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Object Keys

Key name ID Value type Description
OBJ_ID 1 @number The ID that decides what kind of object this is. Each object type in gd has a unique ID.
X 2 @number The X position of an object in units (one grid square = 30 units, +x is to the right)
Y 3 @number The Y position of an object in units (one grid square = 30 units, +y is up)
HORIZONTAL_FLIP 4 @bool Whether the object is horizontally flipped
VERTICAL_FLIP 5 @bool Whether the object is vertically flipped
ROTATION 6 @number Rotation of the object in degrees
TRIGGER_RED 7 @number Red value of the color in a color trigger
TRIGGER_GREEN 8 @number Green value of the color in a color trigger
TRIGGER_BLUE 9 @number Blue value of the color in a color trigger
DURATION 10 @number Duration of a trigger
TOUCH_TRIGGERED 11 @bool Whether a trigger is touch triggered
PORTAL_CHECKED 13 @bool Whether a portal is check(to show the boundaries)
PLAYER_COLOR_1 15 @bool If player color 1 is checked on a color
PLAYER_COLOR_2 16 @bool If player color 2 is checked on a color
BLENDING 17 @bool If blending is checked on a color
EDITOR_LAYER_1 20 @number The first editor layer of an object
COLOR 21 @color "Base" color of an object
COLOR_2 22 @color "Detail" color of an object
TARGET_COLOR 23 @color The target color ID of a color trigger
Z_LAYER 24 @number The z layer an object is located on
Z_ORDER 25 @number the z order an object is set too
MOVE_X 28 @number The x movement of a move trigger
MOVE_Y 29 @number The y movement of a move trigger
EASING 30 @number or @easing_type Easing type of a trigger
TEXT 31 @string The text to display on a text object(use $.b64encode("string"))
SCALING 32 @number The scale of an object
GROUP_PARENT 34 @bool If group parent is checked on an object
OPACITY 35 @number Changes the opacity of the object
HVS_ENABLED 41 @bool Whether "Main" color of an object HSV/Hue, Saturation and brightness is modified
COLOR_2_HVS_ENABLED 42 @bool Whether "Detail" color of an object HSV/Hue, Saturation and brightness is modified
HVS 43 @string An object's "Main" color HSV value (format : "<hue>a<saturation>a<brightness>a<saturation checked(0/1)>a<brightness checked(0/1)>". example : "60a-1a0.5a1a0")
COLOR_2_HVS 44 @string An object's "Detail" color HSV value
FADE_IN 45 @number A pulse trigger's fade in time
HOLD 46 @number A pulse trigger's hold time
FADE_OUT 47 @number A pulse trigger's fade out time
PULSE_HSV 48 @bool Whether a pulse trigger uses HSV
TARGET 51 @color or @group or @trigger_function ID affected by the trigger
TARGET_TYPE 52 @number The target of a pulse trigger (0 = color channel, 1 = group ID)
YELLOW_TELEPORTATION_PORTAL_DISTANCE 54 @number The distance from the blue teleportation portal to the orange one
ACTIVATE_GROUP 56 @bool Whether "Activate group" is checked in count & collision trigger
GROUPS 57 [@group] or @group The group(s) an object should have
LOCK_TO_PLAYER_X 58 @bool Whether "Lock to player X" is activated in a move trigger
LOCK_TO_PLAYER_Y 59 @bool Whether "Lock to player Y" is activated in a move trigger
COPY_OPACITY 60 @bool Whether "Copy opacity" is checked in a color trigger (when "Copy color" is enabled)
EDITOR_LAYER_2 61 @number The second editor layer of an object
SPAWN_TRIGGERED 62 @bool Whether a trigger should be activated by a spawn trigger
SPAWN_DURATION 63 @number or @epsilon Delay value in a spawn trigger
DONT_FADE 64 @bool Whether an object should fade in
