All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
2.3.1 (2025-02-20)
- Remove unused module (724a2b)
- Update all outdated drupal/* unocha/* drush/* weitzman/drupal-test-traits packages. (609816)
2.3.0 (2025-02-18)
- Add year filter for news #UNO-872, #UNO-872 (e015c8, 82438d)
- Allow up to 2 images #UNO-871, #UNO-871 (67a50c, b9445f)
- Reduce spacing from 6rem to 3rem #UNO-871 (51bc13)
- Social link in new tab #UNO-874 (5757d9)
- Avoide stage_file_proxy error as in #3457368 (e69f85)
- Remove config_filter module (d565a6)
- Remove google_tag module (544541)
- Remove patch and update user_expire module (3e1140)
- Remove unused allowed_formats modules (2f4b1c)
- Specify imagemagick version (a1004d)
- Update all outdated drupal/* unocha/* drush/* weitzman/drupal-test-traits packages. (a339a2, 31c107, 61e9b5, aacb32)
2.2.2 (2025-01-14)
- Bump version of mariadb for local development (7af028)
- Update all outdated drupal/* unocha/* drush/* packages. (5633fd, b68201, 7c2d93)
- Bump the test MariaDB to match what the dev sites will use soon. (150100)
2.2.0 (2024-12-17)
- Add custom content fields to leader content type (1b2278)
- Add filter for theme #UNO-867 (ef5b36)
- Add links to H2 tags #UNO-865 (51ad90)
- Add Web share to H2 tags #UNO-865 (ad6952)
- Filter stories by theme #UNO-866 (915f16)
- Avoid error (19a9f9)
- Adjust style for mobile (27b8e3)
- Update all outdated drupal/* unocha/* drush/* packages. (efcc6c, 54c0ce, b7ce0f)
2.1.2 (2024-11-21)
- Update all outdated drupal/* unocha/* drush/* packages. (0009f1)
2.2.0 (2024-11-18)
- Change time-out, add lazy loading #UNO-860 (c8cdab)
- Log calls to generate direct link #UNO-860 (7bde44)
- Update all outdated drupal/* unocha/* drush/* packages. (b72cbd, 438800, 5ad07e)
- Update MediaValet payload #UNO-860, #UNO-860 (42659b, 2695e5)
2.1.0 (2024-11-05)
- Increase time-out for video proxy #UNO-860 (2d7b95)
- Use ocha_visualisations #UNO-854 (1b776b)
- Use package (3b215d, 0462e4)
- Add vimeo as csp exception (0da671)
- Remove unused csp module (b6ef59)
- Update all outdated drupal/* unocha/* drush/* packages. (bbd4e4, cfac9a, 55ab31)
2.0.5 (2024-10-15)
- Set a higher rate limit for bots, so the test bot does not get limited because of its UA string. (2deec6)
- Csp config for UNTV (a8480b)
- Fix CS (74d33a)
- Ignore audit warning that doesn't affect us (87f88f)
- Update all outdated drupal/* unocha/* drush/* packages. (1a1c66, f90218, c0e907, f19c3d)
- Bump drupal/core-recommended from 10.3.5 to 10.3.6 (8fce45)
2.1.0 (2024-09-17)
- Add drush command to create embed links (e144c5)
- Add feature flag for videos (a95c2a)
- Better video embed (232863)
- Categories with videos (c8cab6)
- Embed PowerBi #UNO-853 (4d0a3a)
- Max width 100% (4f8b70)
- OEmbed for videos (a51d61)
- Add more domains for csp (320433)
- Add tools #OPS-10867, #OPS-10867, #OPS-10867 (6743f7, 7c1a11, deb2ba)
- CSP #UNO-849, #UNO-849 (d71f5b, 5fc61d)
- Fix js_optimizer error (8791ad)
- Fix js error (7ef3df)
- Include php logs if tests fail (710556)
- Pass on credentials to action (927993)
- Remove patch which is blocking core update (e2cc7b)
- Update all outdated drupal/* unocha/* drush/* packages. (c38ff8, 8a15e2, c496dc, ec44f4, f869ab)
- Bump axios (eb9566)
2.0.1 (2024-06-18)
2.0.0 (2024-05-13)
1.19 (2024-04-16)
- Ok, so the patch for aws only pplies to dev, not 2.0.3, so just go to dev. (2d8b2e)
1.18 (2024-03-18)
- Order menu links by weight and title (4cce77)
1.17 (2024-03-05)
1.16 (2024-02-20)
1.15 (2024-02-13)
- Composer super user (eb0710)
1.14 (2024-01-31)
- Add class with selected view mode in reliefweb river paragraph to help with styling in forms (8b0705)
- Add theme suggestion for paragraph with a view mode field (d90f4b)
- Composer install default_content module (4effc0)
- Demo content exported by uuid (1a4283)
- Expand tests with performance and e2e (4e8e7d)
1.13.2 (2024-01-18)
1.13.1 (2024-01-17)
1.13.0 (2024-01-03)
1.12.0 (2023-11-29)
- Add user manager role (462e65)
1.11.0 (2023-11-22)
- Replace twitter with x icon in cd footer and social share, regen sprite (6fcbba)
- Composer lock out of sync (4dddd9)
1.10.3 (2023-11-15)
- Add icon after external links (413e7d)
1.10.2 (2023-11-07)
1.10.1 (2023-11-01)
- Caching of story nodes (a08f23)
1.10.0 (2023-11-01)
- Add featured stories field to stories paragraph type (5af7c3)
