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TSP_Panda edited this page Aug 9, 2020 · 2 revisions

Commands List

TinyGuardian is aimed towards being a multipurpose bot for a wide variety of communities! It offers a wide variety of commands that can be enabled/disabled per guild. There are a few that can't be disabled, but can be restricted to specific channels. The default prefix is: tg!, however can be set using the set command. This page will be used to explain basics of each command, for commands that require a further explanation, they will have their own page.

General Use Commands

tg!ping - Returns the latency of the bot. (Your message -> discord -> response) tg!lua <src> - Returns an eval of your lua code. tg!search <loc> <query> - Will search a specified location for your query. tg!support - Will display invite link for the TinyGuardian support server.

Staff commands

tg!clear <count> [userId] - Will attempt to clear count message. If userId is provided, will only remove that members messages. tg!holdlast <message> - Will attempt to make the last message in channel of execution message.

Owner commands (Guild Owner / Bot Owner)

tg!set <setting> <value> - Will set setting to value on a per guild basis.

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