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This repository contains code for phylogenetic inference from single-cell RNA-Seq data that is described in:

Liu X, Griffiths J, Bishara I, Liu J, Bild AH, and Chang JT. Phylogenetic inference from single-cell RNA-seq data. bioRxiv 2022.09.27.509725. doi:

The pipeline is implemented with Snakemake and takes 10X Genomics Chromium single cell RNA-Seq data processed with CellRanger and generates a phylogenetic tree.

If you have your own favorite approaches to variant calling or phylogenetic modeling, we also provide just the R functions that will smooth, impute, and call the genotypes for scRNA-Seq data as described in the paper. You can get that code by downloading the smoothing.R file. This contains functions that can take matrices of reference and alternate read counts and produce the predicted genotypes (reference, alternate, or heterozygous) and their probabilities.

This README contains the following sections:

This pipeline requires the following software to be installed on your system. We have included instructions for installing these with conda. However, everyone's environment is a little different, and software changes over time, so you may need to do things differently to get things to work.

  • Snakemake

  • Samtools

  • Picard

  • GATK4

  • Varscan

  • Python3 + numpy + scipy

  • R + babette + other libraries

  • BEAST2

conda install -c bioconda samtools
conda install -c bioconda picard
conda install -c bioconda gatk4
conda install -c bioconda varscan

conda install -c anaconda numpy
conda install -c anaconda scipy

conda install -c bioconda r-argparse
conda install -c r r-rcolorbrewer
conda install -c conda-forge r-ggplot2
conda install -c bioconda bioconductor-ggtree
conda install -c conda-forge r-phangorn
conda install -c conda-forge r-treetools

Rscript -e 'install.packages("babette", repos="")

conda install -c bioconda beast2

Note: Using Conda, I ran into an incompatibility between Java and R that I could not resolve. First, the rJava installed by Conda was not linked properly.

> library(rJava)
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘rJava’:
 .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details:
  call: dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...)
  error: unable to load shared object '.../R/library/rJava/libs/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

After I fixed this issue (either by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH or encoding a path with -rpath), I still could not run rJava:

> rJava::.jinit()
* runs forever *

To work around this problem, I installed R+libraries, Java, and BEAST2 outside of Conda, and then configured the pipeline to use my version instead. If you run into similar problems, there are instructions in the Snakefile that describe how to do this.

Another issue: the picard and gatk4 packages in Conda require different versions of openjdk. When I installed gatk4, conda downgraded openjdk, which broke picard. To work around this, I used picard from conda and installed Java+GATK4 manually (and configured the Snakefile accordingly).

  1. Set up the input files.

You should create a local directory and set it up like:

<your directory>/
              ... as in <sample1>
              ... as in <sample1>

Snakefile is downloaded from this repository.

cells.txt is a tab-delimited text file. The first row should contain headers "Cell", "Outgroup", and "Category". Each line gives the name of a cell to be analyzed. This should include only the high-quality cells in the data set (e.g. preprocess the data with CellRanger, filter for cells based on read depth, mitochondria, droplet analysis, etc.) The names of the cells should be in the format <sample>_<barcode>, where the <sample> should match the name of a sample processed by CellRanger. The "Outgroup" and "Category" columns are optional (you may leave them out of the file), but can provide extra information that is used when interpreting the phylogenies. "Outgroup" is used to indicate (with "yes" or "no") which cells comprise the outgroup (e.g. the non-cancer cells in a tumor). "Category" can be filled with some grouping of cells (e.g. the cell type, which tumor the cells came from, etc.) and is only used for plotting. An example file can be found here.

The cellranger directory contains the output from the CellRanger preprocessing. Each subdirectory of cellranger should contain the data for a sample. The name of that subdirectory should be the sample name. Although CellRanger creates many files, the only ones we are about are the BAM files possorted_genome_bam.bam that contain the alignments for samples. All other files are ignored. Please do not move the BAM files, or we won't be able to find them.

genome.fa is the FASTA-formatted file containing the reference genome that the BAM files were aligned to. This needs to be the same genome that CellRanger used.

known_sites1.vcf.gz (and known_sites2.vcf.gz and known_sites3.vcf.gz) should contain known mutation sites to be used for realignment and base quality recalibration.

We typically use:


You can download these files from the Broad. Make sure they are compressed and indexed with bgzip and tabix.