- Adjust logic to use the featured stories field for the stories paragraph type (4ac544)
- Use entity browser to select featured stories (72a46e)
- Use node story card template for stories paragraph to display the date and featured (a4523d)
- Add some explicit permisisons for things, so code coverage may run. (12d7bf)
- Commit the config changes that fixed the thing. (d4a5d1)
- Use the actual variable name, not a Jenkins-like typo. (f07c9f)
1.9.1 (2023-10-18)
1.9.0 (2023-10-11)
- Ensure we use a different cache key based on the story view mode (131765)
- Oh, missed moving a social_auth setting to config_dev. (50b127)
- Remove mapbox token from mabox responses (273ff0)
- Return nodes associated with menu links in the menu links order (a2edb1)
- Adjust variables to provide orange shade with enough contrast on light grey background, set to use for RW river tag (cd7afa)
- Avoid duplicate ID (88d55e)
- Mailchimp label for and input id should match (473244)
1.8.2 (2023-10-05)
1.8.1 (2023-10-05)
1.8.0 (2023-10-05)
- Json linking data script to set WebSite name (ef0e1c)
- Use hook_deploy_NAME instead of hook_post_update_NAME since we use drush deploy for deployments (a14cde)
1.7.0 (2023-10-04)
- Add responsive image style, view modes for image media, story nodes, stories paragraphs (d5b240)
- Samples module for demo content, install, enable, set perms (4f1062)
- Use different view mode and template for featured stories when using cards with featured view mode (0482d3)
- Append more --global to IDs (ed6b73)
- New partial for global subscription, append --global to IDs to prevent duplicate id errors on pages with Regional or Country mailchimp forms (a7114f)
- Prevent warning of redundant alt text for logo (5a6903)
- Set nav h2 colour to prevent contrast issues (1fd374)
1.6.0 (2023-09-12)
- 3:2 image style for Card thumbnails (c7f395)
- Add nginx rules to handle legacy file URLs redirections (3c81be)
- Schema settings for the unocha_reliefweb module (a8bf83)
1.4.1 (2023-08-23)
- Environement indicator from copy/paste (dadbd5)
1.4.0 (2023-08-23)
- Allow editors to view and edit any unpublished content or media (35ca8b)
- Display attachments similarly to RW based on content format (6374c5)
- Override RW image template to use same caption styling as rest of site (e9ba5d)
- Rename sticky to featured and hide promote to front page (59e7d1)
- Allow editors to view other unpublished content (917f81)
- Allow editors to view other unpublished media (a93f3a)
1.3.0 (2023-08-16)
- Pass non-existent legacy file links back to Drupal so redirect module can act. (630ac4)
- Use node story card template for stories paragraph to display the date and featured (733d36)
- Do not show stories on nodes being created to avoid confusion (7198d9)
- Ensure the proxy_pass hosts are variables, so nginx will refresh its IP cache. (6afefa)
- Pluralize the news and stories exposed filter names to avoid conflict with layout paragraphs (fd15e7)
- Prevent error when there a no stories to show in a stories paragraph type (58c65b)
- Use select widget for improved EX for news and stories paragraph type (261276)
1.2.0 (2023-08-08)
- Add form to define the breadcrumb parent path for the ocha products (3963ae)
- Add permission for editors to edit the breadcrumb paths for the RW white labeled docs (e42240)
- A valid json is better (e2e191)
- Derive the active trail from the given route match when calculating the menu breadcrumb (100be3)
- Use the breadcrumb from the parent path for the publications (7985e7)
1.1.0 (2023-08-01)
- Allow editors to modify the menus (1ff2ff)
- Permission for editor to access page to edit terms (25ec70)
- Remove leftover attributes from paragraphs that impact backend (f7d643)
1.0.0 (2023-07-27)
- 5 column layout, and add second row to existing layouts for better vertical rhythm control (8eeefa)
- Add and enable samlauth so UniteID logins work. (8abbb7)
- Add Azure AD (b2c) login. (5006be)
- Add contextual filter for the event type on the upcoming events view block (e9ae2b)
- Add count data attribute to the media collection galleries to ease styling (e24a4b)
- Add drush command to create/update redirects (32957f)
- Add footnote and source link fields to donors paragaph type (a7f961)
- Add has response and office type fields and vocabulary (fdd4fb)
