supplementing or replacing information from a healthcare professional.\n\nBolus proposal provided by the calculator is solely a proposal. Always compare the proposed amount with the way you are actually feeling, and adjust the recommended bolus dosage accordingly. Always consult your healthcare professional before changing your diabetes therapy.\n\nThe calculator settings must be defined by a healthcare professional. Do not make or change the settings without the supervision of and consultancy from a healthcare professional. Wrong settings always lead to a wrong bolus proposal.\n\nIt is important to make the correct selection for your Insulin-to-Carbohydrate ratio (I\:C) and Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF). If the selected I\:C and/or ISF are wrong, all bolus dosage proposals will be wrong.\n\nUse of the bolus calculator requires an understanding of the use of rapid-acting insulin. Misuse or misunderstanding of the calculation, or the suggested bolus may lead to inappropriate insulin calculation.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for all the factors that may affect your required insulin dosage. The factors include incorrectly entered data (e.g. wrong BG), incorrect settings, and un-logged insulin or other data. Always compare the proposal with you current condition.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for unusual changes in your metabolism resulting from, e.g. extreme dieting. Always compare the proposal with you current condition.\n\nMake sure that the data you provide for the calculator is correct. Wrong data leads to wrong bolus proposals.\n\nDo not change your treatment based on a single calculation result that does not match how you feel, or if you believe that the proposal is incorrect.\n\nThe calculator is meant for the calculation of insulin dosage proposals for rapid-acting insulin only. Do not use the calculator to calculate proposals for intermediate-acting insulin or for long-lasting (basal) insulin.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for instabilities related to your basal insulin treatment. Do not use the calculator, if your basal insulin treatment is not in balance or otherwise under control.\n\nBy agreeing to the terms above indicates that you have read them and have agreed. All calculations must be confirmed before use. The suggested results are not a substitute for clinical judgment. Neither the author nor any other party involved in the preparation or publication of Spike and the bolus calculator shall be liable for use or misuse.\n\nWe strongly advise against using the bolus calculator if your sensor is giving inaccurate readings. This tends to happen during the first 24-48h after insertion or when the sensor is approaching end-of-life.\n\nThe bolus calculator is a research tool only and in no circumstances should be used in a real world scenario. +extended_bolus_reminder_notification_body=This is a reminder for your extended bolus. +missing_insulins_label=In order to add treatments you first need to configure your insulins. To do so, please press the Configure Insulins button. +projected_outcome_label=Projected outcome +glucose_in_target_label=Blood glucose in target. +glucose_in_target_or_close_label=Blood glucose in target or within {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} difference. +glucose_outcome_without_extra_treatment=Outcome without extra treatment +glucose_outcome_with_calculated_treatment=Outcome with calculated treatment +carbs_needed=Carbs needed +extra_carbs_needed=Extra carbs needed +insulin_equivalent=Insulin equivalent +target_not_reachable=Current parameters will not allow reaching the desired glucose target of {glucose_target_do_not_translate_this_word} or within {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} difference. +insulin_needed=Insulin needed +calculator_in_manual_mode=Calculator is in manual mode. Critical data like glucose, trend, IOB and COB will not be automatically updated until you set insulin and carbs to their suggested values.\n(Insulin\: {insulin_do_not_translate_this_word}U, Carbs\: {carbs_do_not_translate_this_word}g). +suggestions_font_color_label=Suggestions Font Color +suggestions_at_the_top_label=Suggestions At The Top +no_suggestions_spaces_label=Remove Space Between Suggestions diff --git a/src/locale/nl_NL/alarmservice.properties b/src/locale/nl_NL/alarmservice.properties index 284cdd7e47..8f6bc96f93 100644 --- a/src/locale/nl_NL/alarmservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/nl_NL/alarmservice.properties @@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ snooze_text_fast_drop_alert=Snel Dalend Alarm snooze_text_fast_rise_alert=Snel stijgend alarm fast_drop_alert_notification_alert_text=Snel dalende glucosewaarde fast_rise_alert_notification_alert_text=Snel stijgende glucosewaarde +this_button_label=Dit +all_button_label=Alle diff --git a/src/locale/nl_NL/chartsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/nl_NL/chartsettingsscreen.properties index 06592dd4e6..5e1d099ec0 100644 --- a/src/locale/nl_NL/chartsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/nl_NL/chartsettingsscreen.properties @@ -35,3 +35,11 @@ average_glucose_range_label=Gemiddelde glucose thresholds_range_label=Grenswaarden a1c_ifcc_label=A1C in mmol/mol display_in_landscape_label=Toon in Landschapsmodus +visualization_section_label=Visualisaties +display_target_glucose_line=Tonen van doellijn +display_urgent_high_glucose_line=Tonen van Dringend hoog lijn +display_high_glucose_line=Tonen van Hoog lijn +display_low_glucose_line=Tonen van Laag lijn +display_urgent_low_glucose_line=Tonen van Dringend Laag lijn +target_glucose_line_color=Doelglucose lijn +glucose_line_thickness=Glucose lijndikte diff --git a/src/locale/nl_NL/foodmanager.properties b/src/locale/nl_NL/foodmanager.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5e9756491c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/nl_NL/foodmanager.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +food_manager_title_label=Voedsel Manager +subtract_fiber_amount_label=Vezel hoeveelheid aftrekken +whole_fiber_label=Geheel +half_fiber_label=Half +user_interface_lable=Gebruikersinterface +favourites_label=Favorieten +recipes_label=Recepten +default_database_label=Standaarddatabase +search_as_i_type_label=Zoeken tijdens het typen +import_foods_as_note_label=Voedsel weergeven in behandel notities +no_internet_connection=Er is geen internet-verbinding\! +server_response_label=Server Response +error_label=Fout +error_connecting_to_food_service_label=Fout bij verbinding maken met service\!\nprobeer het later opnieuw. +new_food_label=Nieuw voedsel +name_label=Naam +brand_label=Merk +serving_unit_label=Portie eenheid +serving_size_label=Grootte van een portie +link_label=Link +carbs_label=Koolhydraten +fiber_label=Vezel +proteins_label=Eiwitten +fats_label=Vetten +calories_label=Calorieën +search_food_label=Zoek voedsel +go_button_label=Ga +scan_button_label=Scan +save_as_recipe_label=Opslaan als recept +nutrition_facts_label=Voedingswaarden +subtract_whole_fiber=Hele vezel aftrekken +subtract_half_fiber=Halve vezel aftrekken +link_button_label=Link +amount_label=Hoeveelheid +finish_button_label=KLAAR +cart_totals_label=Totaal +search_recipe_label=Zoek recept +no_search_results_label=Geen resultaten\! +add_recipe_label=Voeg recept toe +edit_food_label=Bewerk voedsel diff --git a/src/locale/nl_NL/globaltranslations.properties b/src/locale/nl_NL/globaltranslations.properties index 70575eeaa9..d0b2ac3fe3 100644 --- a/src/locale/nl_NL/globaltranslations.properties +++ b/src/locale/nl_NL/globaltranslations.properties @@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ camera_access_denied=Je hebt eerder Spike toegang tot de camera geweigerd. Ga nu camera_access_restricted=Toegang tot de camera kan niet geactiveerd worden want ouderlijk toezicht is geactiveerd camera_access_unknow_error=Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden tijdens activatie van toegang tot de camera. no_internet_connection_message=Je toestel heeft geen Internet verbinding. Je moet een Internet verbinding hebben om e-mails te versturen. +instructions_button_label=Instructies +configure_button_label=Configureren diff --git a/src/locale/nl_NL/profilesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/nl_NL/profilesettingsscreen.properties index ffc41b3dbf..f7eefbc423 100644 --- a/src/locale/nl_NL/profilesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/nl_NL/profilesettingsscreen.properties @@ -22,3 +22,20 @@ all_carb_types_list=Snel,Medium,Langzaam default_carb_type_label=Standaard Koolhydraten soort absorption_rate_label=Koolhydraten absorptiegraad in grammen carb_absorption_time_description_label=De tijd die nodig is voor koolhydraten om opgenomen te worden in de bloedbaan. Deze beïnvloedt de COB algoritme. De standaard koolhydraten soort is degene die gebruikt wordt als er geen koolhydraten soort wordt geselecteerd bij het invoeren van een behandeling of wanneer Spike behandelingen vanuit Nightscout importeert. +insulin_carb_ratio_guide_label=I\:C Gids +insulin_sensitivity_factor_guide_label=ISF Gids +isf_ic_trend_bgtarget_description_label=ISF (Insuline gevoeligheidsfactor)\: hoeveel één eenheid insuline je bloedglucose verlaagd. Bijvoorbeeld, als je insuline gevoeligheidsfactor 50 is, één eenheid insuline verlaagt je bloedglucose met 50 mg/dl. Spike ondersteunt ook ISF in mmol/L. Als Spike is ingesteld voor mmol/L, een insuline gevoeligheidsfactor van 2.5 betekent dat één eenheid insuline je bloedglucose verlaagt bij 2.5 mmol/L.\n\nI\:C (insuline-naar-koolhydraten ratio)\: aantal grammen koolhydraten dat gedekt wordt door één eenheid insuline. Bijvoorbeeld, als je insuline-naar-koolhydraten 15 is, dan heb je één eenheid insuline nodig voor iedere 15 gram koolhydraten die je eet.\n\nOm je ISF en I\:C te bepalen, lees de handleidingen hieronder.\n\nDoel BG\: het bloedglucose niveau (mg/dl of mmol/L) waar je je op richt, degene waar je het meeste van de tijd wilt zijn.\n\nTrends\: de hoeveelheid insuline of koolhydraten dat nodig is om stijgende of dalende trend te veranderen in een rechte pijl. Een stijgende trend heeft insuline nodig en een dalende trend heeft koolhydraten nodig. +start_time_label=Starttijd +insulin_sensitivity_factor_short_label=ISF +insulin_to_carb_ratio_short_label=I\:C +target_glucose_label=Doel BG +add_configuration_label=Voeg configuratie toe\! +glucose_trends_label=Trends +glucose_trend=Trend +add_profile_label=Profiel Toevoegen +edit_profile_label=Profiel Aanpassen +units_of_insulin_label=Eenheden insuline +grams_of_carbs_label=Gram koolhydraten +cant_delete_profile_label=Kan profiel niet verwijderen\! Er moet minimaal één profiel zijn dat begint om +delete_profile_confirmation_label=Weet je zeker dat je dit profiel wilt verwijderen?\n\nDit kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt\! +conflicting_profile_label=Profiel starttijd is al in gebruik. Selecteer een andere tijd. diff --git a/src/locale/nl_NL/speechsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/nl_NL/speechsettingsscreen.properties index 344e46f685..6168d59db9 100644 --- a/src/locale/nl_NL/speechsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/nl_NL/speechsettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinees (China),Chinees (Hong Kong),Chinees (Taiwan),Nederlands (België),Nederlands (Nederland),Engels (Australië),Engels (Ierland),Engels (Zuid-Afrika),Engels (UK),Engels (US),Frans (Canada),Frans (Frankrijk),Duits (Duitsland),Italiaans (Italië),Pools (Polen),Portugees (Brazilië),Portugees (Portugal),Russisch (Rusland),Sloveens (Slovenië),Spaans (Mexico),Spaans (Spanje) +ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinees (China),Chinees (Hong Kong),Chinees (Taiwan),Deens (Denemarken),Nederlands (België),Nederlands (Nederland),Engels (Australië),Engels (Ierland),Engels (Zuid Afrika),Engels (GB),Engels (VS),Fins (Finland),Frans (Canada),Frans (Frankrijk),Duits (Duitsland),Italiaans (Italië),Noors (Noorwegen),Pools (Polen),Portugees (Brazilië),Portugees (Portugal),Russisch (Rusland),Sloveens (Slovenië),Spaans (Mexico),Spaans (Spanje),Zweeds (Zweden) speech_settings_title=Spraak speak_bg_readings_title=Lees BG metingen voor speak_bg_trend_title=Lees BG trend voor diff --git a/src/locale/nl_NL/treatments.properties b/src/locale/nl_NL/treatments.properties index bfb2291dc1..56d99b22ba 100644 --- a/src/locale/nl_NL/treatments.properties +++ b/src/locale/nl_NL/treatments.properties @@ -57,3 +57,52 @@ carbs_unknown_label=Onbekend minutes_small_label=min iob_label=IOB cob_label=COB +bolus_wizard_settings_label=Bolus Calculator +calculations_label=Berekening +insulin_precision_label=Insuline precisie +carbs_precision_label=Koolhydraten precisie +load_foods_button_label=Laden van voedsel +food_manager_label=Voedsel Manager +bolus_wizard_allowed_margin=Toegestane hogere/lagere BG doel marge +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_iob=Auto berekening voor IOB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_cob=Auto berekening voor COB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_trend=Auto berekening voor trend +final_calculations_label=Finale berekening +blood_glucose_label=Bloedglucose +foods_label=Voedsel +carbs_offset_in_minutes_label=Koolhydraten compenseren (Min) +insulin_type_label=Insuline soort +exercise_adjustment=Aanpassing voor beweging +time_label=Tijd +before_exercise_label=Voor beweging +after_exercise_label=Na beweging +exercise_intensity_label=Intensiteit +exercise_intensity_low_label=Laag +exercise_intensity_moderate_label=Gemiddeld +exercise_intensity_high_label=Hoog +exercise_duration_label=Duur +exercise_reduction_label=Reductie (%) +sickness_adjustment_label=Aanpassing voor ziekte +sickness_increase_label=Verhogen (%) +extra_correction_label=Extra correctie +extra_correction_amount_label=Hoeveelheid (g/U) +extended_bolus_reminder_label=Verlengde bolus herinnering +profile_not_configured_label=Profiel niet geconfigureerd\! +disclaimer_alert_title=Disclaimer +disclaimer_body_label=LEES AANDACHTIG EN VOLLEDIG\!\nDe boluscalculator geeft informatie en inhoud dat tot stand is gekomen met de grootste zorg en het beste van onze interne en externe kennis. We willen toch benadrukken dat de boluscalculator alleen gebruikt kan worden om je informatie te geven en bewustzijn te creëren maar het kan niet het overleg met de zorgverlener vervangen. Het moet alleen gebruikt worden voor onderzoeksdoeleinden\! Spike geeft nooit medische behandeladviezen en andere medische adviezen. Voor vragen over de therapie en de instellingen die het beste bij jou passen (ISF, I\:C, etc.) adviseren we je contact op te nemen met een zorgverlener. Niks van de inhoud, of het nu verstrekt is door Spike of door een samenwerkingspartner of gebruikers, kan gebruikt worden als het aanvullen of vervangen van de informatie van een zorgverlener.\n\nBolus voorstel gegeven door de calculator is alleen een voorstel. Vergelijk de voorgestelde hoeveelheid altijd met hoe je precies voelt, en pas de voorgestelde bolus daar op aan. Consulteer altijd je zorgverlener voordat je je diabetes therapie aanpast.\n\nDe calculator instellingen moeten bepaald worden door een zorgverlener. Doe geen aanpassingen zonder de supervisie of overleg met een zorgverlener. Verkeerde instellingen zorgen altijd voor een verkeerd bonusvoorstel.\n\nHet is belangrijk om de juiste keuze te maken voor Insuline-naar-Koolhydraten ratio (I\:C) en insuline gevoeligheidsfactor (ISF). Als de geselecteerde I\:C en/of ISF verkeerd zijn, zullen alle bolusvoorstellen verkeerd zijn.\n\nHet gebruik van de boluscalculator vraagt een begrip van het gebruik of snelwerkende insuline. Misbruik of onbegrip van de berekening, of de voorgestelde bolus kan leiden tot een onjuiste insuline berekening.\n\nDe calculator houdt geen rekening met alle factoren dat de benodigde hoeveelheid insuline kunnen beïnvloeden. Die factoren omvatten het incorrect invullen van de data (verkeerde BG), verkeerde instellingen en niet ingevoerde insuline of andere data. Vergelijk het voorstel altijd met je huidige conditie. \n\nDe calculator kan geen rekening houden met ongebruikelijke veranderingen in je metabolism als gevolg van bijvoorbeeld extreem diëten. Vergelijk het voorstel altijd met je huidige conditie.\n\nControleer dat de data die je gebruikt voor de calculator correct is. Verkeerde data leidt tot verkeerde bolus voorstellen.\n\nVerander je behandeling niet op basis van één calculatie resultaat dat niet overeenkomst met hoe je je voelt, of waarvan je denkt dat het een incorrect voorstel is.\n\nDe calculator is bedoelt voor het berekenen van insulinevoorstellen voor snelwerkende insuline. Gebruik de calculator niet om voorstellen voor gemiddelde of langwerkende insuline te berekenen.\n\nDe calculator kan geen rekening houden met instabiliteiten die verband houden met je basale insuline hoeveelheid. Gebruik de calculator niet als je basaal insuline niet in balans is of op een andere manier niet onder controle is.\n\nAls je akkoord gaat met de voorwaarden zoals hierboven geeft dat aan dat je ze gelezen hebt en er mee akkoord gaat. Alle berekeningen moeten bevestigd worden voordat je ze gebruikt. De voorgestelde resultaten zijn geen vervanging voor het oordeel van je behandelaar. Zowel de auteur als welke andere partij dan ook die betrokken is bij het ontwikkelen of publiceren van Spike en de boluscalculator kunnen niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor gebruik of misbruik.\n\nWe adviseren zeer sterk om de boluscalculator niet te gebruiken als je sensor inaccurate metingen geeft. Dit lijkt vaak te gebeuren tijdens de eerste 24 tot 48 uur na het aanbrengen of wanneer de sensor zijn einde levensduur bijna heeft bereikt. \n\nDe boluscalculator is alleen een onderzoeksmiddel en kan onder geen omstandigheden gebruikt worden in een echte wereld scenario. +extended_bolus_reminder_notification_body=Dit is een herinnering voor je verlengde bolus. +missing_insulins_label=Om behandelingen toe te kunnen voegen moet je eerst je insuline configereren. Om dat te doen, druk op de Configureer Insuline knop. +projected_outcome_label=Voorspelde uitkomst +glucose_in_target_label=Bloedglucose in bereik. +glucose_in_target_or_close_label=Bloedglucose in bereik of binnen{margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} verschil. +glucose_outcome_without_extra_treatment=Resultaat zonder extra behandeling +glucose_outcome_with_calculated_treatment=Resultaat met voorgestelde behandeling +carbs_needed=Koolhydraten nodig +extra_carbs_needed=Extra koolhydraten nodig +insulin_equivalent=Insuline gelijkwaardig +target_not_reachable=De huidige parameters zullen niet de gewenste bloedglucose doel van {glucose_target_do_not_translate_this_word} of binnen{margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} verschil bereiken. +insulin_needed=Insuline nodig +calculator_in_manual_mode=Calculator is in de handmatige modus. Kritische data zoals glucose, tend, IOB en COB zullen niet automatisch geüpdatet worden totdat je de insuline en koolhydraten om zet naar hun voorgestelde waarden. (insuline\: {insulin_do_not_translate_this_word}EH, Koolhydraten\: {carbs_do_not_translate_this_word}gr). +suggestions_font_color_label=Voorgestelde lettertype kleur +suggestions_at_the_top_label=Suggesties aan de bovenkant +no_suggestions_spaces_label=Verwijder ruimte tussen suggesties diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/alarmservice.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/alarmservice.properties index 8db1f4859f..643260489b 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/alarmservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/alarmservice.properties @@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ snooze_text_fast_drop_alert=Raskt fall alarm snooze_text_fast_rise_alert=Raskt stigende alarm fast_drop_alert_notification_alert_text=Raskt glukosefall fast_rise_alert_notification_alert_text=Raskt stigende glukose +this_button_label=Denne +all_button_label=Alle diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/alarmsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/alarmsettingsscreen.properties index 94c58c9d9c..a62009db44 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/alarmsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/alarmsettingsscreen.properties @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ calibration_label=Kalibrering missed_reading_label=Tapt avlesning phone_muted_label=Lydløs telefon transmitter_low_battery_label=Lavt batterinivå på sender -new_alert_label=Opprette varsling +new_alert_label=Lag nytt varsel select_alert_prompt=Velg varsel delete_alarm_type_confirmation_message=Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne alarmen? all_day_label=Hele dagen diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/bluetoothservice.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/bluetoothservice.properties index d4b1cbf793..ebbb814fdc 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/bluetoothservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/bluetoothservice.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -oldwxlused=Din xdrip har gammel firmware. Den tillater ikke å oppdatere sender-ID i Spike. Vil du motta oppdatert firmware? +oldwxlused=Din xdrip har gammel firmware. Den tillater ikke oppdatering av sender-ID i Spike. Vil du motta oppdatert firmware? notnow=IKKE NÅ dontaskagain=ALDRI sendemail=JA diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/bugreportsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/bugreportsettingsscreen.properties index 78f02bc0f1..87b7635acd 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/bugreportsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/bugreportsettingsscreen.properties @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ stand_by_button_label=Vennligst vent... name_required='Ditt navn' må fylles ut\! email_required='Din epost' må fylles ut\! email_invalid=E-posten du skrev inn er ikke gyldig\! -message_required=Angi en detaljert beskrivelse av problemet som har oppstått. -trace_file_too_recent_prefix=Du må ha sporing aktivert for minst 15 minutter. Brukt tid\: +message_required=Skriv en detaljert beskrivelse av problemet som har oppstått. +trace_file_too_recent_prefix=Du må ha sporing aktivert i minst 15 minutter. Brukt tid\: trace_file_too_recent_suffix=Du kan fortsette å bruke appen og komme tilbake senere. minute=minutt. minutes=minutter. diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/chartsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/chartsettingsscreen.properties index 3b6161fe69..2c7969da54 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/chartsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/chartsettingsscreen.properties @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ axis_title=Akse chart_font_title=Diagram skrift axis_font_title=Akse-skrift pie_chart_font_title=24t glukose-distribusjon skrift -load_default_colors=Last standard +load_default_colors=Bruk standard chart_size_title=Størrelse glucose_marker_radius=BS markørradius glucose_font_size=Glukose skriftstørrelse @@ -35,3 +35,11 @@ average_glucose_range_label=Gjennomsnitt glukose thresholds_range_label=Terskel a1c_ifcc_label=A1C i mmol/mol display_in_landscape_label=Vis i breddeformat +visualization_section_label=Visualisering +display_target_glucose_line=Vis linje for mål +display_urgent_high_glucose_line=Vis linje for kritisk høy +display_high_glucose_line=Vis linje for høy +display_low_glucose_line=Vis linje for lav +display_urgent_low_glucose_line=Vis linje for kritisk lav +target_glucose_line_color=Linje for målglukose +glucose_line_thickness=Glukose linjetykkelse diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/crashreport.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/crashreport.properties index da4cdd9818..a60bbd9dfb 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/crashreport.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/crashreport.properties @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -alert_message=Spike har krasjet. Vil du sende en rapport til utviklerene slik de kan se på det? +alert_message=Spike er startet igjen etter et krasj. Vil du sende en rapport til utviklerene slik de kan se på det? diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/disclaimerscreen.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/disclaimerscreen.properties index 8941e9ae81..7ce7f1c349 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/disclaimerscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/disclaimerscreen.properties @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ license_content=Denne appen er gratis programvare distribuert under vilkårene i disclaimer_label=Ansvarsfraskrivelse disclaimer_content=Denne programvaren må ikke brukes for å ta medisinske avgjørelser. Dette er kun et forskningsverktøy og gjort tilgjengelig "som den er" uten garantier av noe slag, hverken uttrykt eller implisitt, inkludert, men ikke begrenset til, de underforståtte garantiene for salgbarhet og egnethet for et bestemt formål. Som bruker av programmet påtar du deg hele risikoen for kvaliteten og ytelsen til programmet. Skulle programmet være defekt bærer du ansvaret for kostnadene for eventuell service, reparasjon eller korrigering. important_notice_label=Viktig beskjed -important_notice_content=IKKE benytt denne programvaren eller noe tilhørende materiale til medisinske formål eller avgjørelser.\n\nStol IKKE på dette systemet for sanntids-alarmer eller tidskritiske data.\n\nIKKE bruk, eller stol på dette systemet for avgjørelser om behandling eller som erstatning for profesjonelt medisinsk utstyr eller vurderinger.\n\nAll programvare og tilhørende materiell er gjort tilgjengelig kun til informasjonsformål og kun som et bevis på konseptet for å underbygge fremtidig forskning og utvikling.\n\nDet fremsettes ingen påstand om egnethet for noe formål, og alt er gjort tilgjengelig "SOM DET ER". Enhver del av systemet kan feile når som helst.\n\nSøk alltid råd hos kvalifisert helsepersonell for alle medisinske spørsmål.\n\nFølg alltid instruksjonene fra produsenten av glukose-sensoren ved bruk av utstyr. Fortsett å bruke tilhørende leser eller mottaker, med mindre annet råd gis av din doktor.\n\nDenne programvaren er ikke assosiert med eller anbefalt av noen produsent av utstyr og alle varemerker tilhører respektive produsenter.\n\nDin bruk av denne programvaren skjer helt og holdent på din egen risiko.\n\nUtviklerne har ikke mottatt noen betaling for bruk av denne programvaren.\n\nDette er et prosjekt med åpen kildekode som er laget av frivillige. Kildekoden blir publisert gratis og åpen slik at du kan inspisere og evaluere.\n\nVed å bruke denne programvaren og/eller nettstedet har du erkjent at du er over 18 år og har lest, forstått og er enig i alt som står ovenfor. +important_notice_content=IKKE benytt denne programvaren eller noe tilhørende materiale til medisinske formål eller avgjørelser.\n\nStol IKKE på dette systemet for sanntids-alarmer eller tidskritiske data.\n\nIKKE bruk, eller stol på dette systemet for avgjørelser om behandling eller som erstatning for profesjonelt medisinsk utstyr eller vurderinger.\n\nAll programvare og tilhørende materiell er gjort tilgjengelig kun til informasjonsformål og kun som et bevis på konseptet for å underbygge fremtidig forskning og utvikling.\n\nDet fremsettes ingen påstand om egnethet for noe formål, og alt er gjort tilgjengelig "SOM DET ER". Enhver del av systemet kan feile når som helst.\n\nSøk alltid råd hos kvalifisert helsepersonell for alle medisinske spørsmål.\n\nFølg alltid instruksjonene fra produsenten av glukose-sensoren ved bruk av utstyr. Fortsett å bruke tilhørende leser eller mottaker, med mindre annet råd gis av din fastlege eller Spesialhelsetjenesten.\n\nDenne programvaren er ikke assosiert med eller anbefalt av noen produsent av utstyr og alle varemerker tilhører respektive produsenter.\n\nDin bruk av denne programvaren skjer helt og holdent på din egen risiko.\n\nUtviklerne har ikke mottatt noen betaling for bruk av denne programvaren.\n\nDette er et prosjekt med åpen kildekode som er laget av frivillige. Kildekoden blir publisert gratis og åpen slik at du kan inspisere og evaluere.\n\nVed å bruke denne programvaren og/eller nettstedet har du erkjent at du er over 18 år og har lest, forstått og er enig i alt som står ovenfor. acknowledgments_label=Kreditteringer acknowledgments_content=Jeg vil gjerne takke følgende personer for bidrag til dette prosjektet\:\n\nJohan Degraeve for det utmerket arbeid med utviklingen av iOSxDripReader. Store deler av denne appen er basert på denne koden. Tusen takk\!\n\nxDrip/xDrip+ teamet. Det meste av Bluetooth- og sender programkoden ble overført fra dem.\n\nMarcel Piestansky som vennlig donerte sitt arbeid som dannet basis for denne appens utseende.