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Manifold-Intercept Method (MIM): Plan Time-Optimal Trajectory under $n$th-Order Box-Constraints



Figure 1. A fifth-order quasi-optimal trajectory.

$$ \text{The augmented switching law: }\underline{0}\overline{0}\left(\overline{3},2\right)\overline{0}\underline{0}\overline{03}\underline{01}\overline{0}\underline{2}\overline{01}\underline{0}\overline{4}\underline{01}\overline{0}\underline{2}\overline{01}\underline{0}\underline{3}\overline{01}\underline{0}\overline{0} $$

Please Cite:

Wang, Yunan, Hu, Chuxiong, Li, Zeyang, Lin, Shize, He, Suqin, & Zhu, Yu (2024). Time-optimal control for high-order chain-of-integrators systems with full state constraints and arbitrary terminal states. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
  title={Time-Optimal Control for High-Order Chain-of-Integrators Systems with Full State Constraints and Arbitrary Terminal States},
  author={Wang, Yunan and Hu, Chuxiong and Li, Zeyang and Lin, Shize and He, Suqin and Zhu, Yu},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},

What is MIM?

MIM is proposed for planning high-order time-optimal trajectories. For example, in Figure 1, we can plan a fifth-order quasi-optimal trajectory, i.e., the position, velocity, acceleration, jerk, snap, and crackle are all bounded.

MIM can plan:

  • Time-optimal trajectories of order $n\leq3$. In other words, the position, velocity, acceleration, and jerk is bounded. Note that only ruckig pro can achieve full constraints which is not open-source. Other methods all fail to deal with position constraints.
  • Quasi-optimal trajectories of order $n\geq4$.

The advantages of MIM are as follows:

  • Asymmetric constraints. For example, we can require that $-1\leq x_3\leq +\infty$, $-2\leq x_2\leq 3$, $-\infty\leq x_1\leq +\infty$, $-1.5\leq u\leq 1$ in a 3rd-order problem, where $x_3$ is position, $x_2$ is velocity, $x_1$ is acceleration, and $u$ is jerk.
  • Non-zero boundary states. For example, we can require that the trajectory moves from $(x_1,x_2,x_3)=(1,-0.375,4)$ to $(x_1,x_2,x_3)=(-0.1,0.1,-1)$ in a 3rd-order problem.
  • High computational efficiency. The computation time of MIM can be significantly reduced compared to existing methods, where 3rd-order problems require only about 0.02~0.08 ms (in C++ release mode), and the computation time for 4th-order problems is reduced by two orders of magnitude compared to the existing optimization-based methods.
  • High trajectory quality. No chattering exists.
  • High success rate. 100% success rate for problems of order $n\leq4$.
  • Strict/near time-optimality. 100% optimality for problems of order $n\leq3$. 99.88% optimality for 4h-order problems.



  • If you use the MIM library for academic purposes, please cite our paper in IEEE TAC. If you have commercial needs, please contact me through [email protected].
  • We provide two languages for MIM: C++ and MATLAB.
    • The original paper uses MATLAB. We rewritten MIM for higher numerical stability.
    • To achieve ultimate performance, I have rewritten MIM in C++. The C++ version even significantly outperforms the effects claimed in the paper.
  • The development based on MATLAB/C++ is a massive undertaking, so I will proceed with a phased approach and gradually open-source these features. Noting that third-order trajectories are currently the most widely used, I have initially open-sourced the third-order trajectory. Higher-order trajectories, including fourth-order and above, will be open-sourced in the future as time permits. If you urgently need them, please contact me.



  • See MATLAB-version\.

Step-by-Step Guidance (C++ Version)

Step 1. Set the constraint and the boundary states

If you consider a jerk-limited (3rd-order) trajectory, please use:

#include "Planner.h"
// ...
int order = 3; // 3rd-order problem
double M_max[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 4.0 }; // Maximal jerk, acceleration, velocity, and position
double M_min[] = { -1.0, -1.0, -1.5, -4.0 }; // Minimal jerk, acceleration, velocity, and position
Constraint constraint;
constraint.copy(order, M_max, M_min);
double x0[3] = { 1, -3.0 / 8.0, 4 }; // The initial acceleration, velocity, and position
double xf[3] = { -0.1, 0.1, -1 }; // The terminal acceleration, velocity, and position

If you need an infty, then code like this:

#include <limits>
// ...
double M_max[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, numeric_limits<double>::infinity() };
double M_min[] = { -1.0, -1.0, -1.5, -numeric_limits<double>::infinity() };

Step 2. Plan the trajectory

vector<arc> arcs = Planner::plan(order, x0, xf, constraint, true);

In vector<arc> Planner::plan(int order, double* x0, double* xf, Constraint& constraint, bool flag_consider_position),

  • (int) order: the order of the problem.
  • (double*) x0: the initial state vector with a length of order.
  • (double*) xf: the terminal state vector with a length of order.
  • (Constraint&) constraint: the constraint.
  • (bool) flag_consider_position: If it is false, then we ignore the position constraint, i.e., M_max[order] and M_min[order] is considered as infty.

arc is a struct.

  • arc.order means that the constraint of which order is active. In 3rd-order problems, arc.order==0 means that it is an unconstrained arc where the jerk is maximal or minimal. arc.order==1 means that it is a constrained arc where the acceleration is maximal or minimal. arc.order==2 means that it is a constrained arc where the velocity is maximal or minimal.
  • arc.sign==true if the control/state is maximal. arc.sign==false if the control/state is minimal.
  • arc.time is the motion time of this arc.
  • arc.tangent==0 is it is an arc.
  • arc.tangent>0 is it is a tangent marker (of tangent order arc.tangent) instead of an arc. In this case, arc.time==0 holds. The trajectory reaches the boundary here.

