Releases: Tercioo/Details-Damage-Meter
Releases · Tercioo/Details-Damage-Meter
Players can now ignore spells from the Spells List, to access go to Options Panel > Spell List > All Spells or just /de spells.
- Fixed AutoHide in Battlegrounds (was hiding while in raids too).
- Added an option to not show Details! while in Battlegrounds, the option is under Window: Automation > Auto Hide.
Track spell reflect damage:
Add damage that was reflected to the entity that has done
the reflected (mostly prot warris). Previously the damage
was added to the caster of the spell.
- Added npcId ignore list, atm it is accessed by Details.npcid_ignored[npcid] = true.
- Framework Updates.
- Localization Updates.
- Removed leftover debug print.
- Framework updates.
General fixes and implementations:
- Fixed a bug for healing done from unit to unit (@rubenvrolijk ).
- Added Vanish to the list of defensive cooldowns for Rogues (@DylanMeador ).
- Added Ny'alotha raid information (@jjholleman ).
- Fixed Eye of Corruption and Grand Delusions.
- Fixed an error while retrieving data from the guild (statistics sync).
- Updated the ToC files for bundled plugins.
- Segments Locked featured won't work for Overall Data.
- Fixed an issue on Player Details Window where sometimes Death Strike healing done would blink the Rune Weapon healing done.
- Regular Details Framework updates.
- Fixes for hunter second pet with tier 1 talent (fix by @denis-kam ).
- Details! is ready for mythic Ny'alotha, The Waking City!
- Framework Updates
- Fixed Eye of Corruption and Grand Delusions.
- Segment Lockdown is now enabled by default on new installs.