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370 lines (248 loc) · 16.9 KB

File metadata and controls

370 lines (248 loc) · 16.9 KB


All important upgrade requirements will be enumerated in this file and all notable alterations to this project will be documented in the file. This project adheres to semantic versioning.


View the changelog entry for the 1.9.1 release.

  • [Console] [BC BREAK] The resolve command's --as-script/-s option name/shortcut conflicted with Symfony 2.x core console options (specifically --shell/-s) and has been renamed to --machine-readable/-m (fixes #988). The -s option shortcut was the only conflict, but the --as-script option name proved confusing and unclear so it too was renamed.

  • [Console] The output formatting for the remove command has been updated and aligned with the behavior previously introduced in 1.9.0 for the resolve command, making both of them consistent and in-line with the expected 2.0.0 output. The --machine-readable/-m option name/shortcut has now been added to the remove command as well, enabling predictable, consistent, script parseable output stripped of text styles and supplemental formatting.


View the changelog entry for the 1.9.0 release.

  • [Data Loader] The arguments for the FileSystemLoader class constructor have changed. Passing an array of roots as the third parameter and an (optional) LocatorInterace as the fourth parameter is deprecated. A LocatorInterface should now be passed as third parameter, and the array of data roots to the LocatorInterface::__construct() method directly. All prior signatures will continue to work until 2.0 is release.

  • [Console] Added the --force parameter to resolve console command to force image resolution regardless of cache. Added the --as-script parameter to resolve console command to disable verbose, "prettified" output.

  • [Composer] Imagine library upgraded to version 0.7.x.


View the changelog entry for the 1.8.0 release.

  • [Routing] The Resources/config/routing.xml file has been deprecated and will be removed in 2.0. Use the new YAML variant moving forward Resources/config/routing.yaml.


View the changelog entry for the 1.7.3 release.

  • [Data Loader] The FileSystemLoader now allows you to assign keys to data roots, and directly reference them when requesting resources.

      # provide index for data roots
                foo: /path/to/foo
                bar: /path/to/bar

    Assume you have a file name file.ext in both data root paths. Given the above configuration, you can specifically request the file from the /path/to/foo root using the following file syntax: @foo:file.ext. Similarly, you can request the same file from /path/to/bar using @bar:file.ext. Note, that the auto-registered bundles (detailed below) are given indexes of their short bundle name (for example, given the bundle FooBundle, you can request a file from its public resources path via @FooBundle:path/to/file.ext).

  • [Data Loader] The FileSystemLoader now supports automatically registering the Resources/public folders within all loaded bundles. This can be enabled via the following configuration.

      # enable bundle auto-registration
                enabled: true

    Additionally, you can whitelist or blacklist specific bundles from the auto-registration routine.

      # blacklist "FooBundle" from auto-registration
                enabled: true
                access_control_type: blacklist
                  - FooBundle
      # whitelist "BarBundle" from auto-registration
                enabled: true
                access_control_type: whitelist
                  - BarBundle
  • [Data Locator] The *Locator services passed to FileSystemLoader are now marked as "non-shared" or "prototype" within the DI container, resulting in new instances being passed every time the services are requested.


View the changelog entry for the 1.7.2 release.

  • [Data Loader] The FileSystemLoader's resource locator has been abstracted out into FileSystemLocator (provides the same realpath-based locator algorithm introduced in the 1.7.0 release) and FileSystemInsecureLocator (provides the old locator algorithm from version 1.6.x and prior).

    The latter implementation can present security concerns, as it will blindly following symbolic links, including those that point outside your configured data_root directory(ies). It is not recommended unless your deployment process relies heavily on multi-level symbolic links that renders the new locator difficult (and sometime impossible) to setup.

  • [Deprecation] [Data Loader] Instantiating FileSystemLoader without providing a forth constructor argument of signature \Liip\ImagineBundle\Binary\Locator\LocatorInterface $locator is deprecated and the ability to do so will be removed in the next major release, 2.0.

