This part is going to be a little different than the previous tutorials in that it will utilize a real Niryo One robot. Although we assume you have completed the previous three parts (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), we do not assume that you have access to a Niryo One outside of simulation. As such this tutorial should mostly be used as a reference for how to simulate the behaviour of a robot operating in real life.
Table of Contents
- Niryo One Information
- Differences From Part 3
- The ROS Side
- The Unity Side
- Setting Up Niryo One
- Execution
The best source of information for the Niryo One is the User Manual. It contains a lot of general information about the Niryo One, such as how to connect it to a network, how to log in to it, and how to use the Niryo One Studio desktop application.
NOTE: The Niryo One will need to be connected to the same network as the machine running the Unity Editor.
For this tutorial we will be using the full Niryo One ROS stack running on the Niryo One robot.
From the Niryo One ROS documentation:
The commander package exposes an action server named “niryo_one/commander/robot_action”, with a “RobotMoveCommand” message. This is probably what you’re looking for if you want to send direct command to the robot using ROS.
Using the RobotMoveCommand
action server we can write an action client that sends RobotMoveGoal
commands to the Niryo One for execution.
If you are unfamiliar with ROS actions you can read more about them here.
Commands can also be executed on the Niryo One by publishing
messages directly to theniryo_one/commander/robot_action/goal
topic. However, the default behavior of the action server allows only one action to be executed at a time, so any new actions received by the action server will replace any currently executing actions.
The goal
section in the niryo_one_msgs/action/RobotMove.action
file shows a single field, RobotMoveCommand
. Then looking at the RobotMoveCommand
message we see that it is used as a catchall for executing a variety of commands on the robot.
Since we are only interested in executing trajectory and gripper commands we will only focus on the following parameters:
int32 cmd_type
- Which type of robot command to execute, trajectory or tool command
niryo_one_msgs/TrajectoryPlan Trajectory
- The trajectory to be executed
niryo_one_msgs/ToolCommand tool_cmd
- The end effector command to be executed
Since the cmd_type
variable is used to determine which command in the RobotMoveCommand
message is to be executed, we will need to find the appropriate values to execute trajectory or tool commands.
We can find this information in the niryo_one_ros/niryo_one_commander/src/niryo_one_commander/
POSE = 2
RPY = 4
TOOL = 6
We can see that the cmd_type
variable in RobotMoveCommand
will need to be 7
to execute a trajectory and 6
to execute a tool command.
To execute an end effector command on the Niryo One, a ToolCommand
object is required. Much like RobotMoveCommand
, the ToolCommand
message type is a catch all for gripper commands as the Niryo One supports a variety of grippers.
We are only interested in opening and closing the standard gripper so we will only use the following parameters:
uint8 tool_id
- Which end effector is being used
uint8 cmd_type
- Which command to execute. Ex. open or close
uint16 gripper_close_speed
- How fast should the gripper close
uint16 gripper_open_speed
- How fast should the gripper open
The tool_id
s are stored in niryo_one_ros/niryo_one_bringup/config/v2/niryo_one_motors.yaml
dxl_authorized_motors: # here include all Dynamixel tools that can possibly be attached to Niryo One
- 2 # -> id of Axis 4
- 3 # -> id of Axis 5
- 6 # -> id of Axis 6
- 11 # id of Gripper 1
- 12 # id of Gripper 2
- 13 # id of Gripper 3
- 31 # if of Vacuum Pump 1
We are using the standard gripper which has an id of 11.
Just like the cmd_type
parameter in RobotMoveCommand
we will need to look at niryo_one_ros/niryo_one_tools/config/end_effectors.yaml
to find the appropriate values to use.
# Gripper
open_gripper: 1
close_gripper: 2
# Vacuump pump
pull_air_vacuum_pump: 10
push_air_vacuum_pump: 11
# Tools controlled by digital I/Os
setup_digital_io: 20
activate_digital_io: 21
deactivate_digital_io: 22
From here we see that the RobotMoveGoal.RobotMoveCommand.ToolCommand.cmd_type
variable will need to be 2
to close the gripper and 1
to open it.