\n\nOur oversettere\:\n\nArabisk - Ahmed Mohammed\nBulgarsk - Hristina Dimova\nTsjekkisk - Daniel Růžička\nKinesisk - Zhongwen Ji\nDansk - Claus Mumm & Casper Holtermann\nFinsk - Päivi-Sisko Eerola & Satu Lehtniemi\nFransk - Nathan Giovannini, Timothée Chamoin & Alessandra Paganin Mietta\nItaliensk - Nathan Giovannini, Christian Rol & Alessandra Paganin Mietta\nNorsk - Kjetil Uthne Hansen, Marte Frigstad & Martin Moe\nPolsk - Rafał Opalanko & Marek Macner\nPortugisisk - Cristina Lopes, Ines Rodrigues, João Rodrigues & Miguel Kennedy\nRussisk - Sergey Ten & Sergey Kashchavtsev\nSpansk - Ale Cantú Garza, Wenceslao Blay, Marcos Detry & Miguel Kennedy\nSvensk - Jonas Callander & Per Sjöström\nTysk - Ingo Grandjean, Patrick Maßow, Matthias Brandenburg,Joern Windler & Sascha Scandella\nUngarsk - Krisztina Héthy developers_label=Utviklere diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/foodmanager.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/foodmanager.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ebde70e48e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/foodmanager.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +food_manager_title_label=Matvarer +subtract_fiber_amount_label=Trekk fra fiberinnhold +whole_fiber_label=Hele +half_fiber_label=Halve +user_interface_lable=Brukergrensesnitt +favourites_label=Favoritter +recipes_label=Oppsktifter +default_database_label=Standard database +search_as_i_type_label=Søk mens jeg skriver +import_foods_as_note_label=List opp mat i behandlingsnotat +no_internet_connection=Det er ingen Internett-forbindelse\! +server_response_label=Server-respons +error_label=Error +error_connecting_to_food_service_label=Feil ved tilkobling til tjenest\!\nPrøv igjen senere. +new_food_label=Ny matvare +name_label=Navn +brand_label=Merke +serving_unit_label=Måleenhet +serving_size_label=Porsjonstørrelse +link_label=Link +carbs_label=Karbo +fiber_label=Fiber +proteins_label=Protein +fats_label=Fett +calories_label=Kalorier +search_food_label=Finn mat +go_button_label=Gå +scan_button_label=Skann +save_as_recipe_label=Lagre oppskrift +nutrition_facts_label=Næringsinnhold +subtract_whole_fiber=Trekk fra all fiber +subtract_half_fiber=Trekk fra halv fiber +link_button_label=Link +amount_label=Mengde +finish_button_label=FERDIG +cart_totals_label=Totalt i kurv +search_recipe_label=Søk oppskrift +no_search_results_label=Ingen resultat\! +add_recipe_label=Legg til oppskrift +edit_food_label=Rediger mat diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/globaltranslations.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/globaltranslations.properties index d769889dac..99ba1760ac 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/globaltranslations.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/globaltranslations.properties @@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ configuration_not_sent=En feil oppstod under sending av e-posten\!\n\nStatuskode configuration_sent_successfully=E-post sendt\! Sjekk innboksen i din e-post. Hvis du ikke finner e-posten, sjekk under uønsket e-post. email_configurations_label=E-post Widget/Watch konfigurasjon error_activating_scanner=En feil oppstod under aktivering av skanneren. Error\: -camera_access_denied=Du har tidligere nektet Spike tilgang til kameraet. Du må gå til iOS Innstillinger -> Spike og aktivere med knappen for kamera. +camera_access_denied=Du har tidligere nektet Spike tilgang til kameraet. Du må gå til iOS Innstillinger -> Spike og aktiver med knappen for kamera. camera_access_restricted=Kunne ikke aktivere kamera. Det virker som om foreldrekontroll er aktivert. camera_access_unknow_error=En ukjent feil oppstod mens spike prøvde å få tilgang til kamera. no_internet_connection_message=Enheten er ikke koblet til internett. Du må ha en aktiv internett-tilkobling for å sende e-post. +instructions_button_label=Instruksjoner +configure_button_label=Konfigurer diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/logtracesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/logtracesettingsscreen.properties index fff6014635..3a8b027d1c 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/logtracesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/logtracesettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -screen_title=Logg & spor +screen_title=Spor & logg trace_section_title=Spore nslog_section_title=NSLog email_button_title=E-mail sporingsfil diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/maintenancesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/maintenancesettingsscreen.properties index 513ecf907a..90b1542cbf 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/maintenancesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/maintenancesettingsscreen.properties @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ no_automatic_backup_label=Deaktivert daily_backup_label=Daglig weekly_backup_label=Ukentlig monthly_backup_label=Månedlig -database_backup_restore_explanation_label=En backup av databasen lagrer alle dine data (tidligere avlesninger, behandlinger, insulin etc.) og innstillinger (alarmer, farger, passord etc.) til iCloud. Du kan ta backup og hente tilbake Spike databasen på alle enheter som er tilkoblet samme iCloud-konto, hvis du vil overføre innstillinger til en annen enhet eller bare ta backup før nullstilling/oppdatering av iOS, slik at du kan hente innstillingene tilbake til Spike-appen.\n\nBackup av kun innstillingene (øverste valget på skjermen) vil ikke lagre dataene dine, kun innstillingene, i tilfelle du vil starte en helt ny innstallasjon av Spike uten å konfigurere på nytt. +database_backup_restore_explanation_label=En backup av databasen lagrer alle dine data (tidligere avlesninger, behandlinger, insulin etc.) og innstillinger (alarmer, farger, passord etc.) til iCloud. Du kan ta backup og hente tilbake Spike databasen på alle enheter som er tilkoblet samme iCloud-konto, hvis du vil overføre innstillinger til en annen enhet eller bare ta backup før nullstilling/oppdatering av iOS, slik at du kan hente innstillingene tilbake til Spike-appen.\n\nBackup av kun innstillingene (øverste valget på skjermen) vil ikke lagre dataene dine, kun innstillingene, i tilfelle du vil starte en helt ny innstallasjon av Spike uten å måtte konfigurere på nytt. last_backup_label=Siste backup schedule_backups_label=Planlegg automatisk backup til iCloud status_label=Status @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ missing_remote_database_label=Kan ikke finne noen Spike database i iCloud-kontoe icloud_storage_not_supported=Lagring i iCloud er ikke støttet\! icloud_storage_not_available=Lagring i iCloud er ikke tilgjengelig\! unknown_icloud_error_label=En ukjent feil oppstod under utføring av operasjoner til iCloud\!\n\nError\: -icloud_conflict_error_label=Det er eb konflikt med iCloud versjonen av databasen. Det virker som en annen enhet lagrer endringer i den. Prøv igjen senere. +icloud_conflict_error_label=Det er er konflikt med iCloud-versjonen av databasen. Det virker som en annen enhet lagrer endringer i den. Prøv igjen senere. automatic_backups_only_on_wifi_label=Automatisk backup kun over Wi-Fi settings_restore_confirmation_label=Er du sikker på at du vil gjenopprette innstillinger?\n\nDette kan ikke gjøres om\! icloud_actions_label=iCloud handlinger diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/profilesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/profilesettingsscreen.properties index e0837b74c8..3f07166138 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/profilesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/profilesettingsscreen.properties @@ -22,3 +22,20 @@ all_carb_types_list=Rask,Middels,Treg default_carb_type_label=Standard karbo type absorption_rate_label=Karbo absorpsjonsrate i gram carb_absorption_time_description_label=Tiden det tar karbohydrater å bli tatt opp i blodstrømmen. Denne verdien vi påvirke COB algoritmen. Standard karbo type er den som brukes hvis ikke type blir angitt når du legger til behandling eller Spike importerer behandling fra Nightscout. +insulin_carb_ratio_guide_label=IK guide +insulin_sensitivity_factor_guide_label=IF guide +isf_ic_trend_bgtarget_description_label=IF (Insulin Følsomhet)\: Hvor mye en enhet insulin senker blodsukkeret. Hvis for eksempel din IF er 2,5, senker én enhet insulin blodsukkeret med 2,5 mmol/l. Spike støtter både mmol/l og mg/dl. Brukes mg/dl, vil en IF på 50 bety at én enhet insulin senker blodsukkeret med 50 mg/dl.\n\nIK (Insulin til Karbohydrat forhold)\: Antall gram karbohydrat som dekkes av én enhet insulin. For eksempel, hvis din IK er 15, skal du sette én enhet insulin for hver 15 gram karbohydrat du spiser.\n\nLes veiledningene nedenfor for å finne din IF og IK.\n\nMålblodsukker\: Det blodsukkernivået (mmol/l eller mg/dl) du sikter deg inn på. Det blodsukkeret du ønsker å ha som normal.\n\nTendenser\: Mengden insulin eller karbohydrat som skal til for å få en stigende eller synkende trendpil til å flate ut. Stigende trendpil behøver insulin og en synkende trendpil behøver karbohydrat. +start_time_label=Starttidspunkt +insulin_sensitivity_factor_short_label=IF +insulin_to_carb_ratio_short_label=IK +target_glucose_label=Målblodsukker +add_configuration_label=Legg til konfiugrasjon\! +glucose_trends_label=Tendenser +glucose_trend=Tendens +add_profile_label=Legg til profil +edit_profile_label=Rediger profil +units_of_insulin_label=Enheter insulin +grams_of_carbs_label=Gram karbo +cant_delete_profile_label=Kan ikke slette profilen\! Det skal være minst en profil som starter +delete_profile_confirmation_label=Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne profilen?\n\nDette kan ikke gjøres om\! +conflicting_profile_label=Starttiden for profilen er allerede i bruk. Velg et annet tidspunkt. diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/speechsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/speechsettingsscreen.properties index 7a06145d5e..fe7625669d 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/speechsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/speechsettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -ttslanguagelistdescription=Kinesisk (Kina),Kinesisk (Hong Kong),Kinesisk (Taiwan),Nederlandsk (Belgia), Nederlandsk (Nederland),Engelsk (Australia),Engelsk (Irland),Engelsk (Sør Afrika),Engelsk (UK),Engelsk (US),Fransk (Kanada),Fransk (Frankrike),Tysk (Tyskland),Italiensk (Italia),Polsk (Polen),Portugisisk (Brazil),Portugisisk (Portugal),Russisk (Russland),Slovensk (Slovakia),Spansk (Mexico),Spansk (Spania) +ttslanguagelistdescription=Kinesisk (Kina),Kinesisk (Hongkong),Kinesisk (Taiwan),Dansk (Danmark),Nederlandsk (Belgia),Nederlandsk (Holland),Engelsk (Australia),Engelsk (Irland),Engelsk (Sør-Afrika),Engelsk (England),Engelsk (USA),Finsk (Finland),Fransk (Canada),Fransk (Frankrike),Tysk (Tyskland),Italiensk (Italia),Norsk (Norge),Polsk (Polen),Portugisisk (Brasil),Portugisisk (Portugal),Russisk (Russland),Slovensk (Slovakia),Spansk (Mexico),Spansk (Spania),Svensk (Sverige) speech_settings_title=Tale speak_bg_readings_title=Les BS avlesninger speak_bg_trend_title=Les BS trend diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/transmitterscreen.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/transmitterscreen.properties index d8831b55e6..aecc41355d 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/transmitterscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/transmitterscreen.properties @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ g5_info_screen=VIKTIG\! \nFor å sikre at prosessen går knirkefritt og uten eks blucon_info_screen=Knappen med + ikon øverst til høyre lar deg legge inn kalibrering. Du kan starte/stoppe sensoren ved å klikke på "Sensor" knappen i hovedmenyen. Åpne hovedmenyen ved å sveipe inn på venstre side av skjermen.\n\nHvis din enhet fortsatt ikke er tilkoblet din BluCon lar du appen være åpen til du mottar en Bluetooth tilkoblingsforespørsel.\n\nVIKTIG\: Det er viktig at du lukker alle andre apper som kan koble til din BluCon. BluCon senderen kan bare sende data til én app ad gangen. g4_info_screen=Knappen med + ikon øverst til høyre lar deg legge inn kalibrering. Du kan starte/stoppe sensoren ved å klikke på "Sensor" knappen i hovedmenyen. Åpne hovedmenyen ved å sveipe inn på venstre side av skjermen.\n\nDu kan skanne og glemme en Bluetooth-enhet ved å klikke på "Sender" knappen i hovedmenyen.\n\nVIKTIG\: Bluetooth-enheten kan bare sende data til en app ad gangen, så det er viktig at du lukker alle andre apper som kan prøve å koble til Bluetooth-enheten. miaomiao_info_screen=Knappen med + ikon øverst til høyre lar deg legge inn kalibrering. \n\nDu kan skanne og glemme en Bluetooth-enhet ved å klikke på "Sender" knappen i hovedmenyen.\n\nVIKTIG\: Bluetooth-enheten kan bare sende data til en app ad gangen, så det er viktig at du lukker alle andre apper som kan prøve å koble til Bluetooth-enheten. -sensor_not_started=Du har ennå ikke startet sensoren. Ikke glem å starte den, ellers vil du ikke motta avleinger. +sensor_not_started=Du har ennå ikke startet sensoren. Ikke glem å starte den, ellers vil du ikke motta avlesninger. temperature_label=Temperatur refresh_button_label=Oppdater last_update_label=Sist forespurt diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/transmitterservice.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/transmitterservice.properties index 8be049c165..6c837025d5 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/transmitterservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/transmitterservice.properties @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ transmitter_id_settings_title=Sender-ID blukon_transmitter_id_should_be_five_chars=Sender-ID må være i følgende format\: BLUXXXXX blukon_xxxxx_explanation=XXXX refererer til de 5 siste tallene i identifikasjonen skrevet på BluCon enheten (som starter med BLU).\n\nEksempel\: Hvis BluCon identifikasjonen er BLU1742B01007, er sender-ID BLU01007. dead_g5_battery=G5 batterinivå er for lavt. -dead_g5_battery_info=Spike vil ignorere nye avlesninger til batteriet er erstattet.\n\nFor å fjerne denne meldingen, endre sender-ID. +dead_g5_battery_info=Spike vil ignorere nye avlesninger til batteriet er erstattet.\n\nEndre sender-ID for å fjerne denne meldingen. bad_placed_g5_transmitter=G5 batterifeil. bad_placed_g5_transmitter_info=Din G5 sender har sendt verdien 0. Batteriet kan være feil montert eller ødelagt. Nullstilling av G5 senderens interne klokke kan fikse problemet.\n\nVil du at jeg skal prøve å fikse det? warning=Advarsel\! diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/transmittersettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/transmittersettingsscreen.properties index c29ac49f83..e219b12d5b 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/transmittersettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/transmittersettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -transmitter_type_settings_title=Sender type +transmitter_type_settings_title=Sendertype transmitter_id_settings_title=Sender-ID transmitter_settings_title=Sender transmitter_type_list=BluCon,BlueReader,Dexcom G4,Dexcom G5,Dexcom G6,Limitter,MiaoMiao,Transmiter PL diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/treatments.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/treatments.properties index 5763281f84..94187f304a 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/treatments.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/treatments.properties @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ treatment_carbs_amount_label=Mengde (g) treatment_value_label=Verdi treatment_note_label=Notat out_of_range_treatment_time_message=Valgt tid er utenfor første eller siste avlesning på diagrammet\! Vennligst velg et annet tidspunkt. -sensor_calibration_note=Sensor kalibrering +sensor_calibration_note=Sensorkalibrering workflow_email_body=Hallo Spiker\!
Pass på at du har Workflow app installert på enheten. Du kan hente den her, gratis. Gå til Today View og legg til Workflow Today Widget. Hvis du har en Apple Watch og vil legge inn behandling direkte fra klokken må du installere Workflow på denne. Du kan gjøre dette direkte fra Watch appen på di iOS enhet.
For å konfigurere både Today Widget og Apple Watch, klikk på følgende linker, én etter en. Du kan endre farger og tittel, men pass på å ikke endre workflowen. Når du klikker på linkene og velger "GET WORKFLOW" vil hver av de automatisk bli lagt til Today Widget og Apple Watch.
For å legge til flere forhåndsdefinerte notater kan du klikke flere ganger på "Spike Note" workflow og endre notatenes tekst, tittel og ikon etter eget ønske.
Last ned og installer en av følgende Pebble appene. Du må gjøre det direkte fra Pebble appen på din iOS enhet.
Konfigurer appen og pek til Nightscout URL adressen\: http\://\:1979
Ikke glem å aktivere den interne HTTP serveren i Spikes Instillinger -> Integrasjon. Du trenger ikke stille inn brukernavn/passord for å kunne legge til behandling fra Today Widget og/eller Apple/Pebble Watch.
Ha en strålende dag\!
Spike App
workflow_email_subject=Spike behandlingskonfigurasjon default_colors_label=Bruk standard farger @@ -57,3 +57,52 @@ carbs_unknown_label=Ukjent minutes_small_label=min iob_label=IOB cob_label=COB +bolus_wizard_settings_label=Boluskalkulator +calculations_label=Beregninger +insulin_precision_label=Insulinpresisjon +carbs_precision_label=Karbo presisjon +load_foods_button_label=Hent matvarer +food_manager_label=Matvarer +bolus_wizard_allowed_margin=Tillatt øvre/nedre målblodsukker margin +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_iob=Beregn IOB automatisk +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_cob=Beregn IOB automatisk +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_trend=Beregn tendens automatisk +final_calculations_label=Endelig beregning +blood_glucose_label=Blodsukker +foods_label=Matvarer +carbs_offset_in_minutes_label=Karbo forsinkelse (min) +insulin_type_label=Insulintype +exercise_adjustment=Justering for aktivitet +time_label=Tid +before_exercise_label=Før aktivitet +after_exercise_label=Etter aktivitet +exercise_intensity_label=Intensitet +exercise_intensity_low_label=Lav +exercise_intensity_moderate_label=Moderat +exercise_intensity_high_label=Høy +exercise_duration_label=Varighet +exercise_reduction_label=Reduksjon (%) +sickness_adjustment_label=Justering for sykdom +sickness_increase_label=Stigning (%) +extra_correction_label=Ekstra korreksjon +extra_correction_amount_label=Mengde (g/E) +extended_bolus_reminder_label=Utsatt bolus påminnelse +profile_not_configured_label=Profil ikke konfigurert\! +disclaimer_alert_title=Ansvarsfraskrivelse +disclaimer_body_label=VENNIGST LES HELE DETTE NØYE\!\nBoluskalkulatoren gir informasjon og innhold som er satt sammen med største omtanke og med den aller beste kunnskapen fra interne og eksterne kilder. Vi vil likevel understreke at boluskalkulatoren skal kun brukes som informasjon for å skape bevissthet men kan ikke erstatte konsultasjon med helsepersonell. Den skal kun brukes i forskningsøyemed\! Spike gir ikke under noen omstendighet ut anbefaling om medisinsk behandling eller medisinske råd av noe slag. Spørsmål om behandling og innstillinger som passer deg (IF, IK etc), skal rettes til din fastlege eller Spesialhelsetjenesten. Ikke noe innhold - enten det kommer fra Spike, våre samarbeidspartnere eller brukere - kan forståes som tillegg til eller erstatning av informasjon fra kvalifisert helsepersonell.\n\nBolusforslagene fra kalkulatoren er kun et forslag. Sammenlikne alltid foreslått mengde med hva du normalt bruker og hvordan du føler deg, og juster bolusdosen tilsvarende. Snakk alltid med kvalifisert helsepersonell før du gjør noen endringer i behandlingen av din diabetes.\n\nInnstillingene i kalkulatoren må bestemmes av helsepersonellet som behandler din diabetes. Gjør ikke endringer i innstillingene uten ettersyn og konsultasjon med kvalifisert helsepersonell. Feil innstillinger vil altid gi feil bolusforslag.\n\nDet er viktig at ditt Insulin til Karbohydrat forhold (IK) og din insulinfølsomhet (IF) settes riktig. Hvis IK og/eller IF er feil vil alle bolusforslag være feil.\n\nBruk av boluskalkulatoren krever kunnskap om bruk av hurtigvirkende insulin. Feil bruk, eller hvis man misforstår kalkulatoren eller foreslått bolus kan føre til feilaktig insulin beregning.\n\nKalkulatoren kan ikke ta høyde for alle faktorene som kan påvirke din insulindose. Faktorene inkluderer inntasting av feil data (m.a.o feil blodsukker), feil innstillinger eller insulin som ikke er loggført eller andre data. Sammenlikne alltid forslaget med de faktiske forholdene.\n\nKalkulatoren kan ikke ta høyde for uvanlige endringer i forbrenningen som resultat av f.eks ekstreme dietter. Sammenlikne alltid forslaget med de faktiske forholdene.\n\nPass på at dataene du oppgir er korrekte. Feil data fører til feil bolusforslag.\n\nGjør ikke endringer i behandlingen basert på en enkelt beregning som ikke stemmer med hvordan du føler deg, eller hvis du tror forslaget er feil.\n\nKalkulatoren er kun for beregning av hurtigvirkende insulin. Bruk ikke kalkulatoren for beregning av forslag for korttids-, middels langtids- eller langtidsvirkende (basal) insulin.\n\nKalkulatoren kan ikke ta høyde for ustabilitet i basal insulinbehandlingen. Ikke bruk kalkulatoren hvis basal insulinbehandlingen ikke er i balanse eller på annen måte ikke er under kontroll.\n\nVed å godta vilkårene ovenfor indikerer du at du ha lest disse og er enig. Alle kalkulasjoner må kontrolleres for de brukes. Foreslått resultat er ikke en erstatning for klinisk vurdering. Hverken forfatteren eller eller noen annen part involvert i utviklingen og publiseringen av Spike og boluskalkulatoren kan holdes ansvarlig for bruk eller misbruk.\n\nVi fraråder på det det sterkeste å benytte kalkulatoren hvis sensoren gir unøyaktige avlesninger. Dette forekommer ofte i løpet av de første 24 til 48 timene etter oppstart og når sensoren nærmer seg slutten.\n\nBoluskalkulatoren er et kun et forskningsverktøy og skal ikke under noen omstendigheter brukes i virkelig behandlingsscenarie. +extended_bolus_reminder_notification_body=Dette er en påminnelse om din utsatte bolus. +missing_insulins_label=For å legge til behandlinger må du først konfigurere din insulin. Klikk på knappen 'Konfigurer insulin'. +projected_outcome_label=Forventet resultat +glucose_in_target_label=Blodsukker i målområde. +glucose_in_target_or_close_label=Blodsukker i målområde, eller innenfor {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} avvik. +glucose_outcome_without_extra_treatment=Resultat uten ekstra behandling +glucose_outcome_with_calculated_treatment=Resultat med beregnet behandling +carbs_needed=Karbo behov +extra_carbs_needed=Ekstra karbo behov +insulin_equivalent=Insulin tilsvarende +target_not_reachable=Nåværende parametre vil ikke nå ønsket målblodsukker på {glucose_target_do_not_translate_this_word}, eller innenfor {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} avvik. +insulin_needed=Insulinbehov +calculator_in_manual_mode=Kalkulatoren er i manuel modus. Kritiske data som blodsukker, trend, IOB og COB blir ikke automatisk oppdatert før du justerer insulin og karbohydrater til de foreslåtte verdiene.\n(insulin\: {insulin_do_not_translate_this_word}E, Karbo\: {carbs_do_not_translate_this_word}g). +suggestions_font_color_label=Skriftfarge for forslag +suggestions_at_the_top_label=Forslag øverst +no_suggestions_spaces_label=Fjern mellomrom mellom forslag diff --git a/src/locale/no_NO/tutorialservice.properties b/src/locale/no_NO/tutorialservice.properties index 6e9fe197c2..04b68e2033 100644 --- a/src/locale/no_NO/tutorialservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/no_NO/tutorialservice.properties @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ second_step_message=Klikk på Innstillinger knappen. third_step_message=Klikk på Generelt knappen. fourth_step_message=Sett måleenheten du vil bruke og høy og lav verdi. \nNår du er ferdig klikker du på "Tilbake" eller sveip inn fra venstre kant på skjermen. fifth_step_message=Nå må du sette opp senderen.\n\nKlikk på Sender knappen. -sixth_step_message=Velg type sender og skriv inn sender-ID (noen sendere som MiaoMiao, BlueReader, etc. trenger ikke sender-ID). \n\nFølg instruksjonene på skjermen nøye og dobbelt sjekk at all informasjonen er korrekt. \n\nNår du er ferdig klikker du på "Tilbake" eller sveiper inn fra venstre kant på skjermen. +sixth_step_message=Velg type sender og skriv inn sender-ID (noen sendere, som MiaoMiao, BlueReader, etc. trenger ikke sender-ID). \n\nFølg instruksjonene på skjermen nøye og dobbelt sjekk at all informasjonen er korrekt. \n\nNår du er ferdig klikker du på "Tilbake" eller sveiper inn fra venstre kant på skjermen. seventh_step_message=Du må nå vente på at Bluetooth ber om tilkobling (det kan ta inntil 10 minutter før forespørselen kommer) hvis senderen ikke har vært koblet til tidligere. \n\nI mellomtiden, for sikkerhetsskyld, Har jeg aktivert "Ikke lås" valget for å hindre at skjermen slår seg av mens du venter på tilkoblingen (du kan slå av dette valget i menyen oppe til høyre senere). \n\nNeste steg er å starte sensoren. Jeg skal vise hvordan dette gjøres. \n\nÅpne hovedmenyen ved å sveipe inn fra venstre side av skjermen. seventh_step_message_non_g5=Neste steg er å starte sensoren. Jeg skal vise hvordan dette gjøres.\n\nÅpne hovedmenyen ved å sveipe inn fra venstre side av skjermen. seventh_step_message_miaomiao=Neste steg er å gå til hovedmenyen -> Sender og skanne enheten (viktig\!). Spike har allerede startet sensoren, du behøver ikke gjøre det selv. \n\nÅpne hovedmenyen ved å sveipe inn fra venstre side av skjermen, klikk på Sender knappen og trykk på Skann knappen. \n\nVent noen minutter og du vil få forespørsel om kalibrering av enheten. Da er du ferdig\! Ikke glem å utforske resten av innstillingene alle mulighetene som finnes i denne appen\! diff --git a/src/locale/pl_PL/alarmservice.properties b/src/locale/pl_PL/alarmservice.properties index 1b62868260..d9f5516fdb 100644 --- a/src/locale/pl_PL/alarmservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/pl_PL/alarmservice.properties @@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ snooze_text_fast_drop_alert=Alarm Szybki spadek snooze_text_fast_rise_alert=Alarm Szybki wzrost fast_drop_alert_notification_alert_text=Szybki spadek glikemii fast_rise_alert_notification_alert_text=Szybki wzrost glikemii +this_button_label=Ten +all_button_label=Wszystko diff --git a/src/locale/pl_PL/chartsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/pl_PL/chartsettingsscreen.properties index 57be8283f0..3d42eb0c87 100644 --- a/src/locale/pl_PL/chartsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/pl_PL/chartsettingsscreen.properties @@ -35,3 +35,11 @@ average_glucose_range_label=Średnia glikemia thresholds_range_label=Progi a1c_ifcc_label=HbA1c w mmol/mol display_in_landscape_label=Wyświetl w poziomie +visualization_section_label=Wizualizacja +display_target_glucose_line=Wyświetlanie Linii Docelowej +display_urgent_high_glucose_line=Wyświetlanie Linii Niebezpiecznie Wysokiego Poziomu +display_high_glucose_line=Wyświetlanie Linii Wysokiego Poziomu +display_low_glucose_line=Wyświetlanie Linii Niskiego Poziomu +display_urgent_low_glucose_line=Wyświetlanie Linii Niebezpiecznie Niskiego Poziomu +target_glucose_line_color=Linia Glukozy Docelowej +glucose_line_thickness=Grubość Linii Glukozy diff --git a/src/locale/pl_PL/foodmanager.properties b/src/locale/pl_PL/foodmanager.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7d04b378b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/pl_PL/foodmanager.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +food_manager_title_label=Menedżer Żywności +subtract_fiber_amount_label=Odejmij ilość błonnika +whole_fiber_label=Całość +half_fiber_label=Połowa +user_interface_lable=Interfejs użytkownika +favourites_label=Ulubione +recipes_label=Przepisy +default_database_label=Domyślna baza danych +search_as_i_type_label=Wyszukuj w czasie pisania +import_foods_as_note_label=Lista Żywności w notatkach leczenia +no_internet_connection=Brak połączenia internetowego\! +server_response_label=Odpowiedź serwera +error_label=Błąd +error_connecting_to_food_service_label=Błąd podczas łączenia z serwisem\!