- Additional classes for the response maps to help styling (511558)
- Add media centre paragraph template with view all link to the archive page (1d5c40)
- Add new RW river curated paragraph type (f21d4b)
- Add news and stories paragraph type and change stories views (945799)
- Add paginated media centre block to use on the archive page (ca9e74)
- Add regional figures field (d06567)
- Add social share links to RW document pages (6f32e7)
- Add styling for media centre view all link (b30202)
- Add template for the donors paragraph (7bdc30)
- Add template for the media collection node (56e8a8)
- Adjust styling of paragraphs in the backend forms (863b98)
- Alter the events paragaph form to allow to select view display option and filter by event types (f82a2a)
- Change title of top sectors (a66137)
- Contact form (f28e25)
- Create templates in admin subtheme that link to the cd subtheme to have similar appearance in the backend form (8e7f54)
- Display 6 items in the media centre block (599631)
- Display media centre list field in media centre paragraph type to allow selecting the block to display (9086fe)
- Enable user menu (6c49ec)
- Expose expanded and enabled fields in node menu link widget (ce0768)
- Filter responses appearing in the maps (f9abb2)
- Formatter for the ReliefWebDocument field to display the values as a river (6c0b19)
- Install stage_file_proxy (1adacd)
- Media centre content type and fields, display and View (bb42ed)
- Only show user menu when logged in (71a403)
- Paragraph type for media item, with video and image field, rw document field, link field, title and text, and view mode (b03065)
- Rewrite URLs for the old /sites/unocha/files path. (993f9d)
- Show 12 items on the stories page to avoid blank before pager (b949f7)
- Sitemap (f12b94)
- Template for the RW river curated paragraph type (c91e62)
- Update reliefweb documents service to be able to retrieve a river from a list of document urls (cb07db)
- Update uno-donors template and styling to handle ocha donors (db5e28)
- Update unocha donors module to be able to display ocha donors (a741e4)
- Use entire width for first image in media gallery depending on the number of images (dda92f)
- Allow selection of top sectors (af3648)
- Complete change in case for patches dir (350d9c)
- Css/js aggregation for Drupal 10+ - attempt 3 (8e7903)
- Css/js aggregation for Drupal 10.1 (577761)
- Css aggregation for Drupal 10.1+ (f8b6fb)
- Display 0 as 0 (b07bf5)
- Display of regional office donors (4f56de)
- Donor type in donors template (f0e7fe)
- Homepage metatags (723272)
- Ids of main navigation menu (3f8485)
- Make the actions use the slack channel var instead of secret. (d50500)
- Move all configurables to Ansible. (4ceda2)
- Ordering of donors (d449ce)
- Order tabs by menu weight (99a2c6)
- Patch stage_file_proxy so it honours its settings. (c1c5ba)
- Preserve image ration for metatag images of events and leaders (fb71b3)
- Prevent rendering twice layout regions (cd5b21)
- Proper loc length (82952e)
- Proper offset for pagination (7ae419)
- Property name typo (a2a41d)
- Remove the dev config pertaining to absent modules, so we can enable. (a6eb6c)
- Rename the snippet and comment it to be the generic legacy file handler. (d72479)
- Replace the legacy/ecosoc rule with one that works. (677232)
- Schema for reliefweb fields (95c42d)
- Show funding amount for top sectors (60f371)
- Show percentage unit (c46189)
- Twig empty does not behave like php empty (e569d0)
- Typo (9932f3)
- Update ocha_key_figures module to fix issue with current year option for regional office donors (b541a3)
- Use one decimal point for the figures (732467)
- Use the actual oid as OID (f16b4a)
- Workaround to hide figure prefix and suffix that are not displayed properly - to remove once fixed in ocha_key_figures (f4ed59)
- Wrong variable name (4af728, 8c2249)
0.0.1 (2023-06-13)
- 3:2 image style for Card thumbnails (c7f395)
- 5 column layout, and add second row to existing layouts for better vertical rhythm control (8eeefa)
- Add and enable samlauth so UniteID logins work. (8abbb7)
- Add Azure AD (b2c) login. (5006be)
- Add contextual filter for the event type on the upcoming events view block (e9ae2b)
- Add count data attribute to the media collection galleries to ease styling (e24a4b)
- Add drush command to create/update redirects (32957f)
