diff --git a/docs/en/administration/management/FE_configuration.md b/docs/en/administration/management/FE_configuration.md
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+++ b/docs/en/administration/management/FE_configuration.md
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+displayed_sidebar: "English"
+import FEConfigMethod from '../../assets/commonMarkdown/FE_config_method.md'
+import AdminSetFrontendNote from '../../assets/commonMarkdown/FE_config_note.md'
+import StaticFEConfigNote from '../../assets/commonMarkdown/StaticFE_config_note.md'
+# FE Configuration
+## View FE configuration items
+After your FE is started, you can run the ADMIN SHOW FRONTEND CONFIG command on your MySQL client to check the parameter configurations. If you want to query the configuration of a specific parameter, run the following command:
+For detailed description of the returned fields, see [ADMIN SHOW CONFIG](../../sql-reference/sql-statements/Administration/ADMIN_SHOW_CONFIG.md).
+You must have administrator privileges to run cluster administration-related commands.
+## Configure FE parameters
+### Configure FE dynamic parameters
+You can configure or modify the settings of FE dynamic parameters using [ADMIN SET FRONTEND CONFIG](../../sql-reference/sql-statements/Administration/ADMIN_SET_CONFIG.md).
+ADMIN SET FRONTEND CONFIG ("key" = "value");
+### Configure FE static parameters
+## Understand FE parameters
+### Logging
+##### log_roll_size_mb
+- Default: 1024
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: MB
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The maximum size of a system log file or an audit log file.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### sys_log_dir
+- Default: StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/log"
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The directory that stores system log files.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### sys_log_level
+- Default: INFO
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The severity levels into which system log entries are classified. Valid values: `INFO`, `WARN`, `ERROR`, and `FATAL`.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### sys_log_roll_num
+- Default: 10
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The maximum number of system log files that can be retained within each retention period specified by the `sys_log_roll_interval` parameter.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### sys_log_verbose_modules
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String[]
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The modules for which StarRocks generates system logs. If this parameter is set to `org.apache.starrocks.catalog`, StarRocks generates system logs only for the catalog module. Separate the module names with a comma (,) and a space.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### sys_log_roll_interval
+- Default: DAY
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The time interval at which StarRocks rotates system log entries. Valid values: `DAY` and `HOUR`.
+ - If this parameter is set to `DAY`, a suffix in the `yyyyMMdd` format is added to the names of system log files.
+ - If this parameter is set to `HOUR`, a suffix in the `yyyyMMddHH` format is added to the names of system log files.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### sys_log_delete_age
+- Default: 7d
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The retention period of system log files. The default value `7d` specifies that each system log file can be retained for 7 days. StarRocks checks each system log file and deletes those that were generated 7 days ago.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### audit_log_dir
+- Default: StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/log"
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The directory that stores audit log files.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### audit_log_roll_num
+- Default: 90
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The maximum number of audit log files that can be retained within each retention period specified by the `audit_log_roll_interval` parameter.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### audit_log_modules
+- Default: slow_query, query
+- Type: String[]
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The modules for which StarRocks generates audit log entries. By default, StarRocks generates audit logs for the slow_query module and the query module. Separate the module names with a comma (,) and a space.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### qe_slow_log_ms
+- Default: 5000
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Milliseconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The threshold used to determine whether a query is a slow query. If the response time of a query exceeds this threshold, it is recorded as a slow query in **fe.audit.log**.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### audit_log_roll_interval
+- Default: DAY
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The time interval at which StarRocks rotates audit log entries. Valid values: `DAY` and `HOUR`.
+ - If this parameter is set to `DAY`, a suffix in the `yyyyMMdd` format is added to the names of audit log files.
+ - If this parameter is set to `HOUR`, a suffix in the `yyyyMMddHH` format is added to the names of audit log files.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### audit_log_delete_age
+- Default: 30d
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The retention period of audit log files. The default value `30d` specifies that each audit log file can be retained for 30 days. StarRocks checks each audit log file and deletes those that were generated 30 days ago.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### dump_log_dir
+- Default: StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/log"
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The directory that stores dump log files.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### dump_log_roll_num
+- Default: 10
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The maximum number of dump log files that can be retained within each retention period specified by the `dump_log_roll_interval` parameter.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### dump_log_modules
+- Default: query
+- Type: String[]
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The modules for which StarRocks generates dump log entries. By default, StarRocks generates dump logs for the query module. Separate the module names with a comma (,) and a space.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### dump_log_roll_interval
+- Default: DAY
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The time interval at which StarRocks rotates dump log entries. Valid values: `DAY` and `HOUR`.
+ - If this parameter is set to `DAY`, a suffix in the `yyyyMMdd` format is added to the names of dump log files.
+ - If this parameter is set to `HOUR`, a suffix in the `yyyyMMddHH` format is added to the names of dump log files.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### dump_log_delete_age
+- Default: 7d
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The retention period of dump log files. The default value `7d` specifies that each dump log file can be retained for 7 days. StarRocks checks each dump log file and deletes those that were generated 7 days ago.
+- Introduced in: -
+### Server
+##### frontend_address
+- Default:
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The IP address of the FE node.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### priority_networks
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: Declares a selection strategy for servers that have multiple IP addresses. Note that at most one IP address must match the list specified by this parameter. The value of this parameter is a list that consists of entries, which are separated with semicolons (;) in CIDR notation, such as If no IP address matches the entries in this list, an IP address will be randomly selected.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### http_port
+- Default: 8030
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The port on which the HTTP server in the FE node listens.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### http_worker_threads_num
+- Default: 0
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: Number of worker threads for http server to deal with http requests. For a negative or 0 value, the number of threads will be twice the number of cpu cores.
+- Introduced in: v2.5.18, v3.0.10, v3.1.7, v3.2.2
+##### http_backlog_num
+- Default: 1024
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The length of the backlog queue held by the HTTP server in the FE node.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### cluster_name
+- Default: StarRocks Cluster
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The name of the StarRocks cluster to which the FE belongs. The cluster name is displayed for `Title` on the web page.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### rpc_port
+- Default: 9020
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The port on which the Thrift server in the FE node listens.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### thrift_server_max_worker_threads
+- Default: 4096
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of worker threads that are supported by the Thrift server in the FE node.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### thrift_server_queue_size
+- Default: 4096
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The length of queue where requests are pending. If the number of threads that are being processed in the thrift server exceeds the value specified in `thrift_server_max_worker_threads`, new requests are added to the pending queue.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### thrift_client_timeout_ms
+- Default: 5000
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Milliseconds
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The length of time after which idle client connections time out.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### thrift_backlog_num
+- Default: 1024
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The length of the backlog queue held by the Thrift server in the FE node.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### brpc_idle_wait_max_time
+- Default: 10000
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: ms
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The maximum length of time for which bRPC clients wait as in the idle state.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### query_port
+- Default: 9030
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The port on which the MySQL server in the FE node listens.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### mysql_nio_backlog_num
+- Default: 1024
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The length of the backlog queue held by the MySQL server in the FE node.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### mysql_service_nio_enabled
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: Specifies whether asynchronous I/O is enabled for the FE node.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### mysql_service_io_threads_num
+- Default: 4
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The maximum number of threads that can be run by the MySQL server in the FE node to process I/O events.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_mysql_service_task_threads_num
+- Default: 4096
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The maximum number of threads that can be run by the MySQL server in the FE node to process tasks.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### mysql_server_version
+- Default: 5.1.0
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The MySQL server version returned to the client. Modifying this parameter will affect the version information in the following situations:
+ 1. `select version();`
+ 2. Handshake packet version
+ 3. Value of the global variable `version` (`show variables like 'version';`)
+- Introduced in: -
+##### qe_max_connection
+- Default: 1024
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The maximum number of connections that can be established by all users to the FE node.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_connection_scheduler_threads_num
+- Default: 4096
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The maximum number of threads that are supported by the connection scheduler.
+- Introduced in: -
+### Metadata and cluster management
+##### cluster_id
+- Default: -1
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The ID of the StarRocks cluster to which the FE belongs. FEs or BEs that have the same cluster ID belong to the same StarRocks cluster. Valid values: any positive integer. The default value `-1` specifies that StarRocks will generate a random cluster ID for the StarRocks cluster at the time when the leader FE of the cluster is started for the first time.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### meta_dir
+- Default: StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/meta"
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The directory that stores metadata.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### edit_log_type
+- Default: BDB
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The type of edit log that can be generated. Set the value to `BDB`.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### edit_log_port
+- Default: 9010
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The port that is used for communication among the Leader, Follower, and Observer FEs in the cluster.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### edit_log_roll_num
+- Default: 50000
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of metadata log entries that can be written before a log file is created for these log entries. This parameter is used to control the size of log files. The new log file is written to the BDBJE database.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### ignore_unknown_log_id
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to ignore an unknown log ID. When an FE is rolled back, the FEs of the earlier version may be unable to recognize some log IDs. If the value is `TRUE`, the FE ignores unknown log IDs. If the value is `FALSE`, the FE exits.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### meta_delay_toleration_second
+- Default: 300
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum duration by which the metadata on the follower and observer FEs can lag behind that on the leader FE. Unit: seconds. If this duration is exceeded, the non-leader FEs stops providing services.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### master_sync_policy
+- Default: SYNC
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The policy based on which the leader FE flushes logs to disk. This parameter is valid only when the current FE is a leader FE. Valid values:
+ - `SYNC`: When a transaction is committed, a log entry is generated and flushed to disk simultaneously.
+ - `NO_SYNC`: The generation and flushing of a log entry do not occur at the same time when a transaction is committed.
+ - `WRITE_NO_SYNC`: When a transaction is committed, a log entry is generated simultaneously but is not flushed to disk.
+ If you have deployed only one follower FE, we recommend that you set this parameter to `SYNC`. If you have deployed three or more follower FEs, we recommend that you set this parameter and the `replica_sync_policy` both to `WRITE_NO_SYNC`.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### replica_sync_policy
+- Default: SYNC
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The policy based on which the follower FE flushes logs to disk. This parameter is valid only when the current FE is a follower FE. Valid values:
+ - `SYNC`: When a transaction is committed, a log entry is generated and flushed to disk simultaneously.
+ - `NO_SYNC`: The generation and flushing of a log entry do not occur at the same time when a transaction is committed.
+ - `WRITE_NO_SYNC`: When a transaction is committed, a log entry is generated simultaneously but is not flushed to disk.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### replica_ack_policy
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The policy based on which a log entry is considered valid. The default value `SIMPLE_MAJORITY` specifies that a log entry is considered valid if a majority of follower FEs return ACK messages.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### bdbje_heartbeat_timeout_second
+- Default: 30
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The amount of time after which the heartbeats among the leader, follower, and observer FEs in the StarRocks cluster time out.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### bdbje_replica_ack_timeout_second
+- Default: 10
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The maximum amount of time for which the leader FE can wait for ACK messages from a specified number of follower FEs when metadata is written from the leader FE to the follower FEs. Unit: second. If a large amount of metadata is being written, the follower FEs require a long time before they can return ACK messages to the leader FE, causing ACK timeout. In this situation, metadata writes fail, and the FE process exits. We recommend that you increase the value of this parameter to prevent this situation.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### bdbje_lock_timeout_second
+- Default: 1
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The amount of time after which a lock in the BDB JE-based FE times out.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### bdbje_reset_election_group
+- Default: false
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: Whether to reset the BDBJE replication group. If this parameter is set to `TRUE`, the FE will reset the BDBJE replication group (that is, remove the information of all electable FE nodes) and start as the leader FE. After the reset, this FE will be the only member in the cluster, and other FEs can rejoin this cluster by using `ALTER SYSTEM ADD/DROP FOLLOWER/OBSERVER 'xxx'`. Use this setting only when no leader FE can be elected because the data of most follower FEs have been damaged. `reset_election_group` is used to replace `metadata_failure_recovery`.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_bdbje_clock_delta_ms
+- Default: 5000
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Milliseconds
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The maximum clock offset that is allowed between the leader FE and the follower or observer FEs in the StarRocks cluster.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### txn_rollback_limit
+- Default: 100
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The maximum number of transactions that can be rolled back.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### heartbeat_mgr_threads_num
+- Default: 8
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The number of threads that can be run by the Heartbeat Manager to run heartbeat tasks.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### heartbeat_mgr_blocking_queue_size
+- Default: 1024
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The size of the blocking queue that stores heartbeat tasks run by the Heartbeat Manager.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### catalog_try_lock_timeout_ms
+- Default: 5000
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Milliseconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The timeout duration to obtain the global lock.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### ignore_materialized_view_error
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether FE ignores the metadata exception caused by materialized view errors. If FE fails to start due to the metadata exception caused by materialized view errors, you can set this parameter to `true` to allow FE to ignore the exception.
+- Introduced in: v2.5.10
+##### ignore_meta_check
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether non-Leader FEs ignore the metadata gap from the Leader FE. If the value is TRUE, non-Leader FEs ignore the metadata gap from the Leader FE and continue providing data reading services. This parameter ensures continuous data reading services even when you stop the Leader FE for a long period of time. If the value is FALSE, non-Leader FEs do not ignore the metadata gap from the Leader FE and stop providing data reading services.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### drop_backend_after_decommission
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to delete a BE after the BE is decommissioned. `TRUE` indicates that the BE is deleted immediately after it is decommissioned. `FALSE` indicates that the BE is not deleted after it is decommissioned.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### enable_collect_query_detail_info
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to collect the profile of a query. If this parameter is set to `TRUE`, the system collects the profile of the query. If this parameter is set to `FALSE`, the system does not collect the profile of the query.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### enable_background_refresh_connector_metadata
+- Default: true in v3.0 and later and false in v2.5
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to enable the periodic Hive metadata cache refresh. After it is enabled, StarRocks polls the metastore (Hive Metastore or AWS Glue) of your Hive cluster, and refreshes the cached metadata of the frequently accessed Hive catalogs to perceive data changes. `true` indicates to enable the Hive metadata cache refresh, and `false` indicates to disable it.
+- Introduced in: v2.5.5
+##### background_refresh_metadata_interval_millis
+- Default: 600000
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Milliseconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The interval between two consecutive Hive metadata cache refreshes.
+- Introduced in: v2.5.5
+##### background_refresh_metadata_time_secs_since_last_access_secs
+- Default: 3600 * 24
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The expiration time of a Hive metadata cache refresh task. For the Hive catalog that has been accessed, if it has not been accessed for more than the specified time, StarRocks stops refreshing its cached metadata. For the Hive catalog that has not been accessed, StarRocks will not refresh its cached metadata.
+- Introduced in: v2.5.5
+##### enable_statistics_collect_profile
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to generate profiles for statistics queries. You can set this item to `true` to allow StarRocks to generate query profiles for queries on system statistics.
+- Introduced in: v3.1.5
+#### metadata_enable_recovery_mode
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: Whether to enable the metadata recovery mode. When this mode is enabled, if part of the cluster metadata is lost, it can be restored based on the information from BE. Currently, only the version information of partitions can be restored.
+- Introduced in: v3.3.0
+##### black_host_history_sec
+- Default: 2 * 60
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The time duration for retaining historical connection failures of BE nodes in the BE Blacklist. If a BE node is added to the BE Blacklist automatically, StarRocks will assess its connectivity and judge whether it can be removed from the BE Blacklist. Within `black_host_history_sec`, only if a blacklisted BE node has fewer connection failures than the threshold set in `black_host_connect_failures_within_time`, it can be removed from the BE Blacklist.
+- Introduced in: v3.3.0
+##### black_host_connect_failures_within_time
+- Default: 5
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The threshold of connection failures allowed for a blacklisted BE node. If a BE node is added to the BE Blacklist automatically, StarRocks will assess its connectivity and judge whether it can be removed from the BE Blacklist. Within `black_host_history_sec`, only if a blacklisted BE node has fewer connection failures than the threshold set in `black_host_connect_failures_within_time`, it can be removed from the BE Blacklist.
+- Introduced in: v3.3.0
+### User, role, and privilege
+##### privilege_max_total_roles_per_user
+- Default: 64
+- Type: Int
+- Unit:
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of roles a user can have.
