diff --git a/Definitions.lua b/Definitions.lua
index b4d1f6652..964e5d41f 100644
--- a/Definitions.lua
+++ b/Definitions.lua
@@ -424,6 +424,7 @@
---@field grupo boolean
---@field fight_component boolean
---@field boss_fight_component boolean
+---@field pvp_component boolean
---@field boss boolean
---@field last_event unixtime
---@field total_without_pet number
diff --git a/Libs/DF/fw.lua b/Libs/DF/fw.lua
index a99bd7e2a..d18108a2c 100644
--- a/Libs/DF/fw.lua
+++ b/Libs/DF/fw.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-local dversion = 429
+local dversion = 430
local major, minor = "DetailsFramework-1.0", dversion
local DF, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor)
diff --git a/Libs/DF/header.lua b/Libs/DF/header.lua
index 65c6061b0..a0b7b907a 100644
--- a/Libs/DF/header.lua
+++ b/Libs/DF/header.lua
@@ -11,13 +11,16 @@ local geterrorhandler = geterrorhandler
local wipe = wipe
+---@class df_headercolumndata : {key: string, name: string, icon: string, texcoord: table, text: string, canSort: boolean, selected: boolean, width: number, height: number, align: string, offset: number}
---@class df_headerchild : uiobject
---@field FramesToAlign table
---@class df_headerframe : frame, df_headermixin, df_optionsmixin
---@field columnHeadersCreated df_headercolumnframe[]
---@field options table
----@field HeaderTable table
+---@field HeaderTable df_headercolumndata[]
---@field columnSelected number
---@class df_headermixin : table
@@ -25,8 +28,8 @@ local wipe = wipe
---@field HeaderWidth number
---@field HeaderHeight number
---@field OnColumnSettingChangeCallback function
----@field GetColumnWidth fun(self: df_headerframe, columnId: number)
----@field SetHeaderTable fun(self: df_headerframe, newTable)
+---@field GetColumnWidth fun(self: df_headerframe, columnId: number) : number
+---@field SetHeaderTable fun(self: df_headerframe, table)
---@field GetSelectedColumn fun(self: df_headerframe) : number, string, string, string
---@field Refresh fun(self: df_headerframe)
---@field UpdateSortArrow fun(self: df_headerframe, columnHeader: df_headercolumnframe, defaultShown: boolean|nil, defaultOrder: string|nil)
@@ -127,8 +130,8 @@ detailsFramework.HeaderFunctions = {
---@param buttonClicked string
OnClick = function(columnHeader, buttonClicked)
--get the header main frame
- ---@type df_headerframe
local headerFrame = columnHeader:GetParent()
+ ---@cast headerFrame df_headerframe
--if this header does not have a clickable header, just ignore
if (not headerFrame.columnSelected) then
@@ -352,7 +355,6 @@ detailsFramework.HeaderMixin = {
UpdateColumnHeader = function(self, columnHeader, headerIndex)
--this is the data to update the columnHeader
local columnData = self.HeaderTable[headerIndex]
columnHeader.key = columnData.key or "total"
if (columnData.icon) then
@@ -417,7 +419,7 @@ detailsFramework.HeaderMixin = {
columnHeader.XPosition = self.HeaderWidth -- + self.options.padding
columnHeader.YPosition = self.HeaderHeight -- + self.options.padding
columnHeader.columnAlign = columnData.align or "left"
columnHeader.columnOffset = columnData.offset or 0
@@ -589,6 +591,7 @@ detailsFramework.HeaderMixin = {
HeaderHeight = 0,
+--default options
local default_header_options = {
backdrop = {edgeFile = [[Interface\Buttons\WHITE8X8]], edgeSize = 1, bgFile = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background]], tileSize = 64, tile = true},
backdrop_color = {0, 0, 0, 0.2},
@@ -629,13 +632,17 @@ local default_header_options = {
line_separator_gap_align = false,
----create a header frame
+---create a df_headerframe, alias 'header'.
+---a header is a frame that can hold multiple columns which are also frames, each column is a df_headercolumnframe, these columns are arranged in horizontal form.
+---a header is used to organize columns giving them a name/title, a way to sort and align them.
+---each column is placed on the right side of the previous column.