\nSpróbuj ponownie później. +new_food_label=Nowa żywność +name_label=Nazwa +brand_label=Rodzaj +serving_unit_label=Jednostka porcji +serving_size_label=Wielkość porcji +link_label=Link +carbs_label=Węglowodany +fiber_label=Błonnik +proteins_label=Białko +fats_label=Tłuszcz +calories_label=Kalorie +search_food_label=Szukaj żywności +go_button_label=Idź +scan_button_label=Skanuj +save_as_recipe_label=Zapisz jako przepis +nutrition_facts_label=Wartości odżywcze +subtract_whole_fiber=Odejmowanie całego błonnika +subtract_half_fiber=Odejmowanie połowy błonnika +link_button_label=Link +amount_label=Ilość +finish_button_label=ZAKOŃCZ +cart_totals_label=Podsumowanie +search_recipe_label=Szukaj przepisu +no_search_results_label=Brak wyników\! +add_recipe_label=Dodaj przepis +edit_food_label=Edytuj żywność diff --git a/src/locale/pl_PL/globaltranslations.properties b/src/locale/pl_PL/globaltranslations.properties index 8d43f7acb1..4fe1569dae 100644 --- a/src/locale/pl_PL/globaltranslations.properties +++ b/src/locale/pl_PL/globaltranslations.properties @@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ camera_access_denied=Wcześniej odmówiłeś dostępu Spike do kamery. Musisz i camera_access_restricted=Nie można aktywować dostępu do kamery. Prawdopodobnie jest włączona kontrola rodzicielska. camera_access_unknow_error=Wystąpił nieznany błąd podczas próby włączenia dostępu do kamery. no_internet_connection_message=Twoje urządzenie nie jest połączone z Internetem. Do wysyłania wiadomości e-mail potrzebne jest aktywne połączenie internetowe. +instructions_button_label=Instrukcja +configure_button_label=Konfiguracja diff --git a/src/locale/pl_PL/profilesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/pl_PL/profilesettingsscreen.properties index 2eb8030285..a1f7d8a8a2 100644 --- a/src/locale/pl_PL/profilesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/pl_PL/profilesettingsscreen.properties @@ -22,3 +22,20 @@ all_carb_types_list=Szybkie,Średnie,Wolne default_carb_type_label=Domyślny typ węglowodanów absorption_rate_label=Szybkość wchłaniania węglowodanów w gramach carb_absorption_time_description_label=Czas potrzebny do wchłonięcia węglowodanów do krwiobiegu. Ta wartość wpłynie na algorytm COB. Typ domyślny węglowodanów to taki, który będzie używany, gdy nie zostanie wybrany inny rodzaj węglowodanu podczas rozpoczęcia terapii lub Spike importuje ją z Nightscout. +insulin_carb_ratio_guide_label=Przewodnik I\:C +insulin_sensitivity_factor_guide_label=Przewodnik ISF +isf_ic_trend_bgtarget_description_label=ISF - Insulinowrażliwość (ang. nsulin Sensitivity Factor)\: To ilość jaką jedna jednostka insuliny obniża stężenie glukozy we krwi. Na przykład jeśli Twoja insulinowrażliwość jest 50, to oznacza, że jedna jednostka insuliny obniża stężenie glukozy we krwi o 50 mg/dL. Spike obsługuje również insulinowrażliwość w mmol/L. Jeśli Spike jest ustawiony na mmol/L, insulinowrażliwość 2,5 oznacza że jedna jednostka insuliny obniża stężenie glukozy we krwi o 2,5 mmol/L.\n\nI\:C - stosunek insuliny do węglowodanów (ang. Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio)\: liczba gramów węglowodanów objęte jedną jednostkę insuliny. Na przykład jeśli Twój stosunek insuliny do węglowodanów jest 15, to oznacza, że trzeba dostarczyć jedną jednostkę insuliny na pokrycie piętnastu gram węglowodanów w posiłku.\n\nAby ustalić swój ISF i I\:C przeczytaj poniższy poradnik.\n\nDocelowy Poziom Glukozy (BG)\: Poziom glukozy we krwi (mg / dL lub mmol / L), do którego dążysz, ten, na którym chcesz przebywać przez większość czasu.\n\nTrendy\: Ilość insuliny lub węglowodanów potrzebna do powstania trendu wzrostowego lub spadkowego. Strzałka do góry to trendy wzrostowe wymagające insuliny, a strzałka w dół to trendy spadkowe, które wymagają węglowodanów. Strzałka pozioma oznacza poziom stabilny. +start_time_label=Czas rozpoczęcia +insulin_sensitivity_factor_short_label=ISF +insulin_to_carb_ratio_short_label=I\:C +target_glucose_label=Docelowy poziom glukozy +add_configuration_label=Dodaj konfigurację\! +glucose_trends_label=Trendy +glucose_trend=Trend +add_profile_label=Dodaj Profil +edit_profile_label=Edytuj Profil +units_of_insulin_label=Jednostki Insuliny +grams_of_carbs_label=Węglowodany w gramach +cant_delete_profile_label=Nie można usunąć profilu\! Musi być co najmniej jeden profil zaczynający się +delete_profile_confirmation_label=Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten profil?\n\nTego nie da się cofnąć\! +conflicting_profile_label=Czas rozpoczęcia profilu jest już w użyciu. Proszę wybrać inne ustawienie czasu. diff --git a/src/locale/pl_PL/speechsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/pl_PL/speechsettingsscreen.properties index 3362f0c718..037625e4b0 100644 --- a/src/locale/pl_PL/speechsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/pl_PL/speechsettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -ttslanguagelistdescription=Chiński (Chiny),Chiński (Hong Kong),Chiński (Tajwan),Duński (Belgia),Duński (Holandia),Angielski (Australia),Angielski (Irlandia),Angielski (Południowa Afryka),Angielski (Zjednoczone Królestwo),Angielski (USA),Francuski (Kanada),Francuski (Francja),Niemiecki (Niemcy),Włoski (Włochy),Polski (Polska),Portugalski (Brazylia),Portugalski (Portugalia),Ruski (Rosja),Słowacki (Słowacja),Hiszpański (Meksyk),Hiszpański (Hiszpania) +ttslanguagelistdescription=Chiński (Chiny),Chiński (Hong Kong),Chiński (Tajwan),Duński (Dania),Belgijski (Belgia),Holenderski (Holandia),Angielski (Australia),Angielski (Irlandia),Angielski (Afryka Południowa),Angielski (Wielka Brytania),Angielski (Stany Zjednoczone),Fiński (Finlandia),Francuski (Kanada),Francuski (Francja),Niemiecki (Niemcy),Włoski (Włochy),Norweski (Norwegia),Polski (Polska),Portugalski (Brazylia),Portugalski (Portugalia),Rosyjski (Rosja),Słowacki (Słowacja),Hiszpański (Meksyk),Hiszpański (Hiszpania),Szwedzki (Szwecja) speech_settings_title=Mowa speak_bg_readings_title=Mów odczyt glikemii speak_bg_trend_title=Mów trend glikemii diff --git a/src/locale/pl_PL/treatments.properties b/src/locale/pl_PL/treatments.properties index 57e5fb13e7..6e573da7e0 100644 --- a/src/locale/pl_PL/treatments.properties +++ b/src/locale/pl_PL/treatments.properties @@ -57,3 +57,52 @@ carbs_unknown_label=Nieznane minutes_small_label=min iob_label=IOB cob_label=COB +bolus_wizard_settings_label=Kalkulatora bolusa +calculations_label=Obliczenia +insulin_precision_label=Dokładność Insuliny +carbs_precision_label=Dokładność Węglowodanów +load_foods_button_label=Załaduj Żywność +food_manager_label=Menedżer Żywności +bolus_wizard_allowed_margin=Dozwolony górny / dolny margines docelowego poziomu glukozy +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_iob=Automatyczne obliczanie IOB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_cob=Automatyczne obliczanie COB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_trend=Automatyczne obliczanie trendu +final_calculations_label=Obliczenia końcowe +blood_glucose_label=Stężenie glukozy we krwi +foods_label=Żywność +carbs_offset_in_minutes_label=Przesunięcie węglowodanów (Min) +insulin_type_label=Typ Insuliny +exercise_adjustment=Ustawienie aktywności fizycznej +time_label=Czas +before_exercise_label=Przed aktywnością fizyczną +after_exercise_label=Po aktywności fizycznej +exercise_intensity_label=Intensywność +exercise_intensity_low_label=Niska +exercise_intensity_moderate_label=Umiarkowana +exercise_intensity_high_label=Wysoka +exercise_duration_label=Czas trwania +exercise_reduction_label=Obniżenie (%) +sickness_adjustment_label=Ustawienia w czasie choroby +sickness_increase_label=Wzrost (%) +extra_correction_label=Dodatkowa korekta +extra_correction_amount_label=Ilość (g/J) +extended_bolus_reminder_label=Przypomnienie bolusa przedłużonego +profile_not_configured_label=Profil nie jest skonfigurowany\! +disclaimer_alert_title=Informacje +disclaimer_body_label=PROSIMY O DOKŁADNE PRZECZYTANIE CAŁOŚCI\!\nKalkulator bolusa dostarcza informacji i treści, które zostały zmontowane z najwyższą starannością i zgodnie z najlepszą wiedzą z wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych źródeł. Niemniej jednak chcielibyśmy podkreślić, że kalkulator bolusa może być wykorzystywany jedynie w celu dostarczania informacji i budowania świadomości, ale nie może zastąpić konsultacji z lekarzem. Powinien być używany wyłącznie do celów badawczych\! W żadnym wypadku Spike nie wydaje zaleceń terapeutycznych ani porad medycznych. W przypadku pytań dotyczących terapii i ustawień, które najlepiej pasują do Ciebie (ISF, I\: C, itp.), Zalecamy skontaktowanie się z lekarzem. Żadne treści - niezależnie od tego, czy są dostarczane przez samego Spike'a, naszych partnerów kooperacyjnych czy użytkowników - mogą być rozumiane jako uzupełnianie lub zastępowanie informacji od pracowników służby zdrowia.\n\nPropozycja bolusa dostarczona przez kalkulator jest wyłącznie propozycją. Zawsze porównuj proponowaną ilość ze sposobem, w jaki faktycznie się czujesz, i odpowiednio dostosuj zalecaną dawkę bolusa. Zawsze skonsultuj się z lekarzem przed zmianą leczenia cukrzycy.\n\nUstawienia kalkulatora muszą być zdefiniowane przez pracownika służby zdrowia. Nie wolno dokonywać ani zmieniać ustawień bez nadzoru i konsultacji ze strony tegoż. Błędne ustawienia zawsze prowadzą do nieprawidłowej propozycji bolusa.\n\nWażne jest dokonanie właściwego wyboru stosunku insuliny do węglowodanów (I\: C) i insulinowrażliwości (ISF). Jeśli wybrane wartości I\: C i / lub ISF są nieprawidłowe, wszystkie propozycje dawkowania w bolusie będą nieprawidłowe.\n\nKorzystanie z kalkulatora bolusa wymaga zrozumienia stosowania insuliny o szybkim działaniu. Niewłaściwe użycie lub niezrozumienie obliczeń lub sugerowanego bolusa może prowadzić do niewłaściwego obliczenia insuliny.\n\nKalkulator może nie uwzględniać wszystkich czynników, które mogą wpływać na wymaganą dawkę insuliny. Czynniki obejmują niepoprawnie wprowadzone dane (np. Nieprawidłowe wartości stężenia glukozy we krwi), nieprawidłowe ustawienia i nie zapisaną insulinę lub inne dane. Zawsze porównuj propozycję z aktualnym stanem.\n\nKalkulator może nie uwzględniać nietypowych zmian w metabolizmie spowodowanych np. ekstremalna dieta. Zawsze porównuj propozycję z aktualnym stanem.\n\nUpewnij się, że dane podane dla kalkulatora są poprawne. Błędne dane prowadzą do błędnych propozycji bolusa.\n\nNie zmieniaj leczenia na podstawie pojedynczego wyniku obliczeń, który nie pasuje do Twojego samopoczucia lub jeśli uważasz, że propozycja jest nieprawidłowa.\n\nKalkulator służy do obliczania propozycji dawkowania insulin szybko-działających. Nie używaj kalkulatora do obliczania wniosków dotyczących insuliny o pośrednim czasie działania lub insuliny długotrwałej (bazalnej).\n\nKalkulator może nie uwzględniać niestabilności związanych z podstawową insulinoterapią. Nie używaj kalkulatora, jeśli podstawowe leczenie insuliną nie jest zrównoważone i pod kontrolą.\n\nZgadzając się na powyższe warunki, oznacza to, że je przeczytałeś i wyraziłeś zgodę. Wszystkie obliczenia muszą zostać potwierdzone przed użyciem. Sugerowane wyniki nie zastępują oceny klinicznej. Ani autor, ani żadna inna strona zaangażowana w przygotowanie lub publikację Spike'a i kalkulatora bolusa nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za korzystanie lub niewłaściwe użycie.\n\nZdecydowanie odradzamy używanie kalkulatora bolusa, jeśli sensor podaje niedokładne odczyty. Może się to zdarzyć w ciągu pierwszych 24-48 godzin po wstawieniu lub gdy sensor zbliża się do końca okresu eksploatacji.\n\nKalkulator bolusa jest tylko narzędziem badawczym i w żadnym wypadku nie powinien być używany w rzeczywistych sytuacjach. +extended_bolus_reminder_notification_body=Przypomnienie o przedłużonym bolusie. +missing_insulins_label=Aby dodać leczenie, najpierw musisz skonfigurować swoje insuliny. Aby to zrobić, naciśnij przycisk Konfiguruj Insuliny. +projected_outcome_label=Przewidywany wynik +glucose_in_target_label=Docelowy poziom glukozy we krwi. +glucose_in_target_or_close_label=Docelowy poziom glukozy we krwi w {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} różnicy. +glucose_outcome_without_extra_treatment=Wynik bez obliczonego dodatkowego leczenia +glucose_outcome_with_calculated_treatment=Wynik z obliczonym leczeniem +carbs_needed=Potrzebne węglowodany +extra_carbs_needed=Potrzebne dodatkowe węglowodany +insulin_equivalent=Równowartość Insuliny +target_not_reachable=Obecne parametry nie pozwalają na osiągnięcie pożądanego docelowego stężenia glukozy we krwi {glucose_target_do_not_translate_this_word} lub w różnicy {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word}. +insulin_needed=Potrzebna Insulina +calculator_in_manual_mode=Kalkulator działa w trybie ręcznym. Krytyczne dane, takie jak glukoza, trend, IOB i COB, nie będą automatycznie aktualizowane, dopóki nie ustawisz insuliny i węglowodanów na sugerowane wartości. (Insulina\: {insulin_do_not_translate_this_word}j, Węglowodany\: {carbs_do_not_translate_this_word}g). +suggestions_font_color_label=Kolor czcionki sugestii +suggestions_at_the_top_label=Sugestie u góry +no_suggestions_spaces_label=Usuń spację między sugestiami diff --git a/src/locale/pt_PT/alarmservice.properties b/src/locale/pt_PT/alarmservice.properties index 8a508e3bcc..bbafac4bd9 100644 --- a/src/locale/pt_PT/alarmservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/pt_PT/alarmservice.properties @@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ snooze_text_fast_drop_alert=Alarme De Descida Rápida snooze_text_fast_rise_alert=Alarme De Subida Rápida fast_drop_alert_notification_alert_text=Glicémia Em Descida Rápida fast_rise_alert_notification_alert_text=Glicémia Em Subida Rápida +this_button_label=Este +all_button_label=Todos diff --git a/src/locale/pt_PT/chartsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/pt_PT/chartsettingsscreen.properties index b4c2ff7f1a..49ce3162aa 100644 --- a/src/locale/pt_PT/chartsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/pt_PT/chartsettingsscreen.properties @@ -35,3 +35,11 @@ average_glucose_range_label=Glicémia Média thresholds_range_label=Limites a1c_ifcc_label=A1c em mmol/mol display_in_landscape_label=Rotação Horizontal +visualization_section_label=Visualização +display_target_glucose_line=Mostrar Linha Alvo GS +display_urgent_high_glucose_line=Mostrar Linha Alta Urgente +display_high_glucose_line=Mostrar Linha Alta +display_low_glucose_line=Mostrar Linha Baixa +display_urgent_low_glucose_line=Mostrar Linha Baixa Urgente +target_glucose_line_color=Linha Alvo GS +glucose_line_thickness=Espessura da Linha de Glicose diff --git a/src/locale/pt_PT/foodmanager.properties b/src/locale/pt_PT/foodmanager.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aeef3a87a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/pt_PT/foodmanager.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +food_manager_title_label=Gestor de Alimentos +subtract_fiber_amount_label=Subtrair Quantidade de Fibra +whole_fiber_label=Toda +half_fiber_label=Metade +user_interface_lable=Interface +favourites_label=Favoritos +recipes_label=Receitas +default_database_label=Banco de Dados Padrão +search_as_i_type_label=Pesquisar Enquanto Escrevo +import_foods_as_note_label=Listar Alimentos Nas Notas do Tratamento +no_internet_connection=Não existe nenhuma conexão à internet\! +server_response_label=Resposta do Servidor +error_label=Erro +error_connecting_to_food_service_label=Erro a conectar ao serviço\!\nPor favor tente mais tarde. +new_food_label=Novo Alimento +name_label=Nome +brand_label=Marca +serving_unit_label=Unidade da Porção +serving_size_label=Tamanho da Porção +link_label=Link +carbs_label=Hidratos +fiber_label=Fibra +proteins_label=Proteínas +fats_label=Gorduras +calories_label=Calorias +search_food_label=Pesquisar Alimento +go_button_label=Ir +scan_button_label=Digitalizar +save_as_recipe_label=Guardar Como Receita +nutrition_facts_label=Informação Nutricional +subtract_whole_fiber=Subtrair Toda a Fibra +subtract_half_fiber=Subtrair Metade da Fibra +link_button_label=Link +amount_label=Quantidade +finish_button_label=FINALIZAR +cart_totals_label=Totais do Carrinho +search_recipe_label=Pesquisar Receita +no_search_results_label=Sem resultados\! +add_recipe_label=Adicionar Receita +edit_food_label=Editar Alimento diff --git a/src/locale/pt_PT/globaltranslations.properties b/src/locale/pt_PT/globaltranslations.properties index 1630ac7a72..98b3e5c26c 100644 --- a/src/locale/pt_PT/globaltranslations.properties +++ b/src/locale/pt_PT/globaltranslations.properties @@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ camera_access_denied=O acesso à sua câmera foi previamente negado. Necessita i camera_access_restricted=Não foi possível activar o acesso à sua câmera. Controles parentais parecem estar activos. camera_access_unknow_error=Ocorreu um erro desconhecido ao tentar activar o acesso à sua câmera. no_internet_connection_message=O seu dispositivo não está conectado à internet. É necessária um ligação à internet para enviar e-mails. +instructions_button_label=Instruções +configure_button_label=Configurar diff --git a/src/locale/pt_PT/profilesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/pt_PT/profilesettingsscreen.properties index 70cadc34f8..c0fdc3c729 100644 --- a/src/locale/pt_PT/profilesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/pt_PT/profilesettingsscreen.properties @@ -22,3 +22,20 @@ all_carb_types_list=Rápido,Médio,Lento default_carb_type_label=Tipo de Hidrato Pré-definido absorption_rate_label=Taxa de Absorção de Hidratos em Gramas carb_absorption_time_description_label=O tempo que leva para os hidratos de carbono entrarem na corrente sanguínea. Este valor irá influenciar o algoritmo COB. O tipo de hidrato de carbono por defeito é aquele que será usado quando nenhum outro tipo for seleccionado ao introduzir um tratamento ou quando Spike importar tratamentos do Nightscout. +insulin_carb_ratio_guide_label=Guia I\:C +insulin_sensitivity_factor_guide_label=Guia ISF +isf_ic_trend_bgtarget_description_label=ISF (Factor de Sensibilidade à Insulina)\: O quanto uma unidade de insulina reduz a sua glicose sanguínea. Por exemplo, se o seu Factor de Sensibilidade à Insulina é 50, uma unidade de insulina reduz a sua glicose sanguínea em 50 mg/dL. O Spike também suporta o Factor de Sensibilidade à Insulina em unidades mmol/L. Se o Spike estiver configurado para mmol/L, um Factor de Sensibilidade à Insulina de 2.5 significa que uma unidade de insulina reduz a sua glicose sanguínea em 2.5 mmol/L.\n\nI\: C (Rácio de Insulina-Carboidratos)\: Quantidade de gramas de hidratos cobertos por uma unidade de insulina. Por exemplo, se o seu Rácio de Insulina-Carboidratos é 15, então necessita administrar uma unidade de insulina para cobrir cada quinze gramas de hidratos ingeridos.\n\nPara determinar o seu ISF e I\:C, por favor, leia os guias abaixo.\n\nAlvo GS\: O nível de glicose sanguínea (mg/dL ou mmol/L) que deseja alcançar, aquele que você deseja ficar na maior parte do tempo.\n\nTendências\: A quantidade de insulina ou hidratos necessários para converter uma flecha de tendência ascendente ou descendente plana. Flechas de tendências ascendentes necessitam de insulina e setas de tendência descendente necessitam de hidratos. +start_time_label=Hora de Início +insulin_sensitivity_factor_short_label=ISF +insulin_to_carb_ratio_short_label=I\:C +target_glucose_label=Alvo GS +add_configuration_label=Por favor, adicione uma configuração\! +glucose_trends_label=Tendências +glucose_trend=Tendência +add_profile_label=Adicionar Perfil +edit_profile_label=Editar Perfil +units_of_insulin_label=Unidades de Insulina +grams_of_carbs_label=Gramas de Hidratos +cant_delete_profile_label=Não é possível eliminar o perfil\! É necessário existir pelo menos um perfil com inicio às +delete_profile_confirmation_label=Tem a certeza que deseja eliminar este perfil?\n\nEsta acção não pode ser revertida\! +conflicting_profile_label=A hora de início do perfil já se encontra em uso. Por favor, seleccione uma hora diferente. diff --git a/src/locale/pt_PT/speechsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/pt_PT/speechsettingsscreen.properties index 7d5819243f..7406f07476 100644 --- a/src/locale/pt_PT/speechsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/pt_PT/speechsettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinês (China),Chinês (Hong Kong),Chinês (Taiwan),Holandês (Bélgica),Holandês (Holanda),Inglês (Austrália),Inglês (Irlanda),Inglês (África do Sul),Inglês (Reino Unido),Inglês (EUA),Francês (Canadá),Francês (França),Alemão (Alemanha),Italiano (Itália),Polaco (Polônia),Português (Brasil),Português (Portugal),Russo (Rússia),Esloveno (Eslováquia),Espanhol (México),Espanhol (Espanha) +ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinês (China),Chinês (Hong Kong), Chinês (Taiwan),Dinamarquês (Dinamarca),Holandês (Bélgica),Holandês (Holanda),Inglês (Austrália),Inglês (Irlanda),Inglês (África do Sul),Inglês (Reino Unido),Inglês (EUA),Finlandês (Finlândia),Francês (Canadá),Francês (França),Alemão (Alemanha),Italiano (Itália),Norueguês (Noruega),Polaco (Polônia),Português (Brasil),Português (Portugal),Russo (Rússia),Esloveno (Eslováquia),Espanhol (México),Espanhol (Espanha),Sueco (Suécia) speech_settings_title=Voz speak_bg_readings_title=Pronunciar Leituras de GS speak_bg_trend_title=Pronunciar Tendência GS diff --git a/src/locale/pt_PT/treatments.properties b/src/locale/pt_PT/treatments.properties index cb420bff4c..d861431a54 100644 --- a/src/locale/pt_PT/treatments.properties +++ b/src/locale/pt_PT/treatments.properties @@ -57,3 +57,52 @@ carbs_unknown_label=Desconhecido minutes_small_label=min iob_label=IOB cob_label=COB +bolus_wizard_settings_label=Calculadora de Bolus +calculations_label=Cálculos +insulin_precision_label=Precisão de Insulina +carbs_precision_label=Precisão de Hidratos +load_foods_button_label=Carregar Alimentos +food_manager_label=Gestor de Alimentos +bolus_wizard_allowed_margin=Margem Superior/Inferior Permitida do Alvo de GS +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_iob=Adicionar IOB Automaticamente Aos Cálculos +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_cob=Adicionar COB Automaticamente Aos Cálculos +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_trend=Adicionar Tendência Automaticamente Aos Cálculos +final_calculations_label=Cálculos Finais +blood_glucose_label=Glicose Sanguínea +foods_label=Alimentos +carbs_offset_in_minutes_label=Desfazamento de Hidratos (Min) +insulin_type_label=Tipo de Insulina +exercise_adjustment=Ajuste de Exercício +time_label=Hora +before_exercise_label=Antes do Exercício +after_exercise_label=Após o Exercício +exercise_intensity_label=Intensidade +exercise_intensity_low_label=Baixa +exercise_intensity_moderate_label=Moderada +exercise_intensity_high_label=Alta +exercise_duration_label=Duração +exercise_reduction_label=Redução (%) +sickness_adjustment_label=Ajuste de Doença +sickness_increase_label=Aumento (%) +extra_correction_label=Correção Extra +extra_correction_amount_label=Quantidade (g/U) +extended_bolus_reminder_label=Lembrete de Bolus Estendido +profile_not_configured_label=Perfil não configurado\! +disclaimer_alert_title=Aviso Legal +disclaimer_body_label=POR FAVOR, LEIA ATENTAMENTE E NA TOTALIDADE\!\nA calculadora de bolus fornece informações e conteúdos que foram recolhidos com o maior cuidado e segundo os nossos melhores conhecimentos fornecidos por fontes internas e externas. No entanto, queremos realçar que a calculadora de bolus deve ser usada apenas para fornecer informações e promover a conscientização, mas não pode nem deve substituir a consulta com um profissional de saúde. Deve ser usada apenas para fins de investigação\! Em circunstância alguma o Spike emitirá recomendações de terapia médica ou aconselhamento médico de qualquer tipo. Para perguntas sobre a terapia e as configurações que melhor se aplicam a si (ISF, I\:C, etc.), recomendamos que entre em contato com um profissional de saúde. Nenhum conteúdo - não importa se fornecido pelo Spike, nossos parceiros ou usuários - pode ser entendido como suplemento ou substituto de informações fornecidas por um profissional de saúde.\n\nA proposta de bolus fornecida pela calculadora é apenas uma proposta. Compare sempre a quantidade proposta com a forma como você realmente se sente na altura, e ajuste a dose de bolus recomendada de acordo. Consulte sempre o seu profissional de saúde antes de alterar a sua terapia de diabetes.\n\nAs configurações da calculadora devem ser definidas por um profissional de saúde. Não defina ou altere as configurações sem a supervisão e consultoria de um profissional de saúde. Configurações incorrectas levam sempre a uma proposta de bolus incorrecta.\n\nÉ importante fazer a seleção correta para o seu Rácio de Insulina-Carboidratos (I\:C) e Factor de Sensibilidade à Insulina (ISF). Se o I\:C e/ou ISF estiverem incorrectos, todas as propostas de dosagem de bolus estarão incorrectas.\n\nO uso da calculadora de bolus requer um entendimento do uso de insulina de ação rápida. O uso incorreto ou má compreensão do cálculo, ou do bolus sugerido, pode levar a cálculos inapropriados de insulina.\n\nA calculadora não pode ter em conta todos os factores que podem afetar a dosagem de insulina necessária. Os fatores incluem dados inseridos incorretamente (por exemplo, GS incorrecta), configurações incorretas e insulina ou outros dados não registrados. Compare sempre a proposta com sua condição actual e a forma como se sente na altura.\n\nA calculadora não pode ter em conta mudanças excepcionais no seu metabolismo resultantes de, por exemplo, uma dieta extrema. Compare sempre a proposta com sua condição atual e a forma como se sente na altura.\n\nCertifique-se de que os dados fornecidos para a calculadora estejam corretos. Dados incorrectos levam sempre a propostas incorretas de bolus.\n\nNão altere o seu tratamento com base em um único resultado de cálculo que não corresponda ao que você sente ou se você acreditar que a proposta está incorreta.\n\nA calculadora deve ser utilizada apenas para o cálculo de propostas de insulina de acção rápida. Não use a calculadora para calcular propostas para insulina de acção intermediária ou para insulina de longa duração (basal).\n\nA calculadora não pode ter em conta as instabilidades relacionadas com a sua dosagem de insulina basal. Não use a calculadora se a dosagem da sua insulina basal não estiver correcta ou sob controle.\n\nAo concordar com os termos acima, indica que você os leu e concordou. Todos os cálculos devem ser confirmados antes do uso. Os resultados propostos não são um substituto para o julgamento clínico. Nem o autor nem qualquer outra parte envolvida na preparação ou publicação do Spike e da calculadora de bolus será responsável pelo uso ou uso indevido.\n\nAconselhamos vivamente contra o uso da calculadora de bolus se o seu sensor estiver a dar leituras imprecisas. Isso tende a acontecer durante as primeiros 24 /48 horas após a inserção ou quando o sensor está a aproximar-se do fim da vida.\n\nA calculadora de bolus é apenas uma ferramenta de investigação e, em circunstância alguma, deve ser usada em cenários reais. +extended_bolus_reminder_notification_body=Este é um lembrete para o seu bolus estendido. +missing_insulins_label=De forma a adicionar tratamentos, primeiro necessita configurar as suas insulinas. Para tal, pressione o botão Configurar Insulinas. +projected_outcome_label=Resultado previsto +glucose_in_target_label=Glicose sanguínea no alvo. +glucose_in_target_or_close_label=Glicose sanguínea no alvo ou dentro de uma margem de {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} de diferença. +glucose_outcome_without_extra_treatment=Resultado sem tratamento adicional +glucose_outcome_with_calculated_treatment=Resultado com tratamento calculado +carbs_needed=Hidratos necessários +extra_carbs_needed=Hidratos adicionais necessários +insulin_equivalent=Equivalente em insulina +target_not_reachable=Os parâmetros actuais não permitem alcançar o alvo de glicose desejado de {glucose_target_do_not_translate_this_word} ou dentro de {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} de diferença. +insulin_needed=Insulina necessária +calculator_in_manual_mode=A calculadora encontra-se em modo manual. Dados críticos como glicose, tendência, IOB e COB não serão automaticamente actualizados até que reponha os valores de insulina e hidratos sugeridos.\n(Insulina\: {insulin_do_not_translate_this_word}U, Hidratos\: {carbs_do_not_translate_this_word}g). +suggestions_font_color_label=Cor da Fonte das Sugestões +suggestions_at_the_top_label=Sugestões no Topo +no_suggestions_spaces_label=Remover Espaço Entre Sugestões diff --git a/src/locale/ru_RU/advancedsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/ru_RU/advancedsettingsscreen.properties index 8ec6e52a0a..e0290cb82d 100644 --- a/src/locale/ru_RU/advancedsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/ru_RU/advancedsettingsscreen.properties @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ prevent_suspension_title=Режим фоновой работы suspension_modes=Стандартный,Умеренный,Агрессивный,Очень агрессивный user_defined_label=Задать самостоятельно mode_label=Режим -instructions_title_label=Инструкции -suspension_instructions=Чтобы Spike в фоновом режиме продолжал считывать данные с вашего трансмиттера и отправлять их в онлайн-сервисы контроля глюкозы крови (такие, как Nightscout или Dexcom Share), Spike изо всех сил старается избежать приостановки или завершения приложения операционной системой iOS вашего телефона или планшета. Обычно Spike неплохо справляется с этим самостоятельно, но при частых пропусках считывания показателей с трансмиттера или передачи их в онлайн-сервисы вы можете изменить настройки фонового режима вручную. Есть четыре варианта фоновой работы Spike — стандартный, умеренный, агрессивный и очень агрессивный. Чем агрессивнее режим, тем быстрее будет разряжаться батарея вашего телефона или планшета.