+- Introduced in: v3.0.0
+##### privilege_max_role_depth
+- Default: 16
+- Type: Int
+- Unit:
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum role depth (level of inheritance) of a role.
+- Introduced in: v3.0.0
+### Query engine
+##### publish_version_interval_ms
+- Default: 10
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Milliseconds
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The time interval at which release validation tasks are issued.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### statistic_cache_columns
+- Default: 100000
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The number of rows that can be cached for the statistics table.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### statistic_cache_thread_pool_size
+- Default: 10
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The size of the thread-pool which will be used to refresh statistic caches.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_allowed_in_element_num_of_delete
+- Default: 10000
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of elements allowed for the IN predicate in a DELETE statement.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### enable_materialized_view
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to enable the creation of materialized views.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### enable_backup_materialized_view
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to enable the BACKUP and RESTORE of asynchronous materialized views when backing up or restoring a specific database. If this item is set to `false`, StarRocks will skip backing up asynchronous materialized views.
+- Introduced in: v3.2.0
+##### enable_experimental_mv
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to enable the asynchronous materialized view feature. TRUE indicates this feature is enabled. From v2.5.2 onwards, this feature is enabled by default. For versions earlier than v2.5.2, this feature is disabled by default.
+- Introduced in: v2.4
+##### enable_colocate_mv_index
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to support colocating the synchronous materialized view index with the base table when creating a synchronous materialized view. If this item is set to `true`, tablet sink will speed up the write performance of synchronous materialized views.
+- Introduced in: v3.2.0
+##### default_mv_refresh_immediate
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to refresh an asynchronous materialized view immediately after creation. When this item is set to `true`, newly created materialized view will be refreshed immediately.
+- Introduced in: v3.2.3
+##### enable_materialized_view_metrics_collect
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to collect monitoring metrics for asynchronous materialized views by default.
+- Introduced in: v3.1.11, v3.2.5
+##### enable_materialized_view_text_based_rewrite
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to enable text-based query rewrite by default. If this item is set to `true`, the system builds the abstract syntax tree while creating an asynchronous materialized view.
+- Introduced in: v3.2.5
+##### enable_mv_automatic_active_check
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to enable the system to automatically check and re-activate the asynchronous materialized views that are set inactive because their base tables (views) had undergone Schema Change or had been dropped and re-created. Please note that this feature will not re-activate the materialized views that are manually set inactive by users.
+- Introduced in: v3.1.6
+##### enable_udf
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: Whether to enable UDF.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### enable_decimal_v3
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to support the DECIMAL V3 data type.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### enable_sql_blacklist
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to enable blacklist check for SQL queries. When this feature is enabled, queries in the blacklist cannot be executed.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### dynamic_partition_enable
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to enable the dynamic partitioning feature. When this feature is enabled, StarRocks dynamically creates partitions for new data and automatically deletes expired partitions to ensure the freshness of data.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### dynamic_partition_check_interval_seconds
+- Default: 600
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The interval at which new data is checked. If new data is detected, StarRocks automatically creates partitions for the data.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_query_retry_time
+- Default: 2
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of query retries on an FE.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_create_table_timeout_second
+- Default: 600
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum timeout duration for creating a table.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### create_table_max_serial_replicas
+- Default: 128
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of replicas to create serially. If actual replica count exceeds this value, replicas will be created concurrently. Try to reduce this value if table creation is taking a long time to complete.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### http_slow_request_threshold_ms
+- Default: 5000
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Milliseconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: If the response time for an HTTP request exceeds the value specified by this parameter, a log is generated to track this request.
+- Introduced in: v2.5.15, v3.1.5
+##### max_partitions_in_one_batch
+- Default: 4096
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of partitions that can be created when you bulk create partitions.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_running_rollup_job_num_per_table
+- Default: 1
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of rollup jobs can run in parallel for a table.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### expr_children_limit
+- Default: 10000
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of child expressions allowed in an expression.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_planner_scalar_rewrite_num
+- Default: 100000
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of times that the optimizer can rewrite a scalar operator.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### enable_statistic_collect
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to collect statistics for the CBO. This feature is enabled by default.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### enable_statistic_collect_on_first_load
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to automatically collect statistics when data is loaded into a table for the first time. If a table has multiple partitions, any data loading into an empty partition of this table will trigger automatic statistics collection on this partition. If new tables are frequently created and data is frequently loaded, the memory and CPU overhead will increase.
+- Introduced in: v3.1
+##### statistic_auto_analyze_start_time
+- Default: 00:00:00
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The start time of automatic collection. Value range: `00:00:00` - `23:59:59`.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### statistic_auto_analyze_end_time
+- Default: 23:59:59
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The end time of automatic collection. Value range: `00:00:00` - `23:59:59`.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### statistic_analyze_status_keep_second
+- Default: 3 * 24 * 3600
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The duration to retain the history of collection tasks. The default value is 3 days.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### statistic_collect_interval_sec
+- Default: 5 * 60
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The interval for checking data updates during automatic collection.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### statistic_update_interval_sec
+- Default: 24 * 60 * 60
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The interval at which the cache of statistical information is updated.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### enable_collect_full_statistic
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to enable automatic full statistics collection. This feature is enabled by default.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### statistic_auto_collect_ratio
+- Default: 0.8
+- Type: Double
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The threshold for determining whether the statistics for automatic collection are healthy. If statistics health is below this threshold, automatic collection is triggered.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### statistic_auto_collect_small_table_rows
+- Default: 10000000
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Threshold to determine whether a table in an external data source (Hive, Iceberg, Hudi) is a small table during automatic collection. If the table has rows less than this value, the table is considered a small table.
+- Introduced in: v3.2
+##### statistic_max_full_collect_data_size
+- Default: 100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: bytes
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The size of the largest partition for the automatic collection of statistics. If a partition exceeds this value, then sampled collection is performed instead of full.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### statistic_collect_max_row_count_per_query
+- Default: 5000000000
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of rows to query for a single analyze task. An analyze task will be split into multiple queries if this value is exceeded.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### statistic_sample_collect_rows
+- Default: 200000
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The minimum number of rows to collect for sampled collection. If the parameter value exceeds the actual number of rows in your table, full collection is performed.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### histogram_buckets_size
+- Default: 64
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The default bucket number for a histogram.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### histogram_mcv_size
+- Default: 100
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The number of most common values (MCV) for a histogram.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### histogram_sample_ratio
+- Default: 0.1
+- Type: Double
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The sampling ratio for a histogram.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### histogram_max_sample_row_count
+- Default: 10000000
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of rows to collect for a histogram.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### enable_local_replica_selection
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to select local replicas for queries. Local replicas reduce the network transmission cost. If this parameter is set to TRUE, the CBO preferentially selects tablet replicas on BEs that have the same IP address as the current FE. If this parameter is set to `FALSE`, both local replicas and non-local replicas can be selected.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_distribution_pruner_recursion_depth
+- Default: 100
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description:: The maximum recursion depth allowed by the partition pruner. Increasing the recursion depth can prune more elements but also increases CPU consumption.
+- Introduced in: -
+### Loading and unloading
+##### load_straggler_wait_second
+- Default: 300
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum loading lag that can be tolerated by a BE replica. If this value is exceeded, cloning is performed to clone data from other replicas.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### load_checker_interval_second
+- Default: 5
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The time interval at which load jobs are processed on a rolling basis.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### broker_load_default_timeout_second
+- Default: 14400
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The timeout duration for a Broker Load job.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### min_bytes_per_broker_scanner
+- Default: 67108864
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Bytes
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The minimum allowed amount of data that can be processed by a Broker Load instance.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### insert_load_default_timeout_second
+- Default: 3600
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The timeout duration for the INSERT INTO statement that is used to load data.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### stream_load_default_timeout_second
+- Default: 600
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The default timeout duration for each Stream Load job.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_stream_load_timeout_second
+- Default: 259200
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum allowed timeout duration for a Stream Load job.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_load_timeout_second
+- Default: 259200
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum timeout duration allowed for a load job. The load job fails if this limit is exceeded. This limit applies to all types of load jobs.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### min_load_timeout_second
+- Default: 1
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The minimum timeout duration allowed for a load job. This limit applies to all types of load jobs.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### spark_dpp_version
+- Default: 1.0.0
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The version of Spark Dynamic Partition Pruning (DPP) used.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### spark_load_default_timeout_second
+- Default: 86400
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The timeout duration for each Spark Load job.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### spark_home_default_dir
+- Default: StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/lib/spark2x"
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The root directory of a Spark client.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### spark_resource_path
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The root directory of the Spark dependency package.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### spark_launcher_log_dir
+- Default: sys_log_dir + "/spark_launcher_log"
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The directory that stores Spark log files.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### yarn_client_path
+- Default: StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/lib/yarn-client/hadoop/bin/yarn"
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The root directory of the Yarn client package.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### yarn_config_dir
+- Default: StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/lib/yarn-config"
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The directory that stores the Yarn configuration file.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### desired_max_waiting_jobs
+- Default: 1024
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of pending jobs in an FE. The number refers to all jobs, such as table creation, loading, and schema change jobs. If the number of pending jobs in an FE reaches this value, the FE will reject new load requests. This parameter takes effect only for asynchronous loading. From v2.5 onwards, the default value is changed from 100 to 1024.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_running_txn_num_per_db
+- Default: 1000
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of load transactions allowed to be running for each database within a StarRocks cluster. The default value is `1000`. From v3.1 onwards, the default value is changed to `1000` from `100`. When the actual number of load transactions running for a database exceeds the value of this parameter, new load requests will not be processed. New requests for synchronous load jobs will be denied, and new requests for asynchronous load jobs will be placed in queue. We do not recommend you increase the value of this parameter because this will increase system load.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_broker_load_job_concurrency
+- Default: 5
+- Alias: async_load_task_pool_size
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of concurrent Broker Load jobs allowed within the StarRocks cluster. This parameter is valid only for Broker Load. The value of this parameter must be less than the value of `max_running_txn_num_per_db`. From v2.5 onwards, the default value is changed from `10` to `5`.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### load_parallel_instance_num (Deprecated)
+- Default: 1
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of concurrent loading instances for each load job on a BE. This item is deprecated from v3.1 onwards.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### disable_load_job
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to disable loading when the cluster encounters an error. This prevents any loss caused by cluster errors. The default value is `FALSE`, indicating that loading is not disabled. `TRUE` indicates loading is disabled and the cluster is in read-only state.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### history_job_keep_max_second
+- Default: 7 * 24 * 3600
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum duration a historical job can be retained, such as schema change jobs.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### label_keep_max_second
+- Default: 3 * 24 * 3600
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum duration in seconds to keep the labels of load jobs that have been completed and are in the FINISHED or CANCELLED state. The default value is 3 days. After this duration expires, the labels will be deleted. This parameter applies to all types of load jobs. A value too large consumes a lot of memory.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### label_keep_max_num
+- Default: 1000
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of load jobs that can be retained within a period of time. If this number is exceeded, the information of historical jobs will be deleted.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_routine_load_task_concurrent_num
+- Default: 5
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of concurrent tasks for each Routine Load job.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_routine_load_task_num_per_be
+- Default: 16
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of concurrent Routine Load tasks on each BE. Since v3.1.0, the default value for this parameter is increased to 16 from 5, and no longer needs to be less than or equal to the value of BE static parameter `routine_load_thread_pool_size` (deprecated).
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_routine_load_batch_size
+- Default: 4294967296
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Bytes
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum amount of data that can be loaded by a Routine Load task.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### routine_load_task_consume_second
+- Default: 15
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum time for each Routine Load task within the cluster to consume data. Since v3.1.0, Routine Load job supports a new parameter `task_consume_second` in [job_properties](../../sql-reference/sql-statements/data-manipulation/CREATE_ROUTINE_LOAD.md#job_properties). This parameter applies to individual load tasks within a Routine Load job, which is more flexible.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### routine_load_task_timeout_second
+- Default: 60
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The timeout duration for each Routine Load task within the cluster. Since v3.1.0, Routine Load job supports a new parameter `task_timeout_second` in [job_properties](../../sql-reference/sql-statements/data-manipulation/CREATE_ROUTINE_LOAD.md#job_properties). This parameter applies to individual load tasks within a Routine Load job, which is more flexible.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### routine_load_unstable_threshold_second
+- Default: 3600
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Routine Load job is set to the UNSTABLE state if any task within the Routine Load job lags. To be specific, the difference between the timestamp of the message being consumed and the current time exceeds this threshold, and unconsumed messages exist in the data source.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_tolerable_backend_down_num
+- Default: 0
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of faulty BE nodes allowed. If this number is exceeded, Routine Load jobs cannot be automatically recovered.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### period_of_auto_resume_min
+- Default: 5
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Minutes
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The interval at which Routine Load jobs are automatically recovered.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### export_task_default_timeout_second
+- Default: 2 * 3600
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The timeout duration for a data exporting task.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### export_max_bytes_per_be_per_task
+- Default: 268435456
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Bytes
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum amount of data that can be exported from a single BE by a single data unload task.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### export_task_pool_size
+- Default: 5
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The size of the unload task thread pool.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### export_checker_interval_second
+- Default: 5
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The time interval at which load jobs are scheduled.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### export_running_job_num_limit
+- Default: 5
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of data exporting tasks that can run in parallel.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### empty_load_as_error
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to return an error message "all partitions have no load data" if no data is loaded. Valid values:
+ - `true`: If no data is loaded, the system displays a failure message and returns an error "all partitions have no load data".
+ - `false`: If no data is loaded, the system displays a success message and returns OK, instead of an error.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### external_table_commit_timeout_ms
+- Default: 10000
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Milliseconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The timeout duration for committing (publishing) a write transaction to a StarRocks external table. The default value `10000` indicates a 10-second timeout duration.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### enable_sync_publish
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to synchronously execute the apply task at the publish phase of a load transaction. This parameter is applicable only to Primary Key tables. Valid values:
+ - `TRUE` (default): The apply task is synchronously executed at the publish phase of a load transaction. It means that the load transaction is reported as successful only after the apply task is completed, and the loaded data can truly be queried. When a task loads a large volume of data at a time or loads data frequently, setting this parameter to `true` can improve query performance and stability, but may increase load latency.
+ - `FALSE`: The apply task is asynchronously executed at the publish phase of a load transaction. It means that the load transaction is reported as successful after the apply task is submitted, but the loaded data cannot be immediately queried. In this case, concurrent queries need to wait for the apply task to complete or time out before they can continue. When a task loads a large volume of data at a time or loads data frequently, setting this parameter to `false` may affect query performance and stability.
+- Introduced in: v3.2.0
+##### label_clean_interval_second
+- Default: 4 * 3600
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The time interval at which labels are cleaned up. Unit: second. We recommend that you specify a short time interval to ensure that historical labels can be cleaned up in a timely manner.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### transaction_clean_interval_second
+- Default: 30
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The time interval at which finished transactions are cleaned up. Unit: second. We recommend that you specify a short time interval to ensure that finished transactions can be cleaned up in a timely manner.
+- Introduced in: -
+### Storage
+##### default_replication_num
+- Default: 3
+- Type: Short
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Sets the default number of replicas for each data partition when creating a table in StarRocks. This setting can be overridden when creating a table by specifying `replication_num=x` in the CREATE TABLE DDL.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### enable_strict_storage_medium_check
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether the FE strictly checks the storage medium of BEs when users create tables. If this parameter is set to `TRUE`, the FE checks the storage medium of BEs when users create tables and returns an error if the storage medium of the BE is different from the `storage_medium` parameter specified in the CREATE TABLE statement. For example, the storage medium specified in the CREATE TABLE statement is SSD but the actual storage medium of BEs is HDD. As a result, the table creation fails. If this parameter is `FALSE`, the FE does not check the storage medium of BEs when users create a table.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### catalog_trash_expire_second
+- Default: 86400
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The longest duration the metadata can be retained after a database, table, or partition is dropped. If this duration expires, the data will be deleted and cannot be recovered through the [RECOVER](../../sql-reference/sql-statements/data-definition/backup_restore/RECOVER.md) command.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### enable_auto_tablet_distribution
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to automatically set the number of buckets.
