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+title: How to use Web3Auth MPC CoreKit SDK with Bitcoin Taproot
+image: "guides-banners/bitcoin-mpc-ck.png"
+ A comprehensive guide to setting up your Web3Auth MPC Core Kit SDK, including development of a
+ basic web application on Bitcoin taproot blockchain.
+type: guide
+tags: [MPC, mpc core kit, web, bitcoin, taproot, firebase]
+date: February 13, 2025
+author: Web3Auth Team
+import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";
+import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
+As Bitcoin adoption continues to grow, ensuring secure and user-friendly key management is more
+important than ever. Web3Auth MPC CoreKit provides a robust solution by leveraging multi-party
+computation (MPC) to enhance security while maintaining a seamless user experience.
+This guide walks you through setting up and using Web3Auth MPC CoreKit specifically for Bitcoin
+Taproot, demonstrating how to integrate Web3Auth’s decentralized key infrastructure infrastructure
+to sign Bitcoin transactions. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to securely generate and
+manage Bitcoin keys, sign transactions, and interact with the Bitcoin network without compromising
+on security or usability.
+Whether you’re a developer looking to integrate Web3Auth MPC CoreKit into your Bitcoin applications
+or simply exploring MPC-based key management, this guide provides a hands-on approach to getting
+started. Let’s dive in!
+## Prerequisites
+- Web3Auth Dashboard: If you haven't already, sign up on the Web3Auth platform. It is free and gives
+ you access to the Web3Auth's base plan. Head to Web3Auth's documentation page for detailed
+ [instructions on setting up the Web3Auth Dashboard](/docs/dashboard-setup).
+- Web3Auth MPC CoreKit SDK: This guide assumes that you already know how to integrate the MPC
+ CoreKit SDK in your project and able to set up the login flow. If not, you can learn how to
+ [integrate Web3Auth MPC Core Kit SDK in your web app](/docs/sdk/mpc-core-kit/mpc-core-kit-js).
+## TLDR;
+- **Web3Auth MPC CoreKit**: Initialize the CoreKit instance and set up the login flow.
+- **Bitcoin Signer**: Create a BitcoinJS-compatible signer for BIP340 Schnorr signatures.
+- **Bitcoin Operations**: Implement Bitcoin-specific operations like address generation and
+ transaction signing.
+- **Usage Guide**: Learn how to use the application to interact with Bitcoin Taproot.
+ Get a clone of the [example repository](https://github.com/Web3Auth/web3auth-core-kit-examples/mpc-core-kit-web/mpc-core-kit-bitcoin-taproot) to follow along with the guide.
+## Installation
+To get started, install the necessary dependencies for the Web3Auth MPC CoreKit Bitcoin example:
+npm install @web3auth/mpc-core-kit @toruslabs/tss-frost-lib-bip340
+## Initialization
+Before interacting with Web3Auth MPC CoreKit, we need to initialize it. This is done in the
+`App.tsx` file, where we configure the CoreKit instance with the necessary parameters.
+### Setting Up Web3Auth MPC CoreKit
+In the snippet below, we create an instance of Web3Auth MPC CoreKit with the required
+import { Web3AuthMPCCoreKit, WEB3AUTH_NETWORK } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";
+import { tssLibFrostBip340 } from "@toruslabs/tss-frost-lib-bip340";
+let coreKitInstance: Web3AuthMPCCoreKit;
+if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
+ coreKitInstance = new Web3AuthMPCCoreKit({
+ web3AuthClientId, // Your Web3Auth Client ID, get it from the Web3Auth dashboard
+ web3AuthNetwork: WEB3AUTH_NETWORK.DEVNET, // Web3Auth's DEVNET environment
+ storage: window.localStorage, // Uses localStorage for persisting user session
+ manualSync: true, // Requires manual syncing of key shares
+ tssLib: tssLibFrostBip340, // Uses Frost-BIP340 for threshold signature scheme (TSS)
+ });
+The parameters for initializing the Web3Auth MPC CoreKit instance are as follows:
+- `web3AuthClientId` is your unique Web3Auth Client ID.
+- `web3AuthNetwork` specifies the Web3Auth network (DEVNET in this case).
+- `storage` determines where session data is stored (using localStorage here).
+- `manualSync` enables manual synchronization of key shares for added control.
+- `tssLibFrostBip340` defines the threshold signature scheme (TSS) library, specifically
+ Frost-BIP340, optimized for Bitcoin Taproot.