\n\nЕсли вы вручную выбираете режим фоновой работы Spike и при этом хотите как можно меньше разряжать батарею телефона или планшета, выбирайте «Стандартный» или «Умеренный» режимы фоновой работы для трансмиттеров Dexcom и «Агрессивный» или «Очень агрессивный» режимы для всех других моделей трансмиттеров.
\n\nЕсли Spike часто зависает или пропускает считывания, начните с выбора «Очень агрессивного» режима и посмотрите, решит ли это проблему. Если да — попробуйте «Агрессивный», затем «Умеренный» и, наконец, «Стандартный», пока не подберете режим, обеспечивающий стабильную работу и в то же время сохраняющий заряд батареи вашего телефона или планшета.
\n\nЕсли ни один из этих режимов фоновой работы вам не помог и Spike по-прежнему пропускает считывания или зависает, включите галочку «Альтернативный метод №1» и снова пройдитесь по всем четырем режимам, от «Очень агрессивного» до «Стандартного». Учтите, что «Альтернативный метод №1» потребляет еще больше энергии, и без нужды включать его не стоит.
\n\nЕсли не помог и «Альтернативный метод №1», отключите его, включите «Альтернативный метод №2» и снова попробуйте все четыре режима. Наконец, если ничего не помогает, включите обе галочки — «Альтернативный метод №1» и «Альтернативный метод №2» — и еще раз проверьте все четыре режима работы. Учтите, что использовать эту комбинацию стоит лишь в самом крайнем случае — батарее вашего телефона или планшета это совсем не понравится.
\n\nЭти эксперименты могут занять много времени, но главное — не сдавайтесь, и вы обязательно найдете для себя оптимальный режим фоновой работы Spike.
+instructions_title_label=Инструкция +suspension_instructions=Чтобы Spike в фоновом режиме продолжал работать, считывать данные с вашего трансмиттера и — после активации — обмениваться данными с онлайн-сервисами общего доступа к показаниям глюкозы крови (такими, как Nightscout или Dexcom Share), Spike всеми способами старается избежать приостановки или завершения приложения операционной системой вашего телефона или планшета. Обычно Spike неплохо справляется с этим самостоятельно, но при частых пропусках считывания показаний с трансмиттера или передачи их в онлайн-сервисы вы можете изменить настройки работы в фоне вручную. Есть четыре режима фоновой работы Spike — стандартный, умеренный, агрессивный и очень агрессивный. Чем агрессивнее режим, тем быстрее будет разряжаться батарея вашего телефона или планшета.
\n\nЕсли вы решили выбрать режим фоновой работы Spike вручную и при этом хотите как можно меньше разряжать батарею телефона или планшета, выбирайте «Стандартный» или «Умеренный» режимы фоновой работы для трансмиттеров Dexcom и «Агрессивный» или «Очень агрессивный» режимы для всех других моделей трансмиттеров.
\n\nЕсли Spike часто зависает или пропускает считывания, начните с выбора «Очень агрессивного» режима и посмотрите, решит ли это проблему. Если да — попробуйте «Агрессивный», затем «Умеренный» и, наконец, «Стандартный», пока не подберете режим, обеспечивающий стабильную работу и в то же время сохраняющий заряд батареи вашего телефона или планшета.
\n\nЕсли ни один из этих режимов фоновой работы вам не помог и Spike по-прежнему пропускает считывания или зависает, включите галочку «Альтернативный метод №1» и снова пройдитесь по всем четырем режимам, от «Очень агрессивного» до «Стандартного». Учтите, что «Альтернативный метод №1» потребляет еще больше энергии, и без нужды включать его не стоит.
\n\nЕсли не помог и «Альтернативный метод №1», отключите его, включите «Альтернативный метод №2» и снова попробуйте все четыре режима. Наконец, если ничего не помогает, включите обе галочки — «Альтернативный метод №1» и «Альтернативный метод №2» — и еще раз проверьте все четыре режима работы. Учтите, что использовать эту комбинацию стоит лишь в самом крайнем случае — батарее вашего телефона или планшета это совсем не понравится.
\n\nЭти эксперименты могут занять много времени, но главное — не сдавайтесь, и вы обязательно найдете для себя оптимальный режим фоновой работы Spike.
alternative_method_1=Альтернативный метод \#1 alternative_method_2=Альтернативный метод \#2 diff --git a/src/locale/ru_RU/alarmpresnoozer.properties b/src/locale/ru_RU/alarmpresnoozer.properties index cfce3c6b93..d6ac055648 100644 --- a/src/locale/ru_RU/alarmpresnoozer.properties +++ b/src/locale/ru_RU/alarmpresnoozer.properties @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ unsnooze_button_label=Возобновить presnooze_button_label=Приглушить snoozed_for=Приглушить на -pre_snoozer_alarm_list=Все,Быстрый подъем,Очень высокий,Высокий,Быстрое падение,Низкий,Очень низкий,Пропущенное чтение,Беззвучный режим +pre_snoozer_alarm_list=Все,Быстрый подъем,Очень высокий СК,Высокий СК,Быстрое падение,Низкий СК,Очень низкий СК,Пропущено считывание,Включен режим без звука diff --git a/src/locale/ru_RU/alarmservice.properties b/src/locale/ru_RU/alarmservice.properties index 77cf52df57..7a8548f0e4 100644 --- a/src/locale/ru_RU/alarmservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/ru_RU/alarmservice.properties @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -low_alert_notification_alert_text=Низкий уровень сахара -verylow_alert_notification_alert_text=Очень низкий уровень сахара -high_alert_notification_alert_text=Высокий уровень сахара -veryhigh_alert_notification_alert_text=Очень высокий уровень сахара -missed_reading_alert_notification_alert=Пропущенное чтение -phonemuted_alert_notification_alert_text=Беззвучный режим телефона -batteryLevel_alert_notification_alert_text=Низкий уровень заряда передатчика +low_alert_notification_alert_text=Низкий СК +verylow_alert_notification_alert_text=Очень низкий СК +high_alert_notification_alert_text=Высокий СК +veryhigh_alert_notification_alert_text=Очень высокий СК +missed_reading_alert_notification_alert=Пропущено считывание +phonemuted_alert_notification_alert_text=Телефон в беззвучном режиме +batteryLevel_alert_notification_alert_text=Батарея трансмиттера разряжена calibration_request_alert_notification_alert_title=Запрос калибровки -suboptimal_calibration_request_alert_notification_alert_title=Неоптимальный запрос калибровки -hour=час -hours=часов -minutes=минут +suboptimal_calibration_request_alert_notification_alert_title=Не лучшее время для калибровки +hour=ч. +hours=ч. +minutes=мин. day=день week=неделя snooze_text_low_alert=Сигнал низкого сахара @@ -18,16 +18,18 @@ snooze_text_very_low_alert=Сигнал очень низкого сахара snooze_text_phone_muted_alert=Сигнал беззвучного режима snooze_text_high_alert=Сигнал высокого сахара snooze_text_very_high_alert=Сигнал очень высокого сахара -snooze_text_missed_reading_alert=Сигнал пропущенного чтения -snooze_text_battery_alert=Сигнал низкого заряда батареи +snooze_text_missed_reading_alert=Сигнал пропущенного считывания +snooze_text_battery_alert=Сигнал разряда батареи трансмиттера snooze_text_calibration_alert=Сигнал запроса калибровки -application_stopped_alert_body=Spike был неактивен более чем 10 минут. Что-то может быть неисправно и требует вашего внимания\! +application_stopped_alert_body=Spike неактивен более 10 минут. Что-то, кажется, пошло не так и требует вашего внимания\! days=дней received=Получено -consecutive_sensor_not_detected=сенсор не обнаружен. Проверьте правильность расположения MiaoMiao. +consecutive_sensor_not_detected=раз «Сенсор не обнаружен». Проверьте правильность установки MiaoMiao на сенсор. select_snooze_time_title=Повторить через suboptimal_calibration_request_notification_body=Это напоминание о калибровке, но оптимальные условия для калибровки еще не достигнуты. Если калибровка пока не выполняется (рекомендуется). то Спайк уведомит вас снова, как только оптимальные условия будут достигнуты. snooze_text_fast_drop_alert=Сигнал быстрого падения сахара snooze_text_fast_rise_alert=Сигнал быстрого подъема сахара fast_drop_alert_notification_alert_text=Быстрое падение уровня сахара fast_rise_alert_notification_alert_text=Быстрый рост уровня сахара +this_button_label=Этот +all_button_label=Все diff --git a/src/locale/ru_RU/chartsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/ru_RU/chartsettingsscreen.properties index 5c0ee8f1a7..048c64884a 100644 --- a/src/locale/ru_RU/chartsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/ru_RU/chartsettingsscreen.properties @@ -35,3 +35,11 @@ average_glucose_range_label=Средний сахар thresholds_range_label=Период a1c_ifcc_label=A1C в ммоль/моль display_in_landscape_label=Показать в альбомном режиме +visualization_section_label=Визуализация +display_target_glucose_line=Отобразить целевую линию +display_urgent_high_glucose_line=Отобразить линию очень высокого сахара +display_high_glucose_line=Отобразить линию высокого сахара +display_low_glucose_line=Отобразить линию нормального сахара +display_urgent_low_glucose_line=Отобразить линию очень низкого сахара +target_glucose_line_color=Линия целевой глюкозы +glucose_line_thickness=Толщина линии глюкозы diff --git a/src/locale/ru_RU/foodmanager.properties b/src/locale/ru_RU/foodmanager.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..311e07e809 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/ru_RU/foodmanager.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +food_manager_title_label=Еда +subtract_fiber_amount_label=Вычесть клетчатку +whole_fiber_label=всю +half_fiber_label=половину +user_interface_lable=Интерфейс +favourites_label=Избранное +recipes_label=Рецепты +default_database_label=По умолчанию +search_as_i_type_label=Искать при вводе +import_foods_as_note_label=Добавить продукты в комментарий к записи +no_internet_connection=Нет подключения к интернету\! +server_response_label=Ответ сервера +error_label=Ошибка +error_connecting_to_food_service_label=Ошибка при подключении к сервису\!\nПопробуйте позже. +new_food_label=Новый продукт +name_label=Название +brand_label=Производитель +serving_unit_label=Ед. измерения +serving_size_label=Размер порции +link_label=Ссылка +carbs_label=Углеводы +fiber_label=Клетчатка +proteins_label=Белки +fats_label=Жиры +calories_label=Калории +search_food_label=Искать продукт +go_button_label=> +scan_button_label=Баркод +save_as_recipe_label=Сохранить как рецепт +nutrition_facts_label=Пищевая ценность +subtract_whole_fiber=Вычесть всю клетчатку +subtract_half_fiber=Вычесть половину клетчатки +link_button_label=Ссылка +amount_label=Кол-во +finish_button_label=ГОТОВО +cart_totals_label=В целом\: +search_recipe_label=Искать рецепт +no_search_results_label=Не найдено\! +add_recipe_label=Добавить рецепт +edit_food_label=Изм. продукт diff --git a/src/locale/ru_RU/globaltranslations.properties b/src/locale/ru_RU/globaltranslations.properties index 66ed0bbeea..1acf3e7b43 100644 --- a/src/locale/ru_RU/globaltranslations.properties +++ b/src/locale/ru_RU/globaltranslations.properties @@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ camera_access_denied=Вы ранее отказали Spike в доступе к camera_access_restricted=Не удается активировать доступ к камере. Похоже, что включен Родительский контроль. camera_access_unknow_error=Произошла неизвестная ошибка при попытке доступа к камере. no_internet_connection_message=Ваше устройство не подключено к сети Интернет. Требуется активное подключение к Интернету для отправки электронной почты. +instructions_button_label=Инструкции +configure_button_label=Настроить diff --git a/src/locale/ru_RU/profilesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/ru_RU/profilesettingsscreen.properties index 00e74415df..afac0acd7f 100644 --- a/src/locale/ru_RU/profilesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/ru_RU/profilesettingsscreen.properties @@ -22,3 +22,20 @@ all_carb_types_list=Быстрые,Средние,Медленные default_carb_type_label=Тип углеводов по умолчанию absorption_rate_label=Скорость усвоения углеводов в граммах carb_absorption_time_description_label=Время, затрачиваемое на попадание углеводов в кровоток. Это значение будет влиять на алгоритм расчета COB. Тип углеводов по умолчанию будет использоваться когда не выбран тип углеводов при вводе терапии или когда Spike импортирует терапию из Nightscout. +insulin_carb_ratio_guide_label=Расчет УК +insulin_sensitivity_factor_guide_label=Расчет ФЧИ +isf_ic_trend_bgtarget_description_label=ФЧИ (фактор чувствительности к инсулину, ISF) показывает, насколько снизится уровень глюкозы крови (ГК) при введении 1 единицы инсулина. Если единица инсулина понижает вашу ГК на 2,5 ммоль/л, то ваш ФЧИ равен 2,5. ФЧИ указывается в ммоль/л или в мг/дл в зависимости от установок в меню «Настройки/Основные». Если вы настроили Spike на отображение глюкозы крови в мг/дл, то ФЧИ 50 будет означать, что 1 единица инсулина понижает ваш уровень глюкозы крови на 50 мг/дл.\n\nУК (углеводный коэффициент, IC)\: количество граммов углеводов, которое покрывается 1 единицей инсулина. Если ваш УК равен 15, то вашему организму требуется единица инсулина на компенсацию каждых 15 грамм съеденных углеводов. УК вводится в граммах, а не в хлебных единицах.\n\nДля расчета ваших ФЧИ и УК воспользуйтесь руководствами ниже.\n\nЦелевая ГК\: уровень глюкозы крови (в ммоль/л или мг/дл), который вы стремитесь поддерживать большую часть времени.\n\nТренд\: стрелка тренда вверх или вниз указывает на тенденцию к росту или падению уровня ГК в ближайшее время. Spike рассчитывает количество инсулина, необходимое для компенсации восходящего тренда, или количество углеводов для компенсации нисходящего тренда, с тем, чтобы стрелка тренда стала горизонтальной. +start_time_label=Время начала +insulin_sensitivity_factor_short_label=ФЧИ +insulin_to_carb_ratio_short_label=УК +target_glucose_label=Целевая ГК +add_configuration_label=Пожалуйста, добавьте конфигурацию\! +glucose_trends_label=Тренды +glucose_trend=Тренд +add_profile_label=Добавить профиль +edit_profile_label=Изм. профиль +units_of_insulin_label=Единиц инсулина +grams_of_carbs_label=Грамм углеводов +cant_delete_profile_label=Невозможно удалить профиль\! Должен быть хотя бы один профиль, начинающийся в +delete_profile_confirmation_label=Вы действительно хотите удалить этот профиль? \n\nОтменить действие будет невозможно\! +conflicting_profile_label=Время начала действия профиля уже используется. Выберите другое время. diff --git a/src/locale/ru_RU/speechsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/ru_RU/speechsettingsscreen.properties index f2552881a8..f5668ce3cc 100644 --- a/src/locale/ru_RU/speechsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/ru_RU/speechsettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -ttslanguagelistdescription=Китайский (Китай), Китайский (Гонконг), Китайский (Тайвань), Голландский (Бельгия), Голландский (Нидерланды), Английский (Австралия), Английский (Ирландия), Английский (Южная Африка), Английский (Великобритания), Английский (США), Французский (Канада), Французский (Франция), Немецкий (Германия), Итальянский (Италия), Польский (Польша), Португальский (Бразилия), Португальский (Португалия), Русский (Россия), Словенский (Словакия), Испанский (Мексика), Испанский (Испания) +ttslanguagelistdescription=Китайский (Китай),Китайский (Гонконг),Китайский (Тайвань),Датский (Дания),Голландский (Бельгия),Голландский (Нидерланды),Английский (Австралия),Английский (Ирландия),Английский (Южная Африка),Английский (Великобритания),Английский (США),Финский (Финляндия),Французский (Канада),Французский (Франция),Немецкий (Германия),Итальянский (Италия),Польский (Польша),Португальский (Бразилия),Португальский (Португалия), Русский (Россия),Словенский (Словения),Испанский (Мексика),Испанский (Испания),Шведский (Швеция) speech_settings_title=Озвучивание speak_bg_readings_title=Озвучивать значение уровня сахара speak_bg_trend_title=Озвучивать тренды уровня сахара diff --git a/src/locale/ru_RU/treatments.properties b/src/locale/ru_RU/treatments.properties index 76760c06d7..1745b7506b 100644 --- a/src/locale/ru_RU/treatments.properties +++ b/src/locale/ru_RU/treatments.properties @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com treatment_name_bolus=Болюс treatment_name_carbs=Углеводы -treatment_name_bg_check=Проверка BG -treatment_name_meal=Питание +treatment_name_bg_check=Проверка СК +treatment_name_meal=Еда treatment_name_note=Заметка treatment_name_sensor_start=Запуск сенсора treatment_name_calibration=Калибровка treatment_time_label=Время treatment_insulin_label=Инсулин -treatment_insulin_amount_label=Сумма (ед.) -treatment_carbs_amount_label=Сумма (г.) +treatment_insulin_amount_label=Кол-во (ед.) +treatment_carbs_amount_label=Кол-во (г) treatment_value_label=Значение treatment_note_label=Заметка -out_of_range_treatment_time_message=Выбранное время находится за пределами первого или последнего показания на графике\! Выберите другое время. +out_of_range_treatment_time_message=Указан диапазон времени за пределами графика\! Выберите другой диапазон времени. sensor_calibration_note=Калибровка сенсора workflow_email_body=Привет\!
Будьте уверены, что приложение Workflow установлено на вашем устройстве. вы можете получить его на here, оно бесплатно. Перейдите к экрану Сегодня и добавьте виджет Workflow. Если у вас есть Apple Watch и вы хотите добавлять данные о лечении прямо с часов, то вам нужно установить Workflow на них. Вы можете сделать это прямо из приложения Watch на вашем устройстве.
Для настройки виджета Today Widget и Apple Watch перейдите по следующим ссылкам, одна за одной. Вы можете изменять цвет и заголовок, но не изменяйте конфигурацию Workflow. Каждый workflow процесс на который вы нажимаете будет автоматически добавлен в виджеты на экране Сегодня и на Apple Watch, вам нужно только единожды нажать на каждый workflow процесс и выбрать "GET WORKFLOW".
Чтобы добавить несколько предопределенных заметок, вы можете щелкнуть и импортировать workflow процесс «Spike Note» несколько раз и изменить текст, заголовок и значок заметки по своему вкусу.
Загрузите и установите любое из следующих приложений Pebble. Вам нужно сделать это прямо из приложения Pebble на вашем устройстве.
Настройте приложение, указав на следующий URL-адрес Nightscout.\: http\://\:1979
Не забудьте включить внутренний HTTP-сервер в настройках Spike -> Интеграция. Нет необходимости устанавливать имя пользователя/пароль, чтобы иметь возможность добавлять лекарственные назначения из виджета Сегодня и/или Apple/Pebble Watch.
Хорошего дня\!
