The .env configuration files for the project are separated into 2 files (develop and production). Following explanainsion will help you to configure project.
Note: for bool
types available values is 0
and 1
Note 2: for array[<type>]
set variables like: VAR=some some2 ...
Configurations for python logging
You can leave them empty.
DEBUG_LEVEL - Debug level (string or int)
DEBUG_FORMAT - Debug log format (string)
DEBUG_DATEFMT - Debug date format (string)
Configurations for bot
There is only one required variable: BOT_TOKEN
TOKEN - Discord bot token (string)
COMMAND_PREFIX - Bot prefix (string)
CASE_INSENSITIVE - Bot's commands insensivity (bool)
OWNER_ID - Bot's owner id (int)
STRIP_AFTER_PREFIX - Bot's strip after prefix (! command -> !command) (bool)
DEBUG_GUILDS_IDS - Debug guilds for slash_commands (array[int])
Database configurations for bot.
DATABASE_HOST - Database host (string)
DATABASE_PORT - Database port (string)
DATABASE_USER - Database user (string)
DATABASE_PASSWORD - Database user's password (string)
DATABASE_NAME - Database name (string)
Configurations for bot's modules
MA_WORDS_COUNT - Words count for message analyzer (int)
MA_TEXT_LENGTH - Text length for message analyzer (int)
MA_USERS_BLACKLIST - Users blacklist for message analyzer (array[int])
Those variables are required for Docker Compose (develop only).
All of those variables required to be set.