Log Message | Description |
Total matched unique articles | Total number of articles whose article_ids are found both in ReDATA and curation storage. This excludes already preserved articles. Note: A preserved article can be in either of the remote preservation storages. |
Total unmatched unique articles | Total number of articles whose article_ids are found in ReDATA but not in curation storage. This excludes already preserved articles. |
Total matched article versions | Total number of article versions whose article_ids are found in ReDATA and curation storage contains a folder of the version. This excludes already preserved versions. |
Total unmatched article versions | Total number of article versions whose article_ids are found in ReDATA but curation storage does not contain a folder of the version. This excludes already preserved versions. This number should always be zero. If non-zero, check the logs. |
Total skipped unique articles | Total number of articles that are already preserved and are not processed. These articles have at least one version in preservation remote staging or preservation remote final storage . |
Total skipped article versions | Total number of article versions that are already preserved and are not processed. |
Total articles | Total number of articles in ReDATA, both published and unpublished. |
Total published articles/article versions | Total number of published articles against total number of published versions in ReDATA. |
Total count of already preserved (skipped) articles / article versions | Total count of already preserved articles against total count of already preserved article versions. Note: These figures include all articles and article versions already preserved in either of the remote preservation storages and are skipped during processing. |
Total count of articles with fetch error / articles | Total number of articles with error while fetching items either from ReDATA or curation storage against total number of published articles. Note: Articles with fetch error are skipped during processing. |
Total count of article versions with fetch error / article versions | Total number of article versions with error while fetching items either from ReDATA or curation storage against total number of published article versions. Note: Article versions with fetch error are skipped during processing. |
Total articles versions matched/published (unskipped) | Total number of article versions with folders in curation storage against total number of published article versions in ReDATA. Note: The two numbers should be equal if nothing went wrong. If the first number is less than the second, it means there was an issue matching at least one of the published article versions that are published in ReDATA. The logs should be examined. |
Total articles versions processed/matched | Total number of article versions successfully processed against total number of article versions in ReDATA with a folder in curation storage. Note: The first number will always be less than or equal to the second. If the numbers are not equal, the log should be checked. |
Total count of already preserved article versions in preservation final remote storage | Total number of already preserved article versions in preservation final remote storage. Note: These article versions are skipped during processing. |
Total count of already preserved article versions in preservation staging remote storage | Total number of already preserved article versions in preservation staging remote storage. Note: These article versions are skipped during processing. |
Total articles versions unmatched (published-matched): | Total number of article versions in ReDATA but no folder in curation storage. Note: This should always be zero. |
Total processed articles bags successfully preserved | Total number of articles versions successfully uploaded to preservation staging remote storage excluding total number of already preserved articles versions and article versions fetched but encountered an error prior to the upload stage of the process. In other words, this is the total number of bags that were successfully uploaded to preservation staging remote storage |
Log Message | Description |
Total collections | Total number of published collections in ReDATA. |
Total published collections / collection versions | Total number of collections against total number of collection versions. |
Total count of already preserved (skipped) collections / collection versions | Total number of already preserved collections against total count of already preserved collection versions. Note: These figures include all collections and collection versions already preserved in either of the remote preservation storages and are skipped during processing. |
Total collections versions processed/published | Total number of collection versions successfully processed against total number of collection versions in ReDATA. |
Total count of already preserved collection versions in preservation final remote storage | Total number of already preserved collection versions in preservation final remote storage. Note: These collection versions are skipped during processing. |
Total count of already preserved collection versions in preservation staging remote storage | Total number of already preserved collection versions in preservation staging remote storage. Note: These collection versions are skipped during processing. |