+### Initializing the CoreKit Instance
+Once the instance is created, we initialize it inside a useEffect hook:
+useEffect(() => {
+ const init = async () => {
+ setIsLoading(true);
+ await coreKitInstance.init(); // Initializes the CoreKit instance
+ setCoreKitStatus(coreKitInstance.status); // Updates state with CoreKit status
+ setIsLoading(false);
+ };
+ init();
+}, []);
+## Authentication
+The project uses Firebase for authentication, allowing users to log in securely using their Google
+accounts. You can choose any authentication provider that suits your needs, but for this example, we
+using Firebase for its ease of integration. The login function, implemented in `App.tsx`, handles
+this authentication flow and integrates with Web3Auth MPC CoreKit.
+### Logging in with Google
+The login function follows these steps to authenticate users and establish a Web3Auth session:
+import { signInWithGoogle } from "./firebase";
+const login = async () => {
+ try {
+ if (!coreKitInstance) {
+ throw new Error("CoreKit instance not initialized");
+ }
+ const loginRes = await signInWithGoogle(); // Sign in using Firebase Google authentication
+ const idToken = await loginRes.user.getIdToken(true); // Retrieve the Firebase ID token
+ const parsedToken = parseToken(idToken); // Decode the token to extract user details
+ const idTokenLoginParams = {
+ verifier, // The verifier configured for authentication
+ verifierId: parsedToken.sub, // Unique user identifier from the token
+ idToken, // The JWT token to be used for authentication
+ } as JWTLoginParams;
+ await coreKitInstance.loginWithJWT(idTokenLoginParams); // Authenticate with Web3Auth using the JWT token
+ if (coreKitInstance.status === COREKIT_STATUS.LOGGED_IN) {
+ await coreKitInstance.commitChanges(); // Required for new accounts to persist changes
+ }
+ if (coreKitInstance.status === COREKIT_STATUS.REQUIRED_SHARE) {
+ setShowRecoveryOptions(true);
+ uiConsole(
+ "More shares required. Please enter your backup/device factor key or reset your account. [Warning: Resetting is irreversible, use with caution]",
+ );
+ }
+ setCoreKitStatus(coreKitInstance.status); // Update the application state with the CoreKit status
+ } catch (err) {
+ uiConsole(err); // Log any errors to the console
+ }
+import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app";
+const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
+const firebaseConfig = {
+ apiKey: "AIzaSyB0nd9YsPLu-tpdCrsXn8wgsWVAiYEpQ_E",
+ authDomain: "web3auth-oauth-logins.firebaseapp.com",
+ projectId: "web3auth-oauth-logins",
+ storageBucket: "web3auth-oauth-logins.appspot.com",
+ messagingSenderId: "461819774167",
+ appId: "1:461819774167:web:e74addfb6cc88f3b5b9c92",
+export const signInWithGoogle = async (): Promise => {
+ try {
+ const auth = getAuth(app);
+ const googleProvider = new GoogleAuthProvider();
+ const res = await signInWithPopup(auth, googleProvider);
+ console.log(res);
+ return res;
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error(err);
+ throw err;
+ }
+The login function performs the following steps:
+ 1. **Checks the CoreKit Instance** – Ensures coreKitInstance is initialized before proceeding.
+ 2. **Sign in with Google** – Calls `signInWithGoogle()` to authenticate the user via Firebase.
+ 3. **Retrieve ID Token** – After login, the Firebase ID token is fetched.
+ 4. **Parse Token** – Decodes the ID token to extract user information, including the sub field (a unique user identifier) used during login with Web3Auth.
+ 5. **Authenticate with Web3Auth** – Calls `loginWithJWT()`, passing the Firebase ID token(JWT) to Web3Auth for authentication.
+ 6. **Commit Changes** (If Needed) – If the user is logging in for the first time, `commitChanges()` ensures key shares are properly stored.
+ 7. **Handle Recovery** (If Needed) – If Web3Auth requires additional shares to reconstruct the key, the UI prompts the user for recovery options.
+ 8. **Update Application State** – The current CoreKit status is stored for UI updates.
+## Bitcoin Signer
+To enable Bitcoin Taproot signing with Web3Auth MPC CoreKit, we need to create a
+BitcoinJS-compatible signer that works with the BIP340 Schnorr signature scheme. The function
+`createBitcoinJsSignerBip340` accomplishes this by deriving a tweaked Taproot public key and
+implementing the necessary signing methods.