---@param parent frame
---@param headerTable table
---@param options table|nil
---@param frameName string|nil
---@return df_headerframe
function detailsFramework:CreateHeader(parent, headerTable, options, frameName)
+ ---create the header frame which is returned by this function
---@type df_headerframe
local newHeader = CreateFrame("frame", frameName or "$parentHeaderLine", parent, "BackdropTemplate")
@@ -644,6 +651,7 @@ function detailsFramework:CreateHeader(parent, headerTable, options, frameName)
newHeader:BuildOptionsTable(default_header_options, options)
+ --set the backdrop and backdrop color following the values in the options table
@@ -651,4 +659,28 @@ function detailsFramework:CreateHeader(parent, headerTable, options, frameName)
return newHeader
\ No newline at end of file
+C_Timer.After(1, function()
+ local parent = UIParent
+ --declare the columns the headerFrame will have
+ ---@type df_headercolumndata[]
+ local headerTable = {
+ {name = "playername", text = "Player Name", width = 120, align = "left", canSort = true},
+ {name = "damage", text = "Damage Done", width = 80, align = "right", canSort = true},
+ {name = "points", text = "Total Points", width = 80, align = "right", canSort = false},
+ }
+ local frameName = "MyAddOnOptionsFrame"
+ local options = {}
+ local headerFrame = DetailsFramework:CreateHeader(parent, headerTable, options, frameName)
+ headerFrame:SetPoint("center", parent, "center", 10, -10)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libs/DF/load.xml b/Libs/DF/load.xml
index 84a6d3ee2..89bccc2a9 100644
--- a/Libs/DF/load.xml
+++ b/Libs/DF/load.xml
@@ -34,4 +34,5 @@
diff --git a/Libs/DF/panel.lua b/Libs/DF/panel.lua
index 21a89455b..8a5e42b4e 100644
--- a/Libs/DF/panel.lua
+++ b/Libs/DF/panel.lua
@@ -1976,37 +1976,50 @@ local no_options = {}
---UseStatusBar = false, --if true, creates a status bar at the bottom of the frame (frame.StatusBar)
---NoCloseButton = false, --if true, won't show the close button
---NoTitleBar = false, --if true, don't create the title bar
----@param parent table
----@param width number|nil
----@param height number|nil
----@param title string|nil
----@param frameName string|nil
----@param panelOptions table|nil
----@param savedVariableTable table|nil
----@return table
+---@class simplepanel
+---@field TitleBar frame
+---@field Title fontstring
+---@field Close button
+---@field SetTitle fun(self: simplepanel, title: string)
+---@param parent frame the parent frame
+---@param width number|nil the width of the panel
+---@param height number|nil the height of the panel
+---@param title string|nil a string to show in the title bar
+---@param frameName string|nil the name of the frame
+---@param panelOptions table|nil a table with options described above
+---@param savedVariableTable table|nil a table to save the scale of the panel
+---@return frame
function detailsFramework:CreateSimplePanel(parent, width, height, title, frameName, panelOptions, savedVariableTable)
+ --create a saved variable table if the savedVariableTable has been not passed within the function call
if (savedVariableTable and frameName and not savedVariableTable[frameName]) then
savedVariableTable[frameName] = {
scale = 1
+ --create a frame name if the frameName has been not passed within the function call
if (not frameName) then
frameName = "DetailsFrameworkSimplePanel" .. detailsFramework.SimplePanelCounter
detailsFramework.SimplePanelCounter = detailsFramework.SimplePanelCounter + 1
+ --default parent is UIParent
if (not parent) then
- parent = UIParent
+ parent = _G["UIParent"]
+ --default options
panelOptions = panelOptions or no_options
- local simplePanel = CreateFrame("frame", frameName, UIParent,"BackdropTemplate")
+ --create the frame
+ local simplePanel = CreateFrame("frame", frameName, _G["UIParent"],"BackdropTemplate")
simplePanel:SetSize(width or 400, height or 250)
- simplePanel:SetPoint("center", UIParent, "center", 0, 0)
+ simplePanel:SetPoint("center", _G["UIParent"], "center", 0, 0)
+ --set the backdrop
@@ -3418,232 +3431,6 @@ function detailsFramework:FindHighestParent(self)
return highestParent
-detailsFramework.TabContainerFunctions = {}
-local button_tab_template = detailsFramework.table.copy({}, detailsFramework:GetTemplate("button", "OPTIONS_BUTTON_TEMPLATE"))
-button_tab_template.backdropbordercolor = nil
-detailsFramework.TabContainerFunctions.CreateUnderlineGlow = function(button)
- local selectedGlow = button:CreateTexture(nil, "background", nil, -4)
- selectedGlow:SetPoint("topleft", button.widget, "bottomleft", -7, 0)
- selectedGlow:SetPoint("topright", button.widget, "bottomright", 7, 0)
- selectedGlow:SetTexture([[Interface\BUTTONS\UI-Panel-Button-Glow]])
- selectedGlow:SetTexCoord(0, 95/128, 30/64, 38/64)
- selectedGlow:SetBlendMode("ADD")
