- Razorgore the Untamed
- Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
- Halls of Strife
- Suppression Room
- Broodlord Lashlayer
- Firemaw
- Ebonroc
- Flamegor
- Chromaggus
- Nefarian
450k Health 4+ Tanks
Split raid into 4 dps teams and assign to a corner. Healers/Ranged in the middle
- Kill the orcs (caster first since he mind controls).
- Tank(ideal) or hunter or rogue use the orb to control Razorgore
- Kill everything
- Blackwing Mage (4.5k) - Fireball & Arcane explosion
- Blackwing Legionnaire (4.5k) - Cleave
- Death Talon Dragonspawn (24k) - Cleave
- Tank razorgore in front of platform (2 tanks required due to conflag).
- Ranged move behind pillars near entrance.
- Hide behind pillar to avoid AoE fireball volley.
- Polymorph (magic) in phase 0.
- Fire resistance
- Watch threat in phase 3
992k (of 3.3m)
- 4 Tanks (315 Fire Resist)
3 minute burn.
- First tank builds initial threat
- Burning adrenaline - 100% damage bonus/instant casts. 5% health lost per second, 5k aoe bomb on death.
- 15 second interval = Caster -> Caster -> Tank -> repeat
- After 45 seconds the tank will get Burning adrenaline. Next tank on threat moves into tank position and healers swap to that tank. Prior tank dies in place.
- Casters run out of group to pillar.
- Fire resistance
- Essence of the red(3 minute buff) - Instant mana/rage/energy regen.
- Fire nova - 600 damage aoe.
- Flame breath - 4k cone 1k/s dot for 15s.
- Cleave - Chains up to 10 yards.
- Tail swipe
- 2 Tanks
- 2 Druids
- 3 Hunters
2 Packs of 7 mobs.
- 2 Death Talon Flamescale (64k) - Tank
- Charge Knockback.
- 1 Death Talon Captain (120k) - Hunter kites
- Buffs nearby adds.
- Fire bomb (dispellable)
- 2 Death Talon Seether (56k) - Hunter Kites
- Enrages (tranq)
- 2 Death Talon Wyrmkin (54k) - Druids Hibernate spam (only ones with mana)
- Fireball Volley.
- 3 Tanks (2 fire resist, 1 aoe)
- 3 Sheep targets
- 1 Hunter pulling
- Rogues rotate to disarm suppression devices (-20% move/cast debuff).
- Pull mobs when solo in a lane.
- Tank dragonkin away from raid.
- Aoe tank holds whelps until a break is needed.
- Sheep taskmasters, kill 1 at a time, interrupt the heal.
- Death Talon hatchers (54k hp, 20 minute spawn) - Stacking aoe(15 yard) fire dot and flamestrike
- Blackwing Taskmaster (48k hp, 20 minute spawn) - Healing circle and shadow shock
- Corrupted Whelp - (4.5k hp)
454k Health
- 2+ Tanks
- Position Broodlord on right of doorway.
- Ranged/healers on left of doorway.
- Manage threat.
- Cleave
- Blast Wave
- Mortal Strike - 50% reduced healing. Immediately power word:shield.
- Knock Away - Knockback and 50% Threat drop.
- Blackwing Technicians (7.5k hp) - Bomb and Bottle of Poison (stacking poison)
- Blackwing Spellbinders (56k hp) - Immune to magic. Cast Flamestrike and Polymorph.
- Blackwing Warlock (54k hp) - Summons Demons, Rain of fire, Shadowbolts. (banish the demons)
- Death Talon Overseer (80k) - Cleave and Fire Blast
500k Health
- 3 Tanks
- Melee wear ony scale cloak.
- LoS the Flame Buffet to let it reset.
- Off tank taunts to take Wing Buffet.
- Flame Buffet - Stacking fire debuff - Increases fire damage taken.
- Wing Buffet - Knockback/Cone threat drop.
- Shadow Flame - 5k Shadow damage.
- Fire resistance
- Shadow resistance
500k Health
- 3 Tanks
- Melee wear ony scale cloak.
- Off tank taunts when MT has Shadow of Ebonroc.
- Shadow of Ebonroc - Debuff on tank that heals Ebonroc
- Wing Buffet - Knockback/Cone threat drop.
- Shadow Flame - 5k Shadow damage.
- Fire resistance
- Shadow resistance
500k Health
- 3 Tanks
- Melee wear ony scale cloak.
- Off tank taunts to take Wing Buffet.
- Frenzy - Debuff on tank that heals Ebonroc.
- Wing Buffet - Knockback/Cone threat drop.
- Shadow Flame - 5k Shadow damage.
- Fire resistance
- Shadow resistance
744k Health. 1 - Tank
- Split melee and casters.
- Decurse/dispel/cleanse everything.
- Frenzy every 10-15 seconds (tranq shot)
- Enrage at 20%
- Incinerate - 4k Fire damage
- Corrosive Acid - 1k Nature/3s for 15 seconds. 5k reduced armor
- Blue - 80% Attack speed reduction.
- Ignite Flesh - 750 Fire/3seconds for 60 seconds. Can stack
- Time Lapse - 6 Second Stun, reduces threat.
- Red - 50 fire damage /3s. Heals Chromag on death.
- Green - Healing reduced 50%, 250 Nature Damage / 5s.
- Blue - Move/cast slowed. 50 mana/s drained.
- Black - 100% increased fire damage taken.
- Bronze - 4s Stun at random intervals (lasts 10 minutes).
- Fire resistance
- Shadow resistance
- 4 Tanks
Split raid in half. One per dragon door. Designate "nef landing team" consisting of tank, decurser(usually resto druid), and 2 healers.
- Split raid in half.
- Red: Use ranged. (Resists fire. Deals fire damage in a cone.)
- Bronze: Use ranged. (Resists arcane. Also lowers casting and attack speed.)
- Blue: Use non-mana. (Resists frost. Drains mana and reduces attack speed.)
- Green: Use any. (Resists nature. Also casts a stun.)
- Black: Use non-warlock (Resists shadow and fire. Deals direct (strong) fire damage.)
- Fear ward tank
- IMMEDIATELY decurse tank
- Split raid in half.
- Mana users will randomly get burning adrenaline. Move to
All dragonoids respawn as undead.
- Fire resistance