Spike App
workflow_email_subject=Настройка данных о лекарствах @@ -57,3 +57,52 @@ carbs_unknown_label=Неизвестно minutes_small_label=мин iob_label=IOB cob_label=COB +bolus_wizard_settings_label=Калькулятор болюса +calculations_label=Расчет +insulin_precision_label=Точность инсулина +carbs_precision_label=Точность углеводов +load_foods_button_label=Загрузить продукты +food_manager_label=Менеджер продуктов +bolus_wizard_allowed_margin=Допустимое отклонение от целевой ГК +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_iob=Учесть активный инсулин (АИ) +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_cob=Учесть активные углеводы (АУ) +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_trend=Учесть тренд +final_calculations_label=Окончательный расчет +blood_glucose_label=Глюкоза крови +foods_label=Продукты +carbs_offset_in_minutes_label=Пауза до еды, мин. +insulin_type_label=Тип инсулина +exercise_adjustment=Учесть тренировку +time_label=Время +before_exercise_label=Перед тренировкой +after_exercise_label=После тренировки +exercise_intensity_label=Интенсивность +exercise_intensity_low_label=Низкая +exercise_intensity_moderate_label=Средняя +exercise_intensity_high_label=Высокая +exercise_duration_label=Длительность +exercise_reduction_label=Понижение (%) +sickness_adjustment_label=Учесть болезнь +sickness_increase_label=Повышение (%) +extra_correction_label=Доп. коррекция +extra_correction_amount_label=Кол-во (г/ед) +extended_bolus_reminder_label=Напомнить о продленном болюсе +profile_not_configured_label=Профиль не настроен\! +disclaimer_alert_title=Отказ от ответственности +disclaimer_body_label=ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ ВНИМАТЕЛЬНО И ПОЛНОСТЬЮ\!\nКалькулятор болюса предоставляет информацию, которая была собрана нами из внешних и внутренних источников с максимальными вниманием и тщательностью. Тем не менее мы должны подчеркнуть, что калькулятор болюса предназначен исключительно в информационных целях для повышения вашей осведомленности и не может заменить консультации с вашим лечащим врачом. Калькулятор болюса должен использоваться исключительно в целях исследования\! Ни при каких обстоятельствах Spike не дает рекомендаций по медицинской терапии или иных медицинских советов любого рода. По всем вопросам, связанным с подбором терапии и определением подходящих для вас параметров, таких, как углеводный коэффициент (УК), фактор чувствительности к инсулину (ФЧИ) и прочих, мы рекомендуем связаться с вашим лечащим врачом. Никакая информация, вне зависимости от того, предоставлена ли она непосредственно программой Spike, нашими партнерами или пользователями, не может быть расценена как замена или дополнение назначениям вашего лечащего врача. \n\nРассчитанная калькулятором дозировка болюса является лишь предположением. Всегда сопоставляйте предлагаемую калькулятором дозировку болюса с вашим текущим состоянием и корректируйте дозировку болюса по необходимости. Всегда консультируйтесь с вашим лечащим врачом перед изменением схемы терапии диабета.\n\nПараметры калькулятора болюса должны быть определены вашим лечащим врачом. Не вводите и не изменяйте параметры без надзора или консультации вашего лечащего врача. Неправильные параметры калькулятора болюса всегда приводят к неверной дозировке предлагаемого болюса.\n\nОчень важно правильно определить ваши углеводный коэффициент (УК) и фактор чувствительности к инсулину (ФЧИ). Если выбранные УК или ФЧИ неверны, дозировка предлагаемого болюса будет ошибочной.\n\nИспользование калькулятора болюса требует понимания механизма работы инсулина быстрого действия. Непонимание или неправильная интерпретация результатов расчетов или предлагаемой дозировки болюса может привести к неверной дозировке инсулина.\n\nКалькулятор болюса не в состоянии учесть все факторы, могущие повлиять на требуемую вам дозировку инсулина. Эти факторы включают неправильно введенные данные (например, неверный уровень сахара крови), неправильные настройки, незарегистрированные данные об уже введенных болюсах и прочую информацию. Всегда сопоставляйте предлагаемую калькулятором дозировку болюса с вашим текущим состоянием.\n\nКалькулятор болюса не в состоянии учесть необычные изменения в вашем метаболизме, обусловленные, к примеру, экстремальной диетой. Всегда сопоставляйте предлагаемую калькулятором дозировку болюса с вашим текущим состоянием.\n\n\nУбедитесь, что данные, которые вы вводите в калькулятор, верны. Ошибочные исходные данные всегда приводят к неверной дозировке предлагаемого болюса.\n\nНе изменяйте схему вашей терапии, основываясь на однократном расчете калькулятора болюса, если он не совпадает с вашим текущим самочувствием, или если вы считаете, что предложенная дозировка болюса является неверной.\n\nКалькулятор болюса предназначен исключительно для расчета дозировки инсулина быстрого действия. Не используйте калькулятор для расчета дозировки инсулинов среднего или длительного (базального) срока действия.\n\nКалькулятор болюса не может учитывать отклонения, связанные с вашей базальной программой инсулинотерапии. Не используйте калькулятор, если ваша базальная программа инсулинотерапии подобрана неверно, не сбалансирована или вышла из-под контроля.\n\nПринимая условия, изложенные выше, вы подтверждает, что прочли их и полностью с ними согласны. Все результаты расчетов должны быть дополнительно проверены перед использованием. Предлагаемые результаты расчетов не являются заменой клинические назначениям или назначениям вашего лечащего врача. Ни автор, ни любая другая сторона, участвующая в подготовке или публикации Spike и калькулятора болюса, не несет ответственности за их использование или неправильное использование.\n\nМы настоятельно не рекомендуем использовать калькулятор болюса, если ваш сенсор дает неточные показания. Как правило, это происходит в первые 24-48 часов после установки нового сенсора или в конце его срока действия. \n\nКалькулятор болюса является исключительно инструментом для исследований и ни при каких условиях не должен использоваться в условиях реальной жизни. +extended_bolus_reminder_notification_body=Напоминаю о продленном болюсе. +missing_insulins_label=Для ввода заметок необходимо сначала настроить типы инсулина. Для этого нажмите кнопку «Настроить инсулин». +projected_outcome_label=Прогноз +glucose_in_target_label=СК в целевом диапазоне. +glucose_in_target_or_close_label=СК в целевом диапазоне с отклонением в пределах {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word}. +glucose_outcome_without_extra_treatment=Прогноз СК без дополнительной коррекции +glucose_outcome_with_calculated_treatment=Прогноз СК с рассчитанным болюсом/углеводами +carbs_needed=Требуемые углеводы +extra_carbs_needed=Требуемые доп. углеводы +insulin_equivalent=Аналог инсулина +target_not_reachable=Эти параметры не позволят достичь целевого СК {glucose_target_do_not_translate_this_word} с допуском {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word}. +insulin_needed=Требуемый инсулин +calculator_in_manual_mode=Калькулятор в ручном режиме. Критически важные данные\: СК, тренд, АИ и АУ не будет обновляться автоматически до тех пор, пока вы не введете предлагаемые значения инсулина и углеводов.\n(инсулин\: {insulin_do_not_translate_this_word} ед, углеводы\: {carbs_do_not_translate_this_word} г). +suggestions_font_color_label=Цвет шрифта советов +suggestions_at_the_top_label=Советы сверху +no_suggestions_spaces_label=Без пробела между советами diff --git a/src/locale/sv_SE/alarmservice.properties b/src/locale/sv_SE/alarmservice.properties index 0f9346b740..9c71a9145d 100644 --- a/src/locale/sv_SE/alarmservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/sv_SE/alarmservice.properties @@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ snooze_text_fast_drop_alert=Larm Snabbt Sjunkande snooze_text_fast_rise_alert=Larm Snabbt Stigande fast_drop_alert_notification_alert_text=Snabbt Sjunkande Blodglukos fast_rise_alert_notification_alert_text=Snabbt Stigande Blodglukos +this_button_label=Denna +all_button_label=Alla diff --git a/src/locale/sv_SE/chartsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/sv_SE/chartsettingsscreen.properties index 473da23676..29707e6d91 100644 --- a/src/locale/sv_SE/chartsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/sv_SE/chartsettingsscreen.properties @@ -35,3 +35,11 @@ average_glucose_range_label=Genomsnittligt Blodglukos thresholds_range_label=Tröskelvärde a1c_ifcc_label=HbA1c i mmol/mol display_in_landscape_label=Visa liggande läge +visualization_section_label=Visualisering +display_target_glucose_line=Visa mållinje +display_urgent_high_glucose_line=Visa linjen för Mycket Högt +display_high_glucose_line=Visa linje för Högt +display_low_glucose_line=Via linje för Lågt +display_urgent_low_glucose_line=Visa linje för Mycket Lågt +target_glucose_line_color=Linje för målvärde +glucose_line_thickness=Tjocklek Blodglucoslinje diff --git a/src/locale/sv_SE/foodmanager.properties b/src/locale/sv_SE/foodmanager.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..79a5983aff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/sv_SE/foodmanager.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +food_manager_title_label=Mathanterare +subtract_fiber_amount_label=Minska med fibrer +whole_fiber_label=Hela +half_fiber_label=Halva +user_interface_lable=Gränssnitt +favourites_label=Favoriter +recipes_label=Recept +default_database_label=Standarddatabas +search_as_i_type_label=Sök medan jag skriver +import_foods_as_note_label=Lista Mat i Behandlingsanteckningar +no_internet_connection=Internetanslutning saknas\! +server_response_label=Svar från Server +error_label=Fel +error_connecting_to_food_service_label=Fel vid anslutning till service\!\nFörsök igen senare. +new_food_label=Ny Mat +name_label=Namn +brand_label=Märke +serving_unit_label=Serveringsenhet +serving_size_label=Portionsstorlek +link_label=Länk +carbs_label=Kolhydrater +fiber_label=Fibrer +proteins_label=Protein +fats_label=Fett +calories_label=Kalorier +search_food_label=Sök Mat +go_button_label=Kör +scan_button_label=Skanna +save_as_recipe_label=Spara Som Recept +nutrition_facts_label=Näringstabell +subtract_whole_fiber=Bortse från hela fiberinnehållet +subtract_half_fiber=Bortse från halva fiberinnehållet +link_button_label=Länk +amount_label=Mängd +finish_button_label=SLUTFÖR +cart_totals_label=Kundvagn totalt +search_recipe_label=Sök recept +no_search_results_label=Inga resultat\! +add_recipe_label=Lägg till recept +edit_food_label=Redigera mat diff --git a/src/locale/sv_SE/globaltranslations.properties b/src/locale/sv_SE/globaltranslations.properties index b067def55d..fb019c51a2 100644 --- a/src/locale/sv_SE/globaltranslations.properties +++ b/src/locale/sv_SE/globaltranslations.properties @@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ camera_access_denied=Tidigare nekade du åtkomst till kameran för Spike app. Du camera_access_restricted=Kan inte aktivera åtkomst till kameran. Föräldrakontroll verkar vara aktiverat. camera_access_unknow_error=Ett okänt fel inträffade när åtkomst till kameran skulle godkännas. no_internet_connection_message=Din enhet har inte kontakt med Internet. Du behöver en aktiv Internetuppkoppling för att skicka e-post. +instructions_button_label=Instruktioner +configure_button_label=Konfigurera diff --git a/src/locale/sv_SE/profilesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/sv_SE/profilesettingsscreen.properties index d34e36c2b2..8e18b6f81a 100644 --- a/src/locale/sv_SE/profilesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/sv_SE/profilesettingsscreen.properties @@ -22,3 +22,20 @@ all_carb_types_list=Snabb,Medel,Långsam default_carb_type_label=Standard Kolhydratstyp absorption_rate_label=Kolhydratsupptagning i Gram carb_absorption_time_description_label=Tiden det tar för kolhydrater att komma ut i blodomloppet. Det här värdet påverkar COB algoritmen. Standardkolhydratstypen är den som används när ingen typ av kolhydrater är vald när man lägger in behandling eller när spike får en behandling från Nightscout. +insulin_carb_ratio_guide_label=I\:K guide +insulin_sensitivity_factor_guide_label=Insulinkänslighet guide +isf_ic_trend_bgtarget_description_label=IKF (InsulinKänslighetsFaktor)\: Hur mycket en enhet insulin sänker ditt blodglukos. Till exempel om din insulinkänslighetsfaktor är 2, så sänker en enhet insulin ditt blodsocker med 2mmol/L. Spike stödjer även IKF i mg/dl om du ändrar enhet till mg/dl. Om Spike sätts till mg/DL och din insulinkänslighetsfaktor är 50 så sänker en enhet insulin 50mg/dl.\n\nI\:K (Insulin till kolhydratskvot) Antal gram kolhydrater som en enhet insulin räcker till. Till exempel om om din kolhydratskvot är 15, så behöver du ta en enhet insulin för var 15\:e gram kolhydrater du äter.\n\nFör att beräkna din IKF och kolhydratskvot (I\:K) följ guiden nedan.\n\nMålvärde blodglukos\: Ditt målvärde för blodglukos, mätt i mmol/L eller mg/dl som du siktar på att vara nära för det mesta.\n\nTrend\: Mängden insulin eller kolhydrater som du behöver för att ändra en pil upp, eller ner till en rak pil. Pil upp, behöver insulin och en pil ner behöver kolhydrater. +start_time_label=Starttid +insulin_sensitivity_factor_short_label=Insulinkänslighet +insulin_to_carb_ratio_short_label=I\:K +target_glucose_label=Målblodsocker +add_configuration_label=Vänligen konfigurera\! +glucose_trends_label=Trender +glucose_trend=Trend +add_profile_label=Lägg till profil +edit_profile_label=Redigera profil +units_of_insulin_label=Enheter insulin +grams_of_carbs_label=Gram kolhydrater +cant_delete_profile_label=Kan inte ta bort profil\! Det måste finnas minst en profil som börjar vid +delete_profile_confirmation_label=Är du säker på att du vill radera den här profilen?\n\nÅtgärden kan inte ångras\! +conflicting_profile_label=Profilstarttid används redan. Välj en annan kod. diff --git a/src/locale/sv_SE/speechsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/sv_SE/speechsettingsscreen.properties index eaa177a165..06e220d84c 100644 --- a/src/locale/sv_SE/speechsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/sv_SE/speechsettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinese (China),Chinese (Hong Kong),Chinese (Taiwan),Dutch (Belgium),Dutch (Netherlands),English (Australia),English (Ireland),English (South Africa),English (UK),English (US),French (Canada),French (France),German (Germany),Italian (Italy),Polish (Poland),Portuguese (Brazil),Portuguese (Portugal),Russian (Russia),Slovenian (Slovakia),Spanish (Mexico),Spanish (Spain) +ttslanguagelistdescription=Kinesiska (Kina),Kinesiska (Hong Kong),Kinesiska (Taiwan),Danska (Danmark),Holländska (Belgien),Holländska (Nederländerna),Engelska (Australien),Engelska (Irland),Engelska (Sydafrika),Engelska (UK),Engelska (US),Finska (Finland),Franska (Canada),Franska (Frankrike),Tyska (Tyskland),Italienska (Italien),Norska (Norge),Polska (Polen),Portugisiska (Brasilien),Portugisiska (Portugal),Ryska (Ryssland),Slovenska (Slovenien),Spanska (Mexico),Spanska (Spanien),Svenska (Sverige) speech_settings_title=Tal speak_bg_readings_title=Säg BG Avläsningar speak_bg_trend_title=Säg BG Trend diff --git a/src/locale/sv_SE/treatments.properties b/src/locale/sv_SE/treatments.properties index 14202f2bed..7c4fc0e989 100644 --- a/src/locale/sv_SE/treatments.properties +++ b/src/locale/sv_SE/treatments.properties @@ -57,3 +57,52 @@ carbs_unknown_label=Okänd minutes_small_label=min iob_label=IOB cob_label=COB +bolus_wizard_settings_label=Boluskalkylator +calculations_label=Uträkningar +insulin_precision_label=Insulinprecision +carbs_precision_label=Kolhydratsprecision +load_foods_button_label=Ladda mat +food_manager_label=Mathanterare +bolus_wizard_allowed_margin=Tillåtna övre/nedre blodsockermålsmarginaler +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_iob=Räkna med IOB automatiskt +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_cob=Räkna med COB automatiskt +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_trend=Räkna med blodsockertrend automatiskt +final_calculations_label=Slutgiltiga uträkningar +blood_glucose_label=Blodsocker +foods_label=Mat +carbs_offset_in_minutes_label=Kolhydratsfördröjning (minst) +insulin_type_label=Insulintyp +exercise_adjustment=Justering vid träning +time_label=Tid +before_exercise_label=Innan träning +after_exercise_label=Efter träning +exercise_intensity_label=Intensitet +exercise_intensity_low_label=Låg +exercise_intensity_moderate_label=Måttlig +exercise_intensity_high_label=Hög +exercise_duration_label=Varaktighet +exercise_reduction_label=Minskning (%) +sickness_adjustment_label=Justering vid sjukdom +sickness_increase_label=Öka (%) +extra_correction_label=Extra korrigering +extra_correction_amount_label=Dos (g/E) +extended_bolus_reminder_label=Förlängd boluspåminnelse +profile_not_configured_label=Profilen ej konfigurerad\! +disclaimer_alert_title=Ansvarsfriskrivning +disclaimer_body_label=LÄS HELA TEXTEN NOGGRANT\!\nBoluskalkylatorn ger dig information och innehåll som har insamlats med största noggrannhet och med vår bästa kunskap från interna och externa källor. Vi vill ändå göra dig uppmärksam på att boluskalkylatorn bara kan ge dig information och ge dig kunskap, men kan inte ersätta medicinsk konsultation. Den bör endast användas för forskningssyfte\! Under inga omständigheter ger Spike några rekommendationer eller medicinska råd av något slag. För frågor kring medicinska råd eller inställningar som passar dig bäst (kolhydratskvot m.m.), rekommenderar vi dig att kontakta din professionella vårdgivare. Inget innehåll - oavsett om det kommer från Spike, våra samarbetspartner eller användare kan ersätta eller komplettera information från professionell vårdgivare. \n\nBolusförslag som ges av kalkylatorn är endast ett förslag. Jämför alltid förslaget med den mängd du brukar ta och justera den rekommenderade mängden bolus efter det. Konsultera alltid din professionella vårdgivare innan du gör ändringar i din diabetesterapi. \n\nKalkylatorns inställningar måste alltid ställas in av en professionell vårdgivare. Gör inga ändringar utan att kontrollera med din vårdgivare. Felaktiga inställningar kan leda till felaktiga bolusförslag.\n\nDet är viktigt att alltid göra korrekta val för kolhydratskvot (I\:C) och insulinkänslighetsfaktor (ISF). Om valen är fel, kommer alla bolusförslag bli fel.\n\nAnvändning av boluskalkylatorn kräver en förståelse av användningen av snabbverkande insulin. Missbruk eller okunskap av kalkylen, eller den föreslagna bolusen kan leda till olämpligt beräkning på bolus.\n\nKalkylatorn kan inte ta hänsyn till alla faktorer som kan påverka hur mycket insulin du behöver. Faktorer som kan påverka kan bl.a. vara felaktiga data (ex. fel BG värde), felaktiga inställningar, insulin eller annan data som inte är loggad. Jämför alltid förslaget med hur du känner dig.\n\nKalkylatorn kan inte ta hänsyn till ovanliga förändringar i din ämnesomsättning, t.ex. extrem diet. Jämför alltid förslaget med hur du känner dig.\n\nSe till att den data du ger boluskalkylatorn är korrekt. Fel data leder till fel bolusförslag.\n\nÄndra inte behandling baserat på en enda beräkning som inte matchar hur du känner dig, eller om du inte tror att förslaget är korrekt.\n\nKalkylatorn är endast till för att beräkna snabbverkande insulin. Använd inte kalkylatorn för att beräkna medlångtidsverkande eller långtidsverkande insulin (basaldos).\n\nKalkylatorn kan inte beräkna variationer som är relaterad till din basaldos. Använd inte kalkylatorn om behandlingen av din basaldos är i balans, eller under kontroll.\n\nGenom att godkänna villkoren ovan innebär att du har läst och förstått och godkänt villkoren. Alla kalkyleringar måste bli godkända innan användning. Förslagen är inte en ersättning för professionella råd från vårdgivare. Varken författare eller någon annan part involverad i publiceringen av Spike och boluskalkylatorn är ansvarig för dess användning eller missbruk. \n\nVi avråder från att använda boluskalkylatorn om din sensor ger felaktiga värden. Det är vanligt de första två dygnet sensorn börjar användas och när dess livslängd nästan är slut.\n\nBoluskalkylatorn är endast till i forskningssyfte och ska under inga omständigheter användas i ett verkligt scenario. +extended_bolus_reminder_notification_body=Det här är en påminnelse för din förlängda bolus. +missing_insulins_label=För att lägga till behandlingar behöver du först konfigurera ditt insulin. Tryck på "Konfigurera insulin" för att göra det. +projected_outcome_label=Beräknat resultat +glucose_in_target_label=Blodsocker inom målvärde. +glucose_in_target_or_close_label=Blodsocker i målvärde eller inom {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} skillnad. +glucose_outcome_without_extra_treatment=Resultat utan extra dos +glucose_outcome_with_calculated_treatment=Resultat med extra dos +carbs_needed=Kolhydratsbehov +extra_carbs_needed=Extra kolhydratsbehov +insulin_equivalent=Insulinekvivalent +target_not_reachable=Nuvarande parametrar låter dig ej nå det önskade blodsockervärdet {glucose_target_do_not_translate_this_word} eller inom {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} skillnad. +insulin_needed=Insulinbehov +calculator_in_manual_mode=Kalkylatorn är i manuellt läge. Viktig data såsom blodsocker, trend, IOB och COB kommer inte automatiskt läggas till förrän du ställer in insulin och kolhydrater till deras föreslagna värden.\n(Insulin\: {insulin_do_not_translate_this_word}E, Kolhydrater\: {carbs_do_not_translate_this_word}g). +suggestions_font_color_label=Teckenfärg Förslag +suggestions_at_the_top_label=Förslag längst upp +no_suggestions_spaces_label=Radera mellanslag mellan förslag diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/3dtouch.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/3dtouch.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7d70420691 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/3dtouch.properties @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +calibration_menu=Kalibre Et +start_sensor_menu=Sensörü Başlat +stop_sensor_menu=Sensörü Durdur diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/aboutsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/aboutsettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..993f2ce48a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/aboutsettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +about_screen_title=Hakkında +info_section_title=Bilgi +app_name_label=İsim +app_name_description=Spike +app_version_label=Versiyon +requirements_section_title=Gereksinimler +device_label=Cihaz +device_description_label=iPhone 4s, 5, 5c, 5s, 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, SE, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X.\n\niPod Touch 5th, 6th Gen. +ipad_device_description_label=iPad 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Gen. Air 1, 2. Pro 9.7", 10.5", 12.9". Mini 1, 2, 3, 4. +hardware_label=Donanım +hardware_description=Bluetooth Düşük Enerji +os_label=İşletim Sistemi +os_description=iOS 8.1.4+ +support_section_title=Destek +facebook_group_label=Facebook Grubu +go_button=Başla +website_label=Web sitesi diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/advancedsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/advancedsettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..226c78954a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/advancedsettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +advanced_screen_title=Gelişmiş +prevent_suspension_title=Suspension Prevention +suspension_modes=Standard,Moderate,Aggressive,Very Aggressive +user_defined_label=Kullanıcı Tanımlı +mode_label=Mod +instructions_title_label=Talimatlar +suspension_instructions=In order for Spike to avoid loosing readings from your transmitter and perform download/upload operations in the background when you activate glucose sharing to online services (ex\: Nightscout or Dexcom Share) it avoids being completely suspended by iOS to ensure stability.
In a normal scenario you should let Spike manage suspension but advanced users might want to change the above settings. The less aggressive Spike avoids suspension, the better for battery life.
If you want to try and save battery life you should select "Standard" or "Moderate" if your transmitter is a Dexcom G5 or G4, "Aggressive" or "Very Aggressive" for all other transmitters.
If Spike is freezing or you are having missed readings, start by using the "Very Aggressive" mode and see if it fixes the issue. If it does, try the "Aggressive" mode and then the "Moderate" and finally the "Standard" until you can find a mode that works for you and saves the maximum amount of battery consumption.
If none of the above modes are working for you, then select the "Alternative Method \#1" option and try it with all available modes. Only select that option if you still have missed readings because it consumes a bit more battery. "Alternative Method \#1" should only be used as a last resort.
Same as with "Alternative Method \#1", Spike now offers and additional method. If none of the above modes are working for you, then select the "Alternative Method \#2" option and try it with all available modes. Only select this option if you still have missed readings because it consumes a bit more battery. You can also use a combination of both methods but that would be your very last resort, it will hurt your battery quite a bit.
+alternative_method_1=Alternatif Yöntem \#1 +alternative_method_2=Alternatif Yöntem \#2 diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/alarmpresnoozer.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/alarmpresnoozer.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5348381963 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/alarmpresnoozer.properties @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +unsnooze_button_label=Unsnooze +presnooze_button_label=Pre-snooze +snoozed_for=Snoozed for +pre_snoozer_alarm_list=All,Fast Rise,Urgent High,High,Fast Drop,Low,Urgent Low,Missed Reading,Muted diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/alarmservice.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/alarmservice.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c451364381 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/alarmservice.properties @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +low_alert_notification_alert_text=Düşük Glikoz +verylow_alert_notification_alert_text=Aşırı Düşük Glikoz +high_alert_notification_alert_text=Yüksek Glikoz +veryhigh_alert_notification_alert_text=Aşırı Yüksek Glikoz +missed_reading_alert_notification_alert=Okuma Yapılamıyor +phonemuted_alert_notification_alert_text=Phone Muted +batteryLevel_alert_notification_alert_text=Transmitter Battery Low +calibration_request_alert_notification_alert_title=Kalibrasyon Gerekli +suboptimal_calibration_request_alert_notification_alert_title=Suboptimal Calibration Request +hour=saat +hours=saatler +minutes=dakikalar +day=gün +week=hafta +snooze_text_low_alert=Düşük Alarmı +snooze_text_very_low_alert=Aşırı Düşük Alarmı +snooze_text_phone_muted_alert=Phone Muted Alarm +snooze_text_high_alert=Yüksek Alarmı +snooze_text_very_high_alert=Aşırı Yüksek Alarmı +snooze_text_missed_reading_alert=Okuma Yapılamıyor Alarmı +snooze_text_battery_alert=Transmitter Low Battery Alarm +snooze_text_calibration_alert=Kalibrasyon Gerekli Alarmı +application_stopped_alert_body=Spike için 10 dakikadan fazla etkin değil. Bir şeyler yanlış olabilir, dikkat edin\! +days=günler +received=Received +consecutive_sensor_not_detected=times 'sensor not detected'. Check if MiaoMiao is correctly positioned. +select_snooze_time_title=Select Snooze Time +suboptimal_calibration_request_notification_body=This is a reminder to calibrate but optimal conditions for calibration have not yet been met. If no calibration is done in the meantime (recommended) Spike will notify you again as soon as they're met. +snooze_text_fast_drop_alert=Fast Drop Alarm +snooze_text_fast_rise_alert=Fast Rise Alarm +fast_drop_alert_notification_alert_text=Fast Dropping Glucose +fast_rise_alert_notification_alert_text=Fast Rising Glucose +this_button_label=This +all_button_label=All diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/alarmsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/alarmsettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7064bd0500 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/alarmsettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +screen_title=Alarmlar +alarms_list_screen_title=Alarmlar +bg_value_label=BG Değeri +bg_change_label=BG Change On\n2 Consecutive\nReadings +calibration_value_label=Interval (Hours) +missed_readings_value_label=Interval (Minutes) +add_alarm_title=Alarm Ekle +edit_alarm_title=Alarmı Düzenle +start_time_label=Start Time +end_time_label=End Time +alert_type_label=Alert Type +invalid_alarm_alert_title=Invalid Alarm +invalid_alarm_alert_message=The alarm time range is already taken\!\nThere's an alarm with a conflicting time range of +override_mute_label=Override Mute +alert_types_label=Alarm Tipleri +urgent_high_label=Aşırı Yüksek +high_label=Yüksek +low_label=Düşük +urgent_low_label=Aşırı Düşük +calibration_label=Kalibrasyon +missed_reading_label=Okuma Yapılamıyor +phone_muted_label=Phone Muted +transmitter_low_battery_label=Transmitter Low Battery +new_alert_label=Alarm Oluştur +select_alert_prompt=Alarm Seç +delete_alarm_type_confirmation_message=Bu alarmı silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? +all_day_label=Tüm gün +app_inactive_label=App Inactive +workflow_alarms_email_subject=Alarms Snooze/Un-Snooze Configurations +workflow_alarms_email_body=Hello Spiker\!
Make sure you have the Workflow app installed on your device. You can get it here, it's free. Go to your Today View and add the Workflow Today Widget. If you have an Apple Watch and want to be able to request readings on-demand directly from the watch you will need to install Workflow on it. You can do this directly from the Watch app on your device.
To configure both the Today Widget and Apple Watch click on the following links. You're free to change the color and title but be sure not to change the workflow configuration. When you click the workflow and select "GET WORKFLOW" it will be automatically added to your Today Widget and Apple Watch.
Don't forget to enable the internal HTTP server in Spike's Settings -> Intergration. No need to set a username/password to be able to snooze/un-snooze alarms from the Today Widget and/or Apple Watch.
Have a great day\!
Spike App
+fast_rise_label=Hızla Yükseliyor +fast_drop_label=Hızla Düşüyor +battery_value_label=Pil Seviyesi +override_system_volume_label=Override System Volume +custom_system_volume_label=Custom Volume diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/alertsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/alertsettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5e8156a03c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/alertsettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +alert_types_list_screen_title=Alarm Tipi +add_alert_button_label=Alarm Ekle +alerttype_in_use_alert_title=Alarm Silinemedi +alerttype_in_use_alert_message=Alarm tipi kullanılıyor. Silme işlemi başarısız oldu\! +alert_type_customizer_new_screen_title=Alarm Ekle +invalid_alert_name_alert_message=Alarm adı zaten kullanımda\!\nLütfen farklı bir ad seçin. +name_label=Name +snooze_notification_label=Snooze From Notification +default_snooze_time_label=Default Snooze (Min) +default_snooze_time_iphone_x_label=Default Snooze +repeat_label=Repeat +sound_label=Sound +vibration_label=Vibrate +alarm_name_empty_alert_message=You need to define a name for this alert\! +alerts_list_section_label=Alerts Manager +something_went_wrong_alert_message=Something went wrong. Please try again. +no_alert=No Alert +silent_alert=Silent +delete_alert_type_confirmation_message=Are you sure you want to delete this alert? diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/bluetoothservice.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/bluetoothservice.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8a330116aa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/bluetoothservice.properties @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +oldwxlused=Your xdrip has an old firmware. It does not allow to update the transmitter Id in Spike. Do you want to receive an updated firmware ? +notnow=NOT NOW +dontaskagain=NEVER +sendemail=YES +cantusesensor=Can't use this sensor as it is +other_G5_app=Conflicting G5 App +other_G5_app_info=There seems to be another app currently or recently trying to connect to your G5 transmitter. You need to close or uninstall it in order to avoid conflicts. If you used another app recently, then keep Spike running. It make take 15 minutes before a new connection can be made. +dead_or_expired_sensor=Your sensor is malfunctioning or expired. +sensor_not_detected_miaomiao=Sensor not detected\! Check if your MiaoMiao transmitter is correctly placed on top of the sensor. +g5_reset_done=Dexcom G5 transmitter has been reset\! diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/bugreportsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/bugreportsettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f2ba3688eb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/bugreportsettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +screen_title=Bug Report +trace_section_title=Detailed Tracing +email_button_title=Send Report +name_label=Your Name +email_label=Your E-mail +message_label=Message +stand_by_button_label=Please Stand By... +name_required='Your Name' is a required field\! +email_required='Your E-mail' is a required field\! +email_invalid=The provided e-mail address is invalid\! +message_required=Please provide a detailed description of the problem you encountered. +trace_file_too_recent_prefix=You need to have tracing enabled for at least 15 minutes. Elapsed time\: +trace_file_too_recent_suffix=You can continue using the app and come back later. +minute=minute. +minutes=minutes. +trace_file_non_existent=Trace file does not exist\! Please try to disable/enable tracing and try again. +bug_report_sent_successfully=Bug report sent successfully\!\nThank you\! +bug_report_error=An error occurred while sending the bug report\!\n\nStatus code\: +no_network_connection=Your device is not connected to the Internet. You need an active Internet connection in able to submit a bug report. +warning_label=Read This First +warning_description=Do not abuse this feature. Do not report a bug to ask for features. Always go to Spike's Facebook Support Group first before submitting a bug, most of the time it's not a bug and you can find a solution there.