+Bitcoin supports multiple signature schemes, including the Schnorr signature scheme introduced in
+BIP340. This scheme is essential for Taproot, a Bitcoin soft fork that improves privacy and
+efficiency. The following code demonstrates how to create a BIP340-compatible signer using
+Web3Auth’s MPC CoreKit.
+Bitcoin also has other form addresses like P2PKH, P2SH, P2WPKH, P2WSH, etc. For this example, we are
+using the Taproot address (P2TR) for demonstration purposes. Learn more about
+[Bitcoin address types](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Address).
+### Implementing the Bitcoin Signer
+The following code defines the BIP340 signer using Web3Auth’s MPC CoreKit:
+import { secp256k1 } from "@tkey/common-types";
+import { Web3AuthMPCCoreKit } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";
+import { networks, SignerAsync } from "bitcoinjs-lib";
+import * as bitcoinjs from "bitcoinjs-lib";
+import ECPairFactory from "ecpair";
+import ecc from "@bitcoinerlab/secp256k1";
+import BN from "bn.js";
+const ECPair = ECPairFactory(ecc);
+export function createBitcoinJsSignerBip340(props: { coreKitInstance: Web3AuthMPCCoreKit; network: networks.Network }): SignerAsync {
+ const bufPubKey = props.coreKitInstance.getPubKeyPoint().toSEC1(secp256k1, true);
+ const xOnlyPubKey = bufPubKey.subarray(1, 33);
+ const keyPair = ECPair.fromPublicKey(bufPubKey);
+ const tweak = bitcoinjs.crypto.taggedHash("TapTweak", xOnlyPubKey);
+ const tweakedChildNode = keyPair.tweak(tweak);
+ const pk = tweakedChildNode.publicKey;
+ return {
+ sign: async (msg: Buffer) => {
+ let sig = await props.coreKitInstance.sign(msg);
+ return sig;
+ },
+ signSchnorr: async (msg: Buffer) => {
+ const keyTweak = new BN(tweak);
+ let sig = await props.coreKitInstance.sign(msg, { keyTweak });
+ return sig;
+ },
+ publicKey: pk,
+ network: props.network,
+ };
+The createBitcoinJsSignerBip340 function performs the following steps:
+1️⃣ Import Required Libraries
+The function imports:
+- BitcoinJS (bitcoinjs-lib) - Provides Bitcoin transaction utilities.
+- ECPair (ecpair) – Used for public key derivation and tweaking.
+- BN.js (bn.js) – Handles large number computations (for Taproot key tweaking).
+- Web3Auth MPC CoreKit (`@web3auth/mpc-core-kit`) – Enables multi-party computation for private
+ keys.
+npm install bitcoinjs-lib ecpair bn.js
+2️⃣ Retrieve the Public Key from CoreKit
+const bufPubKey = props.coreKitInstance.getPubKeyPoint().toSEC1(secp256k1, true);
+const xOnlyPubKey = bufPubKey.subarray(1, 33);
+ * The public key is fetched from the Web3Auth MPC CoreKit instance.
+ * It is converted to SEC1 format and extracted as an x-only public key (removing the first byte). The x-only public key is used for Taproot addresses.
+3️⃣ Apply Taproot Tweak for BIP340 Compatibility
+const keyPair = ECPair.fromPublicKey(bufPubKey);
+const tweak = bitcoinjs.crypto.taggedHash("TapTweak", xOnlyPubKey);
+const tweakedChildNode = keyPair.tweak(tweak);
+const pk = tweakedChildNode.publicKey;
+ * Taproot keys must be tweaked using a tagged hash (TapTweak) to ensure scriptless scripts work correctly.
+ * The tweaked key is derived using ECPair.tweak(tweak).
+4️⃣ Implement Signing Functions
+sign: async (msg: Buffer) => {
+ let sig = await props.coreKitInstance.sign(msg);
+ return sig;
+ * sign method – Uses Web3Auth MPC CoreKit to sign standard Bitcoin transactions.
+signSchnorr: async (msg: Buffer) => {
+ const keyTweak = new BN(tweak);
+ let sig = await props.coreKitInstance.sign(msg, { keyTweak });
+ return sig;
+ * signSchnorr method – Signs transactions using the Schnorr signature scheme (BIP340).
+ * The public key is tweaked using BN.js before signing.
