- Added more AQ Items to the local database
- Added more AQ Items to the local database
- Fixed problem calculating the correct version of the game (Classic or SoD)
- Added more Tokens to the local database
- Added more Items to the local database
- Limited the AtlasLoot import to only Classic
- Added a local database of items for Season of Discovery
- Fixed bug that was initializing the addon (a second time) after entering an instance
- Added grouping items by Raid
- Added grouping priority based on where the player is instanced
- Added resizing to the Interface
- Incremented interface update delay after trading, banking or looting
- Fixed refreshing items location after equipping them
- Fixed player name recognition when winning a roll
- Fixed refreshing looted items after winning a roll
- Updated the information of the help button
- Added information of items that you have already looted.
- Item information will be updated when trading, accessing the bank or equipping items.
- Added search by itemId.
- Added command to pass on items.
- Optimized code to reduce calls to WoW API.
- Fixed error while checking if AtlasLoot was present.
- Added: The search box now supports items from AtlasLootClassic.
- Removed the Command "/gar clear all rules".
- Changed the Command "/gar clear" to "/gar remove".
- Fixed the Command "/gar rules" will no longer open/close the Interface.
- Changed several Global variables to Local.
- Updated the chat notifications format to be more consistent.
- Fixed: A debug message was being output when adding items via link.
- Added: More loot from Phase 6 raids (mounts).
- Added: Shift-clicking item links now sends them to the addon search box (if GargulAutoRoll is open and the chat box is closed).
- Added: The search box now supports filtering items in your list.
- Added: The search box includes items from Phase 6 raids in its results.
- Removed refreshing list when you loot an item (event fires too much)
- Removed GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE events as they are no longer needed
- Removed CHAT_MSG_LOOT events as they are no longer needed
- Added sorting by quality and alphabetically to /gar rules output
- Added more information and a better style to the Help tooltip
- Added an input to the interface to add items via shift+click
- Fixed bug where items were not fully loaded at boot (solution: async-calls)
- Fixed bug where items awarded to the player were not changed to PASS
- Fixed TRADE_CLOSED stack overflow
- Fixed Clear All Rules stack overflow
- Disabled DEBUG mode (I left it enabled by mistake in 2.1)
- Removed listener for event BAG_UPDATE_DELAYED for optimization
- Added the rule PASS to have an item in the list but not roll for it
- Items awarded to the player via Gargul will be changed to PASS rule
- Fixed overflow in function Refresh
- Fixed a bug where a the item list could load half empty.
- Added a Bank icon (wooden box) to indicate which items are stored in the Bank.
- The Bag and Bank icons are now updated when you loot an item.
- Added Help button to explain the basic usage.
- Items will now be sorted by quality, then alphabetically.
- Fixed listener for CHAT_MSG_RAID_WARNING not working properly.
- Added listening to rolls on items via CHAT_MSG_RAID_WARNING.
- Added icons to indicate if an item is already in your bags or bank.
- Added buttons to the Interface to change MS and OS rules from the list.
- Changed the icon of the button that removes rules from the list.
- Added a button to the Interface to enable/disable the auto rolling.
- Added a button to the Interface to remove rules from the list.
- Changed "Roll on" texts for "Roll for".
- Fixed bug where the minimap button last position was not saved.
- Added Ctrl+click to view the item in the Dressing Room.
- Fixed bug where rules were not fully listed at the first launch.
- Added a minimap button.