- selectedGlow:SetHeight(8)
- selectedGlow:SetAlpha(.75)
- selectedGlow:Hide()
- button.selectedUnderlineGlow = selectedGlow
-detailsFramework.TabContainerFunctions.OnMouseDown = function(self, button)
- --search for UIParent
- local f = detailsFramework:FindHighestParent (self)
- local container = self:GetParent()
- if (button == "LeftButton") then
- if (not f.IsMoving and f:IsMovable()) then
- f:StartMoving()
- f.IsMoving = true
- end
- elseif (button == "RightButton") then
- if (not f.IsMoving and container.IsContainer) then
- if (self.IsFrontPage) then
- if (container.CanCloseWithRightClick) then
- if (f.CloseFunction) then
- f:CloseFunction()
- else
- f:Hide()
- end
- end
- else
- --goes back to front page
- detailsFramework.TabContainerFunctions.SelectIndex (self, _, 1)
- end
- end
- end
-detailsFramework.TabContainerFunctions.OnMouseUp = function(self, button)
- local f = detailsFramework:FindHighestParent (self)
- if (f.IsMoving) then
- f:StopMovingOrSizing()
- f.IsMoving = false
- end
-detailsFramework.TabContainerFunctions.SelectIndex = function(self, fixedParam, menuIndex)
- local mainFrame = self.AllFrames and self or self.mainFrame or self:GetParent()
- for i = 1, #mainFrame.AllFrames do
- mainFrame.AllFrames[i]:Hide()
- if (mainFrame.ButtonNotSelectedBorderColor) then
- mainFrame.AllButtons[i]:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(mainFrame.ButtonNotSelectedBorderColor))
- end
- if (mainFrame.AllButtons[i].selectedUnderlineGlow) then
- mainFrame.AllButtons[i].selectedUnderlineGlow:Hide()
- end
- end
- mainFrame.AllFrames[menuIndex]:Show()
- if mainFrame.AllFrames[menuIndex].RefreshOptions then
- mainFrame.AllFrames[menuIndex]:RefreshOptions()
- end
- if (mainFrame.ButtonSelectedBorderColor) then
- mainFrame.AllButtons[menuIndex]:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(mainFrame.ButtonSelectedBorderColor))
- end
- if (mainFrame.AllButtons[menuIndex].selectedUnderlineGlow) then
- mainFrame.AllButtons[menuIndex].selectedUnderlineGlow:Show()
- end
- mainFrame.CurrentIndex = menuIndex
- if (mainFrame.hookList.OnSelectIndex) then
- detailsFramework:QuickDispatch(mainFrame.hookList.OnSelectIndex, mainFrame, mainFrame.AllButtons[menuIndex])
- end
-detailsFramework.TabContainerFunctions.SetIndex = function(self, index)
- self.CurrentIndex = index
-local tab_container_on_show = function(self)
- local index = self.CurrentIndex
- self.SelectIndex (self.AllButtons[index], nil, index)
-function detailsFramework:CreateTabContainer (parent, title, frameName, frameList, optionsTable, hookList, languageInfo)
- local options_text_template = detailsFramework:GetTemplate("font", "OPTIONS_FONT_TEMPLATE")
- local options_dropdown_template = detailsFramework:GetTemplate("dropdown", "OPTIONS_DROPDOWN_TEMPLATE")
- local options_switch_template = detailsFramework:GetTemplate("switch", "OPTIONS_CHECKBOX_TEMPLATE")
- local options_slider_template = detailsFramework:GetTemplate("slider", "OPTIONS_SLIDER_TEMPLATE")
- local options_button_template = detailsFramework:GetTemplate("button", "OPTIONS_BUTTON_TEMPLATE")
- optionsTable = optionsTable or {}
- local parentFrameWidth = parent:GetWidth()
- local y_offset = optionsTable.y_offset or 0
- local buttonWidth = optionsTable.button_width or 160
- local buttonHeight = optionsTable.button_height or 20
- local buttonAnchorX = optionsTable.button_x or 230
- local buttonAnchorY = optionsTable.button_y or -32
- local button_text_size = optionsTable.button_text_size or 10
- local containerWidthOffset = optionsTable.container_width_offset or 0
- local mainFrame = CreateFrame("frame", frameName, parent.widget or parent, "BackdropTemplate")
- mainFrame:SetAllPoints()
- detailsFramework:Mixin(mainFrame, detailsFramework.TabContainerFunctions)
- mainFrame.hookList = hookList or {}
- local mainTitle = detailsFramework:CreateLabel(mainFrame, title, 24, "white")
- mainTitle:SetPoint("topleft", mainFrame, "topleft", 10, -30 + y_offset)
- mainFrame:SetFrameLevel(200)
- mainFrame.AllFrames = {}
- mainFrame.AllButtons = {}
- mainFrame.CurrentIndex = 1
- mainFrame.IsContainer = true
- mainFrame.ButtonSelectedBorderColor = optionsTable.button_selected_border_color or {1, 1, 0, 1}
- mainFrame.ButtonNotSelectedBorderColor = optionsTable.button_border_color or {0, 0, 0, 0}
- if (optionsTable.right_click_interact ~= nil) then
- mainFrame.CanCloseWithRightClick = optionsTable.right_click_interact
- else
- mainFrame.CanCloseWithRightClick = true
- end
- --languageInfo
- local addonId = languageInfo and languageInfo.language_addonId or "none"
- for i, frameInfo in ipairs(frameList) do
- local f = CreateFrame("frame", "$parent" .. frameInfo.name, mainFrame, "BackdropTemplate")
- f:SetAllPoints()
- f:SetFrameLevel(210)
- f:Hide()
- --attempt to get the localized text from the language system using the addonId and the frameInfo.title