- Add footnote and source link fields to donors paragaph type (a7f961)
- Add has response and office type fields and vocabulary (fdd4fb)
- Additional classes for the response maps to help styling (511558)
- Add media centre paragraph template with view all link to the archive page (1d5c40)
- Add new RW river curated paragraph type (f21d4b)
- Add news and stories paragraph type and change stories views (945799)
- Add nginx rules to handle legacy file URLs redirections (3c81be)
- Add paginated media centre block to use on the archive page (ca9e74)
- Add regional figures field (d06567)
- Add social share links to RW document pages (6f32e7)
- Add styling for media centre view all link (b30202)
- Add template for the donors paragraph (7bdc30)
- Add template for the media collection node (56e8a8)
- Adjust styling of paragraphs in the backend forms (863b98)
- Allow editors to view and edit any unpublished content or media (35ca8b)
- Alter the events paragaph form to allow to select view display option and filter by event types (f82a2a)
- Change title of top sectors (a66137)
- Contact form (f28e25)
- Create templates in admin subtheme that link to the cd subtheme to have similar appearance in the backend form (8e7f54)
- Display 6 items in the media centre block (599631)
- Display attachments similarly to RW based on content format (6374c5)
- Display media centre list field in media centre paragraph type to allow selecting the block to display (9086fe)
- Enable user menu (6c49ec)
- Expose expanded and enabled fields in node menu link widget (ce0768)
- Filter responses appearing in the maps (f9abb2)
- Formatter for the ReliefWebDocument field to display the values as a river (6c0b19)
- Install stage_file_proxy (1adacd)
- Media centre content type and fields, display and View (bb42ed)
- Only show user menu when logged in (71a403)
- Override RW image template to use same caption styling as rest of site (e9ba5d)
- Paragraph type for media item, with video and image field, rw document field, link field, title and text, and view mode (b03065)
- Pass non-existent legacy file links back to Drupal so redirect module can act. (630ac4)
- Rename sticky to featured and hide promote to front page (59e7d1)
- Rewrite URLs for the old /sites/unocha/files path. (993f9d)
- Show 12 items on the stories page to avoid blank before pager (b949f7)
- Sitemap (f12b94)
- Template for the RW river curated paragraph type (c91e62)
- Update reliefweb documents service to be able to retrieve a river from a list of document urls (cb07db)
- Update uno-donors template and styling to handle ocha donors (db5e28)
- Update unocha donors module to be able to display ocha donors (a741e4)
- Use entire width for first image in media gallery depending on the number of images (dda92f)
- Use node story card template for stories paragraph to display the date and featured (733d36)
- Add form to define the breadcrumb parent path for the ocha products (3963ae)
- Add permission for editors to edit the breadcrumb paths for the RW white labeled docs (e42240)
- Allow editors to modify the menus (1ff2ff)
- Allow editors to view other unpublished content (917f81)
- Allow editors to view other unpublished media (a93f3a)
- Allow selection of top sectors (af3648)
- A valid json is better (e2e191)
- Complete change in case for patches dir (350d9c)
- Css/js aggregation for Drupal 10+ - attempt 3 (8e7903)
- Css/js aggregation for Drupal 10.1 (577761)
- Css aggregation for Drupal 10.1+ (f8b6fb)
- Derive the active trail from the given route match when calculating the menu breadcrumb (100be3)
- Display 0 as 0 (b07bf5)
- Display of regional office donors (4f56de)
- Donor type in donors template (f0e7fe)
- Do not show stories on nodes being created to avoid confusion (7198d9)
- Ensure the proxy_pass hosts are variables, so nginx will refresh its IP cache. (6afefa)
- Environement indicator from copy/paste (dadbd5)
- Homepage metatags (723272)
- Ids of main navigation menu (3f8485)
- Make the actions use the slack channel var instead of secret. (d50500)
- Move all configurables to Ansible. (4ceda2)
- Ordering of donors (d449ce)
- Order tabs by menu weight (99a2c6)
- Patch stage_file_proxy so it honours its settings. (c1c5ba)
- Permission for editor to access page to edit terms (25ec70)
