Login to Azure Devops -> Enable preview feature called
Multi Stage Pipeline
. Instructions here. -
Create a project from the devops portal (top right of the portal). If you have trouble then refer to docs
Create Azure Resource Manager Service connection. This is needed for azure devops to connect to your subscription and create/manage resources.
Go to
project settings
in bottom left of devops portal & selectService Connections
and setup a Resource Manager connection at subsciption level (leave resource group as blank). Name of this Connection should beAzureResourceManagerConnection
. Leave this checkedAllow all pipelines to use this connection
We use variable groups inside Azure DevOps to leverage them across pipelines. Azure keyvault could be used to store values of confidential variables.
- Click on Library under the Pipelines in the left navigation bar
- Create new Variable Group
- Add the following Variables and Values
Please name your variable group mlops-aml-vg
as we are using this name within our build yaml file.
The variable group should contain the following variables:
Variable Name | Suggested Value |
BASE_NAME | your-unique-name e.g. xxxx-ml (max 10 chars & all lower case) |
COMPUTE_CLUSTER_NAME | traincluster |
DATASET_FILE_NAME | german_credit_data.csv |
DATASET_NAME | credit_dataset |
LOCATION | eastus2 |
MODEL_NAME | creditcard-risk-model |
RM_SERVICE_CONNECTION | AzureResourceManagerConnection |
SP_APP_ID | [from above section] |
SP_APP_SECRET | [from above section] |
TENANT_ID | [from above section] |
Mark SP_APP_SECRET variable as a secret one.
Note: The BASE_NAME parameter is used throughout the solution for naming Azure resources (for e.g. resource group will be create with name of BASE_NAME_aml_rg)
Make sure to select the Allow access to all pipelines checkbox in the variable group configuration.