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Create Discord server and bot

Daniel Tischner edited this page Nov 16, 2021 · 10 revisions


This tutorial shows how to create your own Discord server and a Discord bot, which can then be connected to a program, like the TJ-Bot.


What you will learn

  • create your own Discord server
  • create a Discord bot
  • add the bot to your server


Discord Server

As first step, you need to create your own Discord server. This is surprisingly easy.

  1. click the + button on the server overview
  2. follow the dialog and enter details, you may use the following details
    2.1. click Create My Own
    2.2. click For me and my friends
    2.3. enter a name and upload a picture
    2.4. smack that Create button
  3. boom! you have your own Discord server 🎉

Add server Create My Own For me and my friends Server details server created

Discord Bot

Next up, you want to create your own bot.

  1. visit the Discord Developer Portal
  2. click on New Application
    2.1. enter the name for the bot
  3. on the General Information tab
    3.1. enter a name, description and upload a picture
    3.2. hit Save Changes
  4. on the Bot tab
    4.1. click on Add Bot
    4.2. hit the Yes, do it! button
    4.3. you can now see your bots Token, you will need this when connecting the bot to a program later
  5. on the OAuth tab
    5.1. select the Bot and applications.commands Scopes
    5.2. select the desired Bot permissions, e.g. Send Messages, Read Message History, Add Reactions, Use Slash Commands
    5.3. from the Scope section, copy the URL it generated, this is the bots invite link

New Application enter application name enter application details Add Bot Confim add bot Token scopes Bot permissions url

Add bot to server

Last but not least, you have to add the bot to the server you just created.

  1. open the bots invite link URL in a browser
    1.1. select your server to add the bot
    1.2. click Continue
    1.3. click Authorize
  2. thats it, your bot was now added to the server! 🎉

Add bot Authorize bot added

What next?

Now that have your own server and your own Discord bot and both are connected to each other, you can start to create or run an actual bot-program, such as TJ-Bot and give it your bots token!

Once the program has your token, it will connect to the bot and you can interact with it from your server.

You can learn about these steps in the following guide:

bot example

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