+5️⃣ Return the BitcoinJS-Compatible Signer
+return {
+ publicKey: pk,
+ network: props.network,
+ * The signer returns the tweaked Taproot public key and the associated Bitcoin network configuration.
+## Bitcoin Operations
+The `BitcoinComponent.tsx` file implements Bitcoin-specific operations, allowing users to:
+- showAddress – Display the Taproot (BIP340) Bitcoin address.
+- showBalance – Fetch and display the balance for the generated Bitcoin address.
+- signAndSendTransaction – Sign and optionally broadcast Bitcoin transactions using Web3Auth MPC
+ CoreKit.
+This component integrates BitcoinJS (bitcoinjs-lib), Schnorr signatures (`@bitcoinerlab/secp256k1`),
+and Web3Auth MPC for Taproot-compatible signing.
+import { Web3AuthMPCCoreKit } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";
+import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
+import ecc from "@bitcoinerlab/secp256k1";
+import { networks, Psbt, payments, SignerAsync } from "bitcoinjs-lib";
+import * as bitcoinjs from "bitcoinjs-lib";
+import { createBitcoinJsSignerBip340 } from "./BitcoinSigner";
+import axios from "axios";
+import { BlurredLoading } from "./Loading";
+The BitcoinComponent.tsx file imports the necessary libraries and components for Bitcoin operations:
+1️⃣ Dependencies and Libraries
+- bitcoinjs-lib – Handles Bitcoin transactions and scripts.
+- `@bitcoinerlab/secp256k1` – Implements Schnorr signatures for BIP340.
+- axios – Fetches data from external Bitcoin APIs (Blockstream testnet).
+- Web3AuthMPCCoreKit – Enables MPC-based key management and signing.
+npm install @bitcoinerlab/secp256k1 axios
+2️⃣ Initialize BitcoinJS with Schnorr Support
+ * This ensures BitcoinJS uses Schnorr signing for Taproot transactions.
+3️⃣ Create a Bitcoin Address
+const getAddress = (bip340Signer: SignerAsync, network: networks.Network): string | undefined => {
+ return payments.p2tr({ pubkey: bip340Signer.publicKey.subarray(1, 33), network }).address;
+ * Converts the BIP340 public key into a Taproot (P2TR) address.
+4️⃣ Fetch Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs)
+const fetchUtxos = async (address: string) => {
+ try {
+ const response = await axios.get(`https://blockstream.info/testnet/api/address/${address}/utxo`);
+ return response.data.filter((utxo: { status: { confirmed: boolean } }) => utxo.status.confirmed);
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error("Error fetching UTXOs:", error);
+ return [];
+ }
+ * Calls Blockstream API to get UTXOs (spendable funds) for a given Bitcoin address.
+ * Filters for confirmed transactions only.
+5️⃣ Sign and Send Taproot Transactions
+const signAndSendTransaction = async (send: boolean = false) => {
+ if (!bip340Signer) {
+ uiConsole("BIP340 Signer not initialized yet");
+ return;
+ }
+ setIsLoading(true);
+ try {
+ const account = payments.p2tr({ pubkey: bip340Signer.publicKey.subarray(1, 33), network: bitcoinNetwork });
+ const utxos = await fetchUtxos(account.address!);
+ if (!utxos.length) {
+ throw new Error("No UTXOs found for this address");
+ }
+ const utxo = utxos[0];
+ const feeResponse = await axios.get("https://blockstream.info/testnet/api/fee-estimates");
+ const maxFee = Math.max(...Object.values(feeResponse.data as Record));
+ const fee = Math.ceil(maxFee * 1.2);
+ if (utxo.value <= fee) {
+ throw new Error(`Insufficient funds: ${utxo.value} satoshis <= ${fee} satoshis (estimated fee)`);
+ }
+ const sendAmount = amount ? parseInt(amount) : utxo.value - fee;
+ const psbt = new Psbt({ network: bitcoinNetwork });
+ psbt.addInput({
+ hash: utxo.txid,
+ index: utxo.vout,
+ witnessUtxo: {
+ script: account.output!,
+ value: utxo.value,
+ },
+ tapInternalKey: bip340Signer.publicKey.subarray(1, 33),
+ });
+ psbt.addOutput({
+ address: receiverAddr || account.address!,
+ value: sendAmount,
+ });
+ uiConsole("Signing transaction...");
+ await psbt.signInputAsync(0, bip340Signer);
+ const isValid = psbt.validateSignaturesOfInput(0, BTCValidator);
+ if (!isValid) {
+ throw new Error("Transaction signature validation failed");
+ }
+ const signedTransaction = psbt.finalizeAllInputs().extractTransaction().toHex();
+ uiConsole("Signed Transaction:", signedTransaction, "Copy the above into https://blockstream.info/testnet/tx/push");
+ if (send) {
+ const txid = await handleSendTransaction(signedTransaction);
+ uiConsole("Transaction sent. TXID:", txid);
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(`Error in signTaprootTransaction:`, error);
+ uiConsole("Error:", (error as Error).message);
+ } finally {
+ setIsLoading(false);
+ }
+ * Fetches UTXOs for the Taproot address.