- local phraseId = frameInfo.title
- local bIsLanguagePrahseID = detailsFramework.Language.DoesPhraseIDExistsInDefaultLanguage(addonId, phraseId)
- local title = detailsFramework:CreateLabel(f, "", 16, "silver")
- if (bIsLanguagePrahseID) then
- DetailsFramework.Language.RegisterObjectWithDefault(addonId, title.widget, frameInfo.title, frameInfo.title)
- else
- title:SetText(frameInfo.title)
- end
- title:SetPoint("topleft", mainTitle, "bottomleft", 0, 0)
- f.titleText = title
- local tabButton = detailsFramework:CreateButton(mainFrame, detailsFramework.TabContainerFunctions.SelectIndex, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, frameInfo.title, i, nil, nil, nil, "$parentTabButton" .. frameInfo.name, false, button_tab_template)
- if (bIsLanguagePrahseID) then
- DetailsFramework.Language.RegisterObjectWithDefault(addonId, tabButton.widget, frameInfo.title, frameInfo.title)
- end
- PixelUtil.SetSize(tabButton, buttonWidth, buttonHeight)
- tabButton:SetFrameLevel(220)
- tabButton.textsize = button_text_size
- tabButton.mainFrame = mainFrame
- detailsFramework.TabContainerFunctions.CreateUnderlineGlow(tabButton)
- local rightClickToBack
- if (i == 1 or optionsTable.rightbutton_always_close) then
- rightClickToBack = detailsFramework:CreateLabel(f, "right click to close", 10, "gray")
- rightClickToBack:SetPoint("bottomright", f, "bottomright", -1, optionsTable.right_click_y or 0)
- if (optionsTable.close_text_alpha) then
- rightClickToBack:SetAlpha(optionsTable.close_text_alpha)
- end
- f.IsFrontPage = true
- else
- rightClickToBack = detailsFramework:CreateLabel(f, "right click to go back to main menu", 10, "gray")
- rightClickToBack:SetPoint("bottomright", f, "bottomright", -1, optionsTable.right_click_y or 0)
- if (optionsTable.close_text_alpha) then
- rightClickToBack:SetAlpha(optionsTable.close_text_alpha)
- end
- end
- if (optionsTable.hide_click_label) then
- rightClickToBack:Hide()
- end
- f:SetScript("OnMouseDown", detailsFramework.TabContainerFunctions.OnMouseDown)
- f:SetScript("OnMouseUp", detailsFramework.TabContainerFunctions.OnMouseUp)
- tinsert(mainFrame.AllFrames, f)
- tinsert(mainFrame.AllButtons, tabButton)
- end
- --order buttons
- local x = buttonAnchorX
- local y = buttonAnchorY
- local spaceBetweenButtons = 3
- local allocatedSpaceForButtons = parentFrameWidth - ((#frameList - 2) * spaceBetweenButtons) - buttonAnchorX + containerWidthOffset
- local amountButtonsPerRow = floor(allocatedSpaceForButtons / buttonWidth)
- mainFrame.AllButtons[1]:SetPoint("topleft", mainTitle, "topleft", x, y)
- x = x + buttonWidth + 2
- for i = 2, #mainFrame.AllButtons do
- local button = mainFrame.AllButtons[i]
- PixelUtil.SetPoint(button, "topleft", mainTitle, "topleft", x, y)
- x = x + buttonWidth + 2
- if (i % amountButtonsPerRow == 0) then
- x = buttonAnchorX
- y = y - buttonHeight - 1
- end
- end
- --when show the frame, reset to the current internal index
- mainFrame:SetScript("OnShow", tab_container_on_show)
- --select the first frame
- mainFrame.SelectIndex (mainFrame.AllButtons[1], nil, 1)
- print()
- return mainFrame
-- ~right ~click to ~close
diff --git a/Libs/DF/tabcontainer.lua b/Libs/DF/tabcontainer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..830d8c2fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libs/DF/tabcontainer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+local detailsFramework = DetailsFramework
+if (not detailsFramework or not DetailsFrameworkCanLoad) then
+ return
+local unpack = unpack
+local CreateFrame = CreateFrame
+local PixelUtil = PixelUtil
+---@class df_tabinfotable : {name: string, text: string}
+---@class df_tabcontainer : frame
+---@field AllFrames df_tabcontainerframe[]
+---@field AllButtons df_tabcontainerbutton[]
+---@field AllFramesByName table
+---@field AllButtonsByName table
+---@field hookList table
+---@field CurrentIndex number
+---@field IsContainer boolean
+---@field ButtonSelectedBorderColor table
+---@field ButtonNotSelectedBorderColor table
+---@field CanCloseWithRightClick boolean
+---@field SetIndex fun(self: df_tabcontainer, index: number)
+---@field SelectTabByIndex fun(self: df_tabcontainer, menuIndex: number)
+---@field SelectTabByName fun(self: df_tabcontainer, name: string)
+---@field CreateUnderlineGlow fun(button: button)
+---@field OnShow fun(self: df_tabcontainer)
+---@field GetTabFrameByName fun(self: df_tabcontainer, name: string): df_tabcontainerframe
+---@field GetTabFrameByIndex fun(self: df_tabcontainer, index: number): df_tabcontainerframe
+---@field GetTabButtonByName fun(self: df_tabcontainer, name: string): df_tabcontainerbutton
+---@field GetTabButtonByIndex fun(self: df_tabcontainer, index: number): df_tabcontainerbutton
+---@class df_tabcontainerframe : frame
+---@field bIsFrontPage boolean
