Lightweight scroll controller library for React.js
- Basic usage : for wrapping items and return callback function to update the items kindly note all update props and state managed by the user
- Invert functionality : which allows you to scroll from bottom to top and vice versa
- Async : use this in case you have an endpoint that relies on pagination, it will handle everything for you
npm install --save @tamkeentech/react-infinite-scroll
Basic usage : Demo
All you need to do is to import the component and provide the minimum props as following
import React from 'react';
import InfiniteScroll from '@tamkeentech/react-infinite-scroll';
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
isLoading: false,
count: 0,
data: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
onLimitReached = () => {
// your logic goes here
// update isLoading, count and data
render() {
const { isLoading, data, count } = this.state;
return (
// The minimum required props
isDataFinished={count === 5}
scrollThreshold={.1} // not required see props section
render={() =>, i) => (
<div key={i} style={{ height: 50, border: '1px solid red', marginBottom: 10 }}>
export default App;
Async usage : Demo
All you need to do is to provide the async object with the configuration that suits you but you have to know that if you didn't provide the request url the component will handle it as the previous [ Basic usage ]
Also in this case you will receive an object as a parameter for the render prop that holds the pagination status which consists of isLoading, data, error
import React from 'react';
import InfiniteScroll from '@tamkeentech/react-infinite-scroll';
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
// The minimum required props
// axios configs
configs: {
url: 'your endpoint',
// optional props
dataTargetKey: '...',
totalCountProp: '...',
pageSizeProp: '...',
pageSize: 80,
page: 1,
scrollThreshold={.1} // not required see props section
render={(response) =>, i) => (
<div key={i} style={{ height: 50, border: '1px solid red', marginBottom: 10 }}>
export default App;
Shared Props
name | type | defaultValue | description |
height | string, number | 100vh | height of the scrollable container |
className | any | '' | wrapper className |
scrollThreshold | number 0 to 1 | 0.2 | calculate the distance in which you will fetch the data see Notes section to know it's calculated |
inverse | boolean | false | To make scroll from bottom to top and viceversa |
enableLoader | boolean | true | To show the loader or hide it |
loader | React.Component | 'isLoading....' | Loader indicator |
debug | boolean | false | used to log the state, props, api call(success, error, distance at which the onScroll callback will work again, and more) |
render | function | () {} | function that returns the children |
Basic usage Props
name | type | defaultValue | Required | description |
isLoading | boolean | false | true | To show the loader when the limit reached while there is feaching in progress, to avoid infinite loop of fetching data as well |
isDataFinished | boolean | false | true | To control wheather there is a data to fetch or not, if true -----> onLimitReached() will not be called |
onLimitReached | function | () {} | true | will be fired when isDataFinished = false and scrollOffsetBottom < calculated scrollLimit based on scrollThreshold |
Async usage Props
name | type | defaultValue | description |
async | object | {} | It used for advanced usage when ur data and pagination relies on the server see the below props to know what you have to provide |
async object props
name | type | defaultValue | Required | description |
configs | object | axios configs | true | axios request configs like (method, headers, bearer, ...etc), you have to provide url prop in it otherwise the component will fallback to Basic usage state |
dataTargetKey | string | 'items' | false | Key to target the data from response in order to iterate over |
totalCountProp | string | 'totalCount' | false | total items from server in order to calculate isDataFinished automatically |
pageProp | string | 'page' | false | page prop to send it as a query like, endpoint?page=3 |
pageSizeProp | string | 'pageSize' | false | page size prop to send it as a query like, endpoint?page=3&pageSize=20 |
page | number | 0 | false | initial request page, sometimes it starts from 0 or 1, it depends on your endpoint configuration |
pageSize | number | 20 | false | number of rows you need per request or per page |
- In case of Async the render(response) will receive an object as a parameter that holds isLoading, data, error
- Distance of scroll from the end calculated based on scrollThreshold as the following
const scrollThreshold = 0.2;
const wrapperScrollHeight = 1000; // the height of the content in the wrapper including the hidden elements
return scrollThreshold * wrapperScrollHeight; // 200px from the end of scrolling