  1. Configure Snakefile.

Download Snakefile to the computer you will run the pipeline on. Open a text editor and configure the parameters in the file. The parameters are set to reasonable defaults, although you may need to customize them to your data set (e.g. if you are analyzing tumors with a very large number of mutations and need stricter mutation filtering.)

  1. Run snakemake.

While in <your directory>, start snakemake by running something like:

snakemake --cores 8 --latency-wait 0 --rerun-triggers mtime

Hopefully, this will run all the way through without errors. If you run into bugs in the pipeline, please file an issue.

  1. Get the results.

This pipeline will generate a phylogenetic tree of the cells. The raw output from the BEAST2 modeling is available in the output/beast2/ directory, and some processed results are available in output/phylogeny/.

<your directory>/
            mutations.fa              Alignments used for modeling.

            summary.txt               Summary statistics.
            summary.ess.txt           Effective sample size estimates.
            posterior.pdf             Plot of posterior probabilities.
            posterior_090_100.pdf     Posterior of last 10% of samples.
            tree_height.pdf           Plot of tree height estimates.
            yule_model.pdf            Only if "yule" tree prior was selected.

           Estimated trees across sampling.
         Max clade credibility tree, NEXUS.
            max_clade_cred.newick.txt      Max clade credibility tree, Newick.
            max_clade_cred.dist.txt        Pairwise distances.
            max_clade_cred.metadata.txt    Metadata describing tree.
            max_clade_cred.rerooted.newick.txt     Rerooted, if Outgroup given.

            tree.mcc.pdf              Dendrogram of max clade credibility tree.
            densitree.pdf             Dendrogram showing sampled trees.

The pipeline is broken down into nine tasks.

1. Prepare the reference genome.

Do basic pre-processing and indexing of the reference genome needed for subsequent steps.

copy_ref_genome                  Copy the reference genome to a local path.
index_ref_genome                 Index the reference genome.
create_ref_genome_dict           Create a sequence dictionary.

2. Demultiplex CellRanger output into single cells.

Each sample is split into batches of single cells that are processed in parallel. The files for each batch of cells are stored in a directory.

extract_cellranger_bam           Find the BAM files in the CellRanger output.
extract_bam_header               Pull out the header from a bam file.
clean_cells_file                 Make a clean version of the user's cells.
extract_sample_barcodes          Pull out the barcodes for a sample.
extract_sample_alignments        Pull out the alignments for a sample.
extract_batch_barcodes           Pull out the barcodes for a sample+batch
extract_batch_alignments         Pull out the alignments for a sample+batch.
demux_one_batch                  Demultiplex alignments into single cells.

3. Preprocess the single cell files.

These rules work on directories (batches) of single cell files. They implement a GATK-based pipeline for preprocessing RNA-Seq data.

convert_sam_to_bam               Generate BAM files for processing.

4. Merge single cells to a pseudobulk sample.

The BAM files for each batch of cells are merged into one BAM file for the batch. Then, those BAM files are merged into a BAM file for each sample. Finally, all the sample BAM files are merged into a single pseudobulk BAM file. The merging is done piecemeal to work around technical limitations that arise when merging too many files at once. After each merge, we remove duplicate lines from the BAM headers, otherwise the length of the header may exceed the BAM file header size limit (>2^31 bytes).

merge_cells_to_batch             Merge cells from each batch into a BAM file.
clean_batch_header               Clean up the headers after merging.
merge_batches_to_sample          Merge batches into one sample file.
clean_sample_header              Clean up the headers after merging.
merge_samples_to_pseudobulk      Merge samples into one pseudobulk file.
clean_pseudobulk_header          Clean up the headers after merging.
sort_pseudobulk_by_contig        Sort the pseudobulk BAM file by contig.
index_pseudobulk_bam             Index the pseudobulk BAM file.

5. Call variants on the pseudobulk sample.

Call variants with GATK and keep the ones that meet a read depth cutoff. Make a table of the genomic coordinates with variants. These will be the candidate sites to use for the phylogeny reconstruction.

make_interval_file               Break the genome down into intervals.
call_variants                    Call variants on a single interval.
keep_only_snps                   We only want SNPs, remove INDELs.
parse_vcf_files                  Pull out variant information from VCF files.
collect_variant_metadata         Get metadata (coords, cells) about variants.
convert_to_matrix_by_batch       Reformat variant information to a matrix.
merge_matrix_batches             Merge into a single matrix with Ref/Alt/VAF.
filter_variant_calls             Filter variant calls based on read depth.
extract_variant_coordinates      Pull out the genomic coords of the variants.

