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Structures π°
Cell Maze
Cell Maze structure can be found throughout the dimension just above sealevel and is easily located by right clicking the air with a Honey Compass that does not have the enchanted glint look. This structure is filled with many of Bumblezone's blocks and items along with tons of loot-filled Honey Cocoon blocks! Hidden in this structure are new bee armor with special effect!
If you enter the structure without Protection of the Hive effect on or you have not yet consumed an Essence of the Bees in the past, then the structure will inflict Wrath of the Hive effect on you. Gotta keep feeding bees and brood blocks to keep the protection effect on!
Hidden in the Honey Cocoon block in Cell Maze structure is a special Honey Compass that can locate the closest Throne Pillar structure! This special compass will have the name "Honey Compass - Throne Pillar!" The Honey Cocoons usually have a very low chance of having this special compass except for the armor stand rooms which makes the cocoons have a fairly decent chance of having the compass. (In 1.20+, the center room of Cell maze always has a Throne Compass 100% of the time)
Some mob spawners in this structure might be set to spawn certain other mobs from other mods if they are on! You can see what non-vanilla mob the spawners have a low chance of spawning here: https://github.com/TelepathicGrunt/Bumblezone/blob/1.19.4-Arch/common/src/main/resources/data/the_bumblezone/tags/entity_types/structure_spawner_mobs/cell_maze_rare_spawner_type.json
Note: The Honey Cocoons in this structure has chances of spawning any
tagged item. Flowers you don't want to spawn in these Honey Cocoon such as modded flowers that doesn't really work as loot can be disallowed by adding them to this item tag (This is already set to disallow Botania's Special flowers):the_bumblezone:structures/disallowed_flowers_in_cocoon_loot
Throne Pillar
Throne Pillar structure spawns rarely throughout the dimension but can be located with a special Honey Compass you find in Cell maze structure. This special compass will have the name "Honey Compass - Throne Pillar!"
Within this Throne Pillar structure is a Bee Queen! Ready to do the pleasure of trading with you!
Entering this structure while being near a Bee Queen will give you Mining fatigue unless you consumed an Essence of the Bees.
Note: The Honey Cocoons in this structure has chances of spawning any
tagged item. Flowers you don't want to spawn in these Honey Cocoon such as modded flowers that doesn't really work as loot can be disallowed by adding them to this item tag (This is already set to disallow Botania's Special flowers):the_bumblezone:structures/disallowed_flowers_in_cocoon_loot
(1.20+) Sempiternal Sanctums
A massive endgame structure that comes in 6 colors of red, yellow, green, blue, purple, and white! It is best to only enter this structure after you beaten the Queen's Desire advancement line from the Bee Queen and had consumed the Essence of the Bees.
Players who enter this structure too early will get an incredibly strong Mining Fatigue and will receive greater damage from Sentry Watchers in the structure. These players will also be unabled to trigger the endgame events at heart of structure.
For players who had consumed Essence of the Bees, they will be able to enter more safely and can trigger the endgame events.
At the top of the structure is a garden full of Rootmins on patrol. Flowers matching the structure's color will be spawned. Upon entering the hole in the center, the player can navigate a deadly maze full of Sentry Watchers and collect great loot!
But if the player manages to find their way into the center heart of the structure, they will find a awesome room with a colorful Essence Block in the center of the structure's color. Touching this Essence Block will trigger an arena event! Each sanctum has a different event and a different endgame reward item for beating said event. The events can be very difficult so come prepared!
By default, these events can be repeated after winning. Set repeatableEssenceEvents to false in config to disable being able to repeat the event after winning.
The endgame items that can be obtained from each sanctum are (See their entry in Item section for more info on them):
Essence of Raging (red)
Essence of Radiance (yellow)
Essence of Life (green)
Essence of Calming (blue)
Essence of Knowing (purple)
Essence of Continuity (white)
For the Blue Sanctum arena, you can modify the
item tag to make the Drowned enemies spawn with more or less kinds of mini loot items in their hands!
Hanging Garden
Hanging Gardens can be found throughout Bumblezone hanging around y = 128. These are a large structure that you can't miss when looking up! Some other structures might have a compass to this structure so keep your eyes peeled!
The garden is made of several platforms filled with flowers and some birch trees. In the center of the large platforms is Crystalline Flower block. This structure has a large number of these Crystalline Flowers so leave some for friends to find and collect too!
