diff --git a/ERM-Dialekt/Northwind-ERM-Schema.dia b/ERM-Dialekt/Northwind-ERM-Schema.dia index d5050cb..9713dfd 100644 Binary files a/ERM-Dialekt/Northwind-ERM-Schema.dia and b/ERM-Dialekt/Northwind-ERM-Schema.dia differ diff --git a/ERM-Dialekt/Northwind2-Data.sql b/ERM-Dialekt/Northwind2-Data.sql index 9680f2f..1092602 100644 --- a/ERM-Dialekt/Northwind2-Data.sql +++ b/ERM-Dialekt/Northwind2-Data.sql @@ -1,720 +1,690 @@ -# -# - --- SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0; --- SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; +-- 16.11.2018 +-- Database Northwind2 +-- +-- Script to load records into database. +-- USE Northwind2; # # Dumping data for table 'customers' # - -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (1, 'Company A', 'Bedecs', 'Anna', NULL, 'Owner', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 1st Street', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (2, 'Company B', 'Gratacos Solsona', 'Antonio', NULL, 'Owner', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 2nd Street', 'Boston', 'MA', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (3, 'Company C', 'Axen', 'Thomas', NULL, 'Purchasing Representative', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 3rd Street', 'Los Angelas', 'CA', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (4, 'Company D', 'Lee', 'Christina', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 4th Street', 'New York', 'NY', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (5, 'Company E', 'O’Donnell', 'Martin', NULL, 'Owner', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 5th Street', 'Minneapolis', 'MN', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (6, 'Company F', 'Pérez-Olaeta', 'Francisco', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 6th Street', 'Milwaukee', 'WI', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (7, 'Company G', 'Xie', 'Ming-Yang', NULL, 'Owner', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 7th Street', 'Boise', 'ID', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (8, 'Company H', 'Andersen', 'Elizabeth', NULL, 'Purchasing Representative', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 8th Street', 'Portland', 'OR', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (9, 'Company I', 'Mortensen', 'Sven', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 9th Street', 'Salt Lake City', 'UT', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (10, 'Company J', 'Wacker', 'Roland', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 10th Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (11, 'Company K', 'Krschne', 'Peter', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 11th Street', 'Miami', 'FL', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (12, 'Company L', 'Edwards', 'John', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 12th Street', 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (13, 'Company M', 'Ludick', 'Andre', NULL, 'Purchasing Representative', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '456 13th Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (14, 'Company N', 'Grilo', 'Carlos', NULL, 'Purchasing Representative', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '456 14th Street', 'Denver', 'CO', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (15, 'Company O', 'Kupkova', 'Helena', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '456 15th Street', 'Honolulu', 'HI', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (16, 'Company P', 'Goldschmidt', 'Daniel', NULL, 'Purchasing Representative', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '456 16th Street', 'San Francisco', 'CA', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (17, 'Company Q', 'Bagel', 'Jean Philippe', NULL, 'Owner', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '456 17th Street', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (18, 'Company R', 'Autier Miconi', 'Catherine', NULL, 'Purchasing Representative', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '456 18th Street', 'Boston', 'MA', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (19, 'Company S', 'Eggerer', 'Alexander', NULL, 'Accounting Assistant', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 19th Street', 'Los Angelas', 'CA', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (20, 'Company T', 'Li', 'George', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 20th Street', 'New York', 'NY', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (21, 'Company U', 'Tham', 'Bernard', NULL, 'Accounting Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 21th Street', 'Minneapolis', 'MN', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (22, 'Company V', 'Ramos', 'Luciana', NULL, 'Purchasing Assistant', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 22th Street', 'Milwaukee', 'WI', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (23, 'Company W', 'Entin', 'Michael', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 23th Street', 'Portland', 'OR', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (24, 'Company X', 'Hasselberg', 'Jonas', NULL, 'Owner', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 24th Street', 'Salt Lake City', 'UT', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (25, 'Company Y', 'Rodman', 'John', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 25th Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (26, 'Company Z', 'Liu', 'Run', NULL, 'Accounting Assistant', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 26th Street', 'Miami', 'FL', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (27, 'Company AA', 'Toh', 'Karen', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 27th Street', 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (28, 'Company BB', 'Raghav', 'Amritansh', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 28th Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (29, 'Company CC', 'Lee', 'Soo Jung', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 29th Street', 'Denver', 'CO', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (1, 'Company A', 'Bedecs', 'Anna', NULL, 'Owner', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 1st Street', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (2, 'Company B', 'Gratacos Solsona', 'Antonio', NULL, 'Owner', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 2nd Street', 'Boston', 'MA', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (3, 'Company C', 'Axen', 'Thomas', NULL, 'Purchasing Representative', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 3rd Street', 'Los Angelas', 'CA', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (4, 'Company D', 'Lee', 'Christina', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 4th Street', 'New York', 'NY', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (5, 'Company E', 'O’Donnell', 'Martin', NULL, 'Owner', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 5th Street', 'Minneapolis', 'MN', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (6, 'Company F', 'Pérez-Olaeta', 'Francisco', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 6th Street', 'Milwaukee', 'WI', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (7, 'Company G', 'Xie', 'Ming-Yang', NULL, 'Owner', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 7th Street', 'Boise', 'ID', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (8, 'Company H', 'Andersen', 'Elizabeth', NULL, 'Purchasing Representative', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 8th Street', 'Portland', 'OR', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (9, 'Company I', 'Mortensen', 'Sven', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 9th Street', 'Salt Lake City', 'UT', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (10, 'Company J', 'Wacker', 'Roland', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 10th Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (11, 'Company K', 'Krschne', 'Peter', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 11th Street', 'Miami', 'FL', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (12, 'Company L', 'Edwards', 'John', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '123 12th Street', 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (13, 'Company M', 'Ludick', 'Andre', NULL, 'Purchasing Representative', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '456 13th Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (14, 'Company N', 'Grilo', 'Carlos', NULL, 'Purchasing Representative', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '456 14th Street', 'Denver', 'CO', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (15, 'Company O', 'Kupkova', 'Helena', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '456 15th Street', 'Honolulu', 'HI', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (16, 'Company P', 'Goldschmidt', 'Daniel', NULL, 'Purchasing Representative', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '456 16th Street', 'San Francisco', 'CA', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (17, 'Company Q', 'Bagel', 'Jean Philippe', NULL, 'Owner', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '456 17th Street', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (18, 'Company R', 'Autier Miconi', 'Catherine', NULL, 'Purchasing Representative', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '456 18th Street', 'Boston', 'MA', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (19, 'Company S', 'Eggerer', 'Alexander', NULL, 'Accounting Assistant', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 19th Street', 'Los Angelas', 'CA', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (20, 'Company T', 'Li', 'George', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 20th Street', 'New York', 'NY', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (21, 'Company U', 'Tham', 'Bernard', NULL, 'Accounting Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 21th Street', 'Minneapolis', 'MN', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (22, 'Company V', 'Ramos', 'Luciana', NULL, 'Purchasing Assistant', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 22th Street', 'Milwaukee', 'WI', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (23, 'Company W', 'Entin', 'Michael', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 23th Street', 'Portland', 'OR', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (24, 'Company X', 'Hasselberg', 'Jonas', NULL, 'Owner', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 24th Street', 'Salt Lake City', 'UT', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (25, 'Company Y', 'Rodman', 'John', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 25th Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (26, 'Company Z', 'Liu', 'Run', NULL, 'Accounting Assistant', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 26th Street', 'Miami', 'FL', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (27, 'Company AA', 'Toh', 'Karen', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 27th Street', 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (28, 'Company BB', 'Raghav', 'Amritansh', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 28th Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (29, 'Company CC', 'Lee', 'Soo Jung', NULL, 'Purchasing Manager', '(123)555-0100', NULL, NULL, '(123)555-0101', '789 29th Street', 'Denver', 'CO', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); # 29 records -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (1); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (2); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (3); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (4); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (5); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (6); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (7); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (8); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (9); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (10); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (11); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (12); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (13); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (14); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (15); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (16); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (17); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (18); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (19); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (20); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (21); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (22); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (23); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (24); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (25); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (26); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (27); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (28); -INSERT INTO `customers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (29); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (1); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (2); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (3); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (4); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (5); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (6); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (7); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (8); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (9); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (10); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (11); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (12); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (13); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (14); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (15); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (16); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (17); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (18); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (19); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (20); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (21); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (22); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (23); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (24); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (25); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (26); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (27); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (28); +INSERT INTO customers (partner_id) VALUES (29); # -# Dumping data for table 'employee_privileges' +# Dumping data for table 'shippers' # -INSERT INTO `employee_privileges` (`employee_id`, `privilege_id`) VALUES (102, 2); -# 1 records +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (201, 'Shipping Company A', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '123 Any Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (202, 'Shipping Company B', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '123 Any Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (203, 'Shipping Company C', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '123 Any Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); +# 3 records +INSERT INTO shippers (partner_id) VALUES (201); +INSERT INTO shippers (partner_id) VALUES (202); +INSERT INTO shippers (partner_id) VALUES (203); + +# +# Dumping data for table 'suppliers' +# + +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (301, 'Supplier A', 'Andersen', 'Elizabeth A.', NULL, 'Sales Manager', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (302, 'Supplier B', 'Weiler', 'Cornelia', NULL, 'Sales Manager', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (303, 'Supplier C', 'Kelley', 'Madeleine', NULL, 'Sales Representative', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (304, 'Supplier D', 'Sato', 'Naoki', NULL, 'Marketing Manager', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (305, 'Supplier E', 'Hernandez-Echevarria', 'Amaya', NULL, 'Sales Manager', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (306, 'Supplier F', 'Hayakawa', 'Satomi', NULL, 'Marketing Assistant', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (307, 'Supplier G', 'Glasson', 'Stuart', NULL, 'Marketing Manager', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (308, 'Supplier H', 'Dunton', 'Bryn Paul', NULL, 'Sales Representative', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (309, 'Supplier I', 'Sandberg', 'Mikael', NULL, 'Sales Manager', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (310, 'Supplier J', 'Sousa', 'Luis', NULL, 'Sales Manager', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); +# 10 records +INSERT INTO suppliers (partner_id) VALUES (301); +INSERT INTO suppliers (partner_id) VALUES (302); +INSERT INTO suppliers (partner_id) VALUES (303); +INSERT INTO suppliers (partner_id) VALUES (304); +INSERT INTO suppliers (partner_id) VALUES (305); +INSERT INTO suppliers (partner_id) VALUES (306); +INSERT INTO suppliers (partner_id) VALUES (307); +INSERT INTO suppliers (partner_id) VALUES (308); +INSERT INTO suppliers (partner_id) VALUES (309); +INSERT INTO suppliers (partner_id) VALUES (310); # # Dumping data for table 'employees' # -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (100, 'Northwind Traders', 'Freehafer', 'Nancy', 'nancy@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 1st Avenue', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', '#http://northwindtraders.com#', NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (102, 'Northwind Traders', 'Cencini', 'Andrew', 'andrew@northwindtraders.com', 'Vice President, Sales', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 2nd Avenue', 'Bellevue', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Joined the company as a sales representative, was promoted to sales manager and was then named vice president of sales.', ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (103, 'Northwind Traders', 'Kotas', 'Jan', 'jan@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 3rd Avenue', 'Redmond', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Was hired as a sales associate and was promoted to sales representative.', ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (104, 'Northwind Traders', 'Sergienko', 'Mariya', 'mariya@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 4th Avenue', 'Kirkland', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (105, 'Northwind Traders', 'Thorpe', 'Steven', 'steven@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Manager', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 5th Avenue', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Joined the company as a sales representative and was promoted to sales manager. Fluent in French.', ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (106, 'Northwind Traders', 'Neipper', 'Michael', 'michael@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 6th Avenue', 'Redmond', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Fluent in Japanese and can read and write French, Portuguese, and Spanish.', ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (107, 'Northwind Traders', 'Zare', 'Robert', 'robert@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 7th Avenue', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (108, 'Northwind Traders', 'Giussani', 'Laura', 'laura@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Coordinator', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 8th Avenue', 'Redmond', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Reads and writes French.', ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (109, 'Northwind Traders', 'Hellung-Larsen', 'Anne', 'anne@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 9th Avenue', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Fluent in French and German.', ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (101, 'Northwind Traders', 'Freehafer', 'Nancy', 'nancy@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 1st Avenue', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', '#http://northwindtraders.com#', NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (102, 'Northwind Traders', 'Cencini', 'Andrew', 'andrew@northwindtraders.com', 'Vice President, Sales', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 2nd Avenue', 'Bellevue', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Joined the company as a sales representative, was promoted to sales manager and was then named vice president of sales.', ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (103, 'Northwind Traders', 'Kotas', 'Jan', 'jan@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 3rd Avenue', 'Redmond', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Was hired as a sales associate and was promoted to sales representative.', ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (104, 'Northwind Traders', 'Sergienko', 'Mariya', 'mariya@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 4th Avenue', 'Kirkland', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (105, 'Northwind Traders', 'Thorpe', 'Steven', 'steven@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Manager', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 5th Avenue', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Joined the company as a sales representative and was promoted to sales manager. Fluent in French.', ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (106, 'Northwind Traders', 'Neipper', 'Michael', 'michael@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 6th Avenue', 'Redmond', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Fluent in Japanese and can read and write French, Portuguese, and Spanish.', ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (107, 'Northwind Traders', 'Zare', 'Robert', 'robert@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 7th Avenue', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', NULL, ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (108, 'Northwind Traders', 'Giussani', 'Laura', 'laura@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Coordinator', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 8th Avenue', 'Redmond', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Reads and writes French.', ''); +INSERT INTO business_partners (partner_id, company, last_name, first_name, email_address, job_title, business_phone, home_phone, mobile_phone, fax_number, address, city, state_province, zip_postal_code, country_region, web_page, notes, attachments) VALUES (109, 'Northwind Traders', 'Hellung-Larsen', 'Anne', 'anne@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 9th Avenue', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Fluent in French and German.', ''); # 9 records -INSERT INTO `employees` (`partner_id`, ) VALUES (100, 'Northwind Traders', 'Freehafer', 'Nancy', 'nancy@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 1st Avenue', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', '#http://northwindtraders.com#', NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `employees` (`partner_id`, ) VALUES (102, 'Northwind Traders', 'Cencini', 'Andrew', 'andrew@northwindtraders.com', 'Vice