diff --git a/Libs/LibOpenRaid/ThingsToMantain_Cata.lua b/Libs/LibOpenRaid/ThingsToMantain_Cata.lua index 7d152008a..f8c32ed1f 100644 --- a/Libs/LibOpenRaid/ThingsToMantain_Cata.lua +++ b/Libs/LibOpenRaid/ThingsToMantain_Cata.lua @@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ LIB_OPEN_RAID_COOLDOWNS_INFO = { [116705] = {class = "MONK", specs = {268, 269}, cooldown = 15, silence = 4, talent = false, cooldownWithTalent = false, cooldownTalentId = false, type = 6, charges = 1}, --Spear Hand Strike (brewmaster and windwalker) [57994] = {class = "SHAMAN", specs = {262, 263, 264}, cooldown = 12, silence = 3, talent = false, cooldownWithTalent = false, cooldownTalentId = false, type = 6, charges = 1}, --Wind Shear [47528] = {class = "DEATHKNIGHT", specs = {250, 251, 252}, cooldown = 15, silence = 3, talent = false, cooldownWithTalent = false, cooldownTalentId = false, type = 6, charges = 1}, --Mind Freeze + [47476] = {class = "DEATHKNIGHT", specs = {250, 251, 252}, cooldown = 120, silence = 3, talent = false, cooldownWithTalent = false, cooldownTalentId = false, type = 6, charges = 1}, --Strangulate [106839] = {class = "DRUID", specs = {103, 104}, cooldown = 15, silence = 4, talent = false, cooldownWithTalent = false, cooldownTalentId = false, type = 6, charges = 1}, --Skull Bash (feral, guardian) [78675] = {class = "DRUID", specs = {102}, cooldown = 60, silence = 8, talent = false, cooldownWithTalent = false, cooldownTalentId = false, type = 6, charges = 1}, --Solar Beam (balance) [147362] = {class = "HUNTER", specs = {253, 254}, cooldown = 24, silence = 3, talent = false, cooldownWithTalent = false, cooldownTalentId = false, type = 6, charges = 1}, --Counter Shot (beast mastery, marksmanship) @@ -268,7 +269,7 @@ LIB_OPEN_RAID_COOLDOWNS_INFO = { [192058] = {cooldown = 60, duration = false, specs = {262,263,264}, talent =false, charges = 1, class = "SHAMAN", type = 5}, --Capacitor Totem [8143] = {cooldown = 60, duration = 10, specs = {262,263,264}, talent =false, charges = 1, class = "SHAMAN", type = 5}, --Tremor Totem [192077] = {cooldown = 120, duration = 15, specs = {262,263,264}, talent =21966, charges = 1, class = "SHAMAN", type = 5}, --Wind Rush Totem (talent) - + --monk -- 268 - Brewmaster -- 269 - Windwalker @@ -292,7 +293,7 @@ LIB_OPEN_RAID_COOLDOWNS_INFO = { [197908] = {cooldown = 90, duration = 10, specs = {270}, talent =22166, charges = 1, class = "MONK", type = 5}, --Mana tea (talent) [116844] = {cooldown = 45, duration = 5, specs = {268,269,270}, talent =19995, charges = 1, class = "MONK", type = 5}, --Ring of peace (talent) [119381] = {cooldown = 50, duration = 3, specs = {268,269,270}, talent =false, charges = 1, class = "MONK", type = 5}, --Leg Sweep - + --hunter -- 253 - Beast Mastery -- 254 - Marksmenship @@ -381,7 +382,7 @@ LIB_OPEN_RAID_COOLDOWNS_INFO = { [207684] = {cooldown = 90, duration = 12, specs = {581}, talent =false, charges = 1, class = "DEMONHUNTER", type = 5}, --Sigil of Misery [202137] = {cooldown = 60, duration = 8, specs = {581}, talent =false, charges = 1, class = "DEMONHUNTER", type = 5}, --Sigil of Silence [202138] = {cooldown = 90, duration = 6, specs = {581}, talent =22511, charges = 1, class = "DEMONHUNTER", type = 5}, --Sigil of Chains (talent) - + --mage -- 62 - Arcane -- 63 - Fire @@ -469,6 +470,7 @@ LIB_OPEN_RAID_CROWDCONTROL = { --copied from retail [334693] = {cooldown = 0, class = "DEAHTKNIGHT"}, --Absolute Zero [221562] = {cooldown = 45, class = "DEATHKNIGHT"}, --Asphyxiate [47528] = {cooldown = 15, class = "DEATHKNIGHT"}, --Mind Freeze + [47476] = {cooldown = 120, class = "DEAHTKNIGHT"}, --Strangulate [207167] = {cooldown = 60, class = "DEATHKNIGHT"}, --Blinding Sleet [91807] = {cooldown = 0, class = "DEATHKNIGHT"}, --Shambling Rush [108194] = {cooldown = 45, class = "DEATHKNIGHT"}, --Asphyxiate @@ -484,7 +486,7 @@ LIB_OPEN_RAID_CROWDCONTROL = { --copied from retail [93985] = {cooldown = 0, class = "DRUID"}, --Skull Bash [2637] = {cooldown = 0, class = "DRUID"}, --Hibernate [5211] = {cooldown = 60, class = "DRUID"}, --Mighty Bash - [99] = {cooldown = 30, class = "DRUID"}, --Incapacitating Roar + [22570] = {cooldown = 10, class = "DRUID"}, --Maim [127797] = {cooldown = 0, class = "DRUID"}, --Ursol's Vortex [203123] = {cooldown = 0, class = "DRUID"}, --Maim [45334] = {cooldown = 0, class = "DRUID"}, --Immobilized @@ -504,12 +506,15 @@ LIB_OPEN_RAID_CROWDCONTROL = { --copied from retail [117405] = {cooldown = 0, class = "HUNTER"}, --Binding Shot [19577] = {cooldown = 60, class = "HUNTER"}, --Intimidation [1513] = {cooldown = 0, class = "HUNTER"}, --Scare Beast + [90337] = {cooldown = 60, class = "HUNTER"}, --Bad Manner (Monkey Stun) + [19503] = {cooldown = 30, class = "HUNTER"}, --Scatter Shot [3355] = {cooldown = 30, class = "HUNTER"}, --Freezing Trap [203337] = {cooldown = 30, class = "HUNTER"}, --Freezing trap with diamond ice talent [31661] = {cooldown = 45, class = "MAGE"}, --Dragon's Breath [161353] = {cooldown = 0, class = "MAGE"}, --Polymorph [277787] = {cooldown = 0, class = "MAGE"}, --Polymorph [157981] = {cooldown = 30, class = "MAGE"}, --Blast Wave + [44572] = {cooldown = 0, class = "MAGE"}, --Deep Freeze [82691] = {cooldown = 0, class = "MAGE"}, --Ring of Frost [118] = {cooldown = 0, class = "MAGE"}, --Polymorph [161354] = {cooldown = 0, class = "MAGE"}, --Polymorph @@ -569,6 +574,7 @@ LIB_OPEN_RAID_CROWDCONTROL = { --copied from retail [89766] = {cooldown = 30, class = "WARLOCK"}, --Axe Toss (pet felguard ability) [6789] = {cooldown = 45, class = "WARLOCK"}, --Mortal Coil [118699] = {cooldown = 0, class = "WARLOCK"}, --Fear + [5782] = {cooldown = 0, class = "WARLOCK"}, --Fear [710] = {cooldown = 0, class = "WARLOCK"}, --Banish [212619] = {cooldown = 60, class = "WARLOCK"}, --Call Felhunter [19647] = {cooldown = 24, class = "WARLOCK"}, --Spell Lock @@ -653,6 +659,7 @@ LIB_OPEN_RAID_SPELL_INTERRUPT = { [57994] = LIB_OPEN_RAID_COOLDOWNS_INFO[57994], --Wind Shear [47528] = LIB_OPEN_RAID_COOLDOWNS_INFO[47528], --Mind Freeze + [47476] = LIB_OPEN_RAID_COOLDOWNS_INFO[47476], --Strangulate [106839] = LIB_OPEN_RAID_COOLDOWNS_INFO[106839], --Skull Bash (feral, guardian) [78675] = LIB_OPEN_RAID_COOLDOWNS_INFO[78675], --Solar Beam (balance)