+ - If this parameter is set to `TRUE`, you don't need to specify the number of buckets when you create a table or add a partition. StarRocks automatically determines the number of buckets.
+ - If this parameter is set to `FALSE`, you need to manually specify the number of buckets when you create a table or add a partition. If you do not specify the bucket count when adding a new partition to a table, the new partition inherits the bucket count set at the creation of the table. However, you can also manually specify the number of buckets for the new partition.
+- Introduced in: v2.5.7
+##### enable_experimental_rowstore
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to enable the [hybrid row-column storage](../../table_design/hybrid_table.md).
+- Introduced in: v3.2.3
+##### storage_usage_soft_limit_percent
+- Default: 90
+- Alias: storage_high_watermark_usage_percent
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Soft limit of the storage usage percentage in a BE directory. If the storage usage (in percentage) of the BE storage directory exceeds this value and the remaining storage space is less than `storage_usage_soft_limit_reserve_bytes`, tablets cannot be cloned into this directory.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### storage_usage_soft_limit_reserve_bytes
+- Default: 200 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
+- Alias: storage_min_left_capacity_bytes
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Bytes
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Soft limit of the remaining storage space in a BE directory. If the remaining storage space in the BE storage directory is less than this value and the storage usage (in percentage) exceeds `storage_usage_soft_limit_percent`, tablets cannot be cloned into this directory.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### storage_usage_hard_limit_percent
+- Default: 95
+- Alias: storage_flood_stage_usage_percent
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Hard limit of the storage usage percentage in a BE directory. If the storage usage (in percentage) of the BE storage directory exceeds this value and the remaining storage space is less than `storage_usage_hard_limit_reserve_bytes`, Load and Restore jobs are rejected. You need to set this item together with the BE configuration item `storage_flood_stage_usage_percent` to allow the configurations to take effect.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### storage_usage_hard_limit_reserve_bytes
+- Default: 100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
+- Alias: storage_flood_stage_left_capacity_bytes
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Bytes
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Hard limit of the remaining storage space in a BE directory. If the remaining storage space in the BE storage directory is less than this value and the storage usage (in percentage) exceeds `storage_usage_hard_limit_percent`, Load and Restore jobs are rejected. You need to set this item together with the BE configuration item `storage_flood_stage_left_capacity_bytes` to allow the configurations to take effect.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### alter_table_timeout_second
+- Default: 86400
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The timeout duration for the schema change operation (ALTER TABLE).
+- Introduced in: -
+##### enable_fast_schema_evolution
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to enable fast schema evolution for all tables within the StarRocks cluster. Valid values are `TRUE` and `FALSE` (default). Enabling fast schema evolution can increase the speed of schema changes and reduce resource usage when columns are added or dropped.
+- Introduced in: v3.2.0
+> **NOTE**
+> - StarRocks shared-data clusters supports this parameter from v3.3.0.
+> - If you need to configure the fast schema evolution for a specific table, such as disabling fast schema evolution for a specific table, you can set the table property [`fast_schema_evolution`](../../sql-reference/sql-statements/data-definition/CREATE_TABLE.md#set-fast-schema-evolution) at table creation.
+##### recover_with_empty_tablet
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to replace a lost or corrupted tablet replica with an empty one. If a tablet replica is lost or corrupted, data queries on this tablet or other healthy tablets may fail. Replacing the lost or corrupted tablet replica with an empty tablet ensures that the query can still be executed. However, the result may be incorrect because data is lost. The default value is `FALSE`, which means lost or corrupted tablet replicas are not replaced with empty ones, and the query fails.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### tablet_create_timeout_second
+- Default: 10
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The timeout duration for creating a tablet. The default value is changed from 1 to 10 from v3.1 onwards.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### tablet_delete_timeout_second
+- Default: 2
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The timeout duration for deleting a tablet.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### check_consistency_default_timeout_second
+- Default: 600
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The timeout duration for a replica consistency check. You can set this parameter based on the size of your tablet.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### tablet_sched_slot_num_per_path
+- Default: 8
+- Alias: schedule_slot_num_per_path
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of tablet-related tasks that can run concurrently in a BE storage directory. From v2.5 onwards, the default value of this parameter is changed from `4` to `8`.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### tablet_sched_max_scheduling_tablets
+- Default: 10000
+- Alias: max_scheduling_tablets
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of tablets that can be scheduled at the same time. If the value is exceeded, tablet balancing and repair checks will be skipped.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### tablet_sched_disable_balance
+- Default: false
+- Alias: disable_balance
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to disable tablet balancing. `TRUE` indicates that tablet balancing is disabled. `FALSE` indicates that tablet balancing is enabled.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### tablet_sched_disable_colocate_balance
+- Default: false
+- Alias: disable_colocate_balance
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to disable replica balancing for Colocate Table. `TRUE` indicates replica balancing is disabled. `FALSE` indicates replica balancing is enabled.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### tablet_sched_max_balancing_tablets
+- Default: 500
+- Alias: max_balancing_tablets
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of tablets that can be balanced at the same time. If this value is exceeded, tablet re-balancing will be skipped.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### tablet_sched_storage_cooldown_second
+- Default: -1
+- Alias: storage_cooldown_second
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The latency of automatic cooling starting from the time of table creation. The default value `-1` specifies that automatic cooling is disabled. If you want to enable automatic cooling, set this parameter to a value greater than `-1`.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### tablet_sched_max_not_being_scheduled_interval_ms
+- Default: 15 * 60 * 1000
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Milliseconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: When the tablet clone tasks are being scheduled, if a tablet has not been scheduled for the specified time in this parameter, StarRocks gives it a higher priority to schedule it as soon as possible.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### tablet_sched_balance_load_score_threshold
+- Default: 0.1
+- Alias: balance_load_score_threshold
+- Type: Double
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The percentage threshold for determining whether the load of a BE is balanced. If a BE has a lower load than the average load of all BEs and the difference is greater than this value, this BE is in a low load state. On the contrary, if a BE has a higher load than the average load and the difference is greater than this value, this BE is in a high load state.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### tablet_sched_num_based_balance_threshold_ratio
+- Default: 0.5
+- Alias: -
+- Type: Double
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Doing num based balance may break the disk size balance, but the maximum gap between disks cannot exceed tablet_sched_num_based_balance_threshold_ratio * tablet_sched_balance_load_score_threshold. If there are tablets in the cluster that are constantly balancing from A to B and B to A, reduce this value. If you want the tablet distribution to be more balanced, increase this value.
+- Introduced in: - 3.1
+##### tablet_sched_balance_load_disk_safe_threshold
+- Default: 0.5
+- Alias: balance_load_disk_safe_threshold
+- Type: Double
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The percentage threshold for determining whether the disk usage of BEs is balanced. If the disk usage of all BEs is lower than this value, it is considered balanced. If the disk usage is greater than this value and the difference between the highest and lowest BE disk usage is greater than 10%, the disk usage is considered unbalanced and a tablet re-balancing is triggered.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### tablet_sched_repair_delay_factor_second
+- Default: 60
+- Alias: tablet_repair_delay_factor_second
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The interval at which replicas are repaired, in seconds.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### tablet_sched_min_clone_task_timeout_sec
+- Default: 3 * 60
+- Alias: min_clone_task_timeout_sec
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The minimum timeout duration for cloning a tablet.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### tablet_sched_max_clone_task_timeout_sec
+- Default: 2 * 60 * 60
+- Alias: max_clone_task_timeout_sec
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description:The maximum timeout duration for cloning a tablet.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### tablet_stat_update_interval_second
+- Default: 300
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The time interval at which the FE retrieves tablet statistics from each BE.
+- Introduced in: -
+### Shared-data
+##### run_mode
+- Default: shared_nothing
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The running mode of the StarRocks cluster. Valid values: `shared_data` and `shared_nothing` (Default).
+ - `shared_data` indicates running StarRocks in shared-data mode.
+ - `shared_nothing` indicates running StarRocks in shared-nothing mode.
+ > **CAUTION**
+ >
+ > - You cannot adopt the `shared_data` and `shared_nothing` modes simultaneously for a StarRocks cluster. Mixed deployment is not supported.
+ > - DO NOT change `run_mode` after the cluster is deployed. Otherwise, the cluster fails to restart. The transformation from a shared-nothing cluster to a shared-data cluster or vice versa is not supported.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### cloud_native_meta_port
+- Default: 6090
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The cloud-native meta service RPC port.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### cloud_native_storage_type
+- Default: S3
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The type of object storage you use. In shared-data mode, StarRocks supports storing data in Azure Blob (supported from v3.1.1 onwards), and object storages that are compatible with the S3 protocol (such as AWS S3, Google GCP, and MinIO). Valid value: `S3` (Default) and `AZBLOB`. If you specify this parameter as `S3`, you must add the parameters prefixed by `aws_s3`. If you specify this parameter as `AZBLOB`, you must add the parameters prefixed by `azure_blob`.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### aws_s3_path
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The S3 path used to store data. It consists of the name of your S3 bucket and the sub-path (if any) under it, for example, `testbucket/subpath`.
+- Introduced in: v3.0
+##### aws_s3_region
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The region in which your S3 bucket resides, for example, `us-west-2`.
+- Introduced in: v3.0
+##### aws_s3_endpoint
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The endpoint used to access your S3 bucket, for example, `https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com`.
+- Introduced in: v3.0
+##### aws_s3_use_aws_sdk_default_behavior
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: Whether to use the default authentication credential of AWS SDK. Valid values: true and false (Default).
+- Introduced in: v3.0
+##### aws_s3_use_instance_profile
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: Whether to use Instance Profile and Assumed Role as credential methods for accessing S3. Valid values: true and false (Default).
+ - If you use IAM user-based credential (Access Key and Secret Key) to access S3, you must specify this item as `false`, and specify `aws_s3_access_key` and `aws_s3_secret_key`.
+ - If you use Instance Profile to access S3, you must specify this item as `true`.
+ - If you use Assumed Role to access S3, you must specify this item as `true`, and specify `aws_s3_iam_role_arn`.
+ - And if you use an external AWS account, you must also specify `aws_s3_external_id`.
+- Introduced in: v3.0
+##### aws_s3_access_key
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The Access Key ID used to access your S3 bucket.
+- Introduced in: v3.0
+##### aws_s3_secret_key
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The Secret Access Key used to access your S3 bucket.
+- Introduced in: v3.0
+##### aws_s3_iam_role_arn
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The ARN of the IAM role that has privileges on your S3 bucket in which your data files are stored.
+- Introduced in: v3.0
+##### aws_s3_external_id
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The external ID of the AWS account that is used for cross-account access to your S3 bucket.
+- Introduced in: v3.0
+##### azure_blob_endpoint
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The endpoint of your Azure Blob Storage Account, for example, `https://test.blob.core.windows.net`.
+- Introduced in: v3.1
+##### azure_blob_path
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The Azure Blob Storage path used to store data. It consists of the name of the container within your storage account and the sub-path (if any) under the container, for example, `testcontainer/subpath`.
+- Introduced in: v3.1
+##### azure_blob_shared_key
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The Shared Key used to authorize requests for your Azure Blob Storage.
+- Introduced in: v3.1
+##### azure_blob_sas_token
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The shared access signatures (SAS) used to authorize requests for your Azure Blob Storage.
+- Introduced in: v3.1
+##### lake_compaction_score_selector_min_score
+- Default: 10.0
+- Type: Double
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The Compaction Score threshold that triggers Compaction operations in a shared-data cluster. When the Compaction Score of a partition is greater than or equal to this value, the system performs Compaction on that partition.
+- Introduced in: v3.1.0
+##### lake_compaction_max_tasks
+- Default: -1
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of concurrent Compaction tasks allowed in a shared-data cluster. Setting this item to `-1` indicates to calculate the concurrent task number in an adaptive manner. Setting this value to `0` will disable compaction.
+- Introduced in: v3.1.0
+##### lake_compaction_history_size
+- Default: 12
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The number of recent successful Compaction task records to keep in the memory of the Leader FE node in a shared-data cluster. You can view recent successful Compaction task records using the `SHOW PROC '/compactions'` command. Note that the Compaction history is stored in the FE process memory, and it will be lost if the FE process is restarted.
+- Introduced in: v3.1.0
+##### lake_compaction_fail_history_size
+- Default: 12
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The number of recent failed Compaction task records to keep in the memory of the Leader FE node in a shared-data cluster. You can view recent failed Compaction task records using the `SHOW PROC '/compactions'` command. Note that the Compaction history is stored in the FE process memory, and it will be lost if the FE process is restarted.
+- Introduced in: v3.1.0
+##### lake_publish_version_max_threads
+- Default: 512
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of threads for Version Publish tasks in a shared-data cluster.
+- Introduced in: v3.2.0
+##### lake_autovacuum_parallel_partitions
+- Default: 8
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The maximum number of partitions that can undergo AutoVacuum simultaneously in a shared-data cluster. AutoVacuum is the Garbage Collection after Compactions.
+- Introduced in: v3.1.0
+##### lake_autovacuum_partition_naptime_seconds
+- Default: 180
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The minimum interval between AutoVacuum operations on the same partition in a shared-data cluster.
+- Introduced in: v3.1.0
+##### lake_autovacuum_grace_period_minutes
+- Default: 5
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Minutes
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The time range for retaining historical data versions in a shared-data cluster. Historical data versions within this time range are not automatically cleaned via AutoVacuum after Compactions. You need to set this value greater than the maximum query time to avoid that the data accessed by running queries get deleted before the queries finish.
+- Introduced in: v3.1.0
+##### lake_autovacuum_stale_partition_threshold
+- Default: 12
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Hours
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: If a partition has no updates (loading, DELETE, or Compactions) within this time range, the system will not perform AutoVacuum on this partition.
+- Introduced in: v3.1.0
+##### lake_enable_ingest_slowdown
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to enable Data Ingestion Slowdown in a shared-data cluster. When Data Ingestion Slowdown is enabled, if the Compaction Score of a partition exceeds `lake_ingest_slowdown_threshold`, loading tasks on that partition will be throttled down. This configuration only takes effect when `run_mode` is set to `shared_data`.
+- Introduced in: v3.2.0
+##### lake_ingest_slowdown_threshold
+- Default: 100
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The Compaction Score threshold that triggers Data Ingestion Slowdown in a shared-data cluster. This configuration only takes effect when `lake_enable_ingest_slowdown` is set to `true`.
+- Introduced in: v3.2.0
+##### lake_ingest_slowdown_ratio
+- Default: 0.1
+- Type: Double
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The ratio of the loading rate slowdown when Data Ingestion Slowdown is triggered.
+ Data loading tasks consist of two phases: data writing and data committing (COMMIT). Data Ingestion Slowdown is achieved by delaying data committing. The delay ratio is calculated using the following formula: `(compaction_score - lake_ingest_slowdown_threshold) * lake_ingest_slowdown_ratio`. For example, if the data writing phase takes 5 minutes, `lake_ingest_slowdown_ratio` is 0.1, and the Compaction Score is 10 higher than `lake_ingest_slowdown_threshold`, the delay in data committing time is `5 * 10 * 0.1 = 5` minutes, which means the average loading speed is halved.
+- Introduced in: v3.2.0
+> **NOTE**
+> - If a loading task writes to multiple partitions simultaneously, the maximum Compaction Score among all partitions is used to calculate the delay in committing time.
+> - The delay in committing time is calculated during the first attempt to commit. Once set, it will not change. Once the delay time is up, as long as the Compaction Score is not above `lake_compaction_score_upper_bound`, the system will perform the data committing operation.
+> - If the delay in committing time exceeds the timeout of the loading task, the task will fail directly.
+##### lake_compaction_score_upper_bound
+- Default: 0
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The upper limit of the Compaction Score for a partition in a shared-data cluster. `0` indicates no upper limit. This item only takes effect when `lake_enable_ingest_slowdown` is set to `true`. When the Compaction Score of a partition reaches or exceeds this upper limit, all loading tasks on that partition will be indefinitely delayed until the Compaction Score drops below this value or the task times out.
