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✔️ Ready to Merge
✔️ Ready to Merge
This pull request has been tested and approved, and can be merged at the maintainer's discretion.
🔀 Refactor
🔀 Refactor
This ticket concerns the possible simplification of code/data.
⚡ Regression
⚡ Regression
This used to work before but a recent update broke it.
⬇️ Resolved Downstream
⬇️ Resolved Downstream
A resolution for this issue has been implemented, and is awaiting a merge.
This ticket concerns UI/UX for WeakAurasOptions.
⬆️ Upstream Issue
⬆️ Upstream Issue
This is an issue with one of our dependencies, or of WoW itself.
👑 Use Case Series
👑 Use Case Series
A project where try to come up with a BiS solution for an aura.
This issue will not be fixed. See the discussion for details.
👩‍🔬 Work in Progress
👩‍🔬 Work in Progress
This pull request is still being actively developed and shouldn't be merged.
👺Working As Intended
👺Working As Intended
This is not a bug, because we want WeakAuras to work like that.
🧟‍♂‍ WOTLK
🧟‍♂‍ WOTLK
Concerns Wrath of the Lich King Classic