If you're experiencing missed readings (gaps), don't report a bug, go to the Help screen and follow the on-screen suggestions. This issue is due to your iOS being too aggressive and removing the Spike app from memory.
diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/calibrationservice.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/calibrationservice.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09624131f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/calibrationservice.properties @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +enter_initial_calibration_notification_body=Initial calibration required. Please swipe this notification to calibrate. +enter_initial_calibration_title=Initial Calibration +invalid_value=Invalid Value +value_should_be_numeric=BG value should be numeric\! +enter_calibration_title=Calibration +enter_calibration_title_with_override=Override Calibration +can_not_calibrate_right_now=Can not calibrate. There are not enough recent blood glucose readings. +enter_bg_value_with_override=Calibrating now will override the previous calibration\! Proceed? +latest_reading_is_too_old=Latest reading received from transmitter is more than 2 minutes old. Please wait for a new reading. +calibration_add_button_title=ADD +calibration_alert_title=Enter BG Value +enter_calibration_title_sub_optimal=Suboptimal Calibration +enter_bg_value_sub_optimal=Calibrations should preferably be made when your glucose is stable for the last 15 minutes (not going up or down by more than {max_bg_difference} at a time) and in range (between {low_threshold} and {high_threshold}).\n\nYou also have the option to have Spike notify you when optimal conditions have been met. +notify_optimal_conditions_button_label=NOTIFY +optimal_calibration_request_notification_title=Calibration Request +optimal_calibration_request_notification_body=Optimal conditions for calibration have been met. You may calibrate now. +proceed_button_label=PROCEED diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/chartscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/chartscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8ad52f2a03 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/chartscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +retro_title=RETRO +time_ago_suffix=ago +minutes_small=min +low_title=Low +in_range_title=In Range +high_title=High +readings_title=Readings +average_glucose_title=Avg Glucose +a1c_title=A1C +radio_button_1h_title=1H +radio_button_3h_title=3H +radio_button_6h_title=6H +radio_button_12h_title=12H +radio_button_24h_title=24H +check_box_line_title=Line +full_screen_button_title=FullScreen +no_lock_button_title=No Lock +speech_button_title=Speech +nightscout_button_title=Nightscout +calibration_button_title=Calibration +glucose_high=HIGH +glucose_low=LOW +slope_error=N/A +now=now +manage_readings_button_title=Readings +snoozer_button_title=Snoozer +snoozer_popup_title=Pre/Un-Snoozer +raw_glucose=Raw +raw_glucose_extended=Raw Glucose +sensor_age=SAGE +canula_age=CAGE +insulin_age=IAGE +glucose_outcome=Outcome +glucose_effect=Effect +basal_insulin=Basal +openaps=OpenAPS +openaps_moment=OpenAPS Moment +loop_app=Loop +loop_moment=Loop Moment +uploader_battery=Uploader Battery +pump_reservoir=Pump Reservoir +pump_time=Pump Time +pump_status=Pump Status +pump_battery=Pump Battery +battery=Battery +api_v2_not_found=Nightscout API V2 cannot be found\! +error_getting_user_info=Error retrieving info from Nightscout\! +transmitter_battery=Transmitter Battery +spike_master_phone_battery=Master's Device Battery +spike_master_transmitter_battery=Master''s {transmitter} Battery +history_go_button_label=Go +history_preloader_label=Please wait, rendering data... +no_rotation_button_title=No Rotation +readings_on_demand_button_title=On-Demand diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/chartsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/chartsettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..be68c0303f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/chartsettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +chart_settings_title=Grafik +chart_colors_settings_title=Renkler +size_settings_title=Boyut +glucose_distribution_settings_title_master=Glucose Distribution +glucose_distribution_settings_title_follower=24H Glucose Distribution +glucose_distribution_range_labels=1 Gün, 2 Gün, 3 Gün, 1 Hafta, 2 Hafta, 1 Ay, 3 Ay +urgent_high_title=Aşırı Yüksek +high_title=Yüksek +in_range_title=Hedefte +low_title=Düşük +urgent_low_title=Aşırı Düşük +axis_title=Axis +chart_font_title=Grafik Yazı Tipi +axis_font_title=Axis Font +pie_chart_font_title=24H Glucose Distribution Font +load_default_colors=Varsayılanları Yükle +chart_size_title=Boyut +glucose_marker_radius=BG Marker Radius +glucose_font_size=Glucose Font Size +time_ago_font_size=Pill Font Size +axis_font_size=Axis Font Size +old_data_title=Outdated Data +resize_mode_settings_title=Scale +chart_mode=Mode +chart_modes=Dynamic,Fixed +chart_max_value=Max Value +chart_min_value=Min Value +chart_resize_out_of_bounds=Resize On Out Of Bounds +pie_high_color_title=Pie Chart High +pie_in_range_color_title=Pie Chart In Range +pie_low_color_title=Pie Chart Low +a1c_range_label=A1C +average_glucose_range_label=Average Glucose +thresholds_range_label=Thresholds +a1c_ifcc_label=A1C in mmol/mol +display_in_landscape_label=Display in Landscape +visualization_section_label=Visualization +display_target_glucose_line=Display Target Line +display_urgent_high_glucose_line=Display Urgent High Line +display_high_glucose_line=Display High Line +display_low_glucose_line=Display Low Line +display_urgent_low_glucose_line=Display Urgent Low Line +target_glucose_line_color=Target Glucose Line +glucose_line_thickness=Glucose Line Thickness diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/crashreport.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/crashreport.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..28cb08a2d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/crashreport.properties @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +alert_message=Spike has recovered from a crash. Do you want to send a report to the developer team so they can take a look at it? diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/defaultalerts.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/defaultalerts.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c7f488a7f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/defaultalerts.properties @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +default_calibration_alert=Kalibrasyon diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/dexcomshareservice.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/dexcomshareservice.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..309acfc53f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/dexcomshareservice.properties @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +credential_test_alert_title=Dexcom Authentication +credential_test_alert_title_x=Dexcom Login +credential_test_alert_message_ok=Authentication successful\! +credential_test_alert_message_error=Authentication failed\!\nError\: +credential_test_alert_message_service_unavailable=Service unavailable. +credential_test_alert_message_error_unknown=Unknown. +credential_test_alert_message_max_login_attempts_excceded=Maximum login attempts exceeded. Retrying in 10 minutes. +credential_test_alert_message_account_name_not_found=Account name not found or invalid\! +credential_test_alert_message_invalid_password=Invalid password\! +credential_test_alert_message_network_unreachable=Network unreachable. Please check your Internet connection. +upload_alert_title=Dexcom Upload +upload_alert_message_receiver_sn_missmatch=The receiver's serial number does not match the serial number for this account. Please input the correct receiver's serial number in the app settings. +upload_alert_message_receiver_unassigned_1=It looks like the Transmitter ID or Serial Number +upload_alert_message_receiver_unassigned_2=is not assigned to +upload_alert_message_receiver_unassigned_3=\nDo you want me to try to assign it? +assignment_alert_title=Dexcom Assignment +assignment_alert_message_unknown_error=An unknown error ocurred while trying to assign your Transmitter ID or Serial Number. +assignment_alert_message_error=An error occurred while trying to assign your Transmitter ID or Serial Number\!\nError\: +assignment_alert_message_success=Assignment successful\! Dexcom Share sync will now resume... diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/disclaimerscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/disclaimerscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab6d0623fb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/disclaimerscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +screen_title=Disclaimer +license_label=License +license_content=This program is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.\n\nSee http\://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt for more details. +disclaimer_label=Disclaimer +disclaimer_content=This software must not be used to make medical decisions. It is a research tool only and is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. +important_notice_label=Important Notice +important_notice_content=Do NOT use or rely on this software or any associated materials for any medical purpose or decision.\n\nDo NOT rely on this system for any real-time alarms or time critical data.\n\nDo NOT use or rely on this system for treatment decisions or use as a substitute for professional healthcare judgement.\n\nAll software and materials have been provided for informational purposes only as a proof of concept to assist possibilities for further research.\n\nNo claims at all are made about fitness for any purpose and everything is provided "AS IS". Any part of the system can fail at any time.\n\nAlways seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional for any medical questions.\n\nAlways follow your glucose-sensor manufacturers' instructions when using any equipment; do not discontinue use of accompanying reader or receiver, other than as advised by your doctor.\n\nThis software is not associated with or endorsed by any equipment manufacturer and all trademarks are those of their respective owners.\n\nYour use of this software is entirely at your own risk.\n\nNo charge has been made by the developers for the use of this software.\n\nThis is an open-source project which has been created by volunteers. The source code is published free and open-source for you to inspect and evaluate.\n\nBy using this software and/or website you agree that you are over 18 years of age and have read, understood and agree to all of the above. +acknowledgments_label=Acknowledgments +acknowledgments_content=I would like to thank the following people for contributing to this project\:\n\nJohan Degraeve for the excellent work on the development of iOSxDripReader. Major parts of this app are based on his code. Thank you\!\n\nThe xDrip/xDrip+ team. Most of the Bluetooth and Transmitter code was ported from them.\n\nMarcel Piestansky who kindly donated his work that served as the basis for the app's theme.\n\nOur translators\:\n\nArabic - Ahmed Mohammed\nBulgarian - Hristina Dimova\nCzech - Daniel Růžička\nChinese - Zhongwen Ji\nDanish - Claus Mumm & Casper Holtermann\nFinnish - Päivi-Sisko Eerola & Satu Lehtniemi\nFrench - Nathan Giovannini, Timothée Chamoin & Alessandra Paganin Mietta\nGerman - Ingo Grandjean, Patrick Maßow, Matthias Brandenburg,Joern Windler & Sascha Scandella\nHungarian - Krisztina Héthy\nItalian - Nathan Giovannini, Christian Rol & Alessandra Paganin Mietta\nNorwegian - Marte Frigstad & Martin Moe\nPolish - Rafał Opalanko & Marek Macner\nPortuguese - Cristina Lopes, Ines Rodrigues, João Rodrigues & Miguel Kennedy\nRussian - Sergey Ten & Sergey Kashchavtsev\nSpanish - Ale Cantú Garza, Wenceslao Blay, Marcos Detry & Miguel Kennedy\nSwedish - Jonas Callander & Per Sjöström +developers_label=Developers +developers_content=Miguel Kennedy (miguel.kennedy@spike-app.com)\nJohan Degraeve (johan.degraeve@spike-app.com) diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/donatescreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/donatescreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..608e61f9a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/donatescreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +screen_title=Donate +donation_title_label=Keep this project alive +donation_description_label=The app lives from contributions of the diabetic community and future features will require purchasing 3rd party libraries.\n\nIf this app has impacted your life in a positive way and you want to keep this project alive please consider making a donation.\n\nEvery contribution counts.\n\nThank you\! +euro_currency_button_label=Donate (EUR) +dollars_currency_button_label=Donate (USD) diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/foodmanager.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/foodmanager.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34e4cb32a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/foodmanager.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +food_manager_title_label=Food Manager +subtract_fiber_amount_label=Subtract Fiber Amount +whole_fiber_label=Whole +half_fiber_label=Half +user_interface_lable=User Interface +favourites_label=Favorites +recipes_label=Recipes +default_database_label=Default Database +search_as_i_type_label=Search As I Type +import_foods_as_note_label=List Foods In Treatment's Notes +no_internet_connection=There's no internet connection\! +server_response_label=Server Response +error_label=Error +error_connecting_to_food_service_label=Error connecting to service\!\nTry again later. +new_food_label=New Food +name_label=Name +brand_label=Brand +serving_unit_label=Serving Unit +serving_size_label=Serving Size +link_label=Link +carbs_label=Carbs +fiber_label=Fiber +proteins_label=Proteins +fats_label=Fats +calories_label=Calories +search_food_label=Search Food +go_button_label=Go +scan_button_label=Scan +save_as_recipe_label=Save As Recipe +nutrition_facts_label=Nutrition Facts +subtract_whole_fiber=Subtract Whole Fiber +subtract_half_fiber=Subtract Half Fiber +link_button_label=Link +amount_label=Amount +finish_button_label=FINISH +cart_totals_label=Cart Totals +search_recipe_label=Search Recipe +no_search_results_label=No Results\! +add_recipe_label=Add Recipe +edit_food_label=Edit Food diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/fullscreenglucosescreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/fullscreenglucosescreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f5c3d72316 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/fullscreenglucosescreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +screen_title=Tamekran Görüntüleme +screen_title_small=Tam Ekran diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/generalsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/generalsettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d8a1e4b6f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/generalsettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +unit=Birim +mgdl=mg/dL +mmol=mmol/L +round_mgdl_chart_value=Round Chart Value +urgent_high_threshold=Aşırı Yüksek Eşik Değeri +high_threshold=Yüksek Eşik Değeri +urgent_low_threshold=Aşırı Düşük Eşik Değeri +low_threshold=Düşük Eşik Değeri +glucose_settings_title=Glikoz +check_for_updates=Güncellemeleri Denetle +general_settings_title=Genel +chart_date_settings_title=Saat biçimi +chart_date_format_label=Mod +chart_date_formats_desc=24H,12H +data_collection_title=Veri Toplama +collection_list=AnaKullanıcı,Takipçi +mode_label=Mod +follower_ns_url=Nightscout URL +time_offset=Offset (Minutes) +api_secret=API Secret +api_secret_description=If a follower wants to add treatments to the master, the master's API Secret needs to be set in the field above.\n\nIf the master's site is protected with the AUTH_DEFAULT_ROLES variable and is preventing Spike from fetching data, setting the master's API secret should solve the issue.\n\nIf none of these features are needed you can leave this field blank. +language_title=Dil +app_language_labels_list=Arabic,Bulgarian,Chinese,Czech,Danish,English,Finnish,French,German,Hungarian,Italian,Norwegian,Polish,Portuguese,Russian,Spanish,Swedish diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/globaltranslations.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/globaltranslations.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..274fe8b1fb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/globaltranslations.properties @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +enabled=Etkin +save_changes=Değişiklikleri Kaydet +want_to_save_changes=Değişiklikleri kaydetmek istiyor musunuz? +yes_uppercase=EVET +no_uppercase=HAYIR +picker_select=Seç +license_alert_title=Lisans Sözleşmesi +license_alert_message=This program is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See http\://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt for more details\n\nSupport\: support@spike-app.com +agree_alert_button_label=AGREE +decline_alert_button_label=DECLINE +back=Back +save_button_label=Save +warning_alert_title=Warning +info_alert_title=Info +error_alert_title=Error +success_alert_title=Success +try_again_button_label=TRY AGAIN +send_button_label=SEND +send_button_label_capitalized=Send +cancel_button_label=Cancel +add_button_label=Add +ok_alert_button_label=OK +dont_show_again_alert_button_label=DON'T SHOW AGAIN +enabled_label=Enabled +stop_alert_button_label=STOP +not_available=N/A +incompatible_device_message=Your iOS device is not compatible\! +connection_error=Unable to make a connection to the server. Error\: +email_button_label=Send to e-mail +user_email_label=Your e-mail +email_address_required=E-mail Address Required\! +email_address_invalid=Invalid E-mail Address\! +instructions_sent_successfully=Instructions successfully sent\! Please check your inbox. If you can't find the e-mail please check your spam folder as well. +instructions_not_sent=An error occurred while sending the instructions\!\n\nStatus code\: +start_button_label=Start +cant_be_undone=Are you sure? This cannot be undone\! +configuration_not_sent=An error occurred while sending the email\!\n\nStatus code\: +configuration_sent_successfully=Email sent\! Please check your inbox. If you can't find the e-mail please check your spam folder as well. +email_configurations_label=Email Widget/Watch Configurations +error_activating_scanner=An error has occurred while activating the scanner. Error\: +camera_access_denied=You previously denied Spike access to your camera. You need to go to iOS Settings -> Spike and activate the camera toggle. +camera_access_restricted=Can't activate access to the camera. Parental controls seem to be enabled. +camera_access_unknow_error=An unknown error has occurred while trying to enable access to the camera. +no_internet_connection_message=Your device is not connected to the Internet. You need an active Internet connection to send e-mails. +instructions_button_label=Instructions +configure_button_label=Configure diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/glucosemanagementscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/glucosemanagementscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1ef4deb750 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/glucosemanagementscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +screen_title=Readings +stand_by=Stand By diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/helpscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/helpscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..66e852c828 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/helpscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +screen_title=Help +tutorial_label=Tutorial +missed_readings_label=Missed Readings (Gaps) +missed_readings_description=If you're experiencing missed readings or gaps in Spike, especially during the night, try the following suggestions\:
Close or uninstall any app that might be trying to connect to your transmitter, this includes Today Widgets and Apple Watch complications.
If you are using Loop to get readings from Spike, remove the transmitter ID from inside Loop.
Close all unneeded apps from the app switcher at all times to free some memory.
Unpair all unneeded Bluetooth devices in iOS settings, Bluetooth.
Disable Background app refresh from all unneeded apps and keep it on for Spike. You can do this in iOS settings, General, Background App Refresh.
Be sure to disable sending analytics to Apple. This can cause additional strain to your iOS, especially during the night, and make iOS throw apps out of memory. You can disable it in iOS Settings, Privacy, Analytics (or Diagnostic & Usage if you're on iOS 10).
In Spike's settings go to advanced and turn on very aggressive. If that doesn't work try to also enable alternative methods.
At night, disconnect WiFi and just keep Bluetooth on. Even better, put the phone in Airplane mode and activate Bluetooth.
Go to iOS Settings, General, Reset and Reset Network Settings. After your device reboots, open Spike and wait for a new Bluetooth pairing request.
If you're on iOS 11, be sure to update to version 11.3 or above.
If you're using a BluCon transmitter, please reset it (they tend to not reconnect to the device after going out of range). To reset the BluCon transmitter and make it pair get a pin and push into the tiny hole on the top of the transmitter. A light blinks red indicating it was pushed. After that, return to Spike and keep it in the foreground for up to 15 minutes without locking your device.
Make sure your transmitter battery is ok. You can check it in main menu -> transmitter.
If none of the above works for you, leaving Spike open in the foreground at night with the screen dimmed and without locking your device, tends to be sufficient for iOS not to kill Spike from memory. If you go this route, be sure to leave your device charging. You can also try to reinstall iOS from scratch (without doing it from an iCloud backup) as this tends to fix most issues caused by another app or service that might be consuming too many resources on your device.
As a rule of thumb, always reboot your device first thing in the morning and before going to bed to keep it's memory clean and used resources to a minimum.
If you're experiencing missed readings or gaps in Spike, especially during the night, try the following suggestions\:
Close all unneeded apps from the app switcher at all times to free some memory.
Disable Background app refresh from all unneeded apps and keep it on for Spike. You can do this in iOS settings, General, Background App Refresh.
Be sure to disable sending analytics to Apple. This can cause additional strain to your iOS, especially during the night, and make iOS throw apps out of memory. You can disable it in iOS Settings, Privacy, Analytics (or Diagnostic & Usage if you're on iOS 10).
In Spike's settings go to advanced and turn on very aggressive. If that doesn't work try to also enable alternative methods.
If you're on iOS 11, be sure to update to version 11.3 or above.
If none of the above works for you, leaving Spike open in the foreground at night with the screen dimmed and without locking your device, tends to be sufficient for iOS not to kill Spike from memory. If you go this route, be sure to leave your device charging. You can also try to reinstall iOS from scratch (without doing it from an iCloud backup) as this tends to fix most issues caused by another app or service that might be consuming too many resources on your device.
As a rule of thumb, always reboot your device first thing in the morning and before going to bed to keep it's memory clean and used resources to a minimum.
Loop Offline
Spike can be directly integrated with Loop (https\://github.com/LoopKit/Loop) to allow you to loop completely offline, without needing an active Internet connection.
To use this feature, please perform the following steps\:
Configure your credentials\: At the top of this screen setup your username and password that will later be used to configure Loop.
Change Loop's source code\: Katie DiSimone was kind enough to make all the necessary edits to Loop for it to work offline with Spike and share them with the community. If you don't want to do the edits yourself, you can download Katie's edited version (it's up to date with the original Loop version) and deploy it directly to your device. It's available here (https\://github.com/Kdisimone/Loop/tree/spike-master). If you wish to perform the edits yourself, open the original Loop code in Xcode and, in the Project Navigator, go to Loop > Models > ServiceAuthentication and open the file "ShareService.swift". Delete the characters "/*" from line 55 and "*/" from line 62. Replace "https\://REPLACEME" with "http\://\:1979". Replace "Custom" with "Spike". Save your Xcode project and deploy Loop to your iOS device.
Configure Loop\: Open Loop, go to Settings > Dexcom Share. Under "Server" select "Spike", input the username and password you defined at the top of this screen and click "Add Account". If you have a Transmitter ID set in Loop, remove it otherwise you might get missed readings (VERY IMPORTANT\!). Loop will now fetch your glucose values directly from Spike.
Spike Master to Spike Follower Offline
You can have a Spike Follower fetch data directly from your Spike Master app, without needing a Nightscout site and completely offline, as long as both of you are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
To use this feature, please perform the following steps\:
Determine the master's IP address\: On the master's iOS device, go to iOS settings, Wi-Fi and click the "i" button next to the active network. Write down the IP address.
Configure Spike Follower\: In Spike Follower, go to settings -> general -> data collection, activate follower mode and in the Nightscout URL field write http\://MASTER_IP_ADDRESS\:1979. The follower should now start receiving data directly from the master's device.
Apple Watch Offline
Spike comes bundled with an Apple Watch app. Make sure the internal HTTP server is enabled (no need to input credentials). Install the app on your Apple Watch directly from the Watch app on your device. No further setup is required.
Pebble Offline
You can use Pebble watches with Spike (fetching data completely offline).
To use this feature, please perform the following steps\:
Download and install compatible watch faces\: Using your iOS Pebble app download and install any of the following watch faces\: CGM SkyLine, CGMitC-Sleep, CGM - Sky, Sleep CGM In The Cloud Slot 2, CGM GRID - Continuous Glucose Monitoring, CGM In The Cloud Slot2, Nightscout, Slot2 Nightscout, CGM NS, Simple CGM Spark, Simple CGM, Simple CGM Time, Simple CGM PWD, Simple CGM Time Jack, Simple CGM TicToc, Vibe Spark, Urchin CGM (works without Pump Data and Predicted Bgs) & Nightscout BWP (works without BWP info). No need to setup credentials on this screen, you can leave them blank.
Configure your watch face\: Using the Pebble app, configure your watch face to use Nightscout as the data source and point it to the following URL address\: http\://\:1979. Be sure to always keep the Pebble app open, otherwise your watch will not be able to communicate with Spike.
FitBit Offline
You can use FitBit watches (Ionic or Versa) with Spike (fetching data completely offline). Special thanks to Ryan Mason.
To use this feature, please perform the following steps\:
Download and install the Glance watch face\: Do it by following this link (https\://github.com/Rytiggy/Glance). No need to setup credentials on this screen, you can leave them blank.
Configure your watch face\: Point the watchface to the following URL (API Endpoint)\: http\://\:1979/sgv.json
Spike is also compatible with "Orbits NS" and "FlashCGM" (https\://github.com/PedanticAvenger/FlashCGM/wiki) watch faces. Search for them on the FitBit app store and point them to http\://\:1979
Garmin Offline
You can use Garmin watches with Spike (fetching data completely offline). Special thanks to Andreas May (@swissalpine) for making custom watch apps for Spike\!
To use this feature, please perform the following steps\:
Download and install a compatible watch app\: Using the Garmin App Store app download and install the watch app from this link (https\://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/294d938a-bca1-4ebc-b9cb-9d1bd2ac1c3b). More apps/widgets will be available in the future. You can check them by visiting this link (https\://apps.garmin.com/en-EN/developer/f9420c47-810f-47ac-a7dd-9fa7b8ecd22d/apps). No need to setup credentials on this screen, you can leave them blank.
Configure your watch app\: Using the Garmin Connect Mobile app, configure your watch app in devices -> device type -> activities and app management -> activities and apps -> spike watch > settings.
Spike is also compatible with the "CGM Loop" watch app made by Tynbendad Dadtynben. Get it here (https\://apps.garmin.com/en-CA/apps/8ea31125-3ceb-4937-941c-3e25fcd87ad3) and point it to http\://\:1979
Nightguard Offline
You can use the Nightguard app with Spike (fetching data completely offline) and benefit from having a scrollable glucose chart on your Apple Watch.
To use this feature, please perform the following steps\:
Download and install the Nightguard app from the App Store\: If you have an Apple Watch be sure to also install it on your watch. No need to setup credentials on this screen, you can leave them blank.
Configure Nightguard\: Open the Nightguard app on your iOS device, go to preferences and input the following URL address\: http\://\:1979. If this is your first time using the Nightguard watch app, open the app on your watch, force touch the screen and select "refresh".
Note\: Most apps that fetch data from Nightscout should work with Spike using a similar setup. It's up to you to try other apps if you choose so. If you find an app that doesn't work when trying to fetch data directly from Spike be sure to let us know and we will try to make Spike compatible.
Spike's internal server mimics parts of a Dexcom Share server, Nightscout API and xDrip server. Developers can integrate their apps with Spike by connecting them to\:1979. Here are the supported endpoints\:
Dexcom Share Server\:
Nightscout API\:
xDrip Server\:
Have a great day\!
Spike App
diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/icloudservice.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/icloudservice.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b9fc4d6a99 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/icloudservice.properties @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +empty_icloud_database_label=The iCloud copy of the database is empty\! diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/iftttsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/iftttsettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..109f959f2c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/iftttsettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +maker_key_label=Maker Key(s) +maker_key_description_label=If using more than one key, separate them by commas (,) +glucose_thresholds_label=Use Glucose Thresholds? +high_threshold_label=High Threshold +low_threshold_label=Low Threshold +urgent_high_glucose_triggered_label=Urgent High Glucose Triggered +urgent_high_glucose_snoozed_label=Urgent High Glucose Snoozed +high_glucose_triggered_label=High Glucose Triggered +high_glucose_snoozed_label=High Glucose Snoozed +low_glucose_triggered_label=Low Glucose Triggered +low_glucose_snoozed_label=Low Glucose Snoozed +urgent_low_glucose_triggered_label=Urgent Low Glucose Triggered +urgent_low_glucose_snoozed_label=Urgent Low Glucose Snoozed +calibration_request_triggered_label=Calibration Request Triggered +calibration_request_snoozed_label=Calibration Request Snoozed +missed_readings_triggered_label=Missed Readings Triggered +missed_readings_snoozed_label=Missed Readings Snoozed +phone_muted_triggered_label=Phone Muted Triggered +phone_muted_snoozed_label=Phone Muted Snoozed +transmitter_battery_triggered_label=Transmitter Low Battery Triggered +transmitter_battery_snoozed_label=Transmitter Low Battery Snoozed +glucose_readings_label=All Glucose Readings +alarms_label=Alarms +http_server_errors=Internal HTTP Server Errors +instructions_Label=Instructions +treatments_label=Treatments +iob_updated_label=IOB Updated +cob_updated_label=COB Updated +bolus_added_label=Bolus Added +bolus_updated_label=Bolus Updated +bolus_deleted_label=Bolus Deleted +carbs_added_label=Carbs Added +carbs_updated_label=Carbs Updated +carbs_deleted_label=Carbs Deleted +meal_added_label=Meal Added +meal_updated_label=Meal Updated +meal_deleted_label=Meal Deleted +bgcheck_added_label=BG Check Added +bgcheck_updated_label=BG Check Updated +bgcheck_deleted_label=BG Check Deleted +note_added_label=Note Added +note_updated_label=Note Updated +note_deleted_label=Note Deleted +fast_rise_glucose_triggered_label=Fast Rise Glucose Triggered +fast_rise_glucose_snoozed_label=Fast Rise Glucose Snoozed +fast_drop_glucose_triggered_label=Fast Drop Glucose Triggered +fast_drop_glucose_snoozed_label=Fast Drop Glucose Snoozed diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/integrationsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/integrationsettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..744092ac96 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/integrationsettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +screen_title=Integration +sidiary_section_label=SiDiary +server_section_label=Internal HTTP Server +server_section_sublabel=Loop, Pebble, Garmin, Nightguard... Offline\! +ifttt_label=IFTTT +settings_label=Settings diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/logtracesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/logtracesettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2a2d92d426 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/logtracesettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +screen_title=Log & Trace +trace_section_title=Trace +nslog_section_title=NSLog +email_button_title=E-mail Trace File diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/mainmenu.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/mainmenu.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3cacc9ae3c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/mainmenu.properties @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +graph_menu_item=Grafik +sensor_menu_item=Sensör +transmitter_menu_item=Transmitter +settings_menu_item=Ayarlar +bug_report_menu_item=Hata raporu +disclaimer_menu_item=Disclaimer +help_menu_item=Yardım +donate_menu_item=Bağış yap +history_menu_item=Geçmiş diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/mainsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/mainsettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f229826c29 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/mainsettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +screen_title=Settings +general_settings_title=Genel +transmitter_settings_title=Transmitter +chart_settings_title=Grafik +widget_settings_title=Widget +alarms_settings_title=Alarmlar +speech_settings_title=Konuşma +share_settings_title=Paylaşım +integration_settings_title=Integration +watch_settings_title=Akıllı Saat +about_settings_title=Hakkında +advanced_settings_title=Gelişmiş +treatments_settings_title=Treatments +maintenance_settings_title=Maintenance diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/maintenancesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/maintenancesettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fc7a9e5623 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/maintenancesettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +screen_title=Maintenance +settings_section_label=Settings Backup/Restore +backup_button_label=Backup +restore_button_label=Restore +restore_instructions_label=You can restore all settings on this phone or any other phone with Spike installed by going to this screen, pressing the Restore button and scanning the QR Code with your device's camera.\n\nYou can also e-mail the QR Code to yourself or any other Spike user. +actions_label=Actions +email_subject=Spike Settings +email_body=Hello Spiker\!
Attached you can find Spike settings in QR Code format.
To import these settings open Spike, navigate to Settings -> Maintenance, press the "Restore" button and scan the QR Code.
Have a great day\!