- Pluralize the news and stories exposed filter names to avoid conflict with layout paragraphs (fd15e7)
- Preserve image ration for metatag images of events and leaders (fb71b3)
- Prevent error when there a no stories to show in a stories paragraph type (58c65b)
- Prevent rendering twice layout regions (cd5b21)
- Proper loc length (82952e)
- Proper offset for pagination (7ae419)
- Property name typo (a2a41d)
- Remove leftover attributes from paragraphs that impact backend (f7d643)
- Remove the dev config pertaining to absent modules, so we can enable. (a6eb6c)
- Rename the snippet and comment it to be the generic legacy file handler. (d72479)
- Replace the legacy/ecosoc rule with one that works. (677232)
- Schema for reliefweb fields (95c42d)
- Schema settings for the unocha_reliefweb module (a8bf83)
- Show funding amount for top sectors (60f371)
- Show percentage unit (c46189)
- Twig empty does not behave like php empty (e569d0)
- Typo (9932f3)
- Update ocha_key_figures module to fix issue with current year option for regional office donors (b541a3)
- Use one decimal point for the figures (732467)
- Use select widget for improved EX for news and stories paragraph type (261276)
- Use the actual oid as OID (f16b4a)
- Use the breadcrumb from the parent path for the publications (7985e7)
- Workaround to hide figure prefix and suffix that are not displayed properly - to remove once fixed in ocha_key_figures (f4ed59)
- Wrong variable name (4af728, 8c2249)
.1.6.1 (2023-09-26)
- Add nginx rules to handle legacy file URLs redirections (3c81be)
.1.5.0 (2023-09-05)
- 3:2 image style for Card thumbnails (c7f395)
- 5 column layout, and add second row to existing layouts for better vertical rhythm control (8eeefa)
- Add and enable canto connector and entity browser modules (2ae918)
- Add and enable samlauth so UniteID logins work. (8abbb7)
- Add Azure AD (b2c) login. (5006be)
- Add basic component for styling of RW document pages (919d03)
- Add CBPF paragraph type (10bafb)
- Add children menu field to display links to the page and its children as tabs (832752)
- Add choices module to improve UX for select fields (d15274)
- Add contextual filter for the event type on the upcoming events view block (e9ae2b)
- Add count data attribute to the media collection galleries to ease styling (e24a4b)
- Add date_range_timezone field and field_type_converter to convert the event date field (ab8dfb)
- Add date formats (bc54bb)
- Add donors paragraph type (c2670c)
- Add drush command to create/update redirects (32957f)
- Add figures module (4a71d1)
- Add footnote and source link fields to donors paragaph type (a7f961)
- Add has response and office type fields and vocabulary (fdd4fb)
- Additional classes for the response maps to help styling (511558)
- Add leader content type, paragraph type and related image styles and view modes (e6576f)
- Add location, shortname and iso3 fields to country terms (4cb6d4)
- Add mapbox nginx proxy settings (94a657)
- Add maps custom module (a67734)
- Add media centre paragraph template with view all link to the archive page (1d5c40)
- Add new RW river curated paragraph type (f21d4b)
- Add news and stories paragraph type and change stories views (945799)
- Add nginx rules to pass attachments urls to ReliefWeb (0e588a, c46aa7)
- Add nginx rule to be able to load canto assets (bc2668)
- Add node and paragraph templates for the maps (ef6f0f)
- Add number formatting helper (b433ef)
- Add ocha_key_figures module (5a4bfc)
- Add oembed_providers module and set up custom provider for Canto videos (e86969)
- Add paginated cards and teasers view modes for paragraphs and use them for the RW rivers (3faee0)
- Add paginated media centre block to use on the archive page (ca9e74)
- Add pagination setting to RW river formatter (a08163)
- Add pagination to Canto library widget (688d91)
- Add possibility to select videos from Canto (9a0529)
- Add preprocessor for the children menu field to display it as tabs (1a24aa)
- Add property to limit nested levels of menu items (6da41d)
- Add regional figures field (d06567)
- Add ReliefWeb document field type and refactor code to use a service to get ReliefWeb documents (6c7236)
- Add Resource content type (d5c9f4)
- Add Resources paragraph type (0b4f28)
- Add rw-icons and uno-reponse-map components (fb32b1)
- Add section paragraph type with notably tabs view mode (82b979)
