From Twitter bio
Working at @TransferWise, interested in peace processes, helping refugees. Feminist. Love playing badminton, squash, dancing and climbing
- Introduce yourself
- Can you tell us a bit more about what you do for a day job?
- How did you get into tech and/or the tech community?
- What was your turning point to get involved in the tech community?
- What were your biggest challenges?
- Are there any things you wish you'd done differently during different stages of your career? If so, what and why??
- What is your greatest achievement?
EmpowerHack hackathon Nov 2015 was your first hackathon?
Why did you go?
How would you describe your experience?
Did you have a good time?
Was it beneficial? e.g. learn / network?
- Comment: You did the most GitHub Pull Requests at the event
Did you meet lots of passionate and like minded people?
Would you go again?
Have you been to more events since?
Where do you see yourself in 1, 3, 5 years
What would you say to others who are unsure about joining?