+- Introduced in: v3.2.0
+### Other
+##### tmp_dir
+- Default: StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/temp_dir"
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The directory that stores temporary files such as files generated during backup and restore procedures. After these procedures finish, the generated temporary files are deleted.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### plugin_dir
+- Default: System.getenv("STARROCKS_HOME") + "/plugins"
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The directory that stores plugin installation packages.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### plugin_enable
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether plugins can be installed on FEs. Plugins can be installed or uninstalled only on the Leader FE.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_agent_task_threads_num
+- Default: 4096
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The maximum number of threads that are allowed in the agent task thread pool.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### agent_task_resend_wait_time_ms
+- Default: 5000
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Milliseconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The duration the FE must wait before it can resend an agent task. An agent task can be resent only when the gap between the task creation time and the current time exceeds the value of this parameter. This parameter is used to prevent repetitive sending of agent tasks.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### backup_job_default_timeout_ms
+- Default: 86400 * 1000
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Milliseconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The timeout duration of a backup job. If this value is exceeded, the backup job fails.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### locale
+- Default: zh_CN.UTF-8
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The character set that is used by the FE.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### report_queue_size (Deprecated)
+- Default: 100
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of jobs that can wait in a report queue. The report is about disk, task, and tablet information of BEs. If too many report jobs are piling up in a queue, OOM will occur.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### enable_metric_calculator
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: Specifies whether to enable the feature that is used to periodically collect metrics. Valid values: `TRUE` and `FALSE`. `TRUE` specifies to enable this feature, and `FALSE` specifies to disable this feature.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_small_file_number
+- Default: 100
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum number of small files that can be stored on an FE directory.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_small_file_size_bytes
+- Default: 1024 * 1024
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Bytes
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum size of a small file.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### small_file_dir
+- Default: StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/small_files"
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The root directory of small files.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### enable_auth_check
+- Default: true
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: Specifies whether to enable the authentication check feature. Valid values: `TRUE` and `FALSE`. `TRUE` specifies to enable this feature, and `FALSE` specifies to disable this feature.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### authentication_ldap_simple_server_host
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The host on which the LDAP server runs.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### authentication_ldap_simple_server_port
+- Default: 389
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The port of the LDAP server.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### authentication_ldap_simple_bind_base_dn
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The base DN, which is the point from which the LDAP server starts to search for users' authentication information.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### authentication_ldap_simple_user_search_attr
+- Default: uid
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The name of the attribute that identifies users in LDAP objects.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### authentication_ldap_simple_bind_root_dn
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The administrator DN used to search for users' authentication information.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### authentication_ldap_simple_bind_root_pwd
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The password of the administrator used to search for users' authentication information.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### auth_token
+- Default: Empty string
+- Type: String
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The token that is used for identity authentication within the StarRocks cluster to which the FE belongs. If this parameter is left unspecified, StarRocks generates a random token for the cluster at the time when the leader FE of the cluster is started for the first time.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### hive_meta_load_concurrency
+- Default: 4
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The maximum number of concurrent threads that are supported for Hive metadata.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### hive_meta_cache_refresh_interval_s
+- Default: 3600 * 2
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The time interval at which the cached metadata of Hive external tables is updated.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### hive_meta_cache_ttl_s
+- Default: 3600 * 24
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The amount of time after which the cached metadata of Hive external tables expires.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### hive_meta_store_timeout_s
+- Default: 10
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The amount of time after which a connection to a Hive metastore times out.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### es_state_sync_interval_second
+- Default: 10
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: No
+- Description: The time interval at which the FE obtains Elasticsearch indexes and synchronizes the metadata of StarRocks external tables.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### max_upload_task_per_be
+- Default: 0
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: In each BACKUP operation, the maximum number of upload tasks StarRocks assigned to a BE node. When this item is set to less than or equal to 0, no limit is imposed on the task number.
+- Introduced in: v3.1.0
+##### max_download_task_per_be
+- Default: 0
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: In each RESTORE operation, the maximum number of download tasks StarRocks assigned to a BE node. When this item is set to less than or equal to 0, no limit is imposed on the task number.
+- Introduced in: v3.1.0
+##### allow_system_reserved_names
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: Whether to allow users to create columns whose names are initiated with `__op` and `__row`. To enable this feature, set this parameter to `TRUE`. Please note that these name formats are reserved for special purposes in StarRocks and creating such columns may result in undefined behavior. Therefore this feature is disabled by default.
+- Introduced in: v3.2.0
+##### jdbc_meta_default_cache_enable
+- Default: false
+- Type: Boolean
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The default value for whether the JDBC Catalog metadata cache is enabled. When set to True, newly created JDBC Catalogs will default to metadata caching enabled.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### jdbc_meta_default_cache_expire_sec
+- Default: 600
+- Type: Long
+- Unit: Seconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The default expiration time for the JDBC Catalog metadata cache. When `jdbc_meta_default_cache_enable` is set to true, newly created JDBC Catalogs will default to setting the expiration time of the metadata cache.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### jdbc_connection_pool_size
+- Default: 8
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum capacity of the JDBC connection pool for accessing JDBC catalogs.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### jdbc_minimum_idle_connections
+- Default: 1
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: -
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The minimum number of idle connections in the JDBC connection pool for accessing JDBC catalogs.
+- Introduced in: -
+##### jdbc_connection_idle_timeout_ms
+- Default: 600000
+- Type: Int
+- Unit: Milliseconds
+- Is mutable: Yes
+- Description: The maximum amount of time after which a connection for accessing a JDBC catalog times out. Timed-out connections are considered idle.
+- Introduced in: -
diff --git a/docs/en/reference/System_variable.md b/docs/en/reference/System_variable.md
index cceb7e54a42d5c..35da9b7f968013 100644
--- a/docs/en/reference/System_variable.md
+++ b/docs/en/reference/System_variable.md
@@ -142,7 +142,91 @@ The variables are described **in alphabetical order**. Variables with the `globa
### cbo_eq_base_type (2.5.14 and later)
+<<<<<<< HEAD
Specifies the data type used for data comparison between DECIMAL data and STRING data. The default value is `VARCHAR`, and DECIMAL is also a valid value.
+* **Description**: Specifies the data type used for data comparison between DECIMAL data and STRING data. The default value is `VARCHAR`, and DECIMAL is also a valid value. **This variable takes effect only for `=` and `!=` comparison.**
+* **Data type**: String
+* **Introduced in**: v2.5.14
+### cbo_materialized_view_rewrite_related_mvs_limit
+* **Description**: Specifies the maximum number of candidate materialized views allowed during query planning.
+* **Default**: 64
+* **Data type**: Int
+* **Introduced in**: v3.1.9, v3.2.5
+### enable_sync_materialized_view_rewrite
+* **Description**: Whether to enable query rewrite based on synchronous materialized views.
+* **Default**: true
+* **Introduced in**: v3.1.11, v3.2.5
+### query_including_mv_names
+* **Description**: Specifies the name of the asynchronous materialized views to include in query execution. You can use this variable to limit the number of candidate materialized views and improve the query rewrite performance in the optimizer. This item takes effect prior to `query_excluding_mv_names`.
+* **Default**: empty
+* **Data type**: String
+* **Introduced in**: v3.1.11, v3.2.5
+### query_excluding_mv_names(
+* **Description**: Specifies the name of the asynchronous materialized views to exclude from query execution. You can use this variable to limit the number of candidate materialized views and reduce the time of query rewrite in the optimizer. `query_including_mv_names` takes effect prior to this item.
+* **Default**: empty
+* **Data type**: String
+* **Introduced in**: v3.1.11, v3.2.5
+### optimizer_materialized_view_timelimit
+* **Description**: Specifies the maximum time that one materialized view rewrite rule can consume. When the threshold is reached, this rule will not be used for query rewrite.
+* **Default**: 1000
+* **Unit**: ms
+* **Introduced in**: v3.1.9, v3.2.5
+### enable_materialized_view_text_match_rewrite
+* **Description**: Whether to enable text-based materialized view rewrite. When this item is set to true, the optimizer will compare the query with the existing materialized views. A query will be rewritten if the abstract syntax tree of the materialized view's definition matches that of the query or its sub-query.
+* **Default**: true
+* **Introduced in**: v3.2.5, v3.3.0
+### materialized_view_subuqery_text_match_max_count
+* **Description**: Specifies the maximum number of times that the system checks whether a query's sub-query matches the materialized views' definition.
+* **Default**: 4
+* **Introduced in**: v3.2.5, v3.3.0
+### enable_force_rule_based_mv_rewrite
+* **Description**: Whether to enable query rewrite for queries against multiple tables in the optimizer's rule-based optimization phase. Enabling this feature will improve the robustness of the query rewrite. However, it will also increase the time consumption if the query misses the materialized view.
+* **Default**: true
+* **Introduced in**: v3.3.0
+### enable_view_based_mv_rewrite
+* **Description**: Whether to enable query rewrite for logical view-based materialized views. If this item is set to `true`, the logical view is used as a unified node to rewrite the queries against itself for better performance. If this item is set to `false`, the system transcribes the queries against logical views into queries against physical tables or materialized views and then rewrites them.
+* **Default**: false
+* **Introduced in**: v3.1.9, v3.2.5, v3.3.0
+### enable_materialized_view_union_rewrite
+* **Description**: Whether to enable materialized view union rewrite. If this item is set to `true`, the system seeks to compensate the predicates using UNION ALL when the predicates in the materialized view cannot satisfy the query's predicates.
+* **Default**: true
+* **Introduced in**: v2.5.20, v3.1.9, v3.2.7, v3.3.0
+### follower_query_forward_mode
+* **Description**: Specifies to which FE nodes the query statements are routed.
+ * Valid values:
+ * `default`: Routes the query statement to the Leader FE or Follower FEs, depending on the Follower's replay progress. If the Follower FE nodes have not completed replay progress, queries will be routed to the Leader FE node. If the replay progress is complete, queries will be preferentially routed to the Follower FE node.
+ * `leader`: Routes the query statement to the Leader FE.
+ * `follower`: Routes the query statement to Follower FE.
+* **Default**: default
+* **Data type**: String
+* **Introduced in**: v2.5.20, v3.1.9, v3.2.7, v3.3.0
+>>>>>>> f0003d4dab ([Doc] Add 3.3 MV-related params (#44870))
### character_set_database (global)
diff --git a/docs/en/sql-reference/sql-statements/data-definition/CREATE_MATERIALIZED_VIEW.md b/docs/en/sql-reference/sql-statements/data-definition/CREATE_MATERIALIZED_VIEW.md
index 49fda720fbb891..e0957463181183 100644
--- a/docs/en/sql-reference/sql-statements/data-definition/CREATE_MATERIALIZED_VIEW.md
+++ b/docs/en/sql-reference/sql-statements/data-definition/CREATE_MATERIALIZED_VIEW.md
@@ -205,6 +205,29 @@ Properties of the asynchronous materialized view. You can modify the properties
- `partition_refresh_number`: In a single refresh, the maximum number of partitions to refresh. If the number of partitions to be refreshed exceeds this value, StarRocks will split the refresh task and complete it in batches. Only when the previous batch of partitions is refreshed successfully, StarRocks will continue to refresh the next batch of partitions until all partitions are refreshed. If any of the partitions fail to be refreshed, no subsequent refresh tasks will be generated. When the value is `-1`, the refresh task will not be split. Default: `-1`.
- `excluded_trigger_tables`: If a base table of the materialized view is listed here, the automatic refresh task will not be triggered when the data in the base table is changed. This parameter only applies to load-triggered refresh strategy, and is usually used together with the property `auto_refresh_partitions_limit`. Format: `[db_name.]table_name`. When the value is an empty string, any data change in all base tables triggers the refresh of the corresponding materialized view. The default value is an empty string.
- `auto_refresh_partitions_limit`: The number of most recent materialized view partitions that need to be refreshed when a materialized view refresh is triggered. You can use this property to limit the refresh range and reduce the refresh cost. However, because not all the partitions are refreshed, the data in the materialized view may not be consistent with the base table. Default: `-1`. When the value is `-1`, all partitions will be refreshed. When the value is a positive integer N, StarRocks sorts the existing partitions in chronological order, and refreshes the current partition and N-1 most recent partitions. If the number of partitions is less than N, StarRocks refreshes all existing partitions. If there are dynamic partitions created in advance in your materialized view, StarRocks refreshes all pre-created partitions.
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+- `mv_rewrite_staleness_second`: If the materialized view's last refresh is within the time interval specified in this property, this materialized view can be used directly for query rewrite, regardless of whether the data in the base tables changes. If the last refresh is before this time interval, StarRocks checks whether the base tables have been updated to determine whether the materialized view can be used for query rewrite. Unit: Second. This property is supported from v3.0.
+- `colocate_with`: The colocation group of the asynchronous materialized view. See [Colocate Join](../../../using_starrocks/Colocate_join.md) for further information. This property is supported from v3.0.
+- `unique_constraints` and `foreign_key_constraints`: The Unique Key constraints and Foreign Key constraints when you create an asynchronous materialized view for query rewrite in the View Delta Join scenario. See [Asynchronous materialized view - Rewrite queries in View Delta Join scenario](../../../using_starrocks/query_rewrite_with_materialized_views.md) for further information. This property is supported from v3.0.
+- `resource_group`: The resource group to which the refresh tasks of the materialized view belong. For more about resource groups see [Resource group](../../../administration/management/resource_management/resource_group.md).
+- `query_rewrite_consistency`: The query rewrite rule for the asynchronous materialized views. This property is supported from v3.2. Valid values:
+ - `disable`: Disable automatic query rewrite of the asynchronous materialized view.
+ - `checked` (Default value): Enable automatic query rewrite only when the materialized view meets the timeliness requirement, which means:
+ - If `mv_rewrite_staleness_second` is not specified, the materialized view can be used for query rewrite only when its data is consistent with the data in all base tables.
+ - If `mv_rewrite_staleness_second` is specified, the materialized view can be used for query rewrite when its last refresh is within the staleness time interval.
+ - `loose`: Enable automatic query rewrite directly, and no consistency check is required.
+- `storage_volume`: The name of the storage volume used to store the asynchronous materialized view you want to create if you are using a [shared-data cluster](../../../deployment/shared_data/shared_data.mdx). This property is supported from v3.1 onwards. If this property is not specified, the default storage volume is used. Example: `"storage_volume" = "def_volume"`.
+- `force_external_table_query_rewrite`: Whether to enable query rewrite for external catalog-based materialized views. This property is supported from v3.2. Valid values:
+ - `true`: Enable query rewrite for external catalog-based materialized views.
+ - `false` (Default value): Disable query rewrite for external catalog-based materialized views.
+ Because strong data consistency is not guaranteed between base tables and external catalog-based materialized views, this feature is set to `false` by default. When this feature is enabled, the materialized view is used for query rewrite in accordance with the rule specified in `query_rewrite_consistency`.
+- `enable_query_rewrite`: Whether to use the materialized view for query rewrite. When there are many materialized views, query rewrite based on materialized views can impact the optimizer's time consumption. With this property, you can control whether the materialized view can be used for query rewrite. This feature is supported from v3.3.0 onwards. Valid values:
+ - `default` (Default): The system will not perform semantic checks on the materialized view, but only the SPJG-type materialized views can be used for query rewrite. Note that if the text-based query rewrite is enabled, non-SPJG-type materialized views can also be used for query rewrite.
+ - `true`: The system will perform semantic checks when creating or modifying the materialized view. If the materialized view is not eligible for query rewrite (that is, the definition of the materialized view is not an SPJG-type query), a failure will be returned.
+ - `false`: The materialized view will not be used for query rewrite.
