Copyright (C) 2017-2018 The Open Library Foundation
This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file LICENSE for more information.
This is a UI module for maintaining service point opening hours.
Regular Library Hours Validity Period
: normal opening hours for a service point between two dates.Regular Library Hours
: time frames defined for week days which defines the opening hours and closing times for a aRegular Library Hours Validity Period
.Exception Period
: overridesRegular Library Hours
for specific dates and service points.All day opening
: the service point is open from 00:00 to 24:00.
- From the settings menu navigate to Calendar -> Library hours.
- Select the appropriate service point.
- Click New under the Regular Library Hours label.
- Specify the date range when the period will be valid. You can leave Valid To field empty. In this case the validity affects for the future with no end.
- Name your validity period (e.g.: Study Period).
- Using your mouse specify the time ranges for every day of the week by dragging. When you leave a column empty that means the service point is closed on that day. If you would like to specify a non-stop opening simply click on the All day opening.
- If you would like to remove an opening simply click on the X (right upper corner of the blue box).
- Click Save.
Currently you have to define Regular Library Hours for all the service points separately.
- From the settings menu navigate to Calendar -> Library hours.
- Select the appropriate service point.
- Click on the period you would like to modify.
- Follow the steps above from step 4.
- From the settings menu navigate to Calendar -> Library hours.
- Select the appropriate service point.
- Click on the period you would like to modify.
- Click Delete button.
- From the settings menu navigate to Calendar -> Library hours.
- Select a service point.
- Click Open calendar to add exceptions.
- Click New Exception Period (right upper corner).
- Specify the date range when the period will be valid.
- Name the exception period (e.g.: 2018 Christmas).
- Select the service points that will be effected by the exception.
- Now you have two options:
- defining an exception when the service point is closed instead of the regular opening. In this case click Closed. You can define closed period only for a whole day.
- defining an exception when the service point is open, the exceptional opening hours overwrite the regular opening (and closing) hours. Specify the opening and closing time.
- Click Save.
As you can see exceptions can be defined for several service points at the same time.
- From the settings menu navigate to Calendar -> Library hours.
- Select a service point.
- Click on the period in the calendar which you would like to modify.
- Follow the steps above from step 5.
- From the settings menu navigate to Calendar -> Library hours.
- Select a service point.
- Click on the period in the calendar which you would like to remove.
- Click Delete button.