This is a collection of Python modules, scripts and Jupyter notebooks that can be used to investigate Diachromatic interactions in terms of the four counts for the different orientations of mapped paired-end reads.
First you need to clone this repository with:
$ git clone
Check which Python version you are using:
python --version
For convenience, you could do something like this: alias python=python3.9
We tested Python versions 3.7
, 3.8
, 3.9
and 3.10
on macOS.
For Python version 3.11
we get an
when installing the pysam
Then change into the cloned directory, create a virtual environment and activate it:
$ cd diachrscripts
$ python -m venv dscripts
$ source dscripts/bin/activate
We use the Python package pybedtools
which requires BedTools to be installed and available through the $PATH
To install BedTools follow
these instructions.
Install all required packages into this environment:
(dscripts)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
This may take a few minutes to complete.
Depending on your Python installation,
you may get an error message saying that Python.h
is missing.
In this case, install python-devel
and execute the last command again.
To make the environment available in Jupyter notebooks create a Jupyter kernel.
(dscripts)$ pip install ipykernel
(dscripts)$ python -m ipykernel install --user --name=dscripts
When using Jupyter notebooks select the kernel dscripts
Most of the analysis in diachrscripts
is done in Jupyter notebooks.
To get started with the analyses, change into the directory jupyter_notebooks
and launch the notebook server.
(dscripts)$ cd jupyter_notebooks
(dscripts)$ jupyter-notebook
Depending on the configurations, a browser window will then open automatically, showing the contents of the directory from which the notebook server was started. If this is not the case, copy the URL that was output to the terminal and paste it into your browser's address bar. In the browser, select the notebook Get_started.ipynb.
Change into the docs
directory and generate
the ReadTheDocs documentation as follows:
(dscripts)$ cd docs
(dscripts)$ make html
You should now find documentation here: diachrscripts/docs/_build/html/index.html
Run all tests as follows:
(dscripts)$ python -m unittest discover tests/
To deactivate the environment use deactivate