+>>>>>>> f0003d4dab ([Doc] Add 3.3 MV-related params (#44870))
diff --git a/docs/zh/administration/management/FE_configuration.md b/docs/zh/administration/management/FE_configuration.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..11a16bedeed11f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/zh/administration/management/FE_configuration.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4847 @@
+displayed_sidebar: "Chinese"
+keywords: ['Canshu']
+import FEConfigMethod from '../../assets/commonMarkdown/FE_config_method.md'
+import AdminSetFrontendNote from '../../assets/commonMarkdown/FE_config_note.md'
+import StaticFEConfigNote from '../../assets/commonMarkdown/StaticFE_config_note.md'
+# FE 配置项
+## 查看 FE 配置项
+FE 启动后,您可以在 MySQL 客户端执行 ADMIN SHOW FRONTEND CONFIG 命令来查看参数配置。如果您想查看具体参数的配置,执行如下命令:
+ ```
+详细的命令返回字段解释,参见 [ADMIN SHOW CONFIG](../../sql-reference/sql-statements/Administration/ADMIN_SHOW_CONFIG.md)。
+只有拥有 `cluster_admin` 角色的用户才可以执行集群管理相关命令。
+## 配置 FE 参数
+### 配置 FE 动态参数
+您可以通过 [ADMIN SET FRONTEND CONFIG](../../sql-reference/sql-statements/Administration/ADMIN_SET_CONFIG.md) 命令在线修改 FE 动态参数。
+ADMIN SET FRONTEND CONFIG ("key" = "value");
+### 配置 FE 静态参数
+## FE 参数描述
+### 日志
+##### log_roll_size_mb
+- 默认值:1024
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:MB
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:单个系统日志或审计日志文件的大小上限。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### sys_log_dir
+- 默认值:StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/log"
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:系统日志文件的保存目录。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### sys_log_level
+- 默认值:INFO
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:系统日志的级别,从低到高依次为 `INFO`、`WARN`、`ERROR`、`FATAL`。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### sys_log_roll_num
+- 默认值:10
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:每个 `sys_log_roll_interval` 时间段内,允许保留的系统日志文件的最大数目。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### sys_log_verbose_modules
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String[]
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:打印系统日志的模块。如果设置参数取值为 `org.apache.starrocks.catalog`,则表示只打印 Catalog 模块下的日志。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### sys_log_roll_interval
+- 默认值:DAY
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:系统日志滚动的时间间隔。取值范围:`DAY` 和 `HOUR`。
+ - 取值为 `DAY` 时,日志文件名的后缀为 `yyyyMMdd`。
+ - 取值为 `HOUR` 时,日志文件名的后缀为 `yyyyMMddHH`。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### sys_log_delete_age
+- 默认值:7d
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:系统日志文件的保留时长。默认值 `7d` 表示系统日志文件可以保留 7 天,保留时长超过 7 天的系统日志文件会被删除。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### audit_log_dir
+- 默认值:StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/log"
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:审计日志文件的保存目录。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### audit_log_roll_num
+- 默认值:90
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:每个 `audit_log_roll_interval` 时间段内,允许保留的审计日志文件的最大数目。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### audit_log_modules
+- 默认值:slow_query, query
+- 类型:String[]
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:打印审计日志的模块。默认打印 slow_query 和 query 模块的日志。可以指定多个模块,模块名称之间用英文逗号加一个空格分隔。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### qe_slow_log_ms
+- 默认值:5000
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Milliseconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:Slow query 的认定时长。如果查询的响应时间超过此阈值,则会在审计日志 `fe.audit.log` 中记录为 slow query。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### audit_log_roll_interval
+- 默认值:DAY
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:审计日志滚动的时间间隔。取值范围:`DAY` 和 `HOUR`。
+ - 取值为 `DAY` 时,日志文件名的后缀为 `yyyyMMdd`。
+ - 取值为 `HOUR` 时,日志文件名的后缀为 `yyyyMMddHH`。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### audit_log_delete_age
+- 默认值:30d
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:审计日志文件的保留时长。默认值 `30d` 表示审计日志文件可以保留 30 天,保留时长超过 30 天的审计日志文件会被删除。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### dump_log_dir
+- 默认值:StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/log"
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Dump 日志文件的保存目录。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### dump_log_roll_num
+- 默认值:10
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:每个 `dump_log_roll_interval` 时间内,允许保留的 Dump 日志文件的最大数目。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### dump_log_modules
+- 默认值:query
+- 类型:String[]
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:打印 Dump 日志的模块。默认打印 query 模块的日志。可以指定多个模块,模块名称之间用英文逗号加一个空格分隔。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### dump_log_roll_interval
+- 默认值:DAY
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Dump 日志滚动的时间间隔。取值范围:`DAY` 和 `HOUR`。
+ - 取值为 `DAY` 时,日志文件名的后缀为 `yyyyMMdd`。
+ - 取值为 `HOUR` 时,日志文件名的后缀为 `yyyyMMddHH`。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### dump_log_delete_age
+- 默认值:7d
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Dump 日志文件的保留时长。默认值 `7d` 表示 Dump 日志文件可以保留 7 天,保留时长超过 7 天的 Dump 日志文件会被删除。
+- 引入版本:-
+### Server
+##### frontend_address
+- 默认值:
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:FE 节点的 IP 地址。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### priority_networks
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:为那些有多个 IP 地址的服务器声明一个选择策略。 请注意,最多应该有一个 IP 地址与此列表匹配。这是一个以分号分隔格式的列表,用 CIDR 表示法,例如 ``。 如果没有匹配这条规则的ip,会随机选择一个。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### http_port
+- 默认值:8030
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:FE 节点上 HTTP 服务器的端口。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### http_worker_threads_num
+- 默认值:0
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Http Server 用于处理 HTTP 请求的线程数。如果配置为负数或 0 ,线程数将设置为 CPU 核数的 2 倍。
+- 引入版本:v2.5.18,v3.0.10,v3.1.7,v3.2.2
+##### http_backlog_num
+- 默认值:1024
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:HTTP 服务器支持的 Backlog 队列长度。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### cluster_name
+- 默认值:StarRocks Cluster
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:FE 所在 StarRocks 集群的名称,显示为网页标题。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### rpc_port
+- 默认值:9020
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:FE 节点上 Thrift 服务器的端口。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### thrift_server_max_worker_threads
+- 默认值:4096
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:Thrift 服务器支持的最大工作线程数。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### thrift_server_queue_size
+- 默认值:4096
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Thrift 服务器 pending 队列长度。如果当前处理线程数量超过了配置项 `thrift_server_max_worker_threads` 的值,则将超出的线程加入 Pending 队列。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### thrift_client_timeout_ms
+- 默认值:5000
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Milliseconds
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Thrift 客户端链接的空闲超时时间,即链接超过该时间无新请求后则将链接断开。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### thrift_backlog_num
+- 默认值:1024
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Thrift 服务器支持的 Backlog 队列长度。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### brpc_idle_wait_max_time
+- 默认值:10000
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:ms
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:bRPC 的空闲等待时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### query_port
+- 默认值:9030
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:FE 节点上 MySQL 服务器的端口。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### mysql_nio_backlog_num
+- 默认值:1024
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:MySQL 服务器支持的 Backlog 队列长度。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### mysql_service_nio_enabled
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:是否开启 MySQL 服务器的异步 I/O 选项。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### mysql_service_io_threads_num
+- 默认值:4
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:MySQL 服务器中用于处理 I/O 事件的最大线程数。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_mysql_service_task_threads_num
+- 默认值:4096
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:MySQL 服务器中用于处理任务的最大线程数。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### mysql_server_version
+- 默认值:5.1.0
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:MySQL 服务器的版本。修改该参数配置会影响以下场景中返回的版本号:
+ 1. `select version();`
+ 2. Handshake packet 版本
+ 3. 全局变量 `version` 的取值 (`show variables like 'version';`)
+- 引入版本:-
+##### qe_max_connection
+- 默认值:1024
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:FE 支持的最大连接数,包括所有用户发起的连接。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_connection_scheduler_threads_num
+- 默认值:4096
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:连接调度器支持的最大线程数。
+- 引入版本:-
+### 元数据与集群管理
+##### cluster_id
+- 默认值:-1
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:FE 所在 StarRocks 集群的 ID。具有相同集群 ID 的 FE 或 BE 属于同一个 StarRocks 集群。取值范围:正整数。默认值 `-1` 表示在 Leader FE 首次启动时随机生成一个。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### meta_dir
+- 默认值:StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/meta"
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:元数据的保存目录。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### edit_log_type
+- 默认值:BDB
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:编辑日志的类型。取值只能为 `BDB`。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### edit_log_port
+- 默认值:9010
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:FE 所在 StarRocks 集群中各 Leader FE、Follower FE、Observer FE 之间通信用的端口。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### edit_log_roll_num
+- 默认值:50000
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:该参数用于控制日志文件的大小,指定了每写多少条元数据日志,执行一次日志滚动操作来为这些日志生成新的日志文件。新日志文件会写入到 BDBJE Database。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### ignore_unknown_log_id
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否忽略未知的 logID。当 FE 回滚到低版本时,可能存在低版本 FE 无法识别的 logID。如果设置为 `TRUE`,则 FE 会忽略这些 logID;否则 FE 会退出。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### meta_delay_toleration_second
+- 默认值:300
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:FE 所在 StarRocks 集群中,非 Leader FE 能够容忍的元数据落后的最大时间。如果非 Leader FE 上的元数据与 Leader FE 上的元数据之间的延迟时间超过该参数取值,则该非 Leader FE 将停止服务。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### master_sync_policy
+- 默认值:SYNC
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:FE 所在 StarRocks 集群中,Leader FE 上的日志刷盘方式。该参数仅在当前 FE 为 Leader 时有效。取值范围:
+ - `SYNC`:事务提交时同步写日志并刷盘。
+ - `NO_SYNC`:事务提交时不同步写日志。
+ - `WRITE_NO_SYNC`:事务提交时同步写日志,但是不刷盘。
+ 如果您只部署了一个 Follower FE,建议将其设置为 `SYNC`。 如果您部署了 3 个及以上 Follower FE,建议将其与下面的 `replica_sync_policy` 均设置为 `WRITE_NO_SYNC`。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### replica_sync_policy
+- 默认值:SYNC
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:FE 所在 StarRocks 集群中,Follower FE 上的日志刷盘方式。取值范围:
+ - `SYNC`:事务提交时同步写日志并刷盘。
+ - `NO_SYNC`:事务提交时不同步写日志。
+ - `WRITE_NO_SYNC`:事务提交时同步写日志,但是不刷盘。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### replica_ack_policy
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:判定日志是否有效的策略,默认值表示多数 Follower FE 返回确认消息,就认为生效。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### bdbje_heartbeat_timeout_second
+- 默认值:30
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:FE 所在 StarRocks 集群中 Leader FE 和 Follower FE 之间的 BDB JE 心跳超时时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### bdbje_replica_ack_timeout_second
+- 默认值:10
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:FE 所在 StarRocks 集群中,元数据从 Leader FE 写入到多个 Follower FE 时,Leader FE 等待足够多的 Follower FE 发送 ACK 消息的超时时间。当写入的元数据较多时,可能返回 ACK 的时间较长,进而导致等待超时。如果超时,会导致写元数据失败,FE 进程退出,此时可以适当地调大该参数取值。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### bdbje_lock_timeout_second
+- 默认值:1
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:BDB JE 操作的锁超时时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### bdbje_reset_election_group
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:是否重置 BDBJE 复制组。如果设置为 `TRUE`,FE 将重置 BDBJE 复制组(即删除所有 FE 节点的信息)并以 Leader 身份启动。重置后,该 FE 将成为集群中唯一的成员,其他 FE 节点通过 `ALTER SYSTEM ADD/DROP FOLLOWER/OBSERVER 'xxx'` 重新加入该集群。仅当无法成功选举出 leader FE 时(因为大部分 follower FE 数据已损坏)才使用此配置。该参数用来替代 `metadata_failure_recovery`。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_bdbje_clock_delta_ms
+- 默认值:5000
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Milliseconds
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:FE 所在 StarRocks 集群中 Leader FE 与非 Leader FE 之间能够容忍的最大时钟偏移。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### txn_rollback_limit
+- 默认值:100
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:允许回滚的最大事务数。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### heartbeat_mgr_threads_num
+- 默认值:8
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Heartbeat Manager 中用于发送心跳任务的最大线程数。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### heartbeat_mgr_blocking_queue_size
+- 默认值:1024
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Heartbeat Manager 中存储心跳任务的阻塞队列大小。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### catalog_try_lock_timeout_ms
+- 默认值:5000
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Milliseconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:全局锁(Global Lock)获取的超时时长。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### ignore_materialized_view_error
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否忽略因物化视图错误导致的元数据异常。如果 FE 因为物化视图错误导致的元数据异常而无法启动,您可以通过将该参数设置为 `true` 以忽略错误。
+- 引入版本:v2.5.10
+##### ignore_meta_check
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否忽略元数据落后的情形。如果为 true,非主 FE 将忽略主 FE 与其自身之间的元数据延迟间隙,即使元数据延迟间隙超过 `meta_delay_toleration_second`,非主 FE 仍将提供读取服务。当您尝试停止 Leader FE 较长时间,但仍希望非 Leader FE 可以提供读取服务时,该参数会很有帮助。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### drop_backend_after_decommission
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:BE 被下线后,是否删除该 BE。true 代表 BE 被下线后会立即删除该 BE。False 代表下线完成后不删除 BE。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### enable_collect_query_detail_info
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否收集查询的 Profile 信息。设置为 `true` 时,系统会收集查询的 Profile。设置为 `false` 时,系统不会收集查询的 profile。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### enable_background_refresh_connector_metadata
+- 默认值:true in v3.0 and later and false in v2.5
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否开启 Hive 元数据缓存周期性刷新。开启后,StarRocks 会轮询 Hive 集群的元数据服务(Hive Metastore 或 AWS Glue),并刷新经常访问的 Hive 外部数据目录的元数据缓存,以感知数据更新。`true` 代表开启,`false` 代表关闭。
+- 引入版本:v2.5.5
+##### background_refresh_metadata_interval_millis
+- 默认值:600000
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Milliseconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:接连两次 Hive 元数据缓存刷新之间的间隔。
+- 引入版本:v2.5.5
+##### background_refresh_metadata_time_secs_since_last_access_secs
+- 默认值:3600 * 24
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:Hive 元数据缓存刷新任务过期时间。对于已被访问过的 Hive Catalog,如果超过该时间没有被访问,则停止刷新其元数据缓存。对于未被访问过的 Hive Catalog,StarRocks 不会刷新其元数据缓存。
+- 引入版本:v2.5.5
+##### enable_statistics_collect_profile
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:统计信息查询时是否生成 Profile。您可以将此项设置为 `true`,以允许 StarRocks 为系统统计查询生成 Profile。
