Nikhila is a web developer at Founders & Coders C.I.C. She also volunteers there as a mentor, helping to develop teaching materials and delivering workshops on JavaScript. She has recently helped to start Node Girls London. Prior to this Nikhila worked on Programmes at CF:G, was a researcher at Harvard University and was awarded an IARU Sustainability Fellowship, all whilst completing an Engineering Masters at the University of Cambridge.
- Introduce yourself
- Can you tell us a bit more about what you do for a day job?
- How did you get into the tech community?
- What was your turning point to get involved in the tech community?
- What were your biggest challenges?
- Are there any things you wish you'd done differently during different stages of your career? If so, what and why??
- What is your greatest achievement?
- What advice to you have to others who want to get into technology and entrepreneurship based on your experience?
- Nikki,before embarking on a career in tech you worked as a researcher at Harvard University and completed a number of training schemes and fellowships from India to Australia. Can you tell us more about your journey into tech & how you decided this was the sector you wanted to work in?
- After completed your CF: G course and Masters at Cambridge you went on to do the Founders & Coders CIC bootcamp. How did you find this experience?
- Can you tell us more about your transition to become a full time web developer with Founders & Coders CIC and DWYL, and the projects you've been working on since then?
- Since graduating from Founders & Coders you've helped set up Node Girls, what drove you to build the organisation?
- We understand you'll be moving to the states very soon, what are your plans for the forthcoming year?