SLIM relies on config files to know which model to train and on what data.
Everything relative to the models to train.
Everything about the speech encoder to use (note that its weights are freezed and will not be trained).
Param | description | Example |
model_name |
HF name of the speech encoder to use | facebook/hubert-large-ls960-ft |
sampling_rate |
expected audio sampling rate for the speech encoder | 16000 |
Everything about the LLM to train.
Param | description | Example |
model_name |
HF name of the LLM to use | abacaj/phi-2-super |
audio_placeholder |
How SLIM will know where to insert the audio into the prompt | {audio} (default) |
prompt_template |
LLM's expected instruct format | "EOS_TOKEN[INST] {instruct} [/INST]" |
quantization_config |
(optional) params for BitsAndBytesConfig | |
peft |
(optional) params for LoraConfig |
List of dataset to train the model on, note that each dataset must be provided as follows:
param: value
Param | description | Example |
audio_column |
(optional) Name of the column containing the audio within the dataset. None if not provided. | audio |
label_column |
Name of the column containing the expected output. | output |
instruct_column |
Name of the column containing the input instruct. If audio_column is not None, it must contains audio_placeholder . |
input |
instruct |
(optional) Overwrites the values in instruct_column or create one if not present. |
Transcribe speech to text {audio} |
subset |
(optional) param for load_dataset | all |
splits |
List of the three sets (train , test , validation ) used for training, passed as it to load_dataset as split argument. |
filters |
(optional) Allows the filtering of the dataset, see the More on filters section. |
Filters are a way to allow data filtering (i.e removing column longer that the model's context length), it relies on a suite of pre-written function that can be chained to formate a filter provided to Dataset.filter
Available filters can be founded in, feel free to add any filters that you found missing.
Same as Training, note that pretraining is fully optinal and can't be omitted.
Parameters used to determine training behavior such as batch size, training step and others.
Param | description | Example |
wandb_project_name |
(optional) how to name the wandb project | SLIM-training |
early_stopping_patience |
param for EarlyStoppingCallback | 5 |
resume_from_checkpoint |
(optional) If provided, the training will resume to the provided checkpoint path | some/path/ |
training_args |
Params for TrainingArguments |