- Add social share links to RW document pages (6f32e7)
- Add stories paragraph type (756b80)
- Add styling for media centre view all link (b30202)
- Add subscribe paragraph type (e7ae2b)
- Add template and component for the event date (e6a5b7)
- Add template for the donors paragraph (7bdc30)
- Add template for the media collection node (56e8a8)
- Add template for the Resources paragraph type (7f10c3)
- Add template for the stories paragraph type (385782)
- Add template override for main navigation and simplify mega menu styling (7ffa63)
- Add template overrides for the ocha_key_figures to ensure the attributes are set (43d3d4)
- Add theme suggestions for fields (f40de3)
- Add twig filters to format numbers (d2fb27)
- Add unocha_breadcrumbs to handle events and stories (fda842)
- Add unocha_canto module (de884b, 010b4f)
- Add unocha_donors module (4d18d9)
- Add unocha_migrate module that create/update country terms on install (7020eb)
- Add unocha paragraphs module with preprocessing of the stories paragraph type (426218)
- Add utility and reliefweb integration custom modules (dd1326, 6f6e05)
- Add view modes for figures paragraphs to select different formats for the figures (71b782)
- Add views entity reference filter module (a0505c)
- Adjust styling of figures (73f8de)
- Adjust styling of paragraphs in the backend forms (863b98)
- Admin sub theme of Claro, with CK editor anchor modal fix (114cca)
- Allow editors to view and edit any unpublished content or media (35ca8b)
- Allow nested paragraphs so we can add sections inside sections for tab display for example (ade79b)
- Allow overriding the figure label (64a46e)
- Allow to override the unocha canto oembed URL to ease local development (732aaf)
- Also allow tabs on other content types than basic (c50a7c)
- Also use stable for the base image in addition to the builder and remove unnecessary nginx config override (3fbc61)
- Alter the events paragaph form to allow to select view display option and filter by event types (f82a2a)
- Base theme update to v8 (3e56aa)
- Basic content type, ckeditor, for facilitating content development (38cda5)
- Basic tests from starterkit (7c2c1c)
- Better handling of respones with country overlap (b7a498)
- Breadcrumbs for the RW white labeled documents (4524df)
- Campaign paragraph type with node reference field (e16bd5)
- Change title of top sectors (a66137)
- Composer require menu_breadcrumb and menu_position modules (75c24c)
- Config sync (field_canto_asset_id for image media and unocha_canto settings and enabling) (90d007)
- Configure Views (4b19c6)
- Contact form (f28e25)
- Content types, fields and display (00fa6e)
- Cpbf paragraph template to show graphics in an iframe (1f18ee)
- Create templates in admin subtheme that link to the cd subtheme to have similar appearance in the backend form (8e7f54)
- Datawrapper embed para type (859b01)
- Disable open user registrations. (003376)
- Display 6 items in the media centre block (599631)
- Display attachments similarly to RW based on content format (6374c5)
- Display media centre list field in media centre paragraph type to allow selecting the block to display (9086fe)
- Display mode field on Views entity ref paragraph type used in template for teaser vs card (ac70e5)
- Display path alias below title on manage/content view to help differentiate between pages (a5c0be)
- Donors library and markup with values hardcoded in template, and included in paragraph template override for now (c3ba05)
- Do not disply page title on RW document pages (93a9b0)
- Do the event date field conversion before the config import to avoid conflicts (3943f3)
- Editor role with perms to edit content and menu items (5024b3)
- Enable choices select widget for relevant node fields (5e4f2d)
- Enable the unocha utility and reliefweb modules (6f29a1, 5826ea)
- Enable unocha_maps module (6663d2)
- Enable unocha figures module (e12e0b)
- Enable user menu (6c49ec)
- Enable webp format for image media type (e4df27)
- Entity reference display experiment (d330e7)
- Export response map paragraph type config and node map view mode config (cff135)
- Expose expanded and enabled fields in node menu link widget (ce0768)
- Figures paragraph type styles based on gho, and template override for double field, field and paragraph (64cf3c)