+---@field titleText fontstring
+---@field tabIndex number
+---@field OnMouseDown fun(self: df_tabcontainerframe, button: string)
+---@field OnMouseUp fun(self: df_tabcontainerframe, button: string)
+---@field RefreshOptions fun(self: df_tabcontainerframe)|nil
+---@class df_tabcontainerbutton : button
+---@field selectedUnderlineGlow texture
+---@field textsize number
+---@field mainFrame df_tabcontainer
+---@field leftSelectionIndicator texture
+--create a template for the tab buttons
+local tabTemplate = detailsFramework.table.copy({}, detailsFramework:GetTemplate("button", "OPTIONS_BUTTON_TEMPLATE"))
+tabTemplate.backdropbordercolor = nil
+detailsFramework.TabContainerMixin = {
+ ---@param self df_tabcontainer
+ ---@param tabIndex number
+ ---@return df_tabcontainerframe
+ GetTabFrameByIndex = function(self, tabIndex)
+ return self.AllFrames[tabIndex]
+ end,
+ ---@param self df_tabcontainer
+ ---@param name string
+ ---@return df_tabcontainerframe
+ GetTabFrameByName = function(self, name)
+ return self.AllFramesByName[name]
+ end,
+ ---@param self df_tabcontainer
+ ---@param tabIndex number
+ ---@return df_tabcontainerbutton
+ GetTabButtonByIndex = function(self, tabIndex)
+ return self.AllButtons[tabIndex]
+ end,
+ ---@param self df_tabcontainer
+ ---@param name string
+ ---@return df_tabcontainerbutton
+ GetTabButtonByName = function(self, name)
+ return self.AllButtonsByName[name]
+ end,
+ ---@param self df_tabcontainer
+ ---@param backdropTable backdrop|nil
+ ---@param backdropColorTable table|string|nil
+ ---@param backdropBorderColorTable table|string|nil
+ SetTabFramesBackdrop = function(self, backdropTable, backdropColorTable, backdropBorderColorTable)
+ for tabIndex, tabFrame in ipairs(self.AllFrames) do
+ if (backdropTable) then
+ tabFrame:SetBackdrop(backdropTable)
+ end
+ if (backdropColorTable) then
+ local r, g, b, a = detailsFramework:ParseColors(backdropColorTable)
+ tabFrame:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, a)
+ end
+ if (backdropBorderColorTable) then
+ local r, g, b, a = detailsFramework:ParseColors(backdropColorTable)
+ tabFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(r, g, b, a)
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ ---create a underglow texture for the selected tab, this texture is a small yellow bright gradient below the button
+ ---@param self df_tabcontainerbutton
+ CreateUnderlineGlow = function(self)
+ local selectedGlow = self:CreateTexture(nil, "background", nil, -4)
+ selectedGlow:SetPoint("topleft", self["widget"], "bottomleft", -7, 0)
+ selectedGlow:SetPoint("topright", self["widget"], "bottomright", 7, 0)
+ selectedGlow:SetTexture([[Interface\BUTTONS\UI-Panel-Button-Glow]])
+ selectedGlow:SetTexCoord(0, 95/128, 30/64, 38/64)
+ selectedGlow:SetBlendMode("ADD")
+ selectedGlow:SetHeight(8)
+ selectedGlow:SetAlpha(.75)
+ selectedGlow:Hide()
+ self.selectedUnderlineGlow = selectedGlow
+ end,
+ ---@param tabContainer df_tabcontainer
+ ---@param menuIndex number
+ SelectTabByIndex = function(tabContainer, menuIndex)
+ ---@type df_tabcontainerbutton
+ local tabButton = tabContainer.AllButtons[menuIndex]
+ ---@type df_tabcontainerframe
+ local tabFrame = tabContainer.AllFrames[menuIndex]
+ --hide all tab frame and hide the selection glow from tab buttons
+ for i = 1, #tabContainer.AllFrames do
+ ---@type df_tabcontainerframe
+ local thisTabFrame = tabContainer.AllFrames[i]
+ thisTabFrame:Hide()
+ ---@type df_tabcontainerbutton
+ local thisTabButton = tabContainer.AllButtons[i]
+ if (tabContainer.ButtonNotSelectedBorderColor) then
+ thisTabButton:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(tabContainer.ButtonNotSelectedBorderColor))
+ end
+ if (thisTabButton.selectedUnderlineGlow) then
+ thisTabButton.selectedUnderlineGlow:Hide()
+ end
+ end
+ tabFrame:Show()
+ if (tabFrame.RefreshOptions) then
+ tabFrame:RefreshOptions()
+ end
+ if (tabContainer.ButtonSelectedBorderColor) then
+ tabButton:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(tabContainer.ButtonSelectedBorderColor))
+ end
+ if (tabButton.selectedUnderlineGlow) then
+ tabButton.selectedUnderlineGlow:Show()
+ end
+ tabContainer.CurrentIndex = menuIndex
+ if (tabContainer.hookList.OnSelectIndex) then
+ detailsFramework:QuickDispatch(tabContainer.hookList.OnSelectIndex, tabContainer, tabButton)
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@param tabContainer df_tabcontainer
+ ---@param name string
+ SelectTabByName = function(tabContainer, name)
+ ---@type df_tabcontainerframe
+ local tabFrame = tabContainer.AllFramesByName[name]
+ if (tabFrame) then
+ local tabIndex = tabFrame.tabIndex
+ tabContainer:SelectTabByIndex(tabIndex)
+ else
+ error("df_tabcontainer:SelectTabByName(name): param #2 'name' not found within 'tabContainer.AllFramesByName'.")