  • [Configuration] The liip_imagine.loaders.default.filesystem.locator bundle configuration option has been introduced and allows the following enum values: filesystem and filesystem_insecure. These correspond to the aforementioned FileSystemLocator and FileSystemInsecureLocator resource locator implementations that affect the behavior of FileSystemLoader. This option defaults to filesystem.

      # use the current, default locator algorithm
              locator: filesystem
      # use the old (pre 0.7.x) locator algorithm
              locator: filesystem_insecure
  • [Dependency Injection] All compiler passes (filters, post-processors, data loaders, cache resolvers, etc) have been updated to log their behavior, allowing you to easily debug tagged services, including both core-provided and custom services defined by your application). In Symfony >= 3.2 this output is located in the var/cache/[dev|prod|env]/app*ProjectContainerCompiler.log file. Output will be similar to the following example on a fresh install.

      LoadersCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle binary loader: liip_imagine.binary.loader.default
      FiltersCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter loader: liip_imagine.filter.loader.relative_resize
      FiltersCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter loader: liip_imagine.filter.loader.resize
      FiltersCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter loader: liip_imagine.filter.loader.thumbnail
      FiltersCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter loader: liip_imagine.filter.loader.crop
      FiltersCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter loader: liip_imagine.filter.loader.grayscale
      FiltersCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter loader: liip_imagine.filter.loader.paste
      FiltersCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter loader: liip_imagine.filter.loader.watermark
      FiltersCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter loader: liip_imagine.filter.loader.background
      FiltersCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter loader: liip_imagine.filter.loader.strip
      FiltersCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter loader: liip_imagine.filter.loader.scale
      FiltersCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter loader: liip_imagine.filter.loader.upscale
      FiltersCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter loader: liip_imagine.filter.loader.downscale
      FiltersCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter loader: liip_imagine.filter.loader.auto_rotate
      FiltersCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter loader: liip_imagine.filter.loader.rotate
      FiltersCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter loader: liip_imagine.filter.loader.interlace
      PostProcessorsCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter post-processor: liip_imagine.filter.post_processor.jpegoptim
      PostProcessorsCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter post-processor: liip_imagine.filter.post_processor.optipng
      PostProcessorsCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter post-processor: liip_imagine.filter.post_processor.pngquant
      PostProcessorsCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle filter post-processor: liip_imagine.filter.post_processor.mozjpeg
      ResolversCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle cache resolver: liip_imagine.cache.resolver.default
      ResolversCompilerPass: Registered imagine-bimdle cache resolver: liip_imagine.cache.resolver.no_cache_web_path


View the changelog entry for the 1.7.1 release.

  • [Data Loader] The FileSystemLoader data loader performs a more robust security check against image resource paths to ensure they reside within the defined data root path(s). If utilizing symbolic links, you should reference the troubleshooting guide at the end of this upgrade notice.

  • [Data Loader] The FileSystemLoader data loader now accepts an array of paths (as strings) for its third constructor argument, enabling the loader to check multiple paths for the requested image resource. Note: this change breaks those extending this class and relying on the protected property $dataRoot, which has been renamed to $dataRoots and is now of the type string[] instead of the prior type of string.

  • [Configuration] The liip_imagine.loaders.default.filesystem.data_root bundle configuration option now accepts an array of paths (as strings) or a single scalar path ()if only one is required for your configuration), allowing the filesystem data loader to check multiple data root paths for the requested image resource. The following YML configuration shows examples for all allowed value types.

      # provide an array of scalar paths
                - /multiple/root/paths/foo
                - /multiple/root/paths/bar
      # provide an single scalar path
              data_root: /single/root/path
  • [Troubleshooting] If you are using the filesystem data loader and have symbolic links within the data_root that point outside this path (the data_root option defaults to %kernel.root_dir%/../web) then you are required to configure all outside resource paths as additional data_root paths using the following option key in your application's configuration: liip_imagine.loaders.default.filesystem.data_root.

