All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- integration with DataSync for ingestion of large volumes of data
- the ability to use AWS Directory Service's Managed Microsoft Active Directory as an identity store in AWS Identity Center
- ability to track an auditing reason when case evidence is requested for download
- This version refactors our cdk stack into several nested stacks. If you are trying to upgrade from a previous version and use a custom domain you may run into issues during the deployment saying the domain already exists. As a workaround, deploy without the custom domain, then re-deploy with the custom domain.
- when using identityStoreId, identityStoreRegion and identityStoreAccountId are also required
- split refresh_token to a new cookie
- the ability to integrate with AWS Identity Center
- the ability to allow non Route 53 customer domains
- UI Upload issue for large files
- bump axios and crypto-js packages
- Utilize Athena for Audit Queries
- configuration to opt out of DynamoDB Dataplane events in CloudTrail
- bump semver and minimist packages
- improve custom domain support
- gov region one-click fix
- oneclick generation fix
- various UI/UX improvements
- cdk deployment for us-gov-east-1
- cloud formation template for us-gov-west-1
- enhance authorization security
- various UI content improvements
- use single region trails for one-click deployments
- improvements to test reliability
- handle region correctly for custom domain deployments
- support disabling fips endpoints via config
- DEA Initial release
- Repo init