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259 lines (203 loc) · 19.2 KB

File metadata and controls

259 lines (203 loc) · 19.2 KB



To create a new state with one chain containing a single image, initialized by an input file, and run the most simple example of a spin dynamics simulation:

from spirit import state
from spirit import simulation

cfgfile = "input/input.cfg"                     # Input File
with state.State(cfgfile) as p_state:           # State setup
    simulation.PlayPause(p_state, "LLG", "SIB") # Start a LLG simulation using the SIB solver

or call setup and delete manually:

from spirit import state
from spirit import simulation

cfgfile = "input/input.cfg"                 # Input File
p_state = state.setup(cfgfile)              # State setup
simulation.PlayPause(p_state, "LLG", "SIB") # Start a LLG simulation using the SIB solver
state.delete(p_state)                       # State cleanup

You can pass a config file specifying your initial system parameters. If you do not pass a config file, the implemented defaults are used. Note that you currently cannot change the geometry of the systems in your state once they are initialized.

State manipulation Returns
setup( configfile="", quiet=False ) None
delete(p_state ) None


For having more images one can copy the active image in the Clipboard and then insert in a specified position of the chain.

chain.Image_to_Clipboard(p_state )   # Copy p_state to Clipboard
chain.Insert_Image_After(p_state )   # Insert the image from Clipboard right after the currently active image

For getting the total number of images in the chain

number_of_images = chain.Get_NOI(p_state )
Get Info Returns Description
Get_Index(p_state ) int Get Chain index
Get_NOI(p_state, idx_chain=-1) int Get Chain number of images
Get_Rx(p_state, idx_chain=-1) Array Get Rx
Get_Rx_Interpolated(p_state, idx_chain=-1) Array(float) Get Rx interpolated
Get_Energy(p_state, idx_chain=-1) Array(float) Get Energy of every System in Chain
Get_Energy_Interpolated(p_state, idx_chain=-1) Array(float) Get interpolated Energy of every System in Chain
Image Manipulation Returns Description
Next_Image(p_state, idx_chain=-1) None Switch active to next image of chain (one with largest index). If the current active is the last there is no effect.
Prev_Image(p_state, idx_chain=-1) None Switch active to previous image of chain (one with smaller index). If the current active is the first one there is no effect
Jump_To_Image(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None Switch active to specific image of chain. If this image does not exist there is no effect.
Image_to_Clipboard(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None Copy active image to clipboard
Replace_Image(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None Replace active image in chain. If the image does not exist there is no effect.
Insert_Image_Before(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None Inserts clipboard image before the current active image. Active image index is increment by one.
Insert_Image_After(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None Insert clipboard image after the current active image. Active image has the same index.
Push_Back(p_state, idx_chain=-1) None Insert clipboard image at end of chain (after the image with the largest index).
Delete_Image(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None Delete active image. If index is specified delete the corresponding image. If the image does not exist there is no effect.
Pop_Back(p_state, idx_chain=-1) None Delete image at end of chain.
Data Returns Description
Update_Data(p_state, idx_chain=-1) None Update the chain's data (interpolated energies etc.)
Setup_Data(p_state, idx_chain=-1) None Setup the chain's data arrays


System Returns Description
Get_Index(p_state) int Returns the index of the currently active image
Get_NOS(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) int Returns the number of spins
Get_Spin_Directions(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) [3*NOS] Returns an numpy.Array of size 3*NOS with the components of each spin's vector
Get_Energy(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) float Returns the energy of the system
Update_Data(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None Update the data of the state
Print_Energy_Array(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None Print the energy array of the state


Physical Constants Returns Description
mu_B() float The Bohr Magneton [meV / T]
k_B() float The Boltzmann constant [meV / K]
hbar() float Planck's constant over 2pi [meV*ps / rad]
mRy() float Millirydberg [mRy / meV]
gamma() float The Gyromagnetic ratio of electron [rad / (ps*T)]
g_e() float The Electron g-factor [unitless]


Get Geometry parameters Returns Description
Get_Bounds(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) [3], [3] Get bounds (minimum and maximum arrays)
Get_Center(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) float, float, float Get center
Get_Basis_Vectors(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) [3],[3],[3] Get basis vectors
Get_N_Cells(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) Int, Int, Int Get number of cells in each dimension
Get_Translation_Vectors(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) [3],[3],[3] Get translation vectors
Get_Dimensionality(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) int Get dimensionality of the system
Get_Spin_Positions(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) [3*NOS] Get Spin positions
Get_Atom_Types(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) [NOS] Get atom types


