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File metadata and controls

97 lines (72 loc) · 2.68 KB

The Server is divided into two main components:

  • Backend
  • Frontend

What Does the Backend Do?

The backend performs the following tasks:

  1. Initializes a connection with the database.
  2. Starts a basic HTTPServer to expose the REST API, potentially creating seeds/mock data for testing purposes.
  3. Initializes a gRPC server to handle communication with clients.
  4. Initializes a TCP server to handle communication with daemons.
  5. Encapsulates the core application logic queue.

What Does the Frontend Do?

The frontend performs the following tasks:

  1. Starts a basic HTTPServer and parses template files to expose a user interface.
  2. Accepts user inputs and communicates with the backend using REST API by performing HTTP requests.

Compile and Run


You need to export the following environment variables. Customize them as needed.

1. Start Database

cd database && \
docker build -t dp-database . && \
docker run -d \
    --name dp-database \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    -p 3306:3306 \
    --health-cmd="mysqladmin ping -h localhost -uagent -pSUPERSECUREUNCRACKABLEPASSWORD" \
    --health-interval=20s \
    --health-retries=10 \

2. Export Environment Variables

For simplicity you can save these into a .env and the source .env Change them accoding to your needs.

export BACKEND_HOST=""
export BACKEND_PORT="4747"
export FRONTEND_PORT="4748"
export DB_USER="agent"
export DB_PASSWORD="SUPERSECUREUNCRACKABLEPASSWORD" # This should be changed (remember to change it in database/initialize.sql too)
export DB_HOST="localhost"
export DB_PORT="3306"
export DB_NAME="dp_hashcat"
export DB_CERT="dp_certs"
export DB_CERT_USER="certs"
export DB_CERT_PASSWORD="SUPERSECUREUNCRACKABLEPASSWORD" # This should be changed (remember to change it in database/initialize.sql too) 
export ALLOW_REGISTRATIONS="True" # Disable if needed
export DEBUG="True"  # leave to true this
export RESET="False" # set to false when running the server normally otherwise at each server restart data will be wiped from the db
export GRPC_URL=""
export GRPC_TIMEOUT="10s"
export TCP_ADDRESS=""
export TCP_PORT="4749"

3. Compile and Run the Server

cd server
make build

4. Run the Server


After completing these steps, the server should be up and running, with both the frontend and backend components functioning as expected. Frontend will be available to FRONTEND_PORT port value.