- Java 8+
- Maven 3.5.4+
$ git clone [email protected]:TigerGraph-DevLabs/TG-Snowflake-Connector.git
$ cd TG-Snowflake-Connector/
# compile and package
$ mvn clean package
# If you get error:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 38.570 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-11-23T01:23:29Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project TigerGraphConnector: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.tigergraph:TigerGraphConnector:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact com.tigergraph:tg-java-driver:jar:1.2 in central (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2) -> [Help 1]
# You need install tg-driver:
$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/{location}/tg-java-driver-1.2.jar -DgroupId=com.tigergraph -DartifactId=tg-java-driver -Dversion=1.2 -Dpackaging=jar
$ mvn clean package
# package success, get connector package and config file:
$ cd target
# get TigerGraphConnector-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
$ cd classes
# get connector conf connector.yaml
$ vim connector.yaml
# Config your connector task;
# If we use private pem key to connect SnowFlake, follow this:
# Support unencrypted private key to connect snowflake. [Reference](https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/key-pair-auth.html#supported-snowflake-clients)
Note that, Spark 2.x is pre-built with Scala 2.11 except version 2.4.2, which is pre-built with Scala 2.12. Spark 3.0+ is pre-built with Scala 2.12.
Our source code build in Scala 2.11.
If unsupport spark version used, we will get exception:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: scala.Predef$.refArrayOps([Ljava/lang/Object;)Lscala/collection/mutable/ArrayOps;
Install steps:
$ wget https://archive.apache.org/dist/spark/spark-2.4.5/spark-2.4.5-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz
$ tar -zxf spark-2.4.5-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz
# you can config spark home like this:
# vi /etc/profile
# export SPARK_HOME=/home/hadoop/spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.6
# export PATH=$SPARK_HOME/bin:$PATH
# running command:
$ bin/spark-submit \
--class com.tigergraph.spark_connector.SF2Spark2Tg \
/{path}/TigerGraphConnector-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
- Prepare SF account:
- create database
- upload test data to sf
- create private pem key(https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/key-pair-auth.html#supported-snowflake-clients)
- Prepare tigergraph db:
- create vertex and graph
- create loading job
- Config yaml file:
# snowflake config
sfURL: lla10179.us-east-1.snowflakecomputing.com
sfUser: liusx
#sfPassword: Qwer1234
sfDatabase: tg_spark
sfSchema: synthea30g
warehouse: COMPUTE_WH
pem_private_key: /home/ubuntu/sfKey/rsa_key.p8
# SnowFlake tables -> table to import
sfDbtable: [conditions,providers]
# tigergraph config
driver: com.tigergraph.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:tg:
username: tigergraph
password: tigergraph
# token: k670rl16oncs359la8tf2upb5jlmrfg0
# graph name
graph: test
batchsize: 5000
# This symbol is used to represent a delimiter during transmission. No symbol can exist in the data
sep: ','
# This symbol is used to represent a newline during transmission. No symbol can exist in the data
eol: "\n"
debug: 0
# Maximum number of partitions for Spark
numPartitions: 150
# Data structure mapping
# key : SnowFlake table
# value : tg loading job mapping
# dbtable : loading job name
# jobConfig: config loading job
# sfColumn : columns in SnowFlake table
# filename: filename defined in the loading job
"dbtable": "job loadJob"
# filename defined in the loading job
"filename": user
"dbtable": "job loadJob"
"filename": test
- Query vertex num in graph:
GSQL > # declaration statements
GSQL > test = {Test.*};
GSQL > # body statements
GSQL > PRINT test.size();
GSQL > }
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 0,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [{"test.size()": 0}]
GSQL > # declaration statements
GSQL > users = {User.*};
GSQL > # body statements
GSQL > PRINT users.size();
GSQL > }
"error": false,
"message": "",
"version": {
"schema": 0,
"edition": "enterprise",
"api": "v2"
"results": [{"users.size()": 0}]
Submit task to spark
$ bin/spark-submit \ --class com.tigergraph.spark_connector.SF2Spark2Tg \ /{path}/TigerGraphConnector-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ /{path}/connector.yaml
running log:
21/11/23 03:22:24 INFO BlockManager: Initialized BlockManager: BlockManagerId(driver, ip-172-31-31-112, 39159, None)
21/11/23 03:22:54 INFO loadBegin: [ conditions ] begin load data
21/11/23 03:22:56 INFO loadBegin: [ providers ] begin load data
21/11/23 03:23:01 INFO progress: Write Data Progress: |0%
21/11/23 03:23:06 INFO progress: Write Data Progress: |0%
21/11/23 03:23:11 INFO progress: Write Data Progress: |0%
21/11/23 03:23:16 INFO progress: Write Data Progress: |0%
21/11/23 03:23:21 INFO progress: Write Data Progress: |0%
21/11/23 03:23:26 INFO progress: Write Data Progress: |0%
21/11/23 03:23:31 INFO progress: Write Data Progress: |0%
21/11/23 03:23:36 INFO progress: Write Data Progress: |0%
21/11/23 03:23:41 INFO loadSuccess: [ providers ] load success, consume time: 44 s
21/11/23 03:23:42 INFO progress: Write Data Progress: ************************* |50%
21/11/23 03:23:47 INFO progress: Write Data Progress: ************************* |50%
21/11/23 03:23:52 INFO progress: Write Data Progress: ************************* |50%
21/11/23 03:23:57 INFO progress: Write Data Progress: ************************* |50%
21/11/23 03:24:02 INFO progress: Write Data Progress: ************************* |50%
21/11/23 03:24:07 INFO progress: Write Data Progress: ************************* |50%
21/11/23 03:24:12 INFO progress: Write Data Progress: ************************* |50%
21/11/23 03:24:17 INFO loadSuccess: [ conditions ] load success, consume time: 82 s
21/11/23 03:24:17 INFO progress: The total time consuming:120s
Query vertex num in graph:
GSQL > BEGIN GSQL > INTERPRET QUERY () FOR GRAPH test { GSQL > # declaration statements GSQL > test = {Test.*}; GSQL > # body statements GSQL > PRINT test.size(); GSQL > } GSQL > END { "error": false, "message": "", "version": { "schema": 0, "edition": "enterprise", "api": "v2" }, "results": [{"test.size()": 9815}] } GSQL > BEGIN GSQL > INTERPRET QUERY () FOR GRAPH test { GSQL > # declaration statements GSQL > users = {User.*}; GSQL > # body statements GSQL > PRINT users.size(); GSQL > } GSQL > END { "error": false, "message": "", "version": { "schema": 0, "edition": "enterprise", "api": "v2" }, "results": [{"users.size()": 4226}] }
Submit task to spark. Then enter the password according to the situation.
Please enter the snowflake password, end by 'Enter'. If you don’t need to enter a password, just hit enter.
Enter SnowFlake password :