+email_sent_success_message=QR Code sent successfully\! Please check your inbox. If you can't find the e-mail please check your SPAM folder as well. +email_sent_error_message=Error sending QR Code. Status Code\: +error_backing_up_settings=An error has occurred while backing up settings\! Please try again. +error_creating_qr_code=An error has occurred while creating the QR Code\! Please try again. +invalid_qr_code=Invalid QR Code or it doesn't contain any Spike settings\! +error_restoring_settings=An error has occurred while restoring settings\! Please try again. +settings_imported_successfully=Settings imported successfully\! +no_network_connection=Your device is not connected to the Internet. You need an active Internet connection to backup/restore settings. +parse_settings_error=Error parsing settings\! Try again. +database_section_label=Database Backup/Restore +no_automatic_backup_label=Disabled +daily_backup_label=Daily +weekly_backup_label=Weekly +monthly_backup_label=Monthly +database_backup_restore_explanation_label=A database backup saves all your data (past readings, treatments, insulins, etc.) AND settings (alarms, colors, passwords, etc.) to iCloud. You can backup and restore Spike's database in any device connected to the same iCloud account in case you want to transfer all your data and settings to another device or just backup your data and settings before reinstalling/updating your iOS so you can later restore that data into your newly installed Spike.\n\nBacking up only settings (option at the top of the screen) will not backup your data, only your settings, in case you want to start a fresh instance of Spike without having to configure it all over again. +last_backup_label=Last Backup +schedule_backups_label=Schedule Automatic iCloud Backups +status_label=Status +no_internet_connection_backup_label=Can't perform backup to iCloud. There's no active internet connection\! +no_internet_connection_restore_label=Can't perform restore from iCloud. There's no active internet connection\! +database_restore_confirmation_label=Are you sure you want to restore the database?\n\nThis can not be undone\! +backup_successfull_label=Database successfully backed up to iCloud\! +restore_successfull_label=Database successfully restored\!\n\nPlease close Spike from the app switcher or restart your device or just press the "Terminate Spike" button below. Afterwards, open Spike again and your changes will take effect. +error_saving_database_label=An error has occurred while backing up the database to iCloud\! Error\: +error_loading_database_label=An error has occurred while loading the iCloud copy of the database\! Error\: +missing_local_database_label=Local database not found\! Reinstall Spike. +missing_remote_database_label=Can't find any Spike database in your iCloud account\! +icloud_storage_not_supported=iCloud storage not supported\! +icloud_storage_not_available=iCloud storage not available\! +unknown_icloud_error_label=An unknown error has occurred while performing iCloud operations\!\n\nError\: +icloud_conflict_error_label=There was a conflict with the iCloud version of the database. Another device seems to be making changes to it. Please try again later. +automatic_backups_only_on_wifi_label=Automatic Backups On Wi-Fi Only +settings_restore_confirmation_label=Are you sure you want to restore settings?\n\nThis can not be undone\! +icloud_actions_label=iCloud Actions +send_database_email_button_label=Send Database +email_actions_label=E-mail Actions +database_email_subject=Your Spike Database +database_email_body=Hello, Spiker.
Attached you can find your Spike database.
To restore it just open this e-mail on your device, press and hold the database file and select "Copy to Spike".
Have a great day\!
Spike App
+database_email_success_message=Database sent successfully\! Please check your inbox. If you can't find the e-mail please check your SPAM folder as well. +database_email_error_message=Error sending database\! Status Code\: +terminate_spike_button_label=Terminate Spike + diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/nightscoutscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/nightscoutscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..86662bcccf --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/nightscoutscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +screen_title=Nightscout +load_url_error_message=Error loading Nightscout URL diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/nightscoutservice.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/nightscoutservice.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2745439de2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/nightscoutservice.properties @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +nightscout_title=NS Authentication +nightscout_test_result_ok=Authentication successful\! +nightscout_test_result_nok=Authentication failed\!\nError Message\: +call_to_nightscout_to_verify_url_and_secret_can_not_be_made=Network unreachable. Please check your Internet connection. +care_portal_should_be_enabled=In order to test your credentials you need to have the Careportal plugin enabled in your Nightscout. +nightscout_test_authentication_failed=Authentication failed\! Wrong API secret?\nError\: +nightscout_test_url_not_found=Authentication failed\! URL not found or server is not responding. +optimal_conditions_met=Optimal Conditions For Calibration\! diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/notificationservice.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/notificationservice.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..271cce7c34 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/notificationservice.properties @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +open=Open +calibrate=Calibrate +connected=Connected +not_connected=Not connected +device_not_paired_notification_title=Device Not Paired +device_not_paired_body_text_background=Open the Application. +device_not_paired_body_text_foreground=Accept the Bluetooth pairing request. +snooze_for_snoozin_alarm_in_notification_screen=Snooze +glucose_patch_read_error_notification_title=Patch Read Error +glucose_patch_read_error_body_text=Please check the connectivity and re-initiate. Battery may also be low. diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/profilesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/profilesettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cf2b1fc92e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/profilesettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +screen_title=Profile +insulins_label=Insulins +add_insulin_button_label=Add Insulin +insulin_types_list=Rapid-acting,Short-acting,Intermediate-acting,Pre-mixed,Long-acting +insulin_settings_explanation=DIA (Duration of Insulin Action)\: The amount of hours the insulin stays active in your body. This setting is used to calculate IOB (Insulin On Board) on Spike's main chart. If you don't know your DIA, press the "Guide" button below to learn how to determine it.\n\nDefault\: The insulin that Spike will use when adding treatments from the Today Widget, watches or any other app that connects to the Spike's internal Nightscout server. If you don't select a default insulin, Spike will use the first one on your list. +new_insulin_label=New Insulin +edit_insulin_label=Edit Insulin +name_label=Name +type_label=Type +dia_label=DIA (hours) +default_insulin_label=Default +carbs_label=Carbs +carb_absorption_rate_label=Absorption Rate (g) +carb_absorption_rate_description=The rate at which carbs are absorbed into the bloodstream (in the absence of any prebolus or IOB) measured in grams per hour. If you don't know your absorption rate, leave it at 30g, it's suitable for most people. If you want to determine your absorption rate follow the instructions given by the OpenAPS team by clicking the button below. +guide_button_label=Guide +absorption_time_label=Carb Absorption Delay Times In Minutes +fast_absorption_time_label=Fast Carb +medium_absorption_time_label=Medium Carb +slow_absorption_time_label=Slow Carb +all_carb_types_list=Fast,Medium,Slow +default_carb_type_label=Default Carb Type +absorption_rate_label=Carb Absorption Rate In Grams +carb_absorption_time_description_label=The time it takes for carbs to enter the bloodstream. This value will influence the COB algorithm. The dafault carb type is the one that will be used when no carb type is selected when entering a treatment or when Spike imports treatments from Nightscout. +insulin_carb_ratio_guide_label=I\:C Guide +insulin_sensitivity_factor_guide_label=ISF Guide +isf_ic_trend_bgtarget_description_label=ISF (Insulin Sensitivity Factor)\: How much one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose. For example, if your Insulin Sensitivity Factor is 50, one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose by 50 mg/dL. Spike also supports Insulin Sensitivity Factor in mmol/L. If Spike is set to mmol/L, an Insulin Sensitivity Factor of 2.5 means that one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose by 2.5 mmol/L.\n\nI\:C (Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio)\: Number of grams of carbohydrate covered by one unit of insulin. For example, if your Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio is 15, then you need to deliver one unit of insulin to cover every fifteen grams of carbohydrate you eat.\n\nTo determine your ISF and I\:C please read the guides below.\n\nTarget BG\: The blood glucose level (mg/dL or mmol/L) you're aiming at, the one you want to stay at most of the time.\n\nTrends\: The amount of insulin or carbs needed to make an upward or downward trend arrow flat. Upward trend arrows need insulin and downward trend arrows need carbohydrates. +start_time_label=Start Time +insulin_sensitivity_factor_short_label=ISF +insulin_to_carb_ratio_short_label=I\:C +target_glucose_label=Target BG +add_configuration_label=Please add configuration\! +glucose_trends_label=Trends +glucose_trend=Trend +add_profile_label=Add Profile +edit_profile_label=Edit Profile +units_of_insulin_label=Units Of Insulin +grams_of_carbs_label=Grams Of Carbs +cant_delete_profile_label=Can't delete profile\! There needs to be at least one profile that starts at +delete_profile_confirmation_label=Are you sure you want to delete this profile?\n\nThis can not be undone\! +conflicting_profile_label=Profile start time already in use. Please select a different time. diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/sensorscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/sensorscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c03976c3e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/sensorscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +screen_title=Sensor +sensor_start_screen_title=Start Sensor +info_section_label=Info +sensor_start_label=Sensor Start +sensor_age_lavel=Sensor Age +sensor_age_not_applicable=N/A +start_button_label=Start +start_button_extended_label=Start Sensor +stop_button_label=Stop +stop_sensor_alert_title=Stop Sensor +stop_sensor_alert_message=Are you sure you want to stop the sensor? This action can not be undone. +not_started_label=Not Started +sensor_start_alert_title=Start Sensor +sensor_start_alert_message=You need to set the date and time the sensor was inserted. It's important that you set them as accurately as possible otherwise you might compromise the accuracy of the glucose readings. +sensor_start_alert_message_wait_prefix=Sensor started\! You'll need to wait till +sensor_start_alert_message_wait_suffix=before you can input your initial calibration. When the time comes, you will receive a notification to insert your calibration. Keep your device with you (ideally keep Spike in the foreground without locking your device) and be on the look out for the initial calibration notification. +sensor_start_alert_message_no_wait=Sensor started\!\n\nIn the next 10 minutes, you will receive a notification for the initial calibration. Keep your device with you (ideally keep Spike in the foreground without locking your device) and be on the look out for the initial calibration notification. +sensor_started_alert_title=Sensor Started +sensor_active_alert_title=Sensor Active +sensor_active_alert_message=Your current sensor is still active. You need to stop it before you can start a new sensor.\n\nDo you want to stop the sensor? This action can not be undone. +delete_all_calibrations_button_label=Delete All +delete_last_calibration_button_label=Delete Last +calibrations_section_label=Calibrations +total=Total +last=Last +warmup_countdown=Warm-Up Countdown +sensor_expired=Expired +advanced_section_label=Advanced +skip_sensor_warmups_label=Skip Warm-Ups +skip_sensor_warmups_warning_message=Skipping warm-ups can give inaccurate readings the first couple of hours and will probably require a few extra calibrations on the first day.\n\nThis setting will be applied to all future sensors. diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/sharesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/sharesettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..453d998756 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/sharesettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +share_settings_title=Share +bg_notifications_section_label=BG Notifications +bg_app_badge_section_label=BG App Badge +healthkit_section_label=Healthkit +dexcom_share_section_label=Dexcom Share +nightscout_section_label=Nightscout +dexcom_share_username_label=Username +dexcom_share_password_label=Password +dexcom_share_server_label=Server +dexcom_share_server_name_list=US,International +dexcom_share_server_code_list=us,non-us +login_button_label=Login +manage_followers_button_label=Manage Followers +nightscout_url_label=URL +nightscout_api_label=API Secret +serial_label=Receiver Serial +needs_dexcom_login=You need to login first\! +user_display_name_label_prompt=Input Your Display Name +follower_name_label_prompt=Input Follower's Name +follower_email_label_prompt=Input Follower's E-mail +invite_follower_button_label=Invite +allow_graph_view_label=Allow Graph View +urgent_low_alarm_label=Urgent Low Alarm +low_alarm_label=Low Alarm +high_alarm_label=High Alarm +missed_readings_alarm_label=Missed Readings Alarm +notify_below_label=Notify Below +notify_above_label=Notify Above +for_more_than_label=For More Than +and_repeat_label=And Repeat +managed_by_follower_label=Managed By Follower +display_name=Display Name +name=Name +email=E-mail +invitation_date=Invitation Date +status=Status +sharing_enabled=Sharing Enabled +graph_view=Graph View +sound=Sound +never=Never +error_message_display_name_empty=Display Name is required\! +error_message_user_display_name_empty=User Display Name is required\! +error_message_follower_name_empty=Follower's Name is required\! +error_message_duplicate_follower_name=Follower's Name already exists\! +error_message_follower_email_empty=Follower's E-mail is required\! +error_message_follower_email_invalid=Invalid Follower's E-mail address\! +error_message_dexcom_server_unavailable=Error connecting to Dexcom servers\! +error_message_unknown_error_creating_follower=Unknown error while creating follower. +error_message_error_creating_follower=Can't create follower. Error\: +error_message_unknown_error_sending_invite=Unknown error while sending invite. +error_message_error_sending_invite=Can't send invite. Error\: +error_message_no_internet_connection=No Internet connection\! +error_message_unknow_error_retrieving_followers_list=Error while trying to retrieve your follower's list\! +error_message_server_unreachable_deleting_follower=Can't delete follower\! Server unreachable. +error_message_unknow_error_deleting_followers=Unknown error while trying to delete follower. +error_message_error_deleting_followers=Can't delete follower. Error\: +error_message_unknown_error_getting_follower_info=Unknown error while retrieving follower's info. +error_message_error_getting_follower_info=Can't retrieve follower's info. Error\: +error_message_unknown_error_getting_follower_alarms=Unknown error while retrieving follower's alarms. +error_message_error_getting_follower_alarms=Can't retrieve follower's alarms. Error\: +error_message_unknown_error_changing_follower_name=Unknown error while changing follower's name. +error_message_error_changing_follower_name=Can't change follower's name. Error\: +error_message_unknown_error_enabling_follower_sharing=Unknown error while enabling follower sharing. +error_message_error_enabling_follower_sharing=Can't enable follower sharing. Error\: +error_message_unknown_error_disabling_follower_sharing=Unknown error while disabling follower sharing. +error_message_error_disabling_follower_sharing=Can't disable follower sharing. Error\: +error_message_unknown_error_changing_follower_permissions=Unknown error while changing allow graph view. +error_message_error_changing_follower_permissions=Can't change allow graph view. Error\: +status_invited=Invited +status_active=Active +status_paused=Paused +status_removed=Removed +status_unknown=Unknown +minutes=min +hours=h +alert_sound=Sound +interval_label=Interval +mmol_multiplier_label=Apply Multiplier +mmol_multiplier_description=iOS app badges cannot contain decimal values (ex\: 4.8). For mmol/L users, Spike, by default, will round the badge to the nearest integer (ex\: a glucose value of 4.8 will be displayed as 5 on the badge). If you don't want Spike to round your glucose value you can enable the multiplier above. When the multiplier is enabled, a glucose value of 4.8 will be displayed as 48, a value of 5.3 as 53 and so on. After changing this setting you'll need to wait for the next reading to see the changes. +non_dexcom_transmitter_instructions=Spike allows you to use non Dexcom transmitters with Dexcom Share. Create a Dexcom account at https\://store.dexcom.com/user/register (US) or https\://uam2.dexcom.com/index.html\#/register (International). After the account has been successfully created and verified fill in your username, password and server. Add a random 7 alphanumeric ID in the Receiver Serial field and click login. +nightscout_battery_upload_label=Upload Battery Info +wifi_only_sync_label=Sync on Wi-Fi Only +nightscout_optimal_calibration_uploader=Upload Optimal Calibration Notifications diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/sidiary.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/sidiary.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1c2f249057 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/sidiary.properties @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +alert_title=SiDiary +no_new_data_alert_message=No new data since last export. +no_data_alert_message=No data to export. +email_subject=SiDiary +email_body=Attached you will find your Spike data for SiDiary.
Have a great day\!
Spike App
+file_sent_successfully=SiDiary file successfully sent\! Please check your inbox. If you can't find the e-mail please check your spam folder as well. +file_not_sent=An error occurred while sending the SiDiary file\!\n\nStatus code\: diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/sidiarysettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/sidiarysettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a4f5e74040 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/sidiarysettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +export_button_label=Export +export_button__standby_label=Beklemeye al... +export_section_label=Veri diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/speechsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/speechsettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f926d96b0e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/speechsettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinese (China),Chinese (Hong Kong),Chinese (Taiwan),Danish (Denmark),Dutch (Belgium),Dutch (Netherlands),English (Australia),English (Ireland),English (South Africa),English (UK),English (US),Finnish (Finland),French (Canada),French (France),German (Germany),Italian (Italy),Norwegian (Norway),Polish (Poland),Portuguese (Brazil),Portuguese (Portugal),Russian (Russia),Slovenian (Slovakia),Spanish (Mexico),Spanish (Spain),Swedish (Sweden) +speech_settings_title=Speech +speak_bg_readings_title=Speak BG Readings +speak_bg_trend_title=Speak BG Trend +speak_bg_delta_title=Speak BG Delta +speak_bg_readings_interval_title=Interval +speak_bg_readings_language_title=Language +initial_instructions=To change the voice you can go to your device settings, general, accessibility, speech, voices and select the desired voice for exactly the same language and country you selected here. +use_glucose_thresholds_label=Use Glucose Thresholds? +high_threshold_label=High Threshold +low_threshold_label=Low Threshold diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/texttospeech.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/texttospeech.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..83c90cbf57 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/texttospeech.properties @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +currentglucose=Current blood glucose is +currenttrend=It's trending +currentdelta=Difference from last reading is +trendnoncomputable=non computable +trenddoubledown=dramatically downward +trendsingledown=significantly downward +trendfortyfivedown=down +trendflat=flat +trendfortyfiveup=up +trendsingleup=significantly upward +trenddoubleup=dramatically upward +deltanoncomputable=non computable +high=high +low=low diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/tomato.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/tomato.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ff6e8dfac3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/tomato.properties @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +libre_sensor_not_yet_started_title=Sensör Başlatılmamış. +libre_sensor_not_yet_started_body=Sensörü başlatmak için Libre Okuyucuyu yada Librelink aplikasyonunu kullan. +libre_sensor_sensor_failure_title=Sensör Hatası +libre_sensor_sensor_failure_body=MiaoMiao'dan Sensör Hatası mesajı alındı. diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/transmitterscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/transmitterscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..517219c3a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/transmitterscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +screen_title=Transmitter +info_section_title=Bilgi +data_source_label=Veri Kaynağı +actions_label=İşlemler +device_name_label=Cihaz adı +device_connection_status_label=Durum +battery_section_label=Batarya +voltage_a_label=Voltaj A +voltage_b_label=Voltaj B +resistance_label=Direnç +battery_level_label=Seviye +device_unknown=Tanımlanamayan +battery_unknown=Tanımlanamayan +device_dexcom_g6=Dexcom G6 +device_dexcom_g5=Dexcom G5 +device_dexcom_g4=Dexcom G4 +device_blucon=BluCon +device_bluereader=BlueReader +device_transmitter_pl=Transmiter PL +device_miaomiao=MiaoMiao +device_limitter=Limitter +connection_status_connected=Bağlandı +connection_status_last_connection=Son Bağlantı +voltage_status_ok=Tamam +voltage_status_low=Düşük +resistance_status_bad=Kötü +resistance_status_notice=Uyarı +resistance_status_normal=Normal +resistance_status_good=İyi +scan_device_button_label=Ara +forget_device_button_label=Unut +scan_for_device_alert_title=Bluetooth Cihazı Ara +scanning_started_message=Bluetooth Cihaz için tarama başladı\! +scanning_failed_alert_title=Bluetooth arama sonucu +bluetooth_not_switched_on_message=Bluetooth kapatıldı. Cihaz ayarlarınızdan bluetooth'u açın ve daha sonra bu ekrana gelin. Transmitteri cihaz ayarlarından eşleştirme yapmayın. Tarama ve eşleştirme buradan Spike tarafından yapılacak. +scanning_failed_message=Bluetooth cihazı bulunamadı\! +connected_to_peripheral_device_id_stored=Connected to Bluetooth device\! Future attempts will use this device to connect to. To use another device, click the "Forget" button. +forget_device_alert_title=Forget Bluetooth Device +forget_device_alert_message=Success\!\nBluetooth device is no longer active. +alert_info_title=Info +g5_info_screen=IMPORTANT\!\nTo ensure that the process goes smoothly and there's no extra battery drain with your transmitter perform the following steps\:\n\n1) Go to iOS Settings, Bluetooth and delete all transmitters.\n2) iOS Settings, General, Reset, Reset Network Settings.\n3) Phone will reboot, open Spike and leave it open without locking the device and wait for a new pairing request. Accept the request.\n\nINFO\nThe button with the + icon in the upper right corner of the home screen allows you to enter calibrations. You can start/stop the sensor by clicking the "Sensor" button in the main menu. Access the main menu by swiping from the left of the screen.\n\nIf your device is not yet paired with your transmitter, please keep the app open until you receive a Bluetooth pairing request.\n\nIMPORTANT\: It's imperative that the official Dexcom app always remains closed\! You can even uninstall it if you wish. The Dexcom G5 transmitter can only send data to one app at a time and the official Dexcom G5 app always takes precedence\! if you own a Dexcom receiver, you need to turn it off as well. +blucon_info_screen=The button with the + icon in the upper right corner of the home screen allows you to enter calibrations. You can start/stop the sensor by clicking the "Sensor" button in the main menu. Access the main menu by swiping from the left of the screen.\n\nIf your device is not yet paired with your BluCon, please keep the app open until you receive a Bluetooth pairing request.\n\nIMPORTANT\: It's imperative that you close any other app that also connects to your BluCon. The BluCon transmitter can only send data to one app at a time. +g4_info_screen=The button with the + icon in the upper right corner of the home screen allows you to enter calibrations. You can start/stop the sensor by clicking the "Sensor" button in the main menu. Access the main menu by swiping from the left of the screen.\n\nYou can scan and forget a Bluetooth device by clicking the "Transmitter" button in the main menu.\n\nIMPORTANT\: The Bluetooth device can only send data to one device at a time so it's imperative that you close any other apps that connect to your Bluetooth device. +miaomiao_info_screen=The button with the + icon in the upper right corner of the home screen allows you to enter calibrations.\n\nYou can scan and forget a Bluetooth device by clicking the "Transmitter" button in the main menu.\n\nIMPORTANT\: The Bluetooth device can only send data to one device at a time so it's imperative that you close any other apps that connect to your Bluetooth device. +sensor_not_started=You still haven't started your sensor. Please don't forget to start it, otherwise you will not receive readings. +temperature_label=Temperature +refresh_button_label=Refresh +last_update_label=Last Queried +updating_message=Battery info will update on the next reading\! +transmitter_runtime_label=Days Since Activation +device_not_paired_alert_title=Device Not Paired +device_not_paired_alert_message=Your transmitter is not paired with this iOS device. Please keep the app open in the foreground until you receive a Bluetooth pairing request. This request should arrive in 5-10 minutes.\n\nIf you don't receive a Bluetooth pairing request within 15 minutes, close and reopen the app. If you still don't receive it, remove the transmitter from the list of paired devices in the Bluetooth settings of your iOS device and try again.\n\nTo keep the app in the foreground, navigate to the home screen, click the upper right button (3 dots) and select "No Lock". Don't lock your iOS device or press the Home button until you receive the Bluetooth pairing request and accept it. +explain_expected_device_name=The application has stored the transmitter address in the database and will only connect to this transmitter. If you want to connect to a new transmitter, click the "Forget" button in the transmitter screen. +with_name=with name +refresh_screen_label=Refreshing screen in {sec} seconds +firmware_version_label=Firmware Version +other_firmware_version_label=Other Firmware Version +bluetooth_firmware_version_label=BT Firmware Version +mac_address_label=MAC Address +reset_g5_button_label=Reset G5 +reset_g5_warning_message=This will reset the internal clock of your Dexcom G5 transmitter.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? It can not be undone\! +reset_g5_confirmation_message=The reset command has been queued and will be processed the next time your transmitter connects to Spike. It can take up to 10 minutes for the whole process to complete. You will not receive readings until it's finished. +reset_sensor_warning=Changing transmitter type or ID will stop your current sensor. diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/transmitterservice.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/transmitterservice.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..89fa95c245 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/transmitterservice.properties @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +enter_transmitter_id_alert_title=Enter Transmitter ID +enter_transmitter_id_dialog_title=Transmitter ID +enter_transmitter_id=Enter transmitter ID +transmitter_id_should_be_five_chars=Transmitter ID should be {max} letters and digits. +set_transmitter_id_in_settings=Navigate to settings to change the transmitter ID. +transmitter_id_settings_title=Transmitter ID +blukon_transmitter_id_should_be_five_chars=Transmitter ID must use the following format\: BLUXXXXX +blukon_xxxxx_explanation=XXXXX refers to the last 5 digits of the identifier written on the BluCon device (which starts with BLU).\n\nExample\: If the BluCon identifier is BLU1742B01007, the Transmitter ID is BLU01007. +dead_g5_battery=G5 battery is too low. +dead_g5_battery_info=Spike will ignore new readings until the battery is replaced.\n\nTo dismiss this notification, change the Transmitter ID. +bad_placed_g5_transmitter=G5 Battery Malfunction. +bad_placed_g5_transmitter_info=Your G5 transmitter has sent a value of 0. The batteries might be incorrectly installed or malfunctioning. Resetting your G5 transmitter internal clock might fix this issue.\n\nDo you want me to try to fix it? +warning=Warning\! +libre_14days_warning=Sensor has reached 14 days\! Replace sensor within 12 hours\! Readings may become inaccurate from now on\! +libre_14_dot_5_days_warning=Sensor has reached 14.5 days. Time to replace your sensor\! +new_fsl_sensor_detected=New sensor detected. diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/transmittersettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/transmittersettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..57ad1dc78a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/transmittersettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +transmitter_type_settings_title=Transmitter Type +transmitter_id_settings_title=Transmitter ID +transmitter_settings_title=Transmitter +transmitter_type_list=BluCon,BlueReader,Dexcom G4,Dexcom G5,Dexcom G6,Limitter,MiaoMiao,Transmiter PL +limitter_warning_message=Support for Limitter hasn't been properly tested. If you own a Limitter and want to support testing, please contact us. +warning_alert_message=Transmitter ID is blank. You will not receive glucose readings\! +blucon_id_initial_warning_message=Transmitter ID must use the following format\: BLUXXXXX. XXXXX refers to the last 5 digits of the identifier written on the BluCon device (which starts with BLU).\n\nExample\: If the BluCon identifier is BLU1742B01007, the Transmitter ID is BLU01007. +blucon_id_wrong_number_characters_message=Transmitter ID should contain 8 characters\nFormat\: BLUXXXXX +blucon_id_missing_blu_message=Transmitter ID should start with BLU followed by the last 5 digits of your identifier.\n\nFormat\: BLUXXXXX +blucon_id_wrong_last_5_characters_message=The last 5 characters of your Transmitter ID should be numbers.\n\nFormat\: BLU + last 5 digits of your BluCon identifier. +dexcom_g5_id_wrong_number_characters_message=Transmitter ID should contain 6 letters and digits\! +dexcom_g4_id_wrong__number_characters_message=Transmitter ID should contain 5 letters and digits\! +iphone7_battery_drain_warning=There have been reports of faster G5 transmitter battery drain by a few selected users on iPhone 7 and iPhone SE. We are currently investigating the issue and no solution has been found as of yet. Proceed at your own risk\! +workflow_miaomiao_email_subject=MiaoMiao On-Demand Configuration +workflow_miaomiao_email_body=Hello Spiker\!
Make sure you have the Workflow app installed on your device. You can get it here, it's free. Go to your Today View and add the Workflow Today Widget. If you have an Apple Watch and want to be able to request readings on-demand directly from the watch you will need to install Workflow on it. You can do this directly from the Watch app on your device.
To configure both the Today Widget and Apple Watch click on the following link. You're free to change the color and title but be sure not to change the workflow configuration. When you click the workflow and select "GET WORKFLOW" it will be automatically added to your Today Widget and Apple Watch.
Don't forget to enable the internal HTTP server in Spike's Settings -> Intergration. No need to set a username/password to be able to request readings on-demand from the Today Widget and/or Apple Watch.
Have a great day\!
Spike App
diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/treatments.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/treatments.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0870bfcc77 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/treatments.properties @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +treatment_name_bolus=Bolus +treatment_name_carbs=Carbs +treatment_name_bg_check=BG Check +treatment_name_meal=Meal +treatment_name_note=Note +treatment_name_sensor_start=Sensor Start +treatment_name_calibration=Calibration +treatment_time_label=Time +treatment_insulin_label=Insulin +treatment_insulin_amount_label=Amount (U) +treatment_carbs_amount_label=Amount (g) +treatment_value_label=Value +treatment_note_label=Note +out_of_range_treatment_time_message=Selected time is outside of your first or last reading on the chart\! Please choose a different time. +sensor_calibration_note=Sensor Calibration +workflow_email_body=Hello Spiker\!
Make sure you have the Workflow app installed on your device. You can get it here, it's free. Go to your Today View and add the Workflow Today Widget. If you have an Apple Watch and want to be able to input treatments directly from the watch you will need to install Workflow on it. You can do this directly from the Watch app on your device.
To configure both the Today Widget and Apple Watch click on the following links, one by one. You're free to change the colors and titles but be sure not to change the workflow's configuration. Each workflow you click will be automatically added to your Today Widget and Apple Watch, you just need to click once on each workflow and select "GET WORKFLOW".
To add several predefined notes you can click and import the "Spike Note" workflow several times and change the note's text, title and icon to your liking.
Download and install any of the following Pebble apps. You need to do it directly from the Pebble app on your device.
