From fa53b3dd435bcd4a056f2f956fb73c4720f76d4e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sigve Sebastian Farstad Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2014 22:19:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Elaborate discussion, conclusion --- report.tex | 25 ++++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/report.tex b/report.tex index b990466..d5d0012 100644 --- a/report.tex +++ b/report.tex @@ -216,11 +216,18 @@ \section{Results} \section{Discussion} -\todo{ Not exactly sure, just say it works better? Compare with other prefetcher IF we chose to describe them. } -All of the explored prefetching techniques resulted in improved performance in the tests, compared to no prefetching. -There are still differences, and none of the prefetching techniques is superior to the others in every test. -Overall the DCPT is scoring best on the test with APCDC on a close second. -Which of them would be best suited for a real life appliction, largely depend on the characteristics of the application. +The first observation that can be made is that Delta Correlation prefetchers are generally more performant than simply using no prefetcher at all. +The exception to this is the CPC prefetcher, which is twice as slow as the other Delta Correlation prefetchers tested in the \texttt{ammp} test. +Indeed, it is even considerably worse than using no prefetcher at all. +The reason for this abysmal behavior can be seen in the accuracy statistics for the same test. +Where the other prefetchers have scored around 0.8 accuracy, which is quite good, CPC has scored less than one hundredth of that. +To have a prefetcher which is vulnerable to extremely poor performance in some secenarios is a bad idea, as it is at best inefficient, and at worst downright dangerous. +CPC is the only one of the tested prefetchers that have exhibited this kind of behavior. + +Other than the extreme discrepancy in the CPC \texttt{amms} test, there are not a lot of big differences. +Some tests favor one pretching scheme, while other tests favor another. +Overall, DCPT scores best on average with APCDC a close second. +Which one should be chosen over the other for use in a given real life application, however, largely depends on the characteristics of the application. \input{discussion_graph.tex} @@ -228,6 +235,14 @@ \section{Conclusion} \todo{ Mention what could have been done better or different? Future ideas? } +In conclusion, while Delta Correlation based prefetching approaches are promising in general, there are some significant differences between the prefetching schemes tested. +The differences, however, are not uniformly in favor of a single prefetching scheme. +The benchmarks rather favor different schemes for different tests. + +Looking at the average speedup, though, DCPT emerges as the most performant scheme, while CPC is the least performant scheme. + + + \bibliography{bibliography} \bibliographystyle{plain} \nocite{*}