+- 引入版本:v3.1.5
+#### metadata_enable_recovery_mode
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:是否开启元数据恢复模式。开启此模式后,在部分元数据丢失的情况下,系统会根据 BE 上的信息恢复元数据。当前仅支持恢复分区的版本信息。
+- 引入版本:v3.3.0
+##### black_host_history_sec
+- 默认值:2 * 60
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:黑名单中 BE 节点连接失败记录的保留时长。如果一个 BE 节点被自动添加到 BE 黑名单中,StarRocks 将评估其连接状态,并判断是否可以将其从 BE 黑名单中移除。在 `black_host_history_sec` 内,只有当黑名单中的 BE 节点的连接失败次数少于 `black_host_connect_failures_within_time` 中设置的阈值时,StarRocks 才会将其从 BE 黑名单中移除。
+- 引入版本:v3.3.0
+##### black_host_connect_failures_within_time
+- 默认值:5
+- 类型:Int
+- Unit:
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:黑名单中的 BE 节点允许连接失败的上限。如果一个 BE 节点被自动添加到 BE 黑名单中,StarRocks 将评估其连接状态,并判断是否可以将其从 BE 黑名单中移除。在 `black_host_history_sec` 内,只有当黑名单中的 BE 节点的连接失败次数少于 `black_host_connect_failures_within_time` 中设置的阈值时,StarRocks 才会将其从 BE 黑名单中移除。
+- 引入版本:v3.3.0
+### 用户,角色及权限
+##### privilege_max_total_roles_per_user
+- 默认值:64
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:每个用户最多可以拥有的角色数量。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### privilege_max_role_depth
+- 默认值:16
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:每个角色最多的嵌套层数。
+- 引入版本:-
+### 查询引擎
+##### publish_version_interval_ms
+- 默认值:10
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Milliseconds
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:两个版本发布操作之间的时间间隔。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### statistic_cache_columns
+- 默认值:100000
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:缓存统计信息表的最大行数。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### statistic_cache_thread_pool_size
+- 默认值:10
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:用于刷新统计缓存的线程池大小。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_allowed_in_element_num_of_delete
+- 默认值:10000
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:DELETE 语句中 IN 谓词最多允许的元素数量。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### enable_materialized_view
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否允许创建物化视图。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### enable_backup_materialized_view
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:在数据库的备份操作中,是否对数据库中的异步物化视图进行备份。如果设置为 `false`,将跳过对异步物化视图的备份。
+- 引入版本:v3.2.0
+##### enable_experimental_mv
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否开启异步物化视图功能。`TRUE` 表示开启。从 2.5.2 版本开始,该功能默认开启。2.5.2 版本之前默认值为 `FALSE`。
+- 引入版本:v2.4
+##### enable_colocate_mv_index
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:在创建同步物化视图时,是否将同步物化视图的索引与基表加入到相同的 Colocate Group。如果设置为 `true`,TabletSink 将加速同步物化视图的写入性能。
+- 引入版本:v3.2.0
+##### default_mv_refresh_immediate
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:创建异步物化视图后,是否立即刷新该物化视图。当设置为 `true` 时,异步物化视图创建后会立即刷新。
+- 引入版本:v3.2.3
+##### enable_materialized_view_metrics_collect
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否默认收集异步物化视图的监控指标。
+- 引入版本:v3.1.11,v3.2.5
+##### enable_materialized_view_text_based_rewrite
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否默认启用基于文本的查询改写。如果此项设置为 `true`,则系统在创建异步物化视图时构建抽象语法树。
+- 引入版本:v3.2.5
+##### enable_mv_automatic_active_check
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否允许系统自动检查和重新激活异步物化视图。启用此功能后,系统将会自动激活因基表(或视图)Schema Change 或重建而失效(Inactive)的物化视图。请注意,此功能不会激活由用户手动设置为 Inactive 的物化视图。
+- 引入版本:v3.1.6
+##### enable_udf
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:是否开启 UDF。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### enable_decimal_v3
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否开启 Decimal V3。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### enable_sql_blacklist
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否开启 SQL Query 黑名单校验。如果开启,在黑名单中的 Query 不能被执行。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### dynamic_partition_enable
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否开启动态分区功能。打开后,您可以按需为新数据动态创建分区,同时 StarRocks 会⾃动删除过期分区,从而确保数据的时效性。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### dynamic_partition_check_interval_seconds
+- 默认值:600
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:动态分区检查的时间周期。如果有新数据生成,会自动生成分区。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_query_retry_time
+- 默认值:2
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:FE 上查询重试的最大次数。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_create_table_timeout_second
+- 默认值:600
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:建表的最大超时时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### create_table_max_serial_replicas
+- 默认值:128
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:串行创建副本的最大数量。如果实际副本数量超过此值,副本将并发创建。如果建表需要长时间才能完成,请尝试减少此值。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### http_slow_request_threshold_ms
+- 默认值:5000
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Milliseconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:如果一条 HTTP 请求的时间超过了该参数指定的时长,会生成日志来跟踪该请求。
+- 引入版本:v2.5.15,v3.1.5
+##### max_partitions_in_one_batch
+- 默认值:4096
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:批量创建分区时,分区数目的最大值。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_running_rollup_job_num_per_table
+- 默认值:1
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:每个 Table 执行 Rollup 任务的最大并发度。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### expr_children_limit
+- 默认值:10000
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:单个表达式中允许的最大子表达式数量。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_planner_scalar_rewrite_num
+- 默认值:100000
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:优化器重写 ScalarOperator 允许的最大次数。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### enable_statistic_collect
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否采集统计信息,该开关默认打开。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### enable_statistic_collect_on_first_load
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:当空表第一次导入数据时,是否自动触发统计信息采集。如果一张表包含多个分区,只要是某个空的分区第一次导入数据,都会触发该分区的统计信息采集。如果系统频繁创建新表并且导入数据,会存在一定内存和 CPU 开销。
+- 引入版本:v3.1
+##### statistic_auto_analyze_start_time
+- 默认值:00:00:00
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:用于配置自动全量采集的起始时间。取值范围:`00:00:00` ~ `23:59:59`。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### statistic_auto_analyze_end_time
+- 默认值:23:59:59
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:用于配置自动全量采集的结束时间。取值范围:`00:00:00` ~ `23:59:59`。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### statistic_analyze_status_keep_second
+- 默认值:3 * 24 * 3600
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:统计信息采集任务的记录保留时间,默认为 3 天。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### statistic_collect_interval_sec
+- 默认值:5 * 60
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:自动定期采集任务中,检测数据更新的间隔时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### statistic_update_interval_sec
+- 默认值:24 * 60 * 60
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:统计信息内存 Cache 失效时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### enable_collect_full_statistic
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否开启自动全量统计信息采集,该开关默认打开。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### statistic_auto_collect_ratio
+- 默认值:0.8
+- 类型:Double
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:自动统计信息的健康度阈值。如果统计信息的健康度小于该阈值,则触发自动采集。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### statistic_auto_collect_small_table_rows
+- 默认值:10000000
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:自动收集中,用于判断外部数据源下的表 (Hive, Iceberg, Hudi) 是否为小表的行数门限。
+- 引入版本:v3.2
+##### statistic_max_full_collect_data_size
+- 默认值:100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:bytes
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:自动统计信息采集的最大分区大小。如果超过该值,则放弃全量采集,转为对该表进行抽样采集。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### statistic_collect_max_row_count_per_query
+- 默认值:5000000000
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:单个 ANALYZE 任务查询的最大行数。如果超过此值, ANALYZE 任务将被拆分为多个查询。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### statistic_sample_collect_rows
+- 默认值:200000
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:最小采样行数。如果指定了采集类型为抽样采集(SAMPLE),需要设置该参数。如果参数取值超过了实际的表行数,默认进行全量采集。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### histogram_buckets_size
+- 默认值:64
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:直方图默认分桶数。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### histogram_mcv_size
+- 默认值:100
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:直方图默认 Most Common Value 的数量。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### histogram_sample_ratio
+- 默认值:0.1
+- 类型:Double
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:直方图默认采样比例。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### histogram_max_sample_row_count
+- 默认值:10000000
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:直方图最大采样行数。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### enable_local_replica_selection
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否选择本地副本进行查询。本地副本可以减少数据传输的网络时延。如果设置为 `true`,优化器优先选择与当前 FE 相同 IP 的 BE 节点上的 Tablet 副本。设置为 `false` 表示选择可选择本地或非本地副本进行查询。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_distribution_pruner_recursion_depth
+- 默认值:100
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:: 分区裁剪允许的最大递归深度。增加递归深度可以裁剪更多元素但同时增加 CPU 资源消耗。
+- 引入版本:-
+### 导入导出
+##### load_straggler_wait_second
+- 默认值:300
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:控制 BE 副本最大容忍的导入落后时长,超过这个时长就进行克隆。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### load_checker_interval_second
+- 默认值:5
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:导入作业的轮询间隔。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### broker_load_default_timeout_second
+- 默认值:14400
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:Broker Load 的超时时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### min_bytes_per_broker_scanner
+- 默认值:67108864
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Bytes
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:单个 Broker Load 实例处理的最小数据量。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### insert_load_default_timeout_second
+- 默认值:3600
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:Insert Into 语句的超时时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### stream_load_default_timeout_second
+- 默认值:600
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:Stream Load 的默认超时时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_stream_load_timeout_second
+- 默认值:259200
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:Stream Load 的最大超时时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_load_timeout_second
+- 默认值:259200
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:导入作业的最大超时时间,适用于所有导入。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### min_load_timeout_second
+- 默认值:1
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:导入作业的最小超时时间,适用于所有导入。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### spark_dpp_version
+- 默认值:1.0.0
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Spark DPP 特性的版本。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### spark_load_default_timeout_second
+- 默认值:86400
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:Spark 导入的超时时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### spark_home_default_dir
+- 默认值:StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/lib/spark2x"
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Spark 客户端根目录。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### spark_resource_path
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Spark 依赖包的根目录。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### spark_launcher_log_dir
+- 默认值:sys_log_dir + "/spark_launcher_log"
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Spark 日志的保存目录。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### yarn_client_path
+- 默认值:StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/lib/yarn-client/hadoop/bin/yarn"
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Yarn 客户端的根目录。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### yarn_config_dir
+- 默认值:StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/lib/yarn-config"
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Yarn 配置文件的保存目录。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### desired_max_waiting_jobs
+- 默认值:1024
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:最多等待的任务数,适用于所有的任务,建表、导入、Schema Change。如果 FE 中处于 PENDING 状态的作业数目达到该值,FE 会拒绝新的导入请求。该参数配置仅对异步执行的导入有效。从 2.5 版本开始,该参数默认值从 100 变为 1024。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_running_txn_num_per_db
+- 默认值:1000
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:StarRocks 集群每个数据库中正在运行的导入相关事务的最大个数,默认值为 `1000`。自 3.1 版本起,默认值由 100 变为 1000。当数据库中正在运行的导入相关事务超过最大个数限制时,后续的导入不会执行。如果是同步的导入作业请求,作业会被拒绝;如果是异步的导入作业请求,作业会在队列中等待。不建议调大该值,会增加系统负载。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_broker_load_job_concurrency
+- 默认值:5
+- 别名:async_load_task_pool_size
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:StarRocks 集群中可以并行执行的 Broker Load 作业的最大数量。本参数仅适用于 Broker Load。取值必须小于 `max_running_txn_num_per_db`。从 2.5 版本开始,该参数默认值从 `10` 变为 `5`。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### load_parallel_instance_num (Deprecated)
+- 默认值:1
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:单个 BE 上每个作业允许的最大并发实例数。自 3.1 版本起弃用。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### disable_load_job
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:当集群遇到错误时是否禁用导入。这可以防止因集群错误而造成的任何损失。默认值为 `FALSE`,表示导入未禁用。`TRUE` 表示导入已禁用,集群处于只读状态。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### history_job_keep_max_second
+- 默认值:7 * 24 * 3600
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:历史任务最大的保留时长,例如 Schema Change 任务。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### label_keep_max_second
+- 默认值:3 * 24 * 3600
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:已经完成、且处于 FINISHED 或 CANCELLED 状态的导入作业记录在 StarRocks 系统 label 的保留时长,默认值为 3 天。该参数配置适用于所有模式的导入作业。设定过大将会消耗大量内存。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### label_keep_max_num
+- 默认值:1000
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:一定时间内所保留导入任务的最大数量。超过之后历史导入作业的信息会被删除。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_routine_load_task_concurrent_num
+- 默认值:5
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:每个 Routine Load 作业最大并发执行的 Task 数。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_routine_load_task_num_per_be
+- 默认值:16
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:每个 BE 并发执行的 Routine Load 导入任务数量上限。从 3.1.0 版本开始,参数默认值从 5 变为 16,并且不再需要小于等于 BE 的配置项 `routine_load_thread_pool_size`(已废弃)。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_routine_load_batch_size
+- 默认值:4294967296
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Bytes
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:每个 Routine Load Task 导入的最大数据量。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### routine_load_task_consume_second
+- 默认值:15
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:集群内每个 Routine Load 导入任务消费数据的最大时间。自 v3.1.0 起,Routine Load 导入作业 [job_properties](../../sql-reference/sql-statements/data-manipulation/CREATE_ROUTINE_LOAD.md#job_properties) 新增参数 `task_consume_second`,作用于单个 Routine Load 导入作业内的导入任务,更加灵活。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### routine_load_task_timeout_second