President, Sales', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 2nd Avenue', 'Bellevue', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Joined the company as a sales representative, was promoted to sales manager and was then named vice president of sales.', ''); -INSERT INTO `employees` (`partner_id`, ) VALUES (103, 'Northwind Traders', 'Kotas', 'Jan', 'jan@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 3rd Avenue', 'Redmond', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Was hired as a sales associate and was promoted to sales representative.', ''); -INSERT INTO `employees` (`partner_id`, ) VALUES (104, 'Northwind Traders', 'Sergienko', 'Mariya', 'mariya@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 4th Avenue', 'Kirkland', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `employees` (`partner_id`, ) VALUES (105, 'Northwind Traders', 'Thorpe', 'Steven', 'steven@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Manager', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 5th Avenue', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Joined the company as a sales representative and was promoted to sales manager. Fluent in French.', ''); -INSERT INTO `employees` (`partner_id`, ) VALUES (106, 'Northwind Traders', 'Neipper', 'Michael', 'michael@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 6th Avenue', 'Redmond', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Fluent in Japanese and can read and write French, Portuguese, and Spanish.', ''); -INSERT INTO `employees` (`partner_id`, ) VALUES (107, 'Northwind Traders', 'Zare', 'Robert', 'robert@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 7th Avenue', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `employees` (`partner_id`, ) VALUES (108, 'Northwind Traders', 'Giussani', 'Laura', 'laura@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Coordinator', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 8th Avenue', 'Redmond', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Reads and writes French.', ''); -INSERT INTO `employees` (`partner_id`, ) VALUES (109, 'Northwind Traders', 'Hellung-Larsen', 'Anne', 'anne@northwindtraders.com', 'Sales Representative', '(123)555-0100', '(123)555-0102', NULL, '(123)555-0103', '123 9th Avenue', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 'http://northwindtraders.com#http://northwindtraders.com/#', 'Fluent in French and German.', ''); +INSERT INTO employees (partner_id) VALUES (101); +INSERT INTO employees (partner_id) VALUES (102); +INSERT INTO employees (partner_id) VALUES (103); +INSERT INTO employees (partner_id) VALUES (104); +INSERT INTO employees (partner_id) VALUES (105); +INSERT INTO employees (partner_id) VALUES (106); +INSERT INTO employees (partner_id) VALUES (107); +INSERT INTO employees (partner_id) VALUES (108); +INSERT INTO employees (partner_id) VALUES (109); + # -# Dumping data for table 'inventory_transaction_types' +# Dumping data for table 'privileges' # -INSERT INTO `inventory_transaction_types` (`inventory_transaction_type_id`, `type_name`) VALUES (1, 'Purchased'); -INSERT INTO `inventory_transaction_types` (`inventory_transaction_type_id`, `type_name`) VALUES (2, 'Sold'); -INSERT INTO `inventory_transaction_types` (`inventory_transaction_type_id`, `type_name`) VALUES (3, 'On Hold'); -INSERT INTO `inventory_transaction_types` (`inventory_transaction_type_id`, `type_name`) VALUES (4, 'Waste'); -# 4 records +INSERT INTO privilege_values (privilege_id, privilege_name) VALUES (2, 'Purchase Approvals'); +# 1 records # -# Dumping data for table 'inventory_transactions' +# Dumping data for table 'employee_privileges' # --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (35, 1, '2006-03-22 16:02:28', '2006-03-22 16:02:28', 80, 75, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (36, 1, '2006-03-22 16:02:48', '2006-03-22 16:02:48', 72, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (37, 1, '2006-03-22 16:03:04', '2006-03-22 16:03:04', 52, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (38, 1, '2006-03-22 16:03:09', '2006-03-22 16:03:09', 56, 120, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (39, 1, '2006-03-22 16:03:14', '2006-03-22 16:03:14', 57, 80, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (40, 1, '2006-03-22 16:03:40', '2006-03-22 16:03:40', 6, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (41, 1, '2006-03-22 16:03:47', '2006-03-22 16:03:47', 7, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (42, 1, '2006-03-22 16:03:54', '2006-03-22 16:03:54', 8, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (43, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:02', '2006-03-22 16:04:02', 14, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (44, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:07', '2006-03-22 16:04:07', 17, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (45, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:12', '2006-03-22 16:04:12', 19, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (46, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:17', '2006-03-22 16:04:17', 20, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (47, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:20', '2006-03-22 16:04:20', 21, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (48, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:24', '2006-03-22 16:04:24', 40, 120, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (49, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:28', '2006-03-22 16:04:28', 41, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (50, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:31', '2006-03-22 16:04:31', 48, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (51, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:38', '2006-03-22 16:04:38', 51, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (52, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:41', '2006-03-22 16:04:41', 74, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (53, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:45', '2006-03-22 16:04:45', 77, 60, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (54, 1, '2006-03-22 16:05:07', '2006-03-22 16:05:07', 3, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (55, 1, '2006-03-22 16:05:11', '2006-03-22 16:05:11', 4, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (56, 1, '2006-03-22 16:05:14', '2006-03-22 16:05:14', 5, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (57, 1, '2006-03-22 16:05:26', '2006-03-22 16:05:26', 65, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (58, 1, '2006-03-22 16:05:32', '2006-03-22 16:05:32', 66, 80, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (59, 1, '2006-03-22 16:05:47', '2006-03-22 16:05:47', 1, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (60, 1, '2006-03-22 16:05:51', '2006-03-22 16:05:51', 34, 60, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (61, 1, '2006-03-22 16:06:00', '2006-03-22 16:06:00', 43, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (62, 1, '2006-03-22 16:06:03', '2006-03-22 16:06:03', 81, 125, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (63, 2, '2006-03-22 16:07:56', '2006-03-24 11:03:00', 80, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (64, 2, '2006-03-22 16:08:19', '2006-03-22 16:08:59', 7, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (65, 2, '2006-03-22 16:08:29', '2006-03-22 16:08:59', 51, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (66, 2, '2006-03-22 16:08:37', '2006-03-22 16:08:59', 80, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (67, 2, '2006-03-22 16:09:46', '2006-03-22 16:10:27', 1, 15, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (68, 2, '2006-03-22 16:10:06', '2006-03-22 16:10:27', 43, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (69, 2, '2006-03-22 16:11:39', '2006-03-24 11:00:55', 19, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (70, 2, '2006-03-22 16:11:56', '2006-03-24 10:59:41', 48, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (71, 2, '2006-03-22 16:12:29', '2006-03-24 10:57:38', 8, 17, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (72, 1, '2006-03-24 10:41:30', '2006-03-24 10:41:30', 81, 200, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (73, 2, '2006-03-24 10:41:33', '2006-03-24 10:41:42', 81, 200, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #40'); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (74, 1, '2006-03-24 10:53:13', '2006-03-24 10:53:13', 48, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (75, 2, '2006-03-24 10:53:16', '2006-03-24 10:55:46', 48, 100, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #39'); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (76, 1, '2006-03-24 10:53:36', '2006-03-24 10:53:36', 43, 300, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (77, 2, '2006-03-24 10:53:39', '2006-03-24 10:56:57', 43, 300, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #38'); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (78, 1, '2006-03-24 10:54:04', '2006-03-24 10:54:04', 41, 200, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (79, 2, '2006-03-24 10:54:07', '2006-03-24 10:58:40', 41, 200, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #36'); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (80, 1, '2006-03-24 10:54:33', '2006-03-24 10:54:33', 19, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (81, 2, '2006-03-24 10:54:35', '2006-03-24 11:02:02', 19, 30, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #33'); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (82, 1, '2006-03-24 10:54:58', '2006-03-24 10:54:58', 34, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (83, 2, '2006-03-24 10:55:02', '2006-03-24 11:03:00', 34, 100, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #30'); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (84, 2, '2006-03-24 14:48:15', '2006-04-04 11:41:14', 6, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (85, 2, '2006-03-24 14:48:23', '2006-04-04 11:41:14', 4, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (86, 3, '2006-03-24 14:49:16', '2006-03-24 14:49:16', 80, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (87, 3, '2006-03-24 14:49:20', '2006-03-24 14:49:20', 81, 50, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (88, 3, '2006-03-24 14:50:09', '2006-03-24 14:50:09', 1, 25, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (89, 3, '2006-03-24 14:50:14', '2006-03-24 14:50:14', 43, 25, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (90, 3, '2006-03-24 14:50:18', '2006-03-24 14:50:18', 81, 25, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (91, 2, '2006-03-24 14:51:03', '2006-04-04 11:09:24', 40, 50, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (92, 2, '2006-03-24 14:55:03', '2006-04-04 11:06:56', 21, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (93, 2, '2006-03-24 14:55:39', '2006-04-04 11:06:13', 5, 25, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (94, 2, '2006-03-24 14:55:52', '2006-04-04 11:06:13', 41, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (95, 2, '2006-03-24 14:56:09', '2006-04-04 11:06:13', 40, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (96, 3, '2006-03-30 16:46:34', '2006-03-30 16:46:34', 34, 12, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (97, 3, '2006-03-30 17:23:27', '2006-03-30 17:23:27', 34, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (98, 3, '2006-03-30 17:24:33', '2006-03-30 17:24:33', 34, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (99, 2, '2006-04-03 13:50:08', '2006-04-03 13:50:15', 48, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (100, 1, '2006-04-04 11:00:54', '2006-04-04 11:00:54', 57, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (101, 2, '2006-04-04 11:00:56', '2006-04-04 11:08:49', 57, 100, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #46'); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (102, 1, '2006-04-04 11:01:14', '2006-04-04 11:01:14', 34, 50, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (103, 1, '2006-04-04 11:01:35', '2006-04-04 11:01:35', 43, 250, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (104, 3, '2006-04-04 11:01:37', '2006-04-04 11:01:37', 43, 300, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #41'); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (105, 1, '2006-04-04 11:01:55', '2006-04-04 11:01:55', 8, 25, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (106, 2, '2006-04-04 11:01:58', '2006-04-04 11:07:37', 8, 25, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #48'); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (107, 1, '2006-04-04 11:02:17', '2006-04-04 11:02:17', 34, 300, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (108, 2, '2006-04-04 11:02:19', '2006-04-04 11:08:14', 34, 300, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #47'); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (109, 1, '2006-04-04 11:02:37', '2006-04-04 11:02:37', 19, 25, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (110, 2, '2006-04-04 11:02:39', '2006-04-04 11:41:14', 19, 10, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #42'); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (111, 1, '2006-04-04 11:02:56', '2006-04-04 11:02:56', 19, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (112, 2, '2006-04-04 11:02:58', '2006-04-04 11:07:37', 19, 25, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #48'); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (113, 1, '2006-04-04 11:03:12', '2006-04-04 11:03:12', 72, 50, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (114, 2, '2006-04-04 11:03:14', '2006-04-04 11:08:49', 72, 50, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #46'); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (115, 1, '2006-04-04 11:03:38', '2006-04-04 11:03:38', 41, 50, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (116, 2, '2006-04-04 11:03:39', '2006-04-04 11:09:24', 41, 50, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #45'); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (117, 2, '2006-04-04 11:04:55', '2006-04-04 11:05:04', 34, 87, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (118, 2, '2006-04-04 11:35:50', '2006-04-04 11:35:54', 51, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (119, 2, '2006-04-04 11:35:51', '2006-04-04 11:35:54', 7, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (120, 2, '2006-04-04 11:36:15', '2006-04-04 11:36:21', 17, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (121, 2, '2006-04-04 11:36:39', '2006-04-04 11:36:47', 6, 90, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (122, 2, '2006-04-04 11:37:06', '2006-04-04 11:37:09', 4, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (123, 2, '2006-04-04 11:37:45', '2006-04-04 11:37:49', 48, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (124, 2, '2006-04-04 11:38:07', '2006-04-04 11:38:11', 48, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (125, 2, '2006-04-04 11:38:27', '2006-04-04 11:38:32', 41, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (126, 2, '2006-04-04 11:38:48', '2006-04-04 11:38:53', 43, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (127, 2, '2006-04-04 11:39:12', '2006-04-04 11:39:29', 40, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (128, 2, '2006-04-04 11:39:50', '2006-04-04 11:39:53', 8, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (129, 2, '2006-04-04 11:40:13', '2006-04-04 11:40:16', 80, 15, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (130, 2, '2006-04-04 11:40:32', '2006-04-04 11:40:38', 74, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (131, 2, '2006-04-04 11:41:39', '2006-04-04 11:41:45', 72, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (132, 2, '2006-04-04 11:42:17', '2006-04-04 11:42:26', 3, 50, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (133, 2, '2006-04-04 11:42:24', '2006-04-04 11:42:26', 8, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (134, 2, '2006-04-04 11:42:48', '2006-04-04 11:43:08', 20, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (135, 2, '2006-04-04 11:43:05', '2006-04-04 11:43:08', 52, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `inventory_transactions` (`id`, `transaction_type`, `transaction_created_date`, `transaction_modified_date`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `purchase_order_id`, `customer_order_id`, `comments`) VALUES (136, 3, '2006-04-25 17:04:05', '2006-04-25 17:04:57', 56, 110, NULL, NULL, NULL); -# 102 records +INSERT INTO employee_privileges (employee_id, privilege_id) VALUES (102, 2); +# 1 records # -# Dumping data for table 'invoices' +# Dumping data for table 'products' # --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (5, 31, '2006-03-22 16:08:59', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (6, 32, '2006-03-22 16:10:27', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (7, 40, '2006-03-24 10:41:41', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (8, 39, '2006-03-24 10:55:46', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (9, 38, '2006-03-24 10:56:57', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (10, 37, '2006-03-24 10:57:38', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (11, 36, '2006-03-24 10:58:40', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (12, 35, '2006-03-24 10:59:41', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (13, 34, '2006-03-24 11:00:55', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (14, 33, '2006-03-24 11:02:02', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (15, 30, '2006-03-24 11:03:00', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (16, 56, '2006-04-03 13:50:15', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (17, 55, '2006-04-04 11:05:04', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (18, 51, '2006-04-04 11:06:13', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (19, 50, '2006-04-04 11:06:56', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (20, 48, '2006-04-04 11:07:37', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (21, 47, '2006-04-04 11:08:14', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (22, 46, '2006-04-04 11:08:49', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (23, 45, '2006-04-04 11:09:24', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (24, 79, '2006-04-04 11:35:54', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (25, 78, '2006-04-04 11:36:21', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (26, 77, '2006-04-04 11:36:47', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (27, 76, '2006-04-04 11:37:09', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (28, 75, '2006-04-04 11:37:49', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (29, 74, '2006-04-04 11:38:11', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (30, 73, '2006-04-04 11:38:32', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (31, 72, '2006-04-04 11:38:53', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (32, 71, '2006-04-04 11:39:29', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (33, 70, '2006-04-04 11:39:53', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (34, 69, '2006-04-04 11:40:16', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (35, 67, '2006-04-04 11:40:38', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (36, 42, '2006-04-04 11:41:14', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (37, 60, '2006-04-04 11:41:45', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (38, 63, '2006-04-04 11:42:26', NULL, 0, 0, 0); --- INSERT INTO `invoices` (`id`, `order_id`, `invoice_date`, `due_date`, `tax`, `shipping`, `amount_due`) VALUES (39, 58, '2006-04-04 11:43:08', NULL, 0, 0, 0); -# 35 records +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('4', 1, 'NWTB-1', 'Northwind Traders Chai', NULL, 13.5, 18, 10, 40, '10 boxes x 20 bags', 0, 10, 'Beverages', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('10', 3, 'NWTCO-3', 'Northwind Traders Syrup', NULL, 7.5, 10, 25, 100, '12 - 550 ml bottles', 0, 25, 'Condiments', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('10', 4, 'NWTCO-4', 'Northwind Traders Cajun Seasoning', NULL, 16.5, 22, 10, 40, '48 - 6 oz jars', 0, 10, 'Condiments', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('10', 5, 'NWTO-5', 'Northwind Traders Olive Oil', NULL, 16.0125, 21.35, 10, 40, '36 boxes', 0, 10, 'Oil', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('2;6', 6, 'NWTJP-6', 'Northwind Traders Boysenberry Spread', NULL, 18.75, 25, 25, 100, '12 - 8 oz jars', 0, 25, 'Jams, Preserves', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('2', 7, 'NWTDFN-7', 'Northwind Traders Dried Pears', NULL, 22.5, 30, 10, 40, '12 - 1 lb pkgs.', 0, 10, 'Dried Fruit & Nuts', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('8', 8, 'NWTS-8', 'Northwind Traders Curry Sauce', NULL, 30, 40, 10, 40, '12 - 12 oz jars', 0, 10, 'Sauces', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('2;6', 14, 'NWTDFN-14', 'Northwind Traders Walnuts', NULL, 17.4375, 23.25, 10, 40, '40 - 100 g pkgs.', 0, 10, 'Dried Fruit & Nuts', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('6', 17, 'NWTCFV-17', 'Northwind Traders Fruit Cocktail', NULL, 29.25, 39, 10, 40, '15.25 OZ', 0, 10, 'Canned Fruit & Vegetables', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('1', 19, 'NWTBGM-19', 'Northwind Traders Chocolate Biscuits Mix', NULL, 6.9, 9.2, 5, 20, '10 boxes x 12 pieces', 0, 5, 'Baked Goods & Mixes', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('2;6', 20, 'NWTJP-6', 'Northwind Traders Marmalade', NULL, 60.75, 81, 10, 40, '30 gift boxes', 0, 10, 'Jams, Preserves', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('1', 21, 'NWTBGM-21', 'Northwind Traders Scones', NULL, 7.5, 10, 5, 20, '24 pkgs. x 4 pieces', 0, 5, 'Baked Goods & Mixes', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('4', 34, 'NWTB-34', 'Northwind Traders Beer', NULL, 10.5, 14, 15, 60, '24 - 12 oz bottles', 0, 15, 'Beverages', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('7', 40, 'NWTCM-40', 'Northwind Traders Crab Meat', NULL, 13.8, 18.4, 30, 120, '24 - 4 oz tins', 0, 30, 'Canned Meat', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('6', 41, 'NWTSO-41', 'Northwind Traders Clam Chowder', NULL, 7.2375, 9.65, 10, 40, '12 - 12 oz cans', 0, 10, 'Soups', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('3;4', 43, 'NWTB-43', 'Northwind Traders Coffee', NULL, 34.5, 46, 25, 100, '16 - 500 g tins', 0, 25, 'Beverages', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('10', 48, 'NWTCA-48', 'Northwind Traders Chocolate', NULL, 9.5625, 12.75, 25, 100, '10 pkgs', 0, 25, 'Candy', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('2', 51, 'NWTDFN-51', 'Northwind Traders Dried Apples', NULL, 39.75, 53, 10, 40, '50 - 300 g pkgs.', 0, 10, 'Dried Fruit & Nuts', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('1', 52, 'NWTG-52', 'Northwind Traders Long Grain Rice', NULL, 5.25, 7, 25, 100, '16 - 2 kg boxes', 0, 25, 'Grains', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('1', 56, 'NWTP-56', 'Northwind Traders Gnocchi', NULL, 28.5, 38, 30, 120, '24 - 250 g pkgs.', 0, 30, 'Pasta', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('1', 57, 'NWTP-57', 'Northwind Traders Ravioli', NULL, 14.625, 19.5, 20, 80, '24 - 250 g pkgs.', 0, 20, 'Pasta', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('8', 65, 'NWTS-65', 'Northwind Traders Hot Pepper Sauce', NULL, 15.7875, 21.05, 10, 40, '32 - 8 oz bottles', 0, 10, 'Sauces', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('8', 66, 'NWTS-66', 'Northwind