Configure the app to point to the following Nightscout URL address\: http\://\:1979
Don't forget to enable the internal HTTP server in Spike's Settings -> Intergration. No need to set a username/password to be able to add treatments from the Today Widget and/or Apple/Pebble Watch.
Have a great day\!
Spike App
+workflow_email_subject=Spike Treatments Configuration +default_colors_label=Load Default Colors +read_instructions_label=Read Instructions +profile_menu_label=Profile +display_on_chart_label=Display on Chart +display_iob_label=Display IOB +display_cob_label=Display COB +download_ns_treatments_label=Download NS Treatments +insulin_marker_color_label=Insulin Marker Color +carbs_marker_color_label=Carbs Marker Color +bg_check_marker_color_label=BG Check Marker Color +sensor_check_marker_color_label=Sensor Marker Color +stroke_marker_color_label=Stroke Color +pill_color_label=Pill Color +treatments_screen_title=Treatments +move_button_label=Move +delete_button_label=Delete +out_of_bounds_treatment=Selected time is outside of your first or last reading on the chart\! Please choose a different time. +configure_insulins_button_label=Configure Insulins +enter_units_label=Enter Units +enter_note_label=Enter Note +enter_bg_label=Enter Glucose +enter_grams_label=Enter Grams +enter_meal_label=Enter Meal +non_numeric_insulin=Insulin amount needs to be numeric\! +non_numeric_carbs=Carbs amount needs to be numeric\! +non_numeric_glucose=Glucose amount needs to be numeric\! +empty_note=Note cannot be empty\! +carbs_text_input_prompt=Carbs (g) +insulin_text_input_prompt=Insulin (U) +nightscout_insulin=Nightscout Insulin +nightscout_profile_not_set=You still haven't created a profile in Nightscout. Spike can't sync treatments until a profile is created. +loop_openaps_user_label=Loop/OpenAPS User +info_pill=Info Pill +carbs_type_label=Carb Type +carbs_fast_label=Fast +carbs_medium_label=Medium +carbs_slow_label=Slow +carbs_unknown_label=Unknown +minutes_small_label=min +iob_label=IOB +cob_label=COB +bolus_wizard_settings_label=Bolus Calculator +calculations_label=Calculations +insulin_precision_label=Insulin Precision +carbs_precision_label=Carbs Precision +load_foods_button_label=Load Foods +food_manager_label=Food Manager +bolus_wizard_allowed_margin=Allowed Upper/Lower BG Target Margin +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_iob=Auto Account For IOB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_cob=Auto Account For COB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_trend=Auto Account For Trend +final_calculations_label=Final Calculations +blood_glucose_label=Blood Glucose +foods_label=Foods +carbs_offset_in_minutes_label=Carbs Offset (Min) +insulin_type_label=Insulin Type +exercise_adjustment=Exercise Adjustment +time_label=Time +before_exercise_label=Before Exercise +after_exercise_label=After Exercise +exercise_intensity_label=Intensity +exercise_intensity_low_label=Low +exercise_intensity_moderate_label=Moderate +exercise_intensity_high_label=High +exercise_duration_label=Duration +exercise_reduction_label=Reduction (%) +sickness_adjustment_label=Sickness Adjustment +sickness_increase_label=Increase (%) +extra_correction_label=Extra Correction +extra_correction_amount_label=Amount (g/U) +extended_bolus_reminder_label=Extended Bolus Reminder +profile_not_configured_label=Profile not configured\! +disclaimer_alert_title=Disclaimer +disclaimer_body_label=PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND FULLY\!\nThe bolus calculator provides information and content that has been assembled with the greatest of care and to the very best of our knowledge from internal and external sources. We nevertheless wish to emphasize that the bolus calculator is only to be used to provide you with information and to build awareness but it cannot replace consultation with a healthcare professional. It should be used for research purposes only\! Under no circumstances does Spike issue medical therapy recommendations or medical advice of any kind. For questions on the therapy and the settings that best apply to you (ISF, I\:C, etc.), we recommend contacting a healthcare professional. No content - no matter whether provided by Spike itself, our cooperation partners, or users - can be understood as supplementing or replacing information from a healthcare professional.\n\nBolus proposal provided by the calculator is solely a proposal. Always compare the proposed amount with the way you are actually feeling, and adjust the recommended bolus dosage accordingly. Always consult your healthcare professional before changing your diabetes therapy.\n\nThe calculator settings must be defined by a healthcare professional. Do not make or change the settings without the supervision of and consultancy from a healthcare professional. Wrong settings always lead to a wrong bolus proposal.\n\nIt is important to make the correct selection for your Insulin-to-Carbohydrate ratio (I\:C) and Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF). If the selected I\:C and/or ISF are wrong, all bolus dosage proposals will be wrong.\n\nUse of the bolus calculator requires an understanding of the use of rapid-acting insulin. Misuse or misunderstanding of the calculation, or the suggested bolus may lead to inappropriate insulin calculation.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for all the factors that may affect your required insulin dosage. The factors include incorrectly entered data (e.g. wrong BG), incorrect settings, and un-logged insulin or other data. Always compare the proposal with you current condition.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for unusual changes in your metabolism resulting from, e.g. extreme dieting. Always compare the proposal with you current condition.\n\nMake sure that the data you provide for the calculator is correct. Wrong data leads to wrong bolus proposals.\n\nDo not change your treatment based on a single calculation result that does not match how you feel, or if you believe that the proposal is incorrect.\n\nThe calculator is meant for the calculation of insulin dosage proposals for rapid-acting insulin only. Do not use the calculator to calculate proposals for intermediate-acting insulin or for long-lasting (basal) insulin.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for instabilities related to your basal insulin treatment. Do not use the calculator, if your basal insulin treatment is not in balance or otherwise under control.\n\nBy agreeing to the terms above indicates that you have read them and have agreed. All calculations must be confirmed before use. The suggested results are not a substitute for clinical judgment. Neither the author nor any other party involved in the preparation or publication of Spike and the bolus calculator shall be liable for use or misuse.\n\nWe strongly advise against using the bolus calculator if your sensor is giving inaccurate readings. This tends to happen during the first 24-48h after insertion or when the sensor is approaching end-of-life.\n\nThe bolus calculator is a research tool only and in no circumstances should be used in a real world scenario. +extended_bolus_reminder_notification_body=This is a reminder for your extended bolus. +missing_insulins_label=In order to add treatments you first need to configure your insulins. To do so, please press the Configure Insulins button. +projected_outcome_label=Projected outcome +glucose_in_target_label=Blood glucose in target. +glucose_in_target_or_close_label=Blood glucose in target or within {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} difference. +glucose_outcome_without_extra_treatment=Outcome without extra treatment +glucose_outcome_with_calculated_treatment=Outcome with calculated treatment +carbs_needed=Carbs needed +extra_carbs_needed=Extra carbs needed +insulin_equivalent=Insulin equivalent +target_not_reachable=Current parameters will not allow reaching the desired glucose target of {glucose_target_do_not_translate_this_word} or within {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} difference. +insulin_needed=Insulin needed +calculator_in_manual_mode=Calculator is in manual mode. Critical data like glucose, trend, IOB and COB will not be automatically updated until you set insulin and carbs to their suggested values.\n(Insulin\: {insulin_do_not_translate_this_word}U, Carbs\: {carbs_do_not_translate_this_word}g). +suggestions_font_color_label=Suggestions Font Color +suggestions_at_the_top_label=Suggestions At The Top +no_suggestions_spaces_label=Remove Space Between Suggestions diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/tutorialservice.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/tutorialservice.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..162cfab48e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/tutorialservice.properties @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +alert_title=Setup +alert_message=Would you like me to guide you through the initial setup process? +first_step_message=Click the upper left button to access the main menu.\n\nYou can also swipe from the left edge of the screen. +second_step_message=Click the settings button. +third_step_message=Click the general settings button. +fourth_step_message=Set your preferred glucose unit and high and low values.\n\nWhen you're done click the upper left "Back" button or swipe from the left edge of the screen. +fifth_step_message=Now you need to setup your transmitter.\n\nClick the transmitter settings button. +sixth_step_message=Select your transmitter type and input your transmitter ID (some transmitters like MiaoMiao, BlueReader, etc. do not require a transmitter ID).\n\nCarefully follow the on-screen instructions and double check that all info is correct.\n\nWhen you're done click the upper left "Back" button or swipe from the left edge of the screen. +seventh_step_message=You'll now need to wait for the Bluetooth pairing request (it can take up to 10 minutes for the request to arrive) if your transmitter was not previously paired with your device.\n\nIn the meantime, just in case, I've activated the "No Lock" option to avoid your screen going off while you wait for the pairing request (you can later turn this option off in the upper right menu of the main screen or by minimizing the app)\n\nThe next step is to start your sensor. I'll show you how to do it.\n\nOpen the main menu by swiping from the left screen edge. +seventh_step_message_non_g5=The next step is to start your sensor. I'll show you how to do it.\n\nOpen the main menu by swiping from the left screen edge. +seventh_step_message_miaomiao=The next step is to go to the main menu, transmitter and scan your device (important\!). Spike has already started your sensor, there's no need to start it yourself.\n\nOpen the main menu by swiping from the left screen edge, click the transmitter button and press the Scan button.\n\nWait a few moments and you will receive the initial calibration request. All done\! Don't forget to explore the rest of the settings and screens the app has to offer\! +eighth_step_message=Click the sensor button. +nineth_step_message=Click the start button. +tenth_step_message=The last step is to start your sensor.\n\nSelect the date and time you inserted your sensor, click the start button and follow the on-screen instructions\n\nYou're finished\!\n\nDon't forget to explore the rest of the settings and screens the app has to offer\! +tenth_step_message_non_g5=Select the date and time you inserted your sensor, click the start button and follow the on-screen instructions\n\nAfter that, go to the main menu, transmitter and scan your device (important\!)\n\nDon't forget to explore the rest of the settings and screens the app has to offer\! +eleventh_step_message=To ensure that the process goes smoothly and there's no extra battery drain with your transmitter perform the following steps\:\n\n1) Go to iOS Settings, Bluetooth and delete all transmitters.\n2) iOS Settings, General, Reset, Reset Network Settings.\n3) Phone will reboot, open Spike and leave it open without locking the device and wait for a new pairing request. Accept the request. If your sensor was started more than 2h ago you should get an initial calibration request in about 10-15 minutes, otherwise you'll need to wait until your sensor warm-up period is finished. diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/updateservice.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/updateservice.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bb8283001a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/updateservice.properties @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +update_dialog_title=Update Available +update_dialog_preversion_message=Version +update_dialog_postversion_message=is available for download +update_dialog_ignore_update=Ignore +update_dialog_download=Download +update_dialog_remind_later=Remind Later +update_dialog_changelog=Changelog +update_dialog_update_button_label=Update diff --git a/src/locale/tr_TR/watchsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/tr_TR/watchsettingsscreen.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1334f01e63 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/tr_TR/watchsettingsscreen.properties @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +screen_title=Apple Watch +watch_section_label=Complication +instructions_title_label=Instructions +instructions_description_label=Watch App
Spike comes bundled with an Apple Watch app. Make sure the internal HTTP server is enabled in Settings -> Integration (no need to input credentials). Install the app on your Apple Watch directly from the Watch app on your device. No further setup is required.
Standard complications are managed by WatchOS and only refresh at 15-90 minutes intervals. The only exception is the calendar complication, which refreshes instantly. For that reason, Spike uses the calendar complication to display your glucose values on your Apple Watch without any delay.
To use this feature, please perform the following steps\:
Create a dedicated calendar\: Open the Calendar app on your device by clicking the Calendar icon directly from your home screen. Click the "Calendars" button at the bottom, then click "Edit" and under iCloud click "Add calendar". Give the calendar a name (for instance "Spike") and click "Done". If you don't have an iCloud account configured in your iOS device you should create one or choose a calendar that's not hosted on iCloud (not recommended). You don't need to create a new calendar for Spike but it's highly recommended to keep things tidy. You can use calendars that are not hosted in iCloud, like Gmail or other online services, but using an iCloud calendar will allow you to send data to your Apple Watch faster and completely offline.
Sync calendar to the watch\: Open the Watch app on your device by clicking the Watch icon directly from your home screen. Go to "Calendar" and under the "Calendars" section click "Custom" and make sure the calendar you created in the previous step is selected. Try to have as less calendars as possible synced to your Apple Watch otherwise your glucose values might get overlapped by other calendar's events.
Authorize Spike\: Activate the "Enabled" toggle at the top of this screen, click the "Authorize" button and allow Spike to access your calendars. If by any chance you deny access to your calendars and want to enable it at a later time you'll need to go to your device settings, privacy, calendars and turn on "Spike".
Configure complication in Spike\: Select the newly created calendar from step 1 and choose the information that you want to have displayed in your Apple Watch.
Configure complication in Apple Watch\: On your Apple Watch or the Watch app in your iOS device select the "Modular" watch face and make sure you also select the "Calendar Complication" to be present in the middle of the watch face (Spike is also compatible with Siri, Utilities, Activity (digital and analog), Mickey Mouse, Toy Story, Timelapse, Motion and Kaleidoscope watch faces). Your glucose values should now start syncing to your watch when you receive your next reading from your CGM transmitter. If by any change you're not getting readings in your Apple Watch, go to the Watch app and under "General", "Reset" click the "Reset Sync Data" and wait a few minutes. You might need to do this every time you reboot your device or Apple Watch, sometimes iOS can be a bit temperamental when syncing data from your device to your Apple Watch after a reboot.
My Apple Watch stops displaying my values (gaps) between readings after a few minutes. Is there anything I can do? Yes. Try to enable the "Gap Fix" option. When enabled, Spike will always create a 10 minute calendar event with your latest glucose value. This seems to fix the issue. As soon as a new reading comes from your transmitter, Spike will edit the previous calendar event and set it to 5 minutes before adding the new 10 minute calendar event. This will avoid event overlaps.
How can I access my glucose history on the Apple Watch? Simply tap the calendar complication on your Apple Watch and your glucose history will be presented in a popup.
Can I have my data displayed in a chart on my Apple Watch? Yes\! Head over to settings -> integration, enable internal HTTP server and follow the on-screen instructions on how to setup Nightguard with Spike.
Can I share my glucose values to another person's Apple Watch? Yes\! As long as you share with that person the calendar you created in step 1 they can have your glucose values displayed on their Apple Watch as well. They will need to follow steps 2 & 5 on their iOS device. They will also need to have an active Internet connection at all times and should go to Settings, Calendar, Accounts, Fetch New Data and under iCloud select Push so that new glucose values are downloaded automatically from iCloud and synced to the watch. For instructions on how to share with other people the calendar you created in step 1 please follow this link.
Attached you will find the compatible G4 Wixel firmware file.
After you install it, go back to the Spike App, choose Dexcom G4 as the transmitter type and input your transmitter ID.
Have a great day\!
Spike App
+wixel_file_sent_successfully=Dosya başarıyla gönderildi\! Lütfen gelen kutunuzu kontrol edin. E-postayı bulamıyorsanız, spam klasörünü kontrol edin. +wixel_file_not_sent=Mesaj gönderirken bir hata oluştu\!\n\nHata Codu\: +wixel_file_not_found=Wixel firmware file not found\! Please e-mail support@spike-app-com to request the file. diff --git a/src/locale/zh_CN/alarmservice.properties b/src/locale/zh_CN/alarmservice.properties index fb2b0ee867..86001d6fd4 100644 --- a/src/locale/zh_CN/alarmservice.properties +++ b/src/locale/zh_CN/alarmservice.properties @@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ snooze_text_fast_drop_alert=快速下降告警 snooze_text_fast_rise_alert=快速上升告警 fast_drop_alert_notification_alert_text=血糖正快速下降 fast_rise_alert_notification_alert_text=血糖正快速上升 +this_button_label=This +all_button_label=All diff --git a/src/locale/zh_CN/chartsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/zh_CN/chartsettingsscreen.properties index 0a55b49c28..6bb4ef9794 100644 --- a/src/locale/zh_CN/chartsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/zh_CN/chartsettingsscreen.properties @@ -35,3 +35,11 @@ average_glucose_range_label=血糖平均值 thresholds_range_label=临界值 a1c_ifcc_label=A1C in mmol/mol display_in_landscape_label=横屏显示 +visualization_section_label=Visualization +display_target_glucose_line=Display Target Line +display_urgent_high_glucose_line=Display Urgent High Line +display_high_glucose_line=Display High Line +display_low_glucose_line=Display Low Line +display_urgent_low_glucose_line=Display Urgent Low Line +target_glucose_line_color=Target Glucose Line +glucose_line_thickness=Glucose Line Thickness diff --git a/src/locale/zh_CN/foodmanager.properties b/src/locale/zh_CN/foodmanager.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34e4cb32a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/locale/zh_CN/foodmanager.properties @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#X-Generator: crowdin.com +food_manager_title_label=Food Manager +subtract_fiber_amount_label=Subtract Fiber Amount +whole_fiber_label=Whole +half_fiber_label=Half +user_interface_lable=User Interface +favourites_label=Favorites +recipes_label=Recipes +default_database_label=Default Database +search_as_i_type_label=Search As I Type +import_foods_as_note_label=List Foods In Treatment's Notes +no_internet_connection=There's no internet connection\! +server_response_label=Server Response +error_label=Error +error_connecting_to_food_service_label=Error connecting to service\!\nTry again later. +new_food_label=New Food +name_label=Name +brand_label=Brand +serving_unit_label=Serving Unit +serving_size_label=Serving Size +link_label=Link +carbs_label=Carbs +fiber_label=Fiber +proteins_label=Proteins +fats_label=Fats +calories_label=Calories +search_food_label=Search Food +go_button_label=Go +scan_button_label=Scan +save_as_recipe_label=Save As Recipe +nutrition_facts_label=Nutrition Facts +subtract_whole_fiber=Subtract Whole Fiber +subtract_half_fiber=Subtract Half Fiber +link_button_label=Link +amount_label=Amount +finish_button_label=FINISH +cart_totals_label=Cart Totals +search_recipe_label=Search Recipe +no_search_results_label=No Results\! +add_recipe_label=Add Recipe +edit_food_label=Edit Food diff --git a/src/locale/zh_CN/globaltranslations.properties b/src/locale/zh_CN/globaltranslations.properties index 11e1c21341..70b8256164 100644 --- a/src/locale/zh_CN/globaltranslations.properties +++ b/src/locale/zh_CN/globaltranslations.properties @@ -43,3 +43,5 @@ camera_access_denied=你曾经拒绝Spike app访问你的相机。你需要到 camera_access_restricted=无法启用访问相机的权限。可能是启用了家长控制 camera_access_unknow_error=尝试启用对照相机的访问时发生未知错误。 no_internet_connection_message=你的设备未联网,你需要联网后才能通过电子邮件提交问题报告 +instructions_button_label=Instructions +configure_button_label=Configure diff --git a/src/locale/zh_CN/profilesettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/zh_CN/profilesettingsscreen.properties index 58700ec32c..e39cb97120 100644 --- a/src/locale/zh_CN/profilesettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/zh_CN/profilesettingsscreen.properties @@ -22,3 +22,20 @@ all_carb_types_list=快速,中速,慢速 default_carb_type_label=默认的碳水化合物类型 absorption_rate_label=碳水化合物吸收率(g) carb_absorption_time_description_label=碳水化合物进入血液中所需的时间。此值将影响COB算法。碳水化合物的缺省类型是当进入治疗或Spike从 Nightscout 导入治疗时没有选择碳水化合物类型时将使用的。 +insulin_carb_ratio_guide_label=I\:C Guide +insulin_sensitivity_factor_guide_label=ISF Guide +isf_ic_trend_bgtarget_description_label=ISF (Insulin Sensitivity Factor)\: How much one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose. For example, if your Insulin Sensitivity Factor is 50, one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose by 50 mg/dL. Spike also supports Insulin Sensitivity Factor in mmol/L. If Spike is set to mmol/L, an Insulin Sensitivity Factor of 2.5 means that one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose by 2.5 mmol/L.\n\nI\:C (Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio)\: Number of grams of carbohydrate covered by one unit of insulin. For example, if your Insulin-to-Carbohydrate Ratio is 15, then you need to deliver one unit of insulin to cover every fifteen grams of carbohydrate you eat.\n\nTo determine your ISF and I\:C please read the guides below.\n\nTarget BG\: The blood glucose level (mg/dL or mmol/L) you're aiming at, the one you want to stay at most of the time.\n\nTrends\: The amount of insulin or carbs needed to make an upward or downward trend arrow flat. Upward trend arrows need insulin and downward trend arrows need carbohydrates. +start_time_label=Start Time +insulin_sensitivity_factor_short_label=ISF +insulin_to_carb_ratio_short_label=I\:C +target_glucose_label=Target BG +add_configuration_label=Please add configuration\! +glucose_trends_label=Trends +glucose_trend=Trend +add_profile_label=Add Profile +edit_profile_label=Edit Profile +units_of_insulin_label=Units Of Insulin +grams_of_carbs_label=Grams Of Carbs +cant_delete_profile_label=Can't delete profile\! There needs to be at least one profile that starts at +delete_profile_confirmation_label=Are you sure you want to delete this profile?\n\nThis can not be undone\! +conflicting_profile_label=Profile start time already in use. Please select a different time. diff --git a/src/locale/zh_CN/speechsettingsscreen.properties b/src/locale/zh_CN/speechsettingsscreen.properties index 75eee2124e..e3083b882e 100644 --- a/src/locale/zh_CN/speechsettingsscreen.properties +++ b/src/locale/zh_CN/speechsettingsscreen.properties @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #X-Generator: crowdin.com -ttslanguagelistdescription=中文 (中国), 中文 (香港), 中文 (台湾), 荷兰语 (比利时), 荷兰语 (荷兰), 英语 (澳大利亚), 英语 (爱尔兰), 英语 (南非), 英语 (英国), 英语 (美国), 法语 (加拿大), 法语 (法国), 德语 (德国), 意大利语 (意大利),波兰语 (波兰)、葡萄牙语 (巴西)、葡萄牙语 (葡萄牙)、俄语 (俄罗斯)、斯洛文尼亚语 (斯洛伐克)、西班牙文 (墨西哥)、西班牙语 (西班牙) +ttslanguagelistdescription=Chinese (China),Chinese (Hong Kong),Chinese (Taiwan),Danish (Denmark),Dutch (Belgium),Dutch (Netherlands),English (Australia),English (Ireland),English (South Africa),English (UK),English (US),Finnish (Finland),French (Canada),French (France),German (Germany),Italian (Italy),Norwegian (Norway),Polish (Poland),Portuguese (Brazil),Portuguese (Portugal),Russian (Russia),Slovenian (Slovakia),Spanish (Mexico),Spanish (Spain),Swedish (Sweden) speech_settings_title=朗读 speak_bg_readings_title=朗读血糖值 speak_bg_trend_title=朗读血糖趋势 diff --git a/src/locale/zh_CN/treatments.properties b/src/locale/zh_CN/treatments.properties index c6e2074035..4f35d776c4 100644 --- a/src/locale/zh_CN/treatments.properties +++ b/src/locale/zh_CN/treatments.properties @@ -57,3 +57,52 @@ carbs_unknown_label=未知的 minutes_small_label=分钟 iob_label=IOB cob_label=COB +bolus_wizard_settings_label=Bolus Calculator +calculations_label=Calculations +insulin_precision_label=Insulin Precision +carbs_precision_label=Carbs Precision +load_foods_button_label=Load Foods +food_manager_label=Food Manager +bolus_wizard_allowed_margin=Allowed Upper/Lower BG Target Margin +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_iob=Auto Account For IOB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_cob=Auto Account For COB +bolus_wizard_auto_account_for_trend=Auto Account For Trend +final_calculations_label=Final Calculations +blood_glucose_label=Blood Glucose +foods_label=Foods +carbs_offset_in_minutes_label=Carbs Offset (Min) +insulin_type_label=Insulin Type +exercise_adjustment=Exercise Adjustment +time_label=Time +before_exercise_label=Before Exercise +after_exercise_label=After Exercise +exercise_intensity_label=Intensity +exercise_intensity_low_label=Low +exercise_intensity_moderate_label=Moderate +exercise_intensity_high_label=High +exercise_duration_label=Duration +exercise_reduction_label=Reduction (%) +sickness_adjustment_label=Sickness Adjustment +sickness_increase_label=Increase (%) +extra_correction_label=Extra Correction +extra_correction_amount_label=Amount (g/U) +extended_bolus_reminder_label=Extended Bolus Reminder +profile_not_configured_label=Profile not configured\! +disclaimer_alert_title=Disclaimer +disclaimer_body_label=PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND FULLY\!\nThe bolus calculator provides information and content that has been assembled with the greatest of care and to the very best of our knowledge from internal and external sources. We nevertheless wish to emphasize that the bolus calculator is only to be used to provide you with information and to build awareness but it cannot replace consultation with a healthcare professional. It should be used for research purposes only\! Under no circumstances does Spike issue medical therapy recommendations or medical advice of any kind. For questions on the therapy and the settings that best apply to you (ISF, I\:C, etc.), we recommend contacting a healthcare professional. No content - no matter whether provided by Spike itself, our cooperation partners, or users - can be understood as supplementing or replacing information from a healthcare professional.\n\nBolus proposal provided by the calculator is solely a proposal. Always compare the proposed amount with the way you are actually feeling, and adjust the recommended bolus dosage accordingly. Always consult your healthcare professional before changing your diabetes therapy.\n\nThe calculator settings must be defined by a healthcare professional. Do not make or change the settings without the supervision of and consultancy from a healthcare professional. Wrong settings always lead to a wrong bolus proposal.\n\nIt is important to make the correct selection for your Insulin-to-Carbohydrate ratio (I\:C) and Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF). If the selected I\:C and/or ISF are wrong, all bolus dosage proposals will be wrong.\n\nUse of the bolus calculator requires an understanding of the use of rapid-acting insulin. Misuse or misunderstanding of the calculation, or the suggested bolus may lead to inappropriate insulin calculation.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for all the factors that may affect your required insulin dosage. The factors include incorrectly entered data (e.g. wrong BG), incorrect settings, and un-logged insulin or other data. Always compare the proposal with you current condition.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for unusual changes in your metabolism resulting from, e.g. extreme dieting. Always compare the proposal with you current condition.\n\nMake sure that the data you provide for the calculator is correct. Wrong data leads to wrong bolus proposals.\n\nDo not change your treatment based on a single calculation result that does not match how you feel, or if you believe that the proposal is incorrect.\n\nThe calculator is meant for the calculation of insulin dosage proposals for rapid-acting insulin only. Do not use the calculator to calculate proposals for intermediate-acting insulin or for long-lasting (basal) insulin.\n\nThe calculator cannot account for instabilities related to your basal insulin treatment. Do not use the calculator, if your basal insulin treatment is not in balance or otherwise under control.\n\nBy agreeing to the terms above indicates that you have read them and have agreed. All calculations must be confirmed before use. The suggested results are not a substitute for clinical judgment. Neither the author nor any other party involved in the preparation or publication of Spike and the bolus calculator shall be liable for use or misuse.\n\nWe strongly advise against using the bolus calculator if your sensor is giving inaccurate readings. This tends to happen during the first 24-48h after insertion or when the sensor is approaching end-of-life.\n\nThe bolus calculator is a research tool only and in no circumstances should be used in a real world scenario. +extended_bolus_reminder_notification_body=This is a reminder for your extended bolus. +missing_insulins_label=In order to add treatments you first need to configure your insulins. To do so, please press the Configure Insulins button. +projected_outcome_label=Projected outcome +glucose_in_target_label=Blood glucose in target. +glucose_in_target_or_close_label=Blood glucose in target or within {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} difference. +glucose_outcome_without_extra_treatment=Outcome without extra treatment +glucose_outcome_with_calculated_treatment=Outcome with calculated treatment +carbs_needed=Carbs needed +extra_carbs_needed=Extra carbs needed +insulin_equivalent=Insulin equivalent +target_not_reachable=Current parameters will not allow reaching the desired glucose target of {glucose_target_do_not_translate_this_word} or within {margin_error_do_not_translate_this_word} difference. +insulin_needed=Insulin needed +calculator_in_manual_mode=Calculator is in manual mode. Critical data like glucose, trend, IOB and COB will not be automatically updated until you set insulin and carbs to their suggested values.\n(Insulin\: {insulin_do_not_translate_this_word}U, Carbs\: {carbs_do_not_translate_this_word}g). +suggestions_font_color_label=Suggestions Font Color +suggestions_at_the_top_label=Suggestions At The Top +no_suggestions_spaces_label=Remove Space Between Suggestions