MAIN_ONLY 65 @bool Whether "Main only" is checked on a pulse trigger (When you activate pulse on a group)
DETAIL_ONLY 66 @bool Whether "Detail only" is checked on a pulse trigger (When you activate pulse on a group)
DONT_ENTER 67 @bool Whether an object should enter
ROTATE_DEGREES 68 @number The number of degrees to rotate an object in a rotate trigger
TIMES_360 69 @number The number of times to do a 360 rotation in a rotate trigger
LOCK_OBJECT_ROTATION 70 @bool Whether to lock object rotation in a rotate trigger
FOLLOW 71 @group "Follow group ID" value of a follow trigger
CENTER 71 @group Center of rotation of a rotate trigger
TARGET_POS 71 @group "Target pos group ID" value of a move trigger (when "Use target" is enabled)
X_MOD 72 @number "X mod" value of a follow trigger
Y_MOD 73 @number "Y mod" value of a follow trigger
STRENGTH 75 @number Strength of shake on a shake trigger
ANIMATION_ID 76 @number The animation id of animated objects (used in the animate trigger)
COUNT 77 @number Item ID that will be affected by a pickup item
SUBTRACT_COUNT 78 @number Whether a pickup item add or subtract from an Item ID when collected (0 = add, 1 = subtract)
PICKUP_MODE 79 @number Whether a pickup item is on "Pickup item" mode or "Toggle trigger" mode (1 = Pickup item, 2= Toggle trigger)
ITEM 80 @item The item ID of the count, instant count and pickup triggers
BLOCK_A 80 @block "Block A ID" of a collision trigger, or the block ID of a collision block
HOLD_MODE 81 @bool Whether "Hold mode" is activated on a touch trigger
TOGGLE_MODE 82 @number The toggle mode of a touch trigger (0 = Default, 1 = On, 2 = Off)
INTERVAL 84 @number Interval between each shake on a shake trigger
EASING_RATE 85 @number What the easing rate is on a move trigger
EXCLUSIVE 86 @bool Whether "Exclusive" is checked on a pulse trigger
MULTI_TRIGGER 87 @bool Whether a trigger is capable to be activated multiple times (when "Spawn trigger" is enabled)
COMPARISON 88 @number Comparison type in an instant count trigger (0 = equal, 1 = Larger, 2 = Smaller)
DUAL_MODE 89 @bool Whether "Dual mode" is activated on a touch trigger
SPEED 90 @number "Speed" value of a Follow player Y trigger
DELAY 91 @number "Delay" value of a Follow player Y trigger
Y_OFFSET 92 @number "Offset" value of a Follow player Y trigger
ACTIVATE_ON_EXIT 93 @bool Whether a collision trigger activates on exit instead of on enter
DYNAMIC_BLOCK 94 @bool Whether a collision block is a dynamic block (should set to true if you will be moving the collision block)
BLOCK_B 95 @block Block B ID of a collision trigger
GLOW_DISABLED 96 @bool Whether glow is disabled on an object
ROTATION_SPEED 97 @number Rotation speed of rotating objects (like saws)
DISABLE_ROTATION 98 @bool Disables rotation of rotating objects (like saws)
COUNT_MULTI_ACTIVATE 104 @bool Whether a count trigger should activate more than once
USE_TARGET 100 @bool Whether 'use target' is enabled on a move trigger
TARGET_POS_AXES 101 @number The move axes of a move trigger with 'use target' enabled (0 = Both, 1 = X Only, 2 = Y Only)
EDITOR_DISABLE 102 @bool Whether a spawn trigger should be disabled in the editor
HIGH_DETAIL 103 @bool Whether an object is marked as 'high detail'
MAX_SPEED 105 @number "Max speed" value of a Follow player Y trigger
RANDOMIZE_START 106 @bool 'randomize start' setting on pulsating animated objects
ANIMATION_SPEED 107 @number 'speed' setting on pulsating animated objects
LINKED_GROUP 108 @number The ID of the linked group the object is in