1) Create a new Django project
Have 3 html files
Main page
Selected Vehicle page with all of the areas to be explored
My selected view area (I am thinking of the Engine bay)
Very basic layout of each html
2) Creating and establishing a database schema
this is likely going to be the part that will take the longest.
Create a database of vehicles starting with Year.
Since I will only be focusing on one vehicle (1984-1987 Corolla GTS), I will use this as a setup for the future.
Date range
Navigating the vehicle systems (example) - this area could easily provide 200 items
(display product information from part foreign key)
Radiator Cap
Radiator Drain Petcock
Radiator Mounts
Radiator Hardware
Radiator Fan
Radiator Hoses
Heater Core
Heater Core Hoses
Other Cooling Lines & Hoses
Water Pump
Overflow Tank
Create a database of parts manufacturers
Under each manufacturer is a list of parts
Part Manufacturer (make 2 or 3 different ones)
Part number
Product Details
Image placeholder
Availability (If discontinued?)
Foreign Key
Create a database of tools
There are tools that are specially made, a manufacturer will be required
maybe use 'generic' for easily found tools
3) Verifying the correct info appears on the page
Editing the page to display the part correctly.
Verify correct part number
Correct photo appears
Correct tools appear
1) Develop the database further
Add onto the database
Create a second car that items can be applied to
1984-89 Toyota MR2 (shares the engine)
Create a second tree off of Engine, the following are examples
Belt Driven Accessories
Mounts & Brackets
Create a few more options for Part Manufacturers
2) Create SVG images for the parts in the database
Hand drawn parts to SVG
Converting quick & dirty hand drawn images into SVGs
Apply these images to the parts in the database
3) Editing the admin panel to add info quicker
If items are not in my excel sheets, having an easy way to add-in
Providing updates to the site to any of the readers with a comment section where feedback can be left
Spend some time on the CSS/JS of the individual pages and give it visual appeal
When your head is killing you... this is a good thing to work on
2) Create a sidebar that has hyperlinks to Youtube videos
Use the Youtube API to search the model of car & the part selected for videos
Not sure if they should be hyperlinked back to Youtube or displayed on the page.
Could appear in a pop-up?
3) Create SVG views for different views in addition to a product tree.
Hand drawn views of the System to look at
links to a closer view of parts on a specific area of the vehicle
Mouse over highlight & (maybe) AJAX to display data OR just to a pop-up displaying data
1) Complete the database for the primary car
Fill the database with all of the 'systems' and the parts associated
this will help adding, deleting, or setting to discontinued parts
2) Put a guide of regular maintenance intervals
Display a guide of regular intervals
In each interval have video links or instructions on completing the tasks
Put together a chart of fluids used for the car
3) Put together a page of most commonly used tools for the vehicle
Provide a list of commonly used tools
Maybe even a list of commonly used tools in a specific area or 'system'
Lawyer up?
1) LEGO style instructions
LEGO style instructions regarding how to replace a part - Not entirely dependent on Youtube
This will require all sorts of creation.
2) Work in another vehicle
Pick another vehicle and start the process again
develop the process further on the second time around
there will likely be new things or better ways of doing something
look for ways to automate