Part 3 - Purely Simulated - Flow:
- In part 3, we had
send a MoverServiceRequest message on theniryo_moveit
topic. The message contained the robot pose, target cube coordinates, and target destination coordinates
received the message, calculated the four trajectories, added them to an array, and sent back the array in a MoverServiceResponse message toTrajectoryPlanner
then executed the trajectories one at a time on the simulated Niryo One.
Part 4 - Simulated and Real - Flow:
will publish robot pose, target cube coordinates, and target destination coordinates tosim_real_pnp
topic. -
will recieve the message, plan the trajectories, and send the action goals one at a time to theRobotMove
action server. -
- The
action server will publish the goal messages along to therobot_action/goal
topic. - The
action server will execute the trajectory on Niryo One.
- The
The simulated Niryo One,
, subscriber will read fromrobot_action/goal
, and execute the same commands.
Note the changes between Part 3 and Part 4::
- The
, has been replaced with a ROS Subscriber
but retains the trajectory-planning capability. - An action server, RobotMove, has been introduced to schedule and execute trajectories.
- Gripper command execution was previously hard-coded in
in part 3 but is now being managed by theRobotMove
action server. - Extra poses have been added to make execution of the individual poses more apparent on the physical robot.
There are two lines that have not been previously used in
that we will now be using.
- The following line will be used by the simulated Niryo One in our Unity scene to read from the
topic and execute the same trajectories as the real Niryo One.
'niryo_one/commander/robot_action/goal': RosSubscriber('niryo_one/commander/robot_action/goal', RobotMoveActionGoal, tcp_server),
- We will be reusing the
message type to publish the target and target destination poses to ROS from Unity.
'sim_real_pnp': RosPublisher('sim_real_pnp', MoverServiceRequest)
We will also make use of the
script. It is very similar to
used in the previous tutorial with some minor differences.
Instead of a ROS Service this node is a ROS Subscriber that uses a ROS ActionClient to send goals.
Two functions have been added to handle the creation of the RobotMoveActionGoal messages.
- To send a trajectory command:
def send_trajectory_goal(client, trajectory): # Build the goal goal = RobotMoveGoal() goal.cmd.Trajectory = trajectory goal.cmd.cmd_type = TRAJECTORY_COMMAND_ID client.send_goal(goal) client.wait_for_result() return
- To send a gripper command:
def send_tool_goal(client, gripper_command): tool_command = ToolCommand() tool_command.tool_id = TOOL_ID tool_command.cmd_type = gripper_command tool_command.gripper_open_speed = GRIPPER_SPEED tool_command.gripper_close_speed = GRIPPER_SPEED goal = RobotMoveGoal() goal.cmd.tool_cmd = tool_command goal.cmd.cmd_type = TOOL_COMMAND_ID client.send_goal(goal) client.wait_for_result() return
function has been updated to call the two previous functions instead of appending the trajectory or gripper command to a list.- Example from
previous_ending_joint_angles = grasp_pose.joint_trajectory.points[-1].positions response.trajectories.append(grasp_pose)
- Updated code in
previous_ending_joint_angles = grasp_pose.trajectory.joint_trajectory.points[-1].positions send_trajectory_goal(client, grasp_pose)
- Example from
Using the same scene from Part 3, we are going to use a new script, RealSimPickAndPlace.cs
, that mirrors a lot of the functionality of the TrajectoryPlanner.cs
Instead of calling a service and waiting for the response to execute a robot command, we will subscribe to the niryo_one/commander/robot_action/goal
topic and execute each command we receive.