Traders Tomato Sauce', NULL, 12.75, 17, 20, 80, '24 - 8 oz jars', 0, 20, 'Sauces', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('5', 72, 'NWTD-72', 'Northwind Traders Mozzarella', NULL, 26.1, 34.8, 10, 40, '24 - 200 g pkgs.', 0, 10, 'Dairy products', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('2;6', 74, 'NWTDFN-74', 'Northwind Traders Almonds', NULL, 7.5, 10, 5, 20, '5 kg pkg.', 0, 5, 'Dried Fruit & Nuts', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('10', 77, 'NWTCO-77', 'Northwind Traders Mustard', NULL, 9.75, 13, 15, 60, '12 boxes', 0, 15, 'Condiments', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('2', 80, 'NWTDFN-80', 'Northwind Traders Dried Plums', NULL, 3, 3.5, 50, 75, '1 lb bag', 0, 25, 'Dried Fruit & Nuts', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('3', 81, 'NWTB-81', 'Northwind Traders Green Tea', NULL, 2, 2.99, 100, 125, '20 bags per box', 0, 25, 'Beverages', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('1', 82, 'NWTC-82', 'Northwind Traders Granola', NULL, 2, 4, 20, 100, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Cereal', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('9', 83, 'NWTCS-83', 'Northwind Traders Potato Chips', NULL, .5, 1.8, 30, 200, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Chips, Snacks', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('1', 85, 'NWTBGM-85', 'Northwind Traders Brownie Mix', NULL, 9, 12.49, 10, 20, '3 boxes', 0, 5, 'Baked Goods & Mixes', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('1', 86, 'NWTBGM-86', 'Northwind Traders Cake Mix', NULL, 10.5, 15.99, 10, 20, '4 boxes', 0, 5, 'Baked Goods & Mixes', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('7', 87, 'NWTB-87', 'Northwind Traders Tea', NULL, 2, 4, 20, 50, '100 count per box', 0, NULL, 'Beverages', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('6', 88, 'NWTCFV-88', 'Northwind Traders Pears', NULL, 1, 1.3, 10, 40, '15.25 OZ', 0, NULL, 'Canned Fruit & Vegetables', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('6', 89, 'NWTCFV-89', 'Northwind Traders Peaches', NULL, 1, 1.5, 10, 40, '15.25 OZ', 0, NULL, 'Canned Fruit & Vegetables', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('6', 90, 'NWTCFV-90', 'Northwind Traders Pineapple', NULL, 1, 1.8, 10, 40, '15.25 OZ', 0, NULL, 'Canned Fruit & Vegetables', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('6', 91, 'NWTCFV-91', 'Northwind Traders Cherry Pie Filling', NULL, 1, 2, 10, 40, '15.25 OZ', 0, NULL, 'Canned Fruit & Vegetables', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('6', 92, 'NWTCFV-92', 'Northwind Traders Green Beans', NULL, 1, 1.2, 10, 40, '14.5 OZ', 0, NULL, 'Canned Fruit & Vegetables', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('6', 93, 'NWTCFV-93', 'Northwind Traders Corn', NULL, 1, 1.2, 10, 40, '14.5 OZ', 0, NULL, 'Canned Fruit & Vegetables', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('6', 94, 'NWTCFV-94', 'Northwind Traders Peas', NULL, 1, 1.5, 10, 40, '14.5 OZ', 0, NULL, 'Canned Fruit & Vegetables', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('7', 95, 'NWTCM-95', 'Northwind Traders Tuna Fish', NULL, .5, 2, 30, 50, '5 oz', 0, NULL, 'Canned Meat', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('7', 96, 'NWTCM-96', 'Northwind Traders Smoked Salmon', NULL, 2, 4, 30, 50, '5 oz', 0, NULL, 'Canned Meat', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('1', 97, 'NWTC-82', 'Northwind Traders Hot Cereal', NULL, 3, 5, 50, 200, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Cereal', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('6', 98, 'NWTSO-98', 'Northwind Traders Vegetable Soup', NULL, 1, 1.89, 100, 200, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Soups', ''); +INSERT INTO products (supplier_ids, product_id, product_code, product_name, description, standard_cost, list_price, reorder_level, target_level, quantity_per_unit, discontinued, minimum_reorder_quantity, category, attachments) VALUES ('6', 99, 'NWTSO-99', 'Northwind Traders Chicken Soup', NULL, 1, 1.95, 100, 200, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Soups', ''); +# 45 records # -# Dumping data for table 'order_details' +# Dumping data for table 'inventory_transaction_types' # --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (27, 30, 34, 100, 14, 0, 2, NULL, 96, 83); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (28, 30, 80, 30, 3.5, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 63); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (29, 31, 7, 10, 30, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 64); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (30, 31, 51, 10, 53, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 65); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (31, 31, 80, 10, 3.5, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 66); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (32, 32, 1, 15, 18, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 67); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (33, 32, 43, 20, 46, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 68); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (34, 33, 19, 30, 9.2, 0, 2, NULL, 97, 81); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (35, 34, 19, 20, 9.2, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 69); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (36, 35, 48, 10, 12.75, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 70); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (37, 36, 41, 200, 9.65, 0, 2, NULL, 98, 79); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (38, 37, 8, 17, 40, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 71); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (39, 38, 43, 300, 46, 0, 2, NULL, 99, 77); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (40, 39, 48, 100, 12.75, 0, 2, NULL, 100, 75); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (41, 40, 81, 200, 2.99, 0, 2, NULL, 101, 73); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (42, 41, 43, 300, 46, 0, 1, NULL, 102, 104); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (43, 42, 6, 10, 25, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 84); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (44, 42, 4, 10, 22, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 85); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (45, 42, 19, 10, 9.2, 0, 2, NULL, 103, 110); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (46, 43, 80, 20, 3.5, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 86); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (47, 43, 81, 50, 2.99, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 87); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (48, 44, 1, 25, 18, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 88); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (49, 44, 43, 25, 46, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 89); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (50, 44, 81, 25, 2.99, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 90); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (51, 45, 41, 50, 9.65, 0, 2, NULL, 104, 116); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (52, 45, 40, 50, 18.4, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 91); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (53, 46, 57, 100, 19.5, 0, 2, NULL, 105, 101); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (54, 46, 72, 50, 34.8, 0, 2, NULL, 106, 114); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (55, 47, 34, 300, 14, 0, 2, NULL, 107, 108); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (56, 48, 8, 25, 40, 0, 2, NULL, 108, 106); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (57, 48, 19, 25, 9.2, 0, 2, NULL, 109, 112); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (59, 50, 21, 20, 10, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 92); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (60, 51, 5, 25, 21.35, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 93); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (61, 51, 41, 30, 9.65, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 94); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (62, 51, 40, 30, 18.4, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 95); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (66, 56, 48, 10, 12.75, 0, 2, NULL, 111, 99); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (67, 55, 34, 87, 14, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 117); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (68, 79, 7, 30, 30, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 119); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (69, 79, 51, 30, 53, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 118); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (70, 78, 17, 40, 39, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 120); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (71, 77, 6, 90, 25, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 121); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (72, 76, 4, 30, 22, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 122); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (73, 75, 48, 40, 12.75, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 123); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (74, 74, 48, 40, 12.75, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 124); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (75, 73, 41, 10, 9.65, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 125); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (76, 72, 43, 5, 46, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 126); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (77, 71, 40, 40, 18.4, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 127); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (78, 70, 8, 20, 40, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 128); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (79, 69, 80, 15, 3.5, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 129); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (80, 67, 74, 20, 10, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 130); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (81, 60, 72, 40, 34.8, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 131); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (82, 63, 3, 50, 10, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 132); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (83, 63, 8, 3, 40, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 133); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (84, 58, 20, 40, 81, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 134); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (85, 58, 52, 40, 7, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 135); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (86, 80, 56, 10, 38, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 136); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (90, 81, 81, 0, 2.99, 0, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL); --- INSERT INTO `order_details` (`id`, `order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_price`, `discount`, `status_id`, `date_allocated`, `purchase_order_id`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (91, 81, 56, 0, 38, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); -# 58 records +INSERT INTO inventory_transaction_types (inventory_transaction_type_id, type_name) VALUES (1, 'Purchased'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transaction_types (inventory_transaction_type_id, type_name) VALUES (2, 'Sold'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transaction_types (inventory_transaction_type_id, type_name) VALUES (3, 'On Hold'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transaction_types (inventory_transaction_type_id, type_name) VALUES (4, 'Waste'); +# 4 records # -# Dumping data for table 'order_details_status' +# Dumping data for table 'inventory_transactions' # -INSERT INTO `order_details_status` (`order_details_status_id`, `status_name`) VALUES (0, 'None'); -INSERT INTO `order_details_status` (`order_details_status_id`, `status_name`) VALUES (1, 'Allocated'); -INSERT INTO `order_details_status` (`order_details_status_id`, `status_name`) VALUES (2, 'Invoiced'); -INSERT INTO `order_details_status` (`order_details_status_id`, `status_name`) VALUES (3, 'Shipped'); -INSERT INTO `order_details_status` (`order_details_status_id`, `status_name`) VALUES (4, 'On Order'); -INSERT INTO `order_details_status` (`order_details_status_id`, `status_name`) VALUES (5, 'No Stock'); -# 6 records +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (35, 1, '2006-03-22 16:02:28', '2006-03-22 16:02:28', 80, 75, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (36, 1, '2006-03-22 16:02:48', '2006-03-22 16:02:48', 72, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (37, 1, '2006-03-22 16:03:04', '2006-03-22 16:03:04', 52, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (38, 1, '2006-03-22 16:03:09', '2006-03-22 16:03:09', 56, 120, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (39, 1, '2006-03-22 16:03:14', '2006-03-22 16:03:14', 57, 80, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (40, 1, '2006-03-22 16:03:40', '2006-03-22 16:03:40', 6, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (41, 1, '2006-03-22 16:03:47', '2006-03-22 16:03:47', 7, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (42, 1, '2006-03-22 16:03:54', '2006-03-22 16:03:54', 8, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (43, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:02', '2006-03-22 16:04:02', 14, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (44, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:07', '2006-03-22 16:04:07', 17, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (45, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:12', '2006-03-22 16:04:12', 19, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (46, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:17', '2006-03-22 16:04:17', 20, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (47, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:20', '2006-03-22 16:04:20', 21, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (48, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:24', '2006-03-22 16:04:24', 40, 120, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (49, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:28', '2006-03-22 16:04:28', 41, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (50, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:31', '2006-03-22 16:04:31', 48, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (51, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:38', '2006-03-22 16:04:38', 51, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (52, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:41', '2006-03-22 16:04:41', 74, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (53, 1, '2006-03-22 16:04:45', '2006-03-22 16:04:45', 77, 60, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (54, 1, '2006-03-22 16:05:07', '2006-03-22 16:05:07', 3, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (55, 1, '2006-03-22 16:05:11', '2006-03-22 16:05:11', 4, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (56, 1, '2006-03-22 16:05:14', '2006-03-22 16:05:14', 5, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (57, 1, '2006-03-22 16:05:26', '2006-03-22 16:05:26', 65, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (58, 1, '2006-03-22 16:05:32', '2006-03-22 16:05:32', 66, 80, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (59, 1, '2006-03-22 16:05:47', '2006-03-22 16:05:47', 1, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (60, 1, '2006-03-22 16:05:51', '2006-03-22 16:05:51', 34, 60, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (61, 1, '2006-03-22 16:06:00', '2006-03-22 16:06:00', 43, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (62, 1, '2006-03-22 16:06:03', '2006-03-22 16:06:03', 81, 125, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (63, 2, '2006-03-22 16:07:56', '2006-03-24 11:03:00', 80, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (64, 2, '2006-03-22 16:08:19', '2006-03-22 16:08:59', 7, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (65, 2, '2006-03-22 16:08:29', '2006-03-22 16:08:59', 51, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (66, 2, '2006-03-22 16:08:37', '2006-03-22 16:08:59', 80, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (67, 2, '2006-03-22 16:09:46', '2006-03-22 16:10:27', 1, 15, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (68, 2, '2006-03-22 16:10:06', '2006-03-22 16:10:27', 43, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (69, 2, '2006-03-22 16:11:39', '2006-03-24 11:00:55', 19, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (70, 2, '2006-03-22 16:11:56', '2006-03-24 10:59:41', 48, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (71, 2, '2006-03-22 16:12:29', '2006-03-24 10:57:38', 8, 17, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (72, 1, '2006-03-24 10:41:30', '2006-03-24 10:41:30', 81, 200, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (73, 2, '2006-03-24 10:41:33', '2006-03-24 10:41:42', 81, 200, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #40'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (74, 1, '2006-03-24 10:53:13', '2006-03-24 10:53:13', 48, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (75, 2, '2006-03-24 10:53:16', '2006-03-24 10:55:46', 48, 100, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #39'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (76, 1, '2006-03-24 10:53:36', '2006-03-24 10:53:36', 43, 300, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (77, 2, '2006-03-24 10:53:39', '2006-03-24 10:56:57', 43, 300, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #38'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (78, 1, '2006-03-24 10:54:04', '2006-03-24 10:54:04', 41, 200, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (79, 2, '2006-03-24 10:54:07', '2006-03-24 10:58:40', 41, 200, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #36'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (80, 1, '2006-03-24 10:54:33', '2006-03-24 10:54:33', 19, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (81, 2, '2006-03-24 10:54:35', '2006-03-24 11:02:02', 19, 30, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #33'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (82, 1, '2006-03-24 10:54:58', '2006-03-24 10:54:58', 34, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (83, 2, '2006-03-24 10:55:02', '2006-03-24 11:03:00', 34, 100, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #30'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (84, 2, '2006-03-24 14:48:15', '2006-04-04 11:41:14', 6, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (85, 2, '2006-03-24 14:48:23', '2006-04-04 11:41:14', 4, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (86, 3, '2006-03-24 14:49:16', '2006-03-24 14:49:16', 80, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (87, 3, '2006-03-24 14:49:20', '2006-03-24 14:49:20', 81, 50, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (88, 3, '2006-03-24 14:50:09', '2006-03-24 14:50:09', 1, 25, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (89, 3, '2006-03-24 14:50:14', '2006-03-24 14:50:14', 43, 25, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (90, 3, '2006-03-24 14:50:18', '2006-03-24 14:50:18', 81, 25, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (91, 2, '2006-03-24 14:51:03', '2006-04-04 11:09:24', 40, 50, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (92, 2, '2006-03-24 14:55:03', '2006-04-04 11:06:56', 21, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (93, 2, '2006-03-24 14:55:39', '2006-04-04 11:06:13', 5, 25, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (94, 2, '2006-03-24 14:55:52', '2006-04-04 11:06:13', 41, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (95, 2, '2006-03-24 14:56:09', '2006-04-04 11:06:13', 40, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (96, 3, '2006-03-30 16:46:34', '2006-03-30 16:46:34', 34, 12, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (97, 3, '2006-03-30 17:23:27', '2006-03-30 17:23:27', 34, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (98, 3, '2006-03-30 17:24:33', '2006-03-30 17:24:33', 34, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (99, 2, '2006-04-03 13:50:08', '2006-04-03 13:50:15', 48, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (100, 1, '2006-04-04 11:00:54', '2006-04-04 11:00:54', 57, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (101, 2, '2006-04-04 11:00:56', '2006-04-04 11:08:49', 57, 100, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #46'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (102, 1, '2006-04-04 11:01:14', '2006-04-04 11:01:14', 34, 50, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (103, 1, '2006-04-04 11:01:35', '2006-04-04 11:01:35', 43, 250, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (104, 3, '2006-04-04 11:01:37', '2006-04-04 11:01:37', 43, 300, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #41'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (105, 1, '2006-04-04 11:01:55', '2006-04-04 11:01:55', 8, 25, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (106, 2, '2006-04-04 11:01:58', '2006-04-04 11:07:37', 8, 25, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #48'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (107, 1, '2006-04-04 11:02:17', '2006-04-04 11:02:17', 34, 300, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (108, 2, '2006-04-04 11:02:19', '2006-04-04 11:08:14', 34, 300, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #47'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (109, 1, '2006-04-04 11:02:37', '2006-04-04 11:02:37', 19, 25, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (110, 2, '2006-04-04 11:02:39', '2006-04-04 11:41:14', 19, 10, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #42'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (111, 1, '2006-04-04 11:02:56', '2006-04-04 11:02:56', 19, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (112, 2, '2006-04-04 11:02:58', '2006-04-04 11:07:37', 19, 25, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #48'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (113, 1, '2006-04-04 11:03:12', '2006-04-04 11:03:12', 72, 50, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (114, 2, '2006-04-04 11:03:14', '2006-04-04 11:08:49', 72, 50, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #46'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (115, 1, '2006-04-04 11:03:38', '2006-04-04 11:03:38', 41, 50, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (116, 2, '2006-04-04 11:03:39', '2006-04-04 11:09:24', 41, 50, NULL, NULL, 'Fill Back Ordered product, Order #45'); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (117, 2, '2006-04-04 11:04:55', '2006-04-04 11:05:04', 34, 87, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (118, 2, '2006-04-04 11:35:50', '2006-04-04 11:35:54', 51, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (119, 2, '2006-04-04 11:35:51', '2006-04-04 11:35:54', 7, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (120, 2, '2006-04-04 11:36:15', '2006-04-04 11:36:21', 17, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (121, 