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199 lines (122 loc) · 8.15 KB

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199 lines (122 loc) · 8.15 KB


This project contains the smart contracts and related deployment scripts.

Project Setup

  1. Install nvm (node version manager)

  2. Install node version v16.14.0 via nvm.

nvm install 16.14.0
  1. Install VSCode extensions - JuanBlanco.solidity

  2. Setup VScode to use correct formatting

    • Create settings.json inside .vscode folder and add following
    "[solidity]": {
        "editor.formatOnSave": true,
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "JuanBlanco.solidity"
    "[javascript]": {
        "editor.formatOnSave": true,
  1. Install pnpm globally
npm install -g [email protected]
pnpm install
  1. Install truffle globally -

When running commands below, make sure to enable the right version of node via nvm use v16.14.0.

Deploying Sumero Contracts

Document on How to Deploy Sumero? -

Things to keep in mind: Currently optimizer is set to 20 runs, which makes the deployment go through (it's a cheaper deploy for us), but users would have to pay more for when interacting with the contract (expensive for them).

This means it is a trade-off parameter between code size (deploy cost) and code execution cost (cost after deployment). A “runs” parameter of “1” will produce short but expensive code. In contrast, a larger “runs” parameter will produce longer but more gas efficient code.

Deploying Sumero Contracts with Gnosis Safe

Make sure the environment variables DEPLOYER_SAFE have the address of gnosis safe and SAFE_SERVICE_URL has the corresponding service url

With the deployment script command append "--config", this will config gnosis safe and let's you deploy using Safe.


  1. hardhat.config.js is the main configuration file

  2. This command runs the hardhat network on localhost, compiles the contracts and runs the deployment scripts in the deploy folder using hardhat-deploy plugin.

     npx hardhat node
     npx hardhat clean (removes the artifacts file)
  3. Compiles and stores build artifcats in ./artifcats

     npx hardhat compile
  4. Gives access to hardhat console (similar to truffle console)

     npx hardhat console
  5. Runs the given script in the specified network

     npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deploy.js
  6. Deploy to a specified network using hardhat-deploy plugin

     npx hardhat deploy --network kovan
  7. Deploy a particular contract to a specified network using tags

     npx hardhat deploy --network kovan --tags ClayBonds
  8. Test the contracts and store the gas report in gas-report.txt

     npx hardhat test
  9. Runs truffle dashboard. Opens a web page at http://localhost:24012 which allows us to Sign Transactions via Metamask

     truffle dashboard
  10. Fork details -> Variable HARDHAT_FORK in .env manages the forking details. If it's an empty string, hardhat network does not add any forking details to HRE. Otherwise it adds the forking network details at hre.config.networks.hardhat.forking . e.g. HARDHAT_FORK="kovan". running npx hardhat node would fork the "kovan" network and run locally, along with adding the forking details.

    HARDHAT_FORK, ETH_NODE_URI_networkname and MNEMONIC_networkname need to be added for each forked network

Sample Env File

MNEMONIC_GOERLI="random random random random random"

APPROVED_EMPs='["0xc1eb9d0dfef93f0c81fd7eceb4f3cf0039e24f7e", "0xd63c91fd4fa5b3d843b5a104d505403e07908ba4"]'

NOTE: Deployment scripts are to be used for deployment to Networks like Kovan, Ropsten, Mainnet etc. Make sure HARDHAT_FORK is pointing to correct network before deployment. Tests folder to be used for local testing before deployment.

Deployment Details

You'll find all deployment details on quip here

Verify Contracts on Etherscan

npx hardhat verify --network kovan 0xc88D40380C75231862776C61f67a77030A64946e "0x8D9656505A20C9562488bfa6EA0d1eF6B12966d7"

npx hardhat verify  --network kovan 0xF502CBB71AB6C41E5B93640d4fF2f6945490C7a0 "0xc88D40380C75231862776C61f67a77030A64946e" "0xd0A1E359811322d97991E03f863a0C30C2cF029C"

npx hardhat verify  --network kovan 0x7A16395c9566B4678B8f166bEcC2AbCae41f3DbC "0xE0544883f42Dc1812528234ea8B2b7687d8FA38A" "0x995b62fC9681db170e5312229acF7250F91DF719"

npx hardhat verify --network goerli 0xF28887a69aC368A1b76c3D81cdd876acc4211a06 "0xE60dBa66B85E10E7Fd18a67a6859E241A243950e" "0x6F9db85C1661769514Ab750547E29651B26e2D47" "0xE35256fb9adc9421F4d2246219AeA99B9F946B5c"

EMPC Verification
npx hardhat verify 0xC5830Fa3786F48D60846Add7505F3E69aCC29C6e "0xE60dBa66B85E10E7Fd18a67a6859E241A243950e" "0x6F9db85C1661769514Ab750547E29651B26e2D47" --network goerli

npx hardhat --network goerli  etherscan-verify 

Flatten Contracts

npx hardhat flatten ./contracts/ClayToken.sol > TestClayToken.sol  

Contracts deployed by UMA

kovan ->

goerli ->

AddressWhitelist -> check whitelisted tokens / collateral by UMA

add registry contract to Finder Use UMA's Finder which points to UMA's registry code

Clay Token

Clay is the native token of Sumero. It is a ERC20 token, which can be used to interact with all aspects of sumero.


For providing liquidty and creating a AMM we are using UniswapV2 contracts.

We use Uniswap router to interact with the uniswap Factory and create Pair contracts for each pair (for which we want to provide liquidity) e.g. Pair contracts for USDC-CLAY, USDC-zTSLA

Synthetic Assets

We are using UMA as the backend to mint synthetic assets.

UMA provides us with following:

  1. An OO (Optimistic Oracle) for variable price discovery
  2. A DVM (Data Verification Mechanism) used as a dispute resolution service.
  3. Already deployed contracts to create additional synths (i.e. EMPC (Expiring Multi Party Creator) Contract)

We use Expiring Multi Party Creator (EMPC) Contract to create derivates i.e. Expiring Multi Party (EMP) Contract . These synths are also known as swaps since they are usually between 2 parties for a given currency and price. They expire at a certain time.

Look at this doc on how to create new synths -

How to deploy EMPC and EMP contracts? -

EMP Tasks:

  1. emp-create.js - Deploys a new EMP contract
  2. emp-mint.js - Mints (opens a new sponsor position) for a given EMP
  3. emp-expire.js - Expires an EMP
  4. emp-settle.js - Settle's expired EMP

Asset Manager

Asset Manager Contract contains approved and verified assets by Sumero.

It has 3 types of assets

  • EMPs (Expiring Multi Party)
  • Swap Pairs (Uniswap Pairs)
  • Staking Rewards

The asset can be either be in status Closed, Paused or Open.

The Sumero UI gets the verified assets by using this contract. It queries idToVerifiedEmps, idToVerifiedSwapPairs and idToVerifiedStakingRewards to get the asset details.

Steps for generating UML Diagrams

1- Install “Solidity Visual Developer” extension in VSCode 2- Open the contract file, click the uml button at the top 3- Copy everything in the @startuml file 4- Go to “”,paste the copied content and submit 5- After generating the UML diagram you can download the image via right-click -> save image as