- A subscriber is created on Start to read the robot command messages and execute them as they are received.
void Start()
ros.Subscribe<RobotMoveActionGoal>(rosRobotCommandsTopicName, ExecuteRobotCommands);
- The subscriber callback mimics the robot commander code in the Niryo One ROS stack and determines whether a trajectory or tool command was issued.
void ExecuteRobotCommands(RobotMoveActionGoal robotAction)
if (robotAction.goal.cmd.cmd_type == TRAJECTORY_COMMAND_EXECUTION)
else if (robotAction.goal.cmd.cmd_type == TOOL_COMMAND_EXECUTION)
if (robotAction.goal.cmd.tool_cmd.cmd_type == OPEN_GRIPPER)
Debug.Log("Open Tool Command");
else if (robotAction.goal.cmd.tool_cmd.cmd_type == CLOSE_GRIPPER)
Debug.Log("Close Tool Command");
- The ExecuteTrajectories function has been updated to accept a single RobotTrajectory object and execute the robot poses one at a time:
private IEnumerator ExecuteTrajectories(RobotTrajectoryMsg trajectories)
// For every robot pose in trajectory plan
foreach (var point in trajectories.joint_trajectory.points)
var jointPositions = point.positions;
float[] result = jointPositions.Select(r=> (float)r * Mathf.Rad2Deg).ToArray();
// Set the joint values for every joint
for (int joint = 0; joint < jointArticulationBodies.Length; joint++)
var joint1XDrive = jointArticulationBodies[joint].xDrive; = result[joint];
jointArticulationBodies[joint].xDrive = joint1XDrive;
// Wait for robot to achieve pose for all joint assignments
yield return new WaitForSeconds(JOINT_ASSIGNMENT_WAIT);
- The
function's only change is that the message is published to a topic instead of being sent as a ServiceMessage.
ros.Send(rosJointPublishTopicName, request);
In Unity, Select Robotics -> ROS Settings from the top menu bar and update the ROS IP Address to that of the Niryo One.
Select "Robotics/Generate ROS Messages..." from the menu and build the messages you will need - Build the contents of the moveit_msgs/msg folder, the niryo_one_ros/niryo_one_msgs/action folder and the niryo_one_ros/niryo_one_msgs/msg folder.
Find PATH/TO/Unity-Robotics-Hub/tutorials/pick_and_place/Scripts_Part4 and copy into your project's Assets folder.
Select the Publisher GameObject and add the
script as a component. -
Note that the RealSimPickAndPlace component shows its member variables in the Inspector window, which need to be assigned.
Once again, drag and drop the
objects onto the Target and Target Placement Inspector fields, respectively. Assign theniryo_one
robot to the Niryo One field. -
Select the previously made Button object in Canvas/Button, and scroll to see the Button component. Under the
header, click the dropdown where it is currently assigned to the SourceDestinationPublisher.Publish(). Replace this call with RealSimPickAndPlace >PublishJoints()
. -
The Unity side is now ready to communicate with ROS on the Niryo One!
An easy way to find the Niryo One's IP address is to connect to it using the Niryo One Studio application
The world-space origin of the Niryo One is defined in its URDF file. The provided Niryo One URDF used in the previous tutorials has already been updated to reflect the position of the simulated Niryo One situated on top of the table. In order to have accurate trajectory planning the URDF files on the real Niryo One will need to be updated to reflect the simulated robot's position.
The two files that will need to be updated are
located in the/home/niryo/catkin_ws/src/niryo_one_description/urdf/v2
directory.- Look for the joint named
and update theorigin
to0 0 0.63
to reflect that the simulated Niryo is placed at0.63
on the Z axis.
<joint name="joint_world" type="fixed"> <parent link="world" /> <child link="base_link" /> <origin xyz="0 0 0.63" rpy="0 0 0" /> </joint>
- Look for the joint named
The Niryo One ROS stack is already installed on the robot and only the niryo_moveit
package will need to be added.
- Copy the
package to thecatkin_ws
directory on the Niryo One's catkin workspace at/home/niryo/catkin_ws
and run thecatkin_make
Using the SCP command to transfer the
package might look something like,scp -r ~/PATH/TO/niryo_moveit niryo@NIRYO_IP_ADDRESS:/home/niryo/catkin_ws/src
Use the
file to start theserver_endpoint
scripts.roslaunch niryo_moveit part_4.launch
Note: As with previous parts, you can configure this launch file with a custom IP address or port:
roslaunch niryo_moveit part_4.launch tcp_ip:= tcp_port:=10005
Return to the Unity Editor and press Play. Press the UI Button to send the joint configurations to ROS on the Niryo One, and watch the robot arm move simultaneously in simulation and real life!