An incremental game skeleton. Very much WIP.
Play the current version here. Play around with the development version here.
Built with Node.js.
Developed with the help of vercel, and its command line tool.
yarn format
- Auto-format the codebase.yarn lint
- Check if codebase conforms to codestandards.yarn test
- Check if codebase is ready for commit, including tsc and eslint warnings.
yarn run dev
- Start a development server atlocalhost
and watch for code changes.yarn start
- Create a production build and host it atlocalhost
- Next.js - React framework
- typescript - JS, but typesafe
- DaddyTimeMono Nerd Font - A "wibbly-wobbly handwriting-like"[sic] font patched with icons
Originally adapted from deciduously's prototype, translated to TypeScript as best as I could and then built upon after that.