+ * Estimates fees dynamically using Blockstream API.
+ * Signs the transaction using the MPC-based BIP340 signer.
+ * Validates the signature before broadcasting.
+ * Finalizes and extracts the signed transaction hex.
+ * Optionally sends the transaction via Blockstream API.
+6️⃣ Display Bitcoin Address and Balance
+const showAddress = async () => {
+ if (!bip340Signer) {
+ uiConsole("Signer not initialized yet");
+ return;
+ }
+ setIsLoading(true);
+ try {
+ const address = getAddress(bip340Signer, bitcoinNetwork);
+ if (address) {
+ uiConsole(`Address:`, address);
+ } else {
+ uiConsole("Invalid address");
+ }
+ } finally {
+ setIsLoading(false);
+ }
+ * Displays the generated Taproot address.
+const showBalance = async () => {
+ if (!bip340Signer) {
+ uiConsole("Signer not initialized yet");
+ return;
+ }
+ setIsLoading(true);
+ try {
+ const address = getAddress(bip340Signer, bitcoinNetwork);
+ if (!address) {
+ uiConsole("Invalid address");
+ return;
+ }
+ const utxos = await fetchUtxos(address);
+ const balance = utxos.reduce((acc: any, utxo: { value: any }) => acc + utxo.value, 0);
+ uiConsole(` Balance:`, balance, "satoshis");
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(`Error fetching balance for address:`, error);
+ uiConsole(`Error fetching balance for address:`, (error as Error).message);
+ } finally {
+ setIsLoading(false);
+ }
+ - Fetches and displays the balance in satoshis by summing UTXOs.
+7️⃣ Component UI
+- Allows users to:
+ - Enter a receiver Bitcoin address and amount.
+ - Show the Taproot address.
+ - Check balance.
+ - Sign transactions.
+ - Send transactions to the Bitcoin network.
+## Usage Guide
+1. **Login**: Click the "Login" button to authenticate using Firebase.
+2. **View Addresses**: Use the "Show Taproot Address" button to display the Taproot Bitcoin address.
+3. **Check Balance**: Click on "Show Taproot Balance" to view the balance for the Taproot address.
+4. **Send Transactions**:
+ - Enter the receiver's address and amount in satoshi.
+ - Click "Sign Taproot Transaction" to sign a transaction.
+ - Use "Send Taproot Transaction" to sign and send the transaction.
+5. **Enable MFA**: Click the "Enable MFA" button to enable Multi-Factor Authentication.
+6. **Logout**: Use the "Log Out" button to end your session.
+## Important Notes
+- This is a testnet implementation. Use a [faucet](https://coinfaucet.eu/en/btc-testnet/) to get
+ testnet BTC.
+- The project uses BlockStream's API for transaction broadcasting, which is not recommended for
+ production use.
+- Be cautious with the "Reset Account" functionality, as it will clear all metadata associated with
+ your account.
+## Customization
+To customize the project for your needs:
+1. Replace the `web3AuthClientId` in `App.tsx` with your own client ID from the Web3Auth dashboard.
+2. Modify the `firebaseConfig` in `App.tsx` if you want to use your own Firebase project.
+3. Customize the UI components in `BitcoinComponent.tsx` to match your design requirements.
+## Resources
+- [Web3Auth MPC CoreKit Documentation](https://web3auth.io/docs/sdk/mpc-core-kit/mpc-core-kit-js)
+- [Example Repository](https://github.com/Web3Auth/web3auth-core-kit-examples/mpc-core-kit-web/mpc-core-kit-bitcoin-taproot)
+## Conclusion
+This guide provides an overview of the Web3Auth MPC CoreKit Bitcoin Example. It demonstrates how to
+integrate secure authentication with Bitcoin functionality, allowing for a range of operations from
+address generation to transaction signing and sending.
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