2, '2006-04-04 11:36:39', '2006-04-04 11:36:47', 6, 90, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (122, 2, '2006-04-04 11:37:06', '2006-04-04 11:37:09', 4, 30, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (123, 2, '2006-04-04 11:37:45', '2006-04-04 11:37:49', 48, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (124, 2, '2006-04-04 11:38:07', '2006-04-04 11:38:11', 48, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (125, 2, '2006-04-04 11:38:27', '2006-04-04 11:38:32', 41, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (126, 2, '2006-04-04 11:38:48', '2006-04-04 11:38:53', 43, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (127, 2, '2006-04-04 11:39:12', '2006-04-04 11:39:29', 40, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (128, 2, '2006-04-04 11:39:50', '2006-04-04 11:39:53', 8, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (129, 2, '2006-04-04 11:40:13', '2006-04-04 11:40:16', 80, 15, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (130, 2, '2006-04-04 11:40:32', '2006-04-04 11:40:38', 74, 20, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (131, 2, '2006-04-04 11:41:39', '2006-04-04 11:41:45', 72, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (132, 2, '2006-04-04 11:42:17', '2006-04-04 11:42:26', 3, 50, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (133, 2, '2006-04-04 11:42:24', '2006-04-04 11:42:26', 8, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (134, 2, '2006-04-04 11:42:48', '2006-04-04 11:43:08', 20, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (135, 2, '2006-04-04 11:43:05', '2006-04-04 11:43:08', 52, 40, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO inventory_transactions (inventory_transaction_id, inventory_transaction_type_id, transaction_created_date, transaction_modified_date, product_id, quantity, purchase_order_id, customer_order_id, comments) VALUES (136, 3, '2006-04-25 17:04:05', '2006-04-25 17:04:57', 56, 110, NULL, NULL, NULL); +# 102 records # -# Dumping data for table 'orders' +# Dumping data for table 'order_details_status' # --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (30, 9, 27, '2006-01-15 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, 'Karen Toh', '789 27th Street', 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '99999', 'USA', 200, 0, 'Check', '2006-01-15 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (31, 3, 4, '2006-01-20 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 'Christina Lee', '123 4th Street', 'New York', 'NY', '99999', 'USA', 5, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-01-20 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (32, 4, 12, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, 'John Edwards', '123 12th Street', 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '99999', 'USA', 5, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (33, 6, 8, '2006-01-30 00:00:00', '2006-01-31 00:00:00', 3, 'Elizabeth Andersen', '123 8th Street', 'Portland', 'OR', '99999', 'USA', 50, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-01-30 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (34, 9, 4, '2006-02-06 00:00:00', '2006-02-07 00:00:00', 3, 'Christina Lee', '123 4th Street', 'New York', 'NY', '99999', 'USA', 4, 0, 'Check', '2006-02-06 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (35, 3, 29, '2006-02-10 00:00:00', '2006-02-12 00:00:00', 2, 'Soo Jung Lee', '789 29th Street', 'Denver', 'CO', '99999', 'USA', 7, 0, 'Check', '2006-02-10 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (36, 4, 3, '2006-02-23 00:00:00', '2006-02-25 00:00:00', 2, 'Thomas Axen', '123 3rd Street', 'Los Angelas', 'CA', '99999', 'USA', 7, 0, 'Cash', '2006-02-23 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (37, 8, 6, '2006-03-06 00:00:00', '2006-03-09 00:00:00', 2, 'Francisco Pérez-Olaeta', '123 6th Street', 'Milwaukee', 'WI', '99999', 'USA', 12, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-03-06 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (38, 9, 28, '2006-03-10 00:00:00', '2006-03-11 00:00:00', 3, 'Amritansh Raghav', '789 28th Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', 10, 0, 'Check', '2006-03-10 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (39, 3, 8, '2006-03-22 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 3, 'Elizabeth Andersen', '123 8th Street', 'Portland', 'OR', '99999', 'USA', 5, 0, 'Check', '2006-03-22 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (40, 4, 10, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, 'Roland Wacker', '123 10th Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '99999', 'USA', 9, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (41, 1, 7, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'Ming-Yang Xie', '123 7th Street', 'Boise', 'ID', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (42, 1, 10, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-04-07 00:00:00', 1, 'Roland Wacker', '123 10th Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 2); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (43, 1, 11, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', NULL, 3, 'Peter Krschne', '123 11th Street', 'Miami', 'FL', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (44, 1, 1, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'Anna Bedecs', '123 1st Street', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (45, 1, 28, '2006-04-07 00:00:00', '2006-04-07 00:00:00', 3, 'Amritansh Raghav', '789 28th Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', 40, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-04-07 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (46, 7, 9, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 1, 'Sven Mortensen', '123 9th Street', 'Salt Lake City', 'UT', '99999', 'USA', 100, 0, 'Check', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (47, 6, 6, '2006-04-08 00:00:00', '2006-04-08 00:00:00', 2, 'Francisco Pérez-Olaeta', '123 6th Street', 'Milwaukee', 'WI', '99999', 'USA', 300, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-04-08 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (48, 4, 8, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 2, 'Elizabeth Andersen', '123 8th Street', 'Portland', 'OR', '99999', 'USA', 50, 0, 'Check', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (50, 9, 25, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 1, 'John Rodman', '789 25th Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '99999', 'USA', 5, 0, 'Cash', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (51, 9, 26, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 3, 'Run Liu', '789 26th Street', 'Miami', 'FL', '99999', 'USA', 60, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (55, 1, 29, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 2, 'Soo Jung Lee', '789 29th Street', 'Denver', 'CO', '99999', 'USA', 200, 0, 'Check', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (56, 2, 6, '2006-04-03 00:00:00', '2006-04-03 00:00:00', 3, 'Francisco Pérez-Olaeta', '123 6th Street', 'Milwaukee', 'WI', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, 'Check', '2006-04-03 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (57, 9, 27, '2006-04-22 00:00:00', '2006-04-22 00:00:00', 2, 'Karen Toh', '789 27th Street', 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '99999', 'USA', 200, 0, 'Check', '2006-04-22 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (58, 3, 4, '2006-04-22 00:00:00', '2006-04-22 00:00:00', 1, 'Christina Lee', '123 4th Street', 'New York', 'NY', '99999', 'USA', 5, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-04-22 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (59, 4, 12, '2006-04-22 00:00:00', '2006-04-22 00:00:00', 2, 'John Edwards', '123 12th Street', 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '99999', 'USA', 5, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-04-22 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (60, 6, 8, '2006-04-30 00:00:00', '2006-04-30 00:00:00', 3, 'Elizabeth Andersen', '123 8th Street', 'Portland', 'OR', '99999', 'USA', 50, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-04-30 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (61, 9, 4, '2006-04-07 00:00:00', '2006-04-07 00:00:00', 3, 'Christina Lee', '123 4th Street', 'New York', 'NY', '99999', 'USA', 4, 0, 'Check', '2006-04-07 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (62, 3, 29, '2006-04-12 00:00:00', '2006-04-12 00:00:00', 2, 'Soo Jung Lee', '789 29th Street', 'Denver', 'CO', '99999', 'USA', 7, 0, 'Check', '2006-04-12 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (63, 4, 3, '2006-04-25 00:00:00', '2006-04-25 00:00:00', 2, 'Thomas Axen', '123 3rd Street', 'Los Angelas', 'CA', '99999', 'USA', 7, 0, 'Cash', '2006-04-25 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (64, 8, 6, '2006-05-09 00:00:00', '2006-05-09 00:00:00', 2, 'Francisco Pérez-Olaeta', '123 6th Street', 'Milwaukee', 'WI', '99999', 'USA', 12, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-05-09 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (65, 9, 28, '2006-05-11 00:00:00', '2006-05-11 00:00:00', 3, 'Amritansh Raghav', '789 28th Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', 10, 0, 'Check', '2006-05-11 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (66, 3, 8, '2006-05-24 00:00:00', '2006-05-24 00:00:00', 3, 'Elizabeth Andersen', '123 8th Street', 'Portland', 'OR', '99999', 'USA', 5, 0, 'Check', '2006-05-24 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (67, 4, 10, '2006-05-24 00:00:00', '2006-05-24 00:00:00', 2, 'Roland Wacker', '123 10th Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '99999', 'USA', 9, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-05-24 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (68, 1, 7, '2006-05-24 00:00:00', NULL, NULL, 'Ming-Yang Xie', '123 7th Street', 'Boise', 'ID', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (69, 1, 10, '2006-05-24 00:00:00', NULL, 1, 'Roland Wacker', '123 10th Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (70, 1, 11, '2006-05-24 00:00:00', NULL, 3, 'Peter Krschne', '123 11th Street', 'Miami', 'FL', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (71, 1, 1, '2006-05-24 00:00:00', NULL, 3, 'Anna Bedecs', '123 1st Street', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (72, 1, 28, '2006-06-07 00:00:00', '2006-06-07 00:00:00', 3, 'Amritansh Raghav', '789 28th Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', 40, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-06-07 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (73, 7, 9, '2006-06-05 00:00:00', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', 1, 'Sven Mortensen', '123 9th Street', 'Salt Lake City', 'UT', '99999', 'USA', 100, 0, 'Check', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (74, 6, 6, '2006-06-08 00:00:00', '2006-06-08 00:00:00', 2, 'Francisco Pérez-Olaeta', '123 6th Street', 'Milwaukee', 'WI', '99999', 'USA', 300, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-06-08 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (75, 4, 8, '2006-06-05 00:00:00', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', 2, 'Elizabeth Andersen', '123 8th Street', 'Portland', 'OR', '99999', 'USA', 50, 0, 'Check', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (76, 9, 25, '2006-06-05 00:00:00', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', 1, 'John Rodman', '789 25th Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '99999', 'USA', 5, 0, 'Cash', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (77, 9, 26, '2006-06-05 00:00:00', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', 3, 'Run Liu', '789 26th Street', 'Miami', 'FL', '99999', 'USA', 60, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (78, 1, 29, '2006-06-05 00:00:00', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', 2, 'Soo Jung Lee', '789 29th Street', 'Denver', 'CO', '99999', 'USA', 200, 0, 'Check', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (79, 2, 6, '2006-06-23 00:00:00', '2006-06-23 00:00:00', 3, 'Francisco Pérez-Olaeta', '123 6th Street', 'Milwaukee', 'WI', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, 'Check', '2006-06-23 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (80, 2, 4, '2006-04-25 17:03:55', NULL, NULL, 'Christina Lee', '123 4th Street', 'New York', 'NY', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); --- INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `employee_id`, `customer_id`, `order_date`, `shipped_date`, `shipper_id`, `ship_name`, `ship_address`, `ship_city`, `ship_state_province`, `ship_zip_postal_code`, `ship_country_region`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_type`, `paid_date`, `notes`, `tax_rate`, `tax_status_id`, `status_id`) VALUES (81, 2, 3, '2006-04-25 17:26:53', NULL, NULL, 'Thomas Axen', '123 3rd Street', 'Los Angelas', 'CA', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); -# 48 records +INSERT INTO order_details_status (order_details_status_id, status_name) VALUES (0, 'None'); +INSERT INTO order_details_status (order_details_status_id, status_name) VALUES (1, 'Allocated'); +INSERT INTO order_details_status (order_details_status_id, status_name) VALUES (2, 'Invoiced'); +INSERT INTO order_details_status (order_details_status_id, status_name) VALUES (3, 'Shipped'); +INSERT INTO order_details_status (order_details_status_id, status_name) VALUES (4, 'On Order'); +INSERT INTO order_details_status (order_details_status_id, status_name) VALUES (5, 'No Stock'); +# 6 records # # Dumping data for table 'orders_status' # -INSERT INTO `orders_status` (`order_status_id`, `status_name`) VALUES (0, 'New'); -INSERT INTO `orders_status` (`order_status_id`, `status_name`) VALUES (1, 'Invoiced'); -INSERT INTO `orders_status` (`order_status_id`, `status_name`) VALUES (2, 'Shipped'); -INSERT INTO `orders_status` (`order_status_id`, `status_name`) VALUES (3, 'Closed'); +INSERT INTO orders_status (order_status_id, status_name) VALUES (0, 'New'); +INSERT INTO orders_status (order_status_id, status_name) VALUES (1, 'Invoiced'); +INSERT INTO orders_status (order_status_id, status_name) VALUES (2, 'Shipped'); +INSERT INTO orders_status (order_status_id, status_name) VALUES (3, 'Closed'); # 4 records # # Dumping data for table 'orders_tax_status' # -INSERT INTO `orders_tax_status` (`order_tax_status_id`, `tax_status_name`) VALUES (0, 'Tax Exempt'); -INSERT INTO `orders_tax_status` (`order_tax_status_id`, `tax_status_name`) VALUES (1, 'Taxable'); +INSERT INTO orders_tax_status (order_tax_status_id, tax_status_name) VALUES (0, 'Tax Exempt'); +INSERT INTO orders_tax_status (order_tax_status_id, tax_status_name) VALUES (1, 'Taxable'); # 2 records # -# Dumping data for table 'privileges' +# Dumping data for table 'orders' # -INSERT INTO `privileges` (`id`, `privilege_name`) VALUES (2, 'Purchase Approvals'); -# 1 records +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (30, 109, 27, '2006-01-15 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 202, 'Karen Toh', '789 27th Street', 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '99999', 'USA', 200, 0, 'Check', '2006-01-15 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (31, 103, 4, '2006-01-20 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 201, 'Christina Lee', '123 4th Street', 'New York', 'NY', '99999', 'USA', 5, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-01-20 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (32, 104, 12, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 202, 'John Edwards', '123 12th Street', 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '99999', 'USA', 5, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (33, 106, 8, '2006-01-30 00:00:00', '2006-01-31 00:00:00', 203, 'Elizabeth Andersen', '123 8th Street', 'Portland', 'OR', '99999', 'USA', 50, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-01-30 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (34, 109, 4, '2006-02-06 00:00:00', '2006-02-07 00:00:00', 203, 'Christina Lee', '123 4th Street', 'New York', 'NY', '99999', 'USA', 4, 0, 'Check', '2006-02-06 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (35, 103, 29, '2006-02-10 00:00:00', '2006-02-12 00:00:00', 202, 'Soo Jung Lee', '789 29th Street', 'Denver', 'CO', '99999', 'USA', 7, 0, 'Check', '2006-02-10 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (36, 104, 3, '2006-02-23 00:00:00', '2006-02-25 00:00:00', 202, 'Thomas Axen', '123 3rd Street', 'Los Angelas', 'CA', '99999', 'USA', 7, 0, 'Cash', '2006-02-23 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (37, 108, 6, '2006-03-06 00:00:00', '2006-03-09 00:00:00', 202, 'Francisco Pérez-Olaeta', '123 6th Street', 'Milwaukee', 'WI', '99999', 'USA', 12, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-03-06 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (38, 109, 28, '2006-03-10 00:00:00', '2006-03-11 00:00:00', 203, 'Amritansh Raghav', '789 28th Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', 10, 0, 'Check', '2006-03-10 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (39, 103, 8, '2006-03-22 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 203, 'Elizabeth Andersen', '123 8th Street', 'Portland', 'OR', '99999', 'USA', 5, 0, 'Check', '2006-03-22 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (40, 104, 10, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 202, 'Roland Wacker', '123 10th Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '99999', 'USA', 9, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (41, 101, 7, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', NULL, 202, 'Ming-Yang Xie', '123 7th Street', 'Boise', 'ID', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (42, 101, 10, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-04-07 00:00:00', 201, 'Roland Wacker', '123 10th Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 2); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (43, 101, 11, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', NULL, 203, 'Peter Krschne', '123 11th Street', 'Miami', 'FL', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (44, 101, 1, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', NULL, 201, 'Anna Bedecs', '123 1st Street', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (45, 101, 28, '2006-04-07 00:00:00', '2006-04-07 00:00:00', 203, 'Amritansh Raghav', '789 28th Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', 40, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-04-07 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (46, 107, 9, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 201, 'Sven Mortensen', '123 9th Street', 'Salt Lake City', 'UT', '99999', 'USA', 100, 0, 'Check', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (47, 106, 6, '2006-04-08 00:00:00', '2006-04-08 00:00:00', 202, 'Francisco Pérez-Olaeta', '123 6th Street', 'Milwaukee', 'WI', '99999', 'USA', 300, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-04-08 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (48, 104, 8, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 202, 'Elizabeth Andersen', '123 8th Street', 'Portland', 'OR', '99999', 'USA', 50, 0, 'Check', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (50, 109, 25, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 201, 'John Rodman', '789 25th Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '99999', 'USA', 5, 0, 'Cash', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (51, 109, 26, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 203, 'Run Liu', '789 26th Street', 'Miami', 'FL', '99999', 'USA', 60, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (55, 101, 29, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 202, 'Soo Jung Lee', '789 29th Street', 'Denver', 'CO', '99999', 'USA', 200, 0, 'Check', '2006-04-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (56, 102, 6, '2006-04-03 00:00:00', '2006-04-03 00:00:00', 203, 'Francisco Pérez-Olaeta', '123 6th Street', 'Milwaukee', 'WI', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, 'Check', '2006-04-03 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (57, 109, 27, '2006-04-22 00:00:00', '2006-04-22 00:00:00', 202, 'Karen Toh', '789 27th Street', 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '99999', 'USA', 200, 0, 'Check', '2006-04-22 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (58, 103, 4, '2006-04-22 00:00:00', '2006-04-22 00:00:00', 201, 'Christina Lee', '123 4th Street', 'New York', 'NY', '99999', 'USA', 5, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-04-22 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (59, 104, 12, '2006-04-22 00:00:00', '2006-04-22 00:00:00', 202, 'John Edwards', '123 12th Street', 'Las Vegas', 'NV', '99999', 'USA', 5, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-04-22 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (60, 106, 8, '2006-04-30 00:00:00', '2006-04-30 00:00:00', 203, 'Elizabeth Andersen', '123 8th Street', 'Portland', 'OR', '99999', 'USA', 50, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-04-30 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (61, 109, 4, '2006-04-07 00:00:00', '2006-04-07 00:00:00', 203, 'Christina Lee', '123 4th Street', 'New York', 'NY', '99999', 'USA', 4, 0, 'Check', '2006-04-07 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (62, 103, 29, '2006-04-12 00:00:00', '2006-04-12 00:00:00', 202, 'Soo Jung Lee', '789 29th Street', 'Denver', 'CO', '99999', 'USA', 7, 0, 'Check', '2006-04-12 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (63, 104, 3, '2006-04-25 00:00:00', '2006-04-25 00:00:00', 202, 'Thomas Axen', '123 3rd Street', 'Los Angelas', 'CA', '99999', 'USA', 7, 0, 'Cash', '2006-04-25 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (64, 108, 6, '2006-05-09 00:00:00', '2006-05-09 00:00:00', 202, 'Francisco Pérez-Olaeta', '123 6th Street', 'Milwaukee', 'WI', '99999', 'USA', 12, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-05-09 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (65, 109, 28, '2006-05-11 00:00:00', '2006-05-11 00:00:00', 203, 'Amritansh Raghav', '789 28th Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', 10, 0, 'Check', '2006-05-11 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (66, 103, 8, '2006-05-24 00:00:00', '2006-05-24 00:00:00', 203, 'Elizabeth Andersen', '123 8th Street', 'Portland', 'OR', '99999', 'USA', 5, 0, 'Check', '2006-05-24 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 0); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (67, 104, 10, '2006-05-24 00:00:00', '2006-05-24 00:00:00', 202, 'Roland Wacker', '123 10th Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '99999', 'USA', 9, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-05-24 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (68, 101, 7, '2006-05-24 00:00:00', NULL, 202, 'Ming-Yang Xie', '123 7th Street', 'Boise', 'ID', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (69, 101, 10, '2006-05-24 00:00:00', NULL, 201, 'Roland Wacker', '123 10th Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (70, 101, 11, '2006-05-24 00:00:00', NULL, 203, 'Peter Krschne', '123 11th Street', 'Miami', 'FL', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (71, 101, 1, '2006-05-24 00:00:00', NULL, 203, 'Anna Bedecs', '123 1st Street', 'Seattle', 'WA', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (72, 101, 28, '2006-06-07 00:00:00', '2006-06-07 00:00:00', 203, 'Amritansh Raghav', '789 28th Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', 40, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-06-07 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (73, 107, 9, '2006-06-05 00:00:00', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', 201, 'Sven Mortensen', '123 9th Street', 'Salt Lake City', 'UT', '99999', 'USA', 100, 0, 'Check', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (74, 106, 6, '2006-06-08 00:00:00', '2006-06-08 00:00:00', 202, 'Francisco Pérez-Olaeta', '123 6th Street', 'Milwaukee', 'WI', '99999', 'USA', 300, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-06-08 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (75, 104, 8, '2006-06-05 00:00:00', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', 202, 'Elizabeth Andersen', '123 8th Street', 'Portland', 'OR', '99999', 'USA', 50, 0, 'Check', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (76, 109, 25, '2006-06-05 00:00:00', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', 201, 'John Rodman', '789 25th Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '99999', 'USA', 5, 0, 'Cash', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (77, 109, 26, '2006-06-05 00:00:00', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', 203, 'Run Liu', '789 26th Street', 'Miami', 'FL', '99999', 'USA', 60, 0, 'Credit Card', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (78, 101, 29, '2006-06-05 00:00:00', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', 202, 'Soo Jung Lee', '789 29th Street', 'Denver', 'CO', '99999', 'USA', 200, 0, 'Check', '2006-06-05 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (79, 102, 6, '2006-06-23 00:00:00', '2006-06-23 00:00:00', 203, 'Francisco Pérez-Olaeta', '123 6th Street', 'Milwaukee', 'WI', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, 'Check', '2006-06-23 00:00:00', NULL, 0, NULL, 3); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (80, 102, 4, '2006-04-25 17:03:55', NULL, 201, 'Christina Lee', '123 4th Street', 'New York', 'NY', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); +INSERT INTO orders (order_id, employee_id, customer_id, order_date, shipped_date, shipper_id, ship_name, ship_address, ship_city, ship_state_province, ship_zip_postal_code, ship_country_region, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_type, paid_date, notes, tax_rate, order_tax_status_id, order_status_id) VALUES (81, 102, 3, '2006-04-25 17:26:53', NULL, 201, 'Thomas Axen', '123 3rd Street', 'Los Angelas', 'CA', '99999', 'USA', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); +# 48 records # -# Dumping data for table 'products' +# Dumping data for table 'order_details' # -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('4', 1, 'NWTB-1', 'Northwind Traders Chai', NULL, 13.5, 18, 10, 40, '10 boxes x 20 bags', 0, 10, 'Beverages', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('10', 3, 'NWTCO-3', 'Northwind Traders Syrup', NULL, 7.5, 10, 25, 100, '12 - 550 ml bottles', 0, 25, 'Condiments', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('10', 4, 'NWTCO-4', 'Northwind Traders Cajun Seasoning', NULL, 16.5, 22, 10, 40, '48 - 6 oz jars', 0, 10, 'Condiments', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('10', 5, 'NWTO-5', 'Northwind Traders Olive Oil', NULL, 16.0125, 21.35, 10, 40, '36 boxes', 0, 10, 'Oil', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('2;6', 6, 'NWTJP-6', 'Northwind Traders Boysenberry Spread', NULL, 18.75, 25, 25, 100, '12 - 8 oz jars', 0, 25, 'Jams, Preserves', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('2', 7, 'NWTDFN-7', 'Northwind Traders Dried Pears', NULL, 22.5, 30, 10, 40, '12 - 1 lb pkgs.', 0, 10, 'Dried Fruit & Nuts', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('8', 8, 'NWTS-8', 'Northwind Traders Curry Sauce', NULL, 30, 40, 10, 40, '12 - 12 oz jars', 0, 10, 'Sauces', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('2;6', 14, 'NWTDFN-14', 'Northwind Traders Walnuts', NULL, 17.4375, 23.25, 10, 40, '40 - 100 g pkgs.', 0, 10, 'Dried Fruit & Nuts', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('6', 17, 'NWTCFV-17', 'Northwind Traders Fruit Cocktail', NULL, 29.25, 39, 10, 40, '15.25 OZ', 0, 10, 'Canned Fruit & Vegetables', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('1', 19, 'NWTBGM-19', 'Northwind Traders Chocolate Biscuits Mix', NULL, 6.9, 9.2, 5, 20, '10 boxes x 12 pieces', 0, 5, 'Baked Goods & Mixes', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('2;6', 20, 'NWTJP-6', 'Northwind Traders Marmalade', NULL, 60.75, 81, 10, 40, '30 gift boxes', 0, 10, 'Jams, Preserves', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('1', 21, 'NWTBGM-21', 'Northwind Traders Scones', NULL, 7.5, 10, 5, 20, '24 pkgs. x 4 pieces', 0, 5, 'Baked Goods & Mixes', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('4', 34, 'NWTB-34', 'Northwind Traders Beer', NULL, 10.5, 14, 15, 60, '24 - 12 oz bottles', 0, 15, 'Beverages', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('7', 40, 'NWTCM-40', 'Northwind Traders Crab Meat', NULL, 13.8, 18.4, 30, 120, '24 - 4 oz tins', 0, 30, 'Canned Meat', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('6', 41, 'NWTSO-41', 'Northwind Traders Clam Chowder', NULL, 7.2375, 9.65, 10, 40, '12 - 12 oz cans', 0, 10, 'Soups', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('3;4', 43, 'NWTB-43', 'Northwind Traders Coffee', NULL, 34.5, 46, 25, 100, '16 - 500 g tins', 0, 25, 'Beverages', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('10', 48, 'NWTCA-48', 'Northwind Traders Chocolate', NULL, 9.5625, 12.75, 25, 100, '10 pkgs', 0, 25, 'Candy', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('2', 51, 'NWTDFN-51', 'Northwind Traders Dried Apples', NULL, 39.75, 53, 10, 40, '50 - 300 g pkgs.', 0, 10, 'Dried Fruit & Nuts', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('1', 52, 'NWTG-52', 'Northwind Traders Long Grain Rice', NULL, 5.25, 7, 25, 100, '16 - 2 kg boxes', 0, 25, 'Grains', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('1', 56, 'NWTP-56', 'Northwind Traders Gnocchi', NULL, 28.5, 38, 30, 120, '24 - 250 g pkgs.', 0, 30, 'Pasta', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('1', 57, 'NWTP-57', 'Northwind Traders Ravioli', NULL, 14.625, 19.5, 20, 80, '24 - 250 g pkgs.', 0, 20, 'Pasta', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('8', 65, 'NWTS-65', 'Northwind Traders Hot Pepper Sauce', NULL, 15.7875, 21.05, 10, 40, '32 - 8 oz bottles', 0, 10, 'Sauces', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('8', 66, 'NWTS-66', 'Northwind Traders Tomato Sauce', NULL, 12.75, 17, 20, 80, '24 - 8 oz jars', 0, 20, 'Sauces', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('5', 72, 'NWTD-72', 'Northwind Traders Mozzarella', NULL, 26.1, 34.8, 10, 40, '24 - 200 g pkgs.', 0, 10, 'Dairy products', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('2;6', 74, 'NWTDFN-74', 'Northwind Traders Almonds', NULL, 7.5, 10, 5, 20, '5 kg pkg.', 0, 5, 'Dried Fruit & Nuts', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('10', 77, 'NWTCO-77', 'Northwind Traders Mustard', NULL, 9.75, 13, 15, 60, '12 boxes', 0, 15, 'Condiments', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('2', 80, 'NWTDFN-80', 'Northwind Traders Dried Plums', NULL, 3, 3.5, 50, 75, '1 lb bag', 0, 25, 'Dried Fruit & Nuts', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('3', 81, 'NWTB-81', 'Northwind Traders Green Tea', NULL, 2, 2.99, 100, 125, '20 bags per box', 0, 25, 'Beverages', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('1', 82, 'NWTC-82', 'Northwind Traders Granola', NULL, 2, 4, 20, 100, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Cereal', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('9', 83, 'NWTCS-83', 'Northwind Traders Potato Chips', NULL, .5, 1.8, 30, 200, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Chips, Snacks', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('1', 85, 'NWTBGM-85', 'Northwind Traders Brownie Mix', NULL, 9, 12.49, 10, 20, '3 boxes', 0, 5, 'Baked Goods & Mixes', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('1', 86, 'NWTBGM-86', 'Northwind Traders Cake Mix', NULL, 10.5, 15.99, 10, 20, '4 boxes', 0, 5, 'Baked Goods & Mixes', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('7', 87, 'NWTB-87', 'Northwind Traders Tea', NULL, 2, 4, 20, 50, '100 count per box', 0, NULL, 'Beverages', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('6', 88, 'NWTCFV-88', 'Northwind Traders Pears', NULL, 1, 1.3, 10, 40, '15.25 OZ', 0, NULL, 'Canned Fruit & Vegetables', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('6', 89, 'NWTCFV-89', 'Northwind Traders Peaches', NULL, 1, 1.5, 10, 40, '15.25 OZ', 0, NULL, 'Canned Fruit & Vegetables', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('6', 90, 'NWTCFV-90', 'Northwind Traders Pineapple', NULL, 1, 1.8, 10, 40, '15.25 OZ', 0, NULL, 'Canned Fruit & Vegetables', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('6', 91, 'NWTCFV-91', 'Northwind Traders Cherry Pie Filling', NULL, 1, 2, 10, 40, '15.25 OZ', 0, NULL, 'Canned Fruit & Vegetables', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('6', 92, 'NWTCFV-92', 'Northwind Traders Green Beans', NULL, 1, 1.2, 10, 40, '14.5 OZ', 0, NULL, 'Canned Fruit & Vegetables', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('6', 93, 'NWTCFV-93', 'Northwind Traders Corn', NULL, 1, 1.2, 10, 40, '14.5 OZ', 0, NULL, 'Canned Fruit & Vegetables', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('6', 94, 'NWTCFV-94', 'Northwind Traders Peas', NULL, 1, 1.5, 10, 40, '14.5 OZ', 0, NULL, 'Canned Fruit & Vegetables', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('7', 95, 'NWTCM-95', 'Northwind Traders Tuna Fish', NULL, .5, 2, 30, 50, '5 oz', 0, NULL, 'Canned Meat', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('7', 96, 'NWTCM-96', 'Northwind Traders Smoked Salmon', NULL, 2, 4, 30, 50, '5 oz', 0, NULL, 'Canned Meat', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('1', 97, 'NWTC-82', 'Northwind Traders Hot Cereal', NULL, 3, 5, 50, 200, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Cereal', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('6', 98, 'NWTSO-98', 'Northwind Traders Vegetable Soup', NULL, 1, 1.89, 100, 200, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Soups', ''); -INSERT INTO `products` (`supplier_ids`, `id`, `product_code`, `product_name`, `description`, `standard_cost`, `list_price`, `reorder_level`, `target_level`, `quantity_per_unit`, `discontinued`, `minimum_reorder_quantity`, `category`, `attachments`) VALUES ('6', 99, 'NWTSO-99', 'Northwind Traders Chicken Soup', NULL, 1, 1.95, 100, 200, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Soups', ''); -# 45 records +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (27, 30, 34, 100, 14, 0, 2, NULL, 96, 83); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (28, 30, 80, 30, 3.5, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 63); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (29, 31, 7, 10, 30, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 64); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (30, 31, 51, 10, 53, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 65); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (31, 31, 80, 10, 3.5, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 66); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (32, 32, 1, 15, 18, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 67); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (33, 32, 43, 20, 46, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 68); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (34, 33, 19, 30, 9.2, 0, 2, NULL, 97, 81); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (35, 34, 19, 20, 9.2, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 69); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (36, 35, 48, 10, 12.75, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 70); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (37, 36, 41, 200, 9.65, 0, 2, NULL, 98, 79); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (38, 37, 8, 17, 40, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 71); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (39, 38, 43, 300, 46, 0, 2, NULL, 99, 77); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (40, 39, 48, 100, 12.75, 0, 2, NULL, 100, 75); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (41, 40, 81, 200, 2.99, 0, 2, NULL, 101, 73); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (42, 41, 43, 300, 46, 0, 1, NULL, 102, 104); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (43, 42, 6, 10, 25, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 84); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (44, 42, 4, 10, 22, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 85); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (45, 42, 19, 10, 9.2, 0, 2, NULL, 103, 110); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (46, 43, 80, 20, 3.5, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 86); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (47, 43, 81, 50, 2.99, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 87); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (48, 44, 1, 25, 18, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 88); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (49, 44, 43, 25, 46, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 89); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (50, 44, 81, 25, 2.99, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 90); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (51, 45, 41, 50, 9.65, 0, 2, NULL, 104, 116); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (52, 45, 40, 50, 18.4, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 91); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (53, 46, 57, 100, 19.5, 0, 2, NULL, 105, 101); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (54, 46, 72, 50, 34.8, 0, 2, NULL, 106, 114); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (55, 47, 34, 300, 14, 0, 2, NULL, 107, 108); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (56, 48, 8, 25, 40, 0, 2, NULL, 108, 106); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (57, 48, 19, 25, 9.2, 0, 2, NULL, 109, 112); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (59, 50, 21, 20, 10, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 92); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (60, 51, 5, 25, 21.35, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 93); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (61, 51, 41, 30, 9.65, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 94); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (62, 51, 40, 30, 18.4, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 95); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (66, 56, 48, 10, 12.75, 0, 2, NULL, 111, 99); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (67, 55, 34, 87, 14, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 117); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (68, 79, 7, 30, 30, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 119); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (69, 79, 51, 30, 53, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 118); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (70, 78, 17, 40, 39, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 120); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (71, 77, 6, 90, 25, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 121); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (72, 76, 4, 30, 22, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 122); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (73, 75, 48, 40, 12.75, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 123); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (74, 74, 48, 40, 12.75, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 124); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (75, 73, 41, 10, 9.65, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 125); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (76, 72, 43, 5, 46, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 126); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (77, 71, 40, 40, 18.4, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 127); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (78, 70, 8, 20, 40, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 128); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (79, 69, 80, 15, 3.5, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 129); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (80, 67, 74, 20, 10, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 130); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (81, 60, 72, 40, 34.8, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 131); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (82, 63, 3, 50, 10, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 132); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (83, 63, 8, 3, 40, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 133); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (84, 58, 20, 40, 81, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 134); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (85, 58, 52, 40, 7, 0, 2, NULL, NULL, 135); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (86, 80, 56, 10, 38, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, 136); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (90, 81, 81, 0, 2.99, 0, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL); +INSERT INTO order_details (order_details_id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price, discount, status_id, date_allocated, purchase_order_id, inventory_id) VALUES (91, 81, 56, 0, 38, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); +# 58 records # -# Dumping data for table 'purchase_order_details' +# Dumping data for table 'invoices' # -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (238, 90, 1, 40, 14, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 59); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (239, 91, 3, 100, 8, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 54); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (240, 91, 4, 40, 16, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 55); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (241, 91, 5, 40, 16, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 56); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (242, 92, 6, 100, 19, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 40); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (243, 92, 7, 40, 22, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 41); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (244, 92, 8, 40, 30, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 42); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (245, 92, 14, 40, 17, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 43); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (246, 92, 17, 40, 29, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 44); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (247, 92, 19, 20, 7, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 45); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (248, 92, 20, 40, 61, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 46); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (249, 92, 21, 20, 8, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 47); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (250, 90, 34, 60, 10, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 60); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (251, 92, 40, 120, 14, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 48); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (252, 92, 41, 40, 7, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 49); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (253, 90, 43, 100, 34, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 61); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (254, 92, 48, 100, 10, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 50); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (255, 92, 51, 40, 40, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 51); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (256, 93, 52, 100, 5, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 37); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (257, 93, 56, 120, 28, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 38); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (258, 93, 57, 80, 15, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 39); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (259, 91, 65, 40, 16, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 57); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (260, 91, 66, 80, 13, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 58); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (261, 94, 72, 40, 26, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 36); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (262, 92, 74, 20, 8, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 52); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (263, 92, 77, 60, 10, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 53); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (264, 95, 80, 75, 3, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 35); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (265, 90, 81, 125, 2, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 62); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (266, 96, 34, 100, 10, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 82); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (267, 97, 19, 30, 7, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 80); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (268, 98, 41, 200, 7, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 78); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (269, 99, 43, 300, 34, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 76); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (270, 100, 48, 100, 10, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 74); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (271, 101, 81, 200, 2, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 72); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (272, 102, 43, 300, 34, NULL, 0, NULL); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (273, 103, 19, 10, 7, '2006-04-17 00:00:00', 1, 111); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (274, 104, 41, 50, 7, '2006-04-06 00:00:00', 1, 115); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (275, 105, 57, 100, 15, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 1, 100); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (276, 106, 72, 50, 26, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 1, 113); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (277, 107, 34, 300, 10, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 1, 107); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (278, 108, 8, 25, 30, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 1, 105); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (279, 109, 19, 25, 7, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 1, 109); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (280, 110, 43, 250, 34, '2006-04-10 00:00:00', 1, 103); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (281, 90, 1, 40, 14, NULL, 0, NULL); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (282, 92, 19, 20, 7, NULL, 0, NULL); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (283, 111, 34, 50, 10, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 1, 102); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (285, 91, 3, 50, 8, NULL, 0, NULL); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (286, 91, 4, 40, 16, NULL, 0, NULL); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (288, 140, 85, 10, 9, NULL, 0, NULL); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (289, 141, 6, 10, 18.75, NULL, 0, NULL); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (290, 142, 1, 1, 13.5, NULL, 0, NULL); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (292, 146, 20, 40, 60, NULL, 0, NULL); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (293, 146, 51, 40, 39, NULL, 0, NULL); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (294, 147, 40, 120, 13, NULL, 0, NULL); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_details` (`id`, `purchase_order_id`, `product_id`, `quantity`, `unit_cost`, `date_received`, `posted_to_inventory`, `inventory_id`) VALUES (295, 148, 72, 40, 26, NULL, 0, NULL); -# 55 records +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (5, 31, '2006-03-22 16:08:59', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (6, 32, '2006-03-22 16:10:27', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (7, 40, '2006-03-24 10:41:41', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (8, 39, '2006-03-24 10:55:46', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (9, 38, '2006-03-24 10:56:57', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (10, 37, '2006-03-24 10:57:38', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (11, 36, '2006-03-24 10:58:40', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (12, 35, '2006-03-24 10:59:41', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (13, 34, '2006-03-24 11:00:55', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (14, 33, '2006-03-24 11:02:02', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (15, 30, '2006-03-24 11:03:00', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (16, 56, '2006-04-03 13:50:15', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (17, 55, '2006-04-04 11:05:04', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (18, 51, '2006-04-04 11:06:13', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (19, 50, '2006-04-04 11:06:56', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (20, 48, '2006-04-04 11:07:37', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (21, 47, '2006-04-04 11:08:14', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (22, 46, '2006-04-04 11:08:49', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (23, 45, '2006-04-04 11:09:24', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (24, 79, '2006-04-04 11:35:54', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (25, 78, '2006-04-04 11:36:21', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (26, 77, '2006-04-04 11:36:47', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (27, 76, '2006-04-04 11:37:09', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (28, 75, '2006-04-04 11:37:49', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (29, 74, '2006-04-04 11:38:11', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (30, 73, '2006-04-04 11:38:32', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (31, 72, '2006-04-04 11:38:53', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (32, 71, '2006-04-04 11:39:29', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (33, 70, '2006-04-04 11:39:53', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (34, 69, '2006-04-04 11:40:16', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (35, 67, '2006-04-04 11:40:38', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (36, 42, '2006-04-04 11:41:14', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (37, 60, '2006-04-04 11:41:45', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (38, 63, '2006-04-04 11:42:26', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +INSERT INTO invoices (invoice_id, order_id, invoice_date, due_date, tax, shipping, amount_due) VALUES (39, 58, '2006-04-04 11:43:08', NULL, 0, 0, 0); +# 35 records # # Dumping data for table 'purchase_order_status' # -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_status` (`purchase_order_status_id`, `status`) VALUES (0, 'New'); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_status` (`purchase_order_status_id`, `status`) VALUES (1, 'Submitted'); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_status` (`purchase_order_status_id`, `status`) VALUES (2, 'Approved'); -INSERT INTO `purchase_order_status` (`purchase_order_status_id`, `status`) VALUES (3, 'Closed'); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_status (purchase_order_status_id, status) VALUES (0, 'New'); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_status (purchase_order_status_id, status) VALUES (1, 'Submitted'); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_status (purchase_order_status_id, status) VALUES (2, 'Approved'); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_status (purchase_order_status_id, status) VALUES (3, 'Closed'); # 4 records # # Dumping data for table 'purchase_orders' # --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (90, 1, 2, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 2, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (91, 3, 2, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 2, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (92, 2, 2, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 2, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (93, 5, 2, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 2, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (94, 6, 2, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 2, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (95, 4, 2, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 2, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (96, 1, 5, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #30', 2, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 5); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (97, 2, 7, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #33', 2, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 7); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (98, 2, 4, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #36', 2, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 4); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (99, 1, 3, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #38', 2, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 3); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (100, 2, 9, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #39', 2, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 9); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (101, 1, 2, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #40', 2, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (102, 1, 1, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #41', 2, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 1); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (103, 2, 1, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #42', 2, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 1); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (104, 2, 1, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #45', 2, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 1); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (105, 5, 7, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 'Check', 'Purchase generated based on Order #46', 2, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 7); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (106, 6, 7, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #46', 2, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 7); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (107, 1, 6, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #47', 2, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 6); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (108, 2, 4, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #48', 2, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 4); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (109, 2, 4, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #48', 2, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 4); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (110, 1, 3, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #49', 2, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 3); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (111, 1, 2, '2006-03-31 00:00:00', '2006-03-31 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #56', 2, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 2); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (140, 6, NULL, '2006-04-25 00:00:00', '2006-04-25 16:40:51', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 2, '2006-04-25 16:41:33', 2); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (141, 8, NULL, '2006-04-25 00:00:00', '2006-04-25 17:10:35', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 2, '2006-04-25 17:10:55', 2); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (142, 8, NULL, '2006-04-25 00:00:00', '2006-04-25 17:18:29', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 'Check', NULL, 2, '2006-04-25 17:18:51', 2); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (146, 2, 2, '2006-04-26 18:26:37', '2006-04-26 18:26:37', 1, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (147, 7, 2, '2006-04-26 18:33:28', '2006-04-26 18:33:28', 1, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2); --- INSERT INTO `purchase_orders` (`id`, `supplier_id`, `created_by`, `submitted_date`, `creation_date`, `status_id`, `expected_date`, `shipping_fee`, `taxes`, `payment_date`, `payment_amount`, `payment_method`, `notes`, `approved_by`, `approved_date`, `submitted_by`) VALUES (148, 5, 2, '2006-04-26 18:33:52', '2006-04-26 18:33:52', 1, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (90, 301, 102, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 102, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 102); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (91, 303, 102, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 102, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 102); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (92, 302, 102, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 102, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 102); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (93, 305, 102, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 102, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 102); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (94, 306, 102, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 102, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 102); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (95, 304, 102, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 102, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 102); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (96, 301, 105, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #30', 102, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 105); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (97, 302, 107, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #33', 102, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 107); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (98, 302, 104, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #36', 102, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 104); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (99, 301, 103, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #38', 102, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 103); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (100, 302, 109, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #39', 102, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 109); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (101, 301, 102, '2006-01-14 00:00:00', '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #40', 102, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 102); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (102, 301, 101, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #41', 102, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 101); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (103, 302, 101, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #42', 102, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 101); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (104, 302, 101, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #45', 102, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 101); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (105, 305, 107, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 'Check', 'Purchase generated based on Order #46', 102, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 107); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (106, 306, 107, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #46', 102, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 107); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (107, 301, 106, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #47', 102, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 106); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (108, 302, 104, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #48', 102, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 104); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (109, 302, 104, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #48', 102, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 104); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (110, 301, 103, '2006-03-24 00:00:00', '2006-03-24 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #49', 102, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 103); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (111, 301, 102, '2006-03-31 00:00:00', '2006-03-31 00:00:00', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 'Purchase generated based on Order #56', 102, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 102); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (140, 306, NULL, '2006-04-25 00:00:00', '2006-04-25 16:40:51', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 102, '2006-04-25 16:41:33', 102); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (141, 308, NULL, '2006-04-25 00:00:00', '2006-04-25 17:10:35', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 102, '2006-04-25 17:10:55', 102); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (142, 308, NULL, '2006-04-25 00:00:00', '2006-04-25 17:18:29', 2, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 'Check', NULL, 102, '2006-04-25 17:18:51', 102); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (146, 302, 102, '2006-04-26 18:26:37', '2006-04-26 18:26:37', 1, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 102); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (147, 307, 102, '2006-04-26 18:33:28', '2006-04-26 18:33:28', 1, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 102); +INSERT INTO purchase_orders (purchase_order_id, supplier_id, created_by, submitted_date, creation_date, status_id, expected_date, shipping_fee, taxes, payment_date, payment_amount, payment_method, notes, approved_by, approved_date, submitted_by) VALUES (148, 305, 102, '2006-04-26 18:33:52', '2006-04-26 18:33:52', 1, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 102); # 28 records # -# Dumping data for table 'sales_reports' +# Dumping data for table 'purchase_order_details' # -INSERT INTO `sales_reports` (`group_by`, `display`, `title`, `filter_row_source`, `default`) VALUES ('Category', 'Category', 'Sales By Category', 'SELECT DISTINCT [Category] FROM [products] ORDER BY [Category];', 0); -INSERT INTO `sales_reports` (`group_by`, `display`, `title`, `filter_row_source`, `default`) VALUES ('country_region', 'Country/Region', 'Sales By Country', 'SELECT DISTINCT [country_region] FROM [customers Extended] ORDER BY [country_region];', 0); -INSERT INTO `sales_reports` (`group_by`, `display`, `title`, `filter_row_source`, `default`) VALUES ('Customer ID', 'Customer', 'Sales By Customer', 'SELECT DISTINCT [Company] FROM [customers Extended] ORDER BY [Company];', 0); -INSERT INTO `sales_reports` (`group_by`, `display`, `title`, `filter_row_source`, `default`) VALUES ('employee_id', 'Employee', 'Sales By Employee', 'SELECT DISTINCT [Employee Name] FROM [employees Extended] ORDER BY [Employee Name];', 0); -INSERT INTO `sales_reports` (`group_by`, `display`, `title`, `filter_row_source`, `default`) VALUES ('Product ID', 'Product', 'Sales by Product', 'SELECT DISTINCT [Product Name] FROM [products] ORDER BY [Product Name];', 1); -# 5 records +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (238, 90, 1, 40, 14, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 59); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (239, 91, 3, 100, 8, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 54); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (240, 91, 4, 40, 16, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 55); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (241, 91, 5, 40, 16, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 56); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (242, 92, 6, 100, 19, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 40); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (243, 92, 7, 40, 22, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 41); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (244, 92, 8, 40, 30, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 42); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (245, 92, 14, 40, 17, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 43); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (246, 92, 17, 40, 29, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 44); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (247, 92, 19, 20, 7, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 45); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (248, 92, 20, 40, 61, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 46); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (249, 92, 21, 20, 8, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 47); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (250, 90, 34, 60, 10, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 60); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (251, 92, 40, 120, 14, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 48); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (252, 92, 41, 40, 7, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 49); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (253, 90, 43, 100, 34, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 61); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (254, 92, 48, 100, 10, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 50); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (255, 92, 51, 40, 40, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 51); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (256, 93, 52, 100, 5, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 37); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (257, 93, 56, 120, 28, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 38); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (258, 93, 57, 80, 15, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 39); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (259, 91, 65, 40, 16, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 57); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (260, 91, 66, 80, 13, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 58); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (261, 94, 72, 40, 26, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 36); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (262, 92, 74, 20, 8, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 52); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (263, 92, 77, 60, 10, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 53); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (264, 95, 80, 75, 3, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 35); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (265, 90, 81, 125, 2, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 62); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (266, 96, 34, 100, 10, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 82); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (267, 97, 19, 30, 7, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 80); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (268, 98, 41, 200, 7, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 78); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (269, 99, 43, 300, 34, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 76); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (270, 100, 48, 100, 10, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 74); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (271, 101, 81, 200, 2, '2006-01-22 00:00:00', 1, 72); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (272, 102, 43, 300, 34, NULL, 0, NULL); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (273, 103, 19, 10, 7, '2006-04-17 00:00:00', 1, 111); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (274, 104, 41, 50, 7, '2006-04-06 00:00:00', 1, 115); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (275, 105, 57, 100, 15, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 1, 100); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (276, 106, 72, 50, 26, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 1, 113); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (277, 107, 34, 300, 10, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 1, 107); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (278, 108, 8, 25, 30, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 1, 105); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (279, 109, 19, 25, 7, '2006-04-05 00:00:00', 1, 109); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (280, 110, 43, 250, 34, '2006-04-10 00:00:00', 1, 103); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (281, 90, 1, 40, 14, NULL, 0, NULL); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (282, 92, 19, 20, 7, NULL, 0, NULL); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (283, 111, 34, 50, 10, '2006-04-04 00:00:00', 1, 102); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (285, 91, 3, 50, 8, NULL, 0, NULL); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (286, 91, 4, 40, 16, NULL, 0, NULL); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (288, 140, 85, 10, 9, NULL, 0, NULL); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (289, 141, 6, 10, 18.75, NULL, 0, NULL); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (290, 142, 1, 1, 13.5, NULL, 0, NULL); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (292, 146, 20, 40, 60, NULL, 0, NULL); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (293, 146, 51, 40, 39, NULL, 0, NULL); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (294, 147, 40, 120, 13, NULL, 0, NULL); +INSERT INTO purchase_order_details (purchase_order_detail_id, purchase_order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_cost, date_received, posted_to_inventory, inventory_id) VALUES (295, 148, 72, 40, 26, NULL, 0, NULL); +# 55 records # -# Dumping data for table 'shippers' +# Dumping data for table 'sales_reports' # -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (201, 'Shipping Company A', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '123 Any Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (202, 'Shipping Company B', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '123 Any Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (203, 'Shipping Company C', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '123 Any Street', 'Memphis', 'TN', '99999', 'USA', NULL, NULL, ''); -# 3 records -INSERT INTO `shippers` (`partner_id`, ) VALUES (201); -INSERT INTO `shippers` (`partner_id`, ) VALUES (202); -INSERT INTO `shippers` (`partner_id`, ) VALUES (203); +INSERT INTO sales_reports (group_by, display, title, filter_row_source, default_value) VALUES ('Category', 'Category', 'Sales By Category', 'SELECT DISTINCT [Category] FROM [products] ORDER BY [Category];', 0); +INSERT INTO sales_reports (group_by, display, title, filter_row_source, default_value) VALUES ('country_region', 'Country/Region', 'Sales By Country', 'SELECT DISTINCT [country_region] FROM [customers Extended] ORDER BY [country_region];', 0); +INSERT INTO sales_reports (group_by, display, title, filter_row_source, default_value) VALUES ('Customer ID', 'Customer', 'Sales By Customer', 'SELECT DISTINCT [Company] FROM [customers Extended] ORDER BY [Company];', 0); +INSERT INTO sales_reports (group_by, display, title, filter_row_source, default_value) VALUES ('employee_id', 'Employee', 'Sales By Employee', 'SELECT DISTINCT [Employee Name] FROM [employees Extended] ORDER BY [Employee Name];', 0); +INSERT INTO sales_reports (group_by, display, title, filter_row_source, default_value) VALUES ('Product ID', 'Product', 'Sales by Product', 'SELECT DISTINCT [Product Name] FROM [products] ORDER BY [Product Name];', 1); +# 5 records # # Dumping data for table 'strings' # -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (2, 'Northwind Traders'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (3, 'Cannot remove posted inventory!'