Virtual Control Admin is a web panel to manage your OpenVz infrastructure. It's composed of two parts, a web panel and daemon.
With the web panel you are able to create, modify or destroy OpenVz virtual machines. For each VM you can manage the quantity of memory and processor usable. You can manage your users and attribute to them one or many virtual machines user.
Daemon is used directly on the OpenVz server. It's executes the orders gave by the web panel.
This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
- Users management
- Use several servers
- Create/modify/destroy Vps
- Template management
- Users Requests
- Backups
- Multilanguage support (English and French)
- Automated backups
- Moving virtual machines
- Multifactor authentication
- Custom templates
See documentation files for the installation instructions.
Visit http://your-domain and use admin:admin. You should change the default password and the default user name. Add your server and enjoy.