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Scripts for deployments

This folder contains all scrips and necessary files for deployments of Swaylend on mainnet, testnet, and devnet.

If you are interested in testing on local devnet, checkout the devnet folder.


Before we begin, you need to do a few things:

  • Setup a forc-wallet. Make sure to export a private key, since you're going to need it.
  • Rename env.example to .env.
  • Add signing key, provider url, and network (mainnet, testnet, devnet) to the .env.
  • If you already have deployed contract, add proxy contract id and target contract id as well (otherwise deploy contracts first and add it then).

Below, we have all the necessary scripts for operations on the mainnet. If you're testing on testnet/devnet, make sure to check the testnet scripts in the end as well.

Note: In some scripts you need to enter blockchain address or contract id. Please, double check you use correct prefix (i.e., address or contract). If you select wrong prefix, funds can be lost! It is suggested that you try with smaller amounts first.

Deploy market contract with proxy

Market contract is deploy with the proxy (proxy contract + loader contract with 2 blobs because market contract is bigger than 100 KB). The owner of the proxy contract is the deployer. You have to run this command in the CLI.

cd ../contracts/market && forc deploy                                  && cd ../../scripts # mainnet
cd ../contracts/market && forc deploy --testnet                        && cd ../../scripts # testnet
cd ../contracts/market && /home/vid/Documents/Company/fuel/sway/target/debug/forc-deploy --node-url && cd ../../scripts # devnet

In the output you can see proxy contract id (proxy contract) and target contract id (loader contract). Add them to the .env .

Note: This command will add proxy address in the Forc.toml in the ../contracts/market folder. Make sure the address is not wrriten in Forc.toml when deploying the contracts again.

Activate market contract

This script will activate the contract - setup the market configuration, owner of the market contract, and Pyth contract id.

cargo run --bin activate_market -- --config-path ./configs/testnet_usdc_config.json

Update collateral assets

This script will update the collateral asset configuration (add new collateral assets, pause collateral assets, unpause collateral assets, update collateral asset configuration ...).

cargo run --bin update_collateral_assets -- --config-path ./configs/testnet_usdc_config.json

Upgrade market contract

When you want to upgrade the market contract, make the changes to the contract, build it, and use the deploy command below. You also need to set the addres of the proxy in the Forc.toml in the ../contracts/market folder. Make sure the address is written in property address within the [proxy] section.

cd ../contracts/market && forc deploy                                  && cd ../../scripts # mainnet
cd ../contracts/market && forc deploy --testnet                        && cd ../../scripts # testnet
cd ../contracts/market && /home/vid/Documents/Company/fuel/sway/target/debug/forc-deploy --node-url && cd ../../scripts # devnet

Change proxy owner

This script will change proxy owner.

cargo run --bin change_proxy_owner -- --new-owner contract:0x546403add23accc66d96e853245db1398fb8d0ffbea184395f04ae3d26fd516f

Change market owner

This script will change market owner.

cargo run --bin change_market_owner -- --new-owner address:0x2968d3dd71d8b517fdb57e837c419c58f7404744fb51c16e0e0a2dc18892b1f8

Update market configuration

This script will update market configuration (change supply/borrow kink, interest rate curves ...).

cargo run --bin update_market -- --config-path ./configs/testnet_usdc_config.json

Withdraw reserves

This script will withdraw reserves.

cargo run --bin withdraw_reserves -- --amount 100000000 --recipient address:0x2968d3dd71d8b517fdb57e837c419c58f7404744fb51c16e0e0a2dc18892b1f8

Fill reserves

This script will fill reserves. It will use the account provided in the .env SIGNING_KEY and the base asset of the market contract.

cargo run --bin fill_reserves -- --amount 100000000 

Testnet: deploy tokens contract

This script will deploy custom tokens contract.

cargo run --bin deploy_tokens

Testnet: deploy Pyth oracle contract

This script will deploy Pyth mock oracle contract.

cargo run --bin deploy_pyth

Testnet: mint tokens

This script will mint tokens provided in the config file (base asset and collateral assets). For recipient, use address or contract prefix (depends to whom you want to mint tokens).

cargo run --bin mint_tokens -- --config-path ./configs/testnet_usdc_config.json --token-contract-id 0xb55fa4f5c9d10d64b272b046e133eac9beab496587e0ed02d5620a69b77b9028 --recipient contract:0x0e5e4311f2ab9bd5dc6ac5d39a363b1488eed59e178367d1702126948951245f --amount 10000000000