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FundItETC is an open-source, decentralized crowd funding platform under development for deployment on Ethereum Classic.

It was originally inspired by a JSMastery educational project by Adrian Hajdin to whom we express sincere gratitude.

In the spirit of open-source project development and in keeping with the Ethereum Classic Foundational Principles, this project is openly available for review and feedback. Your input and suggestions are welcomed and encouraged. Please submit your feedback via the Issues tab.

We need your help!

If you are interested in contributing to this or any of the other upcoming ValueForge projects, please see the information here.

Development environment

The back-end for FundItETC is a suite of four Solidity smart contracts developed for deployment on the ETC network. It utilizes the OpenZeppelin Solidity contract library, thirdweb's Web3 and HardHat frameworks.

FundItETC will be accompanied by a JavaScript-based UI/UX application and HTML website which is expected to utilize the Tailwind CSS framework.

Change log

FundItETC v.0.0.1 (unreleased)

Here are the changes and explanations from the original JSMastery project's Solidity contract:

  • Changed the Solidity version pragma to ^0.8.9, which allows for minor version updates to Solidity 0.8.
  • Added a payable modifier to the owner field in the Campaign struct to indicate that the owner can receive ether.
  • Added a active field to the Campaign struct to indicate if the campaign is still active or has ended.
  • Removed the return value of the createCampaign function since it was not being used.
  • Added more input validation to the createCampaign function to ensure that required fields are not empty and values are greater than 0.
  • Removed the numberOfCampaigns - 1 return value from the createCampaign function since it was not necessary.
  • Changed the getDonors function to external and added the view modifier since it does not modify state.
  • Changed the getDonors function name to getCampaignDonors for clarity.
  • Changed the getCampaigns function to two separate functions, getActiveCampaigns and getEndedCampaigns, which list active and ended campaigns respectively.
  • Added input validation to the donateToCampaign function to check that the campaign is active and has not ended before accepting donations.
  • Changed the method to campaign.owner.transfer to simplify the payment process and reduce the risk of reentrancy attacks.
  • Changed the getDonors and getCampaigns functions to return arrays of Campaign structs for consistency.
  • Changed the getActiveCampaigns and getEndedCampaigns functions to only return campaigns that are active or have ended, respectively.
  • Added an endCampaign function to allow the campaign owner to end a campaign.
  • Added ifundit.sol interface contract to define the functions that the proxy contract will use.
  • Added funditproxy.sol proxy contract to allow for the upgrade of the main contract without affecting the proxy contract. This is to be done by changing the address of the main contract in the proxy contract.
  • Changed all relevant functions to use the proxy contract instead of the main contract address.
  • Added a fundit folder to contain the main contract, proxy contract, and interface contract.
  • Moved fundit, ifundit, and funditproxy contracts to the contracts/fundit folder.
  • Renamed contracts using MixedCase to FundIt, IFundIt, and FundItProxy.
  • Added FundItStorage contract to separate logic from storage.
  • Added annotations to the FundIt contract to explain the functions and variables.
  • Added import of OpenZeppelin's Ownable, Pausable, ReentrancyGuard, and SafeMath contracts.
  • Added function to receive and revert direct payment to the FundIt and FundItProxy contracts.
  • Changed the createCampaign function to allow capping campaign duration.
  • Changed the createCampaign function to use calldata instead of memory for gas efficiency.
  • Changed the donateToCampaign function to allow donated funds to accumulate in the contract.
  • Added withdrawFunds function to allow the campaign owner to withdraw funds from the contract.
  • Added CampaignCreated, DonationMade, CampaignEnded, and Withdrawn events to track state changes.
  • Set the initial maximum number of days a campaign may run at 180 days.
  • Changed all relevant imported contracts to Upgradeable versions using the transparent upgrade method.