+- 默认值:60
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:集群内每个 Routine Load 导入任务超时时间,自 v3.1.0 起,Routine Load 导入作业 [job_properties](../../sql-reference/sql-statements/data-manipulation/CREATE_ROUTINE_LOAD.md#job_properties) 新增参数 `task_timeout_second`,作用于单个 Routine Load 导入作业内的任务,更加灵活。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### routine_load_unstable_threshold_second
+- 默认值:3600
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:Routine Load 导入作业的任一导入任务消费延迟,即正在消费的消息时间戳与当前时间的差值超过该阈值,且数据源中存在未被消费的消息,则导入作业置为 UNSTABLE 状态。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_tolerable_backend_down_num
+- 默认值:0
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:允许的最大故障 BE 数。如果故障的 BE 节点数超过该阈值,则不能自动恢复 Routine Load 作业。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### period_of_auto_resume_min
+- 默认值:5
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Minutes
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:自动恢复 Routine Load 的时间间隔。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### export_task_default_timeout_second
+- 默认值:2 * 3600
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:导出作业的超时时长。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### export_max_bytes_per_be_per_task
+- 默认值:268435456
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Bytes
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:单个导出任务在单个 BE 上导出的最大数据量。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### export_task_pool_size
+- 默认值:5
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:导出任务线程池的大小。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### export_checker_interval_second
+- 默认值:5
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:导出作业调度器的调度间隔。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### export_running_job_num_limit
+- 默认值:5
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:导出作业最大的运行数目。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### empty_load_as_error
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:导入数据为空时,是否返回报错提示 `all partitions have no load data`。有效值:
+ - `true`:当导入数据为空时,显示导入失败,并返回报错提示 `all partitions have no load data`。
+ - `false`:当导入数据为空时,显示导入成功,并返回 `OK`,不返回报错提示。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### external_table_commit_timeout_ms
+- 默认值:10000
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Milliseconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:发布写事务到 StarRocks 外表的超时时长,单位为毫秒。默认值 `10000` 表示超时时长为 10 秒。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### enable_sync_publish
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否在导入事务 publish 阶段同步执行 apply 任务,仅适用于主键表。有效值:
+ - `TRUE`:导入事务 publish 阶段同步执行 apply 任务,即 apply 任务完成后才会返回导入事务 publish 成功,此时所导入数据真正可查。因此当导入任务一次导入的数据量比较大,或者导入频率较高时,开启该参数可以提升查询性能和稳定性,但是会增加导入耗时。
+ - `FALSE`:在导入事务 publish 阶段异步执行 apply 任务,即在导入事务 publish 阶段 apply 任务提交之后立即返回导入事务 publish 成功,然而此时导入数据并不真正可查。这时并发的查询需要等到 apply 任务完成或者超时,才能继续执行。因此当导入任务一次导入的数据量比较大,或者导入频率较高时,关闭该参数会影响查询性能和稳定性。
+- 引入版本:v3.2.0
+##### label_clean_interval_second
+- 默认值:4 * 3600
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:作业标签的清理间隔。建议清理间隔尽量短,从而确保历史作业的标签能够及时清理掉。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### transaction_clean_interval_second
+- 默认值:30
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:已结束事务的清理间隔。建议清理间隔尽量短,从而确保已完成的事务能够及时清理掉。
+- 引入版本:-
+### 存储
+##### default_replication_num
+- 默认值:3
+- 类型:Short
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:用于配置分区默认的副本数。如果建表时指定了 `replication_num` 属性,则该属性优先生效;如果建表时未指定 `replication_num`,则配置的 `default_replication_num` 生效。建议该参数的取值不要超过集群内 BE 节点数。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### enable_strict_storage_medium_check
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:建表时,是否严格校验存储介质类型。该值为 `true` 时表示在建表时,会严格校验 BE 上的存储介质。比如建表时指定 `storage_medium = HDD`,而 BE 上只配置了 SSD,那么建表失败。该值为 `false` 时则忽略介质匹配,建表成功。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### catalog_trash_expire_second
+- 默认值:86400
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:删除表/数据库之后,元数据在回收站中保留的时长,超过这个时长,数据就不可以通过[RECOVER](../../sql-reference/sql-statements/data-definition/backup_restore/RECOVER.md) 语句恢复。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### enable_auto_tablet_distribution
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否开启自动设置分桶功能。
+ - 设置为 `true` 表示开启,您在建表或新增分区时无需指定分桶数目,StarRocks 自动决定分桶数量。自动设置分桶数目的策略,请参见[设置分桶数量](../../table_design/Data_distribution.md#设置分桶数量)。
+ - 设置为 `false` 表示关闭,您在建表时需要手动指定分桶数量。
+ - 新增分区时,如果您不指定分桶数量,则新分区的分桶数量继承建表时候的分桶数量。当然您也可以手动指定新增分区的分桶数量。
+- 引入版本:v2.5.7
+##### enable_experimental_rowstore
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否开启[行列混存表](../../table_design/hybrid_table.md)功能。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### storage_usage_soft_limit_percent
+- 默认值:90
+- 别名:storage_high_watermark_usage_percent
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:单个 BE 存储目录空间使用率软上限。如果 BE 存储目录空间使用率超过该值且剩余空间小于 `storage_usage_soft_limit_reserve_bytes`,则不能继续向该路径克隆 Tablet。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### storage_usage_soft_limit_reserve_bytes
+- 默认值:200 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
+- 别名:storage_min_left_capacity_bytes
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Bytes
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:单个 BE 存储目录剩余空间软限制。如果 BE 存储目录下剩余空间小于该值且空间使用率超过 `storage_usage_soft_limit_percent`,则不能继续向该路径克隆 Tablet。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### storage_usage_hard_limit_percent
+- 默认值:95
+- 别名:storage_flood_stage_usage_percent
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:单个 BE 存储目录空间使用率硬上限。如果 BE 存储目录空间使用率超过该值且剩余空间小于 `storage_usage_hard_limit_reserve_bytes`,StarRocks 会拒绝 Load 和 Restore 作业。需要同步修改 BE 配置 `storage_flood_stage_usage_percent` 以使其生效。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### storage_usage_hard_limit_reserve_bytes
+- 默认值:100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
+- 别名:storage_flood_stage_left_capacity_bytes
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Bytes
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:单个 BE 存储目录剩余空间硬限制。如果 BE 存储目录下剩余空间小于该值且空间使用率超过 `storage_usage_hard_limit_percent`,StarRocks 会拒绝 Load 和 Restore 作业。需要同步修改 BE 配置 `storage_flood_stage_left_capacity_bytes` 以使其生效。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### alter_table_timeout_second
+- 默认值:86400
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:Schema Change 超时时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### enable_fast_schema_evolution
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否开启集群内所有表的 fast schema evolution,取值:`TRUE` 或 `FALSE`。开启后增删列时可以提高 Schema Change 速度并降低资源使用。
+- 引入版本:v3.2.0
+> **说明**
+> - StarRocks 存算分离集群自 v3.3.0 起支持该参数。
+> - 如果您需要为某张表设置该配置,例如关闭该表的 fast schema evolution,则可以在建表时设置表属性 [`fast_schema_evolution`](../../sql-reference/sql-statements/data-definition/CREATE_TABLE.md#设置-fast-schema-evolution)。
+##### recover_with_empty_tablet
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:在 Tablet 副本丢失/损坏时,是否使用空的 Tablet 代替。这样可以保证在有 Tablet 副本丢失/损坏时,查询依然能被执行(但是由于缺失了数据,结果可能是错误的)。默认为 `false`,表示不进行替代,查询会失败。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### tablet_create_timeout_second
+- 默认值:10
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:创建 tablet 的超时时长。自 v3.1 版本起,默认值由 1 改为 10。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### tablet_delete_timeout_second
+- 默认值:2
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:删除 tablet 的超时时长。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### check_consistency_default_timeout_second
+- 默认值:600
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:副本一致性检测的超时时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### tablet_sched_slot_num_per_path
+- 默认值:8
+- 别名:schedule_slot_num_per_path
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:一个 BE 存储目录能够同时执行 tablet 相关任务的数目。参数别名 `schedule_slot_num_per_path`。从 2.5 版本开始,该参数默认值从 2.4 版本的 `4` 变为 `8`。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### tablet_sched_max_scheduling_tablets
+- 默认值:10000
+- 别名:max_scheduling_tablets
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:可同时调度的 Tablet 的数量。如果正在调度的 Tablet 数量超过该值,跳过 Tablet 均衡和修复检查。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### tablet_sched_disable_balance
+- 默认值:false
+- 别名:disable_balance
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否禁用 Tablet 均衡调度。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### tablet_sched_disable_colocate_balance
+- 默认值:false
+- 别名:disable_colocate_balance
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否禁用 Colocate Table 的副本均衡。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### tablet_sched_max_balancing_tablets
+- 默认值:500
+- 别名:max_balancing_tablets
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:正在均衡的 Tablet 数量的最大值。如果正在均衡的 Tablet 数量超过该值,跳过 Tablet 重新均衡。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### tablet_sched_storage_cooldown_second
+- 默认值:-1
+- 别名:storage_cooldown_second
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:从 Table 创建时间点开始计算,自动降冷的时延。降冷是指从 SSD 介质迁移到 HDD 介质。
参数别名为 `storage_cooldown_second`。默认值 `-1` 表示不进行自动降冷。如需启用自动降冷功能,请显式设置参数取值大于 `-1`。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### tablet_sched_max_not_being_scheduled_interval_ms
+- 默认值:15 * 60 * 1000
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Milliseconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:克隆 Tablet 调度时,如果超过该时间一直未被调度,则将该 Tablet 的调度优先级升高,以尽可能优先调度。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### tablet_sched_balance_load_score_threshold
+- 默认值:0.1
+- 别名:balance_load_score_threshold
+- 类型:Double
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:用于判断 BE 负载是否均衡的百分比阈值。如果一个 BE 的负载低于所有 BE 的平均负载,且差值大于该阈值,则认为该 BE 处于低负载状态。相反,如果一个 BE 的负载比平均负载高且差值大于该阈值,则认为该 BE 处于高负载状态。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### tablet_sched_num_based_balance_threshold_ratio
+- 默认值:0.5
+- 别名:-
+- 类型:Double
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:做分布均衡时可能会打破磁盘大小均衡,但磁盘间的最大差距不能超过tablet_sched_num_based_balance_threshold_ratio * table_sched_balance_load_score_threshold。 如果集群中存在不断从 A 到 B、从 B 到 A 的克隆,请减小该值。 如果希望tablet分布更加均衡,请调大该值。
+- 引入版本:3.1
+##### tablet_sched_balance_load_disk_safe_threshold
+- 默认值:0.5
+- 别名:balance_load_disk_safe_threshold
+- 类型:Double
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:判断 BE 磁盘使用率是否均衡的百分比阈值。如果所有 BE 的磁盘使用率低于该值,认为磁盘使用均衡。当有 BE 磁盘使用率超过该阈值时,如果最大和最小 BE 磁盘使用率之差高于 10%,则认为磁盘使用不均衡,会触发 Tablet 重新均衡。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### tablet_sched_repair_delay_factor_second
+- 默认值:60
+- 别名:tablet_repair_delay_factor_second
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:FE 进行副本修复的间隔。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### tablet_sched_min_clone_task_timeout_sec
+- 默认值:3 * 60
+- 别名:min_clone_task_timeout_sec
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:克隆 Tablet 的最小超时时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### tablet_sched_max_clone_task_timeout_sec
+- 默认值:2 * 60 * 60
+- 别名:max_clone_task_timeout_sec
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:克隆 Tablet 的最大超时时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### tablet_stat_update_interval_second
+- 默认值:300
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:FE 向每个 BE 请求收集 Tablet 统计信息的时间间隔。
+- 引入版本:-
+### 存算分离
+##### run_mode
+- 默认值:shared_nothing
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:StarRocks 集群的运行模式。有效值:`shared_data` 和 `shared_nothing` (默认)。
+ - `shared_data` 表示在存算分离模式下运行 StarRocks。
+ - `shared_nothing` 表示在存算一体模式下运行 StarRocks。
+ > **注意**
+ >
+ > - StarRocks 集群不支持存算分离和存算一体模式混合部署。
+ > - 请勿在集群部署完成后更改 `run_mode`,否则将导致集群无法再次启动。不支持从存算一体集群转换为存算分离集群,反之亦然。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### cloud_native_meta_port
+- 默认值:6090
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:云原生元数据服务监听端口。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### cloud_native_storage_type
+- 默认值:S3
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:您使用的存储类型。在存算分离模式下,StarRocks 支持将数据存储在 HDFS 、Azure Blob(自 v3.1.1 起支持)、以及兼容 S3 协议的对象存储中(例如 AWS S3、Google GCP、阿里云 OSS 以及 MinIO)。有效值:`S3`(默认)、`AZBLOB` 和 `HDFS`。如果您将此项指定为 `S3`,则必须添加以 `aws_s3` 为前缀的配置项。如果您将此项指定为 `AZBLOB`,则必须添加以 `azure_blob` 为前缀的配置项。如果将此项指定为 `HDFS`,则只需指定 `cloud_native_hdfs_url`。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### cloud_native_hdfs_url
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:HDFS 存储的 URL,例如 `hdfs://`。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### aws_s3_path
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:The S3 path used to store data. It consists of the name of your S3 bucket and the sub-path (if any) under it, for example, `testbucket/subpath`.
+- 引入版本:v3.0
+##### aws_s3_region
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:需访问的 S3 存储空间的地区,如 `us-west-2`。
+- 引入版本:v3.0
+##### aws_s3_endpoint
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:访问 S3 存储空间的连接地址,如 `https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com`。
+- 引入版本:v3.0
+##### aws_s3_use_aws_sdk_default_behavior
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:是否使用 AWS SDK 默认的认证凭证。有效值:`true` 和 `false`。
+- 引入版本:v3.0
+##### aws_s3_use_instance_profile
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:是否使用 Instance Profile 或 Assumed Role 作为安全凭证访问 S3。有效值:`true` 和 `false`。
+ - 如果您使用 IAM 用户凭证(Access Key 和 Secret Key)访问 S3,则需要将此项设为 `false`,并指定 `aws_s3_access_key` 和 `aws_s3_secret_key`。
+ - 如果您使用 Instance Profile 访问 S3,则需要将此项设为 `true`。
+ - 如果您使用 Assumed Role 访问 S3,则需要将此项设为 `true`,并指定 `aws_s3_iam_role_arn`。
+ - 如果您使用外部 AWS 账户通过 Assumed Role 认证访问 S3,则需要额外指定 `aws_s3_external_id`。
+- 引入版本:v3.0
+##### aws_s3_access_key
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:访问 S3 存储空间的 Access Key。
+- 引入版本:v3.0
+##### aws_s3_secret_key
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:访问 S3 存储空间的 Secret Key。
+- 引入版本:v3.0
+##### aws_s3_iam_role_arn
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:有访问 S3 存储空间权限 IAM Role 的 ARN。
+- 引入版本:v3.0
+##### aws_s3_external_id
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:用于跨 AWS 账户访问 S3 存储空间的外部 ID。
+- 引入版本:v3.0
+##### azure_blob_endpoint
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Azure Blob Storage 的链接地址,如 `https://test.blob.core.windows.net`。
+- 引入版本:v3.1
+##### azure_blob_path
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:用于存储数据的 Azure Blob Storage 路径,由存 Storage Account 中的容器名称和容器下的子路径(如有)组成,如 `testcontainer/subpath`。
+- 引入版本:v3.1
+##### azure_blob_shared_key
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:访问 Azure Blob Storage 的 Shared Key。
+- 引入版本:v3.1
+##### azure_blob_sas_token
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:访问 Azure Blob Storage 的共享访问签名(SAS)。
+- 引入版本:v3.1
+##### lake_compaction_score_selector_min_score
+- 默认值:10.0
+- 类型:Double
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:存算分离集群下,触发 Compaction 操作的 Compaction Score 阈值。当一个表分区的 Compaction Score 大于或等于该值时,系统会对该分区执行 Compaction 操作。
+- 引入版本:v3.1.0
+Compaction Score 代表了一个表分区是否值得进行 Compaction 的评分,您可以通过 [SHOW PARTITIONS](../../sql-reference/sql-statements/data-manipulation/SHOW_PARTITIONS.md) 语句返回中的 `MaxCS` 一列的值来查看某个分区的 Compaction Score。Compaction Score 和分区中的文件数量有关系。文件数量过多将影响查询性能,因此系统后台会定期执行 Compaction 操作来合并小文件,减少文件数量。