- Figures styling (004312)
- Filter responses appearing in the maps (f9abb2)
- Footer menus and blocks (041c83, 8f06dc, d93f53)
- Formatter for the ReliefWebDocument field to display the values as a river (6c0b19)
- Hide the title of the video media to avoid the generic 'remote video file' (45c706)
- Image api optimize webp module from d10 compat fork and config (224c1a)
- Image styles from GHO 2022 (b15af8)
- Improve styling of choices select widgets (7c1217)
- Install and enable modules from latest startekit updates (ed0e61)
- Install double_field module for Figures para type (97a224)
- Install modules (9eaefc)
- Install stage_file_proxy (1adacd)
- Layout paragraph for multi col layout (e56d21)
- Linkit module for autocomplete link field via WYSIWYG (d3821e)
- Make regions collapsible in main menu on small screens (b8d3c5)
- Media centre content type and fields, display and View (bb42ed)
- Ocha_search with GCSE ID and search block (7509e7)
- Only show user menu when logged in (71a403)
- Override RW image template to use same caption styling as rest of site (e9ba5d)
- Paragraph type for media item, with video and image field, rw document field, link field, title and text, and view mode (b03065)
- Paragraph types and display (662760)
- Paragraph types for card and card list, with column count (e8a15a)
- Pass non-existent legacy file links back to Drupal so redirect module can act. (630ac4)
- Post update hook to convert the field event date (b9a7f7)
- Prevent Drupal from moving buttons inside a dialog (d1fadf)
- Prevent potential issue with responses without a country (68e863)
- Region link for external donation site (bc7e0b)
- Rename sticky to featured and hide promote to front page (59e7d1)
- Response menu (0f8d34)
- Responses menu (903c02)
- Response vocab and menu, mock component for response menu (f2279a)
- Responsive image config, images styles, media types and display (1af04f)
- Rewrite URLs for the old /sites/unocha/files path. (993f9d)
- RW Key figures template and component from RWR, config for para type (379d5f)
- RW river, document, and rss feed para types and templates, hard-coded (fd5c81)
- Show 12 items on the stories page to avoid blank before pager (b949f7)
- Sitemap (f12b94)
- Social media component with images and preprocess function (6145b6)
- Sort paragraph types in selector widget (ccc094)
- Sub theme (35c3c1)
- Tabs as nested paragraph with viewmode (4eae0e)
- Taxonomy reference field as part of Node para type, to cater for Responses (5d61ed)
- Template for the RW river curated paragraph type (c91e62)
- Templates and minimal styling for donors (cc940d)
- Templates and minimal styling for the leader nodes (4a1277)
- Templates and styling for the subscribe paragraph type (08e81f)
- Title and text field on all para types, max-width for single column (e3fa90)
- Two column layout with sidebar to achieve Humanitarian Resources 3 column design using RW river paragraph types (3be9c3)
- Update base theme to latest release (f2c21d)
- Update config to add canto image media and paragraph type (64243d)
- Update figures paragraph type to use new key_figure field (d9191d)
- Update local stack (c4ed52)
- Update news and stories views page to have dropdowns for the region and response filters (44190a)
- Update reliefweb documents service to be able to retrieve a river from a list of document urls (cb07db)
- Update RW river, RW document and Figures paragraph types to use the new RWRiver and RWDocument field types (eb628b)
- Update RW River and figures paragraph templates and add template for RW document in figures paragraph (6fd356)
- Update uno-donors template and styling to handle ocha donors (db5e28)
- Update unocha_paragraphs to also handle resources (d0ffe4)
- Update unocha donors module to be able to display ocha donors (a741e4)
- Use entire width for first image in media gallery depending on the number of images (dda92f)
- Use node story card template for stories paragraph to display the date and featured (733d36)
- Use oembed-video field template in admin theme as well to use the calculated aspect ratio (31b03d)
- Use php 8.2 stable image (be6648)
- Video paragraph type with remote video media type (88db12)
- Vocabularies (41cff5)
- Active for children menu links (ca6f6a)
- Add form to define the breadcrumb parent path for the ocha products (3963ae)
