CustomResourceDefinition (CRD) is a detailed description of the kind of data and the format used to define a Telemetry module instance. To get the current CRD and show the output in the YAML format, run this command:
kubectl get crd -o yaml
The following Telemetry object defines a module`:
kind: Telemetry
name: default
namespace: kyma-system
generation: 2
type: Static
replicas: 3
type: Static
replicas: 4
state: Ready
grpc: http://telemetry-otlp-traces.kyma-system:4317
http: http://telemetry-otlp-traces.kyma-system:4318
grpc: http://telemetry-otlp-metrics.kyma-system:4317
http: http://telemetry-otlp-metrics.kyma-system:4318
- lastTransitionTime: "2023-09-01T15:28:28Z"
message: All log components are running
observedGeneration: 2
reason: ComponentsRunning
status: "True"
type: LogComponentsHealthy
- lastTransitionTime: "2023-09-01T15:46:59Z"
message: All metric components are running
observedGeneration: 2
reason: ComponentsRunning
status: "True"
type: MetricComponentsHealthy
- lastTransitionTime: "2023-09-01T15:35:38Z"
message: All trace components are running
observedGeneration: 2
reason: ComponentsRunning
status: "True"
type: TraceComponentsHealthy
For further examples, see the samples directory.
For details, see the Telemetry specification file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
metric | object | MetricSpec defines the behavior of the metric gateway |
metric.gateway | object | |
metric.gateway.scaling | object | Scaling defines which strategy is used for scaling the gateway, with detailed configuration options for each strategy type. |
metric.gateway.scaling.static | object | Static is a scaling strategy enabling you to define a custom amount of replicas to be used for the gateway. Present only if Type = StaticScalingStrategyType. |
metric.gateway.scaling.static.replicas | integer | Replicas defines a static number of pods to run the gateway. Minimum is 1. |
metric.gateway.scaling.type | string | Type of scaling strategy. Default is none, using a fixed amount of replicas. |
trace | object | TraceSpec defines the behavior of the trace gateway |
trace.gateway | object | |
trace.gateway.scaling | object | Scaling defines which strategy is used for scaling the gateway, with detailed configuration options for each strategy type. |
trace.gateway.scaling.static | object | Static is a scaling strategy enabling you to define a custom amount of replicas to be used for the gateway. Present only if Type = StaticScalingStrategyType. |
trace.gateway.scaling.static.replicas | integer | Replicas defines a static number of pods to run the gateway. Minimum is 1. |
trace.gateway.scaling.type | string | Type of scaling strategy. Default is none, using a fixed amount of replicas. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
conditions | []object | Conditions contain a set of conditionals to determine the State of Status. If all Conditions are met, State is expected to be in StateReady. |
conditions.lastTransitionTime (required) | string | lastTransitionTime is the last time the condition transitioned from one status to another. This should be when the underlying condition changed. If that is not known, then using the time when the API field changed is acceptable. |
conditions.message (required) | string | message is a human readable message indicating details about the transition. This may be an empty string. |
conditions.observedGeneration | integer | observedGeneration represents the .metadata.generation that the condition was set based upon. For instance, if .metadata.generation is currently 12, but the .status.conditions[x].observedGeneration is 9, the condition is out of date with respect to the current state of the instance. |
conditions.reason (required) | string | reason contains a programmatic identifier indicating the reason for the condition's last transition. Producers of specific condition types may define expected values and meanings for this field, and whether the values are considered a guaranteed API. The value should be a CamelCase string. This field may not be empty. |
conditions.status (required) | string | status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown. |
conditions.type (required) | string | type of condition in CamelCase or in |
endpoints | object | endpoints for trace and metric gateway. |
endpoints.metrics | object | metrics contains the endpoints for metric gateway supporting OTLP. |
endpoints.metrics.grpc | string | GRPC endpoint for OTLP. |
endpoints.metrics.http | string | HTTP endpoint for OTLP. |
endpoints.traces | object | traces contains the endpoints for trace gateway supporting OTLP. |
endpoints.traces.grpc | string | GRPC endpoint for OTLP. |
endpoints.traces.http | string | HTTP endpoint for OTLP. |
state (required) | string | State signifies current state of Module CR. Value can be one of these three: "Ready", "Deleting", or "Warning". |
The state
attribute of the Telemetry CR is derived from the combined state of all the subcomponents, namely, from the condition types LogComponentsHealthy
, TraceComponentsHealthy
and MetricComponentsHealthy
The state of the log components is determined by the status condition of type LogComponentsHealthy
Condition Status | Condition Reason | Condition Message |
True | ComponentsRunning | All log components are running |
True | NoPipelineDeployed | No pipelines have been deployed |
