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Mary Sue Protocol

Ellypse edited this page Jul 9, 2018 · 3 revisions


The Mary Sue Protocol built-in module for Total RP 3 contains the implementation for the Mary Sue Protocol, a protocol used by all major roleplaying add-ons to exchange profile data in a standardized way, allowing a compatibility with (Total RP 2, XRP, MyRoleplay, FlagRSP, etc.)

Mary Sue Protocol fields and implementations in Total RP 3

  • AE : Eye color. (blue) Total RP 3 allows users to indicate a specific color for their eyes, to be more explicit. The value will contain a color code (also known as UI_escape_sequences) starting with |cffxxxxxx and will end with a closing tag |r. If you do not want colors in your add-on, please escape the tags correctly (see below).

  • AH : Height. Can be either text (short, tall) or a numeric value in centimeters (198).

  • AG : Age. Can be either text (young, old) or a numeric value in years (27)

  • AW : Body shape. Can be either text (thin, muscular) or a numeric value in kilograms (72).

  • CU : Currently. A "short" description of the character's current situation. (Bleeding to death)

  • CO : Currently Out of Character. A short out-of-character information. (Walks up are welcome)

  • DE : Description written in the "About" page. When using the template 3 or if the option "Use template 3 only" is enabled, only the "Physical description" part will be used.

  • FC : Character status. Either 2 for in character or 1 for out of character.

  • FR : Roleplaying style. Can be either Beginner roleplayer, Experienced roleplayer or Volunteer roleplayer.

  • GC : Game, Class. Non-localised version of the character (real) class. (Hunter, Warrior) Non editable

  • GF : Game, Faction. Non-localised version of the character faction. (Horde, Alliance) Non editable

  • GR : Game, Race. Non-localised version of the character (real) race. (Dwarf, Troll) Non editable

  • GS : Game, Sex. 1 neuter, 2 male, 3 female. Non editable

  • GU : Game, GUID. UnitGUID. (Player-976-0002FD64) Non editable

  • HB : Birthplace. (Stormwind, Silvermoon)

  • HH : Residence. (Stormwind, Silvermoon)

  • HI : History. When using the template 3 in the "About" page, it will be the history part of the template.

  • IC : Icon. String of an icon chosen by the player to represent himself. (ability_garrison_orangebird)

  • MO : Motto. A character's favorite saying. (Winter is coming)

  • NA : Name. Complete name, using the short title, the first name and the last name. (Sir Telkostrasz Arkale) Total RP 3 allows users to use a different color than the default class based one for their name. The value will contain a color code (also known as UI_escape_sequences) starting with |cffxxxxxx and will end with a closing tag |r. If you do not want colors in your add-on, please escape the tags correctly (see below).

  • NI : Nickname. (Littlefinger)

  • NH : House name. The house the character belong to. (House Stark)

  • NT : Title. The long title. (Crazy cat lady)

  • RA : Race. Custom race if set (if not set, we use UnitRace() for localized version). Half-orc, half-draenei

  • RC : Class. Custom class defined by the user. (Medecin) Total RP 3 allows users to use a different color than the default class based one for their class. The value will contain a color code (also known as UI_escape_sequences) starting with |cffxxxxxx and will end with a closing tag |r. If you do not want colors in your add-on, please escape the tags correctly (see below).

  • TT : Tooltip fields.

  • VA : Addon versions. Semicolon-separated list of add-ons/version pairs. totalRP/1.0.0;GHI/2.1.14

  • VP : Protocol version. 1

List of known add-ons using the Mary Sue Protocol

Correctly escaping color codes

We recommend to render the text as is, meaning as intended by users. The colors inserted by Total RP are chosen by users and have a meaning. But if you do want to remove colors from the values sent by Total RP 3, here's the best way to do so :

local valueWithoutColorCodes = valueContainingColorCodes:gsub("|c%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):gsub("|r", "");

External links

Mary Sue Protocol documentation

UI escape sequences - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

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