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243 lines (194 loc) · 8.6 KB


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With Http-test-conductor you can create integration tests in a situation where you are testing services that have calls to external services. The idea is that during integration tests those external services are mocked by a mock service. Http-test-conductor, as its name describes, acts as a conductor in the integration test: it helps you to send requests to the services that are under testing and also to conduct the mock services that are being called during tests.

In default configuration http-test-conductor uses HTTP API Mock as a mock service, but it is simple to extend the implementation to support other mock services.


  • Easy to send REST/SOAP requests
  • Supports HTTP API Mock service
  • Starts automatically HTTP API Mock service before test
  • Supports Jetty server and Jetty Web Applications
  • Simple to extend to support other mock services and server types
  • Easy to assert results/responses from services



Step 1. Add as Maven dependency

Copy-wars plugin is needed to copy HTTP API Mock service into project's lib directory. The following maven plugin is required into your project.


You also need to add the following dependency and repository part into project's pom.xml.


Step 2. Configure http-test-conductor

Http-test-conductor uses its own (under resources directory) configuration file where the following properties are defined.

Default properties
Property Default value Description
http.test.conductor.webAppFileUrl lib/http-api-mock.war Web App (HTTP API Mock) file URL
http.test.conductor.extraClasspath src/test/resources/web Extra classpath for mockable APIs file
http.test.conductor.webAppContextPath /mock Web App context path
http.test.conductor.serverType JETTY Supported server type
http.test.conductor.serverPort 8888 Server port
http.test.conductor.apiMock fi.mystes.mock.HttpApiMock Supported API Mock which implements fi.mystes.mock.IApiMock interface

Above properties can be overriden by saving the following file content into project's src/main/resources/

# API Mock server configuration                                #
# Web App file URL
http.test.conductor.webAppFileUrl = lib/http-api-mock.war

# Extra classpath for mockable APIs file
http.test.conductor.extraClasspath = src/test/resources/web

# Web App context path
http.test.conductor.webAppContextPath = /mock

# Supported server type
http.test.conductor.serverType = JETTY

# Server port
http.test.conductorserverPort = 8888

# Supported API Mock which implements fi.mystes.mock.IApiMock interface
http.test.conductor.apiMock = fi.mystes.mock.HttpApiMock

Notice that file is recommended to be located into src/test/resources/[some directory] and not into src/main/resources. This is due to HTTP API Mock class loader which will fail at startup.

Step 3. Extend HttpTestConductor class in your jUnit tests

Here is a simple example how to use IntegrationTestUtil.

public class TestingIntegrationUnitTest extends HttpTestConductor {

	public void runWithHttpTestConductor() throws Exception {
		HttpResponse<String> response = new RestRequest("",

		assertTrue("Http status code expected to be 200", response.getStatus() == 200);
		assertTrue("Http status text expected to be OK", response.getStatusText().equals("OK"));


The above test requests available services from Http API Mock using REST. The above test uses also http-test-conductor's default configurations.

Here is an example using some of helper methods defined in HttpTestConductor.

public class HttpMockApiTest extends HttpTestConductor{

	public void initAndStoreResponseAndFetchRecordedRequestsAndHeaders() throws Exception {
		// Init HTTP API mock service
		// expected response body
		String responseBody = "{\"name\":\"Test\"}";
		// conduct HTTP API mock service to respond with given request when it is called the next time
									new Response().addParameter("headers","Custom-Header:jUnit")
												  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
		String requestBody = "{\"request\":\"true\"}";
		// send a request to the HTTP API mock service
		HttpResponse<String> response = new RestRequest(requestBody,
													    .addHeader("Custom-Request-Header", "jUnit request")
		// make sure that we got the correct response
		assertTrue("Http status code expected to be 200", response.getStatus() == 200);
		assertTrue("Http status text expected to be OK", response.getStatusText().equals("OK"));
		assertTrue("Response body expected to be: " + responseBody, response.getBody().equals(responseBody));
		assertTrue("Response should contain header: Custom-Header:junit", response.getHeaders().get("Custom-Header").get(0).equals("jUnit"));
		// make sure that HTTP API mock service received correct headers
		RecordedHeaders recordedHeaders = getRecordedHeadersFromApiMock("http://localhost:8888/mock/services/REST/local-mock/operations/POST/recorded-request-headers");
		Document doc = builder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(recordedHeaders.getContent().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));

		assertTrue("Recorded headers response content type expected to be: text/xml", 
				fetchStringWithXpath(doc, "//name[text() = 'Content-Type']/../value/text()").equals("text/plain; charset=UTF-8"));
		assertTrue("Expected recorded header Custom-Request-Header: jUnit request", 
        						fetchStringWithXpath(doc, "//name[text() = 'Custom-Request-Header']/../value/text()").equals("jUnit request"));

		// make sure that HTTP API mock service received the correct request
		RecordedRequests recordedRequest = getRecordedRequestsFromApiMock("http://localhost:8888/mock/services/REST/local-mock/operations/POST/recorded-requests");
		doc = builder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(recordedRequest.getContent().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));
		assertTrue("Expected recorded request:" + requestBody, 
				fetchStringWithXpath(doc, "normalize-space(//recorded-requests/text())").equals(requestBody));


Technical Requirements


  • Oracle Java 7 or above


  • Oracle Java 7 + Maven 3.X.X

Fork, develop, create a pull request. Remember to add some tests!


Copyright © 2016 Mystes Oy. Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.