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@param self df_tabcontainer
+ ---@param index number
+ SetIndex = function(self, index)
+ self.CurrentIndex = index
+ end,
+ ---@param self df_tabcontainer
+ OnShow = function(self)
+ local index = self.CurrentIndex
+ self:SelectTabByIndex(index)
+ end
+detailsFramework.TabContainerFrameMixin = {
+ ---@param self df_tabcontainerframe
+ ---@param button string
+ OnMouseDown = function(self, button)
+ --search for UIParent
+ ---@type frame
+ local highestParent = detailsFramework:FindHighestParent(self)
+ local tabContainer = self:GetParent()
+ ---@cast tabContainer df_tabcontainer
+ if (button == "LeftButton") then
+ if (not highestParent.IsMoving and highestParent:IsMovable()) then
+ highestParent:StartMoving()
+ highestParent.IsMoving = true
+ end
+ elseif (button == "RightButton") then
+ if (not highestParent.IsMoving and tabContainer.IsContainer) then
+ if (self.bIsFrontPage) then
+ if (tabContainer.CanCloseWithRightClick) then
+ if (highestParent["CloseFunction"]) then
+ highestParent["CloseFunction"](highestParent)
+ else
+ highestParent:Hide()
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ --goes back to front page
+ tabContainer:SelectTabByIndex(1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@param self df_tabcontainerframe
+ ---@param button string
+ OnMouseUp = function(self, button)
+ local frame = detailsFramework:FindHighestParent(self)
+ if (frame.IsMoving) then
+ frame:StopMovingOrSizing()
+ frame.IsMoving = false
+ end
+ end,
+---creates a frame called tabContainer which is used as base for the tab container object
+---the function receives a table called tabList which contains sub tables with two keys 'name' and 'text', name is the frame name and text is the text displayed on the button
+---then the function iterate amongst the tabList and create a frame and a button for each entry using the value of the 'text' key as the text for the button and 'name' for the name of the frame
+---when the user click on a button, the tabContainer hide all frames and show the frame which was created together with that button
+---@param parent frame the parent frame
+---@param title string a string to use as the title of the tab container, the title is always shown
+---@param frameName string the frame name to pass into the CreateFrame function
+---@param tabList df_tabinfotable[] the list of tabs to create, each entry has a 'name' and 'text' keys
+---@param optionsTable {button_border_color: table, button_selected_border_color: table, right_click_y: number, hide_click_label: boolean, close_text_alpha: number, rightbutton_always_close: boolean, right_click_interact: boolean, y_offset: number, button_width: number, button_height: number, button_x: number, button_y: number, button_text_size: number, container_width_offset: number}|nil
+---@param hookList table|nil
+---@param languageInfo any
+---@return df_tabcontainer
+function detailsFramework:CreateTabContainer(parent, title, frameName, tabList, optionsTable, hookList, languageInfo)
+ optionsTable = optionsTable or {}
+ local parentFrameWidth = parent:GetWidth()
+ local yOffset = optionsTable.y_offset or 0
+ local buttonWidth = optionsTable.button_width or 160
+ local buttonHeight = optionsTable.button_height or 20
+ local buttonAnchorX = optionsTable.button_x or 230
+ local buttonAnchorY = optionsTable.button_y or 0
+ local buttonTextSize = optionsTable.button_text_size or 10
+ local containerWidthOffset = optionsTable.container_width_offset or 0
+ --create the base frame
+ ---@type df_tabcontainer
+ local tabContainer = CreateFrame("frame", frameName, parent["widget"] or parent, "BackdropTemplate")
+ tabContainer.hookList = hookList or {}
+ detailsFramework:Mixin(tabContainer, detailsFramework.TabContainerMixin)
+ --create the fontstring which show the title
+ ---@type fontstring
+ local mainTitle = detailsFramework:CreateLabel(tabContainer, title, 24, "white")
+ mainTitle:SetPoint("topleft", tabContainer, "topleft", 10, -30 + yOffset)
+ tabContainer.AllFrames = {}
+ tabContainer.AllButtons = {}
+ tabContainer.AllFramesByName = {}
+ tabContainer.AllButtonsByName = {}
+ tabContainer.CurrentIndex = 1
+ tabContainer.IsContainer = true
+ tabContainer.ButtonSelectedBorderColor = optionsTable.button_selected_border_color or {1, 1, 0, 1}
+ tabContainer.ButtonNotSelectedBorderColor = optionsTable.button_border_color or {0, 0, 0, 0}
+ if (optionsTable.right_click_interact ~= nil) then
+ tabContainer.CanCloseWithRightClick = optionsTable.right_click_interact
+ else
+ tabContainer.CanCloseWithRightClick = true
+ end
+ --languageInfo
+ local addonId = languageInfo and languageInfo.language_addonId or "none"
+ for tabIndex, tabInfo in ipairs(tabList) do
+ --create a frame which will be shown when the tabButton is clicked
+ --when this tab isn't selected, this frame is hidden
+ ---@type df_tabcontainerframe
+ local tabFrame = CreateFrame("frame", "$parent" .. tabInfo.name, tabContainer, "BackdropTemplate")
+ detailsFramework:Mixin(tabFrame, detailsFramework.TabContainerFrameMixin)
+ tabFrame:SetAllPoints()
+ tabFrame:SetFrameLevel(210)
+ tabFrame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", tabFrame.OnMouseDown)
+ tabFrame:SetScript("OnMouseUp", tabFrame.OnMouseUp)
+ tabFrame.tabIndex = tabIndex
+ tabFrame:Hide()
+ --attempt to get the localized text from the language system using the addonId and the frameInfo.text
+ local phraseId = tabInfo.text
+ local bIsLanguagePrahseID = detailsFramework.Language.DoesPhraseIDExistsInDefaultLanguage(addonId, phraseId)
+ --create the fontstring which show this tab text, this text is only shown when the tab is shown
+ local titleLabel = detailsFramework:CreateLabel(tabFrame, "", 16, "silver")
+ if (bIsLanguagePrahseID) then
+ DetailsFramework.Language.RegisterObjectWithDefault(addonId, titleLabel, tabInfo.text, tabInfo.text)
+ else
+ titleLabel:SetText(tabInfo.text)
+ end
+ titleLabel:SetPoint("topleft", mainTitle, "bottomleft", 0, 0)
+ tabFrame.titleText = titleLabel
+ ---@type df_tabcontainerbutton
+ local tabButton = detailsFramework:CreateButton(tabContainer, function() tabContainer:SelectTabByIndex(tabIndex) end, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, tabInfo.text, tabIndex, nil, nil, nil, "$parentTabButton" .. tabInfo.name, false, tabTemplate)
+ PixelUtil.SetSize(tabButton, buttonWidth, buttonHeight)
+ tabButton:SetFrameLevel(220)
+ tabButton.textsize = buttonTextSize
+ tabButton.mainFrame = tabContainer
+ tabContainer.CreateUnderlineGlow(tabButton)
+ --register the fontstring with the language system
+ if (bIsLanguagePrahseID) then
+ DetailsFramework.Language.RegisterObjectWithDefault(addonId, tabButton["widget"], tabInfo.text, tabInfo.text)
+ end
+ local rightClickToBack
+ if (tabIndex == 1 or optionsTable.rightbutton_always_close) then
+ rightClickToBack = detailsFramework:CreateLabel(tabFrame, "right click to close", 10, "gray")
+ rightClickToBack:SetPoint("bottomright", tabFrame, "bottomright", -1, optionsTable.right_click_y or 0)
+ if (optionsTable.close_text_alpha) then
+ rightClickToBack:SetAlpha(optionsTable.close_text_alpha)
+ end
+ tabFrame.bIsFrontPage = true
+ else
+ rightClickToBack = detailsFramework:CreateLabel(tabFrame, "right click to go back to main menu", 10, "gray")
+ rightClickToBack:SetPoint("bottomright", tabFrame, "bottomright", -1, optionsTable.right_click_y or 0)
+ if (optionsTable.close_text_alpha) then
+ rightClickToBack:SetAlpha(optionsTable.close_text_alpha)
+ end
+ end
+ if (optionsTable.hide_click_label) then
+ rightClickToBack:Hide()
+ end
+ table.insert(tabContainer.AllFrames, tabFrame)
+ table.insert(tabContainer.AllButtons, tabButton)
+ tabContainer.AllFramesByName[tabInfo.name] = tabFrame
+ tabContainer.AllFramesByName[tabInfo.text] = tabFrame
+ tabContainer.AllButtonsByName[tabInfo.name] = tabButton
+ tabContainer.AllButtonsByName[tabInfo.text] = tabButton
+ end
+ --order buttons
+ local x = buttonAnchorX
+ local y = buttonAnchorY
+ local spaceBetweenButtons = 3
+ local allocatedSpaceForButtons = parentFrameWidth - ((#tabList - 2) * spaceBetweenButtons) - buttonAnchorX + containerWidthOffset
+ local amountButtonsPerRow = math.floor(allocatedSpaceForButtons / buttonWidth)
+ tabContainer.AllButtons[1]:SetPoint("topleft", mainTitle, "topleft", x, y)
+ x = x + buttonWidth + 2
+ for i = 2, #tabContainer.AllButtons do
+ local button = tabContainer.AllButtons[i]
+ PixelUtil.SetPoint(button, "topleft", mainTitle, "topleft", x, y)
+ x = x + buttonWidth + 2
+ if (i % amountButtonsPerRow == 0) then
+ x = buttonAnchorX
+ y = y - buttonHeight - 1
+ end
+ end
+ --when show the frame, reset to the current internal index
+ tabContainer:SetScript("OnShow", tabContainer.OnShow)
+ --select the first frame
+ local defaultTab = 1
+ tabContainer:SelectTabByIndex(defaultTab)
+ return tabContainer
+local parent = UIParent
+local title = "My AddOn Options"
+local frameName = "MyAddOnOptionsFrame"
+local tabList = {
+ {name = "GeneralSettings", text = "General Settings"},
+ {name = "AdvancedSettings", text = "Advanced Settings"},
+ {name = "AboutTheAddon", text = "Addon Info"},
+local optionsTable = {}
+local hookList = {}
+local languageInfo = {language_addonId = "MyAddOnTocName"}
+local tabContainer = DetailsFramework:CreateTabContainer(parent, title, frameName, tabList, optionsTable, hookList, languageInfo)
+tabContainer:SetPoint("center", UIParent, "center", 0, 0)
+tabContainer:SetSize(750, 450)
+--ways for getting a tab frame and start to create widgets inside it
+local tabIndex = 1
+local generalSettingsTabFrame = tabContainer:GetTabFrameByIndex(tabIndex) --using a tabIndex
+local advancedSettingsTabFrame = tabContainer:GetTabFrameByName("Advanced Settings") --using the tab text
+local aboutTabFrame = tabContainer:GetTabFrameByName("AboutTheAddon") --using the tab name
+--clicking on tab buttons will automatically show the tab frame, to select a tab frame without clicking on the button, use:
+tabContainer:SelectTabByIndex(tabIndex) --using a tabIndex
+tabContainer:SelectTabByName("Advanced Settings") --using the tab text
+tabContainer:SelectTabByName("AdvancedSettings") --using the tab name
+--modify the background color by applying a backdrop
+local backdropTable = {edgeFile = [[Interface\Buttons\WHITE8X8]], edgeSize = 1, bgFile = [[Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background]], tileSize = 64, tile = true}
+local backdropColor = {DetailsFramework:GetDefaultBackdropColor()}
+local backdropBorderColor = {0, 0, 0, 1}
+tabContainer:SetTabFramesBackdrop(backdropTable, backdropColor, backdropBorderColor)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/boot.lua b/boot.lua
index 842e99abb..866d6d567 100644
--- a/boot.lua
+++ b/boot.lua
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
local addonName, Details222 = ...