True | TLSCertificateAboutToExpire | TLS (CA) certificate is about to expire, configured certificate is valid until YYYY-MM-DD |
False | AgentNotReady | Fluent Bit agent DaemonSet is not ready |
False | ReferencedSecretMissing | One or more referenced Secrets are missing: Secret 'my-secret' of Namespace 'my-namespace' |
False | ReferencedSecretMissing | One or more keys in a referenced Secret are missing: Key 'my-key' in Secret 'my-secret' of Namespace 'my-namespace'" |
False | ResourceBlocksDeletion | The deletion of the module is blocked. To unblock the deletion, delete the following resources: LogPipelines (resource-1, resource-2,...), LogParsers (resource-1, resource-2,...) |
False | TLSCertificateExpired | TLS (CA) certificate expired on YYYY-MM-DD |
False | TLSConfigurationInvalid | TLS configuration invalid |
False | ValidationFailed | Pipeline validation failed due to an error from the Kubernetes API server |
False | AllDataDropped | Backend is not reachable or rejecting logs. All logs are dropped. See troubleshooting: No Logs Arrive at the Backend |
False | BufferFillingUp | Buffer nearing capacity. Incoming log rate exceeds export rate. See troubleshooting: Agent Buffer Filling Up |
False | NoLogsDelivered | Backend is not reachable or rejecting logs. Logs are buffered and not yet dropped. See troubleshooting: No Logs Arrive at the Backend |
False | SomeDataDropped | Backend is reachable, but rejecting logs. Some logs are dropped. See troubleshooting: No All Logs Arrive at the Backend |
The state of the trace components is determined by the status condition of type TraceComponentsHealthy
Condition Status | Condition Reason | Condition Message |
True | ComponentsRunning | All trace components are running |
True | NoPipelineDeployed | No pipelines have been deployed |
True | TLSCertificateAboutToExpire | TLS (CA) certificate is about to expire, configured certificate is valid until YYYY-MM-DD |
False | GatewayNotReady | Trace gateway Deployment is not ready |
False | MaxPipelinesExceeded | Maximum pipeline count exceeded |
False | ReferencedSecretMissing | One or more referenced Secrets are missing: Secret 'my-secret' of Namespace 'my-namespace' |
False | ReferencedSecretMissing | One or more keys in a referenced Secret are missing: Key 'my-key' in Secret 'my-secret' of Namespace 'my-namespace'" |
False | ResourceBlocksDeletion | The deletion of the module is blocked. To unblock the deletion, delete the following resources: TracePipelines (resource-1, resource-2,...) |
False | TLSCertificateExpired | TLS (CA) certificate expired on YYYY-MM-DD |
False | TLSConfigurationInvalid | TLS configuration invalid |
False | ValidationFailed | Pipeline validation failed due to an error from the Kubernetes API server |
False | AllDataDropped | Backend is not reachable or rejecting spans. All spans are dropped. See troubleshooting: No Spans Arrive at the Backend |
False | BufferFillingUp | Buffer nearing capacity. Incoming log rate exceeds export rate. See troubleshooting: Gateway Buffer Filling Up |
False | GatewayThrottling | Trace gateway is unable to receive spans at current rate. See troubleshooting: Gateway Throttling |
False | SomeDataDropped | Backend is reachable, but rejecting spans. Some spans are dropped. No All Spans Arrive at the Backend |
The state of the metric components is determined by the status condition of type MetricComponentsHealthy
Condition Status | Condition Reason | Condition Message |
True | ComponentsRunning | All metric components are running |
True | NoPipelineDeployed | No pipelines have been deployed |
True | TLSCertificateAboutToExpire | TLS (CA) certificate is about to expire, configured certificate is valid until YYYY-MM-DD |
False | AgentNotReady | Metric agent DaemonSet is not ready |
False | GatewayNotReady | Metric gateway deployment is not ready |
False | MaxPipelinesExceeded | Maximum pipeline count exceeded |
False | ReferencedSecretMissing | One or more referenced Secrets are missing: Secret 'my-secret' of Namespace 'my-namespace' |
False | ReferencedSecretMissing | One or more keys in a referenced Secret are missing: Key 'my-key' in Secret 'my-secret' of Namespace 'my-namespace'" |
False | ResourceBlocksDeletion | The deletion of the module is blocked. To unblock the deletion, delete the following resources: MetricPipelines (resource-1, resource-2,...) |
False | TLSCertificateExpired | TLS (CA) certificate expired on YYYY-MM-DD |
False | TLSConfigurationInvalid | TLS configuration invalid |
False | ValidationFailed | Pipeline validation failed due to an error from the Kubernetes API server |
False | AllDataDropped | Backend is not reachable or rejecting metrics. All metrics are dropped. See troubleshooting: No Metrics Arrive at the Backend |
False | BufferFillingUp | Buffer nearing capacity. Incoming log rate exceeds export rate. See troubleshooting: Gateway Buffer Filling Up |
False | GatewayThrottling | Metric gateway is unable to receive metrics at current rate. See troubleshooting: Gateway Throttling |
False | SomeDataDropped | Backend is reachable, but rejecting metrics. Some metrics are dropped. See troubleshooting: No All Metrics Arrive at the Backend |
- 'Ready': Only if all the subcomponent conditions (LogComponentsHealthy, TraceComponentsHealthy, and MetricComponentsHealthy) have a status of
. - 'Warning': If any of these conditions are not
. - 'Deleting': When a Telemetry CR is being deleted.