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (4, 'Back ordered product filled for Order #|'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (5, 'Discounted price below cost!'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (6, 'Insufficient inventory.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (7, 'Insufficient inventory. Do you want to create a purchase order?'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (8, 'Purchase orders were successfully created for | products'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (9, 'There are no products below their respective reorder levels'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (10, 'Must specify customer name!'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (11, 'Restocking will generate purchase orders for all products below desired inventory levels. Do you want to continue?'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (12, 'Cannot create purchase order. No suppliers listed for specified product'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (13, 'Discounted price is below cost!'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (14, 'Do you want to continue?'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (15, 'Order is already invoiced. Do you want to print the invoice?'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (16, 'Order does not contain any line items'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (17, 'Cannot create invoice! Inventory has not been allocated for each specified product.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (18, 'Sorry, there are no sales in the specified time period'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (19, 'Product successfully restocked.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (21, 'Product does not need restocking! Product is already at desired inventory level.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (22, 'Product restocking failed!'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (23, 'Invalid login specified!'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (24, 'Must first select reported!'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (25, 'Changing supplier will remove purchase line items, continue?'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (26, 'Purchase orders were successfully submitted for | products. Do you want to view the restocking report?'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (27, 'There was an error attempting to restock inventory levels.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (28, '| product(s) were successfully restocked. Do you want to view the restocking report?'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (29, 'You cannot remove purchase line items already posted to inventory!'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (30, 'There was an error removing one or more purchase line items.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (31, 'You cannot modify quantity for purchased product already received or posted to inventory.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (32, 'You cannot modify price for purchased product already received or posted to inventory.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (33, 'Product has been successfully posted to inventory.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (34, 'Sorry, product cannot be successfully posted to inventory.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (35, 'There are orders with this product on back order. Would you like to fill them now?'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (36, 'Cannot post product to inventory without specifying received date!'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (37, 'Do you want to post received product to inventory?'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (38, 'Initialize purchase, orders, and inventory data?'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (39, 'Must first specify employee name!'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (40, 'Specified user must be logged in to approve purchase!'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (41, 'Purchase order must contain completed line items before it can be approved'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (42, 'Sorry, you do not have permission to approve purchases.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (43, 'Purchase successfully approved'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (44, 'Purchase cannot be approved'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (45, 'Purchase successfully submitted for approval'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (46, 'Purchase cannot be submitted for approval'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (47, 'Sorry, purchase order does not contain line items'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (48, 'Do you want to cancel this order?'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (49, 'Canceling an order will permanently delete the order. Are you sure you want to cancel?'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (100, 'Your order was successfully canceled.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (101, 'Cannot cancel an order that has items received and posted to inventory.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (102, 'There was an error trying to cancel this order.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (103, 'The invoice for this order has not yet been created.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (104, 'Shipping information is not complete. Please specify all shipping information and try again.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (105, 'Cannot mark as shipped. Order must first be invoiced!'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (106, 'Cannot cancel an order that has already shipped!'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (107, 'Must first specify salesperson!'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (108, 'Order is now marked closed.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (109, 'Order must first be marked shipped before closing.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (110, 'Must first specify payment information!'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (111, 'There was an error attempting to restock inventory levels. | product(s) were successfully restocked.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (112, 'You must supply a Unit Cost.'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (113, 'Fill back ordered product, Order #|'); -INSERT INTO `strings` (`string_id`, `string_data`) VALUES (114, 'Purchase generated based on Order #|'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (2, 'Northwind Traders'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (3, 'Cannot remove posted inventory!'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (4, 'Back ordered product filled for Order #|'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (5, 'Discounted price below cost!'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (6, 'Insufficient inventory.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (7, 'Insufficient inventory. Do you want to create a purchase order?'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (8, 'Purchase orders were successfully created for | products'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (9, 'There are no products below their respective reorder levels'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (10, 'Must specify customer name!'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (11, 'Restocking will generate purchase orders for all products below desired inventory levels. Do you want to continue?'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (12, 'Cannot create purchase order. No suppliers listed for specified product'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (13, 'Discounted price is below cost!'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (14, 'Do you want to continue?'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (15, 'Order is already invoiced. Do you want to print the invoice?'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (16, 'Order does not contain any line items'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (17, 'Cannot create invoice! Inventory has not been allocated for each specified product.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (18, 'Sorry, there are no sales in the specified time period'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (19, 'Product successfully restocked.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (21, 'Product does not need restocking! Product is already at desired inventory level.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (22, 'Product restocking failed!'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (23, 'Invalid login specified!'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (24, 'Must first select reported!'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (25, 'Changing supplier will remove purchase line items, continue?'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (26, 'Purchase orders were successfully submitted for | products. Do you want to view the restocking report?'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (27, 'There was an error attempting to restock inventory levels.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (28, '| product(s) were successfully restocked. Do you want to view the restocking report?'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (29, 'You cannot remove purchase line items already posted to inventory!'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (30, 'There was an error removing one or more purchase line items.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (31, 'You cannot modify quantity for purchased product already received or posted to inventory.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (32, 'You cannot modify price for purchased product already received or posted to inventory.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (33, 'Product has been successfully posted to inventory.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (34, 'Sorry, product cannot be successfully posted to inventory.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (35, 'There are orders with this product on back order. Would you like to fill them now?'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (36, 'Cannot post product to inventory without specifying received date!'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (37, 'Do you want to post received product to inventory?'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (38, 'Initialize purchase, orders, and inventory data?'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (39, 'Must first specify employee name!'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (40, 'Specified user must be logged in to approve purchase!'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (41, 'Purchase order must contain completed line items before it can be approved'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (42, 'Sorry, you do not have permission to approve purchases.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (43, 'Purchase successfully approved'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (44, 'Purchase cannot be approved'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (45, 'Purchase successfully submitted for approval'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (46, 'Purchase cannot be submitted for approval'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (47, 'Sorry, purchase order does not contain line items'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (48, 'Do you want to cancel this order?'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (49, 'Canceling an order will permanently delete the order. Are you sure you want to cancel?'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (100, 'Your order was successfully canceled.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (101, 'Cannot cancel an order that has items received and posted to inventory.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (102, 'There was an error trying to cancel this order.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (103, 'The invoice for this order has not yet been created.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (104, 'Shipping information is not complete. Please specify all shipping information and try again.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (105, 'Cannot mark as shipped. Order must first be invoiced!'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (106, 'Cannot cancel an order that has already shipped!'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (107, 'Must first specify salesperson!'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (108, 'Order is now marked closed.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (109, 'Order must first be marked shipped before closing.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (110, 'Must first specify payment information!'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (111, 'There was an error attempting to restock inventory levels. | product(s) were successfully restocked.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (112, 'You must supply a Unit Cost.'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (113, 'Fill back ordered product, Order #|'); +INSERT INTO strings (string_id, string_data) VALUES (114, 'Purchase generated based on Order #|'); # 62 records -# -# Dumping data for table 'suppliers' -# -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (301, 'Supplier A', 'Andersen', 'Elizabeth A.', NULL, 'Sales Manager', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (302, 'Supplier B', 'Weiler', 'Cornelia', NULL, 'Sales Manager', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (303, 'Supplier C', 'Kelley', 'Madeleine', NULL, 'Sales Representative', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (304, 'Supplier D', 'Sato', 'Naoki', NULL, 'Marketing Manager', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (305, 'Supplier E', 'Hernandez-Echevarria', 'Amaya', NULL, 'Sales Manager', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (306, 'Supplier F', 'Hayakawa', 'Satomi', NULL, 'Marketing Assistant', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (307, 'Supplier G', 'Glasson', 'Stuart', NULL, 'Marketing Manager', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (308, 'Supplier H', 'Dunton', 'Bryn Paul', NULL, 'Sales Representative', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (309, 'Supplier I', 'Sandberg', 'Mikael', NULL, 'Sales Manager', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); -INSERT INTO `business_partners` (`partner_id`, `company`, `last_name`, `first_name`, `email_address`, `job_title`, `business_phone`, `home_phone`, `mobile_phone`, `fax_number`, `address`, `city`, `state_province`, `zip_postal_code`, `country_region`, `web_page`, `notes`, `attachments`) VALUES (310, 'Supplier J', 'Sousa', 'Luis', NULL, 'Sales Manager', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ''); -# 10 records -INSERT INTO `suppliers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (301); -INSERT INTO `suppliers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (302); -INSERT INTO `suppliers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (303); -INSERT INTO `suppliers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (304); -INSERT INTO `suppliers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (305); -INSERT INTO `suppliers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (306); -INSERT INTO `suppliers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (307); -INSERT INTO `suppliers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (308); -INSERT INTO `suppliers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (309); -INSERT INTO `suppliers` (`partner_id`) VALUES (310); - -# -# 'pollute' the data a bit -# - --- Negative Discounts eintragen - --- UPDATE order_details --- SET discount = -FLOOR(RAND()*(20-5+1)+5) WHERE RAND() < 0.1; - --- Doppelte Produkte erzeugen - --- INSERT INTO products --- SELECT --- supplier_ids, --- id + 100 AS NewID, --- product_code, --- product_name, --- description, --- standard_cost, --- list_price, --- reorder_level, --- target_level, --- quantity_per_unit, --- discontinued, --- minimum_reorder_quantity, --- category, --- attachments --- FROM products WHERE RAND() < 0.08; - --- SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS; --- SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS; diff --git a/ERM-Dialekt/Northwind2-Database.sql b/ERM-Dialekt/Northwind2-Database.sql index 3c26ba5..9742bd0 100644 --- a/ERM-Dialekt/Northwind2-Database.sql +++ b/ERM-Dialekt/Northwind2-Database.sql @@ -1,11 +1,13 @@ --- SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0; --- SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; --- SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='TRADITIONAL,ALLOW_INVALID_DATES'; - +-- 16.11.2018 +-- Database Northwind2 +-- +-- Script creates a new database. +-- DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS Northwind2; CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS Northwind2 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1; USE Northwind2; + -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table business_partners -- ----------------------------------------------------- @@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS employees ( -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table privileges -- ----------------------------------------------------- -CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS privileges ( +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS privilege_values ( privilege_id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, privilege_name VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (privilege_id)); @@ -73,7 +75,6 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS employee_privileges ( PRIMARY KEY (employee_id, privilege_id), INDEX employee_id (employee_id ASC), INDEX privilege_id (privilege_id ASC), - INDEX privilege_id_2 (privilege_id ASC), CONSTRAINT fk_employee_privileges_employees1 FOREIGN KEY (employee_id) REFERENCES employees(partner_id) @@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS employee_privileges ( ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT fk_employee_privileges_privileges1 FOREIGN KEY (privilege_id) - REFERENCES privileges(privilege_id) + REFERENCES privilege_values(privilege_id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION); @@ -125,86 +126,81 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS orders_status ( -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table orders -- ----------------------------------------------------- --- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS orders ( --- `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, --- `employee_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `customer_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `order_date` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `shipped_date` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `shipper_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `ship_name` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `ship_address` LONGTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `ship_city` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `ship_state_province` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `ship_zip_postal_code` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `ship_country_region` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `shipping_fee` DECIMAL(19,4) NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', --- `taxes` DECIMAL(19,4) NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', --- `payment_type` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `paid_date` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `notes` LONGTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `tax_rate` DOUBLE NULL DEFAULT '0', --- `tax_status_id` TINYINT(4) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `status_id` TINYINT(4) NULL DEFAULT '0', --- PRIMARY KEY (`id`), --- INDEX `customer_id` (`customer_id` ASC), --- INDEX `customer_id_2` (`customer_id` ASC), --- INDEX `employee_id` (`employee_id` ASC), --- INDEX `employee_id_2` (`employee_id` ASC), --- INDEX `id` (`id` ASC), --- INDEX `id_2` (`id` ASC), --- INDEX `shipper_id` (`shipper_id` ASC), --- INDEX `shipper_id_2` (`shipper_id` ASC), --- INDEX `id_3` (`id` ASC), --- INDEX `tax_status` (`tax_status_id` ASC), --- INDEX `ship_zip_postal_code` (`ship_zip_postal_code` ASC), --- CONSTRAINT `fk_orders_customers` --- FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`customers` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION, --- CONSTRAINT `fk_orders_employees1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`employee_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`employees` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION, --- CONSTRAINT `fk_orders_shippers1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`shipper_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`shippers` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION, --- CONSTRAINT `fk_orders_orders_tax_status1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`tax_status_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`orders_tax_status` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION, --- CONSTRAINT `fk_orders_orders_status1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`status_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`orders_status` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION); + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS orders ( + order_id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + employee_id INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + customer_id INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + order_date DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, + shipped_date DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, + shipper_id INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + ship_name VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + ship_address LONGTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, + ship_city VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + ship_state_province VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + ship_zip_postal_code VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + ship_country_region VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + shipping_fee DECIMAL(19,4) NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', + taxes DECIMAL(19,4) NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', + payment_type VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + paid_date DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, + notes LONGTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, + tax_rate DOUBLE NULL DEFAULT '0', + order_tax_status_id TINYINT(4) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + order_status_id TINYINT(4) NULL DEFAULT '0', + PRIMARY KEY (order_id), + INDEX customer_id (customer_id ASC), + INDEX employee_id (employee_id ASC), + INDEX order_id (order_id ASC), + INDEX shipper_id (shipper_id ASC), + INDEX order_tax_status (order_tax_status_id ASC), + INDEX ship_zip_postal_code (ship_zip_postal_code ASC), + CONSTRAINT fk_orders_customers + FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) + REFERENCES customers(partner_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION, + CONSTRAINT fk_orders_employees1 + FOREIGN KEY (employee_id) + REFERENCES employees(partner_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION, + CONSTRAINT fk_orders_shippers1 + FOREIGN KEY (shipper_id) + REFERENCES shippers(partner_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION, + CONSTRAINT fk_orders_orders_tax_status1 + FOREIGN KEY (order_tax_status_id) + REFERENCES orders_tax_status(order_tax_status_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION, + CONSTRAINT fk_orders_orders_status1 + FOREIGN KEY (order_status_id) + REFERENCES orders_status(order_status_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION); -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table products -- ----------------------------------------------------- --- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS products ( --- `supplier_ids` LONGTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, --- `product_code` VARCHAR(25) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `product_name` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `description` LONGTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `standard_cost` DECIMAL(19,4) NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', --- `list_price` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', --- `reorder_level` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `target_level` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `quantity_per_unit` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `discontinued` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', --- `minimum_reorder_quantity` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `category` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `attachments` LONGBLOB NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- PRIMARY KEY (`id`), --- INDEX `product_code` (`product_code` ASC)); +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS products ( + supplier_ids LONGTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, + product_id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + product_code VARCHAR(25) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + product_name VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + description LONGTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, + standard_cost DECIMAL(19,4) NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', + list_price DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', + reorder_level INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + target_level INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + quantity_per_unit VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + discontinued TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', + minimum_reorder_quantity INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + category VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + attachments LONGBLOB NULL DEFAULT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (product_id), + INDEX product_code (product_code ASC)); -- ----------------------------------------------------- @@ -228,110 +224,104 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS suppliers ( -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table purchase_orders -- ----------------------------------------------------- --- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS purchase_orders ( --- `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, --- `supplier_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `created_by` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `submitted_date` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `creation_date` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `status_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT '0', --- `expected_date` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `shipping_fee` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', --- `taxes` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', --- `payment_date` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `payment_amount` DECIMAL(19,4) NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', --- `payment_method` VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `notes` LONGTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `approved_by` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `approved_date` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `submitted_by` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- PRIMARY KEY (`id`), --- UNIQUE INDEX `id` (`id` ASC), --- INDEX `created_by` (`created_by` ASC), --- INDEX `status_id` (`status_id` ASC), --- INDEX `id_2` (`id` ASC), --- INDEX `supplier_id` (`supplier_id` ASC), --- INDEX `supplier_id_2` (`supplier_id` ASC), --- CONSTRAINT `fk_purchase_orders_employees1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`created_by`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`employees` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION, --- CONSTRAINT `fk_purchase_orders_purchase_order_status1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`status_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`purchase_order_status` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION, --- CONSTRAINT `fk_purchase_orders_suppliers1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`supplier_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`suppliers` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION); +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS purchase_orders ( + purchase_order_id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + supplier_id INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + created_by INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, -- employees + submitted_date DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, + creation_date DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, + status_id INT(11) NULL DEFAULT '0', + expected_date DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, + shipping_fee DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', + taxes DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', + payment_date DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, + payment_amount DECIMAL(19,4) NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', + payment_method VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + notes LONGTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, + approved_by INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + approved_date DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, + submitted_by INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (purchase_order_id), + UNIQUE INDEX purchase_order_id (purchase_order_id ASC), + INDEX created_by (created_by ASC), + INDEX status_id (status_id ASC), + INDEX supplier_id (supplier_id ASC), + CONSTRAINT fk_purchase_orders_employees1 + FOREIGN KEY (created_by) + REFERENCES employees(partner_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION, + CONSTRAINT fk_purchase_orders_purchase_order_status1 + FOREIGN KEY (status_id) + REFERENCES purchase_order_status(purchase_order_status_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION, + CONSTRAINT fk_purchase_orders_suppliers1 + FOREIGN KEY (supplier_id) + REFERENCES suppliers(partner_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION); -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table inventory_transactions -- ----------------------------------------------------- --- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS inventory_transactions ( --- `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, --- `transaction_type` TINYINT(4) NOT NULL, --- `transaction_created_date` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `transaction_modified_date` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `product_id` INT(11) NOT NULL, --- `quantity` INT(11) NOT NULL, --- `purchase_order_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `customer_order_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `comments` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- PRIMARY KEY (`id`), --- INDEX `customer_order_id` (`customer_order_id` ASC), --- INDEX `customer_order_id_2` (`customer_order_id` ASC), --- INDEX `product_id` (`product_id` ASC), --- INDEX `product_id_2` (`product_id` ASC), --- INDEX `purchase_order_id` (`purchase_order_id` ASC), --- INDEX `purchase_order_id_2` (`purchase_order_id` ASC), --- INDEX `transaction_type` (`transaction_type` ASC), --- CONSTRAINT `fk_inventory_transactions_orders1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`customer_order_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`orders` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION, --- CONSTRAINT `fk_inventory_transactions_products1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`products` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION, --- CONSTRAINT `fk_inventory_transactions_purchase_orders1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`purchase_order_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`purchase_orders` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION, --- CONSTRAINT `fk_inventory_transactions_inventory_transaction_types1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`transaction_type`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`inventory_transaction_types` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION); +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS inventory_transactions ( + inventory_transaction_id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + inventory_transaction_type_id TINYINT(4) NOT NULL, + transaction_created_date DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, + transaction_modified_date DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, + product_id INT(11) NOT NULL, + quantity INT(11) NOT NULL, + purchase_order_id INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + customer_order_id INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + comments VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (inventory_transaction_id), + INDEX customer_order_id (customer_order_id ASC), + INDEX product_id (product_id ASC), + INDEX purchase_order_id (purchase_order_id ASC), + INDEX inventory_transaction_type_id (inventory_transaction_type_id ASC), + CONSTRAINT fk_inventory_transactions_orders1 + FOREIGN KEY (customer_order_id) + REFERENCES orders(order_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION, + CONSTRAINT fk_inventory_transactions_products1 + FOREIGN KEY (product_id) + REFERENCES products(product_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION, + CONSTRAINT fk_inventory_transactions_purchase_orders1 + FOREIGN KEY (purchase_order_id) + REFERENCES purchase_orders(purchase_order_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION, + CONSTRAINT fk_inventory_transactions_inventory_transaction_types1 + FOREIGN KEY (inventory_transaction_type_id) + REFERENCES inventory_transaction_types(inventory_transaction_type_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION); -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table invoices -- ----------------------------------------------------- --- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS invoices ( --- `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, --- `order_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `invoice_date` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `due_date` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `tax` DECIMAL(19,4) NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', --- `shipping` DECIMAL(19,4) NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', --- `amount_due` DECIMAL(19,4) NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', --- PRIMARY KEY (`id`), --- INDEX `id` (`id` ASC), --- INDEX `id_2` (`id` ASC), --- INDEX `fk_invoices_orders1_idx` (`order_id` ASC), --- CONSTRAINT `fk_invoices_orders1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`order_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`orders` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION); +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS invoices ( + invoice_id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + order_id INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + invoice_date DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, + due_date DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, + tax DECIMAL(19,4) NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', + shipping DECIMAL(19,4) NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', + amount_due DECIMAL(19,4) NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', + PRIMARY KEY (invoice_id), + INDEX invoice_id (invoice_id ASC), + INDEX fk_invoices_orders1_idx (order_id ASC), + CONSTRAINT fk_invoices_orders1 + FOREIGN KEY (order_id) + REFERENCES orders(order_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION); -- ----------------------------------------------------- @@ -346,81 +336,73 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS order_details_status ( -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table order_details -- ----------------------------------------------------- --- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS order_details ( --- `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, --- `order_id` INT(11) NOT NULL, --- `product_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `quantity` DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', --- `unit_price` DECIMAL(19,4) NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', --- `discount` DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', --- `status_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `date_allocated` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `purchase_order_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `inventory_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- PRIMARY KEY (`id`), --- INDEX `id` (`id` ASC), --- INDEX `inventory_id` (`inventory_id` ASC), --- INDEX `id_2` (`id` ASC), --- INDEX `id_3` (`id` ASC), --- INDEX `id_4` (`id` ASC), --- INDEX `product_id` (`product_id` ASC), --- INDEX `product_id_2` (`product_id` ASC), --- INDEX `purchase_order_id` (`purchase_order_id` ASC), --- INDEX `id_5` (`id` ASC), --- INDEX `fk_order_details_orders1_idx` (`order_id` ASC), --- INDEX `fk_order_details_order_details_status1_idx` (`status_id` ASC), --- CONSTRAINT `fk_order_details_orders1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`order_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`orders` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION, --- CONSTRAINT `fk_order_details_products1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`products` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION, --- CONSTRAINT `fk_order_details_order_details_status1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`status_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`order_details_status` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION); +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS order_details ( + order_details_id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + order_id INT(11) NOT NULL, + product_id INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + quantity DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', + unit_price DECIMAL(19,4) NULL DEFAULT '0.0000', + discount DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', + status_id INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + date_allocated DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, + purchase_order_id INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + inventory_id INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (order_details_id), + INDEX order_details_id (order_details_id ASC), + INDEX inventory_id (inventory_id ASC), + INDEX product_id (product_id ASC), + INDEX purchase_order_id (purchase_order_id ASC), + INDEX fk_order_details_orders1_idx (order_id ASC), + INDEX fk_order_details_order_details_status1_idx (status_id ASC), + CONSTRAINT fk_order_details_orders1 + FOREIGN KEY (order_id) + REFERENCES orders(order_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION, + CONSTRAINT fk_order_details_products1 + FOREIGN KEY (product_id) + REFERENCES products(product_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION, + CONSTRAINT fk_order_details_order_details_status1 + FOREIGN KEY (status_id) + REFERENCES order_details_status(order_details_status_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION); -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- Table purchase_order_details -- ----------------------------------------------------- --- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS purchase_order_details ( --- `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, --- `purchase_order_id` INT(11) NOT NULL, --- `product_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `quantity` DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL, --- `unit_cost` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, --- `date_received` DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- `posted_to_inventory` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', --- `inventory_id` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, --- PRIMARY KEY (`id`), --- INDEX `id` (`id` ASC), --- INDEX `inventory_id` (`inventory_id` ASC), --- INDEX `inventory_id_2` (`inventory_id` ASC), --- INDEX `purchase_order_id` (`purchase_order_id` ASC), --- INDEX `product_id` (`product_id` ASC), --- INDEX `product_id_2` (`product_id` ASC), --- INDEX `purchase_order_id_2` (`purchase_order_id` ASC), --- CONSTRAINT `fk_purchase_order_details_inventory_transactions1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`inventory_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`inventory_transactions` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION, --- CONSTRAINT `fk_purchase_order_details_products1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`product_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`products` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION, --- CONSTRAINT `fk_purchase_order_details_purchase_orders1` --- FOREIGN KEY (`purchase_order_id`) --- REFERENCES `northwind`.`purchase_orders` (`id`) --- ON DELETE NO ACTION --- ON UPDATE NO ACTION); +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS purchase_order_details ( + purchase_order_detail_id INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, + purchase_order_id INT(11) NOT NULL, + product_id INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + quantity DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL, + unit_cost DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, + date_received DATETIME NULL DEFAULT NULL, + posted_to_inventory TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', + inventory_id INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL, + PRIMARY KEY (purchase_order_detail_id), + INDEX purchase_order_detail_id (purchase_order_detail_id ASC), + INDEX inventory_id (inventory_id ASC), + INDEX purchase_order_id (purchase_order_id ASC), + INDEX product_id (product_id ASC), + CONSTRAINT fk_purchase_order_details_inventory_transactions1 + FOREIGN KEY (inventory_id) + REFERENCES inventory_transactions(inventory_transaction_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION, + CONSTRAINT fk_purchase_order_details_products1 + FOREIGN KEY (product_id) + REFERENCES products(product_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION, + CONSTRAINT fk_purchase_order_details_purchase_orders1 + FOREIGN KEY (purchase_order_id) + REFERENCES purchase_orders(purchase_order_id) + ON DELETE NO ACTION + ON UPDATE NO ACTION); -- ----------------------------------------------------- @@ -431,7 +413,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sales_reports ( display VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, title VARCHAR(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL, filter_row_source LONGTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, - default TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', + default_value TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (group_by)); @@ -443,7 +425,3 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS strings ( string_data VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (string_id)); - --- SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE; --- SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS; --- SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS;