- image upload in TinyMCE with support to cloud upload or local storage via API
- Better tag widget in admin (using autocomplete for existing tags)
Redirect content type (as link)- Create a "NOTE" content type with minimum requirements
- Multiple language reference for contents using language slug prefix
- Create ARQUIVE template filter, displays a wordpress like arquive menu separating itens by year/month
- Create AUTHORS template filter to be used in bundles to show author names and links
- GROUP Settings in ADMIN for better visualization
- Finish cache implementation (redis as option)
- TITLE and TAGS management by content type and channel for better SEO
- Create a SIDEBAR widget (as default as a bundle content) to create a sidebar filled with links and a bundle manager to manage things like sidebar (needs to be generic ans can be used to create many bars in the site
Create a command in admin to clone/copy a post- In dashboard include a filter to see only DRAFTS (unpublished posts)
Control visibility (by role) for posts also instead only by channels (currently suported)- Create and admin for admin views and roles, also a centralized role/channel/content view/admin
- Create hierarchy in roles
- in Base Content admin show a CHECK/NO-CHECK if content/channel has roles protection
- Media center (for images and files), thumbnail engine (like thumbor and others), video/audio manager/ flask-uploads
- ContentBox (a special content which is a bundle of other contents and can be listed/embedded)
- i18n
- Blueprints manager admin view (manage folder, package etc..)
- Change the way blueprints are loaded - use strict settings
- Better settings management (maybe using drgarcia1986/simple-settings, create a flask-simple-settings)
- Create quokka-admin tool
- PIP package installs quokka-admin tool which only has commands to manage themes, modules and downloads quokka
- Upgrade to new version of Flask-Admin and find a better way to manage themes and custom static files (or replace flask-admin with ng-admin)
- Support to ipynb files upload and conversion before publish
- Search Component (configurable using mongo or E.S)
- API REST (should use model and rendering workflow)
- Simple form of posting static Page
- QuickPost content and Widget
- Better dashboard for index on admin with drag and drop changeable widgets
- include docs for "uwsgi -s /tmp/uwsgi.sock -w quokka:app"
- Implement a task queue, for sending email notifications, configurable to use python-rq or celery with https://github.com/Robpol86/Flask-Celery-Helper
- Adapt purepelican theme as default front end theme
mkdocs in website