Quickly integrate Admin, staff, and user permissioned views using trim.Permissioned
and other mixins.
is the PermissionRequiredMixin
from trim import views
class EditIndexView(views.Permissioned, views.TemplateView):
permission_required = 'pages.change_MyModel'
Apply a test to ensure the user is Staff or Admin
from trim import views
class EditIndexView(views.IsStaffMixin, views.TemplateView):
# only admin may enter
Ensure the user owning the inner model get_object()
is the requesting user.
from trim import views
class AddressDetailView(views.UserOwnedMixin, views.DetailView):
user_field = 'creator'
user_allow_staff = True
model = models.Address
In this example the Address
model should have a user
field, and the user must be the user making the request. By applying user_allow_staff=True
- we also ensure admins can view this page.