Set Parameters Returns Description
Set_Field(p_state, magnitude, direction, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None Set external magnetic field
Set_Anisotropy(p_state, magnitude, direction, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None Set anisotropy


Log manipulation Returns Description
Send(p_state, level, sender, message, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None Send a Log message
Append(p_state) None Append Log to file



Set LLG Parameters Returns
setIterations(p_state, n_iterations, n_iterations_log, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None
setDirectMinimization(p_state, use_minimization, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None
setConvergence(p_state, convergence, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None
setTimeStep(p_state, dt, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None
setDamping(p_state, damping, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None
setSTT(p_state, use_gradient, magnitude, direction, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None
setTemperature(p_state, temperature, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None
Get LLG Parameters Returns
getIterations(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) int, int
getDirect_Minimization(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) int
getConvergence(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) float
getTimeStep(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) float
getDamping(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) float
getSTT(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) float, [3], bool
getTemperature(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) float


Set GNEB Parameters Returns
setIterations(p_state, n_iterations, n_iterations_log, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None
setConvergence(p_state, convergence, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None
setSpringConstant(p_state, c_spring, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None
setClimbingFalling(p_state, image_type, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None
setImageTypeAutomatically(p_state, idx_chain=-1) None
Get GNEB Parameters Returns
getIterations(p_state, idx_chain=-1) int, int
getConvergence(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) float
getSpringConstant(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) float
getClimbingFalling(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) int
getEnergyInterpolations(p_state, idx_chain=-1) int


Get Physical Quantities Returns
Get_Magnetization(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) [3*float]


The available method_types are:

Method Argument
Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert "LLG"
Geodesic Nudged Elastic Band "GNEB"
Monte-Carlo "MC"

The available solver_types are:

Solver Argument
Semi-Implicit Method B "SIB"
Heun Method "Heun"
Depondt Method "Depondt"
Velocity Projection "VP"
Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient "NCG"

Note that the VP and NCG Solvers are only meant for direct minimization and not for dynamics.

Simulation state Returns
SingleShot(p_state, method_type, solver_type, n_iterations=-1, n_iterations_log=-1, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None
PlayPause(p_state, method_type, solver_type, n_iterations=-1, n_iterations_log=-1, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) None
Stop_All(p_state) None
Running_Image(p_state, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) Boolean
Running_Chain(p_state, idx_chain=-1) Boolean
Running_Collection(p_state) Boolean
Running_Anywhere_Chain(p_state, idx_chain=-1) Boolean
Running_Anywhere_Collection(p_state) Boolean


Transition options Returns Description
Homogeneous(p_state, idx_1, idx_2, idx_chain=-1) None Generate homogeneous transition between two images of a chain
Add_Noise_Temperature(p_state, temperature, idx_1, idx_2, idx_chain=-1) None Add some temperature-scaled noise to a transition between two images of a chain


Macros of File Formats for Vector Fields values Description
IO_Fileformat_Regular 0 sx sy sz (separated by whitespace)
IO_Fileformat_Regular_Pos 1 px py pz sx sy sz (separated by whitespace)
IO_Fileformat_CSV 2 sx, sy, sz (separated by commas)
IO_Fileformat_CSV_Pos 3 px, py, pz, sx, sy, (sz separated by commas)
IO_Fileformat_OVF_bin8 4 OOMMF vector field (OVF) v2.0 file format
IO_Fileformat_OVF_text 6
For Image Description
Image_Read(p_state, filename, fileformat=0, idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) Read an image from disk
Image_Write(p_state, filename, fileformat=0, comment=" ", idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) Write an image to disk
Image_Append(p_state, filename, fileformat=0, comment=" ", idx_image=-1, idx_chain=-1) Append an image to an existing file
For Chain Description
Chain_Read(p_state, filename, fileformat=0, idx_chain=-1) Read a chain of images from disk
Chain_Write(p_state, filename, fileformat=0, comment=" ", idx_chain=-1) Write a chain of images to disk
Chain_Append(p_state, filename, fileformat=0, comment=" ", idx_chain=-1) Append a chain of images to disk