6. Make a site x cell matrix containing the ref/alt read depth.

At the variant sites found in the pseudobulk, count the reference and alternate read depth for each of the cells. Represent as a site x cell matrix of ref/alt/vaf data.

make_pileup_from_cells           Generate pileups for each cell at each site.
clean_pileup_file                Clean up the pileups.
convert_pileup_to_vcf            Convert the pileup into VCF format.
extract_coverage_from_vcf        Pull out the coverage.
add_cell_names_to_coverage       Add the cell names to the coverage files.
merge_coverage_by_batch          Merge coverage for each batch of cells.
merge_coverage_batches           Merge all coverage into one file.
make_coverage_matrix             Reformat into a site x cell matrix.

7. Filter the sites.

There will be too many sites to process, so we select the ones that are most likely to be informative. Since different filters require different types of information (e.g. can be done one site at a time, or requires information from multiple sites; requires predicted genotype call; etc.), we do the filtering in stages.

Stage 1: Apply the filters that evaluate each site independently of other sites. Since the sites don't depend on each other, these filters are easy to run in parallel.

Stage 2: Apply the filters that require information from multiple sites.

Stage 3: Apply the filters that require the genotypes to be called. We call the genotypes before running these filters.

Stage 4: Apply the filters that should be run last.

split_matrix_for_filter1         Split coverage matrix to filter in parallel.
filter_sites1                    Do stage 1 filtering.
merge_filter1_matrix             Re-merge the filtered files.
filter_sites2                    Do stage 2 filtering.

prepare_geno_calling_files1      Collect info needed to call genotypes.
select_geno_calling_features1    Select features for genotype calling.
extract_geno_calling_features1   Pull out the features.
calc_neighbor_scores1            Score similarity among all the sites.
select_neighbors1                Select neighbors to use for imputation.
split_ref_matrix1                Split the matrices to call genotypes.
split_alt_matrix1                Split the matrices to call genotypes.
call_genotypes1                  Call or impute the genotypes, in batches.
merge_genotype_files1            Merge the files containing genotype calls.
merge_probabilities_files1       Merge the files with the prob of genotypes.

count_genotypes                  Count the genotypes seen at each site.
list_sites_with_mixed_genotypes  List the sites with a mix of genotypes.
filter_sites3                    Do stage 3 filtering.
filter_sites4                    Do stage 4 filtering.

8. Call/impute genotypes.

After the filtering is done, then make the final set of genotype calls from the (high quality) filtered data. Because these files have already been filtered and contain a small number of sites, we do not need to call the genotypes in batches as above. We can call on the whole file, simplying the pipeline.

prepare_geno_calling_files2      These rules are analogs of those above.

9. Make the phylogeny.

Use the called/imputed genotypes and estimate a phylogeny.

make_fasta_file                  Make a FASTA file with the genotypes.
run_beast2                       Run BEAST2 to generate the phylogenies.
summarize_beast2                 Generate summary statistics on phylogenies.
combine_trees                    Merge the trees from multiple BEAST2 runs.
make_mcc_tree                    Estimate a max clade credibility tree.
analyze_mcc_tree                 Generate summary statistics on MCC tree.
plot_model_estimates             Plot some summary statistics on sampling.
plot_mcc_tree                    Plot the max clade credibility tree.
plot_densitree                   Plot a densitree.

  • What kind of computer do I need to run this pipeline?

In short, you need a lot of everything. More CPUs help pre-process the cells faster, faster CPUs helps the phylogenies to be calculated faster, RAM is needed to load large matrices of mutations into memory, and disk is needed to process the alignments for all the cells.

How much of everything you need depends on the size of your data set and how long you are willing to wait for the computation to finish. But if we had to set a minimum lower bound, let's say you'll need a LINUX server with 16 cores, 32 Gb RAM, and 1 Tb hard drive. But we would recommend 92 cores, 64 Gb RAM, and 4 Tb hard drive; or running on a cluster.

  • How long does this pipeline take to run?

This depends on the size of your data and compute environment. But roughly, you should expect that it will take a few days, or up to weeks if you have a large data set, lenient filters, and/or choose extensive sampling.

We recommend starting with a small data set (e.g. only 1000 cells in cells.txt) and then scaling up the analysis as you get more comfortable with it.