    The following is a list of the most common exception error messages encountered when the data_root option is not correctly configured:

    • Source image not resolvable "%s" in root path(s) "%s"

    • Source image invalid "%s" as it is outside of the defined root path(s) "%s"


View the changelog entry for the 1.0.0-alpha7 release.

  • [Configuration] liip_imagine.controller_action option was removed in favour of an array of actions. See liip_imagine.controller config

      -    controller_action: AcmeDemoBundle:Default:filterAction
      +    controller:
      +       filter_action: AcmeDemoBundle:Default:filterAction


View the changelog entry for the 1.0.0-alpha6 release.

  • [Route] ImagineLoader was removed. Please adjust your app/config/routing.yml file.

      -    resource: .
      -    type:     imagine
      +    resource: "@LiipImagineBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"
  • [Configuration] liip_imagine.filter_sets.route option and sub options were removed.

  • [Configuration] liip_imagine.cache_prefix option was removed.


View the changelog entry for the 1.0.0-alpha5 release.

  • [Symfony] Required minimum symfony version was updated to 2.3.

  • [Logger] Symfony LoggerInterface was replaced with PSR-3 one.

  • [Cache] New isStored method was added.

  • [Cache] The method ResolverInterface::getBrowserPath was removed.

  • [Cache] The method ResolverInterface::store accept BinaryInterface as first argument.

  • [Cache] The method ResolverInterface::store return nothing.

  • [Cache] The method ResolverInterface::remove return nothing.

  • [Cache] The method ResolverInterface::remove takes required array of filter as first argument.

  • [Cache] The method ResolverInterface::remove takes optional path as second argument.

  • [Cache] The method ResolverInterface::clean was removed.

  • [Cache] The method ResolverInterface::resolve takes path and filter as arguments.

  • [Cache] The method ResolverInterface::resolve return absolute url of the cached image.

  • [Cache] The method CacheManager::resolve may throw OutOfBoundsException if required resolver does not exist.

  • [Cache] The method CacheManager::resolve return absolute url of the cached image.

  • [Cache] The method CacheManager::store accept BinaryInterface as first argument.

  • [Cache] The method CacheManager::store return nothing.

  • [Cache] The method CacheManager::clearResolversCache was removed.

  • [Cache] The method CacheManager::getWebRoot was removed.

  • [Cache] The method CacheManager::getBrowserPath third argument was changed, now it is runtimeConfig.

  • [Cache] The method CacheManager::generateUrl third argument was changed, now it is runtimeConfig.

  • [Cache] NoCacheResolver renamed to NoCacheWebPathResolver.

  • [Cache] AbstractFilesystemResolver was removed.

  • [Data Loader] LoaderInterface::find now can return string or BinaryInterface instance.

  • [Data Loader] DataManager::find now can return BinaryInterface instance only.

  • [Data Loader] All data loaders moved to Binary/Loader folder.

  • [Data Loader] Tag name changed to liip_imagine.binary.loader

  • [Data Loader] Parameter key changed to liip_imagine.binary.loader.filesystem.class

  • [Data Loader] Parameter key changed to

  • [Data Loader] Service id changed to liip_imagine.binary.loader.prototype.filesystem

  • [Data Loader] Service id changed to

  • [Filter] FilterManager::applyFilter now return instance of BinaryInterface.

  • [Filter] FilterManager::applyFilter first argument was changed from Image instance to BinaryInterface one.

  • [Filter] FilterManager::get was removed.

  • [Configuration] liip_imagine.filter_sets.path option was removed.

  • [Configuration] liip_imagine.filter_sets.format option was removed.

  • [Configuration] liip_imagine.cache_mkdir_mode option was removed.

  • [Configuration] liip_imagine.web_root option was removed.

  • [Configuration] liip_imagine.cache default value was changed from web_pathto default.

  • [Configuration] liip_imagine.formats option was removed.

  • [Configuration] liip_imagine.data_root option was removed.