Releases: TopchetoEU/jscript
- extract log API to console (TopchetoEU)
- improve build scripts (TopchetoEU)
- 48bd1e2: bump (TopchetoEU)
- add gradle wrapper props (TopchetoEU)
- specify java toolchain (TopchetoEU)
Gradle update
In this update, the project has been restructured, and the custom build script was replaced by gradle.
- change custom build script to gradle (TopchetoEU)
Bug Fixes
- fully remove typescript (TopchetoEU)
Code Refactoring
- move debugging logic out of core (TopchetoEU)
- remove old build script (TopchetoEU)
- improve build scripts (TopchetoEU)
Bug Fixes
- oops (TopchetoEU)
- some API improvements (TopchetoEU)
Code Refactoring
- split up code in 4 modules (TopchetoEU)
Code base and API cleanup
After one year of development, WE'RE FINALLY BETA! After this update, no new major features will be implemented, instead, the API is going to be refined, bugs are going to be fixed, there will be some optimizations and most important: the code will be documented.
(also try-catch-finally, but that's a given)
Detailed changelog:
- readd FS API via new env API #12 (TopchetoEU)
- readd module API via env API #12 (TopchetoEU)
- readd permissions API via new env API #12 (TopchetoEU)
- greatly improve Context API #12 (TopchetoEU)
- make better native wrapper API #12 (TopchetoEU)
- use new wrapper API in libs #12 (TopchetoEU)
- some array tests #12 (TopchetoEU)
Bug Fixes
- access env via context #12 (TopchetoEU)
- main now uses new env API #12 (TopchetoEU)
- pass arguments to regex constructor in LOAD_REGEX #12 (TopchetoEU)
- pass environment to compiler via simple environment wrapper #12 (TopchetoEU)
- clean up debugger API #12 (TopchetoEU)
- some Argument and Engine API improvements, #12 (TopchetoEU)
- try-catch-finally fix #457846982 #12 (TopchetoEU)
- some more libs fixes #12 (TopchetoEU)
- wrong signature of Map.forEach #12 (TopchetoEU)
- small issue with sparse arrays #12 (TopchetoEU)
- Function.bind now passess this argument, instead of the function itself #12 (TopchetoEU)
- report proper function name in String.length errors #12 (TopchetoEU)
- remove sparse call arguments #12 (TopchetoEU)
- use instead of direct calling #12 (TopchetoEU)
- implement proper parseInt logic #12 (TopchetoEU)
- use Values to access members in ObjectLib, instead of direct access #12 (TopchetoEU)
- wrong behavior in Number.toString (which somehow broke typescript) #12 (TopchetoEU)
- bring back ts minification #12 (TopchetoEU)
- debugger hanging sometimes #12 (TopchetoEU)
- make java 11 compatible #12 (TopchetoEU)
Code Refactoring
- greatly improve Environment API #12 (TopchetoEU)
- remove old Data API #12 (TopchetoEU)
- remove unneeded event system #12 (TopchetoEU)
- remove more dead code #12 (TopchetoEU)
- generalize Reading class #12 (TopchetoEU)
- move NO_RETURN to Values, remove some casters from Values #12 (TopchetoEU)
- some spring cleaning in array lib, fix small issue with join #12 (TopchetoEU)
- don't require ctx in frame.push #12 (TopchetoEU)
- remove old useless exceptions (TopchetoEU)
Modules update
In this update, module support has been added, as well as some improvements of the filesystem API and the addition of some stdlib functions. This update also fixes a lot of bugs, including the try-catch system (it never ends, does it?)
Detailed changelog:
- implement some stdlib functions #11 (TopchetoEU)
- create memory-light directory list file #11 (TopchetoEU)
- implement basic module system #11 (TopchetoEU)
Bug Fixes
- make .gitignore more restrictive #11 (TopchetoEU)
- use correct env declarations in bootstrap.js #11 (TopchetoEU)
- change default return type to void for generators #11 (TopchetoEU)
- never-ending try-catch issues #11 (TopchetoEU)
- some stupid mistakes in FS #11 (TopchetoEU)
- error now is not null-prototyped #11 (TopchetoEU)
- some config files cleanup #11 (TopchetoEU)
- remove major mistakes in README #11 (TopchetoEU)
- don't include ts's code in repo anymore #11 (TopchetoEU)
- correctly convert virtual to real path #11 (TopchetoEU)
- environment pushed when it shouldn't be #11 (TopchetoEU)
- some bug fixes and improvements with File interface #11 (TopchetoEU)
- improve path resolutions and FS API #11 (TopchetoEU)
- losts of FS API improvements #11 (TopchetoEU)
- make code java 11 compatible (TopchetoEU)
Code Refactoring
- replace all CRLF with LF #11 (TopchetoEU)
- improve Engine API #11 (TopchetoEU)
- fix code to not result in compile warning #11 (TopchetoEU)
- minify typescript code (TopchetoEU)
Sourcemaps update
In this update, typescript (and other transpilers) can work like first-class citizens of the engine, using source mappings. They will be used in (almost) all places where locations occur. Alongside that, there have been some improvemets to the overall quality of the generated bytecode and yet another try-catch-finally overhaul (4th I i believe).