You may also find modded flowers spawning in this garden too! Most of the modded flowers are from the
block tags. Sometimes you may even find modded leaves and logs in this structure! The tags that controls what blocks to use for the structure are:
the_bumblezone:hanging_garden/forced_disallowed_logsHanging Garden will also spawn some extra bug mobs from other mods! Such as butterflies, snails, fireflies, or other small cute bug. This controlled by a entity tag called: the_bumblezone:hanging_gardens/initial_spawn_entities which you can use a datapack to add more mobs to!
Battle Cubes
Beware, this structure has become infested by spiders heavily to the point it is now a nest! But hidden through inside is decent loot! And if you are lucky, you might find a Throne Compass to a Throne Pillar structure!
Only found along sealevel in open spaces. Some other structures might have a compass to this structure!
Some mob spawners in this structure might be set to spawn certain other mobs from other mods if they are on! You can see what non-vanilla mob the spawners have a low chance of spawning here: https://github.com/TelepathicGrunt/Bumblezone/blob/1.19.4-Arch/common/src/main/resources/data/the_bumblezone/tags/entity_types/structure_spawner_mobs/battle_cubes_rare_spawner_type.json
(1.20+) Has hidden Endermites in it somewhere...
Need a rest? Come by this tall bee hotel! Inside you will find many bees enjoying their stay at this fancy hotel. If you ruffle through their belongings, you might get lucky and find a Throne Compass to a Throne Pillar structure!
Only found along sealevel in open spaces. Some other structures might have a compass to this structure!
Has only 2 Crystalline Flowers on top floor.
Spawns mainly red flowers. You may also find modded red flowers spawning in this structure too! The tags that controls what red flowers to spawn for the structure are:
the_bumblezone:honitel/forced_disallowed_flowersNote: The Honey Cocoons in this structure has chances of spawning any
tagged item. Flowers you don't want to spawn in these Honey Cocoon such as modded flowers that doesn't really work as loot can be disallowed by adding them to this item tag (This is already set to disallow Botania's Special flowers):the_bumblezone:structures/disallowed_flowers_in_cocoon_loot
Overgrown Flower
A very pretty but giant flower made of Glistering Honey Crystals with some honey fluid in the center. On the tips of the petals is a Crystalline Flower for a total of 8! Begin your RNG-free enchanting journey here!
Only found in large Crystal Canyon areas. Some other structures might have a compass to this structure!
(1.20+) Subway
Even bees need a speedy route to work! Explore this massive tunnel made of concrete and glass for lots of loot and to get to places faster!
The loot is both rubbish and treasures left behind from all the travelers that has gone through this subway. Can you fight against the windy airflow to find everything?
(1.20+) Ancient Hoops
Many old decaying pillars of wax with hoops at their ends that magically pulls air through! Their purpose has been lost to time...
Some loot can be found at the top of the pillars but not much remains after all this time.
(1.20+) Ancient Shrine
A large flower-shaped temple filled with pollen to the brims!
Take a brush to this structure and see what the past residents left behind of their faith!
(1.20+) Slime Ranch
A Shepherd Villager got trapped in the Bumblezone dimension and made a living here instead!
Stop by for some honey from the villager's Honey Slimes and do some trading! Might even find a diary hidden somewhere...
Hive Temple
A small common structure that spawns throughout Bumblezone! Though its small size makes it difficult to actually find. In it, you will find some Honey Slimes hopping around and a few low-loot Honey Cocoons. The cocoons may have a Honey Compass pointing to a mystery structure nearby. Or might have a map!
Note: The Honey Cocoons in this structure has chances of spawning any
tagged item. Flowers you don't want to spawn in these Honey Cocoon such as modded flowers that doesn't really work as loot can be disallowed by adding them to this item tag (This is already set to disallow Botania's Special flowers):the_bumblezone:structures/disallowed_flowers_in_cocoon_loot
Pollinated Streams
A common structure that spawns on the surface of Pollinated Fields and Pollinated Pillar biomes. It is a raised platform of small pollen-filled tunnels with flowing Sugar Water. Rarely it may have a Cave Spider spawner pieces. Otherwise, nothing too crazy and mainly just a small pretty decor structure.
Some mob spawners in this structure might be set to spawn certain other mobs from other mods if they are on! You can see what non-vanilla mob the spawners have a low chance of spawning here: https://github.com/TelepathicGrunt/Bumblezone/blob/1.19.4-Arch/common/src/main/resources/data/the_bumblezone/tags/entity_types/structure_spawner_mobs/pollinated_stream_rare_spawner_type.json
Bee House
A cute bee shaped house of wool with a bee resident inside. The bee even has a bed and crafting table for the tired travelers. Stop by and say hi!