- Add missing schema for the key figure formatter settings (d196ce)
- Add permission for editors to edit the breadcrumb paths for the RW white labeled docs (e42240)
- Allow 0 as figure value (dd2960)
- Allow editors to modify the menus (1ff2ff)
- Allow editors to view other unpublished content (917f81)
- Allow editors to view other unpublished media (a93f3a)
- Allow selection of top sectors (af3648)
- Api filter optimization for ranges (144e5d)
- A valid json is better (e2e191)
- Bump to a fixed docker image with webp support. (87c550)
- Caching context for breadcrumbs (a74d1c)
- Caching of RW API and converter requests (6e7a75)
- Check access to nodes for maps, resources and stories paragraph types (2d8e12)
- Closing tags for the OCT unearmarked list (876537)
- Complete change in case for patches dir (350d9c)
- Composer issue in tests (8ae386)
- Css/js aggregation for Drupal 10+ - attempt 3 (8e7903)
- Css/js aggregation for Drupal 10.1 (577761)
- Css aggregation for Drupal 10.1+ (f8b6fb)
- Deprecration from maintenance200 (653306)
- Derive the active trail from the given route match when calculating the menu breadcrumb (100be3)
- Display 0 as 0 (b07bf5)
- Display of regional office donors (4f56de)
- Display of view all link in ReliefWeb River field formatter (179065)
- Donor type in donors template (f0e7fe)
- Do not filter RW documents by ocha_product (a62970)
- Do not show stories on nodes being created to avoid confusion (7198d9)
- Drupal 10 / PHP 8.2 requires drupal-test-traits v2 or phpunit just errors out. (32c859)
- Ensure archived results are not returned from the ocha key figures api (315837)
- Ensure menu is not displayed as mega menu when expanded is unchecked (af042f)
- Ensure the proxy_pass hosts are variables, so nginx will refresh its IP cache. (6afefa)
- Ensure there is a title for the 404 page (2290cc)
- Environement indicator from copy/paste (dadbd5)
- Filter out unpublished stories (fe5bc3)
- Homepage metatags (723272)
- Ids of main navigation menu (3f8485)
- Make the actions use the slack channel var instead of secret. (d50500)
- Move all configurables to Ansible. (4ceda2)
- Number formatter (dc9440)
- Ordering of donors (d449ce)
- Order tabs by menu weight (99a2c6)
- Patch stage_file_proxy so it honours its settings. (c1c5ba)
- Permission for editor to access page to edit terms (25ec70)
- Pluralize the news and stories exposed filter names to avoid conflict with layout paragraphs (fd15e7)
- Preserve image ration for metatag images of events and leaders (fb71b3)
- Preserve label override (6cd04e)
- Preserve scripts directory (413a74)
- Prevent error when there a no stories to show in a stories paragraph type (58c65b)
- Prevent rendering twice layout regions (cd5b21)
- Proper loc length (82952e)
- Proper offset for pagination (7ae419)
- Property name typo (a2a41d)
- Remove default title for RW rivers (e059bf)
- Remove leftover attributes from paragraphs that impact backend (f7d643)
- Remove leftovers from the canto image media (91c61a)
- Remove the dev config pertaining to absent modules, so we can enable. (a6eb6c)
- Remove the devel settings file (548bc1)
- Rename the snippet and comment it to be the generic legacy file handler. (d72479)
- Replace filters of stories view so that filter conjunctions are respected (d2ee63)
- Replace the legacy/ecosoc rule with one that works. (677232)
- Schema for reliefweb fields (95c42d)
- Schema settings for the unocha_reliefweb module (a8bf83)
- Show amount for OCT earmarked donors (1f1323)
- Show funding amount for top sectors (60f371)
- Show percentage unit (c46189)
- SSL connection to mapbox (c91d4d)
- Twig empty does not behave like php empty (e569d0)
- Typo (9932f3)
- Typo in paragraph type name (b26476)
- Unocha figure templates (eca0d4)
- Update ocha_key_figures module to fix issue with current year option for regional office donors (b541a3)
- Use one decimal point for the figures (732467)
- Use our memcache and mysql images (25bcc7)
- Use select widget for improved EX for news and stories paragraph type (261276)
- Use the actual oid as OID (f16b4a)
- Use the breadcrumb from the parent path for the publications (7985e7)
- Workaround to hide figure prefix and suffix that are not displayed properly - to remove once fixed in ocha_key_figures (f4ed59)
- Wrong variable name (4af728, 8c2249)