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110 lines (94 loc) · 3.65 KB

File metadata and controls

110 lines (94 loc) · 3.65 KB

Cell Viewer

Graphical User Interface to view stats about the TRASGO detectors easily (currently optimized for TRAGALDABAS only).

Prompt GUI
Prompt GUI

How to use

You can check ascii files (tryydoyhhmmss.hld_cell_entries.dat) with ascii command or root files (tryydoyhhmmss.hld.root.root) with root command inside prompt. First are faster to read and you can check the mean of hits in runs (around 25 minutes each run), with standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis; instead, reading root files you can measure a more accurate rate (in Hz) and check much more data.

Set working directories

First you need to create the file utils/ and add as UPPERCASE constants the following strings:

# utils/

ASCII_DATA_DIR = "/path/to/png/"
ROOT_DATA_DIR  = "/path/to/rootfiles/"
TRUFA_LIB_DIR  = "/path/to/TRUFA/"

where ASCII_DATA_DIR is the path to the directory where you have stored a copy from files in

ROOT_DATA_DIR is the path where you store unpacked files like:

# or

and TRUFA_LIB_DIR is the path to the directory usually called "TRUFA", where is the compiled library

Install dependencies

You need to work with:

  • Python >= 3.7
  • Tkinter (pip install tk)
  • ROOT >= 6.22
  • PyROOT (for Python3)

Run the program

Finally you need to execute with Python 3


and once the prompt is launched, write one of these commands:

HELP: (commands)
- root
Launch the GUI to read .hld.root.root files (in ROOT_DATA_DIR)
- ascii
Launch the GUI to read .dat files (in ASCII_DATA_DIR)

or help <command> to get information about such <command>.

Use the Graphical User Interface

Choose date and time. Then you can choose another specifications (they are optional) and hit "Ok" button. Each time you change something, you need to hit "Ok" again to update the map. When you are glad about the result, you can hit "SAVE" button to get the result in png format. It will be saved in store/saves/filename.png

Motherboard layout


The motherboards are not in the same location as from the normal point of view, when you view TRAGALDABAS from the southwest (entering the door). Here are the cell layouts in both cases:

Motherboards on App:

The Motherboard layout shown in this GUI is the most natural way to understand it according to the coordinates.

  ^ :-----:-----:
  | : MB4 : MB1 :
  | :-----:-----:
  | : MB3 : MB2 :
  | :-----:-----:

Real layout:

The LabCAF is represented below with ASCII Art:

               <-----+    FAN  _ W
       :-----:-----: |   ///   | I
       : MB2 : MB3 : |         | N
       :-----:-----: v         | D
       : MB1 : MB4 :   Y       | O
       :-----:-----:           | W
                               - S
                                       N   compass
         L a b C A F                    \
                                    W ---\--- E
|\                                        \
|/ DOOR                                    S

       //                       \
      //       M I G U E L       \
     //        C R U C E S        \
    //                             \
   //                               \
  //       [email protected]      \
  \  [email protected] //