+##### lake_compaction_max_tasks
+- 默认值:-1
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:存算分离集群下允许同时执行的 Compaction 任务数。系统依据分区中 Tablet 数量来计算 Compaction 任务数。如果一个分区有 10 个 Tablet,那么对该分区作一次 Compaction 就会创建 10 个 Compaction 任务。如果正在执行中的 Compaction 任务数超过该阈值,系统将不会创建新的 Compaction 任务。将该值设置为 `0` 表示禁止 Compaction,设置为 `-1` 表示系统依据自适应策略自动计算该值。
+- 引入版本:v3.1.0
+##### lake_compaction_history_size
+- 默认值:12
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:存算分离集群下在 Leader FE 节点内存中保留多少条最近成功的 Compaction 任务历史记录。您可以通过 `SHOW PROC '/compactions'` 命令查看最近成功的 Compaction 任务记录。请注意,Compaction 历史记录是保存在 FE 进程内存中的,FE 进程重启后历史记录会丢失。
+- 引入版本:v3.1.0
+##### lake_compaction_fail_history_size
+- 默认值:12
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:存算分离集群下在 Leader FE 节点内存中保留多少条最近失败的 Compaction 任务历史记录。您可以通过 `SHOW PROC '/compactions'` 命令查看最近失败的 Compaction 任务记录。请注意,Compaction 历史记录是保存在 FE 进程内存中的,FE 进程重启后历史记录会丢失。
+- 引入版本:v3.1.0
+##### lake_publish_version_max_threads
+- 默认值:512
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:存算分离集群下发送生效版本(Publish Version)任务的最大线程数。
+- 引入版本:v3.2.0
+##### lake_autovacuum_parallel_partitions
+- 默认值:8
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:存算分离集群下最多可以同时对多少个表分区进行垃圾数据清理(AutoVacuum,即在 Compaction 后进行的垃圾文件回收)。
+- 引入版本:v3.1.0
+##### lake_autovacuum_partition_naptime_seconds
+- 默认值:180
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:存算分离集群下对同一个表分区进行垃圾数据清理的最小间隔时间。
+- 引入版本:v3.1.0
+##### lake_autovacuum_grace_period_minutes
+- 默认值:5
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Minutes
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:存算分离集群下保留历史数据版本的时间范围。此时间范围内的历史数据版本不会被自动清理。您需要将该值设置为大于最大查询时间,以避免正在访问中的数据被删除导致查询失败。
+- 引入版本:v3.1.0
+##### lake_autovacuum_stale_partition_threshold
+- 默认值:12
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Hours
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:存算分离集群下,如果某个表分区在该阈值范围内没有任何更新操作(导入、删除或 Compaction),将不再触发该分区的自动垃圾数据清理操作。
+- 引入版本:v3.1.0
+##### lake_enable_ingest_slowdown
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否为存算分离集群开启导入限速功能。开启导入限速功能后,当某个表分区的 Compaction Score 超过了 `lake_ingest_slowdown_threshold`,该表分区上的导入任务将会被限速。只有当 `run_mode` 设置为 `shared_data` 后,该配置项才会生效。
+- 引入版本:v3.2.0
+##### lake_ingest_slowdown_threshold
+- 默认值:100
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:触发导入限速的 Compaction Score 阈值。只有当 `lake_enable_ingest_slowdown` 设置为 `true` 后,该配置项才会生效。
+- 引入版本:v3.2.0
+> **说明**
+> 当 `lake_ingest_slowdown_threshold` 比配置项 `lake_compaction_score_selector_min_score` 小时,实际生效的阈值会是 `lake_compaction_score_selector_min_score`。
+##### lake_ingest_slowdown_ratio
+- 默认值:0.1
+- 类型:Double
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:导入限速比例。
+ 数据导入任务可以分为数据写入和数据提交(COMMIT)两个阶段,导入限速是通过延迟数据提交来达到限速的目的的,延迟比例计算公式为:`(compaction_score - lake_ingest_slowdown_threshold) * lake_ingest_slowdown_ratio`。例如,数据写入阶段耗时为 5 分钟,`lake_ingest_slowdown_ratio` 为 0.1,Compaction Score 比 `lake_ingest_slowdown_threshold` 多 10,那么延迟提交的时间为 `5 * 10 * 0.1 = 5` 分钟,相当于写入阶段的耗时由 5 分钟增加到了 10 分钟,平均导入速度下降了一倍。
+- 引入版本:v3.2.0
+> **说明**
+> - 如果一个导入任务同时向多个分区写入,那么会取所有分区的 Compaction Score 的最大值来计算延迟提交时间。
+> - 延迟提交的时间是在第一次尝试提交时计算的,一旦确定便不会更改,延迟时间一到,只要 Compaction Score 不超过 `lake_compaction_score_upper_bound`,系统都会执行数据提交(COMMIT)操作。
+> - 如果延迟之后的提交时间超过了导入任务的超时时间,那么导入任务会直接失败。
+##### lake_compaction_score_upper_bound
+- 默认值:0
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:表分区的 Compaction Score 的上限, `0` 表示没有上限。只有当 `lake_enable_ingest_slowdown` 设置为 `true` 后,该配置项才会生效。当表分区 Compaction Score 达到或超过该上限后,所有涉及到该分区的导入任务将会被无限延迟提交,直到 Compaction Score 降到该值以下或者任务超时。
+- 引入版本:v3.2.0
+### 其他
+##### tmp_dir
+- 默认值:StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/temp_dir"
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:临时文件的保存目录,例如备份和恢复过程中产生的临时文件。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### plugin_dir
+- 默认值:System.getenv("STARROCKS_HOME") + "/plugins"
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:插件的安装目录。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### plugin_enable
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否开启了插件功能。只能在 Leader FE 安装/卸载插件。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_agent_task_threads_num
+- 默认值:4096
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:代理任务线程池中用于处理代理任务的最大线程数。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### agent_task_resend_wait_time_ms
+- 默认值:5000
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Milliseconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:Agent task 重新发送前的等待时间。当代理任务的创建时间已设置,并且距离现在超过该值,才能重新发送代理任务。该参数用于防止过于频繁的代理任务发送。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### backup_job_default_timeout_ms
+- 默认值:86400 * 1000
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Milliseconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:Backup 作业的超时时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### locale
+- 默认值:zh_CN.UTF-8
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:FE 所使用的字符集。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### report_queue_size (Deprecated)
+- 默认值:100
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:
+- 引入版本:-
+##### enable_metric_calculator
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:是否开启定期收集指标 (Metrics) 的功能。取值范围:`TRUE` 和 `FALSE`。`TRUE` 表示开该功能。`FALSE`表示关闭该功能。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_small_file_number
+- 默认值:100
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:允许存储小文件数目的最大值。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_small_file_size_bytes
+- 默认值:1024 * 1024
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Bytes
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:存储文件的大小上限。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### small_file_dir
+- 默认值:StarRocksFE.STARROCKS_HOME_DIR + "/small_files"
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:小文件的根目录。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### enable_auth_check
+- 默认值:true
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:是否开启鉴权检查功能。取值范围:`TRUE` 和 `FALSE`。`TRUE` 表示开启该功能。`FALSE`表示关闭该功能。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### authentication_ldap_simple_server_host
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:LDAP 服务器所在主机的主机名。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### authentication_ldap_simple_server_port
+- 默认值:389
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:LDAP 服务器的端口。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### authentication_ldap_simple_bind_base_dn
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:检索用户时,使用的 Base DN,用于指定 LDAP 服务器检索用户鉴权信息的起始点。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### authentication_ldap_simple_user_search_attr
+- 默认值:uid
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:LDAP 对象中标识用户的属性名称。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### authentication_ldap_simple_bind_root_dn
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:检索用户时,使用的管理员账号的 DN。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### authentication_ldap_simple_bind_root_pwd
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:检索用户时,使用的管理员账号的密码。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### auth_token
+- 默认值:空字符串
+- 类型:String
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:用于内部身份验证的集群令牌。为空则在 Leader FE 第一次启动时随机生成一个。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### hive_meta_load_concurrency
+- 默认值:4
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Hive 元数据支持的最大并发线程数。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### hive_meta_cache_refresh_interval_s
+- 默认值:3600 * 2
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:刷新 Hive 外表元数据缓存的时间间隔。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### hive_meta_cache_ttl_s
+- 默认值:3600 * 24
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:Hive 外表元数据缓存的失效时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### hive_meta_store_timeout_s
+- 默认值:10
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:连接 Hive Metastore 的超时时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### es_state_sync_interval_second
+- 默认值:10
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:否
+- 描述:FE 获取 Elasticsearch Index 和同步 StarRocks 外部表元数据的时间间隔。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### max_upload_task_per_be
+- 默认值:0
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:单次 BACKUP 操作下,系统向单个 BE 节点下发的最大上传任务数。设置为小于或等于 0 时表示不限制任务数。
+- 引入版本:v3.1.0
+##### max_download_task_per_be
+- 默认值:0
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:单次 RESTORE 操作下,系统向单个 BE 节点下发的最大下载任务数。设置为小于或等于 0 时表示不限制任务数。
+- 引入版本:v3.1.0
+##### allow_system_reserved_names
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:是否允许用户创建以 `__op` 或 `__row` 开头命名的列。TRUE 表示启用此功能。请注意,在 StarRocks 中,这样的列名被保留用于特殊目的,创建这样的列可能导致未知行为,因此系统默认禁止使用这类名字。
+- 引入版本:v3.2.0
+##### jdbc_meta_default_cache_enable
+- 默认值:false
+- 类型:Boolean
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:JDBC Catalog 元数据缓存是否开启的默认值。当设置为 `TRUE` 时,新创建的 JDBC Catalog 会默认开启元数据缓存。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### jdbc_meta_default_cache_expire_sec
+- 默认值:600
+- 类型:Long
+- 单位:Seconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:JDBC Catalog 元数据缓存的默认过期时间。当 `jdbc_meta_default_cache_enable` 设置为 `TRUE` 时,新创建的 JDBC Catalog 会默认设置元数据缓存的过期时间。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### jdbc_connection_pool_size
+- 默认值:8
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:访问 JDBC Catalog 时,JDBC Connection Pool 的容量上限。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### jdbc_minimum_idle_connections
+- 默认值:1
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:-
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:访问 JDBC Catalog 时,JDBC Connection Pool 中处于 idle 状态的连接最低数量。
+- 引入版本:-
+##### jdbc_connection_idle_timeout_ms
+- 默认值:600000
+- 类型:Int
+- 单位:Milliseconds
+- 是否动态:是
+- 描述:访问 JDBC Catalog 时,连接建立的超时时长。超过参数取值时间的连接被认为是 idle 状态。
+- 引入版本:-
diff --git a/docs/zh/reference/System_variable.md b/docs/zh/reference/System_variable.md
index 93687796cdbdba..d7f9c6ccc6de57 100644
--- a/docs/zh/reference/System_variable.md
+++ b/docs/zh/reference/System_variable.md
@@ -137,7 +137,89 @@ SELECT /*+ SET_VAR
### cbo_eq_base_type (2.5.14 及以后)
+<<<<<<< HEAD
用来指定 DECIMAL 类型和 STRING 类型的数据比较时的强制类型,默认按照 `VARCHAR` 类型进行比较,可选 `DECIMAL`(按数值进行比较)。
+* 描述:用来指定 DECIMAL 类型和 STRING 类型的数据比较时的强制类型,默认按照 `VARCHAR` 类型进行比较,可选 `DECIMAL`(按数值进行比较)。**该变量仅在进行 `=` 和 `!=` 比较时生效。**
+* 类型:String
+* 引入版本:v2.5.14
+### cbo_materialized_view_rewrite_related_mvs_limit
+* 描述:用于指定查询在 Plan 阶段最多拥有的候选物化视图个数。
+* 默认值:64
+* 类型:Int
+* 引入版本:v3.1.9, v3.2.5
+### enable_sync_materialized_view_rewrite
+* 描述:是否启用基于同步物化视图的查询改写。
+* 默认值:true
+* 引入版本:v3.1.11,v3.2.5
+### query_including_mv_names
+* 描述:指定需要在查询执行过程中包含的异步物化视图的名称。您可以使用此变量来限制候选物化视图的数量,并提高优化器中的查询改写性能。此项优先于 `query_excluding_mv_names` 生效。
+* 默认值:空字符串
+* 类型:String
+* 引入版本:v3.1.11,v3.2.5
+### query_excluding_mv_names
+* 描述:指定需要在查询执行过程中排除的异步物化视图的名称。您可以使用此变量来限制候选物化视图的数量,并提高优化器中的查询改写性能。`query_including_mv_names` 优先于此项生效。
+* 默认值:空字符串
+* 类型:String
+* 引入版本:v3.1.11,v3.2.5
+### optimizer_materialized_view_timelimit
+* 描述:指定一个物化视图改写规则可消耗的最大时间。当达到阈值时,将不再使用该规则进行查询改写。
+* 默认值:1000
+* 单位:毫秒
+* 类型:Long
+### enable_materialized_view_text_match_rewrite
+* 描述:是否启用基于文本的物化视图改写。当此项设置为 `true` 时,优化器将查询与现有的物化视图进行比较。如果物化视图定义的抽象语法树与查询或其子查询的抽象语法树匹配,则会对查询进行改写。
+* 默认值:true
+* 引入版本:v3.2.5,v3.3.0
+### materialized_view_subuqery_text_match_max_count
+* 描述:指定系统比对查询的子查询是否与物化视图定义匹配的最大次数。
+* 默认值:4
+* 引入版本:v3.2.5,v3.3.0
+### enable_force_rule_based_mv_rewrite
+* 描述:在优化器的 RBO(rule-based optimization)阶段是否针对多表查询启用查询改写。启用此功能将提高查询改写的鲁棒性。但如果查询未命中物化视图,则会增加优化耗时。
+* 默认值:true
+* 引入版本:v3.3
+### enable_view_based_mv_rewrite
+* 描述:是否为基于逻辑视图创建的物化视图启用查询改写。如果此项设置为 `true`,则逻辑视图被用作统一节点进行查询改写,从而获得更好的性能。如果此项设置为 `false`,则系统将针对逻辑视图的查询展开变为针对物理表或物化视图的查询,然后进行改写。
+* 默认值:false
+* 引入版本:v3.1.9,v3.2.5,v3.3.0
+### enable_materialized_view_union_rewrite
+* 描述:是否启用物化视图 UNION 改写。如果此项设置为 true,则系统在物化视图的谓词不能满足查询的谓词时,会尝试使用 UNION ALL 来补偿谓词。
+* 默认值:true
+* 引入版本:v2.5.20,v3.1.9,v3.2.7,v3.3.0
+### follower_query_forward_mode
+* 描述:用于指定将查询语句路由到 Leader FE 或 Follower FE 节点。
+ 有效值:
+ * `default`: 将查询语句路由到 Leader FE 或 Follower FE 节点,取决于 Follower FE 节点的回放进度。如果 Follower FE 节点未完成回放,查询将会被路由至 Leader FE 节点。反之,查询会被优先路由至 Follower FE 节点。
+ * `leader`: 将查询语句路由到 Leader FE 节点。
+ * `follower`: 将查询语句路由到 Follower FE 节点。
+* 默认值:default
+* 类型:String
+* 引入版本:v2.5.20,v3.1.9,v3.2.7,v3.3.0
+>>>>>>> f0003d4dab ([Doc] Add 3.3 MV-related params (#44870))
### character_set_database(global)
diff --git a/docs/zh/sql-reference/sql-statements/data-definition/CREATE_MATERIALIZED_VIEW.md b/docs/zh/sql-reference/sql-statements/data-definition/CREATE_MATERIALIZED_VIEW.md
index 63f75955fcac68..ec69da71e391d0 100644
--- a/docs/zh/sql-reference/sql-statements/data-definition/CREATE_MATERIALIZED_VIEW.md
+++ b/docs/zh/sql-reference/sql-statements/data-definition/CREATE_MATERIALIZED_VIEW.md
@@ -225,11 +225,35 @@ DISTRIBUTED BY HASH ([, ...]) [BUCKETS
- `mv_rewrite_staleness_second`:如果当前物化视图的上一次刷新在此属性指定的时间间隔内,则此物化视图可直接用于查询重写,无论基表数据是否更新。如果上一次刷新时间早于此属性指定的时间间隔,StarRocks 通过检查基表数据是否变更决定该物化视图能否用于查询重写。单位:秒。该属性自 v3.0 起支持。
- `colocate_with`:异步物化视图的 Colocation Group。更多信息请参阅 [Colocate Join](../../../using_starrocks/Colocate_join.md)。该属性自 v3.0 起支持。
- `unique_constraints` 和 `foreign_key_constraints`:创建 View Delta Join 查询改写的异步物化视图时的 Unique Key 约束和外键约束。更多信息请参阅 [异步物化视图 - 基于 View Delta Join 场景改写查询](../../../using_starrocks/query_rewrite_with_materialized_views.md#view-delta-join-改写)。该属性自 v3.0 起支持。
+<<<<<<< HEAD
- `resource_group`: 为物化视图刷新任务设置资源组。更多关于资源组信息,请参考[资源隔离](../../../administration/resource_group.md)。
> **注意**
> Unique Key 约束和外键约束仅用于查询重写。导入数据时,不保证进行外键约束校验。您必须确保导入的数据满足约束条件。
+- `resource_group`: 为物化视图刷新任务设置资源组。更多关于资源组信息,请参考[资源隔离](../../../administration/management/resource_management/resource_group.md)。
+- `query_rewrite_consistency`: 指定当前异步物化视图的查询改写规则。该属性自 v3.2 起支持。有效值:
+ - `disable`:禁用基于该异步物化视图进行自动查询改写。
+ - `checked`(默认值):仅在物化视图满足时效性要求时启用自动查询改写,即:
+ - 如果未指定 `mv_rewrite_staleness_second`,则只有当物化视图的数据与所有基表中的数据一致时,才可以将其用于查询改写。
+ - 如果指定了 `mv_rewrite_staleness_second`,则只有在其最后刷新在 staleness 时间间隔内时,才可以将物化视图用于查询改写。
+ - `loose`:直接启用自动查询改写,无需进行一致性检查。
+- `storage_volume`:[如果您使用存算分离集群](../../../deployment/shared_data/shared_data.mdx),则需要指定创建物化视图的 Storage Volume 名称。该属性自 v3.1 版本起支持。如果未指定该属性,则使用默认 Storage Volume。示例:`"storage_volume" = "def_volume"`。
+- `force_external_table_query_rewrite`: 是否启用基于 External Catalog 的物化视图的查询改写。该属性自 v3.2 起支持。有效值:
+ - `true`:启用基于 External Catalog 的物化视图的查询改写。
+ - `false`(默认值):禁用基于 External Catalog 的物化视图的查询改写。
+ 由于无法保证基表和基于 External Catalog 的物化视图之间的数据强一致,因此默认情况下禁用此功能。启用此功能时,物化视图将根据 `query_rewrite_consistency` 中指定的规则改写查询。
+- `enable_query_rewrite`:是否使用物化视图进行查询改写。当存在大量物化视图时,基于物化视图的查询改写可能会影响优化器的耗时。通过此属性,您可以控制是否允许使用物化视图进行查询改写。该功能自 v3.3.0 起支持。有效值:
+ - `default`(默认):系统将不会针对物化视图执行语义检查,但只有 SPJG 类型的物化视图可以用于查询改写。请注意,如果启用了基于文本的查询改写,非 SPJG 类型的物化视图也可以用于查询改写。
+ - `true`:系统将在创建或修改物化视图时执行语义检查。如果物化视图不符合查询改写的条件(即,物化视图的定义不是 SPJG 类型的查询),则会返回失败信息。
+ - `false`:物化视图将不会用于查询改写。
+> **注意**
+> Unique Key 约束和外键约束仅用于查询改写。导入数据时,不保证进行外键约束校验。您必须确保导入的数据满足约束条件。
+>>>>>>> f0003d4dab ([Doc] Add 3.3 MV-related params (#44870))