Detailed changelog:
- improve Bufffer API #10 (TopchetoEU)
- make typescript output mappings #10 (TopchetoEU)
- implement VLQ parsing #10 (TopchetoEU)
- implement source maps #10 (TopchetoEU)
- implement new API with source maps #10 (TopchetoEU)
- use mappings in stack traces #10 (TopchetoEU)
- make environment hidable from stack trace #10 (TopchetoEU)
Bug Fixes
- arrays wrongly stringified in JSONLib #10 (TopchetoEU)
- move debugger assets to correct location #10 (TopchetoEU)
- properly handle wrapper function #10 (TopchetoEU)
- use proper name for native constructors #10 (TopchetoEU)
- simplify source map API #10 (TopchetoEU)
- some issues with try-catch #10 (TopchetoEU)
- return minified typescript #10 (TopchetoEU)
- how the hell did i fix this (it was the cache all along) #10 (TopchetoEU)
Code Refactoring
- reorganize assets #10 (TopchetoEU)
- replace .locate with argument #10 (TopchetoEU)
- improve function statement #10 (TopchetoEU)
- remove printf #10 (TopchetoEU)
- remove unused instructions #10 (TopchetoEU)
- rename compileWithDebug to compile #10 (TopchetoEU)
Filesystem update
This update adds filesystem support, as well as some general fixes, mostly with promises.
Detailed changelog:
- remove unnececeary @NativeInit directives #9 (TopchetoEU)
- implement simple permission matching #9 (TopchetoEU)
- implement permissions #9 (TopchetoEU)
- implement bulk of fs #9 (TopchetoEU)
- implement memory and root fs #9 (TopchetoEU)
- add fs declarations in lib.d.ts #9 (TopchetoEU)
- add support for async iterators #9 (TopchetoEU)
- add parse function to Filename #9 (TopchetoEU)
- add toString, equals and hashCode overrides to wrappers and objects #9 (TopchetoEU)
- add filesystem libs #9 (TopchetoEU)
- add await function to promise #9 (TopchetoEU)
- add utf8 encoding and decoding #9 (TopchetoEU)
- properly implement filesystems #9 (TopchetoEU)
Bug Fixes
- replace templates in Metadata class with placeholder data #9 (TopchetoEU)
- errors now have the right prototype and name #9 (TopchetoEU)
- remove double space in "Uncaught ..." #9 (TopchetoEU)
- internal error when trying to use key of "undefined" #9 (TopchetoEU)
- improve performance of typescript by caching separate declarations #9 (TopchetoEU)
- handle native errors properly-ish #9 (TopchetoEU)
- CodeFrame didnt't handle out of bounds jumps well #9 (TopchetoEU)
- some improvements of compiled bytecode #9 (TopchetoEU)
- functions now print their name when stringified #9 (TopchetoEU)
- sorting with no comparator now works #9 (TopchetoEU)
- parsing files won't modify last instruction to RET, instead will just append it #9 (TopchetoEU)
- promise doesn't use microtasks in some cases #9 (TopchetoEU)
- promise was sending macro tasks instead of micro #9 (TopchetoEU)
- micro tasks not handled properly #9 (TopchetoEU)
- incorrect declarations #9 (TopchetoEU)
- debugger breakpoints not registered #9 (TopchetoEU)
- faulty insufficient permissions error #9 (TopchetoEU)
- make code java 11 compatible (TopchetoEU)
- remove unnececeary import #9 (TopchetoEU)
Code Refactoring
- remove StackData and Data usage #9 (TopchetoEU)
- clean up Main class #9 (TopchetoEU)
- clean up protocol.json #9 (TopchetoEU)
- get rid of data parent hierarchy #9 (TopchetoEU)
- use new iterable names #9 (TopchetoEU)
- fix build script to exit with code when error occurs (TopchetoEU)