Note: The Honey Cocoons in this structure has chances of spawning any
tagged item. Flowers you don't want to spawn in these Honey Cocoon such as modded flowers that doesn't really work as loot can be disallowed by adding them to this item tag (This is already set to disallow Botania's Special flowers):the_bumblezone:structures/disallowed_flowers_in_cocoon_loot
Candle Parkour
- Uncommon but a neat structure where you can put your parkour skills to the test and a get a small bit of loot! Found along sea level of the dimension.
Stinger Spear Shrine
- A tiny shrine with a collectable Stinger Spear in center that has a tiny bit of lore. Also has Smite 5 enchantment!
Ice Monolith
A strange oddity in this hive dimension. 3 bees and 3 Beehemoths are trapped frozen in ice! Free them!
(1.20+) Some Ice Monoliths might contain Endermites and Phantoms trapped inside instead!
Pirate Ship
ARRR!!! Hijack this ship and collect the loot! The bees here all have pirate names. Some real names. Some fictional names from a popular pirate movie. But in the captain's quarters, you'll find they have a very nice small stash of gold! And in the belly of the ship is a Honey Compass that points to another structure!
Can only be found in the Sugar Water Canal biome
Dance Floor
- A tiny stage ready for some grooving to happen! You will usually find Bumblezone exclusive Music Disc next to a Jukebox on the DJ platform. Sometime a different mod's Music Disc might spawn. And don't forget to check out the wardrobe behind you for a good costume to wear during the party! Search
in JEI, REI, and EMI to see all Music Discs that can spawn in Dance Floor structure in-game!
Cannon Range
- Scattered rarely around sealevel for the dimension, you may stumble across this range for testing your aim with the Crystal Cannon or Bow with Stingers ammo. If your aim is true, you might get a nice small surprise!
Honey Fountain
Make a wish for this small fountain that spawns around sealevel for the dimension! Peer into the fountain and you might see something shine!
Has a hidden Crystalline Flower in it.
Honey Cave Room
A difficult to find but common tiny structure that spawns in all Bumblezone biomes. It is a medium sized cave-like room with 2 Beehemoths in it, some Honey Cocoons, and some Honey Fluid. Otherwise, nothing too crazy and mainly just a hidden small decor structure.
Note: The Honey Cocoons in this structure has chances of spawning any
tagged item. Flowers you don't want to spawn in these Honey Cocoon such as modded flowers that doesn't really work as loot can be disallowed by adding them to this item tag (This is already set to disallow Botania's Special flowers):the_bumblezone:structures/disallowed_flowers_in_cocoon_loot
Bee Dungeons
Not technically a structure (it is a feature like vanilla dungeons) but can be found in caves throughout Bumblezone
They are filled with Honey Crystal Blocks, Sugar Water, and lit Candles! It also has lots of Honeycomb Brood Blocks and may have a Honey Cocoon block with items inside!
Note: The Honey Cocoons in this structure has chances of spawning any
tagged item. Flowers you don't want to spawn in these Honey Cocoon such as modded flowers that doesn't really work as loot can be disallowed by adding them to this item tag (This is already set to disallow Botania's Special flowers):the_bumblezone:structures/disallowed_flowers_in_cocoon_loot
Spider Infested Bee Dungeons
Not technically a structure (it is a feature like vanilla dungeons) but can rarely be found in caves throughout Bumblezone. Much harder to find that regular Bee Dungeons
They are filled with Honey Crystal Blocks, unlit Candles, Empty Honeycomb Brood Blocks, Cobwebs, Spider Spawner, and Cave Spider Spawners. Also may have a Honey Cocoon block with items inside. These dungeons can make a great XP, Spider Eyes, and String farm!
Some mob spawners in this feature might be set to spawn certain other mobs from other mods if they are on! You can see what non-vanilla mob the spawners have a low chance of spawning here: https://github.com/TelepathicGrunt/Bumblezone/blob/1.19.4-Arch/common/src/main/resources/data/the_bumblezone/tags/entity_types/structure_spawner_mobs/spider_infested_bee_dungeon_rare_spawner_type.json
(1.20+) Floaters
Not technically a structure (it is a feature like vanilla dungeons) but can rarely be found floating in mid-air throughout Bumblezone or crashed in the ground. However, they spawn crazy dense in Howling Constructs biome!
Intact floating discs comes in a varianty of colors for its Luminescent Wax blocks and might also have a Honey Cocoon in the center with a tiny bit of loot. Crashed ones never have any loot.
However magical these Floaters might seem, their history is even more mysterious...