local version, build, date, tocversion = GetBuildInfo()
- Details.build_counter = 11011
- Details.alpha_build_counter = 11011 --if this is higher than the regular counter, use it instead
+ Details.build_counter = 11022
+ Details.alpha_build_counter = 11022 --if this is higher than the regular counter, use it instead
Details.dont_open_news = true
Details.game_version = version
Details.userversion = version .. " " .. Details.build_counter
@@ -108,6 +108,17 @@ do
local news = {
+ {"v10.1.0.11022.151", "May 20th, 2023"},
+ "Breakdown pet options has changed to: 'Group Pets by Their Names' or 'Group Pets by Their Spells'.",
+ "Evoker empowered level now ocupies less space on the rectangle showing the damage by empower level.",
+ "Another Framework update.",
+ "Fixed an issue where some pet bars still showing the owner name.",
+ "Fixed an issue with the player selector on Breakdown window causing an error when selecting some players.",
+ "Fixed an issue caused by opening the breakdown window while seeing healing overall.",
+ "Fixed an issue with the min and max damage of a spell when viewing the 'merged' damage of two or more spells.",
+ "Fixed an issue with the Raid Check plugin throwing an error on Shuffle Arenas.",
+ "Fixed shields for Classic versions (Flamanis).",
{"v10.1.0.11011.151", "May 13th, 2023"},
"Added options: 'Group Player Spells With Same Name' and 'Group Pets By Spell' on the breakdown options.",
"Added combat log options for 'Calculate Shield Wasted Amount' and 'Calculate Energy Wasted Amount' under the options > Combat Log.",
@@ -1202,16 +1213,4 @@ end
---@param value number
function Details222.PlayerStats:SetStat(statName, value)
Details.player_stats[statName] = value
----destroy a table and remove it from the object, if the key isn't passed, the object itself is destroyed
----@param object any
----@param key string|nil
-function Details:Destroy(object, key)
- if (key) then
- table.wipe(object[key])
- object[key] = nil
- else
- table.wipe(object)
- end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/class_combat.lua b/classes/class_combat.lua
index 42eda4de1..78c0b7c75 100644
--- a/classes/class_combat.lua
+++ b/classes/class_combat.lua
@@ -653,6 +653,7 @@
combatObject[4].need_refresh = true
combatObject[5].need_refresh = true
+ --isn't shadow deprecated?
if (overallCombatObject) then --link � a tabela de combate do overall
combatObject[1].shadow = overallCombatObject[1]
combatObject[2].shadow = overallCombatObject[2]
diff --git a/classes/container_actors.lua b/classes/container_actors.lua
index 5eda43130..9edd3668d 100644
--- a/classes/container_actors.lua
+++ b/classes/container_actors.lua
@@ -459,7 +459,9 @@ end
funcao_de_criacao = actorContainer:FuncaoDeCriacao(containerType),
tipo = containerType,
combatId = combatId,
+ ---@type actor[]
_ActorTable = {},
+ ---@type table
_NameIndexTable = {}
diff --git a/frames/window_playerbreakdown_spells.lua b/frames/window_playerbreakdown_spells.lua
index bd108df2e..3091a4440 100644
--- a/frames/window_playerbreakdown_spells.lua
+++ b/frames/window_playerbreakdown_spells.lua
@@ -1708,9 +1708,8 @@ function spellsTab.CreatePhasesContainer(tabFrame) --~phase ~createphasecontaine
---@type breakdowntargetscrollframe not sure is this is correct
local phaseScrollFrame = DF:CreateScrollBox(container, "$parentPhaseScroll", refreshPhaseFunc, {}, width, height, defaultAmountOfLines, CONST_SPELLSCROLL_LINEHEIGHT)
- dededebug = 1
- dededebug = nil
diff --git a/startup.lua b/startup.lua
index ba7947490..a4808ad8c 100644
--- a/startup.lua
+++ b/startup.lua
@@ -438,7 +438,6 @@ function Details:StartMeUp()
Details.Schedules.NewTimer(2, Details.OpenOptionsWindowAtStart, Details)