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How to run

You can run Oobleck examples in two ways: run in standalone (using one node without fault tolerance), or across multiple nodes with fault tolerance capability.

Run in standalone

For more configurable arguments, use python --help. Following example includes minimial necessary information.

This mode executes workers in this node. As only one node training is possible, Oobleck fault tolerance working in node granularity cannot be used.

Use script. If you want to run

python --tag <tag> --num_agents 2 --num_gpus_per_agent 2 --tp_size 2

which uses 4 GPUs.

Oobleck profiles the given model and uses the profile result to generate pipeline templates. The profile result is cached in <base_dir>/<tag>/profile (where default <base_dir> is /tmp/oobleck, which can be overridden).

--num_gpus_per_agent should be the same with tp_size.

Run full Oobleck

This mode executes a master daemon, agents in each node, and workers to run training.

Before running a script, we need to prepare an MPI-style hostfile. A hostfile looks like:

<ip_or_hostname1> slots=N port=xx
<ip_or_hostname2> slots=N devices=0,1 port=yy
<ip_or_hostname2> slots=N devices=2,3 port=yy

that specifies nodes to be used for training. The master daemon accesses each daemon via ssh (<ip_or_hostname>:<port>) to run agents and workers, thus all nodes must be accessible without password from the node where the master daemon will be running.

The slots field indicates the number of GPUs per agent. All agent must have the same number of slots currently.

The devices field is optional; if not specified, Oobleck automatically uses the first N devices starting from 0. It allows to spawn multiple agents on the same node.

An executable of python should be located in the same path of that in the master node and oobleck should be properly configured in all remote nodes.

A script must also be in the same path on all nodes.

Now, use module. If you want to run

python -m --hostfile <path_to_hostfile> --tag <tag> --tp_size 2

Each agent's output will be forwarded to <base_dir>/<tag>/agent<index>.log.