Step 3. Interpolate the trajectory

double Ts = 1e-3; // the sample time
double T0 = 0; // 0<=T0<Ts is allowed.
Interpolator interpolator(order); // set the order
interpolator.interpolate(x0,, arcs.size(), constraint, Ts); // interpolate the trajectory

In this example of order 3, you can get:

  • (vector<double>) interpolator.buffer[0]: the control (jerk) at {T0,T0+Ts,T0+2*Ts,...}.
  • (vector<double>) interpolator.buffer[1]: the acceleration at {T0,T0+Ts,T0+2*Ts,...}.
  • (vector<double>) interpolator.buffer[2]: the velocity at {T0,T0+Ts,T0+2*Ts,...}.
  • (vector<double>) interpolator.buffer[3]: the position at {T0,T0+Ts,T0+2*Ts,...}.

If you want to output the trajectory as a csv file, you can type like this:


Guidance (MATLAB Version)

For the 3rd-order example in the C++, the MATLAB code is as follows:

%% Set up
x0 = [1;-0.375;3.999]; % the initial state vector: [acceleration;velocity;position]
xf = [0;0;4]; % the terminal state vector: [acceleration;velocity;position]
M_max = [1;1;1.5;4]; % the maximal jerk, acceleration, velocity, and position
M_min = [-1;-1;-1.5;-4]; % the minimal jerk, acceleration, velocity, and position
%% Plan the trajectory
epsilon = 1e-6; % the allowed numerical error
[orders,signs,tangents,arctimes] = plan_nth_order(x0,xf,M_max,M_min,true,0,epsilon);
%% Interpolate the trajectory
Ts = 1e-3; % the sample time
[xs,ts] = interpolate_MIM(x0,orders,signs,tangents,arctimes,M_max(1),M_min(1),Ts,0,true);

The meanings are the same as those in C++ version.

Example 1. 3rd-order problems with 7 arcs.

#include "Planner.h"
#include "Interpolator.h"
using namespace std;

int main() {
	int order = 3;
	double M_max[4] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 4.0 };
	double M_min[4] = { -1.0, -1.0, -1.5, -4.0 };
	Constraint constraint;
	constraint.copy(order, M_max, M_min);
	double x0[3] = { 1, -3.0 / 8.0, 4 };
	double xf[3] = { -0.1, 0.1, -1 };

	vector<arc> arcs = Planner::plan(order, x0, xf, constraint, true);

	double Ts = 1e-3;
	Interpolator interpolator(order);
	interpolator.interpolate(x0,, arcs.size(), constraint, Ts);

Then, you can get the following results: (arc is a struct)

arc order sign tangent time
arcs[0] 0 false 0 2
arcs[1] 1 false 0 0.625
arcs[2] 0 true 0 1
arcs[3] 2 false 0 0.897994
arcs[4] 0 true 0 1
arcs[5] 1 true 0 0.605
arcs[6] 0 false 0 1.1

That means the augmented switching law is

$$ \underline{01}\overline{0}\underline{2}\overline{01}\underline{0} $$

  • Jerk is M_min[0] during $0&lt;t&lt;2$.
  • Acceleration is M_min[1] and jerk is 0 during $2&lt;t&lt;2.625$.
  • Jerk is M_max[0] during $2.625&lt;t&lt;3.625$.
  • Velocity is M_min[2], acceleration is 0, and jerk is 0 during $3.625&lt;t&lt;4.522994$.
  • Jerk is M_max[0] during $4.522994&lt;t&lt;5.522994$.
  • Acceleration is M_max[1] and jerk is 0 during $5.522994&lt;t&lt;6.127994$.
  • Jerk is M_min[0] during $6.127994&lt;t&lt;7.227994$.


Figure. The trajectory in Example 1.

Example 2. 3rd-order problems with 5 arcs and 1 tangent marker.

#include "Planner.h"
#include "Interpolator.h"
using namespace std;

int main() {
	int order = 3;
	double M_max[4] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 4.0 };
	double M_min[4] = { -1.0, -1.0, -1.5, -4.0 };
	Constraint constraint;
	constraint.copy(order, M_max, M_min);
	double x0[3] = { 1,-0.375, 3.999 };
	double xf[3] = { 0, 0, 4 };

	vector<arc> arcs = Planner::plan(order, x0, xf, constraint, true);

	double Ts = 1e-3;
	Interpolator interpolator(order);
	interpolator.interpolate(x0,, arcs.size(), constraint, Ts);

Then, you can get the following results: (arc is a struct)

arc order sign tangent time
arcs[0] 0 false 0 1.38027
arcs[1] 0 true 0 0.18226
arcs[2] 3 false 2
arcs[3] 0 true 0 0.39503
arcs[4] 0 false 0 0.33565
arcs[5] 0 true 0 0.13862

That means the augmented switching law is

$$ \underline{0}\overline{0}(\overline{3},2)\overline{0}\underline{0}\overline{0} $$

  • Jerk is M_min[0] during $0&lt;t&lt;1.38027$.
  • Jerk is M_max[0] during $1.38027&lt;t&lt;1.56253$.
  • The position is tangent to M_max[4] of order 2. At $t=1.56253$, the position is M_max[4], the velocity is 0, and the acceleration is <0.
  • Jerk is M_max[0] during $1.56253&lt;t&lt;1.95756$.
  • Jerk is M_min[0] during $1.95756&lt;t&lt;2.29321$.
  • Jerk is M_max[0] during $2.29321&lt;t&lt;2.43183$.


Figure. The trajectory in Example 2.