This package provides a Lua module to control the GPIO on a Raspberry Pi.
The main functionality is provided by the RPi.GPIO Python Module of Ben Croston. The Lua binding follows the Python module as closely as possible.
Note; asynchroneous callbacks require darksidesync. So if you provide either
or add_event_callback()
with a callback function
you'll get a error mentioning 'darksidesync' if you did not require that module before.
Basic usage (more advanced example below):
local GPIO=require "GPIO"
GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(11, GPIO.LOW)
Some additional modules are included for specific hardware.
Module for hd44780 compatible LCDs (4bit mode), migrated to Lua from Adafruit. See test_lcd.lua for an example.
If you're familiar with installing packages and modules you can quickly build
the module by cd-ing into rpi-gpio/lua
and run make
. A
file will
be created, which can be used in your Lua scripts.
Here's a quick list of commands for inexperienced users, to get you going with Lua on your Raspberry Pi (on Raspbian);
sudo apt-get update -- update your package cache
sudo apt-get install lua5.1 -- the Lua 5.1 interpreter and libs
sudo apt-get install liblua5.1-0-dev -- development files, required by LuaRocks to build modules
sudo apt-get install luarocks -- package manager for Lua modules
sudo apt-get install openssl -- required for luasec (below)
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev -- development files for openssl, required for luasec (below)
sudo luarocks install luarocks -- LuaRocks will update itself to the latest version
sudo luarocks install luasec -- required for LuaRocks to support https downloads
Installing the module through LuaRocks;
sudo luarocks install rpi-gpio
sudo luarocks install darksidesync -- optional; only if you want to use callbacks
sudo luarocks install copas -- optional; handy for callbacks, see 'test6_callbacks.lua'
If you feel like living dangerously, you can install the latest development code through;
sudo luarocks install rpi-gpio --server=
local GPIO=require "GPIO"
--BOARD Pin Layout
pins={11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 22}
print ("Version: "..GPIO.VERSION..", Pi Rev: "..GPIO.RPI_REVISION)
for k,v in pairs(pins) do
GPIO.setup(v, GPIO.OUT)
for k,v in pairs(pins) do
GPIO.output(v, 1)
os.execute("sleep 1")
for k,v in pairs(pins) do
GPIO.output(v, (k+1)%2)
os.execute("sleep 1")
for k,v in pairs(pins) do
GPIO.output(v, k%2)
os.execute("sleep 1")
